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26-Hydroxyecdysone, which is the major free recoverable ecdysteroid of older age groups of embryonated eggs of the tobacco hornworm was also the major component in 4- to 18-hour-old embryonated eggs. The other 3β-ecdysteroids, ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, and 20,26-dihydroxy-ecdysone, were also present and accounted for an the molting hormone activity; 26-hydroxyecdysone was devoid of molting hormone activity in the house fly assay. 20-Hydroxyecdysone was a minor component, which confirms the earlier observations that the main metabolic route for ecdysteroids during embryonic development is that leading to 26-hydroxy-ecdysone, whereas formation of 20-hydroxyecdysone is a minor pathway. A new 3α-ecdysteroid, 3-epi-26-hydroxyecdysone, also devoid of molting hormone activity, was the second major ecdysteroid isolated from the eggs. 3-Epi-20,26-dihydroxyecdysone was detected in very minute amounts. In additon to the six 3β-and 3α-ecdysteroids there were at least an equivalent number of unknown ecdysteroids an of which lacked molting hormone activity. Their physical properties including chromatographic behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative changes in haemolymph proteins from each physiological phase of the last three larval instars of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, were studied by means of disk electrophoresis. Twelve anodical migrating protein bands were found, six of which occurred only sporadically. Total protein concentration increased from pharate third instar to late fifth instar larvae, then decreased slightly in the pharate pupal stages. Some individual bands showed cyclic patterns within each instar similar to the overall cyclic pattern of total protein, whereas other bands showed different patterns or no pattern.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons from three homologous series of branched alkanes from the eggs of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.), were identified by mass spectrometry. Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) peaks 37-A (equivalent chain length of 37.2) and 39-A (equivalent chain length of 39.2) were mixtures of 13-, 15-, 17-, and 19-methylheptatriacontane and 13-, 15-, 17-, and 19-methylnonatriacontane, respectively. GLC peaks 33-B, 37-B, and 39-B with equivalent chain lengths of 33.4, 37.4, and 39.4, respectively, were mixtures of 13,17- and 15,19-dimethyltritriacontane, 13,17-, 15,19-, and 17,21-dimethylheptatriacontane, and 13,17-, 15,19-, and 17,21-dimethylnonatriacontane, respectively. GLC peak 37-C (equivalent chain length of 37.6) was a mixture of 11,15,19-, 13,17,21-, and 15,19,23-trimethylheptatriacontane.  相似文献   

Maturing eggs (48 to 64 h old) of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, contain at least three ecdysteroid conjugates, two of which have been previously identified as 26-hydroxyecdysone 26-phosphate (the major conjugate) and 26-hydroxyecdysone 22-glucoside. In this study we have isolated and identified the third conjugate as 26-hydroxyecdysone 2-phosphate by XAD-2 chromatography, C18 SEP-PAK separation, ion suppression reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. This compound is the second most abundant conjugate of ovaries from 4-day-old adult females. The possible role for this ecdysteroid conjugate is discussed.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid growth promotion of the dorsolongitudinal flight muscle of Manduca sexta was studied by measuring in vivo protein metabolism using both "flooding-dose" and "non-carrier" techniques. These procedures differ in that the former method includes injection of non-labelled phenylalanine (30 micromoles/insect) together with the [3H]amino acid. Injected radioactivity plateaued in the haemolymph within 7 min. With the flooding-dose method, haemolymph and intramuscular specific radioactivities were similar between 15 min and 2 h. Incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine into muscle protein was linear with either method between 30 and 120 min. Fractional rates (%/12 h) of synthesis with the flooding-dose technique were best measured after 1 h because of the initial delay in radioactivity equilibration. Estimation of body phenylalanine turnover with the non-carrier method showed 24-53%/h which was negligible with the flooding-dose method. Since the two methods yielded similar rates of protein synthesis, the large injection of non-labelled amino acid did not alter the rate of synthesis. Because the flooding-dose technique requires only a single time point measurement, it is the preferred method. The decline and eventual cessation of flight-muscle growth was mostly a consequence of declining protein synthesis though degradation increased between 76-86 h before eclosion and was relatively rapid. This decline in muscle growth could be prevented by treating pupae with 20-hydroxyecdysone (10 micrograms/insect). Protein accretion was promoted by a decline of up to 80% in protein breakdown, which was offset in part by a concurrent though much smaller decrease in protein synthesis. Therefore, ecdysteroids may increase flight-muscle growth by inhibiting proteolysis.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid levels in the developing eggs of Schistocerca gregaria were determined, at daily intervals, using gas chromatography and electron capture detection of ecdysteroid derivatives. Ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone were present both as the free ecdysteroid and as polar conjugates. Total ecdysteroids reached a maximum of 40 ng/egg with ecdysone contributing the greater part.  相似文献   

The relationship between the ecdysteroid titre and eclosion hormone was explored for the pupal and adult ecdyses of Manduca sexta. Ecdysteroid treatment late during either moult caused a dosedependant delay in the time of ecdysis. Sensitivity to exogenous steroid treatment dropped off as the respective moults neared completion and in both cases coincided with the time of the low point in the endogenous ecdysteroid titre. It was concluded that an ecdysteroid decline is a normal prerequisite for the ecdyses of both stages. The steroid drop is important for two aspects of the eclosion hormone system: it causes target tissues to become sensitive to the peptide and it is a prerequisite for the subsequent release of eclosion hormone itself. Thus, the dual action of the declining ecdysteroid titre insures that when eclosion hormone is released, the tissues will be competent to respond to it.  相似文献   

Peaks of ecdysteroids were observed during the different phases of embryonic development of intact Carausius eggs or eggs precociously deprived of their exochorion and cultivated under paraffin oil. Several groups of ecdysteroids were separated and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with radioimmunoassay. Ecdysteroids were similar in the two categories of eggs, including high-polarity products (essentially conjugates hydrolyzable by Helix pomatia digestive juice, or alkaline phosphatase), possible ecdysonoic acids (unhydrolyzable polar substances), free hormones, and nonpolar ecdysteroids. Four ecdysteroids were identified by co-elution during HPLC with reference compounds of 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, ecdysone, and 2-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone. Concentrations of these substances (free and conjugated forms) were studied during the different stages of embryonic development: 20-hydroxyecdysone and 2-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone were the major free ecdysteroids. They showed parallel variations with large peaks at stages VI8 and VII6 whereas ecdysone titers were consistently low. Injected labelled ecdysone was converted efficiently into 20-hydroxyecdysone, and both compounds underwent 26-hydroxylation and/or conjugation to polar or apolar metabolites.  相似文献   


A mated Amblyomma hebraeum female will engorge on a host for about 8 days before detaching and beginning the maturation of its single egg batch which is laid during a period of about 30 days. The feeding period is characterized by an important synthesis of endocuticular material occurring before the rapid feeding phase. This latter phase, correlated with an enormous weight uptake, shows an increase of ecdysteroid levels measured in the whole animal by RIA. However, the hemolymphatic levels of ecdysteroids remain very low (12 pg 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalent (20-OH-E eq.) per μ1. Within 4 days after detachment, the salivary glands degenerate. Ecdysteroid levels in the whole animal continue to increase, reaching high values (about 500 ng 20-OH-E eq./tick) at the moment of oviposition which begins 10–14 days after dropping. During the same period, hemolymphatic ecdysteroid levels increase, rising to a peak (600 pg 20-OH-E eq./μ1) 1 day prior to the beginning of oviposition. Then, the levels decrease and stabilize around 250 pg 20-OH-E eq./μl during egg-laying. Freshly laid eggs contain large amounts of ecdysteroids (2744 pg 20-OH-E eq./mg).

20-Hydroxyecdysone and ecdysone have been found to be the major free ecdysteroids in hemolymph, ovaries and eggs (verified by the HPLC-RIA technique and GC-MF of silylated HPLC fractions). Helix juice (or esterase) labile ecdysteroid conjugates do not seem to be present to any noticeable extent in hemolymph, ovaries and eggs.  相似文献   

1. Vitellogenin has been purified from mature eggs and the hemolymph of adult females of Manduca sexta by a combination of gel permeation chromatography and sodium bromide density gradient centrifugation. 2. It has a molecular weight of 2.6 x 10(5) and is a glycolipoprotein containing approx 11% lipids and 3% carbohydrates. 3. The carbohydrate moiety is comprised entirely of mannose and N-acetyl glucosamine. 4. Two polypeptide chains are present with molecular weights of 1.8 x 10(5) and 5.0 x 10(4). 5. Partial proteolytic hydrolysis of vitellogenin resulted in the degradation of the large polypeptide but did not affect the small one, suggesting that the small polypeptide is located in the interior of the particle. 6. The proteolytic hydrolysis products of the large polypeptide differed from one another by approx 12.5 x 10(3) daltons.  相似文献   

1. The optimal temperature for in vitro development of fertilized eggs of Ascaris suum was 24 degrees C. 2. Samples (2 X 10(7) eggs) were obtained from in vitro embryonating cultures every 3 days for 4 weeks; lipids were extracted, partially purified, fractionated with HPLC and analyzed for ecdysteroids by radioimmunoassay. 3. Free ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) were at low levels (less than 20 pg) in freshly excised eggs and rose to maximal values on day 6 of embryonation. 4. Conjugated ecdysone and conjugated 20-HE rose to maximal values on day 9. 5. Both free and conjugated ecdysteroids were undetectable from days 15 to 27 of cultivation. 6. These profiles indicate that ecdysteroids might have a selective role in nematode embryonation and/or tanning of the egg shell.  相似文献   

Digestion of proteins in the midgut of lepidopteran larvae relies on different trypsin and chymotrypsin isoforms. In this study we describe three chymotrypsin-like proteinases (CTLP2-4) from the larval midgut of Manduca sexta, which are closely related to CTLP1 and less closely related to another chymotrypsin (CT), two previously described proteinases present in the larval midgut of M. sexta. CTLP1-4 fit perfectly into a novel subgroup of insect CTLPs by sequence similarity and by the replacement of GP by SA in the highly conserved GDSGGP motif. When we examined CTLP expression in different tissues, most of the proteinases were predominantly expressed in the anterior and median midgut, while some were found in the Malpighian tubules. When we examined CTLP expression at different physiological states, we observed that the CTLP mRNA amounts did not differ considerably in feeding and starving larvae except for CTLP2, whose mRNA dropped significantly upon starvation. During moulting, however, the mRNA amounts of all CTLPs dropped significantly. When we immunologically examined CTLP amounts, mature proteinases were only detectable in the gut lumen of feeding and re-fed larvae, but not in that of starving or moulting larvae, suggesting that CTLP secretion is suspended during starvation or moult.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(5):467-477
Manduca sexta pharate pupal molting fluid contains more than 10 proteolytic enzymes that differ in relative mobility during electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and gelatin. The major gelatin digesting enzyme was an endoprotease with an apparent molecular weight of 100 kDa. Gel filtration on a Sephacryl S-300 column resolved another endoprotease of similar size that digests azocoll and [3H]casein. In addition we found an aminopeptidase-like enzyme (MWapp 500 kDa) and at least three carboxypeptidase-like enzymes (MWapp 10–60 kDa). Use of pseudosubstrates and inhibitors suggested the presence of both trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like enzymes with the former activity approx. 10-fold greater than the latter. However, none of the proteolytic enzymes were substantially inhibited by diisopropylphosphorofluoridate or phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride which are poteint inhibitors of trypsin and chymotrypsin. No carboxyl or sulfhydryl proteases were detected. The enzymes were most active in the neutral to alkaline pH range, but they were relatively unstable during storage which precluded their purification to homogeneity. Proteolysis of Manduca cuticular protein appears to involve a rather complex and unique mixture of endo- and exo-cleaving proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The fresh frozen egg of the tobacco hornworm (TBH)Manduca sexta (L.), is an efficient and superior host for mass production ofTrichogramma nubilale Ertle & Davis. Each host egg may produce 10.7±2.8 (n=7) large, robust, and activeT. nubilale. The proportion of ♀♀ stabilized at 80–90% with 69.9±26.6 (n=8) ovarian eggs per female. As many as 3 ♀♀ were observed ovipositing simultaneously into a single TBH egg. Superparasitism (>10 progeny) should be avoided because it may cause nutritional or space limitations on the development of effectiveT. nubilale.   相似文献   

3-Epi-20-hydroxyecdysone from meconium of the tobacco hornworm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new ecdysteroid, 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysone, with biological activity 110 to 115 that of α-ecdysone has been isolated and identified from the meconium of the tobacco hornworm. The possible role or function of this steroid as an inactivation product and/or regulator of molting hormone titer is discussed.  相似文献   

During the transition from feeding to molting, larval insects undergo profound changes in behavior and patterns of gene expression regulated by the neuroendocrine system. For some species, a distinctive characteristic of molting larvae is presence of a quiescent state sometimes referred to as “molt-sleep”. Here, observations of 4th instar Manduca sexta larvae indicate the molting period involves a predominantly quiescent state that shares behavioral properties of adult insect sleep in that it is rapidly reversible and accompanied by a reduced responsiveness to both mildly arousing and noxious stimuli. When subjected to noxious stimuli, molting larvae exhibit locomotory and avoidance behaviors similar to those of inter-molt larvae. Although less consolidated, inter-molt quiescence shares many of the same behavioral traits with molting quiescence. However, when subjected to deprivation of quiescence, inter-molt larvae display a compensatory rebound behavior that is not detected in molting larvae. This suggests that molting quiescence is a specialized form of inactivity that affords survival advantages to molting larvae. RNA-seq analysis of molting larvae shows general reduction in expression of genes encoding GPCRs and down regulation of genes connected with cyclic nucleotide signaling. On the other hand, certain ion channel genes are up-regulated, including transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, chloride channels and a voltage-dependent calcium channel. These findings suggest patterns of gene expression consistent with elevation of quiescent state characteristic of the molt in a model holometabolous insect.  相似文献   

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