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We present a stochastic dynamical model for the transmission of dengue that takes into account seasonal and spatial dynamics of the vector Aedes aegypti. It describes disease dynamics triggered by the arrival of infected people in a city. We show that the probability of an epidemic outbreak depends on seasonal variation in temperature and on the availability of breeding sites. We also show that the arrival date of an infected human in a susceptible population dramatically affects the distribution of the final size of epidemics and that early outbreaks have a low probability. However, early outbreaks are likely to produce large epidemics because they have a longer time to evolve before the winter extinction of vectors. Our model could be used to estimate the risk and final size of epidemic outbreaks in regions with seasonal climatic variations.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized Aedes aegypti do not synthesize vitellogenin after a blood meal, unless an ovary from a blood-fed donor is implanted. Decapitation, however, prior to implantation inhibits vitellogenin synthesis. A female ovariectomized and decapitated 6 hr after a blood meal, synthesizes vitellogenin if an ovary from a blood-fed donor is implanted. On the other hand, females that are fed on blood and immediately decapitated can not be stimulated to synthesize vitellogenin with implanted ovaries removed from blood-fed donors. These experiments led to the hypothesis that the blood meal stimulates the ovary to secrete a corpus cardiacum stimulating factor, that in turn promotes release of egg development neurosecretory hormone stored in the corpus cardiacum.Injection of 20-hydroxy-ecdysone or ovarian extract prepared from ovaries removed from unfed females does not release egg development neurosecretory hormone. Thus corpus cardiacum stimulating factor is not 20-hydroxy-ecdysone, and ovaries removed from unfed females do not store it.The rate of inactivation of egg development neurosecretory hormone released from the corpus cardiacum after a blood meal was investigated by implanting an ovary into females that were blood fed for various intervals than decapitated and ovariectomized. Seventy per cent of implants grow when the operation is done 18 hr after feeding, and 30% when the operation is done between 18 and 24 hr after feeding, indicating that egg development neurosecretory hormone is stable for the first 18 hr after a blood meal.Aedes taeniorhynchus females ovariectomized 24 hr after adult emergence do not synthesize vitellogenin. When such a female is implanted with an ovary removed from a sugar-fed or blood-fed Aedes aegypti donor vitellogenin synthesis is initiated, and the implant grows. Decapitation prior to implantation inhibit vitellogenin synthesis and implants do not grow. These results indicate that corpus cardiacum stimulating factor is not species specific.  相似文献   

We evaluated 22 different host and non-host plant protease inhibitors (PIs) for in vivo inhibition of Helicoverpa armigera gut pro- and proteinases, and their biological activity against the pod borer, H. armigera, the most important pest of agriculture and horticultural crops worldwide. In vitro activation of H. armigera gut pro-proteinases (HaGPPs) in larvae fed on non-host plant PIs showed significant in vivo inhibition of HaGPPs activation in solution as well as in gel assays. The larvae fed on diet incorporated with Datura alba ness PIs showed highest inhibition of HaGPPs, followed by Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Non-host plant PIs from Pongamia pinnata, Mucuna pruriens, Capsicum annuum, and Nigela sativa showed maximum inhibitory potential towards HaGPs in vivo, and also exhibited moderate level of inhibition of pro-proteinases. However, some of non-host plant PIs, such as those from Penganum harmala and Solanum nigrum, and the principal host plant PIs, viz., Cicer arietinum and Cajanus cajan did not inhibit HaGPP activity. Pro-proteinase level increased with the growth of the larvae, and maximum HaGPP activity was observed in the fifth-instars. Larvae fed on diets with D. alba ness PIs showed greater inhibition of HaGPPs as compared to the larvae fed on diets with P. tetragonolobus. Low concentrations of partially purified HaGPs treated with gut extract of larvae fed on D. alba ness showed that out of 10 proteinase isoforms, HaGPs 5 and 9 were activators of pro-proteinases. Larval growth and development were significantly reduced in the larvae fed on the non-host plant PIs, of which D. alba ness resulted in highest stunted growth of H. armigera larvae. The in vivo studies indicated that non-host plant PIs were good candidates as inhibitors of the HaGPs as well as HaGPPs. The PIs from the non-host plants can be expressed in genetically engineered plants to confer resistance to H. armigera.  相似文献   

Zygotes of Plasmodium gallinaceum, fertilized in vitro and fed to Aedes aegypti mosquitoes through a membrane, formed oocysts only when a substance in the cytoplasm of uninfected erythrocytes was present. The relation between erythrocyte volume and infectivity was linear (1:1.2) up to a 50% hematocrit. The intraerythrocytic substance was both nondialyzable and poorly soluble in plasma. By carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography, cytoplasmic constituents eluted at pH 8.6 supported the same infection as control blood did; but higher and lower pH eluates supported none. Dialyzable factors present in the plasma, but absent from M199, enhanced infection but were not essential. Zygotes developed normally to ookinetes in the gut of plasma-fed mosquitoes, or when cultured in plasma or M199. Ookinetes from culture formed normal oocysts when fed to mosquitoes in blood or when injected with M199 into the hemocoels of unfed females. Mosquitoes fed infected blood containing lima bean or soybean trypsin inhibitor were unable to digest the erythrocytes and, although normal ookinetes developed, no oocysts formed. It appears from this and histological evidence that an erythrocyte substance, released by mosquito digestion, is needed for ookinete invasion of the gut epithelium.  相似文献   

The protein content of muscle is determined by the relative rates of synthesis and degradation. The balance between this process determines the number of functional contractile units within each muscle cell. Myofibril-bound protease, protease M previously reported in mouse skeletal muscle could be solubilized from the myofibrillar fraction by salt and acid treatment and partially purified by Mono Q and Superose 12 chromotagraphy. Isolated protease M activity in vitro on whole myofibrils resulted in myosin, actin, troponin T, α-actinin and tropomyosin degradation. Protease M is serine type and was able to hydrolyze trypsin-type synthetic substrates but not those of chymotrypsin type. In gel filtration chromatography, protease M showed Mr 120.0 kDa. The endogenous inhibitor (MHPI) is a glycoprotein (110.0 kDa) that efficiently blocks the protease M-dependent proteolysis of myofibrillar proteins in a dose-dependent way, as shown by electrophoretic analysis and synthetic substrates assays. Protease M-Inhibitor system would be implicated in myofibrillar proteins turnover.  相似文献   

Influenza virus remains a significant concern to public health, with the continued potential for a high fatality pandemic. Vaccination and antiviral therapeutics are effective measures to circumvent influenza virus infection, however, multiple strains have emerged that are resistant to the antiviral therapeutics currently on the market. With this considered, investigation of alternative antiviral therapeutics is being conducted. One such approach is to inhibit cleavage activation of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), which is an essential step in the viral replication cycle that permits viral-endosome fusion. Therefore, targeting trypsin-like, host proteases responsible for HA cleavage in vivo may prove to be an effective therapeutic. Hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor 2 (HAI-2) is naturally expressed in the respiratory tract and is a potent inhibitor of trypsin-like serine proteases, some of which have been determined to cleave HA. In this study, we demonstrate that HAI-2 is an effective inhibitor of cleavage of HA from the human-adapted H1 and H3 subtypes. HAI-2 inhibited influenza virus H1N1 infection in cell culture, and HAI-2 administration showed protection in a mouse model of influenza. HAI-2 has the potential to be an effective, alternative antiviral therapeutic for influenza.  相似文献   

The caseinolytic enzymes of the midgut lumina and epithelia of Leucophaea were purified through precipitation by 60% saturated (NH4)2SO4, followed by gel permeation on Sephadex G-200 and subsequent DEAE anionexchange chromatography. At least four peaks with enzyme activity were eluted from anionexchange chromatography columns. Gregarines of the midgut lumen apparently do not contribute to the caseinolytic activity within the midgut. Elution profiles of lumen and epithelial enzymes were nearly identical. The same enzymes were identified in the lumina of epithelial microsomal vesicles. This allows the conclusion that these enzymes are produced by the midgut epithelia.Practically all protease activity of the midgut was found in the posterior half, both in the lumen and epithelium. Feeding stimulated protease production primarily in the posterior midgut. The pH optimum of the proteases lay between 9.0 and 9.5 which was closely matched by the observed pH of the posterior midgut where most of the activity is seen. The anterior midgut pH was determined to be around 8.0.The anterior midgut of Leucophaea contained a heatstable protease inhibitor with characteristics of a competitive inhibitor. This inhibitor was precipitable by 60% saturated (NH4)2SO4 and eluted from a Sephadex G-200 column more or less together with the proteases. From a DEAE anionexchange column it was eluted by 0.8 M NaCl, i.e. after the main portion of the proteases. The biological significance of the protease inhibitor in the anterior portion of the midgut is obscure.  相似文献   

NS2B-NS3 protease is an essential enzyme for the replication of dengue virus (DENV), which continues to be a serious threat to worldwide public health. We designed and synthesized a series of cyclic peptides mimicking the substrates of this enzyme, and assayed their activity against the DENV-2 NS2B-NS3 protease. The introduction of aromatic residues at the appropriate positions and conformational restriction generated the most promising cyclic peptide with an IC50 of 0.95 μM against NS2B-NS3 protease. Cyclic peptides with proper positioning of additional arginines and aromatic residues exhibited antiviral activity against DENV. Furthermore, replacing the C-terminal amide bond of the polybasic amino acid sequence with an amino methylene moiety stabilized the cyclic peptides against hydrolysis by NS2B-NS3 protease, while maintaining their enzyme inhibitory activity and antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Single or repeated, non-physiological, high doses (0.5–5.0 μg/female) of 20-hydroxyecdysone or ecdysone injected into sugar-fed female Aedes aegypti stimulated follicular growth and deposition of yolk, but suppressed accumulation of protein yolk to approximately one-third, and lipid yolk to one-half that in an equal number of follicles with equivalent yolk length taken from blood-fed controls. Physiological doses (500 pg/female) of ecdysone or 20-hydroxyecdysone or the implantation of ecdysone-secreting ovaries (verified by bioassay), into sugar-fed females failed to induce any yolk deposition. In these experiments, yolk precursors were not the limiting factor, because in decapitated females, digesting a blood meal, the injection of a physiological dose of 20-hydroxyecdysone or the implantation of ecdysone-secreting ovaries still did not stimulate vitellogenesis. Finally, continuous infusion of 500 pg or even 50 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone/hr for 22 hr was as ineffective as single or multiple injections of equivalent doses of hormone. Consequently, rapid excretion or catabolism of 20-hydroxyecdysone by the sugar-fed female does not explain the need for high doses to induce vitellogenesis, or the failure of oöcytes to mature with normal protein and lipid content. Apparently, ovarian ecdysone is not the factor by which normal vitellogenesis is initiated and maintained in this mosquito.  相似文献   

A recombinant dengue 2 virus NS2B-NS3 protease (NS means non-structural virus protein) was compared with human furin for the capacity to process short peptide substrates corresponding to seven native substrate cleavage sites in the dengue viral polyprotein. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer peptides to measure kinetics, the processing of these substrates was found to be selective for the Dengue protease. Substrates containing two or three basic amino acids (Arg or Lys) in tandem were found to be the best, with Abz-AKRRSQ-EDDnp being the most efficiently cleaved. The hydrolysis of dipeptide substrates Bz-X-Arg-MCA where X is a non-natural basic amino acid were also kinetically examined, the best substrates containing aliphatic basic amino acids. Our results indicated that proteolytic processing by dengue NS3 protease, tethered to its activating NS2B co-factor, was strongly inhibited by Ca2+ and kosmotropic salts of the Hofmeister's series, and significantly influenced by substrate modifications between S4 and S6'. Incorporation of basic non-natural amino acids in short peptide substrates had significant but differential effects on Km and k(cat), suggesting that further dissection of their influences on substrate affinity might enable the development of effective dengue protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model to describe the dynamics of mosquito population when sterile male mosquitoes (produced by irradiation) are introduced as a biological control, besides the application of insecticide. In order to analyze the minimal effort to reduce the fertile female mosquitoes, we search for the optimal control considering the cost of insecticide application, the cost of the production of irradiated mosquitoes and their delivery as well as the social cost (proportional to the number of fertilized females mosquitoes). The optimal control is obtained by applying the Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle.  相似文献   

Peptides are preferred for designing inhibitors because of their high activity and specificity. Seven cyclopentapeptide inhibitors were designed in this study against dengue virus type 2 (DEN-2) NS3-NS2B protease: CKRRC, CGRRC, CRGRC, CRTRC, CTRRC, CKRKC and CRRKC. Docking analysis was performed to study the enzyme-inhibitor binding interactions. The free energy binding and estimated Ki values for all the inhibitors were found to be small (within micromolar range), indicating that the inhibitors bind considerably well to the binding site. The results showed that the cyclopentapeptide CKRKC was the best peptide inhibitor candidate with estimated free binding energy of -8.39 kcal/mol and Ki of 0.707 μM when compared to the standard inhibitor Bz-Nle-Lys-Arg-Arg-H that has been experimentally tested and shown to exhibit Ki value of 5.8 μM. Several modes of weak interactions were observed between the cyclopentapeptide CKRKC and the active site of DEN-2 NS3-NS2B protease. Thus, the cyclopentapeptide is proposed as a potential inhibitor to the NS3-NS2B protease activities of DEN-2. While these preliminary results are promising, further experimental investigation is necessary to validate the results.  相似文献   

The dorsal skin of the crawfish frog, Rana areolata, is associated with numerous prominent granular glands. Proteomic analysis of electrically stimulated skin secretions from these glands enabled the identification and characterization of eight peptides with antimicrobial and hemolytic activity belonging to the previously identified brevinin-1, temporin-1, palustrin-2, palustrin-3, esculentin-1 (two peptides), and ranatuerin-2 (two peptides) families. The primary structures of the peptides were consistent with a close phylogenetic relationship between R. areolata and the pickerel frog, Rana palustris. Three structurally related cationic, cysteine-containing peptides were identified that show sequence similarity to peptide Leucine–Arginine, a peptide with immunomodulatory and histamine-releasing properties from the skin of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens. The skin secretions contained a 61-amino-acid-residue peptide that inhibited porcine trypsin and possessed a 10-cysteine-residue motif that is characteristic of a protease inhibitor previously isolated from the parasitic nematode, Ascaris suum. A 48-amino-acid-residue protein containing eight cysteine residues in the whey acidic protein (WAP) motif, characteristic of elafin (skin-derived antileukoproteinase) and secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, was also isolated. The data suggest that protease inhibitors in skin secretions may play a role complementary to cationic, amphipathic α-helical peptides in protecting anurans from invasions by microorganisms.  相似文献   

The NS3 serine protease of dengue virus is required for the maturation of the viral polyprotein and consequently represents a promising target for the development of antiviral inhibitors. However, the substrate specificity of this enzyme has been characterized only to a limited extent. In this study, we have investigated product inhibition of the NS3 protease by synthetic peptides derived from the P6-P1 and the P1'-P5' regions of the natural polyprotein substrate. N-terminal cleavage site peptides corresponding to the P6-P1 region of the polyprotein were found to act as competitive inhibitors of the enzyme with K(i) values ranging from 67 to 12 microM. The lowest K(i) value was found for the peptide representing the NS2A/NS2B cleavage site, RTSKKR. Inhibition by this cleavage site sequence was analyzed by using shorter peptides, SKKR, KKR, KR, AGRR, and GKR. With the exception of the peptide AGRR which did not inhibit the protease at a concentration of 1mM, all other peptides displayed K(i) values in the range from 188 to 22 microM. Peptides corresponding to the P1'-P5' region of the polyprotein cleavage sites had no effect on enzymatic activity at a concentration of 1mM. Molecular docking data of peptide inhibitors to a homology-based model of the dengue virus type 2 NS2B(H)-NS3p co-complex indicate that binding of the non-prime site product inhibitors is similar to ground-state binding of the corresponding substrates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to purify and characterise a novel protease inhibitor (PISC-2002) isolated from culture supernatants of Streptomyces chromofuscus. PISC-2002 was purified by anion-exchange chromatography, and RP-HPLC analysis. PISC-2002 had a molecular mass of 11.2 kDa and a high content of hydrophobic amino acids and proline. N-terminal sequence gave two sequences differing by one residue. The main sequence is ASLPAVSALVLTV and the shorter sequence is SLPAVSALVLTV. This shows its homology to Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor family. Besides its large spectrum of powerful inhibitory activities against various serine proteases, PISC-2002 displayed significant antiviral effect against influenza virus A/Rostock/34 (H7N7).  相似文献   

Exploring bacterial communities with proteolytic activity from the gut of the Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) insect pests was the purpose of this study. As initial efforts to achieve this goal here we report the isolation of new Bacillus subtillis RTSBA6 6.00 strain from the gut of H. armigera and demonstrated as proteases producer. Zymographic analysis revealed 12 proteolytic bands with apparent molecular weights ranging from 20 to 185 kDa. Although some activity was detected at acidic pH, the major activity was observed at slight alkaline pH (7.8). The optimum temperature was found to be 35 °C with complete loss of activity at 70 °C. All proteases were completely inactivated by PMSF (phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) and TPCK (N-tosyl-l-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone), suggesting that proteases secreted by B. subtillis RTSBA6 6.00 belong to serine proteases class with chymotrypsin-like activity. The occurrence of protease producing bacterial community in the gut of the H. armigera advocates its probable assistance to insect in proteinaceous food digestion and adaptation to protease inhibitors of host plants.  相似文献   

Unlike most other insects, mosquitoes do not possess discrete corpora cardiaca composed of neuropile, intrinsic neurosecretory cells and glial cells. Cells homologous with the intrinsic neurosecretory cells of other insects are located at the junction of the neck and thorax of mosquitoes, close to the corpora allata. These cells are named cardiacal neurosecretory cells. Axons run forwards from the cardiacal neurosecretory cells into the allatal nerves. Neurosecretory release sites occur over almost the whole of the nervi corporum cardiacorum, allatal nerves and oesophageal nerves, and these nerves constitute a very extensive neurohaemal organ for many of the cerebral neurosecretory cells. The neurosecretory release sites of the cardiacal neurosecretory cells appear to be in the allatal nerves and possibly also on the perikarya of these cells.  相似文献   

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