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J. Serrano 《Genetica》1981,57(2):131-137
The meiotic process was studied in fifty-three species belonging to the caraboid families Bembidiidae (48). Trechidae (3), Pogonidae (1), and Harpalidae (1). Males show achiasmatic meiosis patterns of the Callimantis type. In females only early prophase stages were observed, that are similar to those of the males. The characteristics of this abnormal meiosis and its evolutionary and cytotaxonomic significance are discussed.  相似文献   

J. Serrano 《Genetica》1981,57(2):119-129
The karyotypes were studied of fifty-three Spanish Caraboidea species belonging to the following families: Trechidae (3 species), Bembidiidae (48), Pogonidae (1) and Harpalidae (1). Differences in the shape of the largest pair of autosomes (A pair) and the Y-chromosome are frequent among closely related species. The chromosomes of these species have a peculiar centromeric region weakly constricted and surrounded by conspicuous heterochromatic blocks. Eight species have a heteromorphic A pair, probably due to differences in the length of the nucleolar organizer. Species of the first three families either have a male karyotype of 24 chromosomes, or one derived from it, while the only species of the fourth family has a male karyotype of 39 chromosomes derived from the basic karyotype of the Harpalidae, 2n=37.  相似文献   

Synonymy of two genus-group names is substantiated: Tricholicinus Poppius, 1912 (type species: Tricholicinus setosus J.R. Sahlberg, 1880) = Martyr Semenov et Znojko, 1929 (type species: Martyr praeteritorum Semenov et Znojko, 1929), syn. n. and Psammodromius Peyerimhoff, 1927 (type species: Psammodromius noctivagus Peyerimhoff, 1927) = Xanthomelina Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964 (type species: Apristus zajtzewi Eichler, 1924), syn. n. Synonymy of the following names of the species-group taxa is established: Calosoma (Callisthenes) elegans (Kirsch, 1859) = C. (Callisthenes) declive (Dohrn, 1884), syn. n., lectotype of the latter is designated; Carabus (Semnocarabus) erosus erosus Motschulsky, 1866 = C. (Semnocarabus) erosus karascharensis (Eidam, 1931), syn. n., lectotype of the latter is designated; C. (Semnocarabus) cicatricosulus pseudoerosus Mandl, 1955 = C. (Semnocarabus) bogdanowi semnocosulus Deuve et Tian, 2013, syn. n.; Chlaenius (Dinodes) viridis (Ménétriés, 1832) = Ch. pallidicornis Ballion, 1871, syn. n.; Licinus (Tricholicinus) setosus (J.R. Sahlberg, 1880) = Licinus mongolicus Reitter, 1900, syn. n. = Martyr praeteritorum Semenov et Znojko, 1929, syn. n. = Martyr alter Semenov et Znojko, 1929, syn. n.; Psammodromius zajtzewi (Eichler, 1924), comb. n. (transferred from the genus Xanthomelina Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964) = Psammodromius pallidicolor (Mandl, 1973), syn. n. = Psammodromius damanabii Morvan, 1977, syn. n.Calosoma (Callisthenes) rostislavi Semenov, 1906, stat. resurr. is resurrected from synonyms of C. (Callisthenes) declive (Dohrn, 1884).  相似文献   

记述印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛产直角步甲族3新种。  相似文献   

Variation in horn and body size of both sexes of Xylotrupes gideon australicus is normally distributed with no evidence of dimorphism in either sex. This contrasts with that of X. gideon gideon, in which males are dimorphic for horn length, but horn size varies within morphs. Males of X. gideon australicus are generally larger than females, but the distributions of all characters, except tarsal length, overlap considerably. Males have longer legs, presumably to facilitate mating.  相似文献   

The effects of dispersal ability, measured as two wing size categories (brachypterous vs. macropterous), on the distribution, abundance and body size, and on the relationships between these variables were examined in eighty-four species of carabid beetles over twenty-two sites in the northern Iberian peninsula. Geographic ranges of species (restricted to the northern Iberian peninsula vs. widespread—European or wider range) were also taken into account in the analyses because macropterous species significantly tended to exhibit wider geographic ranges than did brachypterous species. Regional distributions were wider in brachypterous-restricted and brachypterous-widespread species than in macropterous-widespread species. The three groups did not differ in abundance. Differences in regional distributions between groups may be explained by referring to a trade-off between dispersal ability and establishment ability indicated in the literature. Macropterous species would occupy relatively few sites due to a high frequency of unsuccessful colonizations. The relationships between regional distribution and abundance were positive for all the three groups, brachypterous-restricted, brachypterous-widespread and macropterous-widespread species. The regression line for the last group showed a lower elevation than those for brachypterous-restricted and brachypterous-widespread species. This fact was probably due to differences in regional distributions between groups. No relationship between abundance and body size was significant. Regressions of regional distribution on body size were positive in brachypterous-restricted and brachypterous-widespread carabids, but the relationship was not significant in macropterous-widespread carabids. These results were interpreted in terms of differences in body size–dependency of travelling velocities between flying and running carabids.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Predator avoidance mechanisms of adult tiger beetles (Cicindela spp.) were investigated in the Sulphur Springs Valley of southeastern Arizona, U.S.A.
2. The predators were found to be robber flies, lizards, and birds.
3. Effective antipredator characters included body size, orange abdomens, defence chemicals, flight and gregariousness.
4. The number of these five major antipredator mechanisms exhibited by each tiger beetle species varied with habitat.
5. The function and number of antipredator mechanisms was a complex interaction of deterrents; some were effective only in combination and some were characters that each deterred a different type of predator; in several cases, the characters that reduced the probability of attack by one type of predator simultaneously increased the probability of attack by another type of predator.  相似文献   

本文记述新加坡和泰国南部产直角步甲族直角步甲属3新种。 1. 壮须直角步甲Orthogonius solidicornis, 新种 (图1~5)   正模 ♂,标签为“Singapore Seletar Reservoir, 1°42′N, 103°48′E, 07-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg","Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen"和“Orthogonius sp. l"(Morvan 先生初步鉴定),保存于丹麦哥本哈根博物馆。   本新种触角短,头及前胸背板具刻点,前胸背板后角阔,鞘翅第3行距无毛穴,雄性阳具中叶粗壮,易与本属其它种相区别。 2. 泰直角步甲Orthogonius thaicus, 新种 (图6~10)   正模 ♂,标签为“Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N,100°10′E, 22~24-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg", "Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen", Morvan 先生的初步鉴定标签为“Orthogonius sp. 2"及“ssp. de. Or. angustus Chaud."; 副模 1♀,"Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N, 100°10′E, 22~24-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg","Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen"; 1♀, "Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N, 100°10′E, 18~20-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg","Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen"。正模保存于丹麦哥本哈根博物馆,1副模由Morvan 先生收藏(法国Carentoire),另1副模保存在中国广州华南农业大学。   本新种相似于O. angustus Chaudoir, 但其体色更暗,唇基4刚毛,雄虫第7腹板略凹入,雄虫阳具中叶稍粗,可与后者区别。 3. 莫氏直角步甲Orthogonius morvani, 新种 (图11~15)   正模 ♂,标签为“Thailand Satum Province, Thale Ban National Park, 4°42′N,100°10′E, 22~24-Ⅹ-1991, O. Martin leg", "Zoologisk Museum Copenhagen"和“Orthognius sp. l"(Morvan 先生初步鉴定);副模1♀,同正模。正模和副模分别保存于丹麦哥本哈根博物馆和中国广州华南农业大学。   本新种与产于缅甸的O. dispar Bates 很相近,但其雄虫第7腹板中央深凹,鞘翅近端部圆截,且雄性阳具中叶形状与后者明显不同。  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of adult leaf beetles (41 species from 18 genera and 8 subfamilies) was studied for the first time. Beetles of the genera Chrysolina, Chrysomela, Cryptocephalus, Galeruca, Gastrophysa, Labidostomis, Leptinotarsa, Timarcha, and Cassida stigmatica gnaw a leaf from the edge, whereas the representatives of Donacia, Galerucella, Lema, Lilioceris, Oulema, Phyllobrotica, Plagiodera, Zeugophora, Hypocassida, and most species of Cassida gnaw the leaf plane. In addition, adults of Lilioceris merdigera and Donacia clavipes feed on young leaves rolled into a tube. New host plants are reported for the first time: Hyoscyamus niger for the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle and Naumburgia thyrsiflora for Galerucella grisescens.  相似文献   

Summary Carabid species of the visually hunting type living in dim habitats have larger frontal ommatidia and gain their optimal visual performance with lower light intensity than species inhabiting bright places.The latter phenomenon is based upon the mechanisms of light adaptation, which reduce the acceptance angles of the ommatidia thus increasing their visual acuity. In more sensitive ommatidia adaptation occurs with lower light intensity.The differences between the species concerning the intensity dependence of their visual performance are regarded as an effect of natural selection. Thereafter an apposition eye more sensitive to light should be advantageous in a dim environment.This hypothesis has been investigated and verified by observation of the predation behaviour of Notiophilus biguttatus confronted with Collembola: From 1 to 500 lux the hunting success of the beetles increased proportionally to the light intensity.Measurements of the activity at dawn and at dusk under natural conditions showed that the beginning and the conclusion of activity are correlated with a critical level of illumination. Notiophilus biguttatus starts being active if the illumination is sufficient for successful hunting.Supported by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftSupported by the Österreichischer Forschungsrat  相似文献   

Bergeron JA  Spence JR  Volney WJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):577-600
Spatial associations between species of trees and ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) involve many indirect ecological processes, likely reflecting the function of numerous forest ecosystem components. Describing and quantifying these associations at the landscape scale is basic to the development of a surrogate-based framework for biodiversity monitoring and conservation. In this study, we used a systematic sampling grid covering 84 km(2) of boreal mixedwood forest to characterize the ground-beetle assemblage associated with each tree species occurring on this landscape. Projecting the distribution of relative basal area of each tree species on the beetle ordination diagram suggests that the carabid community is structured by the same environmental factors that affects the distribution of trees, or perhaps even by trees per se. Interestingly beetle species are associated with tree species of the same rank order of abundance on this landscape, suggesting that conservation of less abundant trees will concomitantly foster conservation of less abundant beetle species. Landscape patterns of association described here are based on characteristics that can be directly linked to provincial forest inventories, providing a basis that is already available for use of tree species as biodiversity surrogates in boreal forest land management.  相似文献   

(1) The genetics of malathion resistance in two strains of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, was investigated. In CTC-12, resistance is polygenic, while in Kano, it is due to a dominant allele at a single autosomal locus. Reciprocal hybrids with the susceptible control strains bb and pp showed an overdominant response in particular when Kano was the male parent in the original cross. (2) Three possible genetic mechanisms to explain these results are discussed. The model which best explains the genetic results, particularly the difference between the reciprocal crosses, assumes a modifier resistance allele on the Y chromosome. (3) The levels of activity of total esterases, carboxyesterases, mixed-function oxidases, epoxide hydrase, and glutathione transferase in the parent strains and their hybrids were measured quantitatively. Although total esterase activity may not be relevant for the breakdown of malathion, it was inhibited by the pesticide. The activity of the microsomal enzymes was high in CTC-12, low in bb, and intermediate in the hybrids, while carboxyesterases were very active in Kano as well as in the hybrids with bb and low in the latter. These patterns agree with the genetics of resistance in the two strains. A higher level of GSH transferase in the Kano×bb hybrids than in Kano seems to indicate a possible biochemical mechanism for their overdominant resistance.  相似文献   

We assessed the response of a guild of endemic medium and large-bodied carabid species to the local (fine-grained) habitat heterogeneity induced by man. The study was conducted by means of trapping (without killing and preservative agents) and radio-tracking methods (to collect data on the spatial ecology of the endangered species Carabus olympiae Sella). Habitat differentiation induced by man (a mosaic of beech forests, alpen rose shrubberies and pastures) affected species richness and abundance of the guild, which were significantly higher in forests and/or shrubberies than in pastures. Most species preferred forests and shrubberies, with the only exception of Carabus concolor Fabricius, which preferred open areas. Species distribution was also affected by stone density and cattle grazing intensity. In particular, petrophilous species peaked on the roadside because of the high stone density there (stones amassed during road construction), while species abundances significantly lowered in overgrazed pastures. The compactness of the paths made by C. olympiae individuals (evaluated through a tortuosity index) was significantly higher in beech forests than in alpen rose shrubberies, indicating movements in the latter habitat type were bound by the spatial distribution of shrubs, which imposes a limit on path tortuosity. Our findings suggest that local ground beetle species diversity strongly depends on small-scale anthropogenic variables (namely habitat type, stone density and grazing intensity), and that habitat modifications (namely from forest to shrubbery) may significantly affect species movement patterns. General and local conservation management suggestions are given in conformity with these results.  相似文献   

Tian M  Deuve T  Felix R 《ZooKeys》2012,(164):51-90
The carabid genus Orthogonius MacLeay is treated, based mainly on materials collected in Thailand through the TIGER project (the Thailand Inventory Group for Entomological Research). Among 290 specimens, 20 species are identified in total, 10 of them are new species: Orthogonius taghavianaesp. n. (Nakhon Nayok: Khao Yai National Park), Orthogonius coomanioidessp. n. (Phetchabun: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park), Orthogonius similarissp. n. (Phetchabun: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park; Loei: Phu Kradueng National Park), Orthogonius setosopalpigersp. n. (Phetchabun: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park), Orthogonius gracililamellasp. n. (Loei: Phu Kradueng National Park; Chaiyaphum: Tat Tone National Park), Orthogonius pseudochaudoirisp. n. (Phetchabum: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park; Nakhon Nayok: Khao Yai National Park), Orthogonius constrictussp. n. (Phetchabum: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park), Orthogonius pinophilussp. n. (Phetchabum: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park), Orthogonius varisp. n. (Cambodia: Siem Reap; Thailand: Ubon Ratchathani: Pha Taem National Park; Phetchabun: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park) and Orthogonius variabilissp. n. (Thailand: Phetchabun: Thung Salaeng Luang National Park; Nakhon Nayok: Khao Yai National Park; Phetchabun: Nam Nao National Park; China: Yunnan). In addition, Orthogonius mouhoti Chaudoir, 1871 and Orthogonius kirirom Tian & Deuve, 2008 are recorded in Thailand for the first time. In total, 30 species of Orthogonius have been recorded from Thailand, indicating that Thailand holds one of the richest Orthogonius faunas in the world. A provisional key to all Thai species is provided. A majority of Thai Orthogonius species are endemic. Among the ten national parks in which orthogonine beetles were collected, Thung Salaeng Luang holds the richest fauna, including 16 species.  相似文献   


The first known troglobiotic species belonging to the ground beetle tribe Patrobini is reported from a limestone cave called Lianhua Dong in Pengzhou, a suburb county-level city in northern Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. Troglopatrobus zhouchaoi n. gen., n. sp., is an eyeless and large-sized patrobine beetle with extremely elongated body (esp. head and elytra) and appendages. Duvalioblemus (Shublemus) liyuani n. subgen., n. sp., a minute anophthalmic trechine species, is also discovered from the same cave. It is the first cave-dwelling species belonging to this genus already known as endogean from Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.  相似文献   

By any standard, bats are a successful group of mammals andthe evolution of flight and echolocation were certainly keyinnovations behind their success. That is only part of the story,however. Bats have diversified into trophic niches that rangefrom insectivory to feeding on blood, fruit, or nectar. Whileflight places fundamental constraints on the shape of the postcranialskeleton, skull shape in bats is remarkably diverse. Morphologicalstudies of individual families and sympatric assemblages demonstratethat variation in skull shape is clearly associated with trophicspecialization. Field experiments demonstrate that species-specificbiting behaviors during feeding are common and analyses indicatethat the evolution of cranial morphology and feeding behaviorare correlated. Modeling experiments further suggest that feeding(loading) behaviors and skull shape are functionally linked.If the skulls of bats are under selective pressure for minimalmass because of the energetic demands of flight, then they maybe more "optimized" to meet mechanical demands than are theskulls of other mammals. This would make bats a unique modelsystem for studying the evolution of diversity in skull shapeand its functional implications for the evolution of feedingstrategies in mammals.  相似文献   

1 The feeding behaviour of Hylastes ater was investigated at 15 °C and 20 °C on a range of tree species. The role of an aggregation pheromone and the part played by olfactory cues in food selection was also investigated. 2 A distinct hierarchical preference at both 15 °C and 20 °C such that Pinus radiata > Pinus sylvestris > > Picea abies > > Rubus fruticosus=Betula pendula was shown. 3 Feeding on P. sylvestris led to the highest weight gain, closely followed by P. radiata and P. abies. Slightly elevated feeding was observed at 20 °C compared with 15 °C. 4 Reduced feeding in the presence of B. pendula suggests the possibility of an antifeedant effect and predamaged wood was found to be less nutritious, possibly due to greater plant defences. 5 The role of an aggregation pheromone was not supported. Olfactory cues enabled the detection of woody hosts, although differentiation between host was not observed. 6 These results are likely to be important in helping to design an effective integrated control approach against this pest.  相似文献   

Feeding mechanisms in black corals (Antipatharia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
John B.  Lewis 《Journal of Zoology》1978,186(3):393-396
Feeding in the Antipatharia is very similar to that of reef corals. Food capture is accomplished by the tentacles with their nematocysts, by mucus nets and strands, by directional ciliary currents, and by mesenterial filaments.  相似文献   

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