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美国凌霄柱头行为--一种促进传粉的机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引起美国(Campsis radicans(L.)Seem.ex Bureau.)柱头开合行为的原因迄今未知.在本研究中,机械刺激、自花授粉、异花授粉以及不同授粉数量分别给予美国凌霄的柱头,以期找到影响其柱头行为的原因.研究结果表明,单纯的机械剌激可以使柱头闭合,但不能使之水永久闭合;只有柱头表明落置了足够量的花粉(>350)时柱头才会最终闭合.美国凌霄的柱头对换自花或者花粉没有差异,两种花粉授于柱头后花粉管都能成功萌发并生长.研究结果表明:美国凌霄的柱头行为不是一种异交机制,而是一种促进传粉进而增强繁殖成功的机制.  相似文献   

有花植物触敏柱头的闭合行为一直是传粉生态学和进化生物学研究的热点问题之一。植物花的多裂片柱头在传粉者接触后迅速闭合的现象主要存在于玄参目的一些类群中。早在上个世纪初,植物学家就对花的柱头闭合现象进行过初步的研究,认为柱头闭合主要是由于花粉在柱头上萌发时吸收水分导致柱头细胞膨压降低而引起的;并对柱头闭合的适应性提出了一些假说。近年来,许多学者研究证实柱头闭合能促进花粉萌发及花粉管伸长,或减少花粉散出与柱头接受花粉间的相互干扰,提高传粉者访问过程中花粉的散播量,并且柱头的状态会直接影响传粉者的取食行为。到目前为止,对柱头闭合的机制及其避免自交的假说还存在许多争议。关于触敏柱头的闭合行为,尤其是其适应机制及其生态学意义还有待更加系统和深入的研究。本文概述了触敏柱头的研究进展,并对研究中尚存在的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过对山羊臭虎耳草6个花形态及其发育阶段、授粉过程的连续观察和对花粉活性、柱头可授性的连续检测,报道了一种新的延迟自动自花授粉机制,即山羊臭虎耳草花丝运动引导的延迟自动自花授粉。利用电子显微镜研究了花粉囊的破裂方式和柱头结构,同时利用苏丹Ⅲ研究了花粉的组织化学性质。结果显示:(1)第四生长阶段,当花丝引导大部分花粉囊运动至柱头上方时,花粉和柱头的可授性才均达到峰值[可授性分别为(94±6)%和(96±13)%],这种运动消除了第三生长阶段花粉活性较高[(90±8)%]而柱头可授性较低[(6±17)%]的异花授粉特征,即消除了花粉与柱头的时空隔离;自动自花授粉发生于异花授粉特征消除之后,因此山羊臭虎耳草具有典型的延迟自动自交行为。(2)第四发育阶段柱头空腔的大量柱状突起和花粉鞘的油脂性特征,增加了花粉和柱头的接触表面,并且使花粉更好地互相堆积粘附在柱头上,提高授粉效率。(3)对山羊臭虎耳草的繁育系统研究表明,强制自花授粉和人工自花授粉产种量无明显差异,2007年和2008年的自交系数高达0.92和0.91,说明山羊臭虎耳草具有很好的自交能力并且不存在花粉数量限制;人工异花授粉的产种率显著高于人工自花授粉,说明自花花粉的质量显著低于异花花粉,虎耳草延迟自动自花授粉存在生殖衰退,生殖保障系数2007年为0.92,2008年为0.91,表明在极端环境下自动自花授粉为该植物提供了繁殖保障,但极端环境下,没有观察到有效的授粉昆虫。研究表明,作为高山冰缘植物的山羊臭虎耳草,保留了开花植物异花授粉的特征,在极端环境下利用延迟自动自花授粉机制完成授粉,保障生殖。  相似文献   

通过定株观察、人工套袋授粉试验等对华北驼绒藜繁育系统进行了研究。结果显示:(1)华北驼绒藜的花粉寿命为6d,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为1 351 189±391 779;自然条件下存在着同株授粉和异株授粉两种方式,但以异株授粉为主,其繁育系统属于兼性异交。(2)华北驼绒藜在有花粉时柱头可授性为6d(柱头露出后5~10d),但在缺乏花粉不能完成授精时,柱头会出现徒长现象,其可授性可以维持12d(柱头露出后9~20d)。(3)人工套袋授粉结果显示,华北驼绒藜最佳授粉时间是柱头露出后6~7d,此时年均授粉结实率最高(94.83%);在柱头失去过氧化物酶活性时(柱头露出后21d)授粉结实率年均为4.93%;相对于柱头最佳可授期,华北驼绒藜具有较高结实率的授粉时间范围较宽。研究表明,在长期的进化过程中,华北驼绒藜形成了P/O较高、柱头可授性时间长以及在异株授粉优势的情况下,还保留同株授粉方式的生殖补偿机制,对其野生退化群落的种群恢复具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

山姜属植物花柱卷曲性传粉机制的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
暂性雌雄异株是一种在两性花或雌雄同株植物个体上表现出的雄蕊和雌蕊成熟时间不同而形成的暂时性雄性阶段和雌性阶段不重叠的现象。这种现象减少了自交亲和的雌雄同株和两性花种类发生自交的可能性。作系统研究了花柱郑曲性传粉机制在西双版纳姜科山姜属(Alpinia Roxb.)植物中的普遍性,这一机制使得植物通过完全的暂性异株达到了异交的目的。这类植物的种群中具有两种独特的表现型,其差异央开花行为的不同:柱头下垂型个体在刚开花时其柱头向上反卷。位于已开裂的花药上方,到中午开始向下运动,下午则位于花药下方;柱头上举型个体的柱头在开花初期向花冠内卷曲,位于未开裂的花药和唇瓣之间中午开始向上运动,当柱头上举到花药上方后,花药开裂,花偻开始散发。两种个体的开花行为是同步的,通过两种柱头反向运动授粉方式(不同时间的自花和异花授粉)具有相同的结实率,但套代的花序几科不结实,两种表型在自然种群中的比例为1:1。  相似文献   

海滨锦葵花柱有5柱头裂片,若传粉失败,柱头裂片向下弯曲使柱头与自身花粉接触,发生延迟自交。传粉不足条件下发生的延迟自交可能提供繁殖保障。该研究定量分析了花粉搁置和授精胚珠数对花内未授粉柱头裂片运动的影响,并测定了花粉—胚珠比及柱头可授性和花粉生活力。结果表明,花内未授粉柱头裂片的弯曲不受其他柱头接受花粉量及授精胚珠数的影响,仅响应于其自身是否接受到花粉,花粉-胚珠比值显示海滨锦葵交配系统属兼性异交;未授粉柱头经弯曲与自身花粉授触时的强柱头可授粉和高花粉生活力为自交授粉的发生提供了可能。包括柱头裂片运动在内的多个花性状有机地展示了一种新花内混合交配系统,且花内柱头裂片弯曲的独自调节为从花水平验证被广泛接受的自交进化解释——繁殖保障假说提供了可能。  相似文献   

采用定株观察,运用花粉-胚珠比、联苯胺-过氧化氢法、杂交指数和套袋实验等方法,对紫茉莉(Mirabilis jalapa L.)的开花状态及繁育系统进行了研究.结果表明:种群花期一般为6-10月,单花花期一般为2~3 d;单花花期依其形态和散粉时间可分为散粉前期、散粉初期、散粉盛期、花闭合期、凋谢期5个时期;在花闭合时期,晴天有66.80%的花的柱头在闭合花冠内,阴天时有81.65%的花的柱头在闭合花冠内,雨天柱头在闭合花冠内的花可达99.22%;按照杂交指数,其繁育系统属于自交亲和,有时需要传粉者;P/O值约为269,判断繁育系统类型属于兼性自交;开花6 h左右,柱头的可授性最强,此时花粉活力、置落在柱头上的花粉数及其在柱头上的萌发率都达到最高.套袋实验显示,紫茉莉自然条件下没有无融合现象,繁育系统为自交、异交亲和,以自交为主,但有时也需要传粉者;在长期的环境选择压力下,紫茉莉选择将更多的柱头留在闭合花冠内,是其对不利环境条件的一种适应进化策略.  相似文献   

为了解线叶忍冬(Lonicera alberti)的开花特性及繁育系统,本研究通过野外调查,记录其花部特征、开花进程及访花昆虫特性,采用TTC、MTT、联苯胺-α萘酚和醋酸洋红四种染色方法测定花粉活力,采用联苯胺—过氧化氢法和MTT两种方法测定其柱头可授性,运用花粉/胚珠比率、杂交指数、人工授粉试验等方法检测线叶忍冬的繁育系统。结果表明:线叶忍冬花朵有花冠裂片逐一展开和花冠裂片同时展开两种开放方式;花粉在散粉后6 h活力达到最高值,柱头可授性在花朵开放后不断增强;膜翅目蜜蜂科意蜂(Apis mellifera L.)在传粉过程中起重要作用;P/O值为583.43±99.9;杂交指数为4;人工授粉套袋试验中人工异株异花授粉结实率为79.17%,自花授粉情况下结实率为9.52%。其繁育系统为混合交配系统,异花传粉需要传粉者。  相似文献   

以授粉后具花闭合特性的紫茉莉为研究材料,通过在不同天气状况下作去花冠和存留花冠处理,观察花冠对花粉活力、柱头可授性及结实率等繁殖特性的影响。结果表明:紫茉莉自然存留花冠比去花冠的花粉活力、柱头可授性、柱头上的花粉数及柱头上花粉萌发率各指标达最高值的时间重叠性更强,并以阴天存留花冠的最强。存留花冠通过这种时间的重叠性来保证花粉在柱头上的萌发,产生了有利的繁殖适合度。越晚去花冠结实率越高,结实率呈现花闭合自然存留花冠>花冠闭合期去花冠>散粉初期去花冠>花冠展开期去花冠的规律。因此,花冠对紫茉莉繁殖适合度具有利影响。紫茉莉花冠的存留提高了繁殖适合度,增强了对环境的适应能力。  相似文献   

野生烟草花粉活力与柱头可授性及繁育特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用TTC法测定2个野生烟草材料(花烟草、哥西氏烟草)和1个栽培品种(K326)的花粉活力及其日变化情况,通过联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定3个烟草材料的柱头可授性、利用直接授粉法测定不同开花天数柱头可授性变化,并通过估算花粉胚珠比(P/O)、杂交指数(OCI)及授粉试验分析3个烟草材料的繁育特性。结果表明:(1)哥西氏烟草的花粉活性(74.9%)显著高于K326(52.2%)和花烟草(45.3%),且K326与花烟草间差异不显著;3个烟草材料花粉活力日变化均呈双峰曲线,峰值分别在13:00与15:00左右,且3个烟草材料的花粉活力日最低值与气温日最高值同时出现在14:00。(2)K326柱头可授性显著高于花烟草和哥西氏烟草,且2个野生烟草间可授性无显著差异;不同烟草的最佳授粉时期不同,哥西氏烟草自开花前1d至花后4d,一直保持较高的柱头可授性;花烟草的最佳授粉时期为花后2~3d;K326的柱头在开花前1d至开花后1d授粉最佳。(3)K326以自交为主,存在异交现象;哥西氏烟草繁育类型为兼性异交,自交亲和;花烟草繁育以异交为主,自交亲和性差。研究认为,野生烟草柱头可授性显著低于栽培品种从而影响其结实性,花烟草结实率低主要是由自交不亲和性造成的,而缺乏有效的传粉机制是造成哥西氏烟草结实性差的主要原因。  相似文献   

Sensitive stigma has been recognized to facilitate outcrossing. We hypothesized that species with different levels of sensitivity might have corresponding differences in components of their breeding system. In this study, three Mazus species with bilobed stigmas were used to test the hypothesis. We explored stigma behaviors of the species in reaction time, recovery time, permanent closing time, and the minimum pollen load causing permanent closure. We investigated floral traits, pollinator type and behavior, pollination intensity, and natural schedule of pollen deposition on stigma. Moreover, we evaluated the mating system of the species by checking seed set after controlled pollination treatments, namely, natural flowers with open pollination, enclosed flowers without pollination, and enclosed flowers with self and outcross hand pollination. Results indicated that stigma of M. pumilus (N. L. Burman) Steenis was not sensitive, whereas stigmas of M. miquelii Makino and M. stachydifolius (Turcz.) Maxim. closed and reopened quickly in response to pollination. Accordingly, hand pollination treatments revealed that seed set of self-spontaneous pollination in M. pumilus was similar to the other treatments. For M. miquelii, outcross pollen resulted in significantly higher seed set than self-pollen.Mazus stachydifolius was self-incompatible. Additionally, the corresponding characteristics in other components of the breeding system for each species were found. Our study indicated that the sensitivity of bilobed stigma might be linked with floral traits and the mating system in a given species. Sensitive stigma should be regarded as an evolutionary mechanism for enhancement of outcrossing.  相似文献   

The study of plant responses to touch, particularly the responses of leaves, stems, and roots, has a long history. By contrast, floral responses are relatively unexplored. Stigma closure is common in the Bignoniaceae, but the factors influencing it are not well understood. We investigated factors influencing stigma closure and reopening and its effects on pollen receipt in seven Oroxylum indicum trees near Hat Yai, Thailand. The effects of pressure, conspecific and heterospecific pollen, and pollen load (the amount of pollen deposited) on stigma behavior were examined in 270 flowers (of the total 430 flowers evaluated in the entire study). Pressure alone resulted in faster closure than did conspecific pollination and faster reopening than did heterospecific pollination. Stigmas never reopened after conspecific pollination. Pollen load had no effect on stigma behavior. Stigmas discriminated between conspecific and foreign pollen; they reopened only after pollination with the latter. A manipulative experiment revealed that stigma closure did not affect the number of conspecific pollen grains received. We also counted pollen tubes in styles that were either hand-supplemented with outcross conspecific pollen or open-pollinated. Pollen tube numbers were highest after light pollination (~900 grains), indicating that interference among pollen grains may occur after pollination with very heavy loads (>6000 grains). Possible fitness consequences of these responses are discussed.  相似文献   

In most plant species with abiotic pollination systems, pollen is dispersed in three dimensions. Theoretical considerations suggest, however, that there are significant advantages for two-dimensional pollination systems over three-dimensional systems, especially if pollen is dispersed in conveyances or aggregations of large diameter. We report that two-dimensional pollination systems occur in the genera Halodule, Halophila, Lepilaena, and Ruppia, where pollen grains are not transported through the water singly, but in rafts or search vehicles. These genera possess unusual pollen morphologies which facilitate assemblage of pollen grains into search vehicles. These floating search vehicles have large diameters, thus greatly increasing probability of encountering a stigma. The grains have a hydrophobic surface that appears to mediate adhesion by an external coating of proteins and carbohydrates. Similar adaptations to two-dimensional pollination are found in the target organs, the stigmas. The long filamentous stigmas of the marine genera float, as do the indusiate stigmas of the freshwater genera, creating small depressions in the water surface. Pollination occurs through the collision of a moving search vehicle with a floating stigma. The existence of similar pollen search vehicles, stigma morphologies, and flowering phenologies in these unrelated hydrophilous genera evidences convergent evolution towards efficient search strategies in surface-pollinated aquatic plants.  相似文献   

The adhesion of pollen grains to the stigma is the first step of pollination in flowering plants. During this step, stigmas discriminate between pollen grains that can and cannot be permitted to effect fertilization. This selection is operated by various constituents of the cell walls of both partners. Several genes structurally related to the self-incompatibility system that prevents self-pollination in Brassica spp are known to target their products into the stigma cell wall. We proposed previously that one of these genes, the one encoding the S locus glycoprotein (SLG)-like receptor 1 (SLR1), which is coexpressed with that encoding SLG, may participate in pollen-stigma adhesion. Here, we exploit a biomechanical assay to measure the pollen adhesion force and show that it is reduced both by transgenic suppression of SLR1 expression and by pretreatment of wild-type stigmas with anti-SLR1 antibodies, anti-SLG antibodies, or pollen coat-protein extracts. Our results indicate a common adhesive function for the SLR1 and SLG proteins in the pollination process.  相似文献   

The bilobed stigma of many species in the order Scrophulariales closes in response to touch by an animal pollinator. In hummingbird-pollinated bush monkey flower, Mimulus aurantiacus (Scrophulariaceae), closure is rapid, occurring within seconds of tactile stimulus. We investigated the proximate causes of stigma closure and subsequent reopening in M. aurantiacus, as well as potential costs and benefits of stigma closure for female fitness. Stigma closure is elicited by both touch and pollen, but closure in response to pollen is much slower, requiring 0.5–1.5 h. Stigmata reopen within 2.5–4.5 h if touch, but no pollen, is applied. Upon receipt of pollen, most stigmata remain closed for the remaining lifetime of the flower, even if less pollen is received than is needed for full seed set. Those stigmata that do reopen after pollination generally require between 20 and 28 h to do so, much longer than for unpollinated stigmata. Reopening after pollination appears to be a response to low seed set rather than to low pollen load. Natural pollination of stigmata manipulated to prevent closure shows that closure does not increase capture of pollen or seed set. In fact, closure reduces the average pollen load received by flowers. Despite this, there is no evidence that stigma closure has any negative effect on female fitness in terms of seed set or germinability. Hypotheses for the adaptive significance of stigma closure are discussed. Understanding proximate causes of stigma closure and reopening is essential in the evaluation of these hypotheses.  相似文献   

The limited seed production of insect-depended plant, Liriodendron chinense was once considered to be pollen-limited and insufficient cross pollination. In this study, we counted pollen grains deposited on stigmas in three populations in Guizhou, Hunan and Zhejiang provinces of China respectively. Over 61.9% stigmas were pollinated. From 1994 to 1996, the mean number of pollen grains on each stigma ranged from 4.4 to 42.6, much more than ovules(2) in each pistil. Based on observations of three years, both the pollination rate and pollen quantity on stigmas significantly affected seed set. When flowers opened without stamens dehiscencing at the early stage of anthesis, stigmas received considerable quantity of pollen grains. Pollen grains from different sources were able to germinate and pollen tube growth rates were not greatly variable. It is very likely that pollen grains arrived first would fertilize eggs. Since only several pollen tubes went through the stylar canal, the potential pollen competition may exist. In this case, there would be strong selection on floral syndrome which benefit early insect visits. Pollen grains from the early visits would have a greater chance to fertilize ovules than those from later visits, which implies that cross pollination is the predominant breeding system of this plant. The conclusion was also confirmed by following four artificial experiments. Three treatments, including flowers bagged, netted or with the perianth removed, all reduced seed set clearly, but flowers with the stamens removed (emasculation)had a higher seed production by open pollination. As the rates of deposited stigmas in three populations were 6~8 times more than full seed set, we considerthat lower seed production in this plant may not mainly be due to pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Pollen transport to a receptive stigma can be facilitated through different pollinators, which submits the pollen to different selection pressures. This study aimed to associate pollen and stigma morphology with zoophily in species of the tribe Phaseoleae. Species of the genera Erythrina, Macroptilium and Mucuna with different pollinators were chosen. Pollen grains and stigmas were examined under light microscopy (anatomy), scanning electronic microscopy (surface analyses) and transmission electronic microscopy (ultrastructure). The three genera differ in terms of pollen wall ornamentation, pollen size, pollen aperture, thickness of the pollen wall, amount of pollenkitt, pollen hydration status and dominant reserves within the pollen grain, while species within each genus are very similar in most studied characteristics. Most of these features lack relationships to pollinator type, especially in Erythrina and Mucuna. Pollen reserves are discussed on a broad scale, according to the occurrence of protein in the pollen of invertebrate- or vertebrate-pollinated species. Some pollen characteristics are more associated to semi-dry stigma requirements. This apical, compact, cuticularised and secretory stigma occurs in all species investigated. We conclude that data on pollen and stigma structure should be included together with those on floral morphology and pollinator behaviour for the establishment of functional pollination classes.  相似文献   

To investigate the nature and role of cell adhesion in plants, we analyzed the initial step of pollination in Arabidopsis: the binding of pollen grains to female stigma cells. Here we show this interaction occurs within seconds of pollination. Because it takes place prior to pollen hydration, it also requires adhesion molecules that can act in a virtually dry environment. We developed assays that monitored adhesion of populations of pollen grains and individual cells. Adhesion between pollen and stigma cells is highly selective - Arabidopsis pollen binds with high affinity to Arabidopsis stigmas, while pollen from other species fails to adhere. Initial binding is independent of the extracellular pollen coat (tryphine), indicating that adhesion molecules reside elsewhere on the pollen surface, most likely within the exine walls. Immediately after pollination, the stigma surface becomes altered at the interface, acquiring a pattern that interlocks with the exine; this pattern is evident only with pollen from Arabidopsis and its close relatives. Purified exine fragments bind to stigma cells, and biochemical analyses indicate that this specific, rapid and anhydrous adhesion event is mediated by lipophilic interactions.  相似文献   

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