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Silene latifolia represents one of the best-studied plant sex chromosome systems. A new approach using RNA-seq data has recently identified hundreds of new sex-linked genes in this species. However, this approach is expected to miss genes that are either not expressed or are expressed at low levels in the tissue(s) used for RNA-seq. Therefore other independent approaches are needed to discover such sex-linked genes.


Here we used 10 well-characterized S. latifolia sex-linked genes and their homologs in Silene vulgaris, a species without sex chromosomes, to screen BAC libraries of both species. We isolated and sequenced 4 Mb of BAC clones of S. latifolia X and Y and S. vulgaris genomic regions, which yielded 59 new sex-linked genes (with S. vulgaris homologs for some of them). We assembled sequences that we believe represent the tip of the Xq arm. These sequences are clearly not pseudoautosomal, so we infer that the S. latifolia X has a single pseudoautosomal region (PAR) on the Xp arm. The estimated mean gene density in X BACs is 2.2 times lower than that in S. vulgaris BACs, agreeing with the genome size difference between these species. Gene density was estimated to be extremely low in the Y BAC clones. We compared our BAC-located genes with the sex-linked genes identified in previous RNA-seq studies, and found that about half of them (those with low expression in flower buds) were not identified as sex-linked in previous RNA-seq studies. We compiled a set of ~70 validated X/Y genes and X-hemizygous genes (without Y copies) from the literature, and used these genes to show that X-hemizygous genes have a higher probability of being undetected by the RNA-seq approach, compared with X/Y genes; we used this to estimate that about 30 % of our BAC-located genes must be X-hemizygous. The estimate is similar when we use BAC-located genes that have S. vulgaris homologs, which excludes genes that were gained by the X chromosome.


Our BAC sequencing identified 59 new sex-linked genes, and our analysis of these BAC-located genes, in combination with RNA-seq data suggests that gene losses from the S. latifolia Y chromosome could be as high as 30 %, higher than previous estimates of 10-20 %.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1698-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The dioecious plant species Silene latifolia has a sex determination mechanism based on an active Y chromosome. Here, we used inter-specific hybrids in the genus Silene to study the effects of gene complexes on the Y chromosome. If the function of Y-linked genes has been maintained in the same state as in the hermaphrodite progenitor species, it should be possible to substitute such genes by genes coming from a related hermaphrodite species. In the inter-specific hybrid, S. latifolia x S. viscosa, anthers indeed develop far beyond the early bilobal stage characteristic of XX S. latifolia female plants. The S. viscosa genome can thus replace the key sex determination gene whose absence abolishes early stamen development in females (loss of the stamen-promoting function, SPF), so that hybrid plants are morphologically hermaphrodite. However, the hybrids have two anther development defects, loss of adhesion of the tapetum to the endothecium, and precocious endothecium maturation. Both these defects were also found in independent Y-chromosome deletion mutants of S. latifolia. The data support the hypothesis that the evolution of complete gender dimorphism from hermaphroditism involved a major largely recessive male-sterility factor that created females, and the appearance of new, dominant genes on the Y chromosome, including both the well-documented gynoecium-suppressing factor, and two other Y specific genes promoting anther development.  相似文献   

The human Y--probably because of its nonrecombining nature--has lost 97% of its genes since X and Y chromosomes started to diverge [1, 2]. There are clear signs of degeneration in the Drosophila miranda neoY chromosome (an autosome fused to the Y chromosome), with neoY genes showing faster protein evolution [3-6], accumulation of unpreferred codons [6], more insertions of transposable elements [5, 7], and lower levels of expression [8] than neoX genes. In the many other taxa with sex chromosomes, Y degeneration has hardly been studied. In plants, many genes are expressed in pollen [9], and strong pollen selection may oppose the degeneration of plant Y chromosomes [10]. Silene latifolia is a dioecious plant with young heteromorphic sex chromosomes [11, 12]. Here we test whether the S. latifolia Y chromosome is undergoing genetic degeneration by analyzing seven sex-linked genes. S. latifolia Y-linked genes tend to evolve faster at the protein level than their X-linked homologs, and they have lower expression levels. Several Y gene introns have increased in length, with evidence for transposable-element accumulation. We detect signs of degeneration in most of the Y-linked gene sequences analyzed, similar to those of animal Y-linked and neo-Y chromosome genes.  相似文献   

Silene latifolia has heteromorphic sex chromosomes, the X and Y chromosomes. The Y chromosome, which is thought to carry the male determining gene, was isolated by UV laser microdissection and amplified by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR. In situ chromosome suppression of the amplified Y chromosome DNA in the presence of female genomic DNA as a competitor showed that the microdissected Y chromosome DNA did not specifically hybridize to the Y chromosome, but hybridized to all chromosomes. This result suggests that the Y chromosome does not contain Y chromosome-enriched repetitive sequences. A repetitive sequence in the microdissected Y chromosome, RMY1, was isolated while screening repetitive sequences in the amplified Y chromosome. Part of the nucleotide sequence shared a similarity to that of X-43.1, which was isolated from microdissected X chromosomes. Since fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis with RMY1 demonstrated that RMY1 was localized at the ends of the chromosome, RMY1 may be a subtelomeric repetitive sequence. Regarding the sex chromosomes, RMY1 was detected at both ends of the X chromosome and at one end near the pseudoautosomal region of the Y chromosome. The different localization of RMY1 on the sex chromosomes provides a clue to the problem of how the sex chromosomes arose from autosomes.  相似文献   

Silene latifolia is a dioecious plant and has heteromorphic sex chromosomes: the X and Y chromosomes. The Y chromosome is the largest, and its genetic control seems to be most strict among dioecious plants. To identify the putative sex-determination elements on the Y chromosome, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to screen for Y chromosome specific DNA fragments, and 31 clones were successfully produced. Genomic Southern hybridization and FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) analyses revealed that one of the clones, #2-2, is a Y chromosome specific fragment that has a single copy on the Y chromosome. Sequence tagged site (STS)-PCR analysis also succeeded in amplifying one fragment in males and no fragments in females. Cloning and sequencing of the #2-2 flanking region using inverse PCR revealed an open reading frame (ORF) corresponding to 285 amino acids in length (ORF285), but no expression of the ORF285 gene was identified. ORF285 may be a clue to the origin of dioecy.  相似文献   

Bergero R  Forrest A  Kamau E  Charlesworth D 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1945-1954
Despite its recent evolutionary origin, the sex chromosome system of the plant Silene latifolia shows signs of progressive suppression of recombination having created evolutionary strata of different X-Y divergence on sex chromosomes. However, even after 8 years of effort, this result is based on analyses of five sex-linked gene sequences, and the maximum divergence (and thus the age of this plant's sex chromosome system) has remained uncertain. More genes are therefore needed. Here, by segregation analysis of intron size variants (ISVS) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we identify three new Y-linked genes, one being duplicated on the Y chromosome, and test for evolutionary strata. All the new genes have homologs on the X and Y chromosomes. Synonymous divergence estimated between the X and Y homolog pairs is within the range of those already reported. Genetic mapping of the new X-linked loci shows that the map is the same in all three families that have been studied so far and that X-Y divergence increases with genetic distance from the pseudoautosomal region. We can now conclude that the divergence value is saturated, confirming the cessation of X-Y recombination in the evolution of the sex chromosomes at approximately 10-20 MYA.  相似文献   

Differences in reproductive demands between the sexes of dioecious plants could cause divergence in physiology between the sexes. We found that the reproductive effort of female Silene latifolia plants increased to more than twice that of male plants or female plants that were prevented from setting fruit by lack of pollination after 4 weeks of flowering. Whole-plant source/sink ratios of pollinated females were significantly lower than those of males or unpollinated females because of investment in fruit. We hypothesized that these differences in source/sink ratio between the sexes and within females, depending on pollination, would lead to differences in leaf photosynthetic rates. Within females, we found that photosynthetic capacity was consistent with measurement of whole-plant source/sink ratio. Females that were setting fruit had 30% higher light-saturated photosynthetic rates by 28 days after flowering than females that were not setting fruit. Males, however, had consistently higher photosynthetic rates than females from 10 days after flowering onwards. Males also had approximately twice the dark respiration rates of fruiting females. We found that female reproductive structures are longer-lived and contribute more carbon to their own support than male reproductive structures. Despite the higher rates of leaf dark respiration and lower calyx photosynthetic rates, males fix more carbon than do females. We conclude that females have a sink-regulated mechanism of photosynthesis that allows them to respond to variations in fruit set. This mechanism is not, however, sufficient to explain why male S. latifolia plants have higher rates of photosynthesis, higher source/sink ratios, and lower reproductive allocation, but fail to grow larger than female plants.  相似文献   

Silene latifolia is a dioecious plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes that have originated only ~10 million years ago and is a promising model organism to study sex chromosome evolution in plants. Previous work suggests that S. latifolia XY chromosomes have gradually stopped recombining and the Y chromosome is undergoing degeneration as in animal sex chromosomes. However, this work has been limited by the paucity of sex-linked genes available. Here, we used 35 Gb of RNA-seq data from multiple males (XY) and females (XX) of an S. latifolia inbred line to detect sex-linked SNPs and identified more than 1,700 sex-linked contigs (with X-linked and Y-linked alleles). Analyses using known sex-linked and autosomal genes, together with simulations indicate that these newly identified sex-linked contigs are reliable. Using read numbers, we then estimated expression levels of X-linked and Y-linked alleles in males and found an overall trend of reduced expression of Y-linked alleles, consistent with a widespread ongoing degeneration of the S. latifolia Y chromosome. By comparing expression intensities of X-linked alleles in males and females, we found that X-linked allele expression increases as Y-linked allele expression decreases in males, which makes expression of sex-linked contigs similar in both sexes. This phenomenon is known as dosage compensation and has so far only been observed in evolutionary old animal sex chromosome systems. Our results suggest that dosage compensation has evolved in plants and that it can quickly evolve de novo after the origin of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

H. C. Prentice 《Genetica》1984,64(2):129-133
Silene diclinis is a rare Spanish relative of the well-studied dioecious S. dioica and S. latifolia (=S. alba, S. pratensis). The main wild population and its cultivated derivatives showed female biased sex ratios. The ratios did not differ significantly between subpopulations or between the wild and cultivated samples, but they did deviate significantly from the expectation of a 1:1 male to female ratio. The characteristically biased sex ratio may be an incidental property of the XY sex determination system, with X-containing (female determining) pollen competing more effectively on the style than Y-containing grains.  相似文献   

Dioecious white campion Silene latifolia has sex chromosomal sex determination, with homogametic (XX) females and heterogametic (XY) males. This species has become popular in studies of sex chromosome evolution. However, the lack of genes isolated from the X and Y chromosomes of this species is a major obstacle for such studies. Here, I report the isolation of a new sex-linked gene, Slss, with strong homology to spermidine synthase genes of other species. The new gene has homologous intact copies on the X and Y chromosomes (SlssX and SlssY, respectively). Synonymous divergence between the SlssX and SlssY genes is 4.7%, and nonsynonymous divergence is 1.4%. Isolation of a homologous gene from nondioecious S. vulgaris provided a root to the gene tree and allowed the estimation of the silent and replacement substitution rates along the SlssX and SlssY lineages. Interestingly, the Y-linked gene has higher synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates. The elevated synonymous rate in the SlssY gene, compared with SlssX, confirms our previous suggestion that the S. latifolia Y chromosome has a higher mutation rate, compared with the X chromosome. When differences in silent substitution rate are taken into account, the Y-linked gene still demonstrates significantly faster accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction of relaxed purifying selection in Y-linked genes, leading to the accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions and genetic degeneration of the Y-linked genes.  相似文献   

The dioecious plant Silene latifolia depends on nocturnal insects for pollination. To increase the chance of cross-pollination, pollen grains seem to be released and stigmas seem to be receptive simultaneously at night. We divided the floral development of S. latifolia into 1–20 stages, and determined the timetables of male and female function. The corolla of both male and female flowers opens at sunset (1900 hours) and closes at sunrise (0900 hours). To investigate the period of the reproductive phase of male and female function, we measured the germination rate on a pollen medium and the pollen germination rate on stigma during the period when stamens and stigmas were viable in the timetable. Male flowers had early- and late-maturing stamens that had the highest pollen viability, germination rate and pollen tube growth at midnight (0000 hours) at 1 day after flowering (DAF) and 0000 hours at 2 DAF. In contrast, female flowers maintained a germination rate of nearly 100 % from 1800 hours at 1 DAF to 1200 hours at 3 DAF. These results suggested that S. latifolia transferred the matured pollen grains from male flowers to female flowers only at night.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes in mammals are about 300 million years old and typically have a highly degenerated Y chromosome. The sex chromosomes in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia in contrast, represent an early stage of evolution in which functional X–Y gene pairs are still frequent. In this study, we characterize a novel tandem repeat called TRAYC, which has accumulated on the Y chromosome in S. latifolia. Its presence demonstrates that processes of satellite accumulation are at work even in this early stage of sex chromosome evolution. The presence of TRAYC in other species of the Elisanthe section suggests that this repeat had spread after the sex chromosomes evolved but before speciation within this section. TRAYC possesses a palindromic character and a strong potential to form secondary structures, which could play a role in satellite evolution. TRAYC accumulation is most prominent near the centromere of the Y chromosome. We propose a role for the centromere as a starting point for the cessation of recombination between the X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

The relatively recent origin of sex chromosomes in the plant genus Silene provides an opportunity to study the early stages of sex chromosome evolution and, potentially, to test between the different population genetic processes likely to operate in nonrecombining chromosomes such as Y chromosomes. We previously reported much lower nucleotide polymorphism in a Y-linked gene (SlY1) of the plant Silene latifolia than in the homologous X-linked gene (SlX1). Here, we report a more extensive study of nucleotide diversity in these sex-linked genes, including a larger S. latifolia sample and a sample from the closely related species Silene dioica, and we also study the diversity of an autosomal gene, CCLS37.1. We demonstrate that nucleotide diversity in the Y-linked genes of both S. latifolia and S. dioica is very low compared with that of the X-linked gene. However, the autosomal gene also has low DNA polymorphism, which may be due to a selective sweep. We use a single individual of the related hermaphrodite species Silene conica, as an outgroup to show that the low SlY1 diversity is not due to a lower mutation rate than that for the X-linked gene. We also investigate several other possibilities for the low SlY1 diversity, including differential gene flow between the two species for Y-linked, X-linked, and autosomal genes. The frequency spectrum of nucleotide polymorphism on the Y chromosome deviates significantly from that expected under a selective-sweep model. However, we detect population subdivision in both S. latifolia and S. dioica, so it is not simple to test for selective sweeps. We also discuss the possibility that Y-linked diversity is reduced due to highly variable male reproductive success, and we conclude that this explanation is unlikely.  相似文献   

The action of natural selection is expected to reduce the effective population size of a nonrecombining chromosome, and this is thought to be the chief factor leading to genetic degeneration of Y-chromosomes, which cease recombining during their evolution from ordinary chromosomes. Low effective population size of Y chromosomes can be tested by studying DNA sequence diversity of Y-linked genes. In the dioecious plant, Silene latifolia, which has sex chromosomes, one comparison (SlX1 vs. SlY1) indeed finds lower Y diversity compared with the homologous X-linked gene, and one Y-linked gene with no X-linked homologue has lower species-wide diversity than a homologous autosomal copy (SlAp3Y vs. SlAp3A). To test whether this is a general pattern for Y-linked genes, we studied two further recently described X and Y homologous gene pairs in samples from several populations of S. latifolia and S. dioica. Diversity is reduced for both Y-linked genes, compared with their X-linked homologues. Our new data are analysed to show that the low Y effective size cannot be explained by different levels of gene flow for the X vs. the Y chromosomes, either between populations or between these closely related species. Thus, all four Y-linked genes that have now been studied in these plants (the two studied here, and two previously studied genes, have low diversity). This supports other evidence for an ongoing degeneration process in these species.  相似文献   

In many species, inbred individuals have reduced fitness. In plants with limited pollen and seed dispersal, post-pollination selection may reduce biparental inbreeding, but knowledge on the prevalence and importance of pollen competition or post-pollination selection after non-self pollination is scarce. We tested whether post-pollination selection favours less related pollen donors and reduces inbreeding in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. We crossed 20 plants with pollen from a sibling and an unrelated male, and with a mix of both. We found significant inbreeding depression on vegetative growth, age at first flowering and total fitness (22% in males and 14% in females). In mixed pollinations, the unrelated male sired on average 57% of the offspring. The greater the paternity share of the unrelated sire, the larger the difference in relatedness of the two males to the female. The effect of genetic similarity on paternity is consistent with predictions for post-pollination selection, although paternity, at least in some crosses, may be affected by additional factors. Our data show that in plant systems with inbreeding depression, such as S. latifolia, pollen or embryo selection after multiple-donor pollination may indeed reduce inbreeding.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is controlled by genes on the Y chromosome in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. K034 is the first mutant with female flowers and asexual flowers in one individual. Its stamens are suppressed completely, and its gynoecium exhibits two suppression patterns. One gynoecium resembles a thin rod, as in wild-type males (asexual flower); the other is imperfectly suppressed, having 1-3 carpels (female-like flower). The ratio of these patterns was 9 : 1. To exclude the possibility of chimerism in K034, we crossed a female-like flower of K034 with a wild-type male. Progeny obtained from this crossing had asexual and female-like flowers in one individual. This two-flower-type phenotype was inherited without separating. To examine the identity of flower organs in K034, we analyzed the development of asexual and female-like flowers using scanning electron microscopy and in situ hybridization with SLM1 and SLM2 (orthologs of AGAMOUS and PISTILLATA, respectively) as probes. Mitotic spreads of root tip chromosomes from hairy root cultures showed that K034 had 25 chromosomes. Fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis, using a subtelomeric repetitive sequence (KpnI subfamily) as a probe, indicated that K034 possessed two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (Y(d)), of which Y(d) had been rearranged to lose the pseudoautosomal region (PAR). PCR analysis using Y-specific sequence-tagged site (STS) markers clarified that Y(d) of K034 had two other deletions in gynoecium-suppressing and stamen-promoting regions. It is reasonable to suggest that these sex chromosomal abnormalities resulted in two abnormal sexual phenotypes: the asexual and imperfect female (female-like) flowers in K034.  相似文献   

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