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Summary Temperature-sensitive nitrogen fixation mutants of Azotobacter vinelandii were obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and penicillin selection. The mutants were unable to grow on N2 at 39° but grew normally at 30° on N2 and at both temperatures in the presence of metabolizable nitrogen compounds. Growth experiments and assays of whole cells for nitrogenase activity separated the mutants into two classes: 1. mutants in which the nitrogenase activity present in cells grown at 30° was unaffected by a shift to 39°, and 2. mutants which lost their nitrogen fixation activity after such a temperature shift. Assays of cell-free extracts of the second class of mutants showed that in all cases tested the enzymatic activity of the nitrogenase complex itself was not affected by the mutation. These mutants might therefore contain some other temperature-sensitive proteins specifically involved in nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation by the free-living organism Azotobacter vinelandii can occur through the activity of three different systems that are genetically distinct but mechanistically related. A combination of bioinformatic and biochemical-genetic studies has revealed that at least 82 different genes are likely to be associated with the formation and regulation of these systems. Studies performed over many years have established that cross-talk occurs between the various nitrogen fixation systems, and that expression and fine-tuning of their activities are integrated with overall cellular physiology. Martinez-Noel and co-workers now report another newly discovered aspect of the process. Evidence is presented to suggest that a nitrogen fixation-specific paralogue of ClpX is used to control the accumulation of proteins involved in formation of a metal-sulphur cluster that provides a nitrogenase active site. The intriguing aspect of this work is that it indicates that the nitrogen fixation-associated ClpX must recruit ClpP, for which a paralogue is not duplicated within any of the nitrogen fixation regions of the genome, to achieve its function related to nitrogen fixation. Inspection of the A. vinelandii genome indicates that such recruitment of cellular housekeeping components is a common feature used to integrate nitrogen fixation with global cellular physiology.  相似文献   

The major part of biological nitrogen fixation is catalysed by the molybdenum nitrogenase that carries at its active site the iron and molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co). The nitrogen fixation (nif) genes required for the biosynthesis of FeMo-co are derepressed in the absence of a source of fixed nitrogen. The nifB gene product is remarkable because it assembles NifB-co, a complex cluster proposed to comprise a [6Fe-9S-X] cluster, from simpler [Fe-S] clusters common to other metabolic pathways. NifB-co is a common intermediate of the biosyntheses of the cofactors present in the molybdenum, vanadium and iron nitrogenases. In this work, the expression of the Azotobacter vinelandii nifB gene was uncoupled from its natural nif regulation to show that NifB protein levels are lower in cells growing diazotrophically than in cells growing at the expense of ammonium. A. vinelandii carries a duplicated copy of the ATPase component of the ubiquitous ClpXP protease (ClpX2), which is induced under nitrogen fixing conditions. Inactivation of clpX2 resulted in the accumulation of NifB and NifEN and a defect in diazotrophic growth, especially when iron was in short supply. Mutations in nifE, nifN and nifX or in nifA also affected NifB accumulation, suggesting that NifB susceptibility to degradation might vary during its catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Tn5 mutagenesis and insertion replacement in Azotobacter vinelandii.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tn5 insertion mutants of Azotobacter vinelandii were isolated using vectors pJB4JI (IncP) and pGS9 (IncN). A procedure to replace Tn5 (Kmr) by its nontransposing derivative Tn5-131 (Tcr) was developed. For the replacement, a ColEl derivative harboring Tn5-131 (pRZ131) was conjugally mobilized by the IncN plasmid pCU101 into A. vinelandii strains containing Tn5. Both plasmids are unable to be maintained in A. vinelandii, but the transient presence of pRZ131 allows recombination between the incoming and the resident Tn5 elements. Genetic and physical analysis showed that insertion replacements result in lower frequencies of Tn5-associated genomic rearrangements, thereby increasing the stability of Tn5-containing strains.  相似文献   

Summary The tetracycline-resistant transposon Tn10 and its high-hopper derivative Tn10HH104 were introduced into the Azotobacter vinelandii genome using suicide conjugative plasmids derived from pRK2013. Several types of mutants induced by either of these elements are described. Nif- mutants (deficient in nitrogen fixation) were easily isolated, whereas the isolation of other mutant types (auxotrophs, sugar non-users) required special selection conditions. The characterization of the mutations as transposon insertions was often complicated and sometimes required a combination of genetic and physical tests. A common source of complication, the existence of double inserts, was found among the mutants induced by Tn10HH104 but not among those induced by Tn10. Both the high-hopper and the wild-type element proved to undergo secondary transpositions, albeit at different frequencies. Another type of complication, the existence of heterozygotes, occurred because of the high level of redundancy of the A. vinelandii genome.  相似文献   

Mutants of Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC 12837 were isolated which could fix N2 in the presence of high tungsten concentrations. The most studied of these mutants (WD2) grew well in N-free modified Burk broth containing 10 mM W, whereas the wild type would not grow in this medium. WD2 would also grow in Burk N-free broth at about the same rate as the wild type. WD2 in broth containing W exhibited 22% of the whole cell acetylene reduction activity of the wild type in broth containing Mo and showed a lowered affinity for acetylene. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis experiments showed that N2-fixing cells of WD2 from broth containing W or Mo did not produce significant amounts of component I of native nitrogenase protein. Electron spin resonance spectra of whole cells and cell-free extracts of WD2 from broth containing W lacked any trace of the g = 3.6 resonance associated with FeMoCo.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activities were determined from maximum acetylene reduction rates for mutant strains of Azotobacter vinelandii which are unable to fix N2 in the presence of molybdenum (Nif-) but undergo phenotypic reversal to Nif+ under conditions of Mo deficiency. The system responsible for N2 fixation under these conditions is thought to be an alternative N2 fixation system (Bishop et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77:7342-7346, 1980). Phenotypic reversal of Nif- strains to Nif+ strains was also observed in N-free medium without Mo but with either V or Re. Two protein patterns were found on two-dimensional gels of proteins from the extracts of wild-type cells cultured in N-free medium without Mo and with or without V or Re. The expression of each protein pattern in the wild-type strain of A. vinelandii seemed to depend upon the physiological state of the N2-fixing culture. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments were conducted on whole cells of A. vinelandii grown under conditions of Mo deprivation in the absence of fixed N. No g = 3.65 signal (an electron paramagnetic resonance signal characteristic of the Mo-containing component of nitrogenase) was detectable in these cells, regardless of whether V or Re was present during growth of these cells, These results are discussed from the perspective that the well-known effect of V on N2 fixation by A. vinelandii may involve an alternative N2 fixation system.  相似文献   

The levels of the adenine nucleotides, pyridine nucleotides and the kinetical parameters of the enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) were determined in Azotobacter vinelandii cells, grown under O2- or N2-limiting conditions. It was concluced that the levels of both the adenine nucleotides and pyridine nucleotides do not limit the rate of sucrose oxidation. Experiments with radioactive pyruvate and sucrose show that the rate of sucrose oxidation of Azotobacter cells is associated with an increase in the rate of sucrose uptake. The sites of oxidative phosphorylation and the composition of the respiratory membranes with respect to cytochromes c4 + c5, b and d differ in cells growth either O2- or N2-limited. It was possible to show that the respiration protection of the nitrogen-fixing system in Azotobacter is mainly independent of the oxidation capacity of the cells. The oxidation capacity intrinsically depends on the type of substrate and can be partly adapted. The maximum activity of the nitrogenase in Azotobacter depends on the type of substrate oxidized. Although the level of energy charge is somewhat dependent on the type of substrate used, no obvious relation can be derived between changes in energy charge and nitrogenase activity. An alternative proposal is given.  相似文献   

Life on Earth depends on N2-fixing microbes to make ammonia from atmospheric N2 gas by the nitrogenase enzyme. Most nitrogenases use Mo as a cofactor; however, V and Fe are also possible. N2 fixation was once believed to have evolved during the Archean-Proterozoic times using Fe as a cofactor. However, δ15N values of paleo-ocean sediments suggest Mo and V cofactors despite their low concentrations in the paleo-oceans. This apparent paradox is based on an untested assumption that only soluble metals are bioavailable. In this study, laboratory experiments were performed to test the bioavailability of mineral-associated trace metals to a model N2-fixing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii. N2 fixation was observed when Mo in molybdenite, V in cavansite, and Fe in ferrihydrite were used as the sole sources of cofactors, but the rate of N2 fixation was greatly reduced. A physical separation between minerals and cells further reduced the rate of N2 fixation. Biochemical assays detected five siderophores, including aminochelin, azotochelin, azotobactin, protochelin, and vibrioferrin, as possible chelators to extract metals from minerals. The results of this study demonstrate that mineral-associated trace metals are bioavailable as cofactors of nitrogenases to support N2 fixation in those environments that lack soluble trace metals and may offer a partial answer to the paradox.  相似文献   

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