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Summary The morphogenesis of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and peripolar cells was studied in the metanephros of fetal sheep (from 24 to 147 days of gestation) using light and electron microscopy. The first juxtaglomerular apparatus was detected at 45 days of gestation, following constriction of the edges of Bowman's capsule and formation of the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle. Mesenchymal cells gave rise to lacis cells and to smooth muscle and epithelioid cells of the juxtaglomerular arterioles. Epithelioid cells developed only sparse cytoplasmic granulation, first detectable at 92 days. The macula densa developed from tubular cells at the junction of the middle and upper limbs of the S-shaped body of the developing nephron. Peripolar cells arose from epithelial cells in the lower limb of the S-shaped body, at the constricting edges of Bowman's capsule, and formed a cuff around the origin of the glomerular tuft. Cytoplasmic granules were first detected in peripolar cells at 53 days, and remained more prominent than epithelioid cell granulation throughout gestation.  相似文献   

Summary Purified transthyretin has been isolated from sheep serum. Antiserum raised against this protein has been used with an indirect immunoperoxidase histochemical technique to identify transthyretin in newborn lamb kidney tissue. Transthyretin was found in proximal tubule cells and in glomerular peripolar cells. Preabsorption studies using purified transthyretin protein indicate that the immunoreactivity of the antiserum is specific to transthyretin.  相似文献   

Summary Peripolar cells are granulated glomerular epithelial cells that form a cuff around the vascular pole of the glomerulus. Quantitation of these cells in 17 species of mammals (including man, several laboratory animals and a variety of other species) indicated that they were detectable by light microscopy in all but one of the mammals that were examined (the Australian hopping mouse). In adult mammals with detectable peripolar cells, the peripolar cell index (the percentage of randomly sectioned glomeruli that displayed peripolar cells in histological sections of kidney) ranged from 0.15 (for echidna) to 11.86 (for sheep). Newborn lambs and rats showed strikingly high values (23.30 and 10.76, respectively) compared with their adult counterparts. Using electron microscopy, peripolar cells were observed in all species that were examined, including the Australian hopping mouse. Morphologically, peripolar cells were similar in all species although their size and granule population varied. They showed a predominantly outer cortical glomerular distribution and a close anatomical relationship with the renin-containing myoepithelioid cells. These findings indicate that peripolar cells are present in a wide variety of species and support the view that such cells may play a significant role in the regulation of normal renal function.  相似文献   

Summary In the renal juxtaglomerular region of newborn sheep, it was found that glomerular peripolar cells and their granules were very much larger than those found in fetal lambs or adult sheep. Similar peripolar cell hypertrophy was triggered in fetal lambs treated in utero with intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone. Ultrastructurally, granules of peripolar cells from newborn lambs resembled closely the enlarged zymogen granules described in the pancreas of newborn rats. Such peripolar cell hypertrophy may reflect a functional adaptation of the kidney to immediate postnatal life.  相似文献   

Summary The peripolar cell is a unique cell type in the mammalian glomerulus. Peripolar cells are said to be identifiable during light microscopy by their cytoplasmic granules and by their position at the vascular pole; and during scanning electron microscopy by their distinctive surface morphology. We used both techniques to count peripolar cells in 6 normal rat kidneys. Scanning microscopy revealed that 55(±5)% of glomeruli contained at least one peripolar cell whereas light microscopy revealed granulated peripolar cells in only 4(±2)% of glomeruli. Vascular poles which contained peripolar cells previously identified by scanning were then examined by light and by transmission electron microscopy. Serial sections through these peripolar cells demonstrated the absence of cytoplasmic granules. Our observations suggest that the majority of peripolar cells in the rat contain no granules.  相似文献   

The peripolar cell is a glomerular epithelial cell situated within Bowman's capsule at its vascular pole. It is believed to be a secretory cell which forms part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Scanning electron microscopy was used to perform a comparative study of the morphology and number of peripolar cells in twelve mammalian species. The number of renin-secreting cells in kidney sections stained by renin antibodies and immunocytochemistry was counted. There was a marked inter-species variation in the number, size and appearance of peripolar cells. They were largest and most abundant in sheep and goat and fewest in dog, cow and human. There was no correlation between the numbers of peripolar cells and renin-secreting cells. This does not support the view that the peripolar cell is part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus.  相似文献   

The epithelioid cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus have been studied with respect to the release mechanism of the secretory granules. Invaginations of the plasma membrane into the interior of the epithelioid cells are interpreted as stages before or after an exocytotic process. Granules are sometimes observed in close contact with the plasma membrane, and material with electron density similar to that of the granules can also be observed in the invaginations. These morphological features suggest that the granular material of the epithelioid cells is extruded into the texture of the basal lamina. Furthermore, a dense network of microtubules and microfilaments is described and the functional role of this system in exocytosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The interior of Bowman's capsules of rat kidneys has been examined by scanning electron microscopy, and a distinctive population of cells around the exposed vascular poles of glomerular tufts were identified. The cells were situated in the annular groove at the root of the glomerulus, between the parietal epithelial cells and the podocytes. These peripolar cells were dendritic cells with long processes embracing the glomerular arterioles. Up to three peripolar cells were present at each vascular pole and they were mainly distributed in the glomeruli of the outer third of the renal cortex. This first detailed study of the surface morphology of the glomerular peripolar cell supports the suggestion that changes in the diameter of the polar region of the glomerular tuft may cause variations in stretching of the cuff of peripolar cells, and hence modulation of their secretory activity.  相似文献   

Summary Thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas were used to investigate the ultrastructural changes associated with renin secretion from the juxtaglomerular part of the afferent arteriole of male mice. Adrenalectomized animals in which renin secretion was stimulated by furosemide application and bleeding were also studied. Exocytosis of mature electron-dense granules was found in all experimental groups. Before extrusion, the region of granule facing the cell membrane changed, with vesicular and/or stacked membrane-like profiles and a small local protrusion of the granule membrane appearance of. Concomitantly, punctuate sites of fusion between the cell and granule membranes were observed. Later, unaltered amorphous, and altered membrane-like granule content was released from omega-shaped cavities into the extracellular space. In stimulated animals the alteration and extrusion of several closely apposed granules was reminiscent of compound exocytosis. Coated pits were frequently seen, suggesting specific retrieval of the former granule membrane. The collapsing silhouette of a depleted granule very rarely took the form of a saccule whose narrow membrane-bounded neck was continuous with the extracellular space.Observed were two additional events by which active and inactive renin may be released. Small electron-lucent vacuoles of undetermined origin fused with the cell membrane and, in stimulated kidneys, some epithelioid cell processes disintegrated. However, the interpretation of the related ultrastructural phenomena was uncertain.These studies were supported by the German Research Foundation within the SFB 90 Cardiovasculäres System  相似文献   

Summary Granulated epithelial cells at the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle, peripolar cells, have been found in the kidneys of five species of elasmobranchs, the little skate (Raja erinaced), the smooth dogfish shark (Mustelus canis), the Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae), the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphryna lewini), and the cow-nosed ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). In a sixth elasmobranch, the spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias), the peripolar cells could not be identified among numerous other granulated epithelial cells. The peripolar cells are located at the transition between the parietal epithelium of Bowman's capsule and the visceral epithelium (podocytes) of the glomerulus, thus forming a cuff-like arrangement surrounding the hilar vessels of the renal corpuscle. These cells may have granules and/or vacuoles. Electron microscopy shows that the granules are membrane-bounded, and contain either a homogeneous material or a paracrystalline structure with a repeating period of about 18 nm. The vacuoles are electron lucent or may contain remnants of a granule. These epithelial cells lie close to the granulated cells of the glomerular afferent arteriole. They correspond to the granular peripolar cells of the mammalian, avian and amphibian kidney. The present study is the first reported occurrence of peripolar cells in a marine organism or in either bony or cartilagenous fish.  相似文献   

Summary The development and fate of the secretory granules in murine, rat and human juxtaglomerular epithelioid cells were examined using ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods. The formation of mature renin granules occurs by fusion of rhomboid protogranules followed by coalescence of their paracrystalline contents, and by the fusion of roundish juvenile granules having an amorphous internum. Protogranules with paracrystalline contents are prominent in animals with stimulated renin synthesis, indicating an overcharge in processing and/or packaging of the secretory product, renin, under these conditions. Various similarities between lysosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs) and juvenile renin granules have been observed. With the exception of small MVBs, no renin-negative organelles that could be regarded as lysosomes were found in epithelioid cells of mice and rats. Therefore, we suggest that renin granules are modified lysosomes. Immunocytochemical findings indicate that juvenile secretory granules of epithelioid cells represent the converting and activating compartment for prorenin. Endocytosed foreign tracers such as HRP or cationized ferritin are preferentially internalized by juvenile renin granules, which hence appear to be outstanding by their fusogeneity. Consequently, juvenile granules are probably responsible for the secretion of prorenin, and mature granules for that of active renin.These studies were supported by the German Research Foundation within the Forschergruppe Niere/Heidelberg  相似文献   

Summary The mesangial and juxtaglomerular cells were studied in kidneys of hibernating and non-hibernating ground squirrels, Citellus tridecemlineatus. In the hibernating animal, as compared with the non-hibernating, the mesangial cells show signs of increased activity. The cells are relatively larger, and numerous vacuoles appear in the cytoplasm. The juxtaglomerular cells also show signs of hyperactivity. Secretion droplets, mitochondria and free ribosomes increase in number and the endoplasmic reticulum becomes dilated. It is postulated that during hibernation, increased activity of mesangial cells slows glomerular filtration by absorption of filtrate into the mesangial matrix, and increased activity of juxtaglomerular cells results in increased renin secretion which in turn may stimulate hypersecretion of aldosterone to conserve sodium for water balance mechanisms necessary at the time.Supported by Research Grant A-2027 from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, National Institutes of Health.We wish to gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Mary Gandia.  相似文献   

Summary The domestic fowl has two types of glomerulus (mammalian and reptilian type). 30 of each were studied morphometrically in semi thin and PAS-stained sections. The juxtaglomerular apparatus was larger in the mammalian type, but complete in both, containing macula densa, Goormaghtigh (lacis) cells and hilar arterioles. Granular epithelioid cells were occasionally found in the afferent arterioles and within the glomerulus in the mammalian type only.All glomeruli studied had a prominent mesangial cell mass (MCM), which was larger in mammalian type glomeruli. Hilar arterioles often penetrated the mesangial cell mass and regularly ramified within it. There was always extensive direct contact between the Goormaghtigh cell mass and the macula densa on the one side and the MCM on the other. In mammalian type glomeruli, the afferent arterioles were invariably found centrally within the MCM, but in the reptilian type no distinct pattern was found. The close relationship between the MCM and the hilar arterioles, especially in mammalian type glomeruli, suggests that the MCM regulates the glomerular filtration rate.  相似文献   

Transmission and scanning electron microscopy of the lateral ventricles of the toad brain revealed the presence of supraependymal cells that have the features of macrophages. Based solely on their surface morphology three different cell forms could be identified. The most frequently observed cells are flat and multipolar, and have a smooth or ruffled surface. The second type is spherical with a ruffled surface and occurs either singly, in which case it lacks processes, or in clusters from which processes radiate. The third type has surface blebs and numerous thin, smooth processes. However, when specimens that had been examined in the scanning electron microscope are viewed in the transmission electron microscope, all cells appear to belong to a single cell type. All cells viewed closely resemble macrophages in that they contain nuclei with clumped chromaffin, single cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous dense bodies, and many Golgi complexes. In addition, when horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was perfused into the ventricles, reaction product was found a short time thereafter within cytoplasmic vacuoles, and after a longer period within dense bodies. Because of their ultrastructural resemblance to macrophages and their capacity to ingest HRP, we suggest that these cells function as phagocytes and, as such, act to remove foreign materials from the cerbrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Summary Whole pig lenses were fixed, critical-point dried and fractured, and the internal surfaces examined with a scanning electron microscope. At various locations from the equator to the center of the lens four types of fibers can be distinguished. The superficial fibers have small interdigitations. Cortical lens fibers, which are hexagonal in shape exhibit well developed ball-and-socket junctions. Other cortical fibers appear slightly undulated and show fine granulations. The core lens fibers are characterized by microplicae on the cell surfaces and by a more rounded or rectangular form. Results are discussed in relation to previous electron-microscopic studies of other species.  相似文献   

Summary The first steps of an antibacterial reaction in the earthworm Eisenia fetida andrei were investigated. The main cellular mediators of this activity are the chloragocytes, a class of free coelomocytes existing only in annelids. Our observations using scanning electron microscopy have shown that chloragocytes were able to agglutinate and perhaps to destroy pathogenic bacteria such as Bacillus megaterium in the same way that they agglutinate and lyse vertebrate erythrocytes. Bacteria known to be non-pathogenic for the worm, such as Acinetobacter, were not agglutinated but slowly eliminated by segregation into brown bodies. Chloragocytes maintained in vitro, lost their chloragosomes and exhibited stronger agglutination activity against pathogenic bacteria than chloragocytes in situ. From this increased efficiency of chloragocytes in vitro, we infer that, in normal living conditions, chloragocytes probably intervene in antibacterial defense mainly after their extrusion from the coelomic cavity and their spreading and degranulation at the surface of the integument.  相似文献   

Summary A morphometric study has been made at the EM level of Isoproterenol (IPR) induced secretion of rabbit parotid glands in vivo. Emphasis has been placed here on the membrane content of acinar cells and the changes which occur following induced degranulation. In particular it was hoped to establish whether the preservation of zymogen granule membrane as intact electron microscopically visible subunits and the subsequent reutilisation of this membrane is a plausible hypothesis from a quantitative morphological standpoint.After two hours IPR had caused >95% depletion of granules. About 1343 m2/cell of granule limiting membrane temporarily fused with the apical plasmalemma during this time and by two hours 1158 m2/cell of this had been eliminated. Only a small increase in intracellular smooth membrane area was recorded after degranulation and we find no evidence that the zymogen granule membrane is stored indefinitely as smooth membrane fragments either in the region of the Golgi apparatus or elsewhere in the cytoplasm.IPR caused changes in RER membrane area (+37.7%, 1406 m2/cell), which is a possible, but we consider implausible relocation site of granule membrane.The possible mechanism of the removal of excess apical membrane and the ultimate fate of the zymogen granule membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The epithela of the three divisions (coprodaeum, urodaeum, proctodaeum) of the cloaca of the hen, and of the excretory ducts (colon, ureter, vagina) which join the divisions, are described using light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each region of the cloaca has its typical epithelium. Special attention is focussed in this study on the boundaries between the different epithelia. The coprodaeal epithelium does not differ considerably from that of the colon; a transitional zone is not visible. Distinct border zones, however, are observed between the other regions (ureter — urodaeum; vagina — urodaeum and proctodaeum; urodaeum-proctodaeum; proctodaeum — cutis). Although the vaginal opening is generally thought to lie in the urodaeum, our investigations show that at the vaginal opening into the cloaca the ciliated epithelium changes, on one border to a secretory epithelium characteristic of the urodaeum and on the other border to that characteristic of the proctodaeum. These observations are discussed in relation to functional aspects.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of sperm retention and migration in the vagino-cervical region of rabbit was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. The following phenomena were observed: 1) Spermatozoa located in the vagina and at the orifice of the ectocervix are usually distributed diffusely. They appear to be resting on the epithelial surface; many are structurally abnormal or decapitated. 2) The great majority of spermatozoa, however, seems to be anchored or retained in narrow epithelial channels with their heads in close file formations. This phenomenon was observed particularly in the fornix vaginae as late as 24 h post coitum. 3) A great number of spermatozoa invading the cervix evidently migrates in groups along the mucosal surface. Their heads are oriented toward the uterus and contact the epithelial cells. Spermatozoa that migrate beyond the cervico-uterine junction are distributed in the same manner. 4) Spermatozoa colonizing the cervical crypts appear to be attached via the anterior margins of their heads to the epithelial cells or to the tips of kinocilia. Their tails project into the crypt lumen. It is suggested that mainly three factors may be responsible for these phenomena: (i) the fact that only motile spermatozoa overcome the vagino-cervical barrier; (ii) the tendency of spermatozoa to move along the mucosa in close vicinity to the epithelial cells; and (iii) the inability to recognize mechanical barriers on the migration route (e.g., cervical crypts) and to overcome them quickly. This may be one of many possible causes leading to sperm retention in the vagino-cervical region.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary The morphological effect of chronic synthetic and secretory inhibition of the intermediate lobe of the rat pituitary induced by bromocriptine treatment was studied using morphometric techniques in combination with electron microscopy. On the basis of granule diameters, a heterogeneous cell population was shown in the normal intermediate lobe. Bromocriptine treatment did not induce any change in the volume fraction, number or location of electron-dense secretory granules. Instead, there was a shift toward a more homogeneous cell population containing smaller granules, the mean granule volume being reduced by 30%. The volume fraction of electron-lucent granules or vacuoles was markedly reduced, indicating a functional significance of these organelles. The volume of the Golgi apparatus was not significantly altered, but the number of condensing granules within the Golgi area was reduced. The volume of the intermediate lobe was decreased, apparently due to a decrease in the mean cell volume.  相似文献   

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