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阿拉善荒漠驼蹄瓣属7种植物的花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用扫描电镜对阿拉善荒漠驼蹄瓣属(ZygophyllumL.)7种植物的花粉形态特征进行了观察分析.结果表明,在扫描电镜下,每种植物花粉粒的表面纹饰、萌发孔类型等性状符合驼蹄瓣属的主要特征;而花粉粒的大小、P/E值等细微特征存在明显差异.  相似文献   

12种十字花科植物花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用扫描电子显微镜对十字花科8属12种植物的花粉形态特征进行了观察分析.其中8种为首次报道.观察结果表明:4族8属12种十字花科植物花粉形态的一般特征为:花粉粒长球形至超长球形;极面观三裂圆形,少数四裂圆形;外壁纹饰为网状或细网状纹饰;三沟,偶四沟.12种植物的花粉可划分为5种类型:(1)花粉粒长球形,网状纹饰,三沟;(2)花粉粒超长球形,网状纹饰,三沟;(3)花粉粒长球形,细网状纹饰,三沟;(4)花粉粒超长球形,细网状纹饰,三沟;(5)花粉粒长球形,三或四沟,网状纹饰.十字花科花粉形态特征在不同族间、不同属间以及同属不同种间均没有明显规律,在十字花科分类过程中,不宜单独以花粉形态特征作为依据.  相似文献   

为分析澜沧江流域北部人食用蜂蜜中毒的原因,于2013年6—9月份,对该区域蜜蜂和蜜源植物的分布情况进行了调查,观察蜜蜂采集有毒蜜源植物的行为,并进一步调查了蜜蜂巢内蜂蜜、蜂花粉的储存情况,采集了中华蜜蜂蜂蜜样品,进行蜂蜜孢粉学与营养生态位分析。该区域有大量采用传统方式进行人工饲养的中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana),及少量野生中华蜜蜂、黑色小蜜蜂(Apis audreniformis)、黑色大蜜蜂(Apis laboriosa smith)群体分布;人工饲养的中华蜜蜂蜂巢内部结构与野生中华蜜蜂蜂巢相似,为自然蜂巢,内有充足的蜜粉储存,部分蜂群蜂巢内虫害严重。该区域内主要蜜源植物为荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench),其他零星辅助蜜源较多,部分地点南烛(Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb)、昆明山海棠(Tripterygium hypoglaucum(Levl.)Hutch)连片集中分布。对中华蜜蜂蜂蜜进行孢粉学和营养生态位分析,结果表明:中华蜜蜂蜂蜜标本中含有有毒蜜源植物南烛、昆明山海棠花粉,部分样品中南烛、昆明山海棠的花粉含所占比例较高;中华蜜蜂的营养生态位宽度为0.22,比其他地区中华蜜蜂生态位指数小,推测澜沧江水电枢纽的修建等人为原因已对蜜蜂种类、蜜源植物的物种组成、群落结构造成了较大影响。  相似文献   

蜜源木本植物的鉴定能为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana保护和利用提供依据.本研究从在秦岭地区收集的4份中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中分离出植物花粉,然后在扫描电镜下观察花粉形态,根据花粉大小、赤道面观、极面观、表面纹饰对花粉所属植物的种类进行鉴定.共鉴定出中华蜜蜂利用的蜜源木本植物13科,19属,20种.其中以壳斗科Fagaceae、忍冬科Caprifoliaceae最多,卫矛科Celastraceae、桦木科Betulaceae、蔷薇科Rosaceae次之.这些蜜源木本植物中有13种是药用植物.秦岭地区丰富的蜜源木本植物为中华蜜蜂的生存提供了食物资源;同时中华蜜蜂作为传粉昆虫,对维持秦岭地区蜜源植物的生存和生态系统稳定起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

我国土地辽阔,蜜源植物极为丰富,仅长白山区就有300多种特别是主要蜜源植物椴树的覆盖率较大,蕴藏着大量的蜂蜜资源,被誉为“天然制糖厂”。蜂蜜的种类很多,一般都以蜜源植物名命名,各具独特的色、香、味。以椴树蜜为例,纯正的椴树蜜,为较透明的淡黄色、有浓郁的薄荷香味、甘甜适口,是特种花蜜中  相似文献   

珍珠菜属八种植物的花粉形态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨德奎  孙京田 《广西植物》2003,23(2):143-T002
利用扫描电子显微镜,首次对珍珠菜属(LysimachiaL.)8种植物的花粉形态进行了观察研究,报道了花粉形态特征,探讨了花粉形态特征在分类学上的意义。结果表明:该属花粉粒大小和外壁雕纹可作为分种的依据。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜观察了中国四川雅安地区13种凤仙花属植物的花粉形态,并对其花粉形态进行了主成分分析和聚类分析,基于孢粉学和SRAP聚类结果的比较,讨论不同孢粉学特征对分类结果的影响。结果显示:(1)雅安地区13种凤仙花属植物花粉粒均为中等大小,花粉粒形状从超扁到扁球形变化,花粉粒极面观形状从矩形和椭圆形到四边形、圆形、三角型变化,且只有湖北凤仙、峨眉凤仙和匙叶凤仙是三沟花粉粒,其余种均为四沟花粉粒;外壁纹饰仅扭萼凤仙和齿萼凤仙为细小网状,其余均为网状纹饰。(2)依据不同指标进行的孢粉学聚类均将13种凤仙花属植物划分为3个类群,而SRAP聚类结果则将13种凤仙花属植物划分为5个类群;不同孢粉学聚类结果的相似率只有30.77%。(3)孢粉学聚类并未与分子聚类显示严格的对应关系,以花粉大小和形状、外壁纹饰为指标进行的孢粉学分类与SRAP分类的相似率最高(69.23%)。研究认为,选择不同的花粉形态特征作指标对分类的准确性影响较大,花粉大小和形状、外壁纹饰这2个指标对凤仙花属植物分类具有意义,而萌发沟的特征则很难作为分类的依据,花粉形态特征在分类上有局限性;进行该属植物孢粉学分类需要选择有价值的分类指标,并结合形态学、分子生物学等综合研究。  相似文献   

木兰属3种植物花粉形态研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孔红 《西北植物学报》1999,19(6):206-208,T005
用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察木兰属(Magnolia)3种植物的花粉粒,其形态特征是:花粉粒长球形,具单沟:外壁光滑或粗糙,结果表明:该属3种植物花粉形态在种的水平上具有分类学意义,而且具有明显的深化趋势。  相似文献   

山东酢浆草属花粉形态的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨德奎  吴晓霞 《广西植物》2004,24(2):128-129
用扫描电子显微镜 ,对山东酢浆草属 3种植物的花粉形态进行观察 ,报道了花粉形态特征 ,并探讨其分类意义。结果表明 :该属花粉粒大小、形状和外壁雕纹可作为分种的依据。  相似文献   

三种葱属植物花形态及花药解剖结构观察   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
蒙古韭(Allium mongolicum Regel)、细叶韭(Allium tenuissimum L.)、野韭(Allium ramosumL.)作为野生蔬菜近年来受到人们的青睐,一些学者对这三种葱属植物进行了初步研究,但对其解剖结构的研究未见报道.通过田间观察和石蜡切片法,对这三种葱属植物花的形态及花药解剖结构进行了观察,结果表明:三种葱属植物花的形态结构差异明显,花粉粒的形状及大小也有明显的差别:野韭花粉粒为长卵形,细叶韭为卵圆形,蒙古韭为近半圆形;从花粉粒大小来看,野韭最大,蒙古韭次之,细叶韭最小.通过以上研究揭示了三种葱属植物花药解剖学特征,从而为葱属植物分类标准、亲缘关系鉴定、生殖发育等方面的进一步研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Pollen viability and transgene expression following storage in honey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Transgenic plants of tobacco andArabidopsis that produce genetically marked pollen, expressing the reporter geneuidA (gusA), were generated to determine whether pollen proteins can be expressed and stable in honey, a potential route by which foreign proteins might enter the wider environment. Hydrated tobacco pollen was found to lose viability rapidly in honey, while pollen in the natural dehydrated form remained viable for at least several days and in some cases several weeks, as determined by FDA staining activity and germinability. Dehydrated pollen was found to be capable of transient foreign gene expression, following microprojectile bombardment, after incubation in honey for at least 120 h. PCR amplification of transgene sequences in pollen of transgenic plants revealed that pollen DNA can remain relatively intact after 7 weeks in honey. GUS enzyme activity analysis and SDS-PAGE of pollen proteins revealed that foreign and native pollen proteins are stable in pollen incubated in honey for at least 6 weeks. We conclude that pollen may represent an ecologically important vector for transgenic protein products.  相似文献   

The effects of floral morphology on rates of pollen removal and deposition by different pollinators in generalist plant species are not well known. We studied pollination dynamics in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, a plant visited by four groups of pollinators: honey bees, small native bees, butterflies, and syrphyd flies. The effects of anther position and other factors on pollen removal during single visits by all four pollinator taxa were measured. Flowers with high anther exsertion (i.e., anthers placed higher above the opening of the corolla tube) tended to have the highest numbers of pollen grains removed, but this effect was strongest for honey bees and butterflies. For all pollinator taxa, pollen removal increased with the number of pollen grains available on a flower and whowed a positive, decelerating relationship with the duration of the visit. The effects of stigma position and other factors on pollen deposition during single visits by honey bees and butterflies were also studied. The nectar-feeding butterflies had a higher pollination efficiency (percentage of pollen grains removed from anthers that were subsequently deposited on a stigma) than the nectar- and pollen-feeding honey bees. Flowers with intermediate stigma exsertion had the highest numbers of pollen grains deposited on their stigmas by butterflies, but stigma exsertion had no effect on deposition by honey bees. For both butterflies and honey bees, pollen deposition on the recipient flower increased with the amount of pollen removed from the donor flower, and there was a positive, decelerating relationship between deposition and time spent at the flower; these results are analogous to those for pollen removal. The effects of anther and stigma exsertion on pollen removal and denosition did not fit predictions based on patterns of floral correlations, but results for morphology, pollen availability, time spent per visit, and pollinator efficiency are in broad agreement with previous studies, suggesting the possible emergence of some general rules of pollen transfer.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess to what degree and in what way the brood chamber affects the pollen content of the honey. Twenty-nine pieces of comb containing only honey were cut from different frames of hives. The percentage of cells in each frame occupied by the brood chamber and the distance between these cells and the cut piece were recorded. A honey sample was extracted from each comb piece, avoiding any contamination with pollen, its sediment examined under the microscope and its botanical constituents identified and counted. The results show that the pollen content of honey was higher in samples from frames containing brood or pollen cells; in these samples the pollen content was positively correlated with the amount of these cells in the frame and the proximity of the honey to them. The proportion of pollen grains from principally nectariferous plants was lower in honeys with a high pollen content.  相似文献   

Introduced plants may be important foraging resources for honey bees and wild pollinators, but how often and why pollinators visit introduced plants across an entire plant community is not well understood. Understanding the importance of introduced plants for pollinators could help guide management of these plants and conservation of pollinator habitat. We assessed how floral abundance and pollinator preference influence pollinator visitation rate and diversity on 30 introduced versus 24 native plants in central New York. Honey bees visited introduced and native plants at similar rates regardless of floral abundance. In contrast, as floral abundance increased, wild pollinator visitation rate decreased more strongly for introduced plants than native plants. Introduced plants as a group and native plants as a group did not differ in bee diversity or preference, but honey bees and wild pollinators preferred different plant species. As a case study, we then focused on knapweed (Centaurea spp.), an introduced plant that was the most preferred plant by honey bees, and that beekeepers value as a late‐summer foraging resource. We compared the extent to which honey bees versus wild pollinators visited knapweed relative to coflowering plants, and we quantified knapweed pollen and nectar collection by honey bees across 22 New York apiaries. Honey bees visited knapweed more frequently than coflowering plants and at a similar rate as all wild pollinators combined. All apiaries contained knapweed pollen in nectar, 86% of apiaries contained knapweed pollen in bee bread, and knapweed was sometimes a main pollen or nectar source for honey bees in late summer. Our results suggest that because of diverging responses to floral abundance and preferences for different plants, honey bees and wild pollinators differ in their use of introduced plants. Depending on the plant and its abundance, removing an introduced plant may impact honey bees more than wild pollinators.  相似文献   

Flowers of most plant species are visited by a variety of animals. Some of these visitors are effective pollinators while others remove resources without transferring pollen. Studies comparing the effectiveness of different visitors as pollinators often compare taxa without considering variation in behavior within a taxon. Wilson and Thomson (Ecology 72: 1503-1507, 1991) documented the effects of honey bees and bumble bees on the pollination dynamics of Impatiens capensis. They found that pollen-collecting honey bees removed large numbers of pollen grains from anthers but deposited little of it on stigmas; bumble bees, which sought nectar, removed less pollen but deposited more of it on stigmas. It is unclear whether the low pollen transfer efficiencies of honey bees are explained by their morphology or by their pollen-collecting behavior. We repeated the work of Wilson and Thomson at a site where honey bees were foraging for nectar, not pollen. We measured the quantity of pollen remaining in anthers, the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas, and seed production after single visits by honey bees and bumble bees. The differences between the taxa disappeared when they were foraging in a similar manner. Our results clearly demonstrate the importance of foraging behavior on the pollination effectiveness of floral visitors.  相似文献   

The present study reports results of qualitative melissopalynological analyses of Finnish honey between the years 2000–2007 and changes in its pollen content from the period 1960–2007. Altogether the pollen content of 734 honey samples was analysed with an average of 415 pollen grains counted from a sample. Pollen of Trifolium repens type, Rubus spp., Salix spp. and the Brassicaceae family were present in more than 90% of the samples, and these pollen types were also found in the highest proportions. Annual variation in the relative amounts of the most numerous pollen types could be as high as 10%. On the basis of the pollen spectra of the honey samples, four regions of forage plants for bees could be identified in Finland. In the period between 1960 and 2007, the most marked change observed was that the percentage of the Trifolium spp. pollen type had decreased from 70% to 10%, while the proportions of Brassicaceae and Rosaceae pollen types showed a corresponding increase.  相似文献   

This study is the first contribution to knowledge of the relationships between Geotrigona argentina and the plants of the Argentine Dry Chaco forest. A total of 1260 g of honey (corresponding to 146 pots) and 763 g of pollen (63 pots) stored in four underground nests was studied. The honey pots from each nest were homogenised and the four honey samples were analysed by melissopalynological methods, whereas the pollen pots were studied individually. Both classical counts and counts affected by the volume of the pollen types were carried out. Pollen data were statistically analysed. Additional data on both protein and lipid content is also provided. A total of 39 pollen taxa were identified. Pollen collection was focused on a few pollen taxa: Prosopis, Castela coccinea, Maytenus and Capparis; these taxa, together with Ziziphus mistol and Pisonia zapallo, were also important nectar sources. The preliminary results show that pollen collection varied seasonally, being most diverse in the summer when G. argentina incorporates herbaceous plants into its diet. The pollen collection spectrum of G. argentina is similar to that of other Trigonina bees in that the main plant species collected are a few large shrubs or trees, whose flowering consists of small and clustered flowers. Pots with large amounts of monofloral loads with pollen from only a few species suggests an organised foraging behaviour that includes the recruitment of foragers, such as that observed in other eusocial bees.  相似文献   

Maria C. Telleria 《Grana》2013,52(5):302-307
The plants foraged by Polybia scutellaris were studied by analysing the pollen of honey collected from six nests. 34 morphological types were identified. These honeys showed a predominance of Poaceae and Cyperaceae pollen. The main access to anemophilous pollen is through the honeydew produced by Claviceps in Paspalum dilatatum. The principal sources of nectar were the native “Astereae” (Aster squamatus, Baccharis sp. and Solidago chilensis) and Eucalyptus sp. When collecting honeydew and nectar, wasps foraged plants close to their nest. Most of the plants visited belonged to a dense population. The successive flowering reflected in these honeys, shows that wasps also consume honey in summer and that it is not all stored for the winter season.  相似文献   

Little is known of the potential coevolution of flowers and bees in changing, biodiverse environments. Female solitary bees, megachilids and Centris , and their nest pollen provisions were monitored with trap nests over a 17-year period in a tropical Mexican biosphere reserve. Invasion by feral Apis (i.e. Africanized honey bees) occurred after the study began, and major droughts and hurricanes occurred throughout. Honey bee competition, and ostensibly pollination of native plants, caused changes in local pollination ecology. Shifts in floral hosts by native bees were common and driven by plant phylogenetics, whereby plants of the same families or higher taxa were substituted for those dominated by honey bees or lost as a result of natural processes. Two important plant families, Anacardiaceae and Euphorbiaceae, were lost to competing honey bees, but compensated for by greater use of Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, and Sapotaceae among native bees. Natural disasters made a large negative impact on native bee populations, but the sustained presence of Africanized honey bees did not. Over 171 plant species comprised the pollen diets of the honey bees, including those most important to Centris and megachilids (72 and 28 species, respectively). Honey bee pollination of Pouteria (Sapotaceae) plausibly augmented the native bees' primary pollen resource and prevented their decline. Invasive generalist pollinators may, however, cause specialized competitors to fail, especially in less biodiverse environments.  No claim to original US government works. Journal compilation © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 152–160.  相似文献   

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