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We hypothesized that the acute ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in the presence of low and high levels of oxygen would increase to a greater extent in men compared with women after exposure to episodic hypoxia. Eleven healthy men and women of similar race, age, and body mass index completed a series of rebreathing trials before and after exposure to eight 4-min episodes of hypoxia. During the rebreathing trials, subjects initially hyperventilated to reduce the end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PetCO2) below 25 Torr. Subjects then rebreathed from a bag containing a normocapnic (42 Torr), low (50 Torr), or high oxygen gas mixture (150 Torr). During the trials, PetCO2 increased while the selected level of oxygen was maintained. The point at which minute ventilation began to rise in a linear fashion as PetCO2 increased was considered to be the carbon dioxide set point. The ventilatory response below and above this point was determined. The results showed that the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide above the set point was increased in men compared with women before exposure to episodic hypoxia, independent of the oxygen level that was maintained during the rebreathing trials (50 Torr: men, 5.19 +/- 0.82 vs. women, 4.70 +/- 0.77 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1); 150 Torr: men, 4.33 +/- 1.15 vs. women, 3.21 +/- 0.58 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1)). Moreover, relative to baseline measures, the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in the presence of low and high oxygen levels increased to a greater extent in men compared with women after exposure to episodic hypoxia (50 Torr: men, 9.52 +/- 1.40 vs. women, 5.97 +/- 0.71 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1); 150 Torr: men, 5.73 +/- 0.81 vs. women, 3.83 +/- 0.56 l x min(-1) x Torr(-1)). Thus we conclude that enhancement of the acute ventilatory response to carbon dioxide after episodic hypoxia is sex dependent.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the acute ventilatory response to hypoxia is enhanced after exposure to episodic hypoxia in awake humans. Eleven subjects completed a series of rebreathing trials before and after exposure to eight 4-min episodes of hypoxia. During the rebreathing trials, subjects initially hyperventilated to reduce the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pet(CO(2))) below 25 Torr. Subjects then breathed from a bag containing normocapnic (42 Torr), low (50 Torr), or high oxygen (140 Torr) gas mixtures. During the trials, Pet(CO(2)) increased while a constant oxygen level was maintained. The point at which ventilation began to rise in a linear fashion as Pet(CO(2)) increased was considered to be the ventilatory recruitment threshold. The ventilatory response below and above the recruitment threshold was determined. Ventilation did not persist above baseline values immediately after exposure to episodic hypoxia; however, Pet(CO(2)) levels were reduced compared with baseline. In contrast, compared with baseline, the ventilatory response to progressive increases in carbon dioxide during rebreathing trials in the presence of low but not high oxygen levels was increased after exposure to episodic hypoxia. This increase occurred when carbon dioxide levels were above but not below the ventilatory recruitment threshold. We conclude that long-term facilitation of ventilation (i.e., increases in ventilation that persist when normoxia is restored after episodic hypoxia) is not expressed in awake humans in the presence of hypocapnia. Nevertheless, despite this lack of expression, the acute ventilatory response to hypoxia in the presence of hypercapnia is increased after exposure to episodic hypoxia.  相似文献   

During sustained hypoxia the decline in ventilation that occurs in normal adult humans may be related to central accumulation of a neurochemical with net inhibitory effect. Recent investigations have shown that the putative neurotransmitter adenosine can effect a prolonged respiratory inhibition. Therefore we evaluated the possible role of adenosine in the hypoxia ventilatory decline by employing aminophylline as an adenosine blocker. We evaluated the ventilatory response to 25 min of sustained hypoxia (80% arterial O2 saturation), in eight young adults after pretreatment with either intravenous saline or aminophylline. With a mean serum aminophylline level of 15.7 mg/l, over 25 min of sustained hypoxia, peak hypoxic ventilation decreased by only 12.8% compared with 24.8% with saline, a significant difference. However, the ventilatory decline during sustained hypoxia was not abolished by the aminophylline pretreatment. Unlike the usual tidal volume-dependent attenuation of hypoxic ventilation exhibited after saline, after aminophylline the ventilatory decline was achieved predominantly through alterations in respiratory timing. Thus aminophylline pretreatment did alleviate the hypoxic ventilatory decline, although the associated alterations in breathing pattern were uncharacteristic. We conclude that adenosine may play a contributing role in the hypoxic ventilatory decline.  相似文献   

Adult intact conscious or anesthetized cats have been exposed to either hypoxia or low concentrations of CO in air. In addition, the ventilatory response to CO2 was studied in air, hypoxic hypoxia, and CO hypoxia. The results show that 1) in conscious cats, low concentrations of CO (0.15%) induce a slight decrease in ventilation and higher concentrations of CO (0.20%) induce first a small decrease in ventilation and then a characteristic tachypnea similar to the hypoxic tachypnea described in carotid-denervated cats; 2) in anesthetized cats, CO hypoxia induces only mild changes in ventilation; and 3) the ventilatory response to CO2 is increased in CO hypoxia in both conscious and anesthetized animals but differs from the increase observed during hypoxia. It is concluded that the initial decrease in ventilation may be caused by some brain stem depression of the respiratory centers with CO hypoxia, whereas the tachypnea originates probably at some suprapontine level. Conversely, the possible central acidosis may account for the potentiation of the ventilatory response to CO2 observed in either conscious or anesthetized animals.  相似文献   

The gradual decay in ventilation after removal of a respiratory stimulus has been proposed to protect against cyclic breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The male predominance of OSA, and the increased incidence of OSA in women after menopause, indicates that the respiratory-stimulating effect of progesterone may provide protection against OSA by altering the rate of poststimulus ventilatory decline (PSVD). It was therefore hypothesized that PSVD is longer in premenopausal women than in men and is longer in the luteal menstrual phase compared with the follicular phase. PSVD was measured in 12 men and in 11 women at both their luteal and follicular phases, after cessation of isocapnic hypoxia and normoxic hypercapnia. PSVD was compared between genders and between women in the luteal and follicular phases by repeated-measures ANOVA. There were no significant differences in PSVD between any of the groups after either respiratory stimulus. This suggests that the higher occurrence of OSA in men does not reflect an underlying gender difference in PSVD and implies the increased prevalence of OSA in women after menopause is not representative of an effect of progesterone on PSVD.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the relationship between CO2 sensitivity [at rest (S R) and during exercise (S E)] and the ventilatory response to exercise in ten elderly (61–79 years) and ten younger (17–26 years) subjects. The gradient of the relationship between minute ventilation and CO2 production ( E/ CO2) of the elderly subjects was greater than that of the younger subjects [mean (SEM); 32.8 (1.6) vs 27.3 (0.4); P<0.01]. At rest, S R was lower for the elderly than for the younger group [10.77 (1.72) vs 16.95 (2.13) 1 · min–1 · kPa–1; 1.44 (0.23) vs 2.26 (0.28) 1 · min–1 · mmHg–1; P<0.05], but S E was not significantly different between the two groups [17.85 (2.49) vs 19.17 (1.62) l · min–1 · kPa–1; 2.38 (0.33) vs 2.56 (0.21) 1 · min–1 · mmHg–1]. There were significant correlations between both S R and S E, and E/ CO2 (P<0.05; P<0.001) for the younger group, bot none for the elderly. The absence of a correlation for the elderly supports the suggestion that E/ CO2 is not an appropriate index of the ventilatory response to exercise for elderly humans.  相似文献   

Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia were measured by indirect plethysmography in unanesthetized unrestrained adult rats injected neonatally with capsaicin (50 mg/kg) or vehicle. Such capsaicin treatment ablates a subpopulation of primary afferent fibers containing substance P and various other neuropeptides. Ventilation was measured while the rats breathed air, 12% O2 in N2, 8% O2 in N2, 5% CO2 in O2, or 8% CO2 in O2. Neonatal treatment with capsaicin caused marked alterations in both the magnitude and composition of the hypoxic but not hypercapnic ventilatory response. The increase in minute ventilation evoked by hypoxia in the vehicle-treated rats resulted entirely from an increase in respiratory frequency. In the capsaicin-treated rats the hypoxic ventilatory response was significantly reduced owing to an attenuation of the frequency response. Although both groups responded to hypoxia with a shortening in inspiratory and expiratory times, rats treated with capsaicin displayed less shortening of both respiratory phases. By contrast, hypercapnia induced a brisk ventilatory response in the capsaicin-treated group that was similar in magnitude and pattern to that observed in the vehicle-treated group. Analysis of the components of the hypercapnic ventilatory responses revealed no significant differences between the two groups. We, therefore, conclude that neuropeptide-containing C-fibers are essential for the tachypnic component of the ventilatory response to hypoxia but not hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Our study was concerned with the effect of brain hypoxia on cardiorespiratory control in the sleeping dog. Eleven unanesthetized dogs were studied; seven were prepared for vascular isolation and extracorporeal perfusion of the carotid body to assess the effects of systemic [and, therefore, central nervous system (CNS)] hypoxia (arterial PO(2) = 52, 45, and 38 Torr) in the presence of a normocapnic, normoxic, and normohydric carotid body during non-rapid eye movement sleep. A lack of ventilatory response to systemic boluses of sodium cyanide during carotid body perfusion demonstrated isolation of the perfused carotid body and lack of other significant peripheral chemosensitivity. Four additional dogs were carotid body denervated and exposed to whole body hypoxia for comparison. In the sleeping dog with an intact and perfused carotid body exposed to specific CNS hypoxia, we found the following. 1) CNS hypoxia for 5-25 min resulted in modest but significant hyperventilation and hypocapnia (minute ventilation increased 29 +/- 7% at arterial PO(2) = 38 Torr); carotid body-denervated dogs showed no ventilatory response to hypoxia. 2) The hyperventilation was caused by increased breathing frequency. 3) The hyperventilatory response developed rapidly (<30 s). 4) Most dogs maintained hyperventilation for up to 25 min of hypoxic exposure. 5) There were no significant changes in blood pressure or heart rate. We conclude that specific CNS hypoxia, in the presence of an intact carotid body maintained normoxic and normocapnic, does not depress and usually stimulates breathing during non-rapid eye movement sleep. The rapidity of the response suggests a chemoreflex meditated by hypoxia-sensitive respiratory-related neurons in the CNS.  相似文献   

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