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Cytochrome P450cam (P450cam) catalyzes the monooxygenation of D-camphor. During the enzymatic reaction, oxyferrous, D-camphor-bound P450cam forms a binary complex with reduced putidaredoxin as an obligatory reaction intermediate. We have found that reduced putidaredoxin undergoes EPR-detectable conformational changes upon formation of the intermediate complex and also upon formation of a binary complex with CO- or NO-ferrous, D-camphor-bound P450cam. The structural changes in putidaredoxin are almost identical irrespective of the ligand bound to P450cam, and distinct from and significantly larger than those induced by unliganded ferrous P450cam. The binary complex formation also induce conformational alterations in the CO- and NO-ferrous, D-camphor-bound P450cam, thereby evoking simultaneous changes in the structure of the two proteins. A molecular basis and roles of such structural changes in the D-camphor monooxygenation are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450cam, the bacterial hemeprotein which catalyzes the 5-exo-hydroxylation of d-camphor, requires two electrons to activate molecular oxygen for this monooxygenase reaction. These two electrons are transferred to cytochrome P-450cam in two one-electron steps by the physiological reductant, putidaredoxin. The present study of the kinetics of reduction of cytochrome P-450cam by reduced putidaredoxin has shown that the reaction obeys first order kinetics with a rate constant of 33 s-1 at 25 degrees C with respect to: 1) the appearance of the carbon monoxide complex of Fe(II) cytochrome P-450cam; 2) the disappearance of the 645 nm absorbance band of high-spin Fe(III) cytochrome P-450cam; and 3) the disappearance of the g = 1.94 EPR signal of reduced putidaredoxin. This data was interpreted as indicative of the rapid formation of a bimolecular complex between reduced putidaredoxin Fe(III) cytochrome P-450cam. The existence of the complex was first shown indirectly by kinetic analysis and secondly directly by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of samples which were freeze-quenched approximately 16 ms after mixing. The direct evidence for complex formation was the loss of the EPR signal of Fe(III) cytochrome P-450cam upon formation of the complex while the EPR signal of reduced putidaredoxin decays with the same kinetics as the appearance of Fe(II) cytochrome P-450. The mechanism of the loss of the EPR signal of cytochrome P-450 upon formation of the complex is not apparent at this time but may involve a conformational change of cytochrome P-450cam following complex formation.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450cam active site is known to be perturbed by binding to its redox partner, putidaredoxin (Pdx). Pdx binding also enhances the camphor monooxygenation reaction (Nagano, S., Shimada, H., Tarumi, A., Hishiki, T., Kimata-Ariga, Y., Egawa, T., Suematsu, M., Park, S.-Y., Adachi, S., Shiro, Y., and Ishimura, Y. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 14507-14514). These effects are unique to Pdx because nonphysiological electron donors are unable to support camphor monooxygenation. The accompanying 1H NMR paper (Tosha, T., Yoshioka, S., Ishimori, K., and Morishima, I. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 42836-42843) shows that the conformation of active site residues, Thr-252 and Cys-357, and the substrate in the ferrous (Fe(II)) CO complex of the L358P mutant mimics that of the wild-type enzyme complexed to Pdx. To explore how these changes are transmitted from the Pdx-binding site to the active site, we have solved the crystal structures of the ferrous and ferrous-CO complex of wild-type and the L358P mutant. Comparison of these structures shows that the L358P mutation results in the movement of Arg-112, a residue known to be important for putidaredoxin binding, toward the heme. This change could optimize the Pdx-binding site leading to a higher affinity for Pdx. The mutation also pushes the heme toward the substrate and ligand binding pocket, which relocates the substrate to a position favorable for regio-selective hydroxylation. The camphor is held more firmly in place as indicated by a lower average temperature factor. Residues involved in the catalytically important proton shuttle system in the I helix are also altered by the mutation. Such conformational alterations and the enhanced reactivity of the mutant oxy complex with non-physiological electron donors suggest that Pdx binding optimizes the distal pocket for monooxygenation of camphor.  相似文献   

The P450cam monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida consists of three redox proteins: NADH-putidaredoxin reductase (Pdr), putidaredoxin (Pdx), and cytochrome P450cam. The redox properties of the FAD-containing Pdr and the mechanism of Pdr-Pdx complex formation are the least studied aspects of this system. We have utilized laser flash photolysis techniques to produce the one-electron-reduced species of Pdr, to characterize its spectral and electron-transferring properties, and to investigate the mechanism of its interaction with Pdx. Upon flash-induced reduction by 5-deazariboflavin semiquinone, the flavoprotein forms a blue neutral FAD semiquinone (FADH(*)). The FAD semiquinone was unstable and partially disproportionated into fully oxidized and fully reduced flavin. The rate of FADH(*) decay was dependent on ionic strength and NAD(+). In the mixture of Pdr and Pdx, where the flavoprotein was present in excess, electron transfer (ET) from FADH(*) to the iron-sulfur cluster was observed. The Pdr-to-Pdx ET rates were maximal at an ionic strength of 0.35 where a kinetic dissociation constant (K(d)) for the transient Pdr-Pdx complex and a limiting k(obs) value were equal to 5 microM and 226 s(-1), respectively. This indicates that FADH(*) is a kinetically significant intermediate in the turnover of P450cam monooxygenase. Transient kinetics as a function of ionic strength suggest that, in contrast to the Pdx-P450cam redox couple where complex formation is predominantly electrostatic, the Pdx-Pdr association is driven by nonelectrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 are versatile heme-based enzymes responsible for vital life processes. Of these, P450cam (substrate camphor) has been most studied. Despite this, precise mechanisms of the key O─O cleavage step remain partly elusive to date; effects observed in various enzyme mutants remain partly unexplained. We have carried out extended (to 1000 ns) MM-MD and follow-on quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics computations, both on the well-studied FeOO state and on Cpd(0) (compound 0). Our simulations include (all camphor-bound): (a) WT (wild type), FeOO state. (b) WT, Cpd(0). (c) Pdx (Putidaredoxin, redox partner of P450)-docked-WT, FeOO state. (d) Pdx-docked WT, Cpd(0). (e) Pdx-docked T252A mutant, Cpd(0). Among our key findings: (a) Effect of Pdx docking appears to go far beyond that indicated in prior studies: it leads to specific alterations in secondary structure that create the crucial proton relay network. (b) Specific proton relay networks we identify are: FeOO(H)⋯T252⋯nH 2O⋯D251 in WT; FeOO(H)⋯nH 2O⋯D251 in T252A mutant; both occur with Pdx docking. (c) Direct interaction of D251 with –FeOOH is, respectively, rare/frequent in WT/T252A mutant. (d) In WT, T252 is in the proton relay network. (e) Positioning of camphor appears significant: when camphor is part of H-bonding network, second protonation appears to be facilitated.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) catalyzes the oxidation of D(+)-camphor at the 5 position. The enzyme couples the reduction of dioxygen to the oxidation of the substrate. To transfer electrons from the reductant (NADH) to the cytochrome, two additional proteins are required. These are putidaredoxin (PdX) and putidaredoxin reductase (PdR). We have chemically linked a form of PdX with a histidine tag at the C-terminus to the P450. To accomplish this, we have modified cysteine 334 on P450 with a bipyridinyl group, and co-ordinated the C-terminal histidine tag of PdX by the addition of Ni2+ or Ru3+. The Ru3+ complex was the most stable. The non-linked system gave mostly 5-ketocamphor, a product of two consecutive hydroxylations, and H2O2, a product of 2-electron uncoupling. The Ni2+ complex gave both 5-exo-hydroxycamphor and 5-ketocamphor, but it also uncoupled. The Ru3+ complex gave a single product (5-exo-hydroxycamphor) and did not uncouple at the optimal PdR concentration. Our results are consistent with other studies of this system, in that strong binding of PdX to P450 is crucial for good coupling and for release of 5-exo-hydroxycamphor.  相似文献   

A study of the single turnover kinetics of the reaction between oxycytochrome P-450cam and reduced putidaredoxin was performed using the inhibitor metyrapone to trap the cytochrome immediately after release of the product, 5-exo-hydroxycamphor. EPR determinations of the concentrations of reduced putidaredoxin and ferric metyrapone-bound cytochrome at the same time points showed that there is no time lag between the oxidation of reduced putidaredoxin and the appearance of metyrapone-bound cytochrome. This implies that the rate constant for electron transfer is smaller than the rate constant for the later processes involved in product formation and release, lumped into a single step. Taking this restriction into account and doing computer simulation of absorbance versus time curves, previously obtained at various putidaredoxin concentrations using stopped-flow spectrophotometry, allowed bounds to be determined for rate constants of the processes within the reaction. At 4 degrees C in buffer at pH 7.4 with 0.50 M KCl, the rate constant for the bimolecular association of the two enzymes is between 3 and 20/microM.s; the rate constant for dissociation is between 12 and 600/s; the rate constant for electron transfer is between 60 and 100/s; and the rate constant for the later processes is at least 200/s.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant putidaredoxin reductase (Pdr), an FAD-containing NADH-dependent flavoprotein component of the cytochrome P450cam monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida, has been determined to 1.90 A resolution. The protein has a fold similar to that of disulfide reductases and consists of the FAD-binding, NAD-binding, and C-terminal domains. Compared to homologous flavoenzymes, the reductase component of biphenyl dioxygenase (BphA4) and apoptosis-inducing factor, Pdr lacks one of the arginine residues that compensates partially for the negative charge on the pyrophosphate of FAD. This uncompensated negative charge is likely to decrease the electron-accepting ability of the flavin. The aromatic side-chain of the "gatekeeper" Tyr159 is in the "out" conformation and leaves the nicotinamide-binding site of Pdr completely open. The presence of electron density in the NAD-binding channel indicates that NAD originating from Escherichia coli is partially bound to Pdr. A structural comparison of Pdr with homologous flavoproteins indicates that an open and accessible nicotinamide-binding site, the presence of an acidic residue in the middle part of the NAD-binding channel that binds the nicotinamide ribose, and multiple positively charged arginine residues surrounding the entrance of the NAD-binding channel are the special structural elements that assist tighter and more specific binding of the oxidized pyridine nucleotide by the BphA4-like flavoproteins. The crystallographic model of Pdr explains differences in the electron transfer mechanism in the Pdr-putidaredoxin redox couple and their mammalian counterparts, adrenodoxin reductase and adrenodoxin.  相似文献   

Apoprotein formation and heme reconstitution of cytochrome P-450cam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apoprotein suitable for heme reconstitution has been prepared by an acid/butanone extraction of cytochrome P-450cam at pH 2.5. Absorption spectra of apo-P-450cam indicate less than 2% residual holoenzyme. Four tryptophan residues per molecule were estimated from the aromatic absorbance region of denatured apoprotein. Heme-reconstituted holoprotein was purified in 30% yield to a specific activity equivalent to the native enzyme. Absorption and EPR spectra of 57Fe- and 54Fe-heme-enriched P-450cam reveal complete restoration of the native active site.  相似文献   

Stability of the [2Fe-2S]-containing putidaredoxin (Pdx), the electron donor to cytochrome P450cam in Pseudomonas putida, was improved by mutating non-ligating cysteine residues, Cys73 and Cys85, to serine singly and in combination. The increasing order of stability is Cys73Ser/Cys85Ser>Cys73Ser>Cys85Ser>WT Pdx. Crystal structures of Cys73Ser/Cys85Ser and Cys73Ser mutants of Pdx, solved by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing using the [2Fe-2S] iron atoms to 1.47 A and 1.65 A resolution, respectively, are nearly identical and very similar to those of bovine adrenodoxin (Adx) and Escherichia coli ferredoxin. However, unlike the Adx structure, no motion between the core and interaction domains of Pdx is observed. This higher conformational stability of Pdx might be due to the presence of a more extensive hydrogen bonding network at the interface between the two structural domains around the conserved His49. In particular, formation of a hydrogen bond between the side-chain of Tyr51 and the carbonyl oxygen atom of Glu77 and the presence of two well-ordered water molecules linking the interaction domain and the C-terminal peptide to the core of the molecule are unique to Pdx. The folding topology of the NMR model is similar to that of the X-ray structure of Pdx. The overall rmsd of Calpha positions between the two models is 1.59 A. The largest positional differences are observed for residues 18-21 and 33-37 in the loop regions and the C terminus. The latter two peptides display conformational heterogeneity in the crystal structures. Owing to flexibility, the aromatic ring of the C-terminal Trp106 can closely approach the side-chains of Asp38 and Thr47 (3.2-3.9 A) or move away and leave the active site solvent-exposed. Therefore, Trp106, previously shown to be important in the Pdr-to-Pdx and Pdx-to-P450cam electron transfer reactions is in a position to regulate and/or mediate electron transfer to or from the [2Fe-2S] center of Pdx.  相似文献   

We have previously shown [Badyal, S. K., et al. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 24512-24520] that the distal histidine (His42) in the W41A variant of ascorbate peroxidase binds to the heme iron in the ferric form of the protein but that binding of the substrate triggers a conformational change in which His42 dissociates from the heme. In this work, we show that this conformational rearrangement also occurs upon reduction of the heme iron. Thus, we present X-ray crystallographic data to show that reduction of the heme leads to dissociation of His42 from the iron in the ferrous form of W41A; spectroscopic and ligand binding data support this observation. Structural evidence indicates that heme reduction occurs through formation of a reduced, bis-histidine-ligated species that subsequently decays by dissociation of His42 from the heme. Collectively, the data provide clear evidence that conformational movement within the same heme active site can be controlled by both ligand binding and metal oxidation state. These observations are consistent with emerging data on other, more complex regulatory and sensing heme proteins, and the data are discussed in the context of our developing views in this area.  相似文献   

We have investigated the osmotic pressure dependence of the association between ferric cytochrome P450cam and putidaredoxin (Pdx) to gain an insight into the role of water molecules in the P450cam-reduced Pdx complexation amenable to physiological electron transfer. The association constant was evaluated from the electron transfer rates from reduced Pdx to P450cam. The natural logarithm of the association constant K(a) was linearly reduced by the osmotic pressure, and osmotic stress yields uptake of 25 waters upon association. In contrast, uptake of only 13 waters is observed from the osmotic pressure dependence of the association in the nonphysiological redox partners P450cam and oxidized Pdx. Although general protein-protein associations proceed through dehydration around the complex interface, the interfacial waters could mediate hydrogen-bonding interactions. Therefore, about 10 more interfacial waters imply an additional water-mediated hydrogen-bonding network in the P450cam.reduced Pdx complex, which does not exist in the complex with oxidized Pdx. It is also possible that the water-mediated hydrogen-bonding interactions support a high P450cam affinity for reduced (K(a) = 0.83 microm(-1)) relative to oxidized (K(a) = 0.058 microm(-1)) Pdx. This study points to a novel role of solvents in assisting redox state-dependent interaction between P450cam and Pdx.  相似文献   

We have performed resonance Raman and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on the dioxygen bound state of the D251N mutant of cytochrome P450cam (oxy-P450cam) and its complex with reduced putidaredoxin (Pd). The D251N oxy-P450cam/Pd complex has a perturbed proton delivery mechanism and shows a significantly red-shifted UV-visible spectrum as observed in Benson et al. [Benson, D. E., Suslick, K. S., and Sligar, S. G. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 5104-5107]. The red shift has been interpreted to indicate a major perturbation of the electronic structure of the oxy-heme complex. However, we find no evidence that electron transfer has occurred from Pd to the heme active site of D251N oxy-P450cam. This suggests that both electron and proton transfer are perturbed by the D251N mutation and that these processes may be coupled. Three oxygen isotope sensitive Raman features are identified in the Pd complex, and occur at 1137, 536, and 399 cm(-1). These values are not significantly different from those for WT or D251N oxy-P450cam. However, a careful examination of the oxygen stretching feature near 1137 cm(-1) reveals the presence of three peaks at 1131, 1138, and 1146 cm(-1), which we attribute to the presence of conformational substates in oxy-P450cam. A significant change in the conformational substate population is observed for the D251N oxy-P450cam when the Pd complex is formed. We suggest that the conformational population redistribution of oxy-P450cam, along with the red-shifted electronic spectra, reflects a structural equilibrium of the oxy-heme that is perturbed upon Pd binding. We propose that this structural perturbation is connected to the effector function of Pd and may involve changes in the electron donation properties of the thiolate ligand.  相似文献   

Spin state transitions of membrane-bound cytochrome P-450 were investigated by difference spectrophotometry using the 'D'-charge transfer absorbance band at 645 nm as a measure of the amount of hemin iron present in the 5-coordinated state. The magnitude of the 'D'-absorbance band in the absence of exogenous substrates, e.g., the concentration of native high spin cytochrome P-450, was evaluated from the difference in absorbance at 645 nm between ferric cytochrome P-450 and the carbon monoxide derivative of the pigment in its ferrous state. The contribution of the native high spin species to the total cytochrome P-450 content of microsomes was calculated to be between 40% and 65% after induction with phenobarbital and polycyclic hydrocarbons, respectively. Up to 80% of the cytochrome P-450 was found to be present in the high spin state after the addition of exogenous substrates. Further, the steady state concentrations of high spin cytochrome P-450, observed in the presence of reduced pyridine nucleotides, suggest that the rate limiting step for microsomal mixed function oxidation reactions is variable and dependent on the substrate under investigation.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional and structural characterization of a crucial cytochrome P450cam (P450cam)-putidaredoxin (Pdx) complex, we utilized a mutant whose spectroscopic property corresponds to the properties of the wild type P450cam in the presence of Pdx. The 1H NMR spectrum of the carbonmonoxy adduct of the mutant, the Leu-358 --> Pro mutant (L358P), in the absence of Pdx showed that the ring current-shifted signals arising from d-camphor were upfield-shifted and observed as resolved signals, which are typical for the wild type enzyme in the presence of Pdx. Signals from the beta-proton of the axial cysteine and the gamma-methyl group of Thr-252 were also shifted upfield and down-field, respectively, in the L358P mutant as observed for Pdx-bound wild type P450cam. The close similarity in the NMR spectra suggests that the heme environment of the L358P mutant mimics that of the Pdx-bound enzyme. The functional analysis of the L358P mutant has revealed that the oxygen adduct of the L358P mutant can promote the oxygenation reaction for d-camphor with nonphysiological electron donors such as dithionite and ascorbic acid, showing that oxygenated L358P is "activated" to receive electron from the donor. Based on the structural and functional characterization of the L358P mutant, we conclude that the Pdx-induced structural changes in P450cam would facilitate the electron transfer from the electron donor, and the Pdx binding to P450cam would be a trigger for the electron transfer to oxygenated P450cam.  相似文献   

Combined QM/MM calculations of the active-site of cytochrome P450cam have been performed before and after the binding of P450cam to putidaredoxin. The calculations were carried out for both a 5-coordinated and a 6-coordinated active-site of cytochrome P450cam, with either a water molecule or a carbon monoxide molecule as a 6th distal ligand. An experimentally observed increase in the Fe-S stretching frequency that occurs after cytochrome P450cam binds to putidaredoxin, has been reproduced in our study. Experimentally observed changes in the Fe-C and C-O vibration frequencies that occur after binding of both proteins, have also been reproduced in our study. The computed increase of the Fe-S and Fe-C stretching frequencies is correlated with a corresponding decrease of the Fe-S and Fe-C interatomic distances. According to our calculations, for the active-site with carbon monoxide in the triplet electronic state, the binding process increases the spin densities on the iron and sulfur atoms, which changes the Fe-C and C-O stretching frequencies in opposite directions, in agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

In hemoproteins the relaxation mechanism of iron is Orbach for high spin (HS) and Raman for low spin (LS). We found that in met-hemoglobin and met-myoglobin, under conditions in which the two spin states coexist, both the HS and the LS states relax to the lattice through Orbach-like processes. Alos, very short (approximately 1 ns) and temperature independent transverse relaxation times T2 were estimated. This may result from the unusual electronic structure of mixed states hemoproteins that allows thermal equilibrium and interconversion of the spin states.  相似文献   

High-resolution crystal structure of cytochrome P450cam   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The crystal structure of Pseudomonas putida cytochrome P450cam with its substrate, camphor, bound has been refined to R = 0.19 at a normal resolution of 1.63 A. While the 1.63 A model confirms our initial analysis based on the 2.6 A model, the higher resolution structure has revealed important new details. These include a more precise assignment of sequence to secondary structure, the identification of three cis-proline residues, and a more detailed picture of substrate-protein interactions. In addition, 204 ordered solvent molecules have been found, one of which appears to be a cation. The cation stabilizes an unfavorable polypeptide conformation involved in forming part of the active site pocket, suggesting that the cation may be the metal ion binding site associated with the well-known ability of metal ions to enhance formation of the enzyme-substrate complex. Another unusual polypeptide conformation forms the proposed oxygen-binding pocket. A localized distortion and widening of the distal helix provides a pocket for molecular oxygen. An intricate system of side-chain to backbone hydrogen bonds aids in stabilizing the required local disruption in helical geometry. Sequence homologies strongly suggest a common oxygen-binding pocket in all P450 species. Further sequence comparisons between P450 species indicate common three-dimensional structures with changes focused in a region of the molecule postulated to be associated with the control of substrate specificity.  相似文献   

We investigated putidaredoxin-induced structural changes in carbonmonoxy P450cam by using NMR spectroscopy. The resonance from the beta-proton of the axial cysteine was upfield shifted by 0.12 ppm upon the putidaredoxin binding, indicating that the axial cysteine approaches to the heme-iron by about 0.1 A. The approach of the axial cysteine to the heme-iron would enhance the electronic donation from the axial thiolate to the heme-iron, resulting in the enhanced heterolysis of the dioxygen bond. In addition to the structural perturbation on the axial ligand, the structural changes in the substrate and ligand binding site were observed. The resonances from the 5-exo- and 9-methyl-protons of d-camphor, which were newly identified in this study, were upfield shifted by 1.28 and 0.20 ppm, respectively, implying that d-camphor moves to the heme-iron by 0.15-0.7 A. Based on the radical rebound mechanism, the approach of d-camphor to the heme-iron could promote the oxygen transfer reaction. On the other hand, the downfield shift of the resonance from the gamma-methyl group of Thr-252 reflects the movement of the side chain away from the heme-iron by approximately 0.25 A. Because Thr-252 regulates the heterolysis of the dioxygen bond, the positional rearrangement of Thr-252 might assist the scission of the dioxygen bond. We, therefore, conclude that putidaredoxin induces the specific heme environmental changes of P450cam, which would facilitate the oxygen activation and the oxygen transfer reaction.  相似文献   

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