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Innovations in genomics have enabled the development of low-cost, high-resolution, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays that accelerate breeding progress and support basic research in crop science. Here, we developed and validated the SoySNP618K array (618,888 SNPs) for the important crop soybean. The SNPs were selected from whole-genome resequencing data containing 2,214 diverse soybean accessions; 29.34% of the SNPs mapped to genic regions representing 86.85% of the 56,044 annotated high-confidence genes. Identity-by-state analyses of 318 soybeans revealed 17 redundant accessions, highlighting the potential of the SoySNP618K array in supporting gene bank management. The patterns of population stratification and genomic regions enriched through domestication were highly consistent with previous findings based on resequencing data, suggesting that the ascertainment bias in the SoySNP618K array was largely compensated for. Genome-wide association mapping in combination with reported quantitative trait loci enabled fine-mapping of genes known to influence flowering time, E2 and GmPRR3b, and of a new candidate gene, GmVIP5. Moreover, genomic prediction of flowering and maturity time in 502 recombinant inbred lines was highly accurate (>0.65). Thus, the SoySNP618K array is a valuable genomic tool that can be used to address many questions in applied breeding, germplasm management, and basic crop research.  相似文献   

<正>Due to the rapid increase in population and the decreasing availability of arable land and freshwater resources per capita,global crop production will need to double by 2050 to meet human food demand.In early March,the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) of the United Nations released a report saying that 45 countries are in urgent need of food aid and millions of people are in severe hunger(https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/agriculture/brief/food-security-update)...  相似文献   

分子标记的种类及其在作物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子标记技术近年来发展很快,目前,常用的分子标记主要可以分为基于杂交的分子标记、基于PCR的分子标记、基于限制性酶切和PCR结合的分子标记以及新一代分子标记.本文对这几类分子标记中常用类型的基本原理进行介绍,并从分子标记在作物种质遗传多样性、基因定位和基因克隆以及分子标记辅助选择育种和分子设计育种中应用进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Environmental adaptation of crops is essential for reliable agricultural production and an important breeding objective. Genebanks provide genetic variation for the improvement of modern varieties, but the selection of suitable germplasm is frequently impeded by incomplete phenotypic data. We address this bottleneck by combining a Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) with core collection methodology to select soybean (Glycine max) germplasm for Central European breeding from a collection of >17,000 accessions. By focussing on adaptation to high-latitude cold regions, we selected an “environmental precore” of 3,663 accessions using environmental data and compared the Donor opulation of Environments (DPE) in Asia and the Target Population of Environments (TPE) in Central Europe in the present and 2070. Using single nucleotide polymorphisms, we reduced the precore into two diverse core collections of 183 and 366 accessions to serve as diversity panels for evaluation in the TPE. Genetic differentiation between precore and non-precore accessions revealed genomic regions that control maturity, and novel candidate loci for environmental adaptation, demonstrating the potential of diversity panels for studying adaptation. Objective-driven core collections have the potential to increase germplasm utilization for abiotic adaptation by breeding for a rapidly changing climate, or de novo adaptation of crops to expand cultivation ranges.  相似文献   

Core collections are nowadays widely employed in diverse studies on plant genetics. The more extensively used method to build core collections (maximization strategy) is based on the selection, from a global collection, of those accessions which maximize the number of different alleles and phenotypic classes (classes’ richness). However, different core collections should be created for different types of studies, and though several years ago most of core collections were developed to make the characterization and use of germplasm collections easier with a smaller sample size, for either conservation or breeding purposes, today, they are widely employed for association studies that are broadly applied in plant genetic improvement. Following the M strategy, some alleles or phenotypic classes often appear in a very low frequency, which may reduce the power of the analysis, avoiding the detection of real associations (false negatives). In this work, we propose and evaluate a new way to build core collections using the maximization strategy in several sequential steps, to maximize the frequency of minority classes, thus increasing the statistical power of the association study.  相似文献   

The primary targets of allele mining efforts are loci of agronomic importance. Agronomic loci typically exhibit patterns of allelic diversity that are consistent with a history of natural or artificial selection. Natural or artificial selection causes the distribution of genetic diversity at such loci to deviate substantially from the pattern found at neutral loci. The germplasm utilized for allele mining should contain maximum allelic variation at loci of interest, in the smallest possible number of samples. We show that the popular core collection assembly procedure “M” (marker allele richness), which leverages variation at neutral loci, performs worse than random assembly for retaining variation at a locus of agronomic importance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris) that is under selection. We present a corrected procedure (“M+”) that outperforms M. An extensive coalescent simulation was performed to demonstrate more generally the retention of neutral versus selected allelic variation in core subsets assembled with M+. A negative correlation in level of allelic diversity between neutral and selected loci was observed in 42% of simulated data sets. When core collection assembly is guided by neutral marker loci, as is the current common practice, enhanced allelic variation at agronomically important loci should not necessarily be expected.  相似文献   

Prospects for molecular breeding of barley   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from UK Recommended List Trials showed that the introduction of new cultivars of spring and winter barley has maintained a significant increase in yield over time, whereas there has been no significant improvement in hot water extract, the major determinant of good malting quality, in either crop. Commercial barley breeding is based upon phenotypic selection, and the introduction of molecular breeding methods must either increase the rate of advance, or offer an improvement in the cost‐effectiveness of breeding programmes. Molecular breeding can be applied to either single gene or polygenic characters but is not widely used in commercial barley breeding, other than as a marker for resistance to the Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus complex. There are many reports of potential targets for use in molecular breeding but the few validation studies that have been carried out to date are disappointing. Results from genomics studies are likely to lead to the identification of key candidate genes, which can be associated with economically important characters through co‐location on certain chromosomal regions. Associations between candidate gene sequence haplotypes and phenotypic characteristics is expected to identify allelic combinations, which are most frequently observed in successful cultivars, that can be used in molecular breeding of barley on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex interactions among food security, bioenergy sustainability, and resource management requires a focus on specific contextual problems and opportunities. The United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals place a high priority on food and energy security; bioenergy plays an important role in achieving both goals. Effective food security programs begin by clearly defining the problem and asking, ‘What can be done to assist people at high risk?’ Simplistic global analyses, headlines, and cartoons that blame biofuels for food insecurity may reflect good intentions but mislead the public and policymakers because they obscure the main drivers of local food insecurity and ignore opportunities for bioenergy to contribute to solutions. Applying sustainability guidelines to bioenergy will help achieve near‐ and long‐term goals to eradicate hunger. Priorities for achieving successful synergies between bioenergy and food security include the following: (1) clarifying communications with clear and consistent terms, (2) recognizing that food and bioenergy need not compete for land and, instead, should be integrated to improve resource management, (3) investing in technology, rural extension, and innovations to build capacity and infrastructure, (4) promoting stable prices that incentivize local production, (5) adopting flex crops that can provide food along with other products and services to society, and (6) engaging stakeholders to identify and assess specific opportunities for biofuels to improve food security. Systematic monitoring and analysis to support adaptive management and continual improvement are essential elements to build synergies and help society equitably meet growing demands for both food and energy.  相似文献   

Tree Genetics & Genomes - Advances in genomics increase the possibility of using SNP markers in selecting new parental genotypes for poplar breeding or new poplar varieties for commercial...  相似文献   

Crop genetic resources carry variation useful for overcoming the challenges of modern agriculture. Molecular markers can facilitate the selection of agronomically important traits. The pervasiveness of genomics research has led to an overwhelming number of publications and databases, which are, nevertheless, scattered and hence often difficult for plant breeders to access, particularly those in developing countries. This situation separates them from developed countries, which have better endowed programs for developing varieties. To close this growing knowledge gap, we conducted an intensive literature review and consulted with more than 150 crop experts on the use of molecular markers in the breeding program of 19 food security crops. The result was a list of effectively used and highly reproducible sequence tagged site (STS), simple sequence repeat (SSR), single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. However, only 12 food crops had molecular markers suitable for improvement. That is, marker-assisted selection is not yet used for Musa spp., coconut, lentils, millets, pigeonpea, sweet potato, and yam. For the other 12 crops, 214 molecular markers were found to be effectively used in association with 74 different traits. Results were compiled as the GCP Molecular Marker Toolkit, a free online tool that aims to promote the adoption of molecular approaches in breeding activities.  相似文献   

Patterns of nitrogen utilization in the soybean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We describe quantitative characterization of a sample preparation platform for rapid and high-throughput analysis of recombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and their post-translational modifications. MAb capture, desalting and in situ reduction/alkylation were accomplished by sequential adsorption of analyte to solid phase beads (protein A, reverse-phase) suspended in microtiter plate wells. Following elution and rapid tryptic digestion in the presence of acid-labile surfactant (RapiGest), peptides were fractionated by stepwise elution from reverse-phase pipet tips and the fraction containing Fc N-glycopeptides isolated. Direct quantitative analysis of the relative abundance of peptide glycoforms by MALDI-TOF MS in linear mode closely correlated with normal phase HPLC analysis of fluorophore labeled N-glycans released by PNGaseF.  相似文献   

Liquid handling robotics and capillary electrophoresis genetic analyzers now offer high-throughput solutions for 2 of the 4 key steps in PCR-based DNA marker-assisted fingerprinting (DNA extraction, PCR amplification, electrophoresis, data analysis). Thus, DNA extraction remains the most significant bottleneck at the bench for large-scale applications in plant breeding and germplasm characterization. We report on a rapid and low-cost method for relatively high-throughput extraction of high-quality DNA from young and mature leaves of sorghum, pearl millet, chickpea, groundnut, and pigeonpea. The procedure uses a modified CTAB/β-mercaptoethanol method for DNA extraction in a 96-well plate. The quantity and quality of the DNA extracted per sample is adequate for more than 1000 PCR reactions. A relatively high throughput of 96–384 samples per person per day can be achieved, depending on the crop. A major timesaving aspect of the protocol is the absence of a manual sample-grinding step. Finally, the cost is a magnitude lower than commercial plate-based kits, and, as such, is likely to have substantial application in tropical molecular breeding programs.  相似文献   

Exploring the molecular basis of heterosis for plant breeding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since approximate a century ago, many hybrid crops have been continually developed by crossing two inbred varieties. Owing to heterosis(hybrid vigor) in plants, these hybrids often have superior agricultural performances in yield or disease resistance succeeding their inbred parental lines. Several classical hypotheses have been proposed to explain the genetic causes of heterosis. During recent years, many new genetics and genomics strategies have been developed and used for the identifications of heterotic genes in plants. Heterotic effects of the heterotic loci and molecular functions of the heterotic genes are being investigated in many plants such as rice, maize, sorghum, Arabidopsis and tomato.More and more data and knowledge coming from the molecular studies of heterotic loci and genes will serve as a valuable resource for hybrid breeding by molecular design in future. This review aims to address recent advances in our understanding of the genetic and molecular mechanisms of heterosis in plants. The remaining scientific questions on the molecular basis of heterosis and the potential applications in breeding are also proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Wild cassava relatives are perennials and vary in growth pattern from nearly acaulescent subshrubs to small trees. They have been used as a source of useful characters such as high protein content, apomixis, resistance to mealybug and mosaic disease, and tolerance to drought. Indigenous clones are a potential source of beta-carotene and lycopene. Apomixis genes have been transferred to the crop successfully through interspeci fi c hybridization, and apomictic clones arising from these hybrids are now being grown at the Universidade de Brasília. Interspeci fi c hybrids produced earlier were polyploidized and had their fertility restored. Different useful types of chimera were also produced.  相似文献   

An analysis of intake and utilization of an artificial medium by larvae of the soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens Walker, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, was performed using 4 methods: standard gravimetric, chromic oxide, Calco Oil Red, and 14C-glucose. Each method was used in conjunction with standard gravimetry. The relative merits of the indirect methods were analyzed in terms of precision and accuracy for ECI and ECD estimation, cost, and overall versatility. Only the gravimetric method combined ca. 80% precision in ECI and ECD estimation with low cost and maximum versatility. Calco Oil Red at 0.1% w/v was detrimental to the larvae. Cr2O3 caused reduced intake but conversion was increased resulting in normal development and growth of larvae. The radioisotopic method had the advantage of providing a direct means of measuring expired CO2. The need to operate under a totally enclosed system, however, poses some serious difficulties in the use of radioisotopes. There seems to be little advantage in any of the proposed indirect methods, except if there are unusual difficulties in separating the excreta from the medium.Supported in part by the Brazilian Programa de Ensino Agricola Superior (PEAS/Michigan State University Contract); by NSF and EPA through grant (NSF GB-37418) to the University of California; and USDA-SEA grant 616-15-68. The findings and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the sponsoring agencies or institutions.  相似文献   

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