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记述了采自中国河南省太行山区和福建光泽的叶蜂科粘叶蜂属1新种:半环粘叶蜂Caliroa semicincta Wei,sp.nov.。该新种与欧洲种C.annulipes(Klug,1814)比较近似,但后足胫节基部3/5和基跗节基部4/7白色,触角第3节等长于端部4节之和,前翅2r脉等长于Rs脉第4段,锯腹片锯刃内外侧均具2枚明显的亚基齿,刃间膜等宽于锯刃,并明显鼓起,节缝刺毛带很宽,最宽处等宽于带间距等,与后者不同。新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学模式昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国叶蜂科平背叶蜂亚科两新种:黄氏元叶蜂Taxonus huangleii Wei,Liao et Huang,sp.nov.和黄胫秋叶蜂Apethymus xanthotibialis Wei,sp.nov.,前者与Taxonus flavicornis Wei很相似,但该种前、中、后胸侧板以及后胸背板均有明显黑斑,中胸后背片黑色,中胸前侧片中部刻点稀疏,具明显光滑间隙,锯腹片9~10锯刃窄于刃间膜,节缝刺毛带中部宽约为锯节的1/3;后者与Apethymus kolthoffi(Forsius)比较近似,但各足胫节和跗节全部黄褐色,小盾片黑色,后头延长,单眼后区长几乎等于宽,触角鞭节明显侧扁,锯鞘很短,仅等长于后足基跗节,后翅臀室柄长于cu-a脉1/2,中部锯刃短高,仅具4~6个外侧亚基齿.新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   

平背叶蜂族一新属新种暨分属检索表(膜翅目:叶蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述广西壮族自治区十万大山地区平背叶蜂族1新属:蔡氏叶蜂属Caiina gen.nov.及1新种:短鞘蔡氏叶蜂Caiina brevitheca Wei sp.nov.,该属隶属于叶蜂科平背叶蜂亚科平背叶蜂族歧爪叶蜂亚族,与歧爪叶蜂属Nagamasaia Togashi最近似,但唇基端部亚截形,缺口很浅,爪内齿不显著长于外齿,前翅2Rs室显著短于1R1 1RS之和,后翅具1个封闭中室,Rs室开放,后足跗节明显长于胫节,锯鞘端等长于锯鞘基,锯刃平刃型,具多数微小的亚基齿,锯腹片刺毛带互相连接等,与之显著不同。编制了平背叶蜂族分亚族和属检索表。模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

沟角叶蜂属分类研究(膜翅目,叶蜂科)并记一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修订了沟角叶蜂属的属征,编制了已知种分种检索表.记述沟角叶蜂属3种,含1新种:红斑沟角叶蜂Casipteryx maculatina sp.nov.,新种触角窝上突、触角基部2节全部、第3节基半部、唇基端半部、上颚背侧大部、翅基片、腹部第3背板桔褐色,前翅翅痣下具烟色横带,2Rs室稍长于1R1 1Rs室之和,腹部背板具金属铜色光泽,单眼后区侧沟显著,触角鞭节长于头宽,第3节约等于其后2节之和,复眼下缘间距等宽于复眼高,体毛稍长于单眼直径等,与本属已知2种均明显不同;此外,新种中胸腹板具强腹刺突,侧板刻纹粗糙不平,无光滑间隙,小盾片尖锥型隆起,后头两侧显著收缩,唇基前缘两侧亚中部具1尖刺突,腹部第2背板两侧黑色,无白斑,前翅2M室长大于宽等与C.stigma Nie et Wei不同;上唇端部具弧形缺口,内眶背面观不明显突出于复眼之外等,与C.roborowskyi(Jakovlev)也不相同.新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

记述采自记述中国三节叶蜂科三节叶蜂属1新种:白尾晴腹三节叶蜂Arge albocaudalica Wei,Yan et He.sp.nov..本种与Arge xanthogaster (Cameron,1876)很相似,但腹部黑褐色,端部2节背板和锯鞘黄白色;后翅臀窒柄短于后翅M室长,锯鞘背面观内侧切口很小,深度明显短于锯鞘侧叶端部宽;锯腹片14刃,第2节缝最长粗刺毛约等长于锯节宽度的3/4,节缝粗毛每节约9个,第8节缝最长粗刺毛等宽于该处锯节宽.定义了Arge xanthogaster种团,编制了该种团东亚地区已知种类检索表.  相似文献   

中国叶蜂两新种(膜翅目,叶蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述了中国叶蜂两新种:黑腹近脉叶蜂Phymatoceropsis melanogaster sp.nov.和宽环钝颊叶蜂Aglaostigma laticinctum sp.nov.,前者与Phymatoceropsis stigmaticalis Wei et Nie近似,但头部、胸部侧板、胸部腹板黄褐色,翅痣黑色,后翅臀室柄微短于cu-a脉,锯腹片19刃,阳茎瓣头叶近横方形,下腹角显著突出等,差别显著,易于鉴别;后者与Aglaostigma bicolor Wei和Aglaostigma tertium Zinovjev近似,但触角黑色,腹部背板第1和第3节、第7~10节、内眶中下部条斑、后眶中上部宽斑白色,后足股节褐色,前翅2Rs室短于1Rs,后胸后侧片后角宽圆,触角短,约等长于头胸部之和,容易与后二种鉴别.新种模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   

记述采自中国河南的叶蜂科突瓣叶蜂亚科1新种:贺氏突瓣叶蜂Nematus hei sp.nov.。新种与Nematus yuae Wei很近似,但新种后足基节基部5/6和股节基部1/4白色,前翅2Rs室大型,长2倍于宽,明显长于1Rs的1/2长,背面观尾须端部显著伸出锯鞘端部,锯鞘缨毛显著弯曲,锯腹片的锯基腹索踵短而宽,背缘鼓凸,锯腹片第1节缝骨化程度显著强于其余各节,中部节缝刺毛带最宽处显著窄于锯节1/3宽。首次记述了于氏突瓣叶蜂Nematus yuae Wei,2002的雌性。新种模式标本保存于湖南长沙中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国山西和河北的叶蜂科蔺叶蜂亚科异片叶蜂属1新种:尖鞘异片叶蜂Astethomostus acutithecus Wei et Wang,sp.nov..新种与白鳞异片叶蜂A.tegularis Wei et Zhang,2005近似,但锯鞘端部尖,锯刃长且平坦,亚基齿大型,中基部锯刃内外侧亚基齿仅1~2枚,雄虫翅基片黑色,阳茎瓣外顶角折叶短三角形.简要记述了该属的属征,编制了异片叶蜂属分种检索表.新种模式标本保存于湖南长沙中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   

记述中国叶蜂科盔叶蜂属1新种:光额盔叶蜂Corymbas glabrifrons sp.nov..该种与日本分布的C.aperta Takeuchi,1919相似,但上唇和后足转节白色,单眼后区宽长比为3:2,雌虫腹部第3、4节黑色,两侧具白斑,触角第3节短于第4节2倍长(40:27),腹部第1节背板大部光滑,其余各节背板均具显著细横刻纹,雄虫各足股节浅褐色,雌虫锯腹片具29个锯刃,锯刃稍倾斜.  相似文献   

记述了中国叶蜂属Tenthredo L.两新种:衡山短角叶蜂Tenthredo hengshana Wei et Yan,sp.nov.和红盾槌腹叶蜂Tenthredo pseudocylindrica Wei et He,sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存在中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。1衡山短角叶蜂,新种Tenthredo hengshana Wei et Yan,sp.nov.鉴别特征本种与贵州分布的宽带短角叶蜂Tenthredo latistriatena Wei,2005最近似,但本种体型稍大(体长13mm),背面观后头两侧膨大,前翅烟斑内侧仅伸抵1M室基部,后眶下半部、前胸背板后缘和外侧缘、小盾片前部3/5、附片、后胸后背板大部、中胸前侧片后部中央向前弯曲的条斑、中胸后侧片后缘宽边、腹部第1背板中部后缘、第3~4节腹板全部、5~7腹板后缘、各足基节大部、转节全部、股胫节前侧和腹侧黄白色,锯腹片锯刃具1个内侧亚基齿,与后者不同(宽带短角叶蜂体长11mm,背面观后头两侧平行,前翅烟斑内侧伸抵前翅基部,后眶下半部、前胸背板后缘和外侧缘、小盾片全部、附片、后胸后背板大部、中胸侧板全部、腹部第1背板全部、第3~4节腹板大部、5~7腹板全部、各足基节大部、转节、后足股胫节全部黑色,锯腹片锯刃具2个内侧亚基齿)。正模♀,湖南衡山,海拔900~1100m,2004-05-11,刘卫星。副模1♀,湖南衡山,900~1100m,2004-05-11,刘卫星。词源:本种根据模式标本的采集地命名。2红盾槌腹叶蜂,新种Tenthredo pseudocylindrica Wei et He,sp.nov.鉴别特征本种与T.cylindrica Rohwer很近似,但额区和单眼后区棕色,无显著黑斑;中胸背板前叶和小盾片棕色,无黄斑;中胸腹板黄白色,腹部第3背板黑褐色,后足胫节黑褐色,腹部第2、3节显著窄于第1、4节等,可与之鉴别;T.cylindrica Rohwer的头胸部具显著黑斑,中胸背板前叶两侧和小盾片白色,中胸腹板黑色,后足胫节黄褐色,具细窄黑色条斑,背面观腹部第1~3节几乎等宽。正模♀,湖南衡山,海拔600~700mm,2004-05-11,刘卫星;副模:1♀,1♂,湖南衡山,海拔600~700mm,刘卫星;1♀,广西花坪天平山,1963-06-05,杨集昆。词源:新种的种加词由pseudo-(假的)和cylindrica两部分组成,指新种与T.cylindrica外观近似,但并非同种。  相似文献   

Organisms Diversity & Evolution - The South African coast is known to harbor four different species of intertidal oribatid mites and their distribution strongly correlates with marine...  相似文献   

A series of 40 male and 40 female mites of the prostigmatid genus Eupodes from the maritime Antarctic were each scored for 58 morphological characters, and principal co-ordinate analyses were performed on each data set. The analyses produced three clusters of points, which were interpreted as representing three species. One of these species, identified as Eupodes minutus (Strandtmann), the only species of Eupodes currently known from the maritime Antarctic, is redescribed. The other two species, E. exiguus up. and E. parvus nsp., are described. Two subspecies are recognized for the latter species, E. p. parvus from the South Orkney Islands, and E. p. grahamensis nsp. from the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands. The geographical distribution and habitat preferences of the four text are discussed, and a key to the species is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract. The twenty-four species of Pronophilini known from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a small, isolated and very high north Colombian mountain range, are listed. The ecology of the tribe in northern South America, where these butterflies are exclusively montane, is described. The evolutionary relationships of the thirteen endemic species are analysed. Three new genera, three new species, and four new subspecies are described. Four new synonymies are established, the status of three taxa revised, six new combinations made, lished, the status of three taxa and one original combination re-instated.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Cryptococcus, Cr. mycelialis (the type strain VKM Y-2863), is described based on the taxonomic study of four strains isolated from the soil and plant samples collected on the South Georgia and East Falkland islands. This species differs from the known Cryptococcus species in its ability to form a true monokaryotic mycelium with pseudoclamp connections and haustoria. The species can be distinguished from the phylogenetically related and phenotypically similar species Holtermannia corniformis and Cr. nyarrowii by some assimilatory reactions, maximum growth temperature, and sensitivity to mycocins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Anopheles marshallii group of mosquitoes consists of four chromosomally typed species of which three have already been described and named. The fourth chromosomal species, formally known as species E, is described here as Anopheles kosiensis from Kosi Bay, Zululand, South Africa. A photograph of the X chromosome is given. The taxonomic status of Anopheles pitchfordi , a synonym of marshallii , is discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Lessonia Bory de Saint‐Vincent is distributed solely in the Southern Hemisphere, with four species found in South America and five in Australasia. Our goal was to determine the evolutionary relationships between the Lessonia species of the two disjunct areas and hypothesize dispersal patterns and timing of radiation. We combined mitochondria, plastid and nuclear markers in a comprehensive dataset from multiple individuals per known species. Furthermore, for some species we added samples from multiple populations to take account of their widespread distribution over known bioregions. In all analyses the Australasian Lessonia formed a monophyletic group and in most analyses the South American species form a paraphyletic grade. Delimitations of the accepted species are highly supported except for L. variegata J. Agardh and L. nigrescens Bory de Saint‐Vincent. We showed for the first time four lineages for the New Zealand endemic Lessonia variegata with an unexpected high level of genetic differentiation. Our analysis cannot resolve whether the dispersal of the common ancestor of this genus was from the Americas to Australasia or vice versa. Molecular clock analysis suggested that a sudden radiation took place in Australasia c. 3.5 Mya when almost all Australasian species diverged within a time frame of only 35 000 years.  相似文献   

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