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Amino acid deprivation of chick embryo cells enhances the synthesis of four proteins whose molecular weights are approx. 89000, 73000, 35000 and 27000. This enhancement, which is seen in medium completely free of amino acids, can be prevented by the addition of any single amino acid. Furthermore, in the absence of amino acids in the medium, DNA and RNA synthesis is markedly inhibited, an effect which is similarly prevented by the addition of single amino acids. These new proteins synthesized in the amino acid-free medium co-migrate on one-dimensional gels with the ‘stress proteins’ induced by a variety of agents such as heavy metals, sulfhydryl reagents, heat shock, and amino acid analogues.  相似文献   

Sodium arsenite is one of a number of agents reported to induce a 30-34 kDa 'stress' protein in cells. Other agents which induce this stress protein, including diethyl maleate (DEM) and H2O2, have also been reported to be inducers of cystine transport in fibroblasts, macrophages, endothelial cells and other cell types. We have determined that micromolar levels of sodium arsenite increase cystine transport in bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAEC), resulting in increases in intracellular glutathione (GSH). The increase in cystine transport appears to be due to stimulation of the synthesis of a protein analogous to the xc- transport system, a sodium-independent system specific for cystine and glutamate. We have determined that this stimulation is maximal between 8-16 h after addition of sodium arsenite and is inhibited by exogenous GSH. Others have reported that synthesis of the 30-34 kDa stress protein is maximal between 2-4 h and returns to baseline by 6-10 h. We conclude that cystine transport may be considered a 'secondary' stress response and is likely to be modulated by sulfhydryl-reactive agents.  相似文献   

Induction of p53 protein expression by sodium arsenite   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Arsenic is carcinogen for humans and has been shown to act as an enhancer in initiated animal models. In a previous work we found impairment of lymphocyte proliferation in arsenic-exposed individuals and in vitro we obtained dose-related inhibition of mitotic response and lymphocyte proliferation. Intrigued by these effects and based on the role of p53 on cell proliferation, we tested different concentrations of sodium arsenite for their ability to induce the expression of tumor suppressor gene p53 in different cell lines (HeLa, C-33A, Jurkat) and a lymphoblast cell line transformed with Epstein–Barr virus (LCL-EBV). We also evaluated changes in their viability after 24 h arsenic treatment; C-33A cells showed the higher sensitivity to arsenic treatment while HeLa, Jurkat and LCL-EBV cells showed similar cytotoxicity curves. Immunoblots showed an increased expression of p53 gene with 1 μM sodium arsenite in Jurkat cells and 10 μM sodium arsenite in HeLa and LCL-EBV cells. In addition, we transfected Jurkat cells and human lymphocytes with wild-type and mutated p53 genes; lymphocytes and Jurkat cells that received the mutated p53 showed increased sensitivity to arsenic cytotoxicity. Data obtained indicate that arsenic induces p53 expression and that cells with a functional p53 contend better with damage induced by this metalloid.  相似文献   

Induction of gastrulation in the chick embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interaction between the epiblast and the primary hypoblast in chick blastula results in induction of the primitive streak (PS) in the epiblast. Alpha-amanitin, a specific inhibitor of poly A-containing RNA synthesis, inhibits formation of the definitive PS. This inhibition is associated with qualitative changes in the pattern of protein synthesis in the hypoblast but not in the epiblast. The protein pattern of the component areas of the epiblast shows increase in some polypeptides after treatment with alpha-amanitin. By contrast, alpha-amanitin resulted in a decrease in synthesis of several polypeptides, which are either undetectable or weakly present in the hypoblast. The alpha-amanitin-sensitive translational products of the embryonic genome that are observed in the hypoblast may have specific functions in the control of PS induction and stabilization.  相似文献   

Scorpion toxins, the basic miniprotiens of scorpion venom, stimulated the passive uptake of Na+ and Ca2+ in chick ermbryo heart cells. Half-maximum stimulation was obtained for 20–30 nM Na+ and 40–50 nM Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-activated Na+ and Ca2+ uptakes were fully inhibited by tetrodotoxin, a specific inhibitor of the action potential Na+ ionophore in excitable membranes. Half-maximum inhibition was obtained with the same concentration of tetrodotoxin (10 nm) for both Na+ and Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-stimulated Ca2+ uptake was dependent on extracellular Na+ concentration and was not inhibited by Ca2+ channel blocking drugs which are inactive on heart cell action potential. Thus, in heart cells scorpion toxin affects the passive Ca2+ transport, which is coupled to passive Na+ ionphore. Other results suggest that (1) tetrodotoxin and scorpion toxin bind to different sites of the sarcolemma and (2) binding of scorpion toxin to its specific sites may unmask latent tetrodotoxin — sensitive fast channels.  相似文献   

Endodermal cells were isolated from yolk sacs of 3-day chick embryos and cultured for 6 days in Eagle's minimal essential media plus 10% fetal calf serum. During this period cells rapidly lost their ability to synthesize DNA as judged by [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. In spite of this loss of DNA synthesis serum protein synthesis and secretion remained at a constant 45% of total protein synthesis and secretion. This was determined by immunoprecipitation of culture media using antibodies directed against embryonic chick serum proteins. Media were also analyzed for the synthesis and secretion of specific serum proteins using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The relative synthesis and secretion of the individual serum proteins followed that previously observed in ovo with the exception of alpha-globulin-a which became undetectable. When culture media were supplemented with ovalbumin or insulin the relative synthesis and secretion of certin specific serum proteins were altered. However, analysis of these same media samples showed that the total amounts of serum protein synthesis and secretion were unaffected.  相似文献   

The activity of amino acid transport System A in avian fibroblasts was increased following incubation of the cells in a medium in which most of the NaCl normally present had been isoosmotically replaced by sucrose. This increase was detectable after 2 h of incubation, reached a maximum at about 4 h, and remained constant thereafter. Transfer of treated cells back to a normal medium resulted in decay of the induced transport activity, with a half-life of less than 2 h. Kinetic analysis revealed that the increase in transport activity arose from an increase in Vmax, with little change in Km. This induction of System A activity did not occur if an inhibitor of either RNA or protein synthesis was present in the modified medium. The use of various different solutes as replacements for NaCl in the incubation medium showed that, although each replacement caused a decrease in both cellular Na+ content and protein synthesis, only disaccharides produced the increase in amino acid transport activity. In addition, estimates of cell volume indicated that, even under iso-osmotic conditions, incubation in the sucrose-containing medium caused initial cell shrinkage, followed by swelling. It is concluded that this induction of System A activity is associated with a volume regulatory process and that this process probably accounts for the parallel responses previously observed when cells were incubated in hyperosmolar media. Induction of amino acid transport activity by this process is distinct from adaptive regulation, caused by amino acid starvation; but the two processes are not strictly additive, and so appear to converge at some step.  相似文献   

Scorpion toxins, the basic miniproteins of scorpion venom, stimulated the passive uptake of Na+ and Ca2+ in chick embryo heart cells. Half-maximum stimulation was obtained for 20-30 nM Na+ and 40-50 nM Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-activated Na+ and Ca2+ uptakes were fully inhibited by tetrodotoxin, a specific inhibitor of the action potential Na+ ionophore in excitable membranes. Half-maximum inhibition was obtained with the same concentration of tetrodotoxin (10 nM) for both Na+ and Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-stimulated Ca2+ uptake was dependent on extracellular Na+ concentration and was not inhibited by Ca2+ channel blocking drugs which are inactive on heart cell action potential. Thus, in heart cells scorpion toxin affects the passive Ca2+ transport, which is coupled to passive Na+ ionphore. Other results suggest that (1) tetrodotoxin and scorpion toxin bind to different sites of the sarcolemma and (2) binding of scorpion toxin to its specific sites may unmask latent tetrodotoxin - sensitive fast channels.  相似文献   

Summary When dissociated neuroretinal cells of the 9-day-old chick embryo were cultured, the cells formed monolayer sheets of somewhat flattened epithelial cells within 15 days after inoculation. During 15 to 30 days, numerous foci of non-pigmented epithelial cells were formed. During 30 to 50 days, melanin appeared in the cells of these foci. When amphotericin B (1 g/ml) was added to the culture medium on day 25 of culture, brown pigments appeared precociously, i.e. within the first two days, in the cells. The brown pigments were identified as melanins by histochemical and electron-microscopic methods. Induction of melanogenesis required continuous treatment with amphotericin B. With the precocious appearance of melanins, tyrosinase activity increased rapidly. This rapid increase in tyrosinase activity was inhibited by the addition of phenylthiourea or diethyl-dithiocarbamate. It was not enhanced by iodoacetamide, but was blocked by a low concentration of cycloheximide or actinomycin D. These findings indicate that amphotericin B induces de novo synthesis of tyrosinase rather than activation of pre-existing tyrosinase.  相似文献   

Kethoxal bis(thiosemicarbazone) induces the synthesis of four proteins (100 000, 70 000, 35 000 and 25 000 daltons) in normal chick embryo cells. The 70 000 dalton species is produced at the fastest rate 2 hr after exposure to the compound. Pulse-chase experiments revealed neither precursors nor products of these proteins and both actinomycin and cycloheximide inhibited their synthesis. Neither of the two substituents of the inducer, kethoxal or thiosemicarbazide, were active. The four proteins were induced in several other species, but human cells produced only three proteins (100 000, 70 000 and a different 30 000 dalton form).  相似文献   

Challenge of human or murine melanoma cells with sodium arsenite, heavy metals (Zn2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+), or thiol-reactive agents (p-chloromercuribenzoate and iodoacetamide) induced the synthesis of four stress proteins with molecular masses of 100, 90, 72 (a doublet), and 32 (human) or 34 (murine) kDa. Enhanced expression of the 32- and 34-kDa polypeptides (p32 and p34) preceded or paralleled the synthesis of the other stress proteins. Hyperthermia, the calcium ionophore A23187, and amino acid analogs (L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid and L-canavanine) induced the formation of the major stress proteins, but failed to increase synthesis of p32 and p34. Characterization of the dose and time dependence of p32 and p34 synthesis in human (A375) and murine (B16-F10) melanoma cells, respectively, indicated that these proteins were subject to similar regulatory mechanisms. Electrophoretic analysis of stressed cells pulsed with different metabolic precursors revealed that p32 and p34 were radiolabeled with [35S]methionine or 3H-amino acids but not by [3H]mannose or [35S]cysteine. Polyclonal antibodies raised against human p32 cross-reacted with murine p34. These data suggest that p32 and p34 are closely regulated human and murine gene products, respectively, whose synthesis can be modulated by thiol-reactive reagents. Induction of p32 and p34 by these agents, but not by heat shock, suggests that these proteins are a subset of stress-inducible gene products.  相似文献   

Summary Intranuclear microtubules appear in chick embryo fibroblasts upon infection with Frog Virus 3 (FV 3). Both the diameter and the annular shape of the microtubule profiles, established from electron microscopic observations using a goniometer, suggest that they are identical to naturally occurring cytoplasmic microtubules. Furthermore, the use of vinblastine allowed demonstration of the tubulin composition of the intranuclear microtubules.  相似文献   

Induction of chick embryo feather malformations by an influenza C virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of influenza C virus, strain JJ/50, on the development of chicken embryos infected at 10 or 12 days was documented by microscopic techniques, as well as by gross observations of embryos or chicks at hatching. The infected, newly hatched chicks displayed marked abnormalities in their feathering. Such abnormalities were observed neither in mock-infected embryos nor in embryos injected with virus which had been previously treated with specific influenza C virus antibody. At a microscopic level, the abnormalities apparently are a result of hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the developing barb and barbule cells. Further, the additional development of integumental necrotic foci was correlated with the development of relatively high viral titers (greater than 256) as measured by hemagglutination (HA). Embryos infected after 12 instead of 10 days incubation showed normal feathering at hatching. Infection at 12 days, however, was correlated with the development of relatively low viral titers (HA = 4) and limited degeneration of the respiratory epithelium. The relationship of teratogenic effects to the site of viral replication in rapidly differentiating tissue is discussed.  相似文献   

Induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) protects cells from oxidative injury. Here Hsp72, Hsp27 and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) were induced in cultured rat astrocytes, and protection against oxidative stress was investigated. Astrocytes were treated with sodium arsenite (20-50 micro m) for 1 h, which was non-toxic to cells, 24 h later they were exposed to 400 micro m H2O2 for 1 h, and cell death was evaluated at different time points. Arsenite triggered strong induction of HSPs, which was prevented by 1 micro g/mL cycloheximide (CXH). H2O2 caused cell loss and increased cell death with features of apoptosis, i.e. TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) reaction and caspase-3 activation. These features were abrogated by pre-treatment with arsenite, which prevented cell loss and significantly reduced the number of dead cells. The protective effect of arsenite was not detected in the presence of CHX. Pre-treatment with arsenite increased protein kinase B (Akt) and extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation after H2O2. However, while Akt phosphorylation was prevented by CHX, Erk1/2 phosphorylation was further enhanced by CHX. The results show that transient arsenite pre-treatment induces Hsp72, HO-1 and, to a lesser extent, Hsp27; it reduces H2O2-induced astrocyte death; and it causes selective activation of Akt following H2O2. It is suggested that HSP expression at the time of H2O2 exposure protects astrocytes from oxidative injury and apoptotic cell death by means of pro-survival Akt.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan biosynthesis by chick embryo retina glial-like cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this report we present biochemical evidence that purified cultures of chick embryo retina glial-like cells actively synthesize heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) proteoglycans as well as hyaluronic acid. Glial-like cell cultures were metabolically labeled with [3H]glucosamine and 35SO4, and the medium, cell layer, and substratum-bound fractions were analyzed separately. Proteoglycans were characterized according to charge, apparent molecular size, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composition and were found to be differentially distributed among the cellular compartments. HS was the predominant GAG overall and was the major species found in the cell layer and substratum-bound fractions. CS/DS was also present in each fraction and comprised the largest proportion of GAGs in the medium. The major GAG-containing material resolved into three different size classes. The first, found in the cell layer and substratum-bound fractions, contained both CS/DS and HS and was of large size. A second, intermediately sized class with a higher CS/DS:HS ratio was found in the medium. The smallest class was found in the cell layer fraction and comprised HS, most likely present as free GAG chains. In addition, each fraction contained hyaluronic acid. Characteristics of these macromolecules differ from those produced by purified cultures of chick embryo retina neurons and photoreceptors in terms of size, compartmental distribution, and presence of hyaluronic acid.  相似文献   

Brain extracts from 8-day-old chick embryos have been shown to influence morphological development of dissociated brain cells from 7-day-old chick embryos in culture. Stimulatory, effects on size of the neuronal somas and on growth of long processes were observed by adding the cytosol of the brain extract or the dialysate of the cytosol. These morphological changes parallel modifications of various enzyme activities according to the age of the cultures. Adenyl cyclase, (Na+, K+)- and Mg2+-ATPase, 5-nucleotidase, choline acetyltransferase, and acetylcholinesterase activities were studied between 5 and 14 days of culture. Adenyl cyclase activity was strongly stimulated at 8 days by both extracts. (Na+, K+)-and Mg2+-ATPase activities were stimulated in 8-day-old cultures only by the dialysate. 5-Nucleotidase activity was stimulated in 8-day-old cultures by the dialysate and in 11-day-old cultures by both extracts. Choline acetyltransferase activity was stimulated by the cytosol in 8-day-old cultures and by the dialysate in 11-day-old cultures. The total acetylcholinesterase activity was higher in 8-, 11-, and 14-day-old cultures treated with the cytosol. When the cells were treated with the dialysate, the activity was only higher in 14-day-old cultures. We also found that following the addition of brain extracts, the specific activity of the enzymes we studied was enhanced and became close to the values found in vivo during embryogenesis. Thus in parallel to the morphological modifications observed in nerve cell cultures treated by embryo brain extracts, biochemical variations especially involved in synaptogenesis and membrane development could be measured.  相似文献   

It has been reported that chicken embryo cells deprived of exogenous amino acids for 4 hours synthesize stress (heat-shock) proteins. Herein, we show that amino acid deprivation is not sufficient to cause induction of stress proteins. Zinc contaminating a component of commercial cell culture medium used to prepare amino acid-free medium was an inducer in our cultures. In the absence of exogenous amino acids, the concentration of zinc ions needed for half-maximal induction of stress proteins was an order of magnitude lower than the dose required for cells in complete medium. Histidine and cystine, which have high affinities for zinc ions, were the amino acids most effective in blocking the induction of stress proteins by zinc. Problems posed by heavy metal ions in culture media and biologic fluids for searches for in vivo inducers of the cellular stress (heat shock) response are discussed.  相似文献   

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