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A cDNA library was constructed from a poly(A)+ RNA fraction of the gastric mucosa of bullfrog Rana catesbeiana. We cloned a cDNA encoding preprocathepsin E (Pre-Pro-CE) from the library. The present study is the first demonstration of the Pre-Pro-CE cDNA of lower vertebrate such as amphibian. Amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA was compared with partial amino acid sequence determined by Edman degradation, suggesting that the cDNA comprises an open reading frame encoding a signal peptide (16 amino acids), a pro-sequence (33 amino acids) and a mature protein region (348 amino acids). Two consensus tri-peptide sequences (FDT and VDT) as active site and positions of seven cysteine residues were conserved in this amphibian CE. Although the bullfrog CE was deduced to contain one potential N-linked glycosylation site, its position (Asn139-Leu140-Thr141) was different from that of mammalian CEs. Molecular phylogenetic analysis showed that the bullfrog Pro-CE belongs to the typical Pro-CE group among various aspartic proteinases.  相似文献   

Summary In the bullfrog, the meninges surrounding the central nervous system include an arachnoid mater that contains layers of cells with abundant intermediate filaments (IFs) having unique organizational characteristics. This membrane contains an inner lamina of cells that resemble fibroblasts and an outer lamina of flattened cells that are almost filled with IFs. The IFs of the outer arachnoid are arranged in compact, arching bundles that lie parallel to the outer surface of the central nervous system. Thus, sections cut tangentially to the membrane reveal bending of filament bundles, whereas transverse sections do not. In some cells bordering the subdural space, bundles of filaments are organized into highly-ordered spiral arrays. Attachments to the numerous desmosomes and, apparently, to the nuclear envelope suggest anchoring of cytoplasmic structures by the IF system. Microtubules occur primarily near the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Numerous caveolae also are associated with the plasma membrane.The unusual abundance, organization, and cytoplasmic relations of IFs in the bullfrog arachnoid suggest that this membrane may serve as an important model for study of fundamental cytoskeletal relations and function.  相似文献   

1. Kanamycin disposition was studied in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) following single doses IP. Both plasma t1/2 and Vd of the drug increased with increasing time after drug indicating redistribution and tight binding of kanamycin to deep tissue compartments. 2. Kanamycin was eliminated unchanged with a t1/2 plasma = 27 hr; perilymph = 89 hr; endolymph = 183 hr; aqueous humor = 54 hr; and CSF = 58 hr. 3. Kanamycin was absorbed by frogs from environmental water. 4. Environmental conditions must be carefully specified and monitored, as well as the physiological state of the animals when studying the effects of drugs on Amphibia.  相似文献   

A non-vitellogenin, estrogen-induced protein has been detected for the first time in the plasma of male Rana catesbeiana. A greater than 90% purification of this plasma protein was achieved by salt fractionation with Mg(II) followed by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE- and CM-cellulose. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis with various antisera showed no immunological cross-reactivity between this protein and vitellogenin. The molecular mass of the purified protein was determined to be 116 000 daltons by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 105 000 daltons by analytical ultracentrifugation. Sedimentation studies indicate the protein is a nonaggregating spherical monomer with a sedimentation coefficient of 7.5 S. Amino acid analysis demonstrated a composition different from that of vitellogenin and lipovitellin A. Limited proteolysis with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and Bacillus subtilis protease revealed no common peptides on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Phosphate analysis indicated that, on a molar basis, the non-vitellogen, estrogen-induced protein had less than or equal to 3% of the phosphate found in vitellogenin. Further studies of the structure, function, and metabolism of this protein may reveal information relating to the hormonal control of vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

Seven genes specifically expressed during hibernation in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) were cloned from a subtracted cDNA library constructed from livers of winter bullfrogs. Those genes were fibrinogen alpha-subunit, fibrinogen gamma-subunit, complement component C3, alpha-1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor (AMBP), transferrin, apoferritin middle subunit and one novel gene. Northern hybridization has indicated that these seven genes were specifically induced or enhanced in winter. Above all, expression of the novel gene was specifically induced in winter in liver, though the expression of that was neither induced in bullfrog nor Xenopus laevis by cold treatment. The novel gene, which was designated as rc-hirp (Rana catesbeiana hibernation-related protein), encoded 420 base pairs length and a putative protein of 139 amino acid residues. Annual analyses of the expression of these genes have suggested that the seven winter-specific genes are playing an important role in hibernation processes.  相似文献   

The opercularis system (OPS) of amphibians consists of an opercularis muscle that connects the shoulder girdle skeleton to the operculum, a movable element in the oval window of the otic capsule. The role of the OPS in reception of vibrations was examined in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) tested in various postures that manipulated differential motion between the shoulder girdle (the origin of the opercularis muscle) and skull (including the inner ear). Amplitude and phase relationship of motions of the suprascapular cartilage of the shoulder girdle and the posterior skull were also measured during these tests. 1. Microphonic responses to vertical vibrations from 25-200 Hz were typically highest when frogs were in a normal, sitting posture with the head held off the vibrating platform. Responses from animals in which the head directly contacted the platform were often less (by up to 10 dB at certain frequencies). Responses from all test positions were highest at lower frequencies, especially between 50-100 Hz. 2. Suprascapular accelerations were typically highest in the normal, sitting posture, and at lower frequencies (50-75 Hz) were often greater than that of the vibrating platform by up to 8 dB. The shoulder girdle skeleton of the bullfrog is therefore readily affected by vertical substrate motion. 3. The amplitude of microphonic responses in the different test postures did not correspond well with head acceleration. Rather, response amplitude corresponded best with the absolute difference between shoulder and head motion. For example, in the normal posture, suprascapular motion was much greater than head motion, and responses were relatively high. If only the head was vibrated, head motion was high and shoulder motion low, and responses also were relatively high. If the head and body were vibrated together, their motions were similar, and responses to the same platform accelerations were often reduced. Phase differences between shoulder and head motions were small at the frequencies examined and may be of little functional significance. The importance of differences in shoulder and head motion suggests that the resulting differential motion of the operculum and inner ear fluids can produce waves that stimulate appropriate end organs (such as the saccule). 4. Removal of the opercularis muscle reduced responses up to 18 dB at certain frequencies in some of the test postures. The most significant reductions were observed in those postures with a significant difference between shoulder and head motion (such as the normal posture).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

There are two components to breathing pattern generation the production of the pattern of neural discharge associated with individual breaths, and the pattern in which breaths are produced to effect ventilation. Bullfrogs typically breathe with randomly distributed breaths. When respiratory drive is elevated, breathing becomes more regular and often episodic. Studies on in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations of the adult bullfrog and in situ preparations of decerebrate, paralyzed, unidirectionally ventilated animals suggest that output from the central rhythm generator in frogs is conditional on receiving some input and that a host of central inputs remain even in the most reduced preparations. There appear to be descending inputs from sites in the dorsal brainstem just caudal to the optic chiasma that cluster breaths into episodes, a strong excitatory input caudal to this site but rostral to the origin of the Vth cranial nerve and, possibly, segmental rhythm generators throughout the medulla that are normally entrained to produce the normal breathing pattern. The data also suggest that the shape of the discharge pattern (augmenting, decrementing) and timing of outputs (alternating vs synchronous) associated with motor outflow during each breath are also dependent on the interconnections between these various sites.  相似文献   

The binding of biologically active 125I-Bolton-Hunter-CCK-33 to bullfrog brain and pancreatic membrane particles was characterized. Both tissues exhibited time-dependent, saturable, reversible, and high affinity binding without evidence for cooperative interaction. Both bullfrog CCK receptors resembled their mammalian counterparts in having acidic pH optima for tracer binding and a Kd of about 0.5 nM. However, the receptors differed from their mammalian counterparts in that (1) the bullfrog brain membranes bound more tracer per mg protein than did the pancreatic membranes, (2) both bullfrog CCK receptors were relatively insensitive to dibutyryl cGMP, and (3) both bullfrog brain and pancreatic CCK receptors exhibited the same general specificity toward a variety of CCK and gastrin peptides. For both tissues, the relative order of receptor binding potency was CCK-8 greater than caerulein = CCK-33 greater than gastrin-17-II greater than CCK-8-ns = gastrin-17-I greater than caerulein-ns greater than gastrin-4 with the sulfated CCK peptides being 1000-fold more potent than their nonsulfated analogs. Sulfated gastrin was also relatively potent, being only 10-fold weaker than CCK-8. Gastrin-4 was 20 000-fold weaker than CCK-8 in interacting with the brain CCK receptor. The latter finding is in sharp contrast to the mammalian brain CCK receptor. We conclude that the bullfrog brain and pancreas contain similar CCK receptors of probable physiological significance and may represent an ancestral condition from which the two distinct CCK receptors present in mammalian brain and pancreas have evolved.  相似文献   

We have isolated the cDNAs encoding the GnRH1 and GnRH2 precursors, respectively, from bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) brain. The first cDNA consists of 648 bp and contains an open-reading frame of 270 nucleotides, encoding the bullfrog GnRH1 precursor. The second cDNA consists of 1053 bp and contains an open-reading frame of 255 nucleotides, encoding the bullfrog GnRH2 precursor. Both types of bullfrog GnRH precursor have a similar molecular architecture as observed in other GnRH precursors, consisting of a signal peptide, followed by the GnRH decapeptide, a conserved carboxy-terminal amidation and proteolytical processing site, and a GnRH-associated peptide (GAP). In addition, we have identified a third cDNA, containing 24 additional nucleotides in its GAP-coding region. Genomic PCR and sequence analysis confirmed that this cDNA represents an alternative splice variant of the bullfrog GnRH2-precursor pre-mRNA. The bullfrog GnRH1 precursor exhibits 60% and less than 40% amino acid identity to its Xenopus and mammalian counterparts, respectively, whereas the bullfrog GnRH2 precursor displays 50% to 60% amino acid identity to that of its nonmammalian counterparts, but shares only 25% amino acid identity with its mammalian counterparts. Northern blot analysis revealed a single GnRH1-precursor mRNA species of approximately 0.75 kilobases, expressed in bullfrog forebrain, and a single GnRH2-precursor mRNA species of approximately 1.1 kilobases, expressed in bullfrog midbrain/hindbrain. Furthermore, both bullfrog GnRH-precursor mRNAs exhibited a differential spatiotemporal expression pattern. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicated that both bullfrog GnRH genes are present as single copy genes. This is the first report on the molecular cloning of a GnRH2-precursor cDNA from an amphibian species. In addition, we present data showing that alternative splicing is utilized to generate different GnRH2-precursor mRNAs. J. Exp. Zool. 289:190-201, 2001.  相似文献   

Four major components of the hemoglobin of the bullfrog tadpole, Rana catesbeiana, have been isolated and characterized structurally and functionally. These components fall into two clear functional classes. Components I and II have substantially higher affinities for oxygen than do components III and IV. Components I and II predominate in very young tadpoles and are largely replaced by components III and IV in older tadpoles. The data (Broyles, R.H., and Frieden, E. (1973) Nature New Biol. 241, 207-209) indicate that component I arises in the kidney and components III and IV in the liver. The synchrony of appearance and functional similarity o components I and II suggest that component II probably also arises in the kidney. Thus the development of the tadpole is associated with the successive proliferation of three distinct populations of red cells, first from the kidney, then from the liver, and finally, after metamorphosis, from bone marrow...  相似文献   

The mitochondrial and cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP: oxaloacetate carboxy-lyase(transphosphorylating), EC occurring in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) liver were studied. The enzymes in the two intracellular compartments of both tadpole and adult frog liver were immunologically identical. Both radioactively-labelled forms of the mitochondrial and cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from bullfrog liver were imported at the same rate into intact mitochondria in vitro. The mitochondrial and cytosolic enzyme activities did not respond to the administration of glucagon, glucocorticoid, quinolinate and d-mannoheptulose which are known as enhancers of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, but were found to increase during natural metamorphosis. The former activity was markedly increased in the tadpoles treated with 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine. It was supposed that in the bullfrog liver the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase localized in the mitochondria is of central importance in phosphoenolpyruvate synthesis from oxaloacetate  相似文献   

Summary The posterior rhombencephalic tela choroidea of the bullfrog was examined by electron microscopy. This membrane, the pia-ependymal roof of the caudal hindbrain, contains a large central region characterized by cuboidal ependymal cells which surround sizable microscopic apertures — the interependymal pores.Ultrastructurally ependymal cells of this area are characterized by infrequent apical microvilli and cilia. They contain irregularly shaped nuclei and few cytoplasmic organelles that are largely apical in position. The most striking feature is an abundance of cytoplasmic filaments forming an extensive cytoskeleton. Laterally these cells are joined by numerous elaborate desmosomes. The majority of the ependymal cells have a basal lamina consisting of single, double, or triple laminae lying parallel to the basal plasma membrane.Several unusual specializations are seen at the margins of the interependymal pores. The ependymal cells have lateral cytoplasmic processes that form the actual border of each pore. These processes originate from the apical surface of the cell and partially enclose an elaborate network of basal lamina associated with the interependymal pores.These findings demonstrate microscopic apertures in the roof of the fourth ventricle in the bullfrog that are associated with an unusual form of supportive ependyma.  相似文献   

Ribonucleases with antitumor activity are mainly found in the oocytes and embryos of frogs, but the role of these ribonucleases in frog development is not clear. Moreover, most frog ribonuclease genes have not been cloned and characterized. In the present study, a group of ribonucleases were isolated from Rana catesbeiana (bullfrog). These ribonucleases in mature oocytes, namely RC-RNase, RC-RNase 2, RC-RNase 3, RC-RNase 4, RC-RNase 5 and RC-RNase 6, as well as liver-specific ribonuclease RC-RNase L1, were purified by column chromatographs and detected by zymogram assay and western blotting. Characterization of these purified ribonucleases revealed that they were highly conserved in amino acid sequence and had a pyroglutamate residue at their N-termini, but possessed different specific activities, base specificities and optimal pH values for their activities. These ribonucleases were cytotoxic to cervical carcinoma HeLa cells, but their cytotoxicities were not closely correlated to their enzymatic specific activities. Some other amino acid residues in addition to their catalytic residues were implicated to be involved in the cytotoxicity of the frog ribonucleases to tumor cells. Because the coding regions lack introns, the ribonuclease genes were cloned by PCR using genomic DNA as template. Their DNA sequences and amino acid sequences are homologous to those of mammalian ribonuclease superfamily, ~50 and ~25%, respectively.  相似文献   

A manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) from the liver of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme has a molecular weight of about 84,000 and is composed of four identical subunits, each containing one manganese atom. The amino acid composition of the enzyme is similar to that of Mn-SODs isolated from human and chicken livers, but differs considerably from that of the Escherichia coli enzyme (D. Barra et al. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12595-12601; R. A. Weisiger and I. Fridovich (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 3582-3592; H. M. Steinman (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 8708-8720). The N-terminal amino acid is lysine. The sequence of 23 amino acid residues in the N-terminal region was determined. It shows excellent homologies with those of the human and chicken enzymes (H. M. Steinmam and R. L. Hill (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70, 3725-3729; C. Ditlow et al. (1982) Carlsberg Res. Commun. 47, 81-91). The frog liver enzyme is also located exclusively in the mitochondrial matrix. Immunologically the same enzyme is also found in the tadpole liver, in an amount of about one-half of that in the adult bullfrog.  相似文献   

本研究对雌雄牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)外周血细胞的组成、形态、大小和数量进行了观察和统计。牛蛙外周血细胞由红细胞、白细胞以及血栓细胞组成,其中红细胞体积最大,平均大小(长径×短径)为(25.68±1.88)μm×(16.49±1.53)μm,扫描电镜下发现红细胞表面光滑;血栓细胞呈卵圆形或纺锤形,其体积最小,平均大小为(8.62±1.04)μm×(7.47±1.11)μm;白细胞由淋巴细胞、单核细胞、浆细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞组成,扫描电镜下白细胞表面粗糙不平,有许多不规则的凸起。白细胞中淋巴细胞最多,其中小淋巴细胞约占白细胞的32.66%±4.29%,大淋巴细胞约占6.03%±1.54%;嗜碱性粒细胞最少,只占4.78%±0.83%;浆细胞胞体大小不一,常呈椭圆形,平均大小为(23.51±0.59)μm×(22.86±0.67)μm;此外,牛蛙外周血细胞中单核细胞、淋巴细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞的数量比例以及淋巴细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞的大小均有性别的差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Corticosteroids synergize with the thyroid hormone (TH) at late metamorphic stages and might have a role in the hormonal regulation of amphibian metamorphosis. This role could be influenced by diel fluctuations, particularly if the peak of the plasma corticoids changed in relation to the TH peaks. Diel variation in plasma corticosteroids was studied in Rana catesbeiana prometamorphic and climax tadpoles on 18:6, 12:12 and 6:18 light:dark (LD) cycles. Cortisol (hydrocortisone; HC) and aldosterone (ALDO) exhibited different, but LD cycle-specific, circadian fluctuations at prometamorphosis, whereas corticosterone (CORT) was undetectable (less than 1.18 ng/ml). HC, ALDO and CORT rhythms became synchronous at early metamorphic climax on all LD cycles, although the cosinor-derived acrophases, which occurred around the time of the dark:light transition, shifted approximately 6 h earlier from 18L:6D to 6L:18D. On both 18L:6D and 12L:12D, the acrophase of HC changed little from prometamorphosis to climax, whereas that of ALDO underwent a major phase shift. On 6L:18D, both the ALDO and the HC acrophases shifted at climax. These LD cycle-specific phase shifts of the diel rhythms placed the acrophases of the corticoids in different phase relationships to that of the previously determined thyroxine (T(4)) acrophase at climax, and may partially explain the influence of the light regimen on metamorphic timing. The pronounced diel variations in the corticoid concentrations from the troughs to the peaks show that hormone levels are a function of the time of day and the environmental lighting regimen, which need to be taken into account in measuring the level of plasma hormones in amphibians. The 24-h means calculated from the data of all the sampling times showed that only plasma ALDO and CORT, but not HC, rose markedly at climax, although there were significant LD cycle-related differences in the mean levels of both HC and ALDO at prometamorphosis, and in HC at climax. Additional work sampling at mid-light showed that plasma CORT peaked at Stage XXIII, decreased at the end of climax, and remained low in the postmetamorphic froglet at 2.1 ng/ml. In the adult bullfrog, CORT was clearly the predominant corticosteroid at 34.3 ng/ml, whereas HC and ALDO levels were only approximately 1.3 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Y Noma  K Kihira  T Kuramoto  T Hoshita 《Steroids》1988,51(3-4):385-394
Metabolism of C26 bile alcohols in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was studied. [24-14C]-24-Dehydro-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol (3 alpha,7 alpha,12 alpha-trihydroxy-27-nor-5 beta-cholestan-24-one) was chemically synthesized from [24-14C]cholic acid and incubated with bullfrog liver homogenate fortified with NADPH. 24-Dehydro-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol was shown to be converted into both 26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol and 24-epi-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol [(24S)- and (24R)-27-nor-5 beta-cholestane-3 alpha,7 alpha,12 alpha,24-tetrols] in addition to 5 beta-ranol [(24R)-27-nor-5 beta-cholestane-3 alpha,7 alpha,12 alpha,24,26-pentol], which is the major bile alcohol of the bullfrog. [24-3H]-26-Deoxy-5 beta-ranol and [24-3H]-24-epi-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol were prepared from 24-dehydro-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol by reduction with sodium [3H] borohydride and administered respectively to two each of four bullfrogs by intraperitoneal injection. After 24 h, labeled 5 beta-ranol was isolated from the bile of the bullfrogs that received [24-3H]-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol. In contrast little if any radioactivity could be detected in 5 beta-ranol or its 24-epimer after administration of [24-3H]-24-epi-26-deoxy-5 beta-ranol.  相似文献   

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