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All societies possess and cherish group fantasies, programs of travels through imaginary space. Although such culturally shaped flights of the imagination influence collective behavior, they are neither an acknowledged part of public discourse nor coterminous with "implicit" or "covert" culture. Two strikingly different fantasies of Suriname's Maroons reveal the main dimensions of collective fantasies.  相似文献   

Most of the mutations within the PLP gene result in degeneration of oligodendrocytes and this is believed to be caused by intracellular trafficking defects. Previous studies have demonstrated that cells expressing the wild type PLP gene release a factor promoting differentiation/survival of oligodendrocyte and that this factor is the C-terminal portion of the protein itself. In this study we asked how the naturally occurring mutations of the PLP gene (jimpy, jimpy msd, and rumpshaker) affect this activity. We developed a transient expression system for retroviral production and transduction that enabled the expression of mutant PLP/DM20 cDNAs in NIH3T3 cells. None of the NIH3T3 cells producing mutant PLP/DM20s secreted the PLP-related factor that increases the number of oligodendrocytes. Since it has been shown that rumpshaker DM20 can be transported to the cell surface, but its folding is incorrect, absence of secretion of this factor is more heavily attributable to incorrect protein folding than to the defect in the PLP/DM20 trafficking.  相似文献   

Competition is often most intense between similar sized organisms that have similar ecological requirements. Many coral reef fish species settle preferentially to live coral at the end of their larval phase where they interact with other species that recruited to the same habitat patch at a similar time. Mortality is high and usually selective and individuals must compete for low risk space. This study examined the competitive interactions between two species of juvenile damselfish and the extent to which interactions that occurred within a recruitment cohort established the disjunct distribution patterns that were displayed in later life stages. Censuses and field experiments with juveniles found that one species, the ambon damsel, was dominant immediately after settlement and pushed the subordinate species higher up the reef and further from shelter. Presence of a competitor resulted in reduced growth for both species. Juvenile size was the best predictor of competitive success and outweighed the effects of short term prior residency. Size at settlement also dramatically influenced survival, with slightly larger individuals displaying higher aggression, pushing the subordinate species into higher risk habitats. While subordinates had higher feeding rates, they also sustained higher mortality. The study highlights the importance of interaction dynamics between species within a recruitment cohort to patterns of growth and distribution of species within communities.  相似文献   

We used gene sequencing to determine whether clinical (sporadic, epidemic, and endemic) and environmental isolates of Legionella pneumophila serogroup (sg) 1 belong to specific lineages. A total of 178 clinical and environmental L. pneumophila sg 1 isolates, defined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and epidemiological data as sporadic, epidemic, or endemic, were analyzed for polymorphisms in five gene fragments. The fragments belonged to three housekeeping genes (coding for aconitase [acn], aspartate-β-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [asd], and RNA polymerase β subunit [rpoB]) and two surface protein genes (coding for the macrophage infectivity potentiator [mip] and the major outer membrane protein [mompS]). The phylogenetic tree inferred from sequence polymorphisms of the five genes identified two large clusters, one consisting of 133 poorly differentiated strains and containing two smaller clusters (10 and 2 strains) unrelated to each other and the other consisting of 42 strains. Clinical and environmental isolates could not be distinguished on this basis, and no link between genetic background and epidemiological type was found, suggesting that other factors are responsible for differences in pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Lactococcal phages Tuc2009 and TP901-1 possess a conserved tail fiber called a tail-associated lysin (referred to as Tal2009 for Tuc2009, and Tal901-1 for TP901-1), suspended from their tail tips that projects a peptidoglycan hydrolase domain toward a potential host bacterium. Tal2009 and Tal901-1 can undergo proteolytic processing mid-protein at the glycine-rich sequence GG(S/N)SGGG, removing their C-terminal structural lysin. In this study, we show that the peptidoglycan hydrolase of these Tal proteins is an M23 peptidase that exhibits d-Ala-d-Asp endopeptidase activity and that this activity is required for efficient infection of stationary phase cells. Interestingly, the observed proteolytic processing of Tal2009 and Tal901-1 facilitates increased host adsorption efficiencies of the resulting phages. This represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of tail fiber proteolytic processing that results in a heterogeneous population of two phage types. Phages that possess a full-length tail fiber, or a truncated derivative, are better adapted to efficiently infect cells with an extensively cross-linked cell wall or infect with increased host-adsorption efficiencies, respectively.  相似文献   

Water is essential for all living organisms because it acts as a major solvent and reaction medium. Terrestrial animals may lose water through evaporation and excretion and consequently have evolved strategies to balance their water budget by either minimising losses or by gaining water. The major pathway to gain water is via food intake, although many animals additionally drink free water. Spiders acquire substantial amounts of water by ingesting enzymatically liquefied prey. However, this may not account for the water needs of some species. We tested whether drinking is essential for orb web spiders of the genus Argiope by experimentally manipulating the diet (flies or crickets) and water supply (no water or a daily shower) to females and then measuring their subsequent drinking behaviour. Individuals of Argiope trifasciata, which are typically found in dry habitats, increased their body mass when fed crickets but not when fed flies. However, spiders deprived of water subsequently ingested significantly more water than spiders that received water every day, regardless of their feeding regime. This pattern was replicated in Argiope aetherea, which is found in the tropics and perhaps less likely to be water deprived in natural populations. Our results reveal that drinking allows these spiders to realise their water balance independent from the nutritional status. We suggest that the spiders may need to drink fresh water to process ingested nutrients.  相似文献   



Peer influence and social networking can change female adolescent and young adult behavior. Peer influence on preferences for male human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination has not been documented. The primary aim of this study was to determine if women had preferences about male sexual partner HPV vaccination receipt.

Methods and Findings

A prospective survey of women 18–26 years of age was conducted at an urban university student health clinic. Education about the two HPV vaccines, cervical cancer and genital warts was provided. Women self-reported their demographic and medical history data, as well as their own preferences for HPV vaccine and their preferences for their male partner HPV vaccine using a 5 point Likert scale. 601 women, mean age of 21.5 years (SD 2.4), participated between 2011 and 2012. Nearly 95% of respondents were heterosexual; condoms and contraceptives were used in over half of the population. Regardless of the woman''s vaccination status, women had significantly higher (strongly agree/agree) preferences for the male partner being vaccinated with HPV4 than not caring if he was vaccinated (63.6% vs. 13.1%, p<0.001). This preference was repeated for sexual risk factors and past reproductive medical history. Women who received HPV4 compared to those choosing HPV2 had a significantly lower proportion of preferences for not caring if the male partner was vaccinated (13% vs. 22%, p = 0.015).


Women preferred a HPV vaccinated male partner. Peer messaging might change the male HPV vaccination uptake.  相似文献   

What It Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee: Apes, People, and Their Genes. Jonathan Marks. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 325 pp.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is driven through infected host cytoplasm by a comet tail of actin filaments that serves to project the bacterium out of the cell surface, in pseudopodia, to invade neighboring cells. The characteristics of pseudopodia differ according to the infected cell type. In PtK2 cells, they reach a maximum length of ~15 μm and can gyrate actively for several minutes before reentering the same or an adjacent cell. In contrast, the pseudopodia of the macrophage cell line DMBM5 can extend to >100 μm in length, with the bacteria at their tips moving at the same speed as when at the head of comet tails in bulk cytoplasm. We have now isolated the pseudopodia from PtK2 cells and macrophages and determined the organization of actin filaments within them. It is shown that they possess a major component of long actin filaments that are more or less splayed out in the region proximal to the bacterium and form a bundle along the remainder of the tail. This axial component of filaments is traversed by variable numbers of short, randomly arranged filaments whose number decays along the length of the pseudopodium. The tapering of the tail is attributed to a grading in length of the long, axial filaments.

The exit of a comet tail from bulk cytoplasm into a pseudopodium is associated with a reduction in total F-actin, as judged by phalloidin staining, the shedding of α-actinin, and the accumulation of ezrin. We propose that this transition reflects the loss of a major complement of short, random filaments from the comet, and that these filaments are mainly required to maintain the bundled form of the tail when its borders are not restrained by an enveloping pseudopodium membrane. A simple model is put forward to explain the origin of the axial and randomly oriented filaments in the comet tail.




We aimed to assess the correlation between muscle strength and muscle mass based on sex and age, and their association with walking speed, which is a health predictor for independent living, in elderly Japanese individuals.


The participants included 318 (111 men, 207 women) community-dwelling elderly Japanese individuals aged ≥65 years. Knee extension strength was assessed as an indicator of muscle strength, and bioelectrical impedance analysis was used to measure muscle mass. The maximum walking speed of participants was recorded. All measurements were categorized based on sex and age groups as follows: young-old (age, 65–74 years) and old-old (age, ≥75 years).


Appendicular muscle mass and knee extension strength decreased with age in both men and women. In men, knee extension strength showed significant positive correlations with leg and appendicular muscle mass in both young-old and old-old age groups. However, in women, only the old-old age group showed significant positive correlations between knee extension strength and leg and appendicular muscle mass. Muscle strength was significantly positively correlated with maximum walking speed in all groups, whereas muscle mass was not significantly correlated with maximum walking speed in men and women.


Muscle strength was significantly correlated with muscle mass in both age groups in men. However, in women, the correlation between muscle strength and muscle mass differed according to age. This finding suggests that the relationship between muscle strength and muscle mass differs according to sex and age. Muscle strength showed significant correlation with walking speed in both men and women in both age groups. These findings suggest that it is necessary to recognize that muscle strength is different from muscle mass, and that an individualized approach to prevent decline of muscle strength and muscle mass is necessary for health promotion in elderly.  相似文献   

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