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Nucleomorphin from Dictyostelium discoideum is a nuclear calmodulin-binding protein that is a member of the BRCT-domain containing cell cycle checkpoint proteins. Two differentially expressed isoforms, NumA and NumB, share an extensive acidic domain (DEED) that when deleted produces highly multinucleated cells. We performed a yeast two-hybrid screen of a Dictyostelium cDNA library using NumA as bait. Here we show that nucleomorphin interacts with calcium-binding protein 4a (CBP4a) in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Further deletion analysis suggests this interaction requires residues found within the DEED domain. NumA and CBP4a mRNAs are expressed at the same stages of development. CBP4a belongs to a large family of Dictyostelium CBPs, for which no cellular or developmental functions had previously been determined. Since the interaction of CBP4a with nucleomorphin requires the DEED domain, this suggests that CBP4a may respond to Ca(2+)-signalling through modulating factors that might function in concert to regulate nuclear number.  相似文献   

Probing of a cDNA expression library from multicellular development of Dictyostelium discoideum using a recombinant radiolabelled calmodulin probe (35S-VU1-CaM) led to the isolation of a cDNA encoding a putative CaM-binding protein (CaMBP). The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 951 bp encoding a 227aa polypeptide (25.5 kDa). Sequence comparisons led to highly significant matches with cytosolic thymidine kinases (TK1; EC from a diverse number of species including humans (7e-56; 59% Identities; 75% Positives) indicating that the encoded protein is D. discoideum TK1 (DdTK1; ThyB). DdTK1 has not been previously characterized in this organism. In keeping with its sequence similarity with DdTK1, antibodies against humanTK1 recognize DdTK1, which is expressed during growth but decreases in amount after starvation. A CaM-binding domain (CaMBD; 20GKTTELIRRIKRFNFANKKC30) was identified and wild type DdTK1 plus two constructs (DdTK deltaC36, DdTK deltaC75) possessing the domain were shown to bind CaM in vitro but only in the presence of calcium while a construct (DdTK deltaN72) lacking the region failed to bind to CaM. Thus, DdTK1 is a Ca2+-dependent CaMBP. Sequence alignments against TK1 from vertebrates to viruses show that CaM-binding region is highly conserved. The identified CaMBD overlaps the ATP-binding (P-loop) domain suggesting CaM might affect the activity of this kinase. Recombinant DdTK is enzymatically active and showed stimulation by CaM (113+/-0.5%) an in vitro enhancement that was prevented by co-addition of the CaM antagonists W7 (91.2+/-0.8%) and W13 (96.6+/-0.6%). The discovery that TK1 from D. discoideum, and possibly other species including humans and a large number of human viruses, is a Ca2+-dependent CaMBP opens up new avenues for research on this medically relevant protein.  相似文献   

When nutrients are depleted, Dictyostelium cells undergo cell cycle arrest and initiate a differentiation program for survival. We have found a novel gene, srsA, which is rapidly expressed in the first 5 min following the removal of nutrients and is turned off within an hour. This gene encodes a small protein with no significant similarity to previously characterized proteins. Disruption of srsA results in delayed expression of the early genes acaA and carA that encode adenylyl cyclase and the cAMP receptor necessary for chemotactic aggregation, respectively. Streaming is delayed several hours and the aggregates are larger than normal in the mutant strains. These phenotypes are cell-autonomous. Overexpression of srsA also results in delayed aggregation. Some of the slugs of the srsA(OE) strains showed stalked migration reminiscent of the slugs of the related species Dictyostelium mucoroides. The terminal structures formed by srsA(OE) cells were grossly abnormal and contained very few viable spores. When cells overexpressing srsA were developed together with an excess of wild-type cells, the fruiting bodies were still abnormal, indicating that the mutant cells have a dominant effect on late development. These findings suggest that srsA may be involved in both the starvation response and late differentiation.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a stalk-specific wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding protein, wst34, in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum [Biochem. Cell Biol. 68 (1990) 699]. Here, we found another stalk-specific WGA-binding protein, wst25, which was detected with two antisera that recognize wst34. Using the two marker proteins, we then analyzed and compared the pathways of prestalk-to-stalk maturation and prespore-to-stalk conversion in vitro and in vivo. Prestalk cells isolated from normally formed slugs can be converted to stalk cells (designated StI) in vitro with 8-bromo-cAMP (Br-cAMP), whereas prespore cells isolated from slugs can be converted to fully vacuolated stalk cells (designated StII) in vitro with Br-cAMP and DIF-1. During the process of prespore-to-stalk conversion, prespore-specific mRNAs, D19 and 2H3, disappeared rapidly, while prestalk-specific mRNAs, ecmA and ecmB, appeared at 2h of incubation and increased thereafter. Most importantly, however, the StII cells thus formed were biochemically different from the StI cells originated from prestalk cells; that is, StI cells expressed wst34 but not wst25, while StII cells expressed wst25 but not wst34. When prespore cells isolated from slugs were allowed to develop on a substratum, they differentiated into spores and stalk cells and formed fruiting bodies, and the stalk cells formed from prespore cells in vivo expressed wst25 but not wst34. The present results indicate that there are two types of stalk cells, StI (prestalk-origin) and StII (prespore-origin), and that wst34 and wst25 are the specific markers for StI and StII, respectively.  相似文献   

We have recently identified in Drosophila melanogaster a new gene encoding a nuclear protein, DIP1. Here we report the developmental expression and the finding that DIP1 subcellular localization is in the nucleus and at the nuclear periphery during interphase in embryos. Interestingly, in humans, DIP1 antibody identified signals in nuclei from cultured cells and reacted with a rough 30kDa protein in Western blotting experiments, demonstrating evolutionary conservation.  相似文献   

Mao GH  Hou LX  Ding CB  Cui SJ  Sun DY 《Planta》2005,222(3):428-437
In order to characterize a specific extracellular 21-kDa calmodulin-binding protein (named: ECBP21) from Angelica dahurica L. suspension-cultured cells, the cDNA coding for the protein has been cloned. Here, Southern blot analysis shows that there are at least two copies of ECBP21 gene in Angelica genome. Using truncated versions of ECBP21 and synthetic peptide in CaM binding assays, we mapped the calmodulin-binding domain to a 16-amino acid stretch (residues 200–215) at the C-terminal region. The ECBP21 was localized in the cell wall area by the immunogold electron microscopy and by GFP labeling method. These results define ECBP21 as a kind of an extracellular calmodulin-binding protein (CaMBP). Furthermore, using Northern blot analysis, we examined the expression dynamics of ecbp21 during the incubation of Angelica suspension-cultured cells and the treatments with some growth regulators. The above studies further provide the molecular evidence for the existence of the gene coding for extracellular CaMBPs and imply a possible role for ECBP21.G.-H. Mao and L.-X. Hou contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

CyrA is a novel cysteine-rich protein with four EGFL repeats that was isolated using the calmodulin (CaM) binding overlay technique (CaMBOT), suggesting it is a CaM-binding protein (CaMBP). The full-length 63 kDa cyrA is cleaved into two major C-terminal fragments, cyrA-C45 and cyrA-C40. A putative CaM-binding domain was detected and both CaM-agarose binding and CaM immunoprecipitation verified that cyrA-C45 and cyrA-C40 each bind to CaM in both a Ca2+-dependent and -independent manner. cyrA-C45 was present continuously throughout growth and development but was secreted at high levels during the multicellular slug stage of Dictyostelium development. At this time, cyrA localizes to the extracellular matrix (ECM). ECM purification verified the presence of cyrA-C45. An 18 amino acid peptide (DdEGFL1) from the first EGFL repeat sequence of cyrA (EGFL1) that is present in both cyrA-C45 and -C40 enhances both random cell motility and cAMP-mediated chemotaxis. Here we reveal that the dose-dependent enhancement of motility by DdEGFL1 is related to the time of cell starvation. Addition of DdEGFL1 also inhibits cyrA proteolysis. The status of cyrA as an extracellular CaMBP was further clarified by the demonstration that CaM is secreted during development. Antagonism of CaM with W7 resulted in enhanced cyrA proteolysis suggesting a functional role for extracellular CaM in protecting CaMBPs from proteolysis. cyrA is the first extracellular CaMBP identified in Dictyostelium and since it is an ECM protein with EGF-like repeats that enhance cell motility and it likely also represents the first matricellular protein identified in a lower eukaryote.  相似文献   

Myopodin is an actin bundling protein that shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm in response to cell stress or during differentiation. Here, we show that the myopodin sequence 58KKRRRRARK66, when tagged to either enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or to enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-CapG (ECFPCapG), is able to target these proteins to the nucleolus in HeLa or HEK293T cells. By contrast, 58KKRR61-ECFP-CapG accumulates in the nucleus. Mutation of 58KKRRRRARK66 into alanine residues blocks myopodin nuclear import and promotes formation of cytoplasmic actin filaments. A second putative nuclear localization sequence, 612KTSKKKGKK620, displays much weaker activity in a heterologous context, and appears not to be functional in the full length protein. Thus myopodin nuclear translocation is dependent on a monopartite nuclear localization sequence.  相似文献   

SadA,a novel adhesion receptor in Dictyostelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about cell-substrate adhesion and how motile and adhesive forces work together in moving cells. The ability to rapidly screen a large number of insertional mutants prompted us to perform a genetic screen in Dictyostelium to isolate adhesion-deficient mutants. The resulting substrate adhesion-deficient (sad) mutants grew in plastic dishes without attaching to the substrate. The cells were often larger than their wild-type parents and displayed a rough surface with many apparent blebs. One of these mutants, sadA-, completely lacked substrate adhesion in growth medium. The sadA- mutant also showed slightly impaired cytokinesis, an aberrant F-actin organization, and a phagocytosis defect. Deletion of the sadA gene by homologous recombination recreated the original mutant phenotype. Expression of sadA-GFP in sadA-null cells restored the wild-type phenotype. In sadA-GFP-rescued mutant cells, sadA-GFP localized to the cell surface, appropriate for an adhesion molecule. SadA contains nine putative transmembrane domains and three conserved EGF-like repeats in a predicted extracellular domain. The EGF repeats are similar to corresponding regions in proteins known to be involved in adhesion, such as tenascins and integrins. Our data combined suggest that sadA is the first substrate adhesion receptor to be identified in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a ubiquitous signaling module that transmits extracellular stimuli through the cytoplasm to the nucleus. In baker's yeast external high osmolarity activates high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) MAPK pathway which consists of two upstream branches (SHO1 and SLN1) and common downstream elements Pbs2p MAPKK and Hog1p MAPK. Activation of this pathway causes rapid nuclear accumulation of Hog1p, essentially leading to the expression of target genes. Previously we have isolated a PBS2 homologue (DPBS2) from osmo-tolerant and salt-tolerant yeast Debaryomyces hansenii that partially complemented pbs2 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that by replacing C-terminal region of Dpbs2p with the homologous region of Pbs2p we could abrogate partial complementation exhibited by Dpbs2p and this was achieved due to increase in nuclear translocation of Hog1p. Thus, our result showed that in HOG pathway, MAPKK has important role in nuclear translocation of Hog1p.  相似文献   

Vegetally localized RNAs in Xenopus laevis oocytes are involved in the patterning of the early embryo as well as in cell fate specification. Here we report on the isolation and characterization of a novel, vegetally localized RNA in Xenopus oocytes termed Xvelo1. It encodes a protein of unknown biological function and it represents an antisense RNA for XPc1 over a length of more than 1.8 kb. Xvelo1 exhibits a localization pattern reminiscent of the late pathway RNAs Vg1 and VegT; it contains RNA localization elements (LE) which do not match with the consensus structural features as deduced from Vg1 and VegT LEs. Nevertheless, the protein binding pattern as observed for Xvelo1-LE in UV cross-linking experiments and coimmunoprecipitation assays is largely overlapping with the one obtained for Vg1-LE. These observations suggest that the structural features recognized by the protein machinery that drives localization of maternal mRNAs along the late pathway in Xenopus oocytes must be redefined.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel gene, Tortoise (TorA), that is required for the efficient chemotaxis of Dictyostelium discoideum cells. Cells lacking TorA sense chemoattractant gradients as indicated by the presence of periodic waves of cell shape changes and the localized translocation of cytosolic PH domains to the membrane. However, they are unable to migrate directionally up spatial gradients of cAMP. Cells lacking Mek1 display a similar phenotype. Overexpression of Mek1 in torA- partially restores chemotaxis, whereas overexpression of TorA in mek1- does not rescue the chemotactic phenotype. Regardless of the genetic background, TorA overexpressing cells stop growing when separated from a substrate. Surprisingly, TorA-green fluorescent protein (GFP) is clustered near one end of mitochondria. Deletion analysis of the TorA protein reveals distinct regions for chemotactic function, mitochondrial localization, and the formation of clusters. TorA is associated with a round structure within the mitochondrion that shows enhanced staining with the mitochondrial dye Mitotracker. Cells overexpressing TorA contain many more of these structures than do wild-type cells. These TorA-containing structures resist extraction with Triton X-100, which dissolves the mitochondria. The characterization of TorA demonstrates an unexpected link between mitochondrial function, the chemotactic response, and the capacity to grow in suspension.  相似文献   

Mutations in MYOC gene encoding myocilin are responsible for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). In order to search for protein(s) that can interact with myocilin, we screened a human skeletal muscle cDNA library using yeast two-hybrid system and identified flotillin-1, a structural protein of lipid raft that is detergent-resistant and a liquid ordered microdomain, as a protein interacting with myocilin. The interaction was confirmed by in vitro glutathione S-transferase pulldown and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation studies. In yeast two-hybrid assay, the C-terminus of myocilin, an olfactomedin-like domain in which most mutations related to POAG are scattered, was found to be necessary and sufficient for the interaction. However, myocilins with mutations such as G364V, K423E, and Y437H on the domain failed to interact with flotillin-1. Although the physiological significance of the interaction has yet to be elucidated, our results showed that the alteration of the interaction by mutations in MYOC might be a key factor of the pathogenesis of POAG.  相似文献   

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