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The radius of gyration and “persistence length” of poly-L -alanine, calculated from small-angle x-ray scattering data, have values of 56 Å and 44 Å, respectively, in dichloroacetic acid, and 78 Å and ~30 Å in a 1:1 v/v mixture of trifluoroacetic acid and trifluoroethanol. This can be interpreted to mean that poly-L -alanine exists in a relatively rigid, predominantly α-helical conformation in dichloroacetic acid and in an extended, more flexible form in the mixed solvent system.  相似文献   

The scattered X-ray intensities from dilute solutions of lysine transfer RNA ligase, in 0.1 m-phosphate buffer at pH 7.0, have been measured at 21 °. The radius of gyration R (37.5 Å), the molecular weight M (114,000), and the volume V (295,000 Å3) were determined.A comparison between the scattering curves obtained from the enzyme and the theoretical scattering curves of different triaxial bodies shows that the shape of the molecule can be represented by an oblate ellipsoid with the semiaxes A = 62.7, B = 50.1 and C = 23.5 A?.  相似文献   

Small-angle x-ray scattering of high- and low-affinity heparin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solution characterization of heparin with high affinity (HA) and low affinity (LA) for antithrombin III was performed using the methods of small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), viscometry, and aqueous gel permeation chromatography (GPC). SAXS provided various topological parameters including the radius of gyration ([S2]1/2), radius of gyration of cross-section ([S2]q1/2), persistence length (a*), contour length (L), and mass parameters, e.g., overall molecular mass (Mr), and mass per unit length (Mq). The molecular weights of HA and LA pig mucosal heparins were found to be 14,900 and 11,500 and the respective radii of gyration were 40.1 and 33.6 A. The persistence lengths of HA and LA were 21.3 and 20.3 A, respectively. These parameters were compared to SAXS data of heparin [S. S. Stivala, M. Herbst, O. Kratky, and I. Pilz (1968) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 127, 795-802] fractionated according to molecular weight only. It was found that the various experimental values of this heparin lie somewhere in between those of HA and LA heparins. It appears that there are no appreciable differences in the physico-chemical properties, including conformation, among the heparins in H2O at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

Theoretical small-angle diffuse scattering curves from muscle thin filament models have been calculated. The curves reveal a maximum at 115' scattering angle. It has been shown that the maximum is due to the pitch of F-actin helix. Theoretical curves are in good agreement with the earlier obtained curves of small-angle diffuse scattering from F-actin dilute solutions.  相似文献   

Metal ion-induced conformational changes in Serratia protease which contains one zinc ion per molecule were investigated by the small-angle x-ray scattering method. The molecule is an elongated ellipsoid of approximately 110 x 40 x 40 A with a large cleft in its central region. Comparisons of the native (zinc-enzyme) with the zinc-free (apoenzyme) enzyme and with the zinc-replated metalloenzyme show small but significant differences in their radii of gyration, maximum particle dimensions, and intraparticle pair-distance distributions. The radius of gyration and maximum particle dimension of the native enzyme are almost the same as those of the cobalt-enzyme but are shorter and longer, respectively, than those of the apo- and cadmium-enzymes. Simulation analysis based on the intraparticle pair-distribution function showed that these modified enzymes are comparable with the native enzyme in overall structure, and, except for the cobalt-enzyme, differ in cleft size. The residual enzymatic activity of the cobalt-enzyme is the same as that of the native enzyme, but the apo- and cadmium-enzymes have considerably less activity. The size of the cleft therefore is strictly controlled to ensure optimal enzyme activity, and the position and coordination behavior of the zinc ion in the cleft appears to be essential both for biological functioning and for the maintenance of the gross tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The proteoglycan subunit (PGS) from bovine nasal cartilage was examined in water and in 0.15 N LiCl by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The molecular weight of 2.5 × 106 and the radius of gyration, Rg = 493 Å, in 0.15 N LiCl, obtained by SAXS, are in good agreement with values reported by others for similar preparations. Values of the radius of gyration of the cross section, mass per unit length, and persistence length of the PGS are also reported. The low value of intrinsic viscosity ([η]) found in 0.15 N LiCl, and a comparison of the experimental distance distribution function to that of the theoretical distance distribution function for sphere, suggest that the PGS in salt solution approaches spherical symmetry. The much higher value of [η] in water suggests a prolate ellipsoid of low axial ratio.  相似文献   

X-ray crystallographic studies of troponin C (Herzberg, O., and James, M.N.G. (1985) Nature 313, 653-659; Sundaralingam, M., Bergstrom, R., Strasburg, G., Rao, S.T., and Roychowdhury, P. (1985a) Science 227, 945-948) have revealed a novel protein structure consisting of two globular domains, each containing two Ca2+-binding sites, connected via a nine-turn alpha-helix, three turns of which are fully exposed to solvent. Since the crystals were grown at pH approximately 5, it is of interest to determine whether this structure is applicable to the protein in solution under physiological conditions. We have used small-angle x-ray scattering to examine the solution structure of troponin C at pH 6.8 and the effect of Ca2+ on the structure. The scattering data are consistent with an elongated structure in solution with a radius of gyration of approximately 23.0 A, which is quite comparable to that computed for the crystal structure. The experimental scattering profile and the scattering profile computed from the crystal structure coordinates do, however, exhibit differences at the 40-A level. A weak Ca2+-facilitated dimerization of troponin C was observed. The data rule out large Ca2+-induced structural changes, indicating rather that the molecule with Ca2+ bound is only slightly more compact than the Ca2+-free molecule.  相似文献   

Dynamics of insect lipophorin metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The two polypeptide chains of cockroach and locust lipophorins were separated and their amino acid compositions were determined. Circular dichroic spectra of the lipophorins and apolipophorin from 190 to 250 nm showed a single trough at 218 nm and a peak at 194 nm. Infrared spectra of the lipophorins in D2O showed a strong peak at 1625 cm-1 and a weak shoulder at 1693 cm-1 corresponding to v (pi, 0) and nu (0, pi) of antiparallel pleated sheet. The resonance frequency splitting delta nu = nu (0, pi) -nu (pi, 0) was 68 cm-1, which was larger than that of ordinary globular proteins containing antiparallel pleated sheet. From circular dichroic and infrared spectra it was concluded that lipophorins contained polypeptides rich in antiparallel pleated sheet with longer unbroken extensions than the case for ordinary globular proteins. Partial proteolytic digestion study of lipophorins with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and subtilisin showed that the larger apolipophorin (AL1) was exposed to the surface of the particle and the smaller apolipophorin (AL2) lay protected from the attack of the enzymes. Crosslinked products between AL1 and AL2 were readily obtained when dimethylsuberimidate or dimethyladipimidate was added to the lipophorin solution, without giving lipophorin dimers, suggesting that the two chains were located within 11 A from each other. Such structural features of insect lipoprotein were compared with other insect lipophorins and the human serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Similarities between lipophorins and LDL were found in the molecular weight, amino acid compositions, and the secondary structure of major apoproteins.  相似文献   

Small-angle x-ray scattering was used for studying intermediate species, isolated after heat-induced aggregation of the A variant of bovine beta-lactoglobulin. The intermediates were separated in two fractions, the heated metastable dimer and heated metastable oligomers larger than the dimer. The pair distance distribution functions for the two intermediate fractions as well as for the native protein have been obtained by indirect Fourier transformation. In addition, the scattering intensity data for samples of the native protein at different concentrations were fitted using a combination of monomer and dimer form factors, which provides an estimate of the amount of monomer in solutions. By subtracting the contribution from the monomer, the scattering intensity from the dimer of the native protein can be determined and compared with the results for the metastable dimer. An ellipsoidal model was used to fit the data for the metastable dimer, and for comparison the same analysis was performed on the dimer of the native protein. The results show that the metastable dimer is more elongated than the dimer of the native protein and it occupies a volume 1.4-fold larger, in agreement with a more loose, partially unfolded conformation. The same ellipsoidal model was used to analyze the data for the fraction of larger metastable oligomers. In this case, an even more elongated ellipsoid was obtained, suggesting a linear association of monomers in the oligomers.  相似文献   

Two human serum lipoprotein particles, HDL3 and LDL, were studied in solution in solvents of variable density (NaBr in water) by small-angle X-ray scattering using a position-sensitive proportional counter. The data were analysed using the theoretical approach outlined in the accompanying paper (Luzzati et al., 1976). The structures of the particles were found to be independent of the salt concentration of the solution (i.e. the particles are impenetrable to NaBr). Density heterogeneities are negligible and size and shape heterogeneities appear to be small.The particle structures could be quantitatively described in terms of a set of parameters and of a few one-dimensional functions. The parameters are the volume, radius of gyration and surface area of the shape functions; the second moment and square average of the electron density contrast at buoyancy; the electron density level, volume, radius of gyration and surface area of the hydrocarbon and polar regions. The one-dimensional functions are: the distribution of chords, the spherical average of the shape function and of the electron density at buoyancy, and the fraction of each spherical shell occupied by the hydrocarbon and polar regions. These parameters and functions are internally consistent and agree with the chemical data confirming the assumptions made in their derivation.The results are compatible with the shape of the particle being compact and quasi-spherical although with deeply convoluted surfaces. They also indicate that the outer layers of the particles are occupied by the proteins and the polar groups of phospholipids and free cholesterol, and the cores by neutral lipids. The maximum diameters of the particles are 130Å and 280Å for HDL3 and LDL, respectively, while the hydrocarbon cores have diameters of 80Å and 230Å, respectively. The solvent is considered to penetrate to 25Å from the center of the HDL3 particle with a minimum solvation at a radius of 45Å. In the case of LDL, the solvent penetrates to 55Å from the center of the particle. The lipids in the cores of the particles, particularly the cholesterol esters, appear to display a micelle-like organization with the steroid nuclei segregated in regions distinct from those occupied by the hydrocarbon chains.Although the data are consistent with several aspects of previously proposed models, they indicate that the structures of the HDL3 and LDL particles are more complex than previously believed.  相似文献   

An insect high density lipoprotein, lipophorin, can be rapidly isolated from larval Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) hemolymph by single vertical spin density gradient ultracentrifugation. The two apolipoproteins (Mr = 245,000 and 78,000; designated apoLp-I and apoLp-II, respectively) were readily dissociated and separated in 6 M guanidine HCl by gel permeation chromatography. ApoLp-I and apoLp-II showed no immunological cross-reactivity on electrophoretic blots of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. ApoLp-I and apoLp-II from lipophorin of adult M. sexta behaved identically to their larval counterparts. Amino acid compositions of larval apoLp-I and apoLp-II were similar except with respect to tryptophan and cysteine; apoLp-I contained 32 residues/mol of tryptophan (1.5 mol%) and 22 residues/mol (1.1 mol%) of cysteine; apoLp-II contained 2 residues/mol of tryptophan (0.2 mol%) and 14 residues/mol of cysteine (2.1 mol%). In double immunodiffusion tests, antiserum against apoLp-I or whole lipophorin strongly precipitated lipophorin, while antiserum against apoLp-II caused only minor precipitation. This indicates relatively greater exposure of apoLp-I to the aqueous environment.  相似文献   

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