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Weiblen GD  Bush GL 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(8):1573-1578
Here we draw on phylogenies of figs and fig wasps to suggest how modes of speciation may be affected by interspecific interactions. Mutualists appear to have cospeciated with their hosts to a greater extent than parasites, which showed evidence of host shifting. However, we also repeatedly encountered a pattern not explained by either cospeciation or host switching. Sister species of fig parasites often attack the same host in sympatry, and differences in ovipositor length suggest that parasite speciation could result from divergence in the timing of oviposition with respect to fig development. These observations on fig parasites are consistent with a neglected model of sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

Figs and fig pollinators are one of the few classic textbook examples of obligate pollination mutualism. The specific dependence of fig pollinators on the relatively safe living environment with sufficient food sources in the enclosed fig syconia implies that they are vulnerable to habitat changes. However, there is still no extensive genomic evidence to reveal the evolutionary footprint of this long-term mutually beneficial symbiosis in fig pollinators. In fig syconia, there are also non-pollinator species. The non-pollinator species differ in their evolutionary and life histories from pollinators. We conducted comparative analyses on 11 newly sequenced fig wasp genomes and one previously published genome. The pollinators colonized the figs approximately 66.9 million years ago, consistent with the origin of host figs. Compared with nonpollinators, many more genes in pollinators were subject to relaxed selection. Seven genes were absent in pollinators in response to environmental stress and immune activation. Pollinators had more streamlined gene repertoires in the innate immune system, chemosensory toolbox, and detoxification system. Our results provide genomic evidence for the differentiation between pollinators and nonpollinators. The data suggest that owing to the long-term adaptation to the fig, some genes related to functions no longer required are absent in pollinators.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies of figs and their pollinator wasps   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract. We collected and analysed nucleotide sequence and protein electrophoretic data in order to estimate phylogenies of figs and fig-pollinating wasps at several taxonomic scales. The relatively conserved chloroplast gene coding rbCl allowed the estimation of the taxonomic position of Ficus relative to other genera within the Moraceae. Further, in conjunction with chloroplast tRNA spacer genes, rbcL sequences allowed the partial resolution of the phylogenetic associations of fig species from different parts of the world with representatives from all the recognized subgenera of Ficus . The phylogeny of the corresponding wasp species that pollinate most of those taxa was estimated using mitochondrial COI-COII and 12S ribosomal genes. At a fine scale, the phylogenies of species within two subgenera of figs growing in Panama ( Urostigma , and Pharmacosycea) were estimated by using protein electrophoretic data. The phylogeny of the corresponding pollinator wasp species was estimated using COII sequence data. Although we need to extend the taxa sampled and augment the molecular database, the host and pollinator phylogenies show a high degree of congruence and the results support the predominance of strict-sense co-evolution between figs and their pollinator wasps at both global and fine scales.  相似文献   

Abstract. Figs host three ecologically distinct groups of wasps: pollinators, non-pollinators (parasitic wasps) and parasitoids. Both pollinators and non-pollinators complete their life cycles using fig tissue, while parasitoids appear to attack some groups of non-pollinators. We used nucleotide sequence data to address a series of questions concerning genealogical associations, host specificities and degree of strict-sense co-evolution exhibited by members of these groups. We used the relatively conserved 12S rRNA gene of the mitochondria to estimate high level relationships among pollinator, parasitic and parasitoid taxa by sampling species collected from host figs representing five sections (three subgenera) from Asia, Africa, Europe and Central America. We found that all pollinators formed a clear monophyletic group. However, we could not resolve whether or not all of the non-parasitoid wasps associated with figs (Agaonidae, sensu Bouček) formed a single monophyletic group. Further, we used the more variable COII mitochondrial gene to attempt to determine relationships among closely related species of pollinators within two New World genera. Using sequences from the same gene we estimated the phylogenetic relationships among the parasites collected from the same New World host fig species and compared them with those of the pollinators. At fine taxonomic scale, we found that for both pollinator and parasites, species were generally specific to a given fig host. Moreover, the phylogenies of the non-pollinators are largely congruent with those of the pollinators, suggesting the predominance of strict-sense co-evolution on shared host fig species. The implications of these findings and opportunities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

According to the present classification, the family Agaonidae contains all fig pollinators as well as five subfamilies of non-pollinating fig wasps. The molecular phylogeny of the family was reconstructed using partial sequences of the 28S rRNA (D1 and D2 domains). Our results show that the family Agaonidae is not monophyletic. As a consequence, we restrict the family to the pollinator clade, and assign the non-pollinating subfamilies to various chalcid families. Sycoecinae, Otitesellinae and Sycoryctinae are included in Pteromalidae, whereas Sycophaginae and Epichrysomallinae are left unclassified and will require more in-depth morphological studies. Moreover, we proved that the fig pollination syndrome evolved only once, early in group history. The resource due to the fig-pollinator mutualism has secondarily been colonized independently by different Chalcid lineages.  相似文献   

Cook JM  West SA 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(24):R978-R980

传粉榕小蜂与非传粉小蜂间寄主识别行为的趋同进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高度专性传粉的榕树-榕小蜂互惠共生系统中普遍存在着一些非传粉小蜂,它们中的一些种类进入果腔后也能为榕树传粉,且在形态和物候上已与传粉榕小蜂发生了趋同进化。但其寄主识别行为是否也与传粉榕小蜂发生了趋同进化还不得而知。我们在西双版纳选择了钝叶榕(Ficuscurtipes)及其3种进果繁殖小蜂开展了相关的行为实验。3种小蜂中,1种是钝叶榕的专性传粉榕小蜂(Eupristina sp.),另外2种是寄居性非传粉小蜂(杨氏金小蜂Diaziellayangi和Lipothymus sp.),这2种非传粉小蜂进入果腔后也像传粉榕小蜂那样为钝叶榕传粉。我们以钝叶榕不同发育时期的榕果及这3种小蜂为材料,采用Y型嗅觉仪观察了这3种小蜂对各发育时期榕果和信息化学物质6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮及这2种化合物的混合物的选择行为。结果表明,当提供雌花期榕果与其他发育时期榕果和空气对照供这3种小蜂选择时,它们均显著地偏向于选择雌花期榕果;当提供雄花期榕果与其他发育时期榕果和空气对照供这3种小蜂选择时,它们均显著地偏向于选择其他发育时期榕果和空气对照,即都会避开雄花期榕果;此外,这3种小蜂均对钝叶榕雌花期果释放的一种主要化合物6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇的同一剂量(1μL)表现出显著的偏好。这一结果为传粉榕小蜂与非传粉小蜂间的寄主识别行为趋同进化的假说提供了证据。  相似文献   

1. Fig wasps have proved extremely useful study organisms for testing how reproductive decisions evolve in response to population structure. In particular, they provide textbook examples of how natural selection can favour female‐biased offspring sex ratios, lethal combat for mates and dimorphic mating strategies. 2. However, previous work has been challenged, because supposedly single species have been discovered to be a number of cryptic species. Consequently, new studies are required to determine population structure and reproductive decisions of individuals unambiguously assigned to species. 3. Microsatellites were used to determine species identity and reproductive patterns in three non‐pollinating Sycoscapter species associated with the same fig species. Foundress number was typically one to five and most figs contained more than one Sycoscapter species. Foundresses produced very small clutches of about one to four offspring, but one foundress may lay eggs in several figs. 4. Overall, the data were a poor match to theoretical predictions of solitary male clutches and gregarious clutches with n ? 1 females. However, sex ratios were male‐biased in solitary clutches and female‐biased in gregarious ones. 5. At the brood level (all wasps in a fig), a decrease in sex ratio with increasing brood size was only significant in one species, and sex ratio was unrelated to foundress number. In addition, figs with more foundresses contain more wasp offspring. 6. Finally, 10–22% of females developed in patches without males. As males are wingless, these females disperse unmated and are constrained to produce only sons from unfertilised eggs.  相似文献   

Mutualisms are interactions between two species in which the fitnesses of both symbionts benefit from the relationship. Although examples of mutualism are ubiquitous in nature, the ecology, evolution, and stability of mutualism has rarely been studied in the broader, multi-species community context in which they occur. The pollination mutualism between figs and fig wasps provides an excellent model system for investigating interactions between obligate mutualists and antagonists. Compared to the community of non-pollinating fig wasps that develop within fig inflorescences at the expense of fig seeds and pollinators, consequences of interactions between female pollinating wasps and their host-specialist nematode parasites is much less well understood. Here we focus on a tri-partite system comprised of a fig (Ficus petiolaris), pollinating wasp (Pegoscapus sp.), and nematode (Parasitodiplogaster sp.), investigating geographical variation in the incidence of attack and mechanisms through which nematodes may limit the fitness of their wasp hosts at successive life history stages. Observational data reveals that nematodes are ubiquitous across their host range in Baja California, Mexico; that the incidence of nematode infection varies across seasons within- and between locations, and that infected pollinators are sometimes associated with fitness declines through reduced offspring production. We find that moderate levels of infection (1–9 juvenile nematodes per host) are well tolerated by pollinator wasps whereas higher infection levels (≥10 nematodes per host) are correlated with a significant reduction in wasp lifespan and dispersal success. This overexploitation, however, is estimated to occur in only 2.8% of wasps in each generation. The result that nematode infection appears to be largely benign – and the unexpected finding that nematodes frequently infect non-pollinating wasps – highlight gaps in our knowledge of pollinator-Parasitodiplogaster interactions and suggest previously unappreciated ways in which this nematode may influence fig and pollinator fitness, mutualism persistence, and non-pollinator community dynamics.  相似文献   

Non-pollinating wasps distort the sex ratio of pollinating fig wasps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In fig wasps, mating occurs among the offspring of one or a few foundress mothers within the fig, from which the mated females disperse to found new broods. Under these conditions, males will compete with each other for mating, and such local mate competition can result in female-biased sex ratios. In addition to pollinating wasps, non-pollinating wasp species are also associated with figs and develop in flower ovaries or parasitize the larvae of primary galling wasps. While studying the fig wasp Pegoscapus tonduzi , which pollinates Ficus citrifolia in Brazil, we examined the influence of non-pollinating fig wasps on the sex ratio of species that pollinate F. citrifolia to determine whether the presence of non-pollinating wasps resulted in a distorted sex ratio. There was a positive relationship between the sex ratio of P. tonduzi and the number of non-pollinating wasps that was independent of the number of foundresses and brood size. In addition, the number of non-pollinating wasps correlated negatively with the number of pollinating females, but was not significantly related to the number of pollinating males. This finding suggested that non-pollinating wasps had a direct effect in distorting the sex ratio of P. tonduzi broods. Our results indicate that the secondary sex ratio may not precisely reflect the primary sex ratio when there is a high infestation of non-pollinating fig wasps.  相似文献   

Fig wasps are tiny insects that both pollinate and feed upon fig plants. Each species requires the other in order to complete its reproductive cycle. The interaction centres on the unique structure of syconium (fig inflorescence), which provides an intriguing and convenient microcosm for studying the action of both natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

榕果挥发物对传粉榕小蜂的吸引作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
榕树 /榕小蜂专一性共生系统的维持 ,与榕树开花期释放的特殊的挥发性化合物以及榕小蜂对其寄主榕树的化学识别和定位紧密相关。研究选取了西双版纳地区常见的 3种榕树 ,即对叶榕 Ficus hispida、木瓜榕 F.auriculata和鸡嗉子榕F.semicordata的榕果作为实验材料 ,利用野外诱捕实验、室内生物检测实验检测传粉榕小蜂 Hymenoptera:ChalcidoidaeAgaonidae对 12种信息化合物及榕果的二氯甲烷浸提物的趋向性反应 ,研究不同榕属植物的传粉榕小蜂对相同的信息化合物的反应差异 ,以及传粉榕小蜂受不同发育时期榕果浸提物吸引的显著性程度。诱捕实验中对叶榕小蜂 Ceratosolen solmsimarchali对香叶醇的趋向性反应显著 ,大果榕小蜂 C.emarginatus对接受期榕果浸提物和芳樟醇都有明显的趋向性反应 ,而对间花期榕果浸提物则无显著反应。嗅觉仪生物检测实验中 ,鸡嗉果榕小蜂 C.gravelyi对香叶醇和松油醇都表现出显著的趋向性反应。结果表明 ,对叶榕、鸡嗉子榕传粉榕小蜂对 12种信息化合物的反应存在一定的差异 ,木瓜榕传粉榕小蜂对香叶醇和木瓜榕接受期榕果浸提物的趋向性反应比间花期榕果强得多  相似文献   

Many pollinator populations are declining, with large economic and ecological implications. Parasites are known to be an important factor in the some of the population declines of honey bees and bumblebees, but little is known about the parasites afflicting most other pollinators, or the extent of interspecific transmission or vectoring of parasites. Here we carry out a preliminary screening of pollinators (honey bees, five species of bumblebee, three species of wasp, four species of hoverfly and three genera of other bees) in the UK for parasites. We used molecular methods to screen for six honey bee viruses, Ascosphaera fungi, Microsporidia, and Wolbachia intracellular bacteria. We aimed simply to detect the presence of the parasites, encompassing vectoring as well as actual infections. Many pollinators of all types were positive for Ascosphaera fungi, while Microsporidia were rarer, being most frequently found in bumblebees. We also detected that most pollinators were positive for Wolbachia, most probably indicating infection with this intracellular symbiont, and raising the possibility that it may be an important factor in influencing host sex ratios or fitness in a diversity of pollinators. Importantly, we found that about a third of bumblebees (Bombus pascuorum and Bombus terrestris) and a third of wasps (Vespula vulgaris), as well as all honey bees, were positive for deformed wing virus, but that this virus was not present in other pollinators. Deformed wing virus therefore does not appear to be a general parasite of pollinators, but does interact significantly with at least three species of bumblebee and wasp. Further work is needed to establish the identity of some of the parasites, their spatiotemporal variation, and whether they are infecting the various pollinator species or being vectored. However, these results provide a first insight into the diversity, and potential exchange, of parasites in pollinator communities.  相似文献   

The levels of genetic diversity and gene flow may influence the long-term persistence of populations. Using microsatellite markers, we investigated genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in island (Krakatau archipelago, Indonesia) and mainland (Java and Sumatra, Indonesia) populations of Liporrhopalum tentacularis and Ceratosolen bisulcatus, the fig wasp pollinators of two dioecious Ficus (fig tree) species. Genetic diversity in Krakatau archipelago populations was similar to that found on the mainland. Population differentiation between mainland coastal sites and the Krakatau islands was weak in both wasp species, indicating that the intervening 40 km across open sea may not be a barrier for wasp gene flow (dispersal) and colonization of the islands. Surprisingly, mainland populations of the fig waSPS may be more genetically isolated than the islands, as gene flow between populations on the Javan mainland differed between the two wasp species. Contrasting growth forms and relative 'immunity' to the effects of deforestation in their host fig trees may account for these differences.  相似文献   

The nursery pollination system of fig trees (Ficus) results in the plants providing resources for pollinator fig wasp larvae as part of their male reproductive investment, with selection determining relative investment into pollinating wasps and the pollen they carry. The small size of Ficus pollen suggests that the quantities of pollen transported by individual wasps often limits male reproductive success. We assessed variation in fig wasp pollen loads and its influence on seed production in actively pollinated (Ficus montana) and passively pollinated (Ficus carica) dioecious fig trees.The ratios of number of male flowers on number of female flowers in a glasshouse-maintained F. montana population were highly variable. When fig wasps were introduced into receptive female figs, the resulting seed numbers were strongly linked to the numbers of pollinators that had been seeking access to pollen, relative to the number of anthers in their natal figs. In F. carica estimates of the amounts of pollen produced per fig and the quantities of pollen carried by emerging fig wasps suggest that less than 10% of the pollen is transported. Pollinators of F. carica that emerged earlier from figs carried more pollen, and also generated more seeds when introduced into receptive female figs.We show here that all pollinators are not equally valuable and producing more pollinators is not necessarily a good option in terms of Ficus male fitness. Previous results on F. montana figs showed that only around half of the flowers where pollinators lay eggs produced adult offspring. The amount of pollen collected by young female fig wasps may be a major determinant of their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Figs and fig wasps form one of the best known examples of species-specific mutualism and coevolution. Recent experiments and observations have led to a better understanding of the evolutionary processes involved in the origin and maintenance of species interactions. The observed fine-tuned traits involve not only coevolution but also selection acting on only one of the partners. Furthermore, some of the 'fine-tuned traits' appear to be be preadaptions - traits that existed before the mutalism was establised.  相似文献   

The obligate mutualism between fig trees and their fig wasp pollinators, together with the general tendency for each host species to be pollinated by one fig wasp species, led to the hypothesis that these two lineages have cospeciated. The pollinators of African figs of section Galoglychia form a diverse group of genera whose species seem to be less constrained to a specific host than other pollinating fig wasp genera. Various authors have suggested remarkably different phylogenetic relationships between the seven genera associated with section Galoglychia. These uncertainties concerning the classification make it difficult to understand the historical patterns of association between these wasps and their hosts. The phylogenetic tree for the pollinators was reconstructed with 28S, COI and ITS2 DNA sequence data and compared with morphological classification of the hosts. Pollinator genera were monophyletic in all analyses. However, the relative position of some genera remains unresolved. Investigation of host−fig association suggests that there have been frequent host jumps between host subsections. This indicates that cospeciation between fig trees and fig wasps is not as stringent as previously assumed. In addition, pollinators of the genus Alfonsiella associated with three host figs (Ficus craterostoma, F. stuhlmannii and F. petersii) are morphologically very similar in South Africa. We investigated the possibility that these pollinators form a complex of species with host‐based genetic differentiation. Molecular analyses supported the distinction of the pollinator of F. craterostoma as a good species, but the pollinators of F. stuhlmannii and F. petersii clustered within the same clade, suggesting that these two host species share a single pollinator, Alfonsiella binghami. Based on both molecular data and morphological re‐evaluation, a new Alfonsiella species is described, Alfonsiella pipithiensis sp. nov., which is the pollinator of F. craterostoma in southern Africa. A key to both females and males of all described species of Alfonsiella is provided.  相似文献   

For more than two decades, it has been the dogma that the males of pollinating fig wasps do not fight and that they only mate in their native fig. Their extreme degree of local mating leads to highly female biased sex ratios that should eliminate the benefits of fighting and dispersal by males. Furthermore, males sharing a fig are often brothers, and fighting may be barred by kin selection. Therefore, theory supported the presumed absence of fighting and dispersal in pollinating fig wasp males. However, we report here that in pollinating fig wasps, fighting between brothers evolved at least four and possibly six time, and dispersal by males at least twice. This finding supports the idea that competition between relatives can cancel the ameliorating effects of relatedness. The explanation to this evolutionary puzzle, as well as the consequences of male dispersal and fighting, opens the doors to exciting new research.  相似文献   

Xiao JH  Wang NX  Li YW  Murphy RW  Wan DG  Niu LM  Hu HY  Fu YG  Huang DW 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e15067
Cryptic and polymorphic species can complicate traditional taxonomic research and both of these concerns are common in fig wasp communities. Species identification is very difficult, despite great effort and the ecological importance of fig wasps. Herein, we try to identify all chalcidoid wasp species hosted by one species of fig, using both morphological and molecular methods. We compare the efficiency of four different DNA regions and find that ITS2 is highly effective for species identification, while mitochondrial COI and Cytb regions appear less reliable, possibly due to the interference signals from either nuclear copies of mtDNA, i.e. NUMTs, or the effects of Wolbachia infections. The analyses suggest that combining multiple markers is the best choice for inferring species identifications as any one marker may be unsuitable in a given case.  相似文献   

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