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Landscape change in rural ecosystems is a major global issue because they are an important ecological and socio-cultural resource. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the driving forces behind landscape changes. Changes in the patterns and processes of landscape mosaics and vegetation community in two rural areas (Teokdong-ri, TD and Teokseong-ri, TS) in Korea were studied between 1988 and 2002. Quantitative data of vegetation community, landscape mosaics, and local statistics of the two study areas were analyzed. Agricultural efficiency increased even decreasing household population and the agricultural area. In both areas, as the human dependence on natural resources decreased, the patterns and processes of landscape mosaics and forest structure were changed due to changing human impacts on land use. Owing to the abandonment of forest management for 14 years, the spatial heterogeneity of TD significantly increased more than that of TS. In detrended correspondence analysis ordination, floristic compositions of forest patches of two areas were unevenly located on the ordination axes. Pinus densiflora communities of both areas in 1988 were separately located in 2002 as two directions according to management intensity. The species composition of P. densiflora in one direction of 1988 became similar to those of Quercus forests in 2002. This may be because species composition of P. densiflora has been influenced due to changed habitat environments. Finally, we concluded that the development of forest communities and vegetation succession predicted the spatial pattern of future landscape mosaics and due to the vegetation dynamics of rural ecosystems in Korea.Nomenclature: Miyawaki et al. (1994), Lee (1993), and Lee (1998) for identifying plant species.  相似文献   

The floristics and physical structure of a floating mat of vegetation in the Finniss River area of the Northern Territory are described. During the dry season floating mats contain green productive vegetation when the adjacent flood plains are dry and many of the plants are withered. At this time insects are more abundant on the mats than on the adjacent flood plain. Some flood plain vertebrates appear to concentrate their activity on floating mats during the dry season. During the period 1963 to 1978 the area of floating mat in the Finniss River study area was greatly reduced, probably as a result of high densities of feral water buffalo (Bubalis bubalus).(Present address: c/o 38 Hardy Terrace, East Ivanhoe, Victoria 3079).(Present address: c/o 38 Hardy Terrace, East Ivanhoe, Victoria 3079).  相似文献   

Hierarchical agglomerative polythetic clustering of vegetation data for 51 sites from Brian Pastures Research Station, south-east Queensland, Australia, produced site and species groups that supported those formed during a previous intuitive mapping survey. On the basis of floristic composition, these analyses suggested the possible amalgamation of some map units. However, their segregation into separate units was justified on the basis of having distinct photopatterns and physiographic positions in the landscape. The classifications of the trees only (55 species) and woody plants only (115 species) data sets produced site groupings of high similarity to those constructed by the mapping survey. The addition of the herbaceous plants (266 additional species, of which 70% were annual species) tended to dominate the analyses, and produce site groupings that were less similar to the mapping groups. The distribution of many annual species appeared to be independent of the perennial plant species and underlying substrate. In wooded communities, herbaceous plants have only a minor influence on photopattern, which is the primary determinant of the mapping classification. Binary data retained a large percentage of the information contained in the quantitative data. The extra effort of gathering herbaceous data may not be justified for a broad scale mapping project, but is required for comprehensive nature conservation surveys, flora inventory, and vegetation monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

The distribution of the biogeographically distinctive fish fauna of the Burdekin River, north-eastern Australia, is largely determined by the presence of a large waterfall located at the lower quarter of the river’s length. Downstream of the falls, assemblages are characterised by the presence of piscivorous fishes whereas such species are largely absent from upstream reaches. Sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus), a large piscivorous gudgeon, was first introduced into the upper reaches of the Burdekin River in 1980 and other releases, both official and unofficial, have occurred subsequently. The population remained small and restricted to the site of introduction for a decade, but expanded in size and distribution after the occurrence of a large flood and entry into a prolonged period of drought. This gudgeon is now present in every tributary system of the Burdekin Basin. Despite the occurrence of substantial temporal variation in fish abundance due to a highly variable flow regime, negative impacts on one species, a small gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa), are evident. Both deliberate and accidental releases of other species into the upper Burdekin River have also occurred, often to satisfy recreational fishing demand. Such species are typified by large size and piscivorous habit, characteristics alien and inimical to the native fish fauna. It is hypothesised that these piscivorous species may have even greater impact than O. lineolatus in some tributary systems of the upper Burdekin River.  相似文献   

In 1972(74)–1996(98), repeated phytocoenological surveys of natural mixed forest remainders were made on permanent plots in the Šumava Mts. in the south-western part of the Czech Republic. The surveys were made in localities with subsoils poor in nutrients (Boubín-Milešice—27 plots) and in a locality with nutrient-rich subsoil (Stožec—15 plots). Vegetation dynamics were studied according to the year of measurement and the nutrient capacity of the geological bedrock. We used the indices of floristic similarity, the calculation of plant communities’ characteristics (Shannon–Wiener’s index, equitability index), the calculation of taxa characteristics (fidelity, average cover, constancy) and multivariate ordination analyses—indirect (DCA) and direct (CCA). Changes in environmental conditions were studied between the years of measurement and between the localities using bioindication—by the calculation of Ellenberg indicator values (EIV) for plant communities. Over 24 years both the nutrient-poor site and the nutrient-rich site showed a considerable reduction in the tree layer cover and conversely the advancement of shrub layers. The coverage degree of dominants in the main tree layer (Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Abies alba) markedly decreased. Abies alba also exhibited a pronounced drop in constancy. On the other hand, the lower tree layer and shrub layers in Boubín-Milešice exhibited a distinctive invasion of Fagus sylvatica. An increase in the frequency of Sorbus aucuparia and a decrease in the frequency of Ulmus glabra were determined too. Herb layer changes were highly significant between the 1970s and the 1990s with qualitative changes being greater than quantitative changes. The number of species and Shannon–Wiener’s index increased. A significant difference was recorded between the nutrient-poor and the nutrient-rich sites in the values of the quantitative similarity of relevés with other differences being insignificant. The nutrient-poor sites exhibited herb layer homogenisation. A significant increase of EIV for light was found on both site types. The changes in phytocoenoses were interpreted partly as developmental trends (caused by indirect impact of man—e.g. fluctuations in game populations since the 18th century, the impact of air pollution); partly as cyclical changes connected with the developmental cycle of the natural temperate forest.  相似文献   

Luca Borghesio 《Plant Ecology》2009,201(2):723-731
This study focuses on the effect of fire on lowland heathlands at the extreme southern edge of their European distribution (Vauda Nature Reserve, NW Italy). Forty-nine plots (50 m radius) were surveyed between 1999 and 2006. Each year, fire occurrences were recorded and per cent cover of four vegetation types (grassland, heath, low shrubland, and tall shrubland) was estimated in each plot. Vascular plant species richness was also recorded in 255, 1 m2 quadrats. After a fire, grassland vegetation expanded, but then declined rapidly as heath and shrubland recovered: 7 years after a fire, tall shrubland encroached on to more than 40% of the plots, and grassland declined from 50% to 20% cover. Between 1999 and 2006, Betula pendula shrubland greatly expanded, while grassland decreased over most of the Reserve, even where fire frequency was high. Tall shrubland had low plant diversity and was dominated by widespread species of lower conservation value. By contrast, early successional vegetation (grassland and low shrubland) had higher richness and more narrowly distributed species, indication that the development of tall shrubland causes significant species loss in the heathland. Italian lowland heathlands are characterized by high rates of shrubland encroachment that threatens both habitat and species diversity. Burning frequencies of once in 3–6 years seem appropriate in this habitat, but burning alone might not suffice without actions to increase herbivore grazing.  相似文献   

The influence of management and nutrient availability on the vegetation dynamics of heathlands characterised by Calluna vulgaris and Erica tetralix were studied in three mountain sites in Northern Spain. A total of 90 plots (1 m2 each) received different combinations of cutting and twice the estimated background atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (56 kg ha−1 yr−1). One of the two dominant ericaceous species was selectively cut by hand at ground level and their regeneration compared in the presence or absence of the other. The results after 2 years showed significant effects of the fertiliser on the vegetation cover, mainly by favouring perennial herbaceous species. There were less noteworthy effects on the number of flowers and on the annual growth of the ericaceous species. It is concluded that, in the short term, increased nutrients alone, at twice the estimated current atmospheric deposition for the area, will not alter significantly the composition of the mountain heathlands. However, once the stands reach the mature phase, the capacity of the community to regenerate after a severe disturbance diminishes. A drastic impact, such as cutting may not result in re-growth of the same shrub species but in replacement by herbaceous species, which will also benefit from the increased nutrients.  相似文献   

Primary succession is controlled by a combination of landscape and habitat factors whose actions may be stochastic or deterministic. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington spawned a massive lahar that now supports a mosaic of vegetation. Our goals were to describe vegetation patterns after 28 growing seasons, determine the factors associated with these patterns, and to contrast the effects of stochastic and deterministic processes. We described species composition and explanatory factors that included location and habitat features in one hundred and fifty one 200-m2 plots. We classified these plots into nine community types (CTs) that were distinguished quantitatively by variations in dominant species. We used multiple regressions, redundancy analysis (RDA), and Mantel tests to compare the vegetation relationships with explanatory factors. Plots in different CTs mingled spatially and in multivariate space. Species patterns were weakly related to explanatory variables by RDA (31.6% of the species variation). RDA indicated that vegetation was most strongly related to elevation, latitude, and isolation, which are primarily landscape factors. Mantel tests confirmed that factors associated with elevation were most closely associated with vegetation. The effects of arrival order were suggested by the dominance of different colonizers in similar environment and by plots with similar vegetation found in different habitats. We concluded that species composition cannot be predicted well from the data available, suggesting that there were no prominent deterministic assembly rules.  相似文献   

Dense White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla J. Thompson and L.A.S. Johnson) regrowth occurs frequently across previously cleared landscapes in New South Wales (NSW), and is thought to adversely affect agricultural production and to cause land degradation. The NSW Native Vegetation Act (2003) requires that management of native vegetation including pre-1990 regrowth must ‘improve or maintain’ site condition, yet there is currently limited information regarding techniques for the optimum management of C. glaucophylla in this regard. We conducted a preliminary study to examine floristic composition, soil condition (to 50 cm) and carbon storage under ‘Dense’ (dense regrowth), ‘Thinned’ (dense regrowth thinned 2000/2001) and ‘Un-colonised’ (pasture not yet recolonised by C.␣glaucophylla) plots on private lands in NSW. Reduced tree density from thinning resulted in increased biomass of the remaining individual trees. Un-colonised plots had significantly more groundcover than thinned plots, which had significantly more groundcover than dense plots. Differences in plant diversity however, were explained by site factors rather than land use. Soils in the dense plots were the most acid but soil pH was significantly higher in thinned plots and pH was highest in soil of the un-colonised plots. Mean values for carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and extractable phosphorus varied among sites, although each were significantly more abundant in the mineral soil of dense and thinned plots compared with un-colonised plots, suggesting that thinning had had a minimal effect on the soil parameters assessed. Accounting for all site components, site carbon storage was significantly higher in dense and thinned plots compared with un-colonised plots due to elevated levels of soil and litter carbon as well as the presence of trees. The results indicate that thinning dense C. glaucophylla can maintain and (by some measures) improve site condition. However, given the variability in some of the parameters assessed, further study across a wider range of soil types and rainfall gradients is proposed.  相似文献   

A comparative phytosociological study was made out on two types of forest on the southern slopes of Moslavaka gora in the western part of the Pannonic Plain, Yugoslavia: acidophilic oak forest of Festuco-Quercetum petraeae Hruka 1975 and areas where Robinia pseudoacacia has been introduced by man. After cutting, the oakforest reestablishes spontaneously. Reafforestation with Robinia leads to changes irreversible in species composition and vegetational structure and prevents reestablishment of oak forest. The introduction of this allochthonous species prevents the primary wood from being restored. Forestry planting projects with a view to reducing the Robinia have so far proved ineffective.  相似文献   

The bronze gudgeon, Coreius heterodon (Bleeker), is an economically important species, which only inhabits the Yangtze River. The stock declined drastically in recent years due to dam construction, over-fishing, and pollution. Little is known about its population genetic structure. In this study, the sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions of natural bronze gudgeon was determined for fish collected from four sites in the Yangtze River (n = 102). The molecular data were used to estimate the genetic diversity and differentiation of the bronze gudgeon. The results showed that 28 haplotypes and 22 variable sites were found, and the haplotype diversity (π) and nucleotide diversity (h) were 0.849 and 0.00257, respectively. A low level of genetic diversity exists in the bronze gudgeon. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) suggests that 98.8% of the genetic variability occurred within the populations; the site of collection had little influence on diversity. Future research should focus on investigating the genetic divergence of populations in different tributaries and using additional polymorphic markers, such as microsatellite DNA, to verify the results and improve interpretation.  相似文献   

Four distinct species ofCortinarius referable to subg.Dermocybe are described from the Cooloola Sand-Mass, Queensland; two are formally recognized asC. alkalivirens, spec. nova andC. chromobasis, spec. nova, whilst notes are provided for the other two. Chemical methods and cladistic studies are applied and indicate a new section of the subgenus is required.Australodermocybe sect. nova is proposed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Pristis microdon, P. zijsron, P. clavata and Anoxypristis cuspidata are distributed throughout the Queensland section of the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. In a survey of the four species, Anoxypristis cuspidata was the most abundant and was recorded in both the inshore and offshore set net fisheries. The size distribution and catch locations of A. cuspidata suggest that the inshore area to a depth of 10 m may be the preferred habitat for juveniles of this species, while adults primarily occur offshore. Pristis microdon, P. zijsron and P. clavata were recorded only in the inshore fishery with catches dominated by immature animals. Pristis microdon was caught in the inshore fishery late in the monsoonal wet season (February to April) and inhabited both freshwater and estuarine environments. Pristis zijsron occurred only on the sand and mud flats outside river mouths whilst P. clavata inhabited both the sand and mud flats and upstream estuarine habitats. Observations on reproductive staging and the capture of neonate specimens suggest that in all four pristids, pupping occurred through the wet season until the beginning of the dry season in May. A seasonal set net closure for the barramundi, Lates calcarifer and shark fisheries, which has been in place since 1980 in Queensland Gulf waters, therefore offers a measure of protection to breeding female sawfish and their offspring.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate single-occasion sampling in compiling inventories for Odonata, larvae were sampled on 20 occasions from 1987–1990 at a site on Middle Creek, north-eastern Victoria, and adults sought also on each visit to more fully evaluate the diversity of the asemblage, and limitations of depending on a single life stage for this purpose. A total of 18 species (7 Zygoptera, 11 Anisoptera) included 15 species collected as larvae and 16 as adults. Few species were common as larvae, and about half the 2806 specimens identified were Austrogomphus cornutus Watson. Orthetrum caledonicum (Brauer) and Ischnura heterosticta (Burmeister) were also abundant, and these three species were also the most common as adults. The number of species obtained ranged from 2–9 on different occasions, and represent different 'habitat groups' within the local fauna. The Middle Creek odonate fauna appears to be much richer than that of a nearby site on the Kiewa River (12 species), and reasons for this are discussed. Seasonal variation in species representation and relative abundances are noted. Any single sample occasion provided insufficient knowledge of the total assemblage to interpret odonate diversity reliably.  相似文献   

Gökçeoğlu  M. 《Oecologia》1988,77(2):242-249
Summary Net nitrogen mineralization of a grassland-, Quercus coccifera shrub- and Pinus brutia forest-site within the Aegean region was investigated continuously through a year by field and standard incubation methods. Seasonal fluctuations resulting from field incubation are marked in grassland and shrub, but less pronounced in the forest. They are mainly associated with the changes in soil moisture being at minimum in the mediterranean summer. The annual yield of N mineralization is high in grassland and shrub (7.5 and 6.6 h·m-1), but low in the forest (2.8 g·m-1), where nitrification is inconspicuous. The reasons for this surprising phenomenon are discussed. N-mineralization is highly elevated in all sites under the favourable conditions of standard incubation (potential mineralization) and the seasonal differences as well as those between the sites are largely diminished.  相似文献   

Job Kuijt 《Brittonia》1997,49(2):181-188
Materials are presented to the effect thatPhoradendron californicum Nutt., the nomenclatural type of the genusPhoradendron (Viscaceae), is related to southern, cataphyllous species, not to northern, acataphyllous ones. The evidence consists of the frequent occurrence of basal cataphylls in the species, variation in basal phyllotaxy, and a basically biseriate arrangement of flowers on fertile internodes. The suggestion of this southern, cataphyllous affinity is supported by the recent discovery of a strictly cataphyllous Mexican species,P. olae Kuijt, which shows median basal phyllotaxy and is in many features extremely similar toP. californicum. The nomenclatural consequences of this discovery would lead to subgen.Boreales (Trel.) Engler (and probably subgen.Aequatoriales (Trel.) Engler) being synonymized under subgen.Phoradendron, characterized by basal cataphylls (though not in all species). However, no generic subdivision of any sort is supported at this time.  相似文献   

Subalpine forest succession was studied on Mt. Fuji, Japan, where various types of forests in different successional phases occur owing to volcanic action. Ninety stands were subjected to ordination using an index (SI) defined by the relative basal area and the life span of component woody species, and the cover of canopy layer of the sample stands. Two different sequences of sample stands were found. One was from deciduous scrubs, through Larix kaempferi forests and Abies forests, to Tsuga diversifolia forests, and the other from Abies-Tsuga thickets to Abies forests. Through analyses of the forest structure and composition, soil survey and identification of fallen logs, the former sequence was recognized as the primary sere and the latter as a regeneration sere following gap formation. During forest succession, basal area reached a maximum in the seral phase with a multi-layered structure. The Tsuga forests, whose understory is restricted to a moss layer, were regarded as the climax. The death or fall of Tsuga stems resulted in gaps, which were subsequently occupied by Abies-Tsuga thickets. The second Abies forests were distinguished from the ones in the primary sere by the occurrence of Dryopteris and Cacalia and the lack of Rhododendron in the understorey. Both Abies forest types included Tsuga saplings. Thus, a cyclic relation is supposed between Abies and Tsuga.Nomenclature follows Ohwi (1975) and Nakaike (1982) for vascular plants, Iwatsuki & Noguchi (1973) for mosses, Inoue (1981) for hepaticae, Kashiwadani (1981) for lichens, respectively. Abies veitchii, A. mariesii were lumped as Abies spp.I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Toshio Hamaya, Tokyo, for the cordial guidance and encouragement. I also thank Prof. M. Numata and Dr. M. Ohsawa, Chiba, Prof. K. Okutomi, Tokyo, Dr. K. Suzuki, Tokyo, Dr. M. Suzuki, Kanazawa, and Mr. H. Taoda, Kumamoto, for their valuable advice and discussions.  相似文献   

In Madagascar, the leaf feeding Pyralid,Euclasta whalleyi Popescu-Gorj & Constantinescu, occurs onCryptostegia grandiflora R. Br. and other genera in the subfamilyPeriplocoideae of the familyAsclepiadaceae. Studies on its biology and host plant specificity have shown it is restricted to this subfamily. The Australian native,Gymnanthera nitida R. Br., also belongs to this sub-family and is host to an Australian native moth,Euclasta maceratalis Lederer. Despite the likelihood ofE. whalleyi feeding onG. nitida and competing withE. maceratalis, the moth was approved for release in Australia in October 1987. During 1988 over 22,000 larvae were released; field establishment is not yet proven.   相似文献   

Cymopterus constancei is described as new from mostly western portions of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico and from eastern Utah and Arizona. It has been confused withC. bulbosus A. Nelson but differs in several features of its bractlets, phenology, and habitat. The novelty is among the earliest of the native flora to bloom and is quite uniform morphologically. The number of collections encountered exceeds 200, a fourfold increase, in the past 22 years.  相似文献   

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