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真海豚包括长喙真海豚( Delphinus capensis) 和短喙真海豚( D. delphis) 2 种, 而中国水域的真海豚到底是哪一个种或是否同时有两个种的存在, 并不清楚。本研究测定了12 头中国水域真海豚mtDNA 控制区(control region) 366 bp 和细胞色素b (cytochrome b , cyt b) 基因336 bp 的序列, 并与已发表的其它真海豚的序列合并分析,初步鉴定中国水域真海豚的分类地位。结果表明, 中国水域的真海豚与东太平洋的长喙真海豚有相同的鉴别位点, 且两者之间的核苷酸歧异度(控制区: 1.93 ±0.22 % , cyt b 基因: 0.68 ±0.19 %) 显著低于与短喙真海豚之间的差异(控制区: 2.92 ±0.41 % , cyt b 基因: 0.95 ±0.27 %) 。通过MEGA (molecular evolutionary genetic analysis) 软件中的邻接法(neighbor joining) 进行的系统发生分析中, 中国水域的真海豚与长喙真海豚聚成一支, 有明显较近的亲缘关系。因此, 中国水域的真海豚在分类上应归属于长喙真海豚。  相似文献   

The common dolphin has a widespread distribution and is relatively abundant in the temperate to subtropical waters of the eastern North Atlantic. However, it is not known whether different species, subspecies, or populations occur in this region. We examined 393 common dolphin skulls obtained from both stranded and bycaught individuals collected between 1901 and 2005. The series included skulls of 152 females and 199 males, from animals ranging in body length from 93 to 230 cm and 105 to 244 cm, respectively. The ranges of total body length, skull size, RL/ZGW ratio and maximum upper alveolar (tooth) count of common dolphins in the eastern North Atlantic overlapped with those of both short- ( D. delphis ) and long-beaked ( D. capensis ) species found off the Californian coast. However, in the absence of additional data, the common dolphin in the eastern North Atlantic is regarded here as a large form of Delphinus delphis . Sexual dimorphism and possible sex-linked characters were identified within the sample. Results of the current study indicate some population differentiation within the eastern North Atlantic, with common dolphins off Portugal showing segregation in morphometric characteristics from common dolphins in other areas.  相似文献   

The resolution of taxonomic classifications for delphinid cetaceans has been problematic, especially for species in the genera Delphinus, Tursiops and Stenella. The frequent lack of correspondence between morphological and genetic differentiation in these species raises questions about the mechanisms responsible for their evolution. In this study we focus on the genus Delphinus, and use molecular markers to address questions about speciation and the evolution of population structure. Delphinus species have a worldwide distribution and show a high degree of morphological variation. Two distinct morphotypes, long-beaked and short-beaked, have been considered different species named D. capensis and D. delphis, respectively. However, genetic differentiation between these two forms has only been demonstrated in the Pacific. We analysed samples from eight different geographical regions, including two morphologically defined long-beaked form populations, and compared these with the eastern North Pacific populations. We found high differentiation among the populations described as long-beaked instead of the expected monophyly, suggesting that these populations may have evolved from independent events converging on the same morphotype. We observed low genetic differentiation among the short-beaked populations across a large geographical scale. We interpret these phylogeographical patterns in the context of life history and population structure in related species.  相似文献   

研究了加州Santa Monica海湾鳍足类的生态学.从1997-2007年乘船调查了277次,发现海狮(Zalophus californianus)是最常见的动物(89%,见到的次数为1393次),其次是港海豹(Phoca vitulina richardsi,8%,n=131)和北象海豹(Mirounga angustirostris,1%,n=15).在29%的遇见次数(观察到瓶海豚205次)中,发现海狮(偶尔也发现港海豹)与瓶鼻海豚集群(Tursiops truncatus);短喙真海豚(Delphinus delphis)与长喙真海豚(D.capensis)在53% 的遇见次数(遇见真海豚次数n=155)中,发现短喙真海豚(Delphinus delphis)与长喙真海豚(D.capensis)集群;一般在沿岸水域(离岸边距离<500 m)见到海狮和港海豹,但在整个海湾也能见到,表现出这两个物种对海底峡谷的偏爱.北象海豹仅见于近海,主要在海底峡谷附近. 经常看到海狮、港海豹和北象海豹游动(50%,n=728)、进行热调节(14%,n=205)、以及取食(3.2%,n=47),但几乎见不到有社会性活动(0.21%,n=3).  相似文献   

Research into dolphin swimming historically was guided by false assumptions pertaining to maximum speed. Accurate measurements on swimming speed and duration of effort of free-ranging dolphins are rare. To examine the variance of maximum swimming speeds, nearly 2,000 speed measurements were obtained for both captive and free-ranging dolphins, including Tursiops truncatus, Pseudorca crassidens, Delphinus capensis , and Delphinus delpbis . Measurements were made from videotapes of dolphins trained to swim fast around a large pool or jumping to a maximum height, videotapes of captured wild dolphins immediately after release, and sequential aerial photographs of a school of free-ranging dolphins startled by a passing airplane. Maximum horizontal speeds for trained animals were 8.2 m/sec for T. truncatus , 8.0 m/sec for D. delphis , and 8.0 m/sec for P. crassidens . Maximum speeds for T. truncatus swimming upwards, prior to vertical leaps ranged from 8.2 to 11.2 m/sec. Wild T. truncatus demonstrated a maximum speed of 5.7 m/sec. Maximum swimming speed of free-ranging D. capensis responding to multiple passes by a low flying airplane was 6.7 m/sec. There was no evidence that the freeranging dolphins have superior swimming capabilities to captive animals. The results of this study imply that realistic maximum swimming speeds for dolphins are lower than previous reports which were based on sparse data and imprecise measurement techniques.  相似文献   

A novel molecular technique was used to measure blubber testosterone (BT) in 114 male short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis , collected from incidental fishery bycatch and strandings. When these concentrations were compared across maturity states, the mean (± SEM) BT levels of mature D. delphis (14.3 ± 3.0 ng/g) were significantly higher than those of pubertal (2.5 ± 0.5 ng/g, P = 0.006) and immature animals (2.2 ± 0.3 ng/g, P < 0.0001). BT concentrations in mature males were significantly higher in summer months (53.9 ± 2.0 ng/g) than during the rest of the year (7.9 ± 0.69 ng/g, P < 0.0001), indicating reproductive seasonality. An analysis of BT in different anatomical locations showed that hormone concentrations were not homogenous throughout the body; the levels in the dorsal fin were significantly lower than in most other areas ( F = 5.39, P = 0.043). Conversely, we found no significant differences in BT concentration with respect to subepidermal depth ( F = 2.09, P = 0.146). Finally, testosterone levels in biopsies from 138 free-swimming male D. delphis , of unknown maturity state, sampled off California were found to be of concentrations similar to those from the fishery bycatch and stranding samples and revealed an analogous trend with respect to ordinal date.  相似文献   

The corpora albicantia (CAs) from the ovaries of 39 common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ) caught in driving fisheries were used, and histologically and immunohistochemically examined. The area of each corpus albicans (CA) and the proportion of that area occupied by elastin were measured using NIH-image software. In all CAs, elastoid material (EM) was apparent although EM area varied in each CA. CAs increased in number with dolphin age. Smaller CAs contained a higher proportion of EM. EM was completely digested by elastase, but not by collagenase. Furthermore, EM was immunostained with anti-α-elastin antibody. These results demonstrated that EM was elastin. The present study is the first to describe the presence of elastin in cetacean CAs. The higher proportion of elastin in small-sized CAs of common dolphins is suggested as the likely cause of the persistence of CA.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural appearances of the cell types are described in the pars distalis of common (Pacific) dolphins, Delphinus delphis. Tentative functions are assigned to these cells and discussed in relation to some of the known adaptations of these mammals to a marine environment.  相似文献   

A total of 297 common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) stomachs was used for these diet analyses. All originated from common dolphins incidentally captured in Natal, where their occurrence is strongly associated with an annual, northward fish migration, the sardine run, along the east coast. Thirty-six fish and four cephalopod prey species were identified. Though 86.9% by weight of the diet was made up of only five prey species, common dolphins appear to feed opportunistically, their diet reflecting local prey abundance and availability. Prey were primarily small, easily-caught, pelagic shoaling species, with the main prey being South African pilchard (Sardinops ocellatus). Although pilchard dominated the diet between 1974 and 1992, there were marked annual and seasonal fluctuations in dietary composition, reflecting changes in prey availability and abundance. There were clear differences in the contribution of particular prey species to the diet of different sex and size groups, with strong evidence for resource partitioning between groups. The influence of the annual 'sardine run', and the fish predators associated with it, on the diet, feeding biology and distribution of common dolphins is discussed.  相似文献   

The short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis , is abundant in both neritic and oceanic habitats. These two domains differ largely in terms of the nature of forage organisms and their availability to surface-bound top predators, which suggests that the common dolphin should show extensive variability in foraging strategies as a response to these different habitats. However, although its diet is well known over continental shelves, so far, mostly because of sampling issues, nothing has been published on its diet in oceanic habitats. In this study, the diet of sixty-three common dolphins bycaught in the French albacore tuna driftnet fishery in the summers of 1992–1993 in the oceanic Bay of Biscay was determined from their stomach contents and compared to neritic studies. The diet was dominated by fish (90% by number [N] and 53% by mass of total diet [M]). Cephalopods were also important in the total diet (9%N, 46%M) but were a prey of secondary importance in the fresh fraction (3%N, 10%M), presumably due to longer retention of cephalopod remains in the stomach. Crustaceans were of minor importance. At the species level, the myctophid fish ( Notoscopelus kroeyeri ) largely dominated the diet. Prey size ranged from 1 to 68 cm, but the majority of preys were from 2 to 30 cm. The prey characteristics and their state of digestion suggest that the common dolphin forages preferentially on small schooling, vertically migrating mesopelagic fauna in the surface layer at dusk and early night. The diet is taxonomically distinct from results obtained in neritic studies but is similar in terms of prey type and the corresponding feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the spotted dolphins has been confused. Two apparent species exist, one endemic to the Atlantic and the other pantropical. They have sharply different color patterns and non-overlapping vertebral counts. However, the holotype specimens for most of the names that have been applied to the spotted dolphins (including S. attenuata, S. frontalis, S. plagiodon and others) are skulls only, with no information on coloration or number of vertebrae. The two species overlap in all skull characters; geographical variation in both is pronounced. We used a discriminant analysis based on tooth counts and three skull measurements (standardized to skull width) to identify the type specimens to the two species. We used other criteria for assignment of nominal species for which holotype specimens do not exist. We propose that Stenella frontalis (G. Cuv., 1829) be used for the Atlantic endemic species and Stenella attenuata (Gray, 1846) for the pantropical species and here redescribe the species. Proposed common names are Atlantic spotted dolphin and pantropical spotted dolphin. S. frontalis now includes Delphinus froenatus F. Cuv., 1829, D. doris Gray, 1846 and D. plagiodon Cope, 1866. S. attenuata (a nomen conservandum) includes D. velox G. Cuv., 1829, D. pseudodelphis Wiegmann, ≤ 1840, D. brevimanus Wagner, 1846, D. microbrachium Gray, 1850, D. albirostratus Peale, 1848, Steno capensis Gray, 1865, Clymene punctatus Gray, 1866, Steno consimilis Malm, 1871 and Prodelphinus graffmani Lönnberg, 1934. Unidentifiable to either of the two valid species are D. dubius G. Cuv., 1812, D. pernettensis de Blainville, 1817 (suppressed), D. malayanus Lesson, 1826 and D. Rappii Reichenbach, 1845; these must remain incertae sedis.  相似文献   

Sightings of white-sided ( Lagenorhynchus acutus ) and common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ) from survey vessels operating on the continental shelf of the northeastern United States were recorded during spring and fall of six years. Distributions of these sightings were compared with sea surface temperature and salinity, and bottom topography. The apparent geographic distributions of the two species are complementary, although there is a broad overlap. White-sided dolphins occurred primarily within the Gulf of Maine, but also on Georges Bank and in the mid-Atlantic region. Common dolphins were abundant within a broad band paralleling the continental slope (100–200 m depth contour) from latitude 35°N to the northeast peak of Georges Bank. Sightings of this species were distributed primarily along the edge of the continental shelf south of 40°N in spring and north of this latitude in fall. Few sightings of common dolphins occurred in the Gulf of Maine.
Although both species of dolphins were sighted more frequently in areas of high sea floor relief, white-sided dolphins occurred in areas where sea surface temperatures and salinities are low while common dolphins were sighted in warmer, more saline waters. However, these environmental conditions may be only secondarily influencing dolphin distribution. Seasonal variation in sea surface temperature and salinity, and local nutrient upwelling in areas of high sea floor relief may affect preferred prey abundances, which in turn may affect dolphin distribution.  相似文献   

In the mid-1990s, a new common dolphin species (Delphinus capensis) was defined in the northeast Pacific using morphological characters and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. This species is sympatric with a second species, Delphinus delphis; morphological differences between the two are slight and it is clear they are closely related. Does the phenotypic distinction result from only a few important genes or from large differences between their nuclear genomes? We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to broadly survey the nuclear genomes of these two species to examine the levels of nuclear divergence and genetic diversity between them. Furthermore, to create an evolutionary context in which to compare the level of interspecific divergence found between the two Delphinus taxa, we also examined two distinct morphotypes of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). A nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis clearly differentiated both Delphinus species, indicating that significant nuclear genetic differentiation has arisen between the species despite their morphological similarity. However, the AFLP data indicated that the two T. truncatus morphotypes exhibit greater divergence than D. capensis and D. delphis, suggesting that they too should be considered different species.  相似文献   

Advances in molecular techniques have enabled the study of genetic diversity and population structure in many different contexts. Studies that assess the genetic structure of cetacean populations often use biopsy samples from free-ranging individuals and tissue samples from stranded animals or individuals that became entangled in fishery or aquaculture equipment. This leads to the question of how representative the location of a stranded or entangled animal is with respect to its natural range, and whether similar results would be obtained when comparing carcass samples with samples from free-ranging individuals in studies of population structure. Here we use tissue samples from carcasses of dolphins that stranded or died as a result of bycatch in South Australia to investigate spatial population structure in two species: coastal bottlenose (Tursiops sp.) and short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). We compare these results with those previously obtained from biopsy sampled free-ranging dolphins in the same area to test whether carcass samples yield similar patterns of genetic variability and population structure. Data from dolphin carcasses were gathered using seven microsatellite markers and a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region. Analyses based on carcass samples alone failed to detect genetic structure in Tursiops sp., a species previously shown to exhibit restricted dispersal and moderate genetic differentiation across a small spatial scale in this region. However, genetic structure was correctly inferred in D. delphis, a species previously shown to have reduced genetic structure over a similar geographic area. We propose that in the absence of corroborating data, and when population structure is assessed over relatively small spatial scales, the sole use of carcasses may lead to an underestimate of genetic differentiation. This can lead to a failure in identifying management units for conservation. Therefore, this risk should be carefully assessed when planning population genetic studies of cetaceans.  相似文献   

An integrated approach of using strandings and bycatch data may provide an indicator of long-term trends for data-limited cetaceans. Strandings programs can give a faithful representation of the species composition of cetacean assemblages, while standardised bycatch rates can provide a measure of relative abundance. Comparing the two datasets may also facilitate managing impacts by understanding which species, sex or sizes are the most vulnerable to interactions with fisheries gear. Here we apply this approach to two long-term datasets in East Australia, bycatch in the Queensland Shark Control Program (QSCP, 1992–2012) and strandings in the Queensland Marine Wildlife Strandings and Mortality Program (StrandNet, 1996–2012). Short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, were markedly more frequent in bycatch than in the strandings dataset, suggesting that they are more prone to being incidentally caught than other cetacean species in the region. The reverse was true for humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops spp.; and species predominantly found in offshore waters. QSCP bycatch was strongly skewed towards females for short-beaked common dolphins, and towards smaller sizes for Australian humpback dolphins, Sousa sahulensis. Overall, both datasets demonstrated similar seasonality and a similar long-term increase from 1996 until 2008. Analysis on a species-by-species basis was then used to explore potential explanations for long-term trends, which ranged from a recovering stock (humpback whales) to a shift in habitat use (short-beaked common dolphins).  相似文献   

The relative abundance of the most common cetacean schools in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean for 1977–1980 are estimated based on encounter rates with tuna purse-seiners. No temporal trends were apparent in the relative abundance estimates. The geographic distributions for eight different school types are described. Multivariate statistical techniques are used to investigate interrelations between species and relationships to parameters of the physical environment. The results suggest three major species groupings: (1) an inshore grouping of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncates ), Risso's dolphin ( Grampus griseus ), pilot whales ( Globicephala macrorhynchus ) and, to a lesser extent, common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ); (2) an offshore pelagic grouping of spotted and spinner dolphins ( Stenella attenuate and S. longirostris ); and (3) an association between pilot whales and common dolphins that overlaps the first grouping in inshore areas and also tends to be segregated from the second grouping. The results also suggest that relative densities of different school types are strongly related to physical environmental parameters, the most important being sea surface temperature, depth of the thermocline and thickness of the oxygen minimum layer.  相似文献   

We collected 83 females and 80 males of Corynosoma cetaceum from 2 common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, collected in northern Patagonia (Argentina). Worms were most similar to specimens collected in other South American localities. However, 1 male had 2 spines adjacent to the genital pore and isolated from the rest of body spines. This finding confirms the recent reassignment of C. cetaceum to Corynosoma. Absence of genital spines is suggested to be avoided as the sole criterion to exclude specimens from Corynosoma or Andracantha.  相似文献   

A total of 1,715 km of boat-based surveys and 1,521 km of aircraft-based surveys was conducted from 1986–1989 to assess the distribution, relative abundance, and ecological relationships of cetaceans in the northern Gulf of California. Seven cetacean species were seen; in decreasing frequency of groups encountered they were: bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus ; vaquitas, Phocoena sinus ; common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ; fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus ; Bryde's whales, B. edeni ; gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus , and killer whales, Orcinus orca. Common dolphins were numerically dominant and bottlenose dolphins were seen most often. Bryde's whales and vaquitas had the smallest group sizes. In general, the odontocete cetaceans were separated spatially, whereas the distribution of Bryde's and fin whales overlapped considerably.  相似文献   

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