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Strong hybridization signals were obtained from total DNA of two conifers, lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and Norway spruce (Picea abies), in a Southern blot analysis using a probe derived from the chloroplast gidA gene of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The pine fragments detected by the probe were found to originate from the chloroplast genome and, as judged by the signal intensity, this was also true for the spruce fragments. Sequence analysis of the hybridizing pine chloroplast DNA region revealed an open reading frame potentially encoding a 459 amino acid polypeptide, highly homologous to that deduced from the algal gene and to ORF465 of liverwort chloroplast DNA. Upstream of the gidA sequence, we found a trnN(GUU) gene and an open reading frame of 291 codons which was 78% identical to the frxC gene of liverwort. Since ORF465 is located immediately downstream of trnN and frxC in liverwort, the genetic organization of this region is very similar in the two plants. In contrast, neither the gidA nor the frxC gene is present in the chloroplast DNA of tobacco or rice. It was recently reported that deletions in the gidA region of the chloroplast genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii abolish the light-independent pathway of chlorophyll synthesis which exists in many algae and lower plants. The presence of the gidA gene on the chloroplast genomes of conifers may therefore be of significance with respect to the ability of these plants to synthesize chlorophyll in the dark.  相似文献   

Although conifers are of immense ecological and economic value, bioengineering of their chloroplasts remains undeveloped. Understanding the chloroplast genomic organization of conifers can facilitate their bioengineering. Members of the conifer II clade (or cupressophytes) are highly diverse in both morphologic features and chloroplast genomic organization. We compared six cupressophyte chloroplast genomes (cpDNAs) that represent four of the five cupressophyte families, including three genomes that are first reported here (Agathis dammara, Calocedrus formosana and Nageia nagi). The six cupressophyte cpDNAs have lost a pair of large inverted repeats (IRs) and vary greatly in size, organization and tRNA copies. We demonstrate that cupressophyte cpDNAs have evolved towards reduced size, largely due to shrunken intergenic spacers. In cupressophytes, cpDNA rearrangements are capable of extending intergenic spacers, and synonymous mutations are negatively associated with the size and frequency of rearrangements. The variable cpDNA sizes of cupressophytes may have been shaped by mutational burden and genomic rearrangements. On the basis of cpDNA organization, our analyses revealed that in gymnosperms, cpDNA rearrangements are phylogenetically informative, which supports the ‘gnepines’ clade. In addition, removal of a specific IR influences the minimal rearrangements required for the gnepines and cupressophyte clades, whereby Pinaceae favours the removal of IRB but cupressophytes exclusion of IRA. This result strongly suggests that different IR copies have been lost from conifers I and II. Our data help understand the complexity and evolution of cupressophyte cpDNAs.  相似文献   

We reported previously that the mitochondrial sequence that contains the chloroplast-derived trnH gene has been highly conserved in the region around one terminus of the junction between chloroplast-derived and mitochondrion-specific sequences in most of the gramineous plants analyzed [15]. The results of RT-PCR, northern hybridization, in vitro capping and ribonuclease protection experiments show that the chloroplast-derived trnH gene is transcribed from a putative promoter that is located in the mitochondrion-specific sequence. Gene expression in this region seems to be correlated with the conservation of the sequence at the junction between the chloroplast-derived fragment and the mitochondrion-specific sequence.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous expression of multiple genes in the nucleus of transgenic plants requires the introduction of an individual gene and the subsequent backcross to reconstitute multi-subunit proteins or metabolic pathways. In order to accomplish the expression of multiple genes in a single transformation event, we inserted both large and small subunits of allophycocyanin gene (apcA and apcB) into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast expression vector, resulting in papc-S. The constructed vector was then introduced into the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii by micro-particle bombardment. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis revealed that the two genes had integrated into the chloroplast genome. Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the two genes from the prokaryotic cyanobacteria could be correctly expressed in the chloroplasts of C. reinhardtii. The expressed foreign protein in transformants accounted for about 2%-3% of total soluble proteins. These findings pave the way to the reconstitution of multi-subunit proteins or metabolic pathways in transgenic C. reinhardtii chloroplasts in a single transformation event.  相似文献   

We have extended to about 75 the number of genes mapped on the Chlamydomonas moewusii and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) by partial sequencing of the very closely related C. eugametos and C. moewusii cpDNAs and by hybridizations with Chlamydomonas chloroplast gene-specific sequences. Only four of these genes (tscA and three reading frames) have not been identified in any other algal cpDNAs and thus may be specific to Chlamydomonas. Although the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs differ by complex sequence rearrangements, 38 genes scattered throughout the genome define 12 conserved clusters of closely linked loci. Aside from the rRNA operon, four of these gene clusters share similarity to evolutionarily primitive operons found in other cpDNAs, representing in fact remnants of these operons. Our results thus indicate that most of the ancestral bacterial operons that characterize the chloroplast genome organization of land plants and early-diverging photosynthetic eukaryotes have been disrupted before the emergence of the polyphyletic genus Chlamydomonas. All gene rearrangements between the C. moewusii and C. reinhardtii cpDNAs, with the exception of those accounting for the relocations of atpA, psbI and rbcL, occurred within corresponding regions of the genome. One of these rearrangements seems to have led to disruption of the ancestral region containing rpl23, rpl2, rps19, rpl16, rpl14, rpl5, rps8 and the psaA exon 1. This gene cluster, which bears striking similarity to the Escherichia coli S10 and spc operons, spans a continuous DNA segment in C. reinhardtii, while it maps to two separate fragments in C. moewusii.  相似文献   

Complete structure of the chloroplast genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of Arabidopsis thaliana has been determined. The genome as a circular DNA composed of 154,478 bp containing a pair of inverted repeats of 26,264 bp, which are separated by small and large single copy regions of 17,780 bp and 84,170 bp, respectively. A total of 87 potential protein-coding genes including 8 genes duplicated in the inverted repeat regions, 4 ribosomal RNA genes and 37 tRNA genes (30 gene species) representing 20 amino acid species were assigned to the genome on the basis of similarity to the chloroplast genes previously reported for other species. The translated amino acid sequences from respective potential protein-coding genes showed 63.9% to 100% sequence similarity to those of the corresponding genes in the chloroplast genome of Nicotiana tabacum, indicating the occurrence of significant diversity in the chloroplast genes between two dicot plants. The sequence data and gene information are available on the World Wide Web database KAOS (Kazusa Arabidopsis data Opening Site) at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/.  相似文献   

In order to construct a molecular phylogeny of Indonesian Dipterocarpoideae (Dipterocarpaceae), PCR-RFLP of the chloroplast regions rbcL, petB, psbA, psaA, and trnL-F was performed with seven restriction enzymes in 129 samples including 58 species from nine genera. In the strict consensus tree with Monotes kerstingii as outgroup Indonesian Dipterocarpaceae were divided into two major clades. One clade (bootstrap value=71) consisted of Upuna, Cotylelobium, Anisoptera, Vatica, Dipterocarpus (tribe Dipterocarpeae, bootstrap value=83) and Dryobalanops (tribe Shoreae, bootstrap value=99) in a basal position. The second clade consisted of Hopea, Parashorea, and Shorea (tribe Shoreae) with 95% bootstrap support. Tribe Dipterocarpeae is monophyletic, tribe Shoreae is polyphyletic since Dryobalanops is sister to tribe Dipterocarpeae. In the neighbour-joining tree the sister group position of Dryobalanops to tribe Dipterocarpeae is not supported by the bootstrap analysis. Alternatively, we used Upuna borneensis as outgroup. The effect of outgroup selection on tree topology, taxonomic classification and the interpretation of character evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the expression of a maize nucleartuf gene(tufA) coding for the chloroplast translation elongation factor EF-Tu. Southern analysis revealed that the maize chloroplast EF-Tu was encoded by at least two distinct genes in the nuclear genome. In order to know the effect of light on the expression of thetufA gene during maize chloroplast biogenesis, we have analyzed the steady-state level of thetufA mRNAs by Northern analysis. The steady-state level of thetufA mRNAs was similar in both continuous light- and dark-grown seedlings. The level of thetufA mRNAs also maintained at relatively same level during light-induced greening of etiolated seedlings and all examined developmental stages. These results indicate that the gene expression of the maize chloroplast EF-Tu is rarely light-regulated at it’s mRNA level during chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

Northern blot analysis of RNA extracted from leaves of increasing age and different organs, indicates that genes encoding both isoenzymes of tobacco phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK, EC are differentially expressed in a developmental and tissue-specific manner. The genes for both chloroplast PGK (chl-PGK) and cytosolic PGK (cyt-PGK) also show light-modulated gene expression in vivo. In dark-grown developing cotyledonary leaves of tobacco both PGK mRNAs are present, but only the concentration of the chl-PGK mRNA increased on illumination. In contrast, on transfer to darkness, the concentration of both mRNAs decreased in light-grown seedlings and then increased again on resumption of illumination.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) has been determined. It is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule, 141,182 bp in size, and is composed of a large single copy of 83,048 bp, a small single copy of 12,544 bp, and a pair of inverted repeat regions of 22,795 bp each. A comparative analysis among monocots showed that the sugarcane chloroplast genome was very similar to maize but not to rice or wheat. Between sugarcane and maize at the rps16-trnQ (UUG) region, however, a length polymorphism was identified. With regard to insertions/deletions equal to or longer than 5 bp, a total of 53 insertion and 31 deletion events were identified in the sugarcane chloroplast genome. Of the 84 loci identified, a pair of direct repeat sequences was located side by side in a tandem fashion in 47 loci (56.0%). A recombination event during plant evolution is discussed at two sites between the sugarcane and tobacco chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mt (mitochondrial) and cp (chloroplast) genomes of the unicellular green alga Ostreococcus tauri has been determined. The mt genome assembles as a circle of 44,237 bp and contains 65 genes. With an overall average length of only 42 bp for the intergenic regions, this is the most gene-dense mt genome of all Chlorophyta. Furthermore, it is characterized by a unique segmental duplication, encompassing 22 genes and covering 44% of the genome. Such a duplication has not been observed before in green algae, although it is also present in the mt genomes of higher plants. The quadripartite cp genome forms a circle of 71,666 bp, containing 86 genes divided over a larger and a smaller single-copy region, separated by 2 inverted repeat sequences. Based on genome size and number of genes, the Ostreococcus cp genome is the smallest known among the green algae. Phylogenetic analyses based on a concatenated alignment of cp, mt, and nuclear genes confirm the position of O. tauri within the Prasinophyceae, an early branch of the Chlorophyta.  相似文献   

A new set of 14 chloroplast microsatellites, represented by mono‐ and dinucleotide repeats, was optimized in the three main species of the Fagaceae (Castanea sativa, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus petraea). The intraspecific variation was tested in some natural populations. The polymorphic microsatellites displayed two or three variants. Conservation of the primer pairs was checked on an additional set of six species of the Fagaceae and on Fraxinus excelsior. All the primer pairs produced a fragment of the expected size in the Fagaceae species while no amplification was obtained with 36% of the primers in F. excelsior.  相似文献   

<正>Nelumbonaceae is a morphologically unique family of angiosperms and was traditionally placed in Nymphaeales;more recently,it was placed in Proteales based on molecular data,or in an order of its own,Nelumbonales. To determine the systematic position of the family and to date the divergence time of the family and the divergence time of its two intercontinentally disjunct species,we sequenced the entire chloroplast genome of Nelumbo lutea and most of the chloroplast genes of,N.nucifera.We carried out phylogenetic and molecular dating analyses of the two species and representatives of 47 other plant families,representing the major lineages of angiosperms, using 83 plastid genes.The N.lutea genome was 163 510 bp long,with a total of 130 coding genes and an overall GC content of 38%.No significant structural differences among the genomes of N.lutea,Nymphaea alba, and Platanus occidentalis were observed.The phylogenetic relationships based on the 83 plastid genes revealed a close relationship between Nelumbonaceae and Platanaceae.The divergence times were estimated to be 109 Ma between the two families and 1.5 Ma between the two Nelumbo species.The estimated time was only slightly longer than the age of known Nelumbo fossils,suggesting morphological stasis within Nelumbonaceae.We conclude that Nelumbonaceae holds a position in or close to Proteales.We further conclude that the two species of Nelumbo diverged recently from a common ancestor and do not represent ancient relicts on different continents.  相似文献   

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