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ABSTRACT Identifying environmental parameters that influence probability of nest predation is important for developing and implementing effective management strategies for species of conservation concern. We estimated daily nest survival for a migratory population of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) breeding in black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in Wyoming, USA. We compared estimates based on 3 common approaches: apparent nesting success, Mayfield estimates, and a model-based logistic-exposure approach. We also examined whether 8 intrinsic and extrinsic factors affected daily nest survival in burrowing owls. Positive biases in apparent nest survival were low (3–6%), probably because prior knowledge of nest locations and colonial behavior among nesting pairs facilitated discovery of most nests early in the nesting cycle. Daily nest survival increased as the breeding season progressed, was negatively correlated with ambient temperature, was positively correlated with nest-burrow tunnel length, and decreased as the nesting cycle progressed. Environmental features were similar between failed and successful nests based on 95% confidence intervals, but the seasonal midpoint was earlier for failed nests (31 May) compared to successful nests (15 Jun). The large annual variation in nest survival (a 15.3% increase between 2003 and 2004) accentuates the importance of multiyear studies when estimating reproductive parameters and when examining the factors that affect those parameters. Failure to locate and monitor nests throughout the breeding season may yield biased estimates of nesting success in burrowing owls (and possibly other species), and some of the variation in nesting success among years and across study sites may be explained by annual and spatial variation in ambient temperature. Any management actions that result in fewer prairie dogs, shorter burrow lengths, or earlier nesting may adversely affect reproductive success of burrowing owls.  相似文献   

Examination of spatial and temporal factors that influence nest survival can provide insight into habitat selection, reproductive decisions (e.g., clutch size), population dynamics, and conservation requirements for species. We used nest survival data for the Dusky Flycatcher Empidonax oberholseri to examine several factors that may influence nesting success. Our prediction was that the number of nest initiations would be positively associated with period nest survival. We used a model selection framework and found that nesting success was a function of clutch size and a cubic effect of age. Clutches with one, two, three, and four eggs had period survival rates of 0, 0.05, 0.33, and 0.49, respectively. Daily survival rates decreased from the onset of egg-laying and increased during the later stages of incubation before remaining relatively constant through the later portions of the nestling stage. Model-selection criterion provided support for a date effect on daily survival (i.e., daily nest survival declined across the nesting season) although the 95% confidence interval for the estimate included zero. We found that the majority of nest initiations occurred early in the nest season and declined across the season as period nest survival declined. Our prediction concerning nest survival was partially supported. In addition, we found substantial positive associations between clutch size and nest survival. While low daily survival rates for clutches with one or two eggs suggested that individuals may have reduced reproductive effort in response to nest predation risk, we did not find strong evidence that individuals reduced their clutch sizes in subsequent nest attempts. Alternative predictions, including the preferential settlement of higher quality individuals (e.g., those with the ability to lay full clutches to replace depredated nests) into high-quality habitat and differences in behavior patterns (e.g., number of visits to provision nestlings), may provide more consistent explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

On the evolution of clutch size and nest size in passerine birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tore Slagsvold 《Oecologia》1989,79(3):300-305
Summary I examined the hypothesis that the clutch size of some altricial birds may be limited by over-crowding of the nestlings in the nest, by comparing data on different species of European passerines. Large-sized birds build, relative to the body, larger nests than small-sized birds, both as regards the inner and the outer nest widths and as regards edge breadth; only inner nestcup depth did not change relatively to body size. Nest size also varied in relation to nesting place. Birds with open nests built off the ground had a rather narrow nestcup, whereas those with a domed nest, or which nest in a cavity, had a wide nestcup. When only open-nesters were compared, birds nesting on, or close to, the ground tended to have a wider nestcup than birds nesting above the ground. Inner nestcup width was correlated with the amount of mosses and lichens used in building the nest; the more of such materials the narrower the nestcup. The three variables: standardised body size, nesting place, and type of nesting material used accounted for 92% of the overall variation observed in inner nestcup width. When controlling for adult body size, clutch size was positively correlated with the size of the nestcup. A multiple regression analysis showed that relative nestcup depth, nest site, and type of nesting materials used, accounted for 64% of the overall variation in clutch size.  相似文献   

Current statistical methods for estimating nest survival rates assume that nests are identical in their propensity to succeed. However, there are several biological reasons to question this assumption. For example, experience of the nest builder, number of nest helpers, genetic fitness of individuals, and site effects may contribute to an inherent disparity between nests with respect to their daily mortality rates. Ignoring such heterogeneity can lead to incorrect survival estimates. Our results show that constant survival models can seriously underestimate overall survival in the presence of heterogeneity. This paper presents a flexible random-effects approach to model heterogeneous nest survival data. We illustrate our methods through data on redwing blackbirds.  相似文献   

We measured nesting success of the Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii along the Finnish Bothnian Bay coast during 19 breeding seasons (1983–2001) and conducted a population census (1999–2002). We found 105 pairs, showing a marked decline from the previous survey (170 pairs 1987–95). Of the 424 'known-fate' nests, 47% hatched. Depredation caused 79.9% of the nest losses. Nesting failures increased from 1983–91 to 1992–2001 owing to a rise in nest predation. The proportion of failed nests that failed because of predation rose from 48.9 to 87.7%. When only depredated nests were considered as losses, Mayfield nest survival probability over the incubation period dropped from 69 to 31% (461 nests). This pattern emerged both in man-made and in natural habitats. Survival probability was independent of habitat type (natural vs. man-made). In an experiment involving videotaping of dummy nests, Common Gull Larus canus and Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres were found to be the most important egg predators.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the last 20 years scaup numbers have declined, and these declines have been greatest in the northern boreal forests of Canada and Alaska where most lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) nest. We studied nest success and duckling survival of lesser scaup over 3 field seasons, 2001–2003, on the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Alaska, USA. Daily survival rate (DSR) of nests on our study area across all 3 years was 0.943 (n = 177 nests, 95% CI: 0.930–0.954), corresponding to a nest success of only 12.3%, considerably lower than published estimates of an average nest success as high as 57% for lesser scaup in the northern boreal forest. With Mayfield logistic regression, we investigated effects on nest survival of year, clutch initiation date, and nesting habitat type (large wetlands >10 ha, small wetlands <10 ha, and wooded creeks). Neither year nor clutch initiation date influenced nest survival; however, the odds of nest success on large wetlands was 49% lower than on wooded creeks (odds ratio = 0.512, 95% CI = 0.286, 0.918). Based on the model that used only habitat type for estimation, DSR on large wetlands was 0.931 (corresponding nest success = 7.6%), DSR on small wetlands was 0.941 (nest success = 11.1%), and DSR on wooded creeks was 0.963 (nest success = 26.2%). To estimate duckling survival, we monitored 10 broods (n = 75 ducklings) over 3 field seasons by radiotagging hens at nest hatch. Most duckling mortality (94%) occurred in the first 10 days after hatch. Average duckling survival during 1–10 days was 0.321 (95% CI: 0.122–0.772), during 11–20 days was 0.996 (95% CI: 0.891–1.040), and during 21–30 days was 0.923 (95% CI: 0.769–1.041). Three of 10 hens moved all or part of their broods overland between nesting and brood-rearing wetlands for distances of 0.3–1.6 km. Our estimates of lesser scaup nest success and duckling survival on the Yukon Flats were among the lowest ever reported for ducks nesting at northern latitudes, even though the study site was in pristine boreal forest. Estimating and comparing scaup demographic rates from different geographic areas can contribute to improved conservation. Given the scarcity of information on scaup nesting in the boreal forest, basic nesting parameters are important to those trying to model scaup population dynamics.  相似文献   

Capsule Interpretation of nest survival estimates may be improved by incorporating the search method used to locate nests as a covariate.

Aims To compare annual survival estimates for Dickcissel Spiza americana nests and determine if incorporating search method (structured, opportunistic, or behavioural searches) improved model fit.

Methods Dickcissel nests were located using structured, opportunistic, or behavioural searches over three years (2011–2013) in Mississippi, USA. Models were used to estimate daily survival rates (DSRs) and to analyse factors influencing nest survival.

Results DSRs for Dickcissels were best explained by quadratic date, nest age, age found, and year, but incorporating search method improved model fit. Daily survival was 1.51 times greater for nests located using opportunistic search methods relative to structured searches, but was not significantly different between structured and behavioural searches.

Conclusions Survival estimates varied by search method, specifically between structured searches and opportunistically located nests. This might have arisen because heterogeneity in nest placement or parental behaviour may influence the sample of nests located with a given search method. Researchers may be able to account for this potential source of bias by including search method as a model covariate when using standard survey designs or modelling approaches.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   In 2003 and 2004, we placed 41 floating nest platforms on Grassy Lake in southeastern Wisconsin (USA) to test the hypothesis that reproductive success of Black Terns ( Chlidonias niger ) is limited by the quality of suitable nesting habitat. Extreme differences in water levels between these 2 yr provided a natural experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the nest platforms during a drought year (2003) when natural nesting substrate was abundant, and a flood year (2004) when natural substrate was limited during the peak nesting period. Terns nested on 27 of 41 (66%) of the platforms in 2003 and 26 of 41 (63%) in 2004. No difference in the occupancy rate of platforms and natural nests was evident in 2003, but the pattern of clutch initiations early in the season in 2004 indicated that platforms were preferred over natural substrates. In 2003, nest survival rates did not differ between nests placed on platforms and those placed on natural substrates, but platform nests had significantly higher hatching success and nest survival rates in 2004. Both the Kaplan-Meier and Apparent Nest Success methods of calculating nest survival provided similar estimates. In both years, eggs laid on platforms were significantly larger than those laid on natural substrates, suggesting that platforms were occupied by high-quality birds. Our study indicates that floating nest platforms can be an effective management tool to enhance nesting habitat for Black Terns and other aquatic birds that construct floating nests, primarily because platforms provide nest sites when natural sites are not available due to flooding. Nest platforms also may be useful for addressing questions concerning habitat selection and parental quality.  相似文献   

Artificial nests are frequently used to assess factors affecting survival of natural bird nests. We tested the potential for artificial nests to be used in a novel application, the prediction of nest predation rates at potential reintroduction sites where exotic predators are being controlled. We collected artificial nest data from nine sites with different predator control regimes around the North Island of New Zealand, and compared the nest survival rates with those of North Island robin (Petroica longipes) nests at the same sites. Most of the robin populations had been reintroduced in the last 10 years, and were known to vary in nest survival and status (increasing/stable or declining). We derived estimates of robin nest survival for each site based on Stanley estimates of daily survival probabilities and the known incubation and brooding periods of robins. Estimates of artificial nest survival for each site were derived using the known fate model in MARK. We identified the imprints on the clay eggs in the artificial nests, and obtained different estimates of artificial nest survival based on imprints made by different potential predators. We then compared the value of these estimates for predicting natural nest survival, assuming a relationship of the form s = αpβ, where s is natural nest survival and p is artificial nest survival. Artificial nest survival estimates based on imprints made by rats (Rattus spp.) and brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were clearly the best predictors (based on AICc), and explained 64% of the variation in robin nest survival among sites. Inclusion of bird imprints in the artificial nest survival estimates substantially reduced their predictive value. We suggest that artificial nests may provide a useful tool for predicting the suitability of potential reintroduction sites for New Zealand forest birds as long as imprints on clay eggs are correctly identified.  相似文献   

He CZ 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):962-973
In this article, a Bayesian model for age-specific nest survival rates is presented to handle the irregular visit case. Both informative priors and noninformative priors are investigated. The reference prior under this model is derived, and, therefore, the hyperparameter specification problem is solved to some extent. The Bayesian method provides a more accurate estimate of the total survival rate than the standard Mayfield method, if the age-specific hazard rates are not constant. The Bayesian method also lets the biologist look for high- and low-survival rates during the whole nesting period. In practice, it is common for data of several types to be collected in a single study. That is, some nests may be aged, others are not. Some nests are visited regularly; others are visited irregularly. The Bayesian method accommodates any mix of these sampling techniques by assuming that the aging and visiting activities have no effect on the survival rate. The methods are illustrated by an analysis of the Missouri northern bobwhite data set.  相似文献   

There has been much work done in nest survival analysis using the maximum likelihood (ML) method. The ML method suffers from the instability of numerical calculations when models having a large number of unknown parameters are used. A Bayesian approach of model fitting is developed to estimate age-specific survival rates for nesting studies using a large class of prior distributions. The computation is done by Gibbs sampling. Some latent variables are introduced to simplify the full conditional distributions. The method is illustrated using both a real and a simulated data set. Results indicate that Bayesian analysis provides stable and accurate estimates of nest survival rates.  相似文献   

C. M. Rogers  M. J. Caro 《Oecologia》1998,116(1-2):227-233
Ground-nesting North American landbirds have declined in the longterm, including species with a variety of migratory strategies. The mesopredator release hypothesis explains declines by suggesting that the virtual elimination of top carnivores (large-bodied canids and felids) from much of North America has “released” populations of nest-destroying mesopredators (i.e., medium-sized terrestrial omnivores such as the raccoon Procyon lotor). The hypothesis predicts (1) higher nest success in the presence than in the absence of top carnivores, and (2) a positive relationship between mesopredator abundance and nest predation. Results from a 4-year "natural experiment" in the agricultural landscape of southern Michigan tended to support prediction 1. When coyotes (Canis latrans) were absent in 1993 and present in 1994, 1995 and 1996, Mayfield nest survival in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), a ground-nesting landbird, increased significantly during the same 4-year interval. Relative frequency of nest predation, the most common cause of nest failure, declined significantly over the four years. Coyotes may have decreased nest predation in 1994–1996 by reducing the abundance of raccoons, apparently the main nest predator in the study area. In an experiment testing prediction 2, mesopredator abundance and predation rate on artificial nests were positively related, as predicted by the hypothesis. Although the present study is not wholly conclusive by itself, we cautiously suggest it contributes to a growing body of evidence derived from a number of studies supporting the mesopredator release hypothesis. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

There is concern that predation of Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests may create additional pressure on declining populations of this species in Europe. At seven sites in England and Wales, daily nest predation rates on 1,390 nests were related to variables using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. The strongest predictor was Lapwing nest density (number of nests within 100 m): predation rates declined as nest density increased. Since nocturnal species, probably mammals, have been identified as the major predators of Lapwing nests at these sites, these results suggest that Lapwings are able to deter mammalian predators or may settle to nest at high densities in areas with low predation pressure. At the site level, there was no relationship between Lapwing nesting density and fox density, and a positive relationship with Carrion Crow Corvus corone nesting density. There was a weaker effect of distance to field boundary: nests closer to boundaries were more likely to be predated. Weak interactive effects between crow density and both nest visibility and distance to vantage point were identified in models using a reduced subset of nests. These were counter-intuitive, did not persist in the larger data set, and do not have obvious explanations. If Lapwings nesting at high density are able to deter predators, there are implications for land management. Smaller areas could be managed within potential breeding habitat to encourage Lapwings to nest in dense colonies. Selection of larger fields for such management, where nests could be located far from the field boundary should improve the value of such measures.  相似文献   

Studies of avian nest success often focus on examining influences of variation in environmental and seasonal factors. However, in‐depth evaluations can also incorporate variation in individual incubation behaviour to further advance our understanding of avian reproductive ecology. We examined these relationships in colonially nesting Black‐crowned Night‐Herons Nycticorax nycticorax using intensive video‐monitoring methods to quantify incubation behaviours. We modelled nest survival as a function of both extrinsic factors and incubation behaviours over a 3‐year period (2010–12) on Alcatraz Island, USA. Model‐averaged parameter estimates indicated that nest survival increased as a function of greater incubation constancy (% of time spent incubating eggs within a 24‐h period), and average daily precipitation throughout the nesting stage. Common Ravens Corvus corax are the only known nest predator of Night‐Herons on Alcatraz Island, as on many other coastal Pacific islands. We also investigated the effects of heterospecific nesting of California Gulls Larus californicus and Western Gulls Larus occidentalis in a mixed‐species colony with Night‐Herons, based on nesting proximity data collected over a 2‐year period (2011–12). This second analysis indicated that, in addition to incubation behaviours, nesting heterospecifics are an important factor for explaining variation in Night‐Heron nest survival. However, contrary to our original expectation, we found that Night‐Herons experienced increased nest survival with increasing distance from gull colony boundaries. These results may apply to other areas with multiple colonial nesting species and similar predator communities and climatic patterns.  相似文献   

Nest survival may vary throughout the breeding season for many bird species, and the nature of this temporal variation can reveal the links between birds, their predators, and other components of the ecosystem. We used program Mark to model patterns in nest survival within the breeding season for shorebirds nesting on arctic tundra. From 2000 to 2007, we monitored 521 nests of five shorebird species and found strong evidence for variation in nest survival within a nesting season. Daily nest survival was lowest in the mid-season in 5 of 8 years, but the timing and magnitude of the lows varied. We found no evidence that this quadratic time effect was driven by seasonal changes in weather or the abundance of predators. Contrary to our prediction, the risk of predation was not greatest when the number of active shorebird nests was highest. Although nest abundance reached a maximum near the middle of the breeding season, a daily index of shorebird nest activity was not supported as a predictor of nest survival in the models. Predators’ access to other diet items, in addition to shorebird nests, may instead determine the temporal patterns of nest predation. Nest survival also displayed a positive, linear relationship with nest age; however, this effect was most pronounced among species with biparental incubation. Among biparental species, parents defended older nests with greater intensity. We did not detect a similar relationship among uniparental species, and conclude that the stronger relationship between nest age and both nest defence and nest survival for biparental species reflects that their nest defence is more effective.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of nest predation as a major process to current theories of space utilization and coexistence of open-nesting bird species adds predictive power to hypotheses of resource partitioning and organization of species assemblages. Nest predation can influence the organization of assemblages if predators respond to nests in a density-dependent manner and if predators specialize on nest types. Evidence shows that nest predation is commonly density-dependent and that predators can specialize on nest types. Consequently, nest predation can select for coexistence of bird species that nest at different heights and in different microhabitats (i.e. partitioning of nesting space) to minimize density-dependent responses of predators to the accumulating densities of species within similar nest sites. I establish a series of predicted patterns (1) to test whether predation is operating to influence partitioning of space and coexistence of species, (2) to distinguish effects of nest predation from competition, and (3) to determine the mechanism by which nest predation acts to organize assemblages. Using published and unpublished data to test the predictions, nest predation is seen as a process that we can no longer afford to ignore.  相似文献   

Provision of nest sites is beneficial for the welfare of laying hens in intensive production systems. The design of these nest sites has a direct effect on pre-laying behaviour. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of screening off the entrances of the nest boxes with non-transparent flaps and providing nesting or flooring material on pre-laying behaviour. Eighteen individual Hisex brown laying hens and 18 groups of five hens were tested for 2 days in a test cage containing three nest boxes each with a different nesting material (peat, artificial turf and plastic-coated wire mesh). On one of the days the nest boxes were equipped with plastic flaps at the entrances. Pre-laying behaviour was analysed using focal sampling. Both degree of seclusion and nesting material had an effect on pre-laying behaviour of hens. Nest boxes with flaps were visited less frequently but for a longer duration per visit than nest boxes without flaps. Hens spent more time sitting and scratching, and less time standing and moving when flaps were present. Hens also received fewer pecks (group test) when nest boxes were equipped with flaps. Major differences were found between pre-laying behaviour on coated wire mesh compared to peat and artificial turf with shorter duration of nest visits (group test), more standing (group test) and moving (individual and group test), and less sitting (individual and group test) and object pecking (group test) on coated wire mesh. Differences in pre-laying behaviour on peat versus artificial turf were observed for the behaviours moving (less on peat), sitting (more on peat in the individual test) and object pecking (more on peat in the group test).

It is concluded that hens show more settled pre-laying behaviour and more nest-building behaviour in the presence of flaps at the entrances of nest boxes. These results indicate that seclusion of nest boxes with non-transparent flaps is beneficial to laying hen welfare. Differences in pre-laying behaviour also suggest that plastic-coated wire mesh is less suitable as nesting material than peat and artificial turf.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in northcentral Montana, USA, to examine the relationship between nest success and habitat conditions, environmental variables, and female sage-grouse characteristics. During 2001-2003, we radiomarked 243 female greater sage-grouse, monitored 287 nests, and measured 426 vegetation plots at 4 sites in a 3,200-km2 landscape. Nest survival varied with year, grass canopy cover, daily precipitation with a 1-day lag effect, and nesting attempt. In all years, daily survival rate increased on the day of a rain event and decreased the next day. There was temporal variation in nest success both within and among years: success of early (first 28 d of nesting season) nests ranged from 0.238 (SE = 0.080) in 2001 to 0.316 (SE = 0.055) in 2003, whereas survival of late (last 28 d of nesting season) nests ranged from 0.276 (SE = 0.090) in 2001 to 0.418 (SE = 0.055) in 2003. Renests experienced higher survival than first nests. Grass cover was the only important model term that could be managed, but direction and magnitude of the grass effect varied. Site, shrub and forb canopy cover, and Robel pole reading were less useful predictors of nest success; however, temporal and spatial variation in these habitat covariates was low during our study. We note a marked difference between both values and interpretations of apparent nest success, which have been used almost exclusively in the past, and maximum-likelihood estimates used in our study. Annual apparent nest success (0.46) was, on average, 53% higher than maximum-likelihood estimates that incorporate individual, environmental, and habitat covariates. The difference between estimates was variable (range = +8% to +91%). Management of habitats for nesting sage-grouse should focus on increasing grass cover to increase survival of first nests and contribute to favorable conditions for renesting, which should be less likely if survival of first nests increases.  相似文献   

Summary : Recent studies have shown that grassland birds are declining more rapidly than any other group of terrestrial birds. Current methods of estimating avian age‐specific nest survival rates require knowing the ages of nests, assuming homogeneous nests in terms of nest survival rates, or treating the hazard function as a piecewise step function. In this article, we propose a Bayesian hierarchical model with nest‐specific covariates to estimate age‐specific daily survival probabilities without the above requirements. The model provides a smooth estimate of the nest survival curve and identifies the factors that are related to the nest survival. The model can handle irregular visiting schedules and it has the least restrictive assumptions compared to existing methods. Without assuming proportional hazards, we use a multinomial semiparametric logit model to specify a direct relation between age‐specific nest failure probability and nest‐specific covariates. An intrinsic autoregressive prior is employed for the nest age effect. This nonparametric prior provides a more flexible alternative to the parametric assumptions. The Bayesian computation is efficient because the full conditional posterior distributions either have closed forms or are log concave. We use the method to analyze a Missouri dickcissel dataset and find that (1) nest survival is not homogeneous during the nesting period, and it reaches its lowest at the transition from incubation to nestling; and (2) nest survival is related to grass cover and vegetation height in the study area.  相似文献   

The effects of visits to nests by researchers interested in quantifying avian nesting success have received considerable attention, as researchers have long been concerned about the possible negative effects of their own activities on the resulting estimates. There is a widely held view that investigator disturbance has an overall negative effect on breeding success by increasing nest predation rates in the nests studied. However, to date no one has statistically assessed the empirical evidence for such a relationship. We undertook a meta‐analysis of published results to assess whether researcher activities increase nest predation in birds. We also assessed the variability in this effect in relation to the traits of the study species and the methodology used. These analyses used data from 18 experimental studies involving 25 species from six avian orders. Our results suggest that, contrary to the traditional view, researcher activities do not generally affect the incidence of nest predation. Moreover, this relationship appears inconsistent among avian orders and, surprisingly, nest survival of passerines increased weakly with researcher activities. We also found significant positive effects of researcher activity on nest survival for species breeding on coastal areas and for species nesting on the ground. The possible explanation for these differences among orders and guilds could be due to different nest predator communities. This new perspective on the effect of investigators could have important implications for bird management and conservation, as well as for other fields of study such as ecology and evolution, in which nest survival rates measured in the field are widely used to test and support a range of hypotheses.  相似文献   

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