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Although Rhizobium japonicum nodulates Vigna unguiculata and Macroptilium atropurpurem, little is known about the physiology of these symbioses. In this study, strains of R. japonicum of varying effectiveness on soybean were examined. The nonhomologous hosts were nodulated by all the strains tested, but effectiveness was not related to that of the homologous host. On siratro, compared to soybean, many strains reversed their relative effectiveness ranking. Both siratro and cowpea produced more dry matter with standard cowpea rhizobia CB756 and 176A22 than with the strains of R. japonicum. Strains USDA33 and USDA74 were more effective with siratro and cowpea than with soybean. The strain USDA122 expressed high rates of hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with the cowpea as well as the soybean host. The strains USDA61 and USDA74 expressed low levels of hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with cowpea, but no activity was found with soybean. Our results indicate host influence for the expression of hydrogenase activity, and suggest the possibility of host influence of nitrogenase for the allocation of electrons to N2 and H+.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of three water table (WT) depths (0, 15 and 40 cm) and calcium peroxide (Calper) on the growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, L.) and soybean (Glycine max) were investigated in field lysimeters for a sandy loam soil. Cowpea growth was the best at 40 cm WT depth. Leaf area, plant height, dry matter production, number of leaves and pods, grain yield and consumptive water use of cowpea increases with deeper (lower) WT depth. Application of calcium peroxide improved per cent emergence, leaf area, dry matter, number of leaves and pods, weight of 100 seeds, grain yield and water use in cowpea. The optimum WT depth for vegetative growth of soybean was 15 cm, although the highest grain yield was obtained at 40 cm WT depth. Number of pods, grain yield and water use efficiency of soybean increased with deeper water table depth. Application of calcium peroxide to soybean increased number of leaves and pods per plant, and grain yield for the 15 cm WT depth treatment.  相似文献   

Xyloglucans isolated from cell walls of etiolated Glycine maxand Vigna sesquipedalis hypocotyls were subjected to fragmentationanalysis with cellulase for structural comparison with thosederived from Phaseolus aureus hypocotyls. The xyloglucans fromG. max and V. sesquipedalis had glucose, xylose, galactose andfucose in the approximate molar ratio of 10:6:4:1 and 10:7:3:1,respectively. However, the results of cellulase fragmentationanalysis of xyloglucans from the three species suggested thatthe basic structure of the xyloglucans in the cell walls ofthese bean-hypocotyls is almost the same; the structure is basedon two repeating oligosaccharide units, one of which consistsof glucose and xylose and the other of glucose, xylose, galactoseand fucose. 1 Present address: Toppan Printing Co., Ltd., Okaji, Sendai980, Japan. (Received February 3, 1977; )  相似文献   

Defoliation reduced the dry weight of stems, pods, grains and size of individual grains in all four of the legume crops studied and the dry weight of flowering inflorescence stalk in the case of cowpeas and green gram only. The adverse effect of defoliation was more pronounced when defoliation was complete than when half of the number of leaves were removed. The greatest reduction in grain yield occurred when the plants were defoliated during the early podding stage, the percentage reduction being 59.7, 79.0, 86.4 and 95.3 in groundnut, cowpeas, soyabeans and green gram respectively when completely defoliated at this stage and 43.3, 14.0, 42.4 and 46.1 respectively when only half defoliated. The results show that assimilates produced by the leaves during the early stages of growth are used in the growth of stems and leaves, but the assimilates produced during the reproductive stage are used mainly for the growth of the pods. In groundnut, pod number and grain weight were positively correlated with stem weight. It appears that defoliation reduced pod number by depressing the growth of stems and this in turn reduced the number of flowering nodes. The reasons for the differences between the crops in their response to the defoliation treatments and the practical implications of the findings in relation to pest and disease control and plucking of leaves for human consumption are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of fulvic, malic, and oxalic acids in alleviating the toxic effects of aluminium (Al) on tap-root elongation of soybean cv. Fitzroy, cowpea cv. Vita 4, and green gram cv. Berken was studied. Treatments consisted of a factorial combination of four Al concentrations (0, 12.5, 25 and 50 µM as Al(NO3)3·9H2O) and two concentrations either of malic or oxalic acid (0, 50 µM) or fulvic acid (0, 65 mg L-1 of organic carbon). The free monomeric Al in solution was determined using a pyrocatechol violet procedure which distinguishes between monomeric and organically complexed Al. Fulvic acid completely alleviated the toxic effect of Al at all concentrations on soybean and cowpea and at concentrations <25 µM on green gram. The non-toxic Al-fulvate complex remained in solution. Both malic and oxalic acid, at the concentrations tested, failed to alleviate Al toxicity on any species; a much higher proportion of the added Al remained in monomeric form in the presence of these acids.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of variations in edaphic and hydrologic factors over a short distance on the root growth of soybean cv. Hernon 237 and cowpea cv. IT 82 E-60 were studied in a hydromorphic toposequence. During the growing season the water table (WT) fluctuated from 0.43 to 0.94 m (high), 0.60 to 1.12 m (medium) and 0.72 to 1.51 m (low), respectively in 1983 and from 0.47 to 0.84 m (high), 0.63 to 1.13 m (medium) and 0.83 to 1 20m (low). respectively, in 1984. Poor soil aeration did not limit growth, even for high WT.Root penetration into the deeper soil was prevented at the low and medium water table sites by the presence of a naturally occurring compacted gravel layer at the 0.30–0.40 m depth. The absence of this layer at the high water table site resulted in root growth and proliferation of soybean roots even within the capillary fringe zone immediately above the water table. Cowpea roots, however, were not observed in this saturated soil zone. Cowpea roots penetrated deeper in high than in medium and low WT. Evapotranspiration (Et) and Et/Eo values of both crops were significantly greater at the high than at medium or low water table.  相似文献   

Partially purified, cell-free extracts from nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. cv. Caloona) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Bragg) showed high rates of de novo purine nucleotide and purine base synthesis. Activity increased with rates of nitrogen fixation and ureide export during development of cowpea plants; maximum rates (equivalent to 1.2 micromoles N2 per hour per gram fresh nodule) being similar to those of maximum nitrogen fixation (1-2 micromoles N2 per hour per gram fresh nodule). Extracts from actively fixing nodules of a symbiosis not producing ureides, Lupinus albus L. cv. Ultra, showed rates of de novo purine synthesis 0.1% to 0.5% those of cowpea and soybean. Most (70-90%) of the activity was associated with the particulate components of the nodule, but up to 50% was released from this fraction by osmotic shock. The accumulated end products with particulate fractions were inosine monophosphate and aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide. Further metabolism to purine bases and ureides was restricted to the soluble fraction of the nodule extract. High rates of inosine monophosphate synthesis were supported by glutamine as amide donor, lower rates (10-20%) by ammonia, and negligible rates with asparagine as substrate.  相似文献   

Scab disease of cowpea (Vigna unguiculuta) was shown to be caused by Sphaceloma sp. It affects all above ground parts of the plant. The first symptom of the disease, appearing within 3 to 6 days of inoculation, is puckering of the lamina. Spots on mature leaves are white with or without brown margins. Typical scab lesions on petiole, stem, peduncle and pod are white turning dark brown when chlamydospores are formed and are oblong-elongate except for pod lesions that are ovoid. The most destructive phase is scab of the flowering axis which causes flower and, or, pod abortion or completely prevents flower formation. Inoculation of asparagus pea (V. sesquipedalis) with a cowpea isolate of Sphaceloma sp. produced symptoms similar to those on cowpea. Inoculated hyacinth bean (Lablab niger) produced atypical mild lesions. The following legumes were not affected when artificially inoculated with the fungus: black gram (Phaseolus mungo), green gram (P, aureus), French bean (P. vulgaris), Lima bean (P. lunatus), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), and soyabean (Glycine max). The characteristics of the fungus on potato dextrose agar are described.  相似文献   

A procedure for the regeneration of fertile plants by organogenesis from tissue cultures of soybeans, Glycine max is described. Seeds were germinated on reduced inorganic salt MS medium containing 5M BA. Cotyledonary nodes were excised and cultured on the same medium. Presence of BA in the medium during seed germination and culture of nodal explants was required for multiple shoot and shoot-bud formation. Histological analyses established the de novo nature of shoot regeneration. Separate reduction of the concentration of inorganic salts or substitution of sucrose for fructose during culture had minimal effects on the regeneration response. Conversely, if the BA was reduced, the inhibition response could not be overcome by increased salt concentration or altered carbon source.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - IAA indoleacetic acid - SAS secondary axillary shoots - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium  相似文献   

Recombination is a crucial component of evolution and breeding. New combinations of variation on chromosomes are shaped by recombination. Recombination is also involved in chromosomal rearrangements. However, recombination rates vary tremendously among chromosome segments. Genome-wide genetic maps are one of the best tools to study variation of recombination. Here, we describe high density genetic maps of Glycine max and Glycine soja constructed from four segregating populations. The maps were used to identify chromosomal rearrangements and find the highly predictable pattern of cross-overs on the broad scale in soybean. Markers on these genetic maps were used to evaluate assembly quality of the current soybean reference genome sequence. We find a strong inversion candidate larger than 3 Mb based on patterns of cross-overs. We also identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) that control number of cross-overs. This study provides fundamental insights relevant to practical strategy for breeding programs and for pan-genome researches.  相似文献   

K. C. Wooi  W. J. Broughton 《Planta》1979,145(5):487-495
Axenic cultures of bacteroid-containing protoplasts were isolated from root nodules of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. Dimensions of the protoplasts were 35 to 135 m long x 35 to 95 m wide. Yields were about 30 to 50 mg dry weight per gram fresh weight of nodules. About 5x108 protoplasts packed into 1 ml of basal medium under the influence of gravity. When incubated in hypertonic, nitrogen-free media, freshly isolated protoplasts began to reduce acetylene to ethylene after a lag period of 24 to 48 h. Various additions to the basal medium showed that the system possessed functional glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid pathways. Endogenous application of various intermediary metabolites stimulated both acetylene reduction and respiration, though not often equally. As acetylene reduction, but not respiration, was inhibitable by both asparagine and glutamine, the system appears suitable for the study of mechanisms controlling symbiotic nitrogen fixation.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumine - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - PEP phospho(enol)pyruvate - UMKL 76 University of Malaga, Kuala Lumpur, Rhizobium, No. 76 - TCAC tricarboxylic acid cycle  相似文献   

Asparagus bean (V. unguiculata ssp. sesquipedialis), a specific form of cowpea (V. unguiculata L. Walp.), is cultivated as a vegetable crop throughout eastern and southern Asia for its tender long pods. Little is known about the genetic relationship between asparagus bean and the broader species, particularly the dominant ssp. unguiculata. We report here the development and transferability of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, over 40% of which are EST-derived, from ssp. unguiculata to asparagus bean and the use of a subset of the polymorphic markers to assess the genetic diversity of asparagus bean cultivars from diverse geographic origins across China. A total of 410 EST derived SSR (eSSR) markers and 600 SSR markers derived from cowpea genespace sequences (GSS) were developed, with a cross-subspecies transferability of 100% and 98.5%, respectively. In a recombinant inbred line population of asparagus bean, a 1:1 segregation was observed for most loci. Principal coordinate analysis (PCA) and phylogenetic clustering based on 62 alleles detected by 14 polymorphic SSR markers distinguished ssp. unguiculata and sesquipedialis into separate groups. Improved asparagus bean cultivars in China generally have a narrow genetic basis compared with landraces varieties. This suggests that asparagus bean breeding programs need to consider utilizing landrace germplasm to enhance genetic variability and ensure long-term gains from selection and reduce genetic vulnerability to pathogen/pest epidemics. Because of their transferability across subspecies, the SSR markers described in this study could be effectively employed in cross-subspecies trait introgression breeding from ssp. unguiculata to sesquipedialis.  相似文献   

毛豆中腈菌唑残留量的气相色谱法测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用气相色谱法定量分析毛豆上腈菌唑的微量残留量。样品经乙腈提取,液液分配,中性氧化铝柱层析净化后,以气相色谱电子俘获检测器法(GC-ECD)测定,DB-1701毛细管柱、氮气为载气,柱温150℃20℃/min 260℃(10 min),气化室温度240℃,检测器温度300℃,外标法定量。该方法快速、准确,在0.05~2.00 mg/L范围内线性相关系数r2=0.9998,平均回收率91.1%~99.0%,变异系数1.22%~2.94%,最小检测量1.0×10-12 g,最低检出浓度5.0×10-4 mg/kg。  相似文献   


The efficacy of ozone in controlling Fusarium oxysporum, the casual agent of wilt disease, was evaluated in Vigna unguiculata (cowpea). Different concentrations of ozone (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) were passed to the Vigna unguiculata seedlings among which T3 treatment reduced Fusarium wilt more effectively than other treatments by enhancing growth promotion along with the activation of the defense-related enzymes than other treatments. T3 treatment provokes enhanced biomass production along with increased activity of chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase than other treatments relative to control seedlings. Moreover, this is the first report of ozone protecting seedlings against Fusarium wilt of Vigna unguiculata plants.  相似文献   

Summary Nodulins are organ-specific plant proteins induced during symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Nodulins play both metabolic and structural roles within infected and uninfected nodule cells. In soybean, several nodulin genes, coding for abundant nodulins, have been identified and isolated. Structural analysis of some of these genes has revealed their possible mode of regulation and the subcellar location of the protein product. Studies of ineffective symbiosis based on cultivar-strain genotype differences suggested that both partners influence the expression of nodulin genes. Concomitant with nodule organogenesis, the Rhizobium undergoes substantial differentiation leading to the accumulation of nodule-specific bacterial proteins, bacteroidins. The major structural alteration occuring in the infected cell is the formation of a membrane enclosing the bacteroid (peribacteroid membrane). A number of nodulins are specifically targetted to this membrane during endosymbiosis. The induction of nodulins and bacteroidins leads to the formation of an effective nodule. Nodulin genes can be induced in vitro by factors derived from nodules suggesting that trans-activators may be involved in derepression of the host genes necessary for Rhizobium-legume symbiosis.  相似文献   

We have defined four stages in the development of cowpea seeds:I(9–11 days after flowering), II (13–15), HI (17–19)and IV (22–24). Poly A+ RNA fractions were prepared fromcotyledons of developing (stages I–IV) and germinating(0, 12, 24 and 48 h after imbibition) seeds. Poly A+ RNAs fromstages I–III exhibited high translation activities witha maximum at stage II, and the activity was markedly reducedat stage IV. In cotyledons of germinating seeds, the translationactivity was low until 12 h after the onset of imbibition butrose thereafter. Analysis of in vitro translation products withSDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography showedthat the abundant mRNA population underwent a distinct changebetween stages II and III of seed development. Since the mRNApopulation at stage III was very similar to that of stage IV(mature seeds), it appears that, as far as mRNA species areconcerned, the prerequisites for germination are fully availablein the developing seeds by stage III. This assumption was supportedby the fact that immature seeds at stage III exhibited highgermination rates and normal axial growth and produced -amylaseat levels similar to those produced by mature seeds. Severalpolypeptides which have been regarded as translation productsof stored mRNA (poly A+ RNA from dry seeds) were detected atearlier stages of germination. (Received September 29, 1988; Accepted January 25, 1989)  相似文献   

A trypsin inhibitor, member of Bowman-Birk family, was isolated and purified from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata]). Polyclonal antibodies were raised against cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI) protein in rabbits. The gene for CpTI was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and cloned in a bacterial expression vector pVCATFR18416. The expression of CpTI protein in BL21 (DE3) strain of Escherichia coli was confirmed by western blot studies. The CpTI gene was also sequenced and found to exhibit 100% homology with already published sequence of CpTI gene.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫下野生和栽培大豆幼苗体内离子的再转运   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用NaCl根际处理和叶面饲喂^22Na方法,研究了野生大豆(Glycine soja)——耐盐的BB52、盐敏感的N23232和栽培大豆(Glycine max)——较耐盐的Lee68幼苗在盐胁迫及解除过程中对Na^ 、Cl^-的吸收和再转运。结果表明,在NaCl根际处理12h过程中,BB52和Lee68幼苗根对Na^ 、Cl^-吸收和向茎、叶的运输逐渐增加,10h时趋于稳定,Na^ 、Cl^-含量高低顺序是根>茎>叶。但N23232的Na^ 、Cl^-含量则是茎>根>叶。在用NaCl对根处理10h后再解除NaCl处理的0~36h内,BB52吸收的Na^ 、Cl^-较多地留于根部或转运至根茎过渡区,叶中较少。N23232吸收的Na^ 较多地转运至茎部,而Cl^-含量在幼苗各部分无差异。叶片饲喂^22Na 10h后,BB52吸收^22Na较N23232多,并较多地向根部运输。从离子再转运角度讨论了BB52的耐盐性。  相似文献   

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