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Ant communities are extremely diverse and provide a wide variety of ecological functions in tropical forests. Here, we investigated the abiotic factors driving ant composition turnover across an elevational gradient at Mont Itoupé, French Guiana. Mont Itoupé is an isolated mountain whose top is covered by cloud forests, a biogeographical rarity that is likely to be threatened according to climate change scenarios in the region. We examined the influence of six soil, climatic, and LiDAR‐derived vegetation structural variables on leaf litter ant assembly (267 species) across nine 0.12‐ha plots disposed at three elevations (ca. 400, 600, and 800m asl). We tested (a) whether species cooccurring within a same plot or a same elevation were more similar in terms of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic composition, than species from different plots/elevations, and (b) which environmental variables significantly explained compositional turnover among plots. We found that the distribution of species and traits of ant communities along the elevational gradient was significantly explained by a turnover of environmental conditions, particularly in soil phosphorus and sand content, canopy height, and mean annual relative humidity of soil. Our results shed light on the role exerted by environmental filtering in shaping ant community assembly in tropical forests. Identifying the environmental determinants of ant species distribution along tropical elevational gradients could help predicting the future impacts of global warming on biodiversity organization in vulnerable environments such as cloud forests.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the environmental drivers of the aquatic macrophyte assemblage in a large, heterogeneous Spanish region covering a wide altitudinal range. We hypothesized that physicochemical variables affecting assemblages would differ depending on altitude. The study was conducted in 46 plateau ponds and 21 mountain ponds. Our results revealed a shift in hydrophyte assemblage composition and structure along an altitude and water chemistry gradient. However, altitude was not a good predictor of species richness. Conductivity and nutrient concentrations were higher in plateau ponds than in mountain ponds and binary logistic regression showed that conductivity was the best variable for differentiating between both pond types. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that conductivity was the main factor responsible for the species distribution in both pond types. Generalized linear models showed that in plateau ponds, total phosphorus and mean depth were the strongest predictors of submerged macrophyte coverage, and no model could be created for richness. In the mountain ponds, conductivity and pond area explained coverage of submerged plants, while richness was related to pond area. Our results corroborated the hypothesis to be tested, and the conclusions obtained may be of relevance for making decisions on conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

Wu  Xiuqin  Vanreusel  Ann  Hauquier  Freija  Moens  Tom 《Hydrobiologia》2019,832(1):193-200
Hydrobiologia - The dwarf morph of Telmatochromis temporalis uses empty snail shells as shelters and spawning sites. This morph varies in body colour from pale to dark within populations. Pale...  相似文献   

Invasive plants can reduce plant diversity and abundance in native grassland communities; however, the effect on the native seed bank is less clear. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of invasion by the exotic grass old world bluestem (OWB; Bothriochloa spp.) on native aboveground plant species composition and seed bank diversity and abundance (i.e., cover, density). In this central Great Plains grassland, OWB invasion had differential effects on native diversity and abundance of both aboveground and seed bank plant communities. Native plant species diversity and cover showed a steep decline as OWB cover increased. No change in native seed density or richness was observed in response to OWB invasion, however, OWB seed density increased with increasing invasion, thus increasing total seed density. Our results indicate that as OWB invasion increases, the native plant community decreases in diversity and abundance. Although, no effect on native seed bank diversity and density was observed in this study, as native seeds are lost through a loss of native species in the plant communities, native seed bank diversity and density is expected to decline.  相似文献   

The relative importance of environmental and spatial drivers of animal diversity varies across scales, but identifying these scales can be difficult if a sampling design does not match the scale of the target organisms' interaction with their habitat. In this study, we quantify and compare the effects of environmental variation and spatial proximity on ground‐dwelling spider assemblages sampled from three distinct microhabitat types (open grassland, logs, trees) that recur across structurally heterogeneous grassy woodlands. We used model selection and multivariate procedures to compare the effects of different environmental attributes and spatial proximity on spider assemblages at each microhabitat type. We found that species richness and assemblage composition differed among microhabitat types. Bare ground cover had a negative effect on spider richness under trees, but a positive effect on spider richness in open grassland. Turnover in spider assemblages from open grassland was correlated with environmental distance, but not geographic distance. By contrast, turnover in spiders at logs and trees was correlated with geographic distance, but not environmental distance. Our study suggests that spider assemblages from widespread and connected open grassland habitat were more affected by environmental than spatial gradients, whereas spiders at log and tree habitats were more affected by spatial distance among these discrete but recurring microhabitats. Deliberate selection and sampling of small‐scale habitat features can provide robust information about the drivers of arthropod diversity and turnover in landscapes.  相似文献   

Coral community dynamics at multiple scales   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  

John T. Davey 《Aquatic Ecology》1993,27(2-4):147-153
A multidisciplinary study of the impact of bioturbation on sediment dynamics has been underway for some time at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The current programme has been founded upon the careful selection of six sites in the River Tamar, representative of important combinations of physical and biological variables. The paper presents preliminary results illustrating the contrasting importance of the speciesNereis diversicolor andNephtys hombergi as agents of bioturbation, given their different distributions across the six sites. Thus bioirrigation byN. diversicolor increases up the estuary and is greatest in the region of high suspended bed-load due to tidal pumping, where the consequences for chemical exchange processes between sediments and the water column may be most important. The sediment mixing effects ofN. hombergi are likely to be greater towards the seaward end of the estuary but ultimately the particular sediment types and the macrofaunal communities they support dictate the level of bioturbation in ways that do not necessarily relate to simple axial gradients along the estuary.  相似文献   

Landscape supplementation, which enhances densities of organisms by combination of different landscape elements, is likely common in heterogeneous landscapes, but its prevalence and effects on species richness have been little explored. Using grassland-dwelling spiders in an agricultural landscape, we postulated that richness and abundances of major constituent species are both highest in intermediate mixtures of forests and paddy fields, and that this effect derives from multi-scale landscape heterogeneity. We collected spiders in 35 grasslands in an agricultural landscape in Japan and determined how species richness and abundances of major species related to local and landscape factors across different spatial scales. We used a generalized linear model to fit data, created all possible combinations of variables at 15 spatial scales, and then explored the best models using Akaike's information criterion. Species richness showed a hump-shaped pattern in relation to surrounding forest cover, and the spatial scale determining this relationship was a 300–500-m radius around the study sites. Local variables were of minor importance for species richness. Abundances of major species also exhibited a hump-shaped pattern when plotted against forest cover. Thus, a combination of paddy fields and forests is important for enhancement of grassland spider species richness and abundance, suggesting habitat supplementation. The effective spatial scales determining abundances varied, ranging from 200 to >1000 m, probably representing different dispersal abilities. Landscape compositional heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales may be thus crucial for the maintenance of species diversity.  相似文献   

The relative importance of dispersal limitation versus environmental filtering for community assembly has received much attention for macroorganisms. These processes have only recently been examined in microbial communities. Instead, microbial dispersal has mostly been measured as community composition change over space (i.e., distance decay). Here we directly examined fungal composition in airborne wind currents and soil fungal communities across a 40 000 km2 regional landscape to determine if dispersal limitation or abiotic factors were structuring soil fungal communities. Over this landscape, neither airborne nor soil fungal communities exhibited compositional differences due to geographic distance. Airborne fungal communities shifted temporally while soil fungal communities were correlated with abiotic parameters. These patterns suggest that environmental filtering may have the largest influence on fungal regional community assembly in soils, especially for aerially dispersed fungal taxa. Furthermore, we found evidence that dispersal of fungal spores differs between fungal taxa and can be both a stochastic and deterministic process. The spatial range of soil fungal taxa was correlated with their average regional abundance across all sites, which may imply stochastic dispersal mechanisms. Nevertheless, spore volume was also negatively correlated with spatial range for some species. Smaller volume spores may be adapted to long-range dispersal, or establishment, suggesting that deterministic fungal traits may also influence fungal distributions. Fungal life-history traits may influence their distributions as well. Hypogeous fungal taxa exhibited high local abundance, but small spatial ranges, while epigeous fungal taxa had lower local abundance, but larger spatial ranges. This study is the first, to our knowledge, to directly sample air dispersal and soil fungal communities simultaneously across a regional landscape. We provide some of the first evidence that soil fungal communities are mostly assembled through environmental filtering and experience little dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

Aim Plant communities across the temperate zone are changing in response to successional processes and human‐induced disturbances. Here, we assess how upland forest under‐ and overstorey community composition has changed along an edaphic gradient. Location Northern Wisconsin, USA. Methods Forest sites initially sampled in the 1950s were resampled for overstorey composition and diversity, basal area, and understorey composition and diversity. We used clustering methods to identify groups of stands based on overstorey composition, and we used similarity indices, ordination and diversity indices to evaluate changes in species abundance and overall community structure. Results Sites clustered into four overstorey groups along the edaphic gradient: ‘hemlock’ sites dominated by hemlock in 1950, ‘mesic’ sites dominated by northern hardwoods, ‘dry’ sites with a significant pine inclusion in the canopy and diverse ‘dry‐mesic’ sites in the middle. Collectively, forests gained maple, ash and cherry while losing pines, birches and red oaks. The hemlock forest sites gained hardwoods, while the dry‐mesic sites shifted towards a more mesic hardwood composition. Only the driest sites have remained relatively stable in species composition. Main conclusions These trends reflect both ‘mesification’ and homogenization among northern forests. Highly diverse mid‐gradient and mesic hemlock‐dominated stands are transitioning to maple dominance. Fire suppression may be favouring invasions of more mesic plants into historically drier sites, while high deer abundance likely limits hemlock regeneration. If current trends continue, maples will dominate the majority of northern forests, with significant losses of local native species richness and substantial shifts in understorey composition.  相似文献   

In spite of its size and biological significance, we know little about the ecology of the Pantanal, a 140,000 km2 floodplain in west-central Brazil. Increasing human pressures make this lack of understanding particularly critical. Using transects and 1 m2 circular plots, we documented floristic composition and interacting-environmental conditions associated with littoral herbaceous vegetation along inundation gradients at two ecologically-distinct sites in the Pantanal. We recorded water depth and percent cover for each species in Baía Piuval, a bay in the Bento Gomes River (Mato Grosso), and in a bay in the Acurizal Reserve (Mato Grosso do Sul). Baía Piuval and Acurizal plots contained a total of 22 and 18 macrophyte species, respectively. At both sites Eichhornia azurea and Salvinia auriculata occurred most frequently as dominant or co-dominant species. Chi2 analysis, used to quantify zonations along depth gradients, generated four different groups of species ( p < 0.05) for Baía Piuval. For Acurizal, two significantly different groups ( p < 0.05) occurred with an intermediate assemblage of species that could be assigned to either group. Canonical correspondence analysis, used to analyze species distributions, showed a pattern consistent with the Chi2 results for Baía Piuval but not for Acurizal. Higher species richness and diversity occurred where dry season and low water levels coincided and richness was generally highest in proximal plots where water depths were lowest. Our results are consistent with the few other plant ecological studies reported for the Pantanal. This study can be considered additive to needed baseline data on biota and ecology of this region of South America.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

Within the goal of defining indicators (species or combinations of life history traits) for habitat quality in an urban environment we investigated effects of urbanization on the community composition and morphological characteristics of carabid beetles. Between May and July 2000 nine woodlots were sampled along three axes representing urban - rural gradients from the centre of the city of Hamburg to its rural borders. Species richness decreased towards the city centre and with increasing isolation of the sites but was uncorrelated with the size of the site. Species assemblages were highly nested making successive loss of species predictable. Responsivness towards urbanization could not be linked to specific life history traits. Body length of one species (Carabus nemoralis) declined towards the city centre. Four species were found at all sites. These four species showed differences in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) at the different sites that could not be interpreted as an indication of responses to habitat suitability. FA of the remaining species (species negatively affected by urbanization) increased towards the city centre and with increasing isolation of a site. This matched the prediction that FA indicates habitat quality. Thus, urban effects lead to changes of communities through a predictable loss of species, to a reduction in body size in one species, and to increased FA in species which are susceptible to urbanization. The results indicate that the different sites were islands in an urban matrix rather than parts of a green network which would allow free exchange of plants and animals within the city of Hamburg.Wir untersuchten den Einfluss von Verstädterung auf Laufkäfergemeinschaften in Hamburg, Deutschland. Zwischen Mai und Juli 2000 wurden neun Fangorte entlang städtischer Gradienten beprobt. die von relativ ländlichen Gebieten an den Stadtgrenzen, bis hin zu Flächen im Stadtzentrum reichten. Die Artenzahl korrelierte negativ mit dem Grad der Isolierung und der Entfernung des Gebietes von der Peripherie, aber nicht mit der Größe eines Gebietes. Die gefundenen Artengemeinschaften wiesen strenge Schachtelung auf. Der Verlust bestimmter Arten war daher vorhersagbar, konnte aber nicht auf bestimmte Charakteristika (“life history traits”) der Arten zurückgeführt werden. Die Körperlänge von Carabus nemoralis nahm entlang des Gradienten ab. Nur vier Arten kamen im gesamten Stadtgebiet vor. Fluktuierende Asymmetrien (FA) dieser Arten konnten nicht sinnvoll mit Habitatqualitäten oder Verstädterung in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Die anderen Arten, die nach den Ergebnissen der Analysen zu geschachtelten Strukturen durch “Verstädterung” negativ beeinflusst waren (d.h. nicht an allen Orten und vor allem nicht im Stadtzentrum gefunden worden waren) zeigten zunehmende FA zum Stadtzentrum. Verstädterung führte demnach zu vorhersagbaren Verlust an Arten, zu Reduktion der Körperlänge einer Art und zu erhöhten Asymmetrien bei Arten, die durch Verstädterung negativ beeinflusst wurden. Nach diesen Befunden kann das Ziel der offiziellen Politik, in Hamburg negative Effekte der Stadtentwicklung auf die Biodiversität durch einen Verbund von Grünflächen und geschützten Gebieten zu reduzieren, mit den heute noch verfügbaren Flächen nicht erreicht werden.  相似文献   

Soil abiotic factors are considered to be important in determining the distribution of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal species; however, there are few field data to support this. Here, we relate ECM species distributions to changes in soil chemistry along a short (90-m), natural nutrient gradient. The ECM community was characterized, using morphological and molecular techniques, in soil samples collected at 10-m intervals. There were pronounced changes in ECM fungal community structure along the transect, with many taxa showing discrete distributions. Although there was a change of host from Pinus to Picea along the gradient, host-specific fungi did not account for the observed change in community structure. Ordination analyses showed that community structure was strongly correlated with soil characteristics, in particular extractable ammonium and base saturation. However, autocorrelation among soil parameters makes it difficult to isolate the effects of individual parameters. The distinctive changes in soil and vegetation along the transect used in this study provided an exceptional opportunity to examine the local-scale impact of natural spatial heterogeneity on an ECM fungal community.  相似文献   

Some of the finest surviving natural habitat in the United States is on military reservations where land has been protected from development. However, responsibilities of military training often require disturbance of that habitat. Herein, we show how the soil microbial community of a long-leaf pine ecosystem at Fort Benning, Georgia responds to military traffic disturbances. Using the soil microbial biomass and community composition as ecological indicators, reproducible changes showed increasing traffic disturbance decreases soil viable biomass, biomarkers for microeukaryotes and Gram-negative bacteria, while increasing the proportions of aerobic Gram-positive bacterial and Actinomycete biomarkers. Soil samples were obtained from four levels of military traffic (reference, light, moderate, and heavy) with an additional set of samples taken from previously damaged areas that were remediated via planting of trees and ground cover. Utilizing 17 phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) variables that differed significantly with land usage, a linear discriminant analysis with cross-validation classified the four groups. Wilks’ lambda for the model was 0.032 (P<0.001). Overall, the correct classifications of profiles was 66% (compared to the chance that 25% would be correctly classified). Using this model, 10 observations taken from the remediated transects were classified. One observation was classified as a reference, three as light trafficked, and six as moderately trafficked. Non-linear artificial neural network (ANN) discriminant analysis was performed using the biomass estimates and all of the 61 PLFA variables. The resulting optimal ANN included five hidden nodes and resulted in an r2 of 0.97. The prediction rate of profiles for this model was again 66%, and the 10 observations taken from the remediated transects were classified with four as reference (not impacted), two as moderate, and four as heavily trafficked. Although the ANN included more comprehensive data, it classified eight of the 10 remediated transects at the usage extremes (reference or heavy traffic). Inspection of the novelty indexes from the prediction outputs showed that the input vectors from the remediated transects were very different from the data used to train the ANN. This difference suggests as a soil is remediated it does not escalate through states of succession in the same way as it descends following disturbance. We propose to explore this hysteresis between disturbance and recovery process as a predictor of the resilience of the microbial community to repeated disturbance/recovery cycles.  相似文献   

Vascular epiphytes contribute to the structural, compositional, and functional complexity of tropical montane cloud forests because of their high biomass, diversity, and ability to intercept and retain water and nutrients from atmospheric sources. However, human-caused climate change and forest-to-pasture conversion are rapidly altering tropical montane cloud forests. Epiphyte communities may be particularly vulnerable to these changes because of their dependence on direct atmospheric inputs and host trees for survival. In Monteverde, Costa Rica, we measured vascular epiphyte biomass, community composition, and richness at two spatial scales: (1) along an elevation gradient spanning premontane forests to montane cloud forests and (2) within trees along branches from inner to outer crown positions. We also compared epiphyte biomass and distribution at these scales between two different land-cover types, comparing trees in closed canopy forest to isolated trees in pastures. An ordination of epiphyte communities at the level of trees grouped forested sites above versus below the cloud base, and separated forest versus pasture trees. Species richness increased with increasing elevation and decreased from inner to outer branch positions. Although richness did not differ between land-cover types, there were significant differences in community composition. The variability in epiphyte community organization between the two spatial scales and between land-cover types underscores the potential complexity of epiphyte responses to climate and land-cover changes.  相似文献   

Transplantation experiments are a useful method to identify responses of organisms to environmental change. However, they are typically restricted to single or few species. Our experiment was carried out using entire bromeliad‐inhabiting microfauna communities which were transplanted along an elevational gradient, simulating environmental change acting on the communities. Additionally, we manipulated trophic interactions, i.e. resource availability and predator presence, thus combining abiotic and biotic effects in a full‐factorial experimental design. Using this experiment, we found a strong signal of original elevation in microfauna community structure (abundance, evenness, functional composition) with a shift from amoeba‐dominated to flagellate‐dominated communities with increasing original elevation. Surprisingly, the transplantation of communities along the elevational gradient did not affect community structure, indicating strong priority effects. Predation decreased microfauna abundance and increased microfauna evenness, specifically in higher original elevation and high resource levels. In summary, our results suggest that microfauna communities in bromeliads might be primarily shaped by priority effects and predator presence. However, interacting effects (between predator presence and resource availability, as well as between predator presence and original elevation) highlight the usefulness of studies with full‐factorial experimental designs to understand community‐structuring processes. Bromeliads and other micro‐ecosystems provide convenient study systems for community level approaches that could be used in future studies concerning the effects of environmental change, for example climate change on community structure.  相似文献   

Wild bees along an urban gradient: winners and losers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The variability of bee communities along an urban gradient has a potentially strong impact on pollinator-plant interactions. We investigated changes in bee species richness and community composition in the city centre and suburbs of Pozna??, Poland. During 2006?C2008 we recorded 2,495 individuals from 104 species. The most abundant species was Andrena haemmorhoa. Other abundant species were Bombus pascuorum, Andrena vaga, Andrena nitida, Bombus terrestris. Several species appeared to be more abundant in the city centre whereas others showed an opposite tendency. We have found that the urbanized landscape can act as a filter for the bee community since some specific ecological traits facilitate colonization of the city centre. Small-bodied species that start their activity later in the season and are not solitary preferred the city centre. However, bee species diversity and richness remained stable across the urban gradient indicating some advantages of being a city dwelling bee. We suggest that a city can be a very important habitat for a diverse bee fauna and that conservation of a wide range of habitats of different urbanization levels seems to be the most suitable strategy for conservation of bee diversity in cities.  相似文献   

Urbanization impacts fluvial systems via a combination of changes in sediment chemistry and basin hydrology. While chemical changes in urban soils have been well characterized, similar surveys of riparian sediments in urbanized areas are rare. Metal concentrations were measured in sediments collected from riparian areas across the urbanization gradient in Baltimore, MD. Average metal concentrations are similar to those observed in other regional studies. Two important spatial patterns are evident in the data. First, calcium concentrations double across the urbanization gradient, regardless of changes in underlying geochemistry at the boundary between the Eastern US Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces. Alkali-earth metal ratios indicate that the additional Ca is very pure and possibly arises from cement common to urban systems. Second, hot spots of trace metals typically associated with urban systems (e.g., Cu, Zn, and Pb) occur in areas that have been artificially filled to create additional real estate in high land value areas. Together, these data indicate that riparian sediments exhibit unexpected patterns of metal contamination. If these sediments are remobilized, during events such as droughts or floods, this contamination may perpetuate legacy impacts to ecosystem health from a history of fluvial contamination.  相似文献   

Nitrogen flux into the coastal environment via submarine groundwater discharge may be modulated by microbial processes such as denitrification, but the spatial scales at which microbial communities act and vary are not well understood. In this study, we examined the denitrifying community within the beach aquifer at Huntington Beach, California, where high-nitrate groundwater is a persistent feature. Nitrite reductase-encoding gene fragments (nirK and nirS), responsible for the key step in the denitrification pathway, were PCR amplified, cloned, and sequenced from DNAs extracted from aquifer sediments collected along a cross-shore transect, where groundwater ranged in salinity from 8 to 34 practical salinity units and in nitrate concentration from 0.5 to 330 muM. We found taxonomically rich and novel communities, with all nirK clones exhibiting <85% identity and nirS clones exhibiting <92% identity at the amino acid level to those of cultivated denitrifiers and other environmental clones in the database. Unique communities were found at each site, despite being located within 40 m of each other, suggesting that the spatial scale at which denitrifier diversity and community composition vary is small. Statistical analyses of nir sequences using the Monte Carlo-based program integral-Libshuff confirmed that some populations were indeed distinct, although further sequencing would be required to fully characterize the highly diverse denitrifying communities at this site.  相似文献   

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