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Repair synthesis in human cells in tissue culture can be readily separated from semi-conservative DNA synthesis with the aid of a benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE cellulose (BND-cellulose) column. Cells are incubated with a radioactive DNA precursor during treatment with a repair-inducing agent. An inhibitor of semi-conservative DNA synthesis (hydroxyurea) is added to slow the progression of the DNA growing point. The cells are lysed and after treatment with ribonuclease and pronase the lysates are sheared and passed through a BND-cellulose column. Native DNA is eluted with I M NaCl. Any increase in radioactivity in the native DNA is due to repair synthesis and the specific repair activity (nucleotides inserted per mug of DNA) can be determined from radioactivity and absorbancy measurements. Repair can also be measured in the region of the DNA growing point by fractionation of the material eluted from BND-cellulose with 50% formamide. Repair was not detected in N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF)-treated lymphoblasts derived from an individual with xeroderma pigmentosum although methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced repair was observed in these cells.  相似文献   

Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) established from chromosomal breakage syndromes or related genetic disorders have been used to study the effects of mutagens on human lymphoid cells. The disorders studied include xeroderma pigmentosum, ataxia telangiectasia, Fanconi's anemia, Bloom's syndrome and Cockayne's syndrome. Three approaches were used to assess the cells' ability to cope with a particular mutagen: (1) assaying recovery of DNA snythetic capabilities as measured by [3H]thymidine (dT) incorporation; (2) measurements of classical excision DNA repair by isopyknic sedimentation of DNA density labeled with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU); (3) determining cell survival by colony formation in microtiter plates. LCLs established from xeroderma pigmentosum showed increased sensitivities to ultraviolet (354 nm) light and N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF) as determined by DNA synthesis or colony formation and had diminished levels of excision-repair. Cockayne's syndrome LCLs, on the other hand, had increased sensitivities to ultraviolet (UV) light, AAAF and N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) while showing near normal levels of DNA-repair after treatment with each agent. An LCL established from ataxia telangiectasia had decreased DNA repair synthesis and defective colony-forming ability following treatment with MNNG. LCLs, in addition to ease of establishment, appear likely to provide useful material for the study of DNA repair replication and its relationship to carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The reassociation rates of repair replicated DNA of two human lymphoblastoid cell lines, the WIL2-A3 ‘normal’ line and the RAJI line of Burkitt's lymphoma, were examined using the DNA/DNA ‘C0t’ hybridization technique. The cells were treated with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), an alkylating agent and mutagen, to induce the repair.The incorporated repair replication radioactivity in highly repetitive sequences of WIL2-A3 cell DNA reassociates as expected for a randomly distributed incorporation. The reassociation of repair radioactivity in sequences of fewer numbers of copies, however, is less than expected for a random distribution. It is less than that occurring for semiconservatively synthesized DNA of WIL2-A3 cells co-incubated with the repair labeled DNA as an internal control.The observed difference could be due to an over-representation of repair replication radioactivity in DNA sequences with fewer copies. It is unlikely to be due to residual alkali labile damage resulting from MMS treatment, since a similar difference was not observed when semiconservatively labeled DNA from cells which had been treated with MMS for the same time and at the same concentration as in the repair experiments was substituted for repair replicated DNA in the reassociation reactions. Other possible causes of the apparent difference in the reassociation rates observed are discussed.  相似文献   

In vivo DNA repair occurring in early spermatid stages of the mouse has been studied with four mutagens that are chemical homologs: MMS, EMS, PMS and IMS. Using the well-studied sequence of events that occurs during spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in the mouse, aatids was measured by the unscheduled incorporation of [3H]dT into these germ cells which were recovered from the caudal epididymides 16 days after chemical treatment. Purification of the caudal sperm DNA at this time verified that the [3H]dT was incorporated into the DNA. For each chemical mutagen a study was made on the level of DNA repair occurring in early spermatids as a function of the administered, in vivo dose. Within experimental errors, all four chemicals produced a linear increase in DNA repair in early spermatids with increasing dose. Only the highest dose of MMS (100 mg/kg) produced a greater repair response than expected for a linear curve. At equimolar doses the most effective chemical in inducing DNA repair was MMS, followed by EMS, IMS and PMS. When testicular injections of [3H]dT were given at the same time as the intraperitoneal injections of the mutagens, the amount of unscheduled incorporation of [3H]dT into the DNA of early spermatids was maximized. Since [3H]dT has been shown to be available for incorporation into germ-cell DNA for only approximately 1 h after injection, all four mutagens must reach the DNA of early spermatids and begin producing "repairable" lesions within 1 h after treatment. The amount of DNA repair occurring at later times after chemical treatment of early spermatids was studied by testicular injections of [3H]dT 1/2, 1, 2 and 3 days after chemical treatment. Repair was still occurring in the early spermatids at 3 days post-treatment; this repair is most likely a manifestation of the finite rate of the repair process rather than resulting from newly alkylated DNA. For MMS and EMS there was a rapid decrease in the level of DNA repair in the first 1/2 day following treatment. This was followed by a much slower, exponential decrease in the level of repair out to 3 days post-treatment. The curves suggest that the amount of repair is proportional to the number of repairable lesions still present in the DNA. For PMS and IMS the level of repair decreases rapidly in the first 1/2 day after treatment and thereafter remains relatively constant through 3 days post-treatment. With all four mutagens, DNA repair in early spermatids was detectable at doses 5 to 10 times lower than those required to observe other genetic end points such as dominant lethals, translocations and specific-locus mutations in any germ-cell stage. The sensitivity of detection of in vivo DNA repair in the germ cells of male mice makes such a system a useful adjunct to other genetic tests for studying chemical mutagenesis in mammals.  相似文献   

The molecular dosimetry of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) in the germ cells of male mice has been investigated. The mice were injected i.p. with 200 mg/kg of [3H]EMS and the ethylations per sperm head, per deoxynucleotide, and per unit of protamine were then determined over a 2-week period. The ethylations per sperm head closely paralleled the dominant-lethal frequency curve for EMS, reaching a maximum of 5 to 6.5 million ethylations per vas sperm head at 8 to 10 days after treatment. Ethylation of sperm DNA was greatest at 4 h after treatment, with 5.7 ethylations/105 deoxynucleotides, and gradually decreased to 2.2 ethylations/105 deoxynucleotides at 15 days after treatment. The ethylation of sperm DNA did not increase in the germ-cell stages most sensitive to EMS, ans was not correlated with the dominant-lethal frequency curve for EMS. However, ethylation of sperm protamine did increase in the germ-cell stages most sensitive to EMS, and showed an excellent correlation with the incidence of dominant lethals produced by EMS in the germ cells.A model is presented to explain, at a molecular level, how dominant lethals may be induced in mouse germ cells by EMS. Ethylation by cysteine sulfhydryl groups contained in mouse-sperm protamine could block normal disulfidebond formation, preventing proper chromatin condensation in the sperm nucleus. Stresses in the chromatin structure could then eventually lead to chromosome breakage, with resultant dominant lethality.  相似文献   

The molecular dosimetry of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in the germ cells of male mice has been investigated. The mice were injected i.p. with 100 mg/kg of [3H]MMS and methylations per sperm head, per deoxynucleotide, and per unit of protamine were then determined over a 3-week period. The methylations per sperm head paralleled the dominant lethal frequency curve for MMS, reaching a maximum of between 22 and 26 million methylations per vas sperm head 8-11 days after treatment. Methylation of sperm DNA was greatest at 4 h (the earliest time point studied) after treatment, with 16.6 methylations/10(5) deoxynucleotides. DNA methylation gradually decreased during the subsequent 3-week period. The methylation of germ-cell DNA did not increase in the stages most sensitive to MMS (late spermatids leads to early spermatozoa) and was not correlated with the dominant lethal frequency curve for MMS. However, methylation of protamine did increase in the germ-cell stages most sensitive to MMS, and showed an excellent correlation with the incidence of dominant lethals produced by MMS in the different germ-cell stages. The pattern of alkylation produced by MMS in the developing germ-cell stages of the mouse is similar to that found for EMS. However, for equimolar exposures, MMS alkylates the germ cells 5-7 times more than does EMS. Hydrolyzed samples of protamine from [3H]MMS-exposed animals were subjected to thin-layer chromatography and amino acid analysis. Both procedures showed that most of the labeled material recovered from the hydrolysates co-chromatographed with authentic standards of S-methyl-L-cysteine. The amino acid analyses showed an average of approximately 80% of the labeled material eluting with S-methyl-L-cysteine. The mechanism of action of both MMS and EMS on the developing germ cells appears to be similar. The occurrence of S-methyl-L-cysteine as the major reaction product in sperm protamine after MMS exposure supports our initial model of how dominant lethals are induced in mouse germ cells by these chemicals: Alkylation of cysteine sulfhydryl groups contained in mouse-sperm protamine blocks normal disulfide-bond formation, preventing proper chromatin condensation in the sperm nucleus. Subsequent stresses produced in the chromatin structure eventually lead to chromosome breakage, with resultant dominant lethality.  相似文献   

The integration of DNA of highly oncogenic simian adenovirus type 7 (SA7) and non-oncogenic human adenovirus type 6 (Ad6) into the genome of newborn rat kidney cells transformed by fragmented DNA preparations was studied using reassociation kinetics and spot hybridization. Transforming DNA was fragmented with the specific endonuclease SalI (SA7) and BglII (Ad6). In contrast to the cell transformation by intact viral DNA, transformation by fragmented DNA resulted in integration into the cellular genome of not only the lefthand fragment with the oncogene but also of other regions of the viral genome. Additionally integrated fragments were stable and preserved during numerous passages of cells lines, although they were no expressed, at least in the case of the Ad6-transformed cell line. The integration of the fragments of SA7 DNA was accompanied by loss of 25-50% of the mass of each fragment. Adding the linear form of the pBR322 plasmid to the preparation of transforming Ad6 DNA also contributed to its cointegration into the genome of the transformed cell. This technique of cell cotransformation with any foreign DNAs together with the viral oncogens may be used as an equivalent of an integration vector for eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The extent of in vitro binding of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) to replicating and non-replicating DNA of mouse skin epidermis was studied. Mice which were pretreated topically with croton oil in order to stimulate DNA synthesis were treated in the same area of the back with DMBA at zero time. In addition, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) were injected at zero time and subsequently every half hour for 7.5 h. At 8 h the mice were killed and epidermal DNA was subjected to an isopycnic cesium chloride density gradient. Binding was found to both replicating and non-replicating DNA but was reproducibly greater to non-replicating DNA. BUdR substitution into replicating DNA was shown not to be a cause of reduced binding of DMBA.  相似文献   

DNA from untreated L-cells had a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 5.7 ± 0.58·108 daltons as measured by sedimentation in an alkaline sucrose gradient. This value was reduced by one half after the cells were treated for 1 h with 8 μg/ml of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNUA), 34 μg/ml of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or 0.16 μg/ml of N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). That dose of MNUA produced 52 methylations per 5.7·108 daltons DNA. 20% of these were not purine derivatives and were assumed to contain some phosphotriesters. That dose of MMS (above) produced 290 methylations per 5.7·108 daltons DNA and about 14% of these were not purine derivatives. The rates of loss of methylated purines from DNA were 2.3% per hour for 7-methylguanine (7-MeG), 7.4% per hour for 3-methyladenine (3-MeA) and no detectable loss of O6-methylguanine (O6-MeG) over a 12 h period. Since phosphotriesters are alkali-labile the single-strand breaks probably arose from this structure and did not form within the cell. This conclusion is supported by the following considerations. MNUA was more effective than MMS at reducing the molecular weight of DNA, as measured in alkaline medium. The greater SN1 character of MNUA would cause a greater formation of phosphotriesters than would MMS.  相似文献   

Detection in situ of foreign DNA in eukaryotic cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple technique is described that allows mixed populations of eukaryotic cells to be screened for clones containing multiple copies of a particular DNA. Essentially, eukaryotic cells are transferred to either nitrocellulose of Whatman 541 filters, and their DNA is immobilised in situ. Exposure of the filters to a 32P-labeled DNA "probe" results in detectable hybridisation only at the positions of clones containing multiple copies of the DNA. Using Whatman 541 paper, a portion of the cells, evenly distributed throughout the mixed population is retained on the culture dish, and can be propagated further for subsequent cell cloning. The technique has allowed rapid distinction of clones of transformed rat cells that contain a single or only a few copies per cell of polyoma viral DNA from clones maintaining multiple copies. The technique has also been used to distinguish between clones of mouse L-cells containing multiple and only a few copies of 0X174 DNA. In this manner the technique allows rapid detection of cells amplifying a particular species of DNA. Finally, the method can be used to detect cells assimilating many copies of a foreign DNA, even in the absence of a co-transfected selectable marker.  相似文献   

Lymphoblastoid cell derived from a complementation group C xeroderma patient were unable to remove 06-methyl guanine residues formed in DNA by treatment of cells with low concentration of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The xeroderma cells were competent in their ability to excise 3-methyl adenine adducts. MNNG treatment induced excision repair in the xeroderma line and in addition the treatment resulted in the presence of numerous single-strand breaks in the DNA. The single gene, UV-excision-defective mutants of Escherichia coli, uvrA and uvrB, are able to excise MNNG-induced 06-methyl guanine adducts indicating that excision of this compound is not due to operation of UV endonuclease system.  相似文献   

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