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中国自然保护地体系分类研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
欧阳志云  杜傲  徐卫华 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7207-7215
建设自然保护地体系是为子孙后代保留生物多样性资源与自然遗产最有效的途径。自1956年我国建立第一个自然保护区以来,已建设形成覆盖森林、草地、湿地、海洋、荒漠各类生态系统,珍稀濒危动植物物种和种质资源,自然遗迹和自然景观,以及水源保护等各类自然保护地。但由于缺乏自然保护地体系的顶层设计,各类保护地面临功能区分不清晰、空间重叠、管理成效不高等问题。建设以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的部署,为理顺我国保护地体系,明确各类保护地的功能定位提供了难得的机会。在分析我国现有自然保护地类型,并参考国际自然保护地体系分类经验的基础上,探讨了我国保护地体系分类,建议将我国自然保护地分为5大类,第I类为自然保护区,第Ⅱ类为国家公园,第Ⅲ类为自然公园,第Ⅳ类为物种与种质资源保护区,第Ⅴ类为生态功能保护区,并分析了各类自然保护地的功能定位和管理目标,以期为自然保护地体系规划建设提供参考。完善我国自然保护地体系分类,根据各类保护地的特点,创新保护地建设政策与机制,加大政府对自然保护地建设力度的同时,发挥全社会力量建设自然保护地,我国自然保护地建设将大有可为。  相似文献   

加拿大及其保护区系统在国际自然保护界居领先地位。这个世界第三大保护区系统[3] 具有 4个主要的层次 :国家级、省 /地区级、区域级和地方级。其子系统也有跨两个以上层次的 ,还有的成为国际遗产组织的成员。本文拟对这一庞大而有序的保护区系统进行分析研究。1 国家系统加拿大的国家级自然保护区系统主要有 :由加拿大文化遗产部的加拿大公园局管理的国家公园和国家海洋保护区 ,由加拿大环境部的加拿大野生动植物保护局管理的国家候鸟禁猎区和国家野生动植物保护区 ,由国家首都委员会管理的国家首都保护地。这些系统形成加拿大国家级保护…  相似文献   

Namibia's state protected area network (PAN) covers 13.8% of the country's land area, but is seriously inadequate as a basis for effective biodiversity conservation. The early parks system was not designed with biological diversity in mind, and reflects instead a history of ideological, economic and veterinary considerations. Currently, parks in the Namib Desert biome make up 69% of the PAN, while savanna and woodland biomes are somewhat underrepresented (7.5 and 8.4% of their respective land areas), and the Karoo biome is badly underrepresented (1.6%). Four of 14 desert vegetation types are comprehensively protected, with 67 to 94% representation in the PAN, yet six savanna types have 0 to 2% representation by area. Mountain Savanna, a vegetation type unique to Namibia, is wholly unprotected. The status of two marine reserves, which in theory protect only 0.01% of Namibia's marine environment, needs clarification and augmentation with new reserves. Nearly 85% of Namibia's land is zoned for agriculture, so effective biodiversity protection means working outside the PAN to improve the sustainability and diversity of farming practices. Wildlife conservancies on commercial and communal farmlands show excellent potential to mitigate the ecological skew in the state PAN, with the ecological management of large areas being decentralized to rural communities in habitats otherwise neglected for conservation. Two important endemism zones, the Kaoko escarpment and coastal plain and the Sperrgebiet succulent steppe, plus the species-rich Caprivi area, offer three valuable opportunities for regional consolidation of protected areas into transboundary 'peace parks' or biosphere reserves.  相似文献   

中国自然保护地空间重叠分析与保护地体系优化整合对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然保护地体系的构建是国际社会高度重视的生物多样性保护策略。近年来, 中国已关注到自然保护地空间重叠交叉的问题, 并出台了《关于建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的指导意见》。为落实这一战略, 需要对现有保护地的彼此关系与空间分布进行系统研究。为此, 本研究收集了8,572个不同类型和级别自然保护地的坐标、生态系统类型、行政区域及边界等信息, 筛选出1,532个具有空间重叠、管理部门交叉的自然保护地, 计算地理集中指数并采用ArcGIS软件进行了核密度分析, 得出空间重叠保护地分布的生态地理区、生态系统类型、交叉管理部门、所在省份等空间分布特点。研究结果显示: (1)鲁中山区、太行山、大别山、天目山-怀玉山、皖江等生态功能区的自然保护地重叠最为严重(核密度Mean > 6, Max > 8), 其中太行山区、大别山区、天目山-怀玉山区为重叠保护地密度高的生物多样性优先保护区, 目前10个国家公园试点区域中仅大熊猫国家公园体制试点区、湖南南山国家公园体制试点区、钱江源国家公园体制试点区三处位于保护地重叠高密度区; (2)原主管部门中, 原国家林业局与住房和城乡建设部的交叉管理保护地数量最多, 为294个; (3)黑龙江、安徽、山东、河南、湖北、湖南等省范围内的自然保护地空间重叠状况明显高于其他省区, 而晋冀豫与皖鄂赣这两处三省交界处重叠程度更高, 其他多处三省交界区域也存在保护地的中度重叠。故上述生态地理区、原主管部门与行政区应作为中国自然保护地体系优先普查区域与优化整合重点对象。基于重叠保护地核密度热点区、生物多样性保护优先区与生态系统文化服务的分析框架, 本研究按照国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园三类, 对不同生态功能区自然保护地优化整合优先性与类型提出了初步建议, 以期为当前中国自然保护地体系改革的紧迫需求提供参考。  相似文献   

黄海生态区是世界自然基金会筛选出来的全球最优先保护的43个海洋生态区之一。目前, 我国已在黄海生态区内建立多处海洋保护地, 有效保护了其海洋生态系统及生物多样性。然而我国海洋保护地管理和建设中仍有许多问题, 存在较多保护空缺区域。因此, 完善黄海生态区内的海洋保护地建设是非常关键的。本文利用空缺分析法研究了黄海生态区内的重要滨海湿地、关键物种以及重点海域, 以识别保护空缺理论图斑, 从而提出新建保护地的提议。根据空缺分析结果, 黄海生态区内的主要保护空缺为辽河口湿地、曹妃甸海草床、天津塘沽和黄骅湿地、胶东半岛湿地、舟山群岛等。建议优化整合黄河口海洋保护地, 扩大或新建斑海豹(Phoca largha)、勺嘴鹬(Eurynorhynchus pygmeus)保护地, 并加强对东亚江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri)以及小须鲸(Balaenoptera acutorostrata)的调查研究, 以形成更有效的海洋保护地网络。  相似文献   

理清自然保护地的空间关系与分布格局是加强空间管控、整合优化自然保护地体系的基础。以大熊猫国家公园四川片区内的自然保护地为案例,基于ArcGIS空间数据的处理、分析与可视化表达等功能,结合韦恩(Venn)图在空间层面上量化分析了公园范围内各类自然保护地的空间关系,并进一步揭示了不同保护情景下大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的分布格局。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内含有6类自然保护地,占研究区总面积的75.13%,其中40.68%为交叉重叠区域。(2)各类自然保护地皆存在大面积的交叉重叠。自然保护区为研究区面积最大的自然保护地类型,占自然保护地总面积的72.53%,其中45.89%为交叉重叠区域;其他类自然保护地占自然保护地总面积的60.87%,其中66.48%为交叉重叠区域。(3)猫点密度与自然保护地的交叉重叠程度呈现逆向增长趋势,区域的重叠水平越高,猫点密度越低。(4)自然保护地整体非重叠区的猫点密度高于重叠区。自然保护区是整体猫点密度最高的自然保护地类型,其非重叠区密度明显高于重叠区;森林公园非重叠区与水利风景区重叠区呈现较高的猫点密度。(5)与自然保护区交叉重叠的自然保护地中,位于自然保护区的猫点密度远高于其他重叠区。由此可见,大熊猫国家公园四川片区内原有自然保护地体系体量大但空间关系复杂,不同区域间的保护效能既不平衡也不充分。建议将研究区内自然保护区的非重叠区、位于自然保护区的世界遗产地区域、森林公园的非重叠区以及水利风景区的重叠区等作为大熊猫的核心保护区,施行严格保护;将自然保护区的重叠区、世界遗产地的其他区域作为生态保育区,恢复受损退化的大熊猫栖息地及所在的自然生态系统;将其他区域作为一般控制区,在有效维护大熊猫种群及其栖息地的前提下适度开展人为活动。同时,建议对空间重叠和邻近相接的区域开展科学评估,明确自然保护地的唯一属性。另一方面,我们期待健全自然保护地管理体制,统筹自然保护地的空间布局,为以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设"松体制之绑"。  相似文献   

无人机技术的运用为自然保护地生物多样性监测与研究带来了新的机遇和变革。然而, 对自然保护地主要保护对象的关注不足, 导致了无人机和地面相结合的监测技术尚未形成。为更好地发挥多种调查监测技术的各自优势, 为自然保护地生物多样性管护和监测提供支撑, 我们总结了国内外已开展的无人机和地面相结合的监测工作进展, 梳理了我国不同类型自然保护地生物多样性保护管理和监测的需求。总的来看, 不同类型自然保护地的主要保护对象围绕在生态系统、物种、遗址遗迹等或由上述要素构成的景观资源上; 管理目标定位则集中在保护、恢复、科研、宣教、游憩和可持续发展等方面。基于上述需求, 我们归纳提出了包括图像识别与分类解译、数据反演与格局分析、数字建模与地表测量、巡护巡检4个类别共计14个专题的无人机和地面相结合的监测技术方案, 明确了监测时期与频次、监测指标、监测技术的结合途径以及数据后处理方法等。同时, 我们在三江并流世界遗产地云岭片区内选择植物识别、植被长势、景观格局、地表测量以及执法检查等技术专题开展了应用试验。在技术方案取得良好验证结果的同时, 实现了对自然保护地生物多样性保护和管理的技术支撑, 为未来自然保护地精细化管理提供了技术储备。  相似文献   

Located along the Argentine coastline of northern Patagonia, are San Matías (SMG) and San José (SJG) gulfs; although they are regarded as an area with a high-priority conservational status, knowledge on their diversity is currently fragmentary. Studies on molluscs from this area have been historically centred in economic resources and few works have referred to non-commercial species. The present study aims to document the biological diversity of molluscs at the SMG/SJG area, in order to determine the significance of these two gulfs in the context of the Argentine marine fauna; to evaluate how well represented is this fauna in three protected areas; and to compare the fauna present in the protected areas with that of a non-protected area. For that purpose, molluscs coming from 132 sampling stations, ranging from the intertidal to 170 m depth, were studied, and a thorough bibliographic compilation was performed. A total of 196 species of molluscs are reported for the area. Surprisingly, almost one third of these species lacked previous records for SMG/SJG, including several new/possibly new species. The three studied protected areas contain 88.3% of the species recognised for the entire SMG/SJG area. Although several species appear as exclusive from one of these three areas, many of them are also present in an intermediately located, non-protected area. Molluscan diversity at the SMG/SJG area is greater than previously thought, comprising about 41.4% of the bivalves and 37.8% of the gastropods present in the Argentine shelf; thus suggesting that the area may be considered as a hot-spot of diversity in the Argentine Sea.  相似文献   

中国大陆自然保护地概况及分类体系构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1956年我国建立第一个自然保护区以来, 截至2016年底, 我国已建立了约10种类型且数量庞大的自然保护地。随着我国生态文明建设的不断发展,建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系不仅是国家提出的重要任务,也是我国自然保护地未来发展的必然趋势。然而, 由于我国目前各类自然保护地尚无统一的分类体系, 已有的自然保护地之间存在着概念界定不清、分类体系混乱、主导功能模糊、地理空间重叠等诸多问题。这不仅严重阻碍了我国现有自然保护地的优化整合和国家公园体制建设,而且不便于开展国际交流。因此迫切需要明确自然保护地的定义, 建立一套适用于我国且有利于国际交流的自然保护地分类体系。本文在介绍自然保护地的概念与内涵,以及我国10类自然保护地建设和分类体系现状的基础上,重点梳理了我国自然保护地的发展历程, 比较了各类自然保护地的定义、内涵以及主要分类依据,并提出了3种能够涵盖目前各类自然保护地的分类体系构想,它们分别基于IUCN保护区分类系统、保护对象自然属性和管理目标社会属性。希望这些构想能在未来自然保护地分类体系的研究中起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of published data for 19 marine reserves reveal that marine protected areas enhance species richness consistently, but their effect on fish abundance is more variable. Overall, there was a slight (11%) but significant increase in fish species number inside marine reserves, with all reserves sharing a common effect. There was a substantial but non-significant increase in overall fish abundance inside marine reserves compared to adjacent, non-reserve areas. When only species that are the target of fisheries were considered, fish abundance was significantly higher (by 28%) within reserve boundaries. Marine reserves vary significantly in the extent and direction of their response. This variability in relative abundance was not attributable to differences in survey methodology among studies, nor correlated with reserve characteristics such as reserve area, years since protection, latitude nor species diversity. The effectiveness of marine reserves in enhancing fish abundance may be largely related to the intensity of exploitation outside reserve boundaries and to the composition of the fish community within boundaries. It is recommended that studies of marine reserve effectiveness should routinely report fishing intensity, effectiveness of enforcement and habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

The potential effects of global climate changeon marine protected areas do not appear to havebeen addressed in the literature. This paperexamines the literature on protected areas,conservation biology, marine ecology,oceanography, and climate change, and reviewssome of the relevant differences between marineand terrestrial environments. Frameworks andclassifications systems used in protected areadesign are discussed. Finally, a frameworkthat summarizes some of the importantoceanographic processes and their links to thefood chain are reviewed. Species abundance anddistribution are expected to change as a resultof global climate change, potentiallycompromising the efficacy of marine protectedareas as biodiversity conservation tools. Thisreview suggests the need for: furtherinterdisciplinary research and the use oflinked models; an increase in marine protectedareas for biodiversity conservation and asresearch sites for teasing apart fishingeffects from climate effects; a temporallyresponsive approach to siting new marineprotected areas, shifting their locations ifnecessary; and large-scale ecosystem/integratedmanagement approaches to address the competinguses of the oceans and boundary-less threatssuch as global climate change and pollution.  相似文献   

中国保护区分类的研究   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  
保护区是一个泛称,由于其建立的目的、要求和本身所具备的条件不同,所以具有多种多样的类型,不同类型管理的侧重点也有所区别.以保护区管理的目标为原则划分第一级分类单位,共有5个类型,即:严格的保护区、国家公园、保护景观、栖息地/物种管理区、资源管理保护区.再以保护对象原则划分第二、三级分类单位,共同构成一个完整的分类系统,以适应保护区事业日益发展的要求.  相似文献   



Concurrently, assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas and evaluating the degree of risk from humans to key species provide valuable information that can be integrated into conservation management planning. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are a wide‐ranging ecologically important species subject to various threats. The aim of this study was to identify “hotspots” of tiger shark habitat use in relation to protected areas and potential risks from fishing.


Southwest Indian Ocean, east coast of South Africa and Mozambique.


Satellite tags were fitted to 26 tiger sharks. A subset of 19 sharks with an average period at liberty of 197 (SD = 110) days were analysed using hotspot analysis to identify areas of core habitat use. The spatial and temporal overlap of significant hotspots with current and planned marine protected areas as well as risks from fishing and culling was then calculated.


There was a 5.97% spatial overlap between tiger shark hotspots and marine protected areas, which would increase significantly (p < .05) to 24.36% with the expansion of planned protected areas in South Africa and could be as high as 41.43% if Mozambique similarly expanded neighbouring protected area boundaries. Tiger sharks remained largely coastal, but only showed a spatial overlap of 5.12% with shark culling nets in South Africa. Only three sharks undertook open ocean migrations during which they were more likely to interact with longline fisheries in the region.

Main conclusions

This study demonstrates how spatial information can be used to assess the overlap between marine protected areas and the core habitats of top marine predators and highlights how congruent transnational conservation management can improve the effectiveness of protected areas. Core habitat use of marine apex predators may also be indicative of productive habitats, and therefore, predators such as tiger sharks could act as surrogate species for identifying key habitats to prioritize for conservation planning.

贵州省自然保护地时空演变特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立自然保护地是推进生态文明建设和支撑经济社会发展的生态安全底线,是实现可持续发展和维护国土生态安全的重要举措。为了揭示自然保护地的宏观空间过程及其影响因素,本研究以贵州省为例,采用最邻近点指数、核密度分析、标准差椭圆等方法,对2002—2017年全省自然保护地的时空分布特征进行分析,并结合地理探测器分析其影响因素。结果表明: 研究期间,贵州省自然保护地的数量、面积、类别呈现出多元化的快速发展状态,形成了以自然保护区、森林公园、风景名胜区为主体,以湿地公园、地质公园、自然遗产地为补充的自然保护地体系。自然保护地空间凝聚的态势不断加强,空间分布的范围不断扩大,空间移动的速度不断下降,形成了以东北-西南方向为主导且逐渐稳定的空间格局。自然保护地凝聚过程受地形和植被分布的影响较大;自然保护地趋向于在河流、山脉周围的地势平缓处和植被集中连片处聚集。自然保护地空间分异受多种影响因素的共同作用,不同影响因素对自然保护地空间分异的解释力存在一定的差异。其中,归一化植被指数、森林面积和公路里程是影响自然保护地数量、面积空间分异的共同主要因素;不同影响因素交互后的解释力明显加强,表现为非线性增强或双因子增强。  相似文献   

保护区的分类系统与标准   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
保护区是一个泛称,根据建立的目的和本身的特点可以划分不同的类型,以利于管理工作的开展。每一个国家都应制订一个与本国资源和要求相适应的保护区分类系统。本文着重讨论按保护对象和保护区性质划分的保护区类型,以供判断每一个保护区的归属和管理重点。  相似文献   

Designing protected area configurations to maximise biodiversity is a critical conservation goal. The configuration of protected areas can significantly impact the richness and identity of the species found there; one large patch supports larger populations but can facilitate competitive exclusion. Conversely, many small habitats spreads risk but may exclude predators that typically require large home ranges. Identifying how best to design protected areas is further complicated by monitoring programs failing to detect species. Here we test the consequences of different protected area configurations using multi‐trophic level experimental microcosms. We demonstrate that for a given total size, many small patches generate higher species richness, are more likely to contain predators, and have fewer extinctions compared to single large patches. However, the relationship between the size, number of patches, and species richness was greatly affected by insufficient monitoring, and could lead to incorrect conservation decisions, especially for higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Aipysurus laevis and Emydocephalus annulatus typically occur in spatially discrete populations, characteristic of metapopulations; however, little is known about the factors influencing the spatial and temporal stability of populations or whether specific conservation strategies, such as networks of marine protected areas, will ensure the persistence of species. Classification tree analyses of 35 years of distribution data (90 reefs, surveyed 1–11 times) in the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) revealed that longitude was a major factor determining the status of A. laevis on reefs (present = 38, absent = 38 and changed = 14). Reef exposure and reef area were also important; however, these factors did not specifically account for the population fluctuations and the recent local extinctions of A. laevis in this region. There were no relationships between the status of E. annulatus (present = 16, absent = 68 and changed = 6) and spatial or physical variables. Moreover, prior protection status of reefs did not account for the distribution of either species. Biotic factors, such as habitat and prey availability and the distribution of predators, which may account for the observed patterns of distribution, are discussed. The potential for inter-population exchange among sea snake populations is poorly understood, as is the degree of protection that will be afforded to sea snakes by the recently implemented network of No-take areas in the GBR. Data from this study provide a baseline for evaluating the responses of A. laevis and E. annulatus populations to changes in biotic factors and the degree of protection afforded on reefs within an ecosystem network of No-take marine protected areas in the southern GBR. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

房志  徐卫华  张晶晶  肖燚  张路 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5334-5341
生物多样性与生态系统服务是目前生态保护的两大主要目标,在保护区体系规划设计中兼顾两个保护目标有助于发挥自然保护区的综合效益。以生物多样性与生态系统服务功能都重要的秦岭山系为研究区域,在生物多样性、水源涵养和土壤保持重要性评估的基础上,通过空缺分析,提出了秦岭山系的保护区体系优化方案。研究结果表明,现有的自然保护区保护了33.5%的生物多样性极重要区,22.9%的水源涵养极重要区,但是只保护了7.4%的土壤保持极重要区;建议在秦岭主峰、秦岭西部和东南部分别建立自然保护区群和生态功能保护区,保护区面积占秦岭山系总面积的31.4%,使生物多样性、水源涵养、土壤保持的极重要区的保护比例达76.2%、70.5%和41.5%,生态保护效益得到提升。研究结果可以为秦岭山系生态保护政策的制定提供参考,同时对于其他地区自然保护体系规划、以及国家公园构建也具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

长江经济带自然保护地边界重叠关系及整合对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
靳川平  刘晓曼  王雪峰  孙阳阳  付卓  王超  候静 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7323-7334
我国自然保护地类型多样,级别成体系,但由于我国自然保护地一直存在多头管理、权限不清等原因,导致边界混乱、重叠严重。对我国自然保护地空间分布和重叠情况进行梳理是构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的重要基础,能为我国新型自然保护地的科学选址和优化整合提供有效依据。长江经济带作为我国生态、生活、生产均十分重要的区域,其生态保护具有重要的屏障作用。收集了长江经济带11省份建设开展较成熟的6类自然保护地矢量边界2383个,通过构建重叠关系模型,深入分析了不同类型自然保护地间的边界重叠关系,并针对重叠情况提出系统化对策,结果表明:(1)保护地之间具有重叠关系的数量达1296个,占已获取保护地边界总数的54.4%;重叠部分面积达29728.4 km2,占已获取自然保护地总面积的11.4%;总体呈现为西部重叠面积大、数量多,中部重叠数量多,东部重叠面积小的特点。(2)从重叠区域看,有一次重叠区域的保护地有1138组,有两次重叠区域的有249组,有三次重叠区域的有17组,无四次及以上重叠区域。(3)从重叠关系看,与其他5个及以上保护地有重叠的保护地有56个。(4)通过对重叠区域和关系的分析与政策研究,提出针对不同重叠特性的整合对策,包括勘界调整、合并和类型整合等,并将重叠热点区域提取,以期为自然保护地整合和国家公园建设提供数据支撑,为当前中国自然保护地体系改革的紧迫需求提供参考。  相似文献   

石龙宇  李杜  陈蕾  赵洋 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6892-6900
随着区域合作和大尺度景观保护的需求不断增加,跨界资源管理越来越受到人们的关注,作为跨界资源管理的一种典型方式,跨界自然保护区正成为保护区研究中的热点问题。在对跨界自然保护区概念、类型及历史发展进行阐述的基础上,分析了建立跨界自然保护区的效益和代价及影响跨界自然保护区成败的因素,指出建立跨界自然保护区可能是在更大尺度上实现生态系统管理和生物多样性保护的有效途径。同时,分析了我国保护区的跨界现状和存在的问题,并对我国不同行政区间展开跨界合作的必要性进行了探讨。最后对跨界保护的未来研究提出展望。  相似文献   

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