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 Three-year-old Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden trees and 1-year-old ramets of a single clone of E. nitens were pruned to remove 0, 50% or 70% of the green crown length. This was equivalent to removal of 0, 55% or 88% of foliage area of trees, and 0, 77% or 94% of foliage area of ramets. CO2 assimilation (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) were measured at constant illumination in five height zones and three foliage-age classes of trees over a 16-month period following pruning. Foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were determined for each measurement time during the first 12 months of the experiment. In ramets A and gs were measured in four height zones and two foliage-age classes over a six-week period, and N and P concentrations were measured only once, at the end of the experiment. Rates of A increased by up to 175% following pruning. This response occurred throughout the canopy irrespective of position in the crown or foliage age. The magnitude of the response was generally greater in ramets than in trees, and increased with increasing severity of pruning. The initiation of the response was later, and the duration of the response was longer, in trees than ramets. In the lower crown of trees there was evidence of delayed senescence following pruning. Photosynthetic enhancement was not related to changes in foliar N concentrations. The ratio of A/N increased in many zones following pruning, especially after more severe defoliation. There was no evidence that changes in P concentrations were responsible for the result. The increases in A may have been related to changes in gs, as maximum values of gs were greater, and the ratio of A/gs was generally lower, in pruned than unpruned plants. Received: 31 December 1996 / Accepted: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

The relationships between increasing nitrogen fertilization and growth, maximum CO2 assimilation and the initial slope of the CO2 response curve were studied in 2 ecotypes of wild strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchn. Nitrogen accumulation of CA11, an ecotype from a low-nutrient dune site, was greater at all nitrogen concentrations than that of RCP37, an ecotype from a higher-nutrient strand site. Maximum CO2 assimilation, total Rubisco activity, dry weight, and initiation of leaves and crowns were higher in CAI1 than RCP37 as nitrogen treatment was increased from 0 to 200 mg l-1, whereas these parameters were lower in CAl1 when fertilized at 300 mg T1, but not in RCP37. The mean leaf area of CA11 was greater than RCP37 when grown with no supplemental nitrogen, but mean leaf area of the 2 lines was similar under nitrogen fertilization. Maximum CO2 assimilation and carboxylation efficiency increased with increasing leaf nitrogen in both clones. At equivalent concentrations of leaf nitrogen, RCP37 had higher CO2 assimilation and carboxylation efficiency than CA11 and the difference between the 2 clones increased as ieaf nitrogen increased. Thus, RCP37 had a higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency than CA11. However, at a given applied nitrogen level, CA11 allocated more nitrogen to a unit of leaf area so that photosynthetic rates were higher than RCP37, except at the highest application of 300 mg l-1. The high nitrogen accumulation capacity and resource allocation to fruiting structures (crowns) in CA11 leads us to suggest that this clone may possess genes that could increase fruit yield in cultivated strawberry.  相似文献   

 Development of the relationship between leaf area (A l ) and sapwood area (A s ) was investigated in two important hardwoods, Eucalyptus globulus (Labill) and E. nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden, growing in an experimental plantation established in a low rainfall zone (approx. 515 mm year–1) of Tasmania. The experiment compared irrigated controls and a rainfed treatment which was subjected to cyclical summer droughts from age 1 to 6 years old. Leaf area and sapwood area were determined by destructive sampling at ages 2, 3 and 6 years old. There was no effect of stand age on A l :A s when sapwood area was measured at crown break. At age 3 years old A l :A s was significantly greater in the rainfed than the irrigated trees. It was concluded that this difference was due to earlier canopy closure in the irrigated trees. When the plantation was 6 years old A l :A s was significantly greater in the irrigated than the rainfed treatment. An analysis based on an equation which links A l :A s with transpiration and volumetric flow rate (Whitehead et al. 1984) was used to infer a positive correlation between stem hydraulic conductivity (k h ) and water availability. Independent of water availability E. globulus maintained a higher A l :A s than E. nitens at all ages. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 30 December 1997  相似文献   

Häusler RE  Schlieben NH  Flügge UI 《Planta》2000,210(3):383-390
 Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants with decreased and increased transport capacities of the chloroplast triose phosphate/phosphate translocator (TPT) were used to study the control the TPT exerts on the flux of starch and sucrose biosynthesis, as well as CO2 assimilation, respiration and photosynthetic electron transport. For this purpose, tobacco lines with an antisense repression of the endogenous TPT (αTPT) and tobacco lines overexpressing a TPT gene from Flaveria trinervia (FtTPT) were used. In ambient CO2, there was no or little effect of altered TPT transport activities on either rates of photosynthetic electron transport and/or CO2 assimilation. However, in elevated CO2 (1500 μl · l−1) and low O2 (2%) the TPT exerted strong control on the rate of CO2 assimilation (control coefficient for the wild type; CJA TPT=0.30) in saturating light. Similarly, the incorporation of 14C into starch in high CO2 was increased in tobacco plants with decreased TPT activity, but was reduced in plants overexpressing the TPT from F. trinervia. Thus, the TPT exerted negative control on the rate of starch biosynthesis with a CJStarch TPT=−0.19 in the wild type estimated from a hyperbolic curve fitted to the data points. This was less than the positive control strength on the rate of sucrose biosynthesis (CJSuc TPT=0.35 in the wild type). Theoretically, the positive control exerted on sucrose biosynthesis should be numerically identical to the negative control on starch biosynthesis unless additional metabolic pathways are affected. The rate of dark respiration showed some correlation with the TPT activity in that it increased in FtTPT overexpressors, but decreased in αTPT plants with an apparent control coefficient of CJRes TPT=0.24. If the control on sucrose biosynthesis is referred to as “gain of carbon” (positive control) and the control on starch biosynthesis as well as dark respiration as a “loss of carbon” (negative control) for sucrose biosynthesis and subsequent export, the sum of the control coefficients on dark respiration and starch biosynthesis would be numerically similar to the control coefficient on the rate of sucrose biosynthesis. There was also some control on the rate of photosynthetic electron transport, but only at high light and in elevated CO2 combined with low O2. The control coefficient for the rate of photosynthetic electron transport was CJETR TPT=0.16 in the wild type. Control coefficients were also calculated for plants with elevated and lowered TPT activity. Furthermore, the extent to which starch degradation/glucose utilisation compensates for the lack of triose phosphate export was assessed. The TPT also exerted control on metabolite contents in air. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 21 August 1999  相似文献   

光合作用的冰冻伤害研究大多利用离体叶片、原生质体,甚至叶绿体类囊体进行人工冰冻预处理,关于室外自然温度下出现的植物光合作用冰冻伤害,特别是冰冻影响光合量子效率的研究报告还很少。虽然光合碳同化受抑是最早可以测到的冰冻伤害征状,但其机理迄今不清楚(Krause等1982,Krause和Klosson1983)。  相似文献   

 Regions of the genome influencing height and leaf area in seedlings of a three-generation outbred pedigree of Eucalyptus nitens have been identified. Three QTLs affecting height and two QTLs affecting leaf area were located using single-factor analysis of variance. The three QTLs affecting height each explained between 10.3 and 14.7% of the phenotypic variance, while the two QTLs for leaf area each explained between 9.8 and 11.6% of the phenotypic variation. Analysis of fully informative marker loci linked to the QTLs enabled the mode of action of the QTLs to be investigated. For three loci the QTL effect segregated from only one parent, while for two loci the QTL showed multiple alleles and the effect segregated from both parents in the pedigree. The two QTLs affecting leaf area were located in the same regions as two of the QTLs affecting height. Analysis of these regions with fully informative markers showed that both QTLs were linked to the same markers, but one had a similar size of effects and a similar mode of action for both height and leaf area, whilst the other showed a different mode of action for the two traits. These regions may contain two closely linked genes or may involve a single gene with a pleiotrophic effect on both height and leaf area. The QTL with the greatest effect showed multiple alleles and an intra-locus interaction that reduced the size of the effect. Assessment for two of the QTLs in a second related family did not show an effect associated with the marker loci; however, this was consistent with the mode of action of these QTLs and the pattern of inheritance in the second family. Received: 1 August 1996 / Accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

Two branches of a field-grown Chamaecy-paris obtusa tree were enclosed in chambers of an open gas exchange system for continuous CO2 exchange measurements. One branch was subjected to ambient air (CO2, 370 μmol mol–1) and the other was subjected to CO2-enriched air (800 μmol mol–1). The CO2 exchange rate of the branches, air temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density were recorded every 4 min by a computer during the two experimental periods of July 1994 to June 1995 (experiment 1) and April 1996 to August 1997 (experiment 2). The response of CO2 gas exchange rate to light changed with the seasonal temperature. The highest saturated rate of net photosynthesis on a leaf area basis was observed in May and October in both CO2 treatments when the mean daytime temperature was about 18–19°C. This temperature was almost equal to the yearly mean daytime temperature. Above and below this temperature, the saturated net photosynthesis rate decreased. The net photosynthesis rate was usually higher in the elevated CO2 treatment. The ratio of monthly net photosynthesis rate in elevated CO2 to that in ambient CO2 was linearly related to the monthly mean daytime temperature. This ratio increased by 3.3% for each 1°C increase in the monthly mean daytime temperature; the highest ratio of 1.8 occurred in August. When the ratio was 1.0, the temperature was about 5–6°C, which was close to the mean daytime temperature of the coldest month. Elevated CO2 increased per unit area net photosynthesis by 38.5% and 43.7% in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Received: 29 March 1999 / Accepted: 22 October 1999  相似文献   

 The physiological properties of transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with decreased or increased transport capacities of the chloroplast triose phosphate/phosphate translocator (TPT) were compared in order to investigate the extent to which the TPT controls metabolic fluxes in wild-type tobacco. For this purpose, tobacco lines with an antisense repression of the endogenous TPT (αTPT) and tobacco lines overexpressing the TPT gene isolated from the C4 plant Flaveria trinervia (FtTPT) were used. The F. trinervia TPT expressed in yeast cells exhibited transport characteristics identical to the TPT from C3 plants. Neither antisense TPT plants nor FtTPT overexpressors showed a phenotype when grown in a greenhouse in air. Contents of starch and soluble sugars in upper source leaves were similar in TPT underexpressors and FtTPT overexpressors compared to the wild type at the end of the photoperiod. The FtTPT overexpressors incorporated more 14CO2 in sucrose than the wild type, indicating that the TPT limits sucrose biosynthesis in the wild type. There were only small effects on labelling of amino acids and organic acids. The mobilisation of starch was enhanced in αTPT lines but decreased in FtTPT overexpressors compared to the wild type. Enzymes involved in starch mobilisation or utilisation, such as α-amylase or hexokinase were increased in αTPT plants and, in the case of amylases, decreased in FtTPT overexpressors. Moreover, α-amylase activity exhibited a pronounced diurnal variation in αTPT lines with a maximum activity after 8 h in the light. These changes in starch hydrolytic activities were confirmed by activity staining of native gels. Activities of glucan phosphorylases were unaffected by either a decrease or an increase in TPT activity. There were also effects of TPT activities on steady-state levels of phosphorylated intermediates as well as total amino acids and malate. In air, there was no or little effect of altered TPT transport activity on either rates of photosynthetic electron transport and/or CO2 assimilation. However, in elevated CO2 (1500 μl · l−1) and low O2 (2%) the rate of CO2 assimilation was decreased in the αTPT lines and was slightly higher in FtTPT lines. This shows that the TPT limits maximum rates of photosynthesis in the wild type. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 21 August 1999  相似文献   

Chlorotoluron is a selective phenylurea herbicide widely used for broad-leaved and annual grass weed control in cereals. Variation in the response to chlorotoluron (CT) was found in both hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and wild tetraploid wheat (Triticum dicoccoides KöRN.). Here, we describe the comparative mapping of the CT resistance gene (Su1) on chromosome 6B in bread and wild wheat using RFLP markers. In bread wheat, mapping was based on 58 F4 single-seed descent (SSD) plants of the cross between a genotype sensitive to chlorotoluron, ‘Chinese Spring’ (CS), and a resistant derivative, the single chromosome substitution line, CS (‘Cappele-Desprez’ 6B) [CS (CAP6B). In T dicoccoides, mapping was based on 37 F2 plants obtained from the cross between the CT-susceptible accession B-7 and the resistant accession B-35. Nine RFLP probes spanning the centromere were chosen for mapping. In bread wheat Su1 was found to be linked to α-Amy-1 (9.84 cM) and Xpsr371 (5.2 cM), both on the long arm of 6B, and Nor2 (2.74 cM) on the short arm. In wild wheat the most probable linkage map was Nor2-Xpsr312-Su1-Pgk2, and the genetic distances between the genes were 24.8cM, 5.3cM, and 6.8cM, respectively. These results along with other published map data indicate that the linear order of the genes is similar to that found in T. aestivum. The results of this study also show that the Su1 gene for differential response to chlorotoluron has evolved prior to the domestication of cultivated wheat and not in response to the development and use of chemicals.  相似文献   

Vance, C. P., Reibach, P. H. and Pankhurst, C. E. 1987. Symbiotic properties of Lotus pedunculatus root nodules induced by Rhizobium loti and Bradyrhizobium sp. ( Lotus ).
Symbiotic properties of root nodules were evaluated in glasshouse-grown Lotus pedunculatus Cav. cv. Maku inoculated with either a fast-growing Rhizobium loti strain NZP2037 or a slow-growing Bradyrhizobium sp. ( Lotus ) strain CC814s. Although the nodule mass of plants inoculated with NZP2037 was twice that of plants inoculated with CC814s, the yield of NZP2037 shoots and roots was 50% that of CC814s shoots and roots. Nodules induced by Bradyrhizobium fixed substantially more N than nodules induced by R. loti. Glucose requirements [mol glucose (mol N2 fixed)-1] of nodules induced by CC814s and NZP2037 were 7.1 and 16.6, respectively. Nodule enzymes of carbon and nitrogen assimilation reflected the disparity of the two sym-bioses. Xylem sap of the symbiosis with the higher yield contained a higher concentration of asparagine [9.86 μmol (ml xylem sap)'] than did the lower yielding symbiosis [5.80 umol (ml xylem sap)"']. Nodule CO2 fixation was directly linked to nodule N assimilation in both symbioses. The results indicate that the difference between the two symbioses extend to nodule N and C assimilation and whole plant N transport. The data support a role for host plant modulation of bacterial efficiency and assimilation of fixed N.  相似文献   

 The aim of this study was to characterise growth and photosynthetic capacity in plants adapted to long-term contrasting atmospheric CO2 concentrations (C a). Seeds of Agrostis canina L. ssp. monteluccii were collected from a natural CO2 transect in central-western Italy and plants grown in controlled environment chambers at both ambient and elevated CO2 (350 and 700 μmol mol−1) in nutrient-rich soil. Seasonal mean C a at the source of the plant material ranged from 610 to 451 μmol CO2 mol−1, derived from C4 leaf stable carbon isotope discrimination (δ13C). Under chamber conditions, CO2 enrichment stimulated the growth of all populations. However, plants originating from elevated C a exhibited higher initial relative growth rates (RGRs) irrespective of chamber CO2 concentrations and a positive relationship was found between RGR and C a at the seed source. Seed weight was positively correlated with C a, but differences in seed weight were found to explain no more than 34% of the variation in RGRs at elevated CO2. Longer-term experiments (over 98 days) on two populations originating from the extremes of the transect (451 and 610 μmol CO2 mol−1) indicated that differences in growth between populations were maintained when plants were grown at both 350 and 700 μmol CO2 mol−1. Analysis of leaf material revealed an increase in the cell wall fraction (CWF) in plants grown at elevated CO2, with plants originating from high C a exhibiting constitutively lower levels but a variable response in terms of the degree of lignification. In vivo gas exchange measurements revealed no significant differences in light and CO2 saturated rates of photosynthesis and carboxylation efficiency between populations or with CO2 treatment. Moreover, SDS-PAGE/ LISA quantification of leaf ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) showed no difference in Rubisco content between populations or CO2 treatments. These findings suggest that long-term adaptation to growth at elevated CO2 may be associated with a potential for increased growth, but this does not appear to be linked with differences in the intrinsic capacity for photosynthesis. Received: 16 August 1996 / Accepted: 19 October 1996  相似文献   

Molecular markers linked to resistance genes are useful to facilitate the introgression of one or more of these genes in breeding materials. Following the approach of bulked segregant analysis, RAPD markers linked to resistance genes against beet necrotic yellow vein virus were identified in the four Beta accessions Holly-1-4, R104, R128 and WB42. Two primers were found which generate RAPD markers tightly linked to resistance in segregating families of Holly-1-4, R104 and R128, indicating that the resistance genes in these accessions might be situated at the same locus. Other, specific, primers were identified which generate RAPD markers linked to resistance in each of these accessions. Short-range maps were established around the resistance locus in these accessions. For WB42, RAPD markers were only identified at a relatively large distance from the resistance gene. Conversion of three RAPD primers of Holly-1-4, R104 and R128 into STS primers resulted in STS markers which can be readily used for marker-assisted selection in breeding programmes. Received: 8 January 1996 / Accepted: 14 June 1996  相似文献   

 A very efficient protocol for plant regeneration from two commercial Humulus lupulus L. (hop) cultivars, Brewers Gold and Nugget has been established, and the morphogenetic potential of explants cultured on Adams modified medium supplemented with several concentrations of cytokinins and auxins studied. Zeatin at 4.56 μm produced direct caulogenesis and caulogenic calli in both cultivars. Subculture of these calli on Adams modified medium supplemented with benzylaminopurine (4.4 μm) and indolebutyric acid (0.49 μm) promoted shoot regeneration which gradually increased up to the third subculture. Regeneration rates of 60 and 29% were achieved for Nugget and Brewers Gold, respectively. By selection of callus lines, it has been possible to maintain caulogenic potential for 14 months. Regenerated plants were successfully transferred to field conditions. Received: 10 March 1997 / Revision received: 12 November 1997 / Accepted: 22 November 1998  相似文献   

Intertidal macroalgae are submerged in seawater at high tide and exposed to air at low tide. When they are exposed to the air, CO2 is the main inorganic carbon source. In this study, the photosynthetic performances of PSI and PSII were measured in different generations of Pyropia yezoensis (leafy thalli and filamentous thalli) that had been exposed to air containing different CO2 concentrations. Changes in photosynthesis during dehydration and salt treatment under the different CO2 concentrations were also analyzed. The results showed that in leafy thalli, the effective photochemical quantum yield of PSII (YII) was enhanced as CO2 increased, which suggested that CO2 assimilation was enhanced and that they can utilize CO2 in the air directly, even when they are subjected to moderate stress. These findings could explain why, in P. yezoensis aquaculture, moderate exposure to air does not lead to a decrease in crop yield. However, in filamentous thalli, there were no significant differences in YII at the CO2 concentrations tested. The expression of genes involved in the Calvin cycle in leafy thalli was higher than that in filamentous thalli. CO2 uptake and biomass of P. yezoensis leafy thalli is larger than filamentous thalli, which may be due to its different carbon utilization mechanism and the adaptation of intertidal environment in the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

 Seedlings of Eucalyptus tereticornis (Smith) were grown under two levels of availability each of CO2 (352 and 793 μmol mol−1), soil nutrients (1/24 and 1/4 Hoagland’s solution) and light (full and 30% sunlight). Low soil nutrient availability or high light increased the C:N ratio of leaves, leading to lower leaf nitrogen concentrations, higher leaf specific weights and higher levels of both total phenolics and condensed tannins. These results were consistent with other studies of the effect of environmental resource availability on foliage composition. Similar results were observed when the C:N ratio of leaves was increased under elevated CO2. The changes in leaf chemistry induced by the treatments affected the performance of 4th-instar larvae of Chrysophtharta flaveola (Chapuis) fed on the leaves. Increased C:N ratios of leaves reduced digestive efficiencies and pupal body sizes and increased mortality. Below a threshold nitrogen concentration of approximately 1% dry mass, severe reductions in the performance of larvae were recorded. Such changes may have significant consequences for herbivores of Eucalyptus, particularly in view of projected increases in atmospheric CO2. Received: 8 January 1996 / Accepted: 26 June 1996  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the response of photosynthesis and growth to e-CO2 conditions (800 vs. 400 μmol mol−1) of rice genotypes differing in source–sink relationships. A proxy trait called local C source–sink ratio was defined as the ratio of flag leaf area to the number of spikelets on the corresponding panicle, and five genotypes differing in this ratio were grown in a controlled greenhouse. Differential CO2 resources were applied either during the 2 weeks following heading (EXP1) or during the whole growth cycle (EXP2). Under e-CO2, low source–sink ratio cultivars (LSS) had greater gains in photosynthesis, and they accumulated less nonstructural carbohydrate in the flag leaf than high source–sink ratio cultivars (HSS). In EXP2, grain yield and biomass gain was also greater in LSS probably caused by their strong sink. Photosynthetic capacity response to e-CO2 was negatively correlated across genotypes with local C source–sink ratio, a trait highly conserved across environments. HSS were sink-limited under e-CO2, probably associated with low triose phosphate utilization (TPU) capacity. We suggest that the local C source–sink ratio is a potential target for selecting more CO2-responsive cultivars, pending validation for a broader genotypic spectrum and for field conditions.  相似文献   

 Chemical and stable carbon isotopic analyses of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were carried out for groundwater samples collected from cold springs and shallow wells in the Unzen volcanic region in 1999 and 2000. All of the data sets plotted on the carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) vs 1/DIC diagram can be explained by mixing of volcanic CO2 with DIC equilibrated with soil CO2. Groundwater DIC showing a high mixing ratio of volcanic CO2 appears to have a tendency to distribute along two major faults near the activity center of the 1990–1995 eruption. This suggests that these faults are escape routes of volcanic CO2 diffused into the volcanic edifice. The total flux of the volcanic DIC discharged from the cold springs is shown to be one to two orders of magnitude lower than the roughly estimated flux of volcanic CO2 discharged from the summit during the eruptive period. Received: November 10, 2001 / Accepted: June 6, 2002 Acknowledgments The Unzen Scientific Drilling Project, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan), provided funding. We acknowledge G. Lyon and W. Gooley for stable carbon isotope measurement, K. Amita for DIC analysis, and students of Kyoto University and Okayama University of Science for assistance in field work. Correspondence to:S. Ohsawa  相似文献   

 The influence of culture chamber capacity, medium volume and culture density on the growth yields of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) shoots were determined in an environment containing either 350 or 10,000 μmol mol–1 CO2 after 8 weeks of incubation. High positive correlations occurred between the culture vessel capacity and spearmint fresh weight, leaf number, root number, and shoot number. Similarly, high positive correlations occurred between culture vessel capacity and lettuce fresh weight, leaf number, and root number. Higher fresh weights, leaf numbers, and root numbers were obtained from lettuce and spearmint shoots when cultured in 1-quart Mason jars containing 100- or 150-ml aliquots of medium compared to jars containing 25- or 50-ml aliquots of medium within an environment containing either 350 or 10,000 μmol mol–1 CO2. High culture density decreased growth yields, and this phenomenon could only be slightly off-set by the employment of an elevated CO2 environment or larger culture vessels. Received: 22 December 1998 / Revision received: 2 July 1999 / Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

 We evaluated the hypothesis that photosynthetic traits differ between leaves produced at the beginning (May) and the end (November–December) of the rainy season in the canopy of a seasonally dry forest in Panama. Leaves produced at the end of the wet season were predicted to have higher photosynthetic capacities and higher water-use efficiencies than leaves produced during the early rainy season. Such seasonal phenotypic differentiation may be adaptive, since leaves produced immediately preceding the dry season are likely to experience greater light availability during their lifetime due to reduced cloud cover during the dry season. We used a construction crane for access to the upper canopy and sampled 1- to 2-month-old leaves marked in monthly censuses for six common tree species with various ecological habits and leaf phenologies. Photosynthetic capacity was quantified as light- and CO2-saturated oxygen evolution rates with a leaf-disk oxygen electrode in the laboratory (O2max) and as light-saturated CO2 assimilation rates of intact leaves under ambient CO2 (Amax). In four species, pre-dry season leaves had significantly higher leaf mass per unit area. In these four species, O2max and Amax per unit area and maximum stomatal conductances were significantly greater in pre-dry season leaves than in early wet season leaves. In two species, Amax for a given stomatal conductance was greater in pre-dry season leaves than in early wet season leaves, suggesting a higher photosynthetic water-use efficiency in the former. Photosynthetic capacity per unit mass was not significantly different between seasons of leaf production in any species. In both early wet season and pre-dry season leaves, mean photosynthetic capacity per unit mass was positively correlated with nitrogen content per unit mass both within and among species. Seasonal phenotypic differentiation observed in canopy tree species is achieved through changes in leaf mass per unit area and increased maximum stomatal conductance rather than by changes in nitrogen allocation patterns. Received: 7 March 1996 / Accepted: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

 High-quality nonlocal density functional calculations have been carried out on the deformability of Fe(II)CO and Fe(III)CN units in model compounds of heme proteins. The results confirm our previous finding with a local functional that the Fe(II)CO unit is significantly deformable with respect to tilting and bending. This deformability stems in large part from a large, negative interaction constant between the FeC tilt and FeCO bend coordinates. The Fe(III)CN unit is also significantly deformable, but in this case the deformability results from a very small Fe(III)CN bend force constant and the ability of the cyano nitrogen to act as a hydrogen bond acceptor. The prediction that the energetic penalty associated with deforming the Fe(II)CO unit is relatively modest indicates that such deformations are unlikely to be the dominant contributor to myoglobin's discrimation against CO in favor of O2. Received, accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

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