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Neonatal melatonin treatment caused a significant increase in thyroxine (T4) level at one month of age. Preexposure to melatonin in neonatal age and reexposure after one month accounted for a still greater increase in T4 production. Rats neonatally exposed to melatonin did not respond to TSH at one month of age.  相似文献   

Neonatal allylestrenol treatment administered to female rats significantly increases the duration of estrus phase in the sexual cycle. Treatment with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) + luteinizing hormone (LH) in adulthood prolongs the duration of estrus even on its own; the effect, however, is more pronounced in those animals who were treated (imprinted) with allylestrenol neonatally. When administered to the control animals, the chemically related thyreotrop hormone (TSH) is either indifferent or it even decreases the estrus index. In animals having received neonatal allylestrenol treatment, however, TSH administration increases significantly the duration of the estrus phase. Either with or without FSH+LH treatment, the ratio of estrogenic to gestagenic phase increases following neonatal allylestrenol treatment. The experiments call attention to the potential functional risks inherent in neonatal allylestrenol treatment. The actual risks, however, seem to be smaller than the effects seen at the receptor level.  相似文献   

The role of dopamine in the dysregulation of TSH secretion in uremic male rats was investigated using the dopamine antagonist, pimozide. In order to obviate the effect of weight loss due to uremia-induced anorexia as a cause of altered TSH secretion in uremia, we also studied a group of normal animals whose food intake was restricted and who demonstrated weight loss comparable to that of the uremic animals. Baseline TSH concentrations were not significantly different in the normal, uremic or starved animals. Pimozide administration produced no change in the baseline TSH concentrations in any of the groups of rats. The peak TSH response to TRH (5 micrograms IV) was significantly blunted in the uremic animals compared to the normal controls and the starved animals. Pimozide administration did not alter the peak TRH-stimulated TSH response in either the normal animals or the starved animals. However, the peak TRH-stimulated TSH response was significantly increased in the uremic animals and was comparable to the peak TSH response seen in the pimozide-untreated control animals. The data suggest that experimental renal failure in rats is associated with diminished sensitivity of the thyrotroph to TRH stimulation, and that this blunted sensitivity may be dopamine-dependent since it can be abolished by pharmacologic dopamine blockade.  相似文献   

Melatonin and TSH, injected separately, caused no change of the blood thyroxine level at 30 min after treatment. Simultaneous or subsequent administration of the two hormones induced an increase of the level. Thus, melatonin is capable of potentiating acute, thyroxine mobilizing effect of TSH.  相似文献   

Beta-endorphin (10(-11)-10(-9) M) has been shown to induce naloxone-independent depression of the proliferative activity of human peripheral lymphocytes (HL), stimulated by pokeweed mitogen without affecting PHA-stimulated HL proliferation. Beta-endorphin (10(-10)-10(-7) M) also caused changes in HL cAMP level, that were blocked by naloxone. Marked individual sensitivity to beta-endorphin effects has been noted. It has been also shown that a bone marrow preparation, stimulating antibody production (myelopeptides), causes naloxone-independent depression in the proliferative activity of HL, stimulated by PHA and pokeweed mitogen, as well as naloxone-blocked decrease in cAMP HL level. It has been concluded that beta-endorphin interacts with several types of opiate lymphocyte receptors and that opioids, contained in myelopeptides, are involved in the realization of myelopeptide effect on lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid function was studied in 15 male patients on chronic methadone treatment (40 mg/day). No significant variations of TSH, T4, T3 and rT3 levels were documented, either in basal conditions or after TRH stimulation; however a reduced TSH pituitary response was recorded in some patients (6 out of 15).  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous melatonin on prostaglandin secretion was measured on Rasa Aragonesa ewes. Fourteen ewes received an 18 mg melatonin implant (M+) on 10 April and were compared with 13 control animals (without implants M-). Twenty days later, intravaginal pessaries were inserted in all animals to induce a synchronized oestrus (day 0). On day 14, ewes were injected, i.v., with 0.5 IU oxytocin. Plasma 15-ketodihydro-PGF(2alpha) (PGFM) concentrations were measured to assess uterine secretory responsiveness to oxytocin. After euthanasia, pieces of endometrium were collected to determine progesterone content and PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha) secretion in vitro, in the presence or absence of either 20 microg/ml recombinant ovine interferon-tau (roIFNt) or 1 nmol/l oxytocin in the medium. Endometrial progesterone content was similar in the two treatments (M+: 50.25+/-17.34 ng/mg tissue, M-: 43.08+/-11.21 ng/mg tissue). M+ ewes that responded to oxytocin had significantly higher plasma PGFM concentrations between 10 and 80 min after oxytocin administration, a higher mean PGFM peak (P<0.001), higher plasma PGFM levels after the challenge (P<0.05) and higher plasma progesterone concentrations (P<0.01) than control ewes. In the in vitro experiment, M+ and M- control samples secreted similar amounts of PGE(2). The presence of roIFNtau and oxytocin only stimulated PGE(2) production (P<0.05) in M- tissues. Control M+ tissues secreted higher amounts of PGF(2alpha) (P=0.07) and PGF(2alpha) secretion was significantly (P<0.01) stimulated by roIFNtau. Oxytocin produced this effect only in M- samples (P<0.01). In conclusion, although previous studies have demonstrated a positive effect of melatonin on lamb production, PGF(2alpha) secretion is higher in vitro and the PGE(2):PGF(2alpha) ratio is unfavourable in response to IFNtau, which could affect embryo survival. Whether or not these mechanisms are similar in pregnant ewes remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Neonatal STZ (nSTZ) treatment results in damage of pancreatic B-cells and in parallel depletion of insulin and TRH in the rat pancreas. The injury of B-cells is followed by spontaneous regeneration but dysregulation of the insulin response to glucose persists for the rest of life. Similar disturbance in insulin secretion was observed in mice with targeted TRH gene disruption. The aim of present study was to determine the role of the absence of pancreatic TRH during the perinatal period in the nSTZ model of impaired insulin secretion. Neonatal rats were injected with STZ (90 microg/g BW i.p.) and the effect of exogenous TRH (10 ng/g BW/day s.c. during the first week of life) on in vitro functions of pancreatic islets was studied at the age 12-14 weeks. RT-PCR was used for determination of prepro-TRH mRNA in isolated islets. Plasma was assayed for glucose and insulin, and isolated islets were used for determination of insulin release in vitro. The expression of prepro-TRH mRNA was only partially reduced in the islets of adult nSTZ rats when compared to controls. nSTZ rats had normal levels of plasma glucose and insulin but the islets of nSTZ rats failed to response by increased insulin secretion to stimulation with 16.7 mmol/l glucose or 50 mmol/l KCl. Perinatal TRH treatment enhanced basal insulin secretion in vitro in nSTZ animals of both sexes and partially restored the insulin response to glucose stimulation in nSTZ females.  相似文献   

In earlier experiments single benzpyrene treatment of newborn rats caused strong alterations in the endorphin content of adult rats' immune cells. In the present experiments young (4-6 weeks old) male rats were studied for demonstrating the effect of the single neonatal or repeated (neonatally and at weanling) benzpyrene exposure on the serotonin content of immune cells (blood lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes; peritoneal fluid lymphocytes, mast cells, monocytes and granulocytes, thymic lymphocytes). Flow cytometric analysis showed that 50 microg benzpyrene treatment of five-week-old animals was ineffective after 5 days and this was the situation four weeks after single neonatal (20 microg) benzpyrene exposure. However, the repeated treatment of neonatally benzpyrene exposed 4 weeks old animals after 5 days resulted in elevated blood and thymic lymphocyte serotonin amount and in one index (peritoneal monocyte-granulocyte group) reduced serotonin content. This means that neonatal benzpyrene treatment does not influence directly the serotonin content (production or transport) of immune cells (unlike to the endorphin content) however, sensitizes them to a following benzpyrene exposure. The results widen the list of harmful effects (influencing steroid receptor binding, sexual behavior and immune cells' endorphin content) of perinatal benzpyrene exposure.  相似文献   

J Lopez  L Ogren  F Talamantes 《Life sciences》1984,34(23):2303-2311
The effects of neonatal hormone treatment with diethylstilbestrol (DES) and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (HPC) on days 1-5 of life on serum prolactin (PRL) levels and 3H-PRL synthesis and release were studied in C3H/MTV+ mice at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks of age. Neonatal treatment of mice with 2.5 micrograms/day DES was the only treatment that affected the developmental pattern of serum PRL levels. Serum PRL levels were significantly decreased at 6 wks of age with this dose of DES. Neonatal treatment with 2.5 micrograms/day DES and 150 micrograms/day HPC affected the developmental pattern of H-PRL synthesis by the pituitary. At 10 wks of age 3H-PRL synthesis was significantly decreased by these doses of DES and HPC. The percent of 3H-PRL released did not differ between neonatally hormone treated and control animals, suggesting that neonatal treatment affected mechanisms that regulate PRL synthesis but not those that regulate release.  相似文献   

A single dose (3 microg) beta-endorphin was administered to newborn female and male rats (hormonal imprinting). In adult age (at 5 months) sexual behavior, steroid hormone binding capacity and brain serotonin content was studied. Females' sexual activity (lordosis quotient) significantly decreased and more animals protested against mounting (ratio of kicking and crying 21/24 vs. 8/24; p < 0.001). Males' sexual activity did not change, however more males were aggressive (4/10 vs. 1/10). Uterine estrogen receptor density significantly increased and affinity decreased. There was no change in the binding capacity of thymic glucocorticoid receptors. In the brain, five regions were studied for serotonin content. There was a gender difference in serotonin level and the intragroup differences were also high. In the endorphin treated males the serotonin level was significantly lower than in the controls. In the endorphin treated females the intragroup scattering has been significantly reduced. Nociceptin content of the cerebrospinal fluid was not changed. The experiments call attention to the possibility of adjustment of sexual and behavioral sphere by the individually different endorphin surge during labor.  相似文献   

Augmentation of the cAMP level has no positive effect on hormonal imprinting in Tetrahymena. Artificial elevation of the cAMP level may inhibit the development of imprinting or may result in abnormal imprinting. The role of Ca2+ is of great importance in mediation of the imprinting mechanism. Generally, this role is not influenced by an elevated cAMP level but, exceptionally, the latter may effect the mechanism of imprinting.  相似文献   

A single gonadotropin (FSH + LH) treatment of neonatal male rats resulted in depression of sexual activity in adulthood. It appears that not only steroids, but also gonadotropins may alter adult sexual behaviour by a single neonatal exposure. The chemically related hormone thyrotropin (TSH) had a similar, but much less pronounced, effect on adult sexual activity.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanisms by which melatonin modulates sexual development, 5-day-old female Wistar rats have been treated with a single s.c. injection of melatonin, 3 h before the darkness onset. Criteria for sexual development were the age of vaginal opening and the circulating levels of prolactin, LH, FSH and estradiol. Also, pineal melatonin content was measured. There was a precocious puberty (P less than 0.01) in melatonin-treated rats measured by the age of the vaginal opening. An increase in the number of estrous smears over the whole period studied was observed in melatonin-treated animals as compared to controls. Along with these modifications, there was decrease in pineal melatonin content and serum prolactin levels, on day 21 of life (P less than 0.05), with an increase in both parameters on day 30 of age, in melatonin-treated rats as compared to controls, with no modifications at any other time studied. No differences were detected for serum LH levels considering the whole period studied for both groups. There was a faster decrease in plasma FSH levels with age in melatonin-treated animals than in controls. Serum estradiol levels were decreased in the peripubertal period in melatonin-treated rats as compared to controls. All these data suggest that the modifications induced by neonatal melatonin administration on prolactin, FSH and estradiol could be responsible for the precocious puberty shown in this study.  相似文献   

To investigate the site of action of glucocorticoids in modulating secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from pituitaries of male rats, we implanted intact male rats with 250-mg pellets of cortisol (F) or cholesterol (C). Four days later, we collected and enzymatically dispersed the pituitaries. After the dispersed pituitaries had been in culture for 2 days, we treated the cells with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (0-150 nM) and determined the concentrations of LH and FSH in the medium after 6 h of incubation. Cells from donor animals pretreated with F secreted 30-60% more LH approximately 75% more FSH than cells from donor animals pretreated with C. This increase occurred regardless of the presence of F or C in the incubation medium in vitro. The slopes and ED50s of the GnRH dose-response curves were not altered. These data show that glucocorticoids have stimulatory effects on both LH and FSH. The inhibitory effects observed in vivo must be exerted by some mechanism that is not carried over to the in vitro model, and perhaps involve sites of action in addition to the pituitary.  相似文献   

A single neonatal treatment of rats with vitamin D3, gibberellin, allylestrenol or diethylstilbestrol (DES) influenced the ouabain binding capacity of myocardial Na, K-dependent ATP-ase. Of the active molecules tested, vitamin D3, DES and gibberellin had appreciable impact on myocardial ouabain receptors, enhancing and depressing their activity, respectively. The thymic dexamethasone and uterine estrogen receptors did not alter their binding capacity in response to neonatal exposure to vitamin D3 or gibberellin.  相似文献   

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