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The lakes under study can be classified as eutrophic-hypertrophic waterbodies according to the level of primary production. High concentrations of suspended matter (up to 7326 g/m3) and total phosphorus (up to 5625 mg/m3) were registered in the lakes. The values of the primary production of plankton and the destruction of organic matter do not depend on the absolute concentration of salts in water. Unlike the destruction of organic matter, the primary production of plankton is higher in winter than in summer. Thus, the accumulation of organic matter in saline lakes occurs mainly in winter. The negative relationship between the primary production of plankton and the biomass of the filter feeder Artemia sp. has been determined.  相似文献   

Chinese saline lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
China has many saline lakes. Most occur in the west and north-east. Four main regions can be distinguished: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, North western, North-central and Eastern. All types of chemical composition occur, but some regionalization of types is found. The Palaeolimnology of many saline lakes in China has been investigated, and a variety of dating techniques indicate ages between the Quaternary and the Recent. Organisms studied include Artemia, Dunaliella salina and some halophilic bacteria. The important role of organisms in many processes of geochemical and geological interest is stressed. Geoecology, as a combination of geology, mineral deposition and ecology, is a subject worth greater attention.  相似文献   

Primary production studies in two linked but contrasting Welsh lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. Llyn Padarn and Llyn Peris have distinct phytoplankton populations. During 1975–76, the standing crop measured as chlorophyll- a was 5.5 times greater in Padarn than in Peris and the production rate, determined by the 14CO2 method, was faster by 3.4 times. These differences were attributed to the higher concentrations of phosphorus in the lower lake caused by treated sewage effluent. Incident light intensity, which was slightly lower in Peris due to mountain shading, and temperature, which was 1–4°C higher in Padarn, made little significant contribution to these differences during the summer. The reduced transparency of Padarn water, compared with that of Peris, resulted from denser phytopiankton crops in Padarn. During the summer, Padarn exhibited carbon dioxide depletion which correlated with the chlorophyll concentration. Light inhibition at the surfaces of both lakes correlated with solar radiation intensity. However, the relationship between pigment content and maximum photosynthetic rate was poor. Extracellular products accounted for about 16% of the total production in the lakes. Uptake of 14C-labelled acetate was low compared with that of 14CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

B. V. Timms 《Hydrobiologia》1981,79(3):233-238
Lakes Purrembete, Bullenmerri and Gnotuk are relatively deep lakes with salinities of 0.4, 8 and 58 respectively. From Carbon-14 experiments conducted monthly over a year annual primary production was 96.2, 182.1 and 90.1 gCm-2. These values correlate well with chlorophyll-a in Purrumbete and Bullenmerri, but not in Gnotuk. There is considerable dark fixation in both the saline lakes.  相似文献   

The coupling of primary and bacterial production over depthwas examined in three lakes which differed greatly in verticalpatterns of primary productivity. We measured bacterial production,chlorophyll and light, and estimated primary production in PaulLake (Gogebic County, Michigan) and Crystal and Trout lakes(Vilas County, Wisconsin) during the summer stratification period(May–September 1991). Bacterial productivity was measuredusing the [3H]leucine incorporation method and primary productivityestimated from measured photosynthesis–irradiance relationships.Three distinct vertical patterns were observed. In Paul Lake,bacterial production was highest at the interface between theaerobic and anaerobic layers, well below the depth of maximumprimary production. In Crystal Lake, bacterial production wasuniform with depth, although primary productivity was highestin the hypolimnion. In the largest lake. Trout Lake, primaryand bacterial production tended to co-vary with maximum ratesof both processes occurring in the metalimnion. Overall, bacterialproductivity was poorly related to contemporaneous primary productionin the three lakes, suggesting that other factors, such as nutrientrecycling, phytoplankton loss rates and allocthonous loading,determine patterns in the depth distribution of bacterial productivity.  相似文献   

Oxygen- and carbon-14-based primary production estimates from9–16 h in vitro incubations were compared in lakes Huronand Michigan. For surface mixing layer compansons, gross O2/14Cphotosynthetic quotients (gross PQ) averaged 2.2, and net O2/14Cphotosynthetic quotients (net PQ) averaged 1.4. The mean grossPQ is consistent with a theoretical P0 based on the CO2 andNO3 assimilation ratio. However, within the deep chlorophylllayer, gross PQ and net PQ averaged 4.9 and 2.8 respectively.These higher values were likely due to excess NO3 reductionat the expense of CO2 uptake. Thus, during short experimentsunder low light conditions, oxygen evolution and CO2 uptakemay not be tightly coupled. In vitro and in situ O2 productionestimates were compared in four diurnal (dawn to dusk) experimentsin Lake Huron. In situ production estimates were determinedby measuring water-mass oxygen changes and oxygen transfer acrossthe air-water interface. In situ production estimates were approximatelytwice in vitro production estimates for both surface mixinglayer and deep chlorophyll layer comparisons. The differencebetween estimates was attributable to containment effects manifestin 13–16 h bottle incubations. Short-term (1–2 h)in vitro production was also compared to diurnal in vitro production.Rates of short-term production were {small tilde}1.6 times higherthan rates of diurnal production, suggesting that short-termin vitro production experiments may provide reasonable estimatesof in situ primary production.  相似文献   

L. Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):105-110
Primary production and phytoplankton in polyhumic lakes showed a very distinct seasonal succession. A vigorous spring maximum produced by Chlamydomonas green algae at the beginning of the growing season and two summer maxima composed mainly of Mallomonas caudata Iwanoff were typical. The annual primary production was ca. 6 g org. C · m–2 in both lakes. The mean epilimnetic biomass was 1.1 in the first lake and 2.2 g · m–2 (ww) in the second one. The maximum phytoplankton biomass, 14 g · m–2, was observed during the vernal peak in May.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes in saline lakes of the Canadian prairies   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
Vascular macrophyte species richness decreases with increasing salinity. Only three species of submerged plants (Potamogeton pectinatus, Ruppia maritima, R. occidentalis) tolerate hypersaline waters (>50 g l-1, total of ionic constituents). Eight emergent species occur in more saline habitats but only five (Scirpus maritimus var. paludosus, Distichlisstricta, Puccinellia nuttalliana, Scirpus americanus, Triglochin maritima) occur commonly over a range of saline lakes into the hypersaline category. Usually, species tolerant of high salinities are found over the entire saline spectrum and even extend into subsaline waters (<3 g l-1) and thrive there. A major increase in the number of species occurs below 5 g l-1. As the water recedes plants such as Salicornia rubra, Suaeda calceoliformes, Hordeum jubatum and Sonchus arvensis invade.Submerged angiosperm distribution is controlled by total ion concentration and substrate texture plays no apparent role. Although angiosperms normally grow in all kinds of substrates, they occupy coarse substrates in Wakaw lake because suitable fine substrates are densely colonized by charophytes. In this lake light limited growth occurs to a depth of 5% of surface light. Light was not limiting in Redberry Lake but angiosperm growth was limited to the upper 8 m (10% or more of surface light). Thermal stratification and depth (pressure) were probably limiting istead. In meromictic Waldsea Lake the depth of the chemocline (6 m, 5% surface light) delimits angiosperm growth.  相似文献   

A limnological survey of the Iberian mesosaline and hypersaline lakes allowed study of biogeographical and ecological aspects of their ostracod populations. Eucypris aragonica Brehm & Margalef; Eucypris mareotica (Fischer) and Heterocypris barbara inermis (Gauthier) are the only species found in waters with salinities between 10 and 100. Each species tends to be restricted to one of the three large Iberian Tertiary depressions: E. aragonica in the Ebro River basin; E. mareotica in the Guadalquivir River basin (South Spain) and H. barbara inermis in the tableland of La Mancha (Central Spain). Both E. mareotica and H. barbara inermis are distributed in inland waters of regions around the Mediterranean Sea, while E. aragonica is only known from Spain. Historical factors have been traditionally used to account for the distribution of several crustacean species and recent faunas have been seen as the remnat of those inhabiting Tertiary Depressions around ancient Mediterranean Sea.Ecological factors, mainly ion composition, account for their observed distribution pattern in Spanish lakes. E. mareotica typically inhabits high chloride waters while H. barbara inermis prefers lakes with high sulphate. E. aragonica seems to be restricted to chloride waters with a high sulphate content and very irregular (or aperiodic) hydrological regimes. Presence of parthenogenetic populations and waterfowl exchange between different saline-lake areas in the Iberian Peninsula facilitate ostracod dispersion.  相似文献   

Differences in physical, chemical, and biological conditions in two small (<20 ha) saline lakes less than 1 km apart in south-central British Columbia are examined. Although the lake basins are morphometrically similar, differences in their watershed geology and topography in large part may be responsible for the more saline lake showing severe and anomalous meromictic features while the less saline lake exhibits normal dimictic characteristics. Bacterial and phytoplankton population densities and production profiles of the lakes are compared along with some aspects of their zooplankton populations.  相似文献   

盐湖微微型浮游植物多样性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王家利  王芳 《生态学报》2014,34(2):282-293
盐湖在地球表层分布较广,中国是世界上盐湖分布稠密的国家。尽管盐湖生态环境极端恶劣,但它们依然是陆地特别是高原生态系统中十分重要的组成部分。微微型浮游植物(Picophytoplankton)通常是指粒径在0.2—3μm之间的光合自养型浮游生物,在这一生态类群中既有原核生物也有真核生物。微微型浮游植物不仅是海洋生态系统中生物量和生产力的最重要贡献者,也是盐湖生态系统最重要的组成部分。最近的调查数据显示,在东非Bogoria和Nakuru苏打盐湖中微微型浮游植物的生产力占整个浮游植物生产力的53%—68%。迄今为止,对盐湖微微型浮游植物多样性的研究多集中于盐田(Solar salterns)、盐池(Saline ponds)以及碱湖(Soda lakes)等超盐水体中;超盐盐湖中最常见的微微型浮游植物主要是蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria)类群,包括席蓝细菌属(Phormidium)、节旋藻属(Arthrospira)和隐杆藻属(Aphanothece)。分子生物学的研究显示,低碱浅水盐湖中微微型浮游植物具有丰富的多样性,主要类群是微微型原核浮游植物,还有部分种类与真核藻类质体序列高度相似。盐湖生态系统中微微型浮游植物群落结构演替变化的研究已经逐渐引起更多研究者的关注。已有的研究资料显示,水体矿化度是影响微微型浮游植物平面分布及群落结构组成的重要因子;光照、营养成分和温度等也会影响盐湖水体中微微型浮游植物平面分布及群落结构组成。综述了国内外对不同类型盐湖生态系统中微微型浮游植物多样性研究的概况,探讨了不同地理区域各种盐湖中微微型浮游植物群落结构的演替变化,并就我国未来加强盐湖中微微型浮游植物多样性构成、分布与变动及驱动变化的因子等研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

The primary production and extracellular release by phytoplankton were measured at different depths of Miko?ajskie Lake, Ryńskie Lake and Be?dany Lake (Masurian Lake District, Poland). The release of dissolved organic compounds was found to be related to the rates of primary production. The percentage of extracellular release (PER) of organic matter in the photic zone showed an inverse relationship with particulate production and chlorophyll alpha concentration. The highest PER was determined in the epilimnion of the studied lakes, where also increased release was observed. The higher release of algal products of photosynthesis in the photic zone than in the profundal is probably caused by the inhibition of physiological activity of bacteria by antibacterial substances produced by algae. The substances released by algae in the profundal are taken up by aquatic bacteria which explains the lower release and PER measured.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of anoxygenic phototrophs in 23 steppe lakes in the Transbaikal region (Russia), in Uzbekistan (Central Asia) and in the Crimean peninsula (Ukraine). The lakes varied in their mineral content and composition (salinities from 0.2 to 300 g L(-1) ). The Transbaikal lakes were alkaline (pH>9), with high amounts of soda. The Uzbek and Crimean lakes were more pH neutral, frequently with high amounts of sulfates. The presence of anoxygenic phototrophs was registered by infrared epifluorescence microscopy, infrared fluorometry and pigment analyses. In mostly shallow, fully oxic lakes, the anoxygenic phototrophs represented 7-65% of the total prokaryotes, with the maxima observed in Transbaikal soda lakes Gorbunka (32%), Khilganta (65%), Zanday (58%) and Zun-Kholvo (46%). Some of the lakes contained over 1 μg bacteriochlorophyll L(-1) . In contrast, only small amounts of anoxygenic phototrophs were present in highly mineralized lakes (>100 g total salts L(-1) ); Borzinskoe, Tsagan-Nur (Transbaikal), Staroe (Crimea) and in the residual part of the south-west Aral Sea (Uzbekistan). The oxic environment and the specific diurnal changes of bacteriochlorophyll concentration observed suggest that the phototrophic community was mostly composed of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs. The high abundances and bacteriochlorophyll concentrations point to an important role of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the habitats studied.  相似文献   

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