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In this study, we compare the relative growth rate (RGR) and biomass allocation of 10 woody species (5 deciduous and 5 evergreen) from the Mediterranean region using phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs) to test if these two functional groups differ in these traits. In general, the results were similar when using PICs or without taking into account phylogenetic relations. Deciduous species had a higher RGR than evergreen species, due to the higher net assimilation rate (NAR). Deciduous species had a higher specific leaf area (SLA) but a lower leaf mass ratio (LMR), resulting in a similar LAR for deciduous and evergreen species (LAR = SLA x LMR). In some cases, the use of PICs revealed patterns that would not have appeared if phylogeny had been overlooked. For example, there was no significant correlation between RGR and final dry mass (after 4 months of growth) but PICs revealed that there was a positive relation between these two variables in all deciduous-evergreen pairs. In general, RGR decreased with time and this temporal variation was due primarily to NAR variations (r = 0.79, p < 0.01), and also to variations in LAR (r = 0.69, p < 0.05). Considering the phylogeny, the only variable constantly different for all deciduous-evergreen pairs was SLA. This result, and the fact that SLA was the best correlated variable with RGR (r = 0.81, p < 0.01), reinforce the value of SLA as a variable closely associated to growth and to the functional groups (deciduous vs. evergreen).  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate various growth parameters, dry matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium allocation and photosynthesis ofCarex acutiformis, C. rostrata andC. diandra growing in fens with, in this order, decreasing nutrient availability and decreasing aboveground productivity. Plants were grown from cuttings at optimum nutrient conditions in a growth chamber. Growth analysis at sequential harvests revealed that the species had no inherently different relative growth rates which could explain their different productivity, but that their LAR (LWR and SLA) decreased in the orderC. acutiformis, C. rostrata, C. diandra and their NAR increased in this order. All growth parameters decreased during plant growth even under the controlled conditions of the experiment.C. acutiformis allocated relatively much dry matter to the leaves,C. rostrata to the rhizomes andC. diandra to the roots. This may, in part, explain the higher aboveground biomass production ofC. acutiformis in the field. Nitrogen, but not phosphorus and potassium, allocation patterns were different for the three species.C. diandra, the species from the nitrogen-poorest site, had the highest leaf N content of the three species and also a higher chlorophyll content. Related to this, this species had the highest photosynthetic activity of whole plants both when collected from the field and when grown in the growth chamber. The nitrogen productivity was similar for the three species and the photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, determined forC. acutiformis andC. diandra, was similar for these two species.C. diandra had the most finely branched root system, i.e., the highest specific root length of the three species and its root surface area to leaf surface area ratio was also the highest. All three species showed higher nitrate reductase activity in the leaves than in the roots when grown on nutrient solution. The growth ofC. diandra at a relatively nutrient-poor site and a rather open low vegetation is assumed to be adapted to its habitat by a relatively high NAR made possible by a high rate of photosynthesis concurrent with a high leaf N content. The growth ofC. acutiformis at a relatively nutrient-rich site and a more dense and higher vegetation is adapted to its habitat by a high LAR.  相似文献   

The response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender grown under controlled environment at either ambient or elevated (360 and 700 μmol mol-1, respectively) CO2 concentrations ([CO2]), was monitored from 10 days after germination (DAG) until the onset of senescence. Elevated CO2 had a pronounced effect on total plant height (TPH), leaf area (LA), leaf dry weight (LD), total plant biomass (TB) accumulation and specific leaf area (SLA). All of these were significantly increased under elevated carbon dioxide with the exception of SLA which was significantly reduced. Other than high initial growth rates in CO2-enriched plants, relative growth rates remained relatively unchanged throughout the growth period. While the trends in growth parameters were clearly different between [CO2], some physiological processes were largely transient, in particular, net assimilation rate (NAR) and foliar nutrient concentrations of N, Mg and Cu. CO2 enrichment significantly increased NAR, but from 20 DAG, a steady decline to almost similar levels to those measured in plants grown under ambient CO2 occurred. A similar trend was observed for leaf N content where the loss of leaf nitrogen in CO2-enriched plants after 20 DAG, was significantly greater than that observed for ambient-CO2 plants. Under enhanced CO2, the foliar concentrations of K and Mn were increased significantly whilst P, Ca, Fe and Zn were reduced significantly. Changes in Mg and Cu concentrations were insignificant. In addition. high CO2 grown plants exhibited a pronounced leaf discoloration or chlorosis, coupled with a significant reduction in leaf longevity.  相似文献   

The effects of different fertilization regimes on root growth characteristics, nutrient uptake and biomass production of Japanese larch (Larix kampferi Sarg.) and its hybrid larch (L. gmelinii × L. kampferi) seedlings were examined for one growing season. Seedlings were raised in the greenhouse under three fertilizer levels (10, 20, 40 mg N seedling–1 season–1) and two delivery schedules, conventional (C) and exponential (E) for 12 weeks. Root growth, biomass allocation and nutrient loading capacity of seedlings were measured for a 3-week interval. By the end of growing season, seedlings fertilized with low dose conventionally (10C) and exponentially (10E) developed relatively longer root and larger root surface areas than those fertilized at high dose exponential loading (40E). At final harvest, the 40E treated Japanese larch had 134% and 155% more shoot mass as compared with those raised under 20E and 10E treated seedlings, respectively. The seedlings fertilized under 10C and 10E showed a high root mass ratio, while 40E treated seedlings showed a low root mass ratio. These data indicated that different nutrient levels (10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg) strongly affected root growth characteristics. The same seasonal dose (10 mg) applied exponentially (10E) accumulated more N in seedlings compared to the 10C treatment. Exponential fertilization enhanced an increase in N concentration of the whole plant suggesting exponential delivery schedule is an efficient fertilization technique for greater nutrient uptake of plants. In contrast, N concentration of whole plant was declined for seedlings treated with conventional fertilization due to growth dilution. Late in the growing season, seedlings raised under 40E did not significantly improved dry mass production of root, but nutrient accumulation increased without a concomitant increased in root dry mass production. The result suggests that seedlings fertilized exponentially at medium and high dose rates (20E and 40E) induced luxury nutrient consumption within the plant.  相似文献   

This paper analyses relationships between relative growth rate ( rgr ), seed mass, biomass allocation, photosynthetic rate and other plant traits as well as habitat factors (rainfall and altitude) in 20 wild species of Aegilops L. and one closely related species of Amblyopyrum (Jaub. & Spach) Eig., which differ in ploidy level (diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid). The plants were grown hydroponically for 20 d in a growth chamber. The relationships between parameters were calculated either using the phylogenetic information (phylogenetically independent contrasts, PIC) or without using the phylogenetic information (trait values of taxa, TIP). The results using the two approaches were very similar, but there were a few exceptions in which the results were different (e.g. rgr vs. seed mass). Specific leaf area ( sla ) was positively correlated with leaf area ratio ( lar ) and negatively correlated with net assimilation rate ( nar ), which together resulted in the absence of a correlation between sla and rgr . Leaf photosynthetic rates (expressed on a mass or area basis) showed no correlation with rgr . rgr was positively correlated with the stem mass ratio and negatively with root mass ratio. Species with a lower d. wt percentage have a higher rgr . Aegilops species from locations with higher annual rainfall invested less biomass in roots and more in shoots (leaves and stems) and had a higher rgr . Diploid species had a lower seed mass and initial mass than the hybrids (tetraploid and hexaploid species), but there was no correlation of rgr with ploidy level. Polyploid species, which have higher seed mass, occur at a higher altitude than diploid species. Our results show that variation in rgr in Aegilops and Amblyopyrum spp. is associated mainly with variation in biomass allocation (proportion of biomass in stems and roots) and d. wt percentage, and not with variation in sla , leaf photosynthetic rates or seed mass.  相似文献   

We have investigated the water use efficiency of whole plants and selected leaves and allocation patterns of three wheat cultivars (Mexipak, Nesser and Katya) to explore how variation in these traits can contribute to the ability to grow in dry environments. The cultivars exhibited considerable differences in biomass allocation and water use efficiency. Cultivars with higher growth rates of roots and higher proportions of biomass in roots (Nesser and Katya) also had higher leaf growth rates, higher proportions of their biomass as leaves and higher leaf area ratios. These same cultivars had lower rates of transpiration per unit leaf area or unit root weight and higher biomass production per unit water use. They also had higher ratios of photosynthesis to transpiration, and lower ratios of intercellular to external CO2 partial pressure. The latter resulted from large differences in stomatal conductance associated with relatively small differences in rates of photosynthesis. There was little variation between cultivars in response to drought, and differences in allocation pattern and plant water use efficiency between cultivars as found under well-watered conditions persisted under dry conditions. At the end of the non-watered treatment, relative growth rates and transpiration rates decreased to similar values for all cultivars. High ratios of photosynthesis to transpiration, and accordingly high biomass production per unit of transpiration, is regarded as a favourable trait for dry environments, since more efficient use of water postpones the decrease in plant water status.  相似文献   

We have investigated the water use efficiency of whole plants and selected leaves and allocation patterns of three wheat cultivars (Mexipak, Nesser and Katya) to explore how variation in these traits can contribute to the ability to grow in dry environments. The cultivars exhibited considerable differences in biomass allocation and water use efficiency. Cultivars with higher growth rates of roots and higher proportions of biomass in roots (Nesser and Katya) also had higher leaf growth rates, higher proportions of their biomass as leaves and higher leaf area ratios. These same cultivars had lower rates of transpiration per unit leaf area or unit root weight and higher biomass production per unit water use. They also had higher ratios of photosynthesis to transpiration, and lower ratios of intercellular to external CO2 partial pressure. The latter resulted from large differences in stomatal conductance associated with relatively small differences in rates of photosynthesis. There was little variation between cultivars in response to drought, and differences in allocation pattern and plant water use efficiency between cultivars as found under well-watered conditions persisted under dry conditions. At the end of the non-watered treatment, relative growth rates and transpiration rates decreased to similar values for all cultivars. High ratios of photosynthesis to transpiration, and accordingly high biomass production per unit of transpiration, is regarded as a favourable trait for dry environments, since more efficient use of water postpones the decrease in plant water status.  相似文献   

Abstract Mortality, growth, gas exchange and biomass distribution were measured in the seedlings of 12 Chilean temperate rainforest angiosperm trees in two contrasting artificial light environments (150 and 12 μmoles m?2 s?1), in order to explore life history diversity in this forest type, and examine the physiological and/or morphological traits associated with interspecific variation in seedling performance. Gas exchange traits were measured only in the high‐light treatment (150 μmoles m?2 s?1), owing to the very small size of leaves in the low‐light treatment. Relative growth rates (RGR) in high light were strongly correlated with photosynthetic capacity (P< 0.0001). Mortality rates in low light had a strong positive correlation with light compensation point (P = 0.007) and photosynthetic capacity (P = 0.004). Furthermore, high‐light RGR was strongly positively correlated with low‐light mortality (P = 0.001). Biomass distribution traits showed little relationship with mortality or growth within either light level, except for a marginally significant positive correlation (P = 0.04) between leaf area ratio and mortality in low light. In view of the large interspecific differences in final size, the weak relationships between biomass distribution parameters and plant performance could be partially attributable to ontogenetic drift in these traits. Among taxa with high mortality rates in low light, short‐lived species (e.g. Aristotelia chilensis) had lower light compensation points, had greater phenotypic plasticity and grew much faster in both light environments than did longer‐lived species (Nothofagus dombeyi, Weinmannia trichosperma, Eucryphia cordifolia). Results support the view that survival of first‐year seedlings in low light is not enhanced by morphological traits that maximize growth potential (e.g. high leaf area ratio), and that leaf‐level gas exchange traits have an important role as determinants of interspecific variation in seedling performance. However, the limited range of interspecific variation observed in light compensation points indicates that other traits apart from those that we measured (e.g. carbon storage) must also be involved in seedling shade tolerance differences. The weak relationship between longevity and shade tolerance level among our 12 species suggests that it may not be feasible to ordinate life histories of Chilean temperate rainforest trees on a single axis of trait variation.  相似文献   

Growth of a floating-leaved plant,Hydrocharis dubia L., was examined under varying nutrient conditions between 0.3 and 30 mgN l−1 total inorganic nitrogen.H. dubia plants cultured under the most nutrient-rich condition showed the highest maximum ramet density (736 m−2), the highest maximum biomass (80.4 g dry weight m−2), and the highest total net production (185 g dry weight m−2 in 82 days). Plants under nutrient-poor conditions had a relatively large proportion of root biomass and a small proportion of leaves with a long life span. Compared with other floating-leaved and terrestrial plants, the maximum biomass ofH. dubia was relatively small. This, and the rapid biomass turnover, was related to the short life span of leaves (13.2–18.7 days) and large biomass distribution to leaves.  相似文献   

选取无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala Buch-Ham.)、卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum Linn.)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum Blanco.)、老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius Linn.)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lam.)、秋茄(Kandelia candel Druce.)、银叶树(Heritiera littoralis Ait.)和黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus L.)为研究对象,通过遮荫控制实验,研究这8种红树植物幼苗在不同光照强度(自然光强的100%、45%、30%、10%)下的生长和生物量分配特征。结果表明:(1)遮荫对无瓣海桑幼苗相对生长速率、生物量积累、基径的增长和叶片数的增长均有显著的抑制作用;(2)桐花和老鼠簕在遮荫处理下生长状况较好,遮荫对桐花生长的影响不显著,对老鼠簕幼苗的生长则有一定的促进作用;(3)当光照强度降低时,无瓣海桑、秋茄、老鼠簕、桐花树的幼苗都对地上部分投入了更多的生物量,其中秋茄、老鼠簕和桐花树通过提高叶生物量来获取更大的光能捕获能力。研究结果表明,从对光照的生长适应角度来看,桐花、老鼠簕和卤蕨适宜种植在郁闭度较高的林下;秋茄适宜在郁闭度较低的林下种植;真红树无瓣海桑和木榄以及半红树黄槿和银叶树则不适合在林下种植。  相似文献   

The physiology, morphology and growth of first-year Betula papyrifera Marsh., Betula alleghaniensis Britton, Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch, Acer saccharum Marsh., and Quercus rubra L. seedlings, which differ widely in reported successional affinity and shade tolerance, were compared in a controlled high-resource environment. Relative to late-successional, shade-tolerant Acer and Ostrya species, early-successional, shade-intolerant Betula species had high relative growth rates (RGR) and high rates of photosynthesis, nitrogen uptake and respiration when grown in high light. Fire-adapted Quercus rubra had intermediate photosynthetic rates, but had the lowest RGR and leaf area ratio and the highest root weight ratio of any species. Interspecific variation in RGR in high light was positively correlated with allocation to leaves and rates of photosynthesis and respiration, and negatively related to seed mass and leaf mass per unit area. Despite higher respiration rates, early-successional Betula papyrifera lost a lower percentage of daily photosynthetic CO2 gain to respiration than other species in high light. A subset comprised of the three Betulaceae family members was also grown in low light. As in high light, low-light grown Betula species had higher growth rates than tolerant Ostrya virainiana. The rapid growth habit of sarly-successional species in low light was associated with a higher proportion of biomass distributed to leaves, lower leaf mass per unit area, a lower proportion of biomass in roots, and a greater height per unit stem mass. Variation in these traits is discussed in terms of reported species ecologies in a resource availability context.  相似文献   

Galmés J  Cifre J  Medrano H  Flexas J 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):21-31
Effects of water availability on seedling growth were analysed in eight Mediterranean species naturally occurring in the Balearic Islands. Seedlings were grown outdoors during summer under two irrigation treatments: field capacity and 35% of field capacity. The relative growth rate (RGR) strongly depended on the growth form, from highest values in herbs to lowest in woody perennials. The main component associated with interspecific variation in RGR was the specific leaf area (SLA), and a quantitative grouping of the different growth forms appeared along the regression line between both parameters. The slow-growing species, i.e. woody perennial shrubs, had the lowest SLA and the fast-growing perennial herbs, the highest, while woody semi-deciduous shrubs appeared intermediate. Decreases in RGR due to water stress were analysed in terms of the relative contribution of the leaf mass ratio (LMR), SLA and the net assimilation rate (NAR). Pooling all species, the decrease in RGR caused by water deficit was mainly explained by decreases in SLA. However, this general pattern was strongly dependent of growth form. Thus, in the woody perennial plants, the decrease in RGR was accompanied by a three-fold decrease in NAR which, however, increased in perennial herbs. SLA increased with decreasing water supply in woody perennial plants, and decreased in woody semi-deciduous shrubs and perennial herbs. Finally, decreases in LMR partly explained decreases in RGR in perennial herbs and woody perennial shrubs. This different response of the different growth forms may reflect differences in seedling adaptation and surviving strategies to drought periods.  相似文献   

吴楚  王政权  范志强 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1282-1290
森林土壤中NO-3-N和NH 4-N的比例不平衡,造成森林树木对养分的吸收与利用、生长以及生物量分配格局发生变化。采用沙培技术,以不同NO-3-N和NH 4-N的比例对水曲柳播种苗木进行处理,研究养分吸收利用与生长的关系以及养分分配格局与生物量分配格局的关系。实验结果表明,虽然水曲柳幼苗偏好NO-3-N,但NNUR、NPUR、NUE、PUE、RGR、NAR以及单株总生物量均没有随NO-3-N的比例增加而增加。在8~9月份水曲柳幼苗生长旺盛时期,NNUR和NUE之间以及NPUR和PUE之间的关系显著,而在9~10月份这两组关系不显著。在水曲柳旺盛生长的8~9月份,NUE和PUE对水曲柳幼苗的NAR具有很大的影响,而在生长较弱的9~10月份,这两者对其NAR影响不大。在8~9月份和9~10月份两个时段内,NUE和RGR之间以及PUE和RGR之间的关系非常显著。在8月份和9月份,在不同氮素形态处理下,水曲柳幼苗体内的氮分配格局决定了其生物量的分配格局,而磷分配格局与生物量分配格局无关。  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The antropogenically-induced process of eutrophication is accompanied by changes in the structure and function of the whole wetland ecosystem. Since the shift in a species ability...  相似文献   

The effects of soil-water salinity on growth and photosynthesis of three coastal dune plants were examined by salt-treatment in order to clarify the causal relationship between salinity and plant distribution in a dune habitat. Plants were cultivated hydroponically at three salinity levels: 0, 10 and 100 mM NaCl. With the 100 mM salt treatment,Calystegia soldanella (C3 species) had the highest relative growth rate (RGR) (0.085 g g−1 d−1), followed byCarex kobomugi (C3) (0.066), andIschaemum anthephoroides (C4) (0.060). This order coincides with the distribution pattern of the three species on coastal dunes;Calystegia soldanella is generally distributed in more seaward areas whereasI. anthephoroides occurs further inland. The order of RGR was determined exclusively by leaf area ratio (LAR) among the three species. Due to its C4 pathway,I. anthephoroides had higher net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and net assimilation rate (NAR) than the two C3 plants at all NaCl concentrations, despite its low RGR. This apparent discrepancy is explainable by differences of LAR among the three species; LAR ofI. anthephoroides was lowest, and about half that ofCalystegia soldanella. These results suggest that LAR is one of the main determinants of salt tolerance based on RGR, whereas Pn or NAR may not be significant. This article is dedicated to Professor Hideo Iwaki, University of Tsukuba, in appreciation of the sincere encouragement he has given to the authors.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis was tested that faster growth of nitrophilic plants at high nitrogen (N) nutrition is counterbalanced by faster growth of non-nitrophilic plants at low N-nutrition. Ten annual plant species were used which originated from habitats of different N-availability. The species' preference for N was quantified by the N-number of Ellenberg (1979), a relative measure of nitrophily. The plants were cultivated in a growth cabinet at five levels of ammonium-nitrate supply. At low N-supply, the relative growth rate (RGR) was independent of nitrophily. At high N-supply, RGR tended to be higher in nitrophilic than in non-nitrophilic species. However, the response of RGR to N-supply was strongly and positively correlated with the nitrophily of species. Increasing N-supply enhanced partitioning to leaf weight per total biomass (LWR) and increased plant leaf area per total biomass (LAR). Specific leaf weight (SLW) and LWR were both higher in non-nitrophilic than in nitrophilic species at all levels of N-nutrition. NAR (growth per leaf area or net assimilation rate) increased with nitrophily only under conditions of high N-supply. RGR correlated positively with LAR, irrespective of N-nutrition. Under conditions of high N-supply RGR correlated with SLW negatively and with NAR positively.  相似文献   

氮胁迫对水曲柳幼苗养分吸收、利用和生物量分配的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
树木受到环境胁迫时发生形态和生理上的改变,以便获取对其生长发育限制最严重的资源.在东北林区凋落物因受温度影响分解速度和有机物矿质化过程缓慢,森林树木常受到氮营养胁迫.通过温室栽培试验,对氮胁迫下水曲柳幼苗生长的生理学和形态学指标进行了研究.结果表明,在氮胁迫下,水曲柳幼苗的净氮吸收速率和净磷吸收速率都会减少,但在生长前期氮利用效率和磷利用效率高于氮供给充足(8mmol·L^-1)和过量(16mmol·L^-1)时的氮利用效率和磷利用效率.当氮供给浓度不足时,叶重比减少,而特定叶面积和根重比增加.相对生长速率随氮供给浓度增加而增加.在氮胁迫下净同化速率下降,导致总生物量下降.在幼苗生长前期,水曲柳幼苗处于氮胁迫时根/茎比显著大于氮供给充足或过量时的根/茎比。而在生长后期。根/茎比没有显著差别.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of hydroponically cultivated birch seedlings (Betula pendula Roth.) at sub- and supra-optimum potassium supply rates was investigated. Potassium was supplied either as a relative addition rate (r k = 5, 10, 15 and 20% increase day-1) or as fixed concentrations (0.2, 3, 6, 12 and 15 mM) in the culture solution. After an acclimation period the growth rate of the seedlings in the suboptimum treatments reached values close to the treatment variable, the relative rate of K-addition. Deficiency symptoms, in the form of chlorosis and necroses along the leaf margins, developed initially in all suboptimum treatments, but very few new symptoms appeared once the seedlings had reached the phase of steady-state nutrition and growth. At supra-optimum K-supply levels, i.e. at 0.2–15 mM K in the culture solution, no symptoms of deficiency or toxicity developed, and the relative growth rate of the seedlings remained maximum. The relative growth rate of the seedlings was linearly related to the plant K-status for K contents ranging from 0.2 to 1.0% of dry weight (DW). At higher internal K-concentrations, 1.0–3.0% DW, no further increase in relative growth rate was achieved. A shortage of K resulted in a decrease in the net assimilation rate. This effect was counterbalanced by the absence of shift in he leaf weight ratio as well as by the production of relatively thin leaves. The fraction of dry matter allocated to roots decreased in K-limited plants, as did the leaf contents of soluble carbohydrates and starch.  相似文献   

Growth light intensities largely determine photosynthesis, biomass, and grain yield of cereal crops. To explore the genetic basis of light responses of biomass and Researchphotosynthetic parameters in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),a quantitative trait locus(QTL) analysis was carried out in a doubled haploid(DH) population grown in low light(LL),medium light(ML), and high light(HL), respectively. The results showed that the wheat seedlings grown in HL produced more biomass with lower total chlorophyll content(Chl), carotenoid content, and maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II(Fv/Fm) while the wheat seedlings grown in LL produced less biomass with higher Chl compared with those grown in ML. In total, 48 QTLs were identified to be associated with the investigated parameters in relation to growth light intensities. These QTLs were mapped to 15 chromosomes which individually explained6.3%–36.0% of the phenotypic variance, of which chromo-somes 3A, 1D, and 6B were specifically involved in LL response, 5D and 7A specifically involved in ML response,and 4B specifically involved in HL response. Several light-responsive QTLs were co-located with QTLs for photosynthetic parameters, biomass, and grain weight under various conditions which may provide new hints to uncover the genetic control of photosynthesis, biomass, and grain weight.  相似文献   

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