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Social Displays of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult alligators perform two conspicuous social displays, bellowsand headslaps. Both of these behaviors are performed from a"head oblique tail arched" (HOTA) posture. Bellow displays,by both males and females, involve the production of a loud,roaring vocalization. Male alligators also produce a infrasonicsignal, termed subaudible vibrations, just prior to the audiblebellow. Bellowing occurs throughout the year but is most frequentduring the courting season, when alligators bellow daily inchoruses. Chorus length appears to be correlated with the sizeof the adult population. Chorusing is frequently initiated byfemales but seems to be perpetuated by male alligators. Bellowingmay serve to attract alligators of the opposite sex and possiblyto space out animals of the same sex. The headslap display is an assertion display consisting of eightcomponent behavioral acts: the elevated posture, HOTA posture,subaudible vibrations, headslap, jawclap, growl, inflated posture,and tail wag. Each act component is variable in presence andintensity producing a highly variable, graded signal. The alligatortypically remains motionless in the HOTA posture for about 16sec before executing the headslap/jawclap acts. The headslapdisplay involves a rapid clapping shut of the jaws as the undersurfaceof the head is slapped against the water surface. Headslappingis most common in early morning and afternoon hours. Analysisof 1,050 headslap displays by 91 known individuals indicatesthat 94.5% of the observed displays were performed by males.Headslap displays are generally performed from typical displaysites which the alligator seeks out prior to the display. Responsesto headslap displays include headslapping by others, lunges,approaches, and bellow growling. The headslap display functionsas a declaration of presence. A musky odor is commonly detected in association with both ofthese social displays, suggesting a possibly important, butlittle understood, pheromonal component of these behaviors. The displays both involve complex signals including visual,auditory, olfactory and possibly tactile channels of communication.Most of the behaviors described are shared with many other speciesof crocodilians.  相似文献   

Tardigrade feeding apparatus is a complex structure with considerable taxonomic significance that can be schematically divided into four parts: buccal ring, buccal tube, stylet system, and pharynx. We analyzed the fine morphology and the tridimensional organization of the tardigrade buccal?Cpharyngeal apparatus in order to clarify the relationships between form and function and to identify new characters for systematic and phylogenetic studies. We conducted a comparative analysis of the cuticular structures of the buccal?Cpharyngeal apparatuses of twelve eutardigrade species, integrating data obtained by SEM and LM observations. Morphological diversity was observed and new cuticular structures such as the stylet coat of the stylet system were identified. The synthesis of the buccal?Cpharyngeal apparatus during molting was also analyzed obtaining a clear developmental sequence of its resynthesis. These findings lead us to redefine the previous interpretations of the functioning mechanisms of the buccal?Cpharyngeal apparatus and provide a more specific relationship between tardigrade diet and the anatomy of their feeding apparatuses. In addition, the detection by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of calcium in the stylets, buccal tube, and placoids of eutardigrade species (i.e., Milnesium tardigradum, Paramacrobiotus richtersi) indicates that CaCO3 incrustations are not an exclusive feature of heterotardigrades and lead to suppose that this trait was present in the ancestors of both classes.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical methods for light and electron microscopy were used to demonstrate the regulatory peptides present in the endocrine pancreas of thealligator, Alligator mississippiensis.The peptides studied included insulin, glucagon (pancreatic and enteric), somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide (avian, bovine and human), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, metenkephalin, -endorphin, C-terminal gastrin/CCK and gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Endocrine cells were detected using antisera to insulin, pancreatic glucagon, somatostatin and avian pancreatic polypeptide, whereas peptidergic nerves were stained with antisera to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. All other antisera were unreactive in the alligator pancreas. The peptide-containing structures were identified ultrastructurally by both the semithin/thin and immuno-gold methods. The results showed that five of the regulatory peptides commonly detected in the mammalian pancreas were immunologically recognisable in the alligator. In addition, the ultrastructural appearance of the peptide-containing cells was clearly distinct from that reported in mammals.  相似文献   

Cationic antimicrobial peptides and their therapeutic potential have garnered growing interest because of the proliferation of bacterial resistance. However, the discovery of new antimicrobial peptides from animals has proven challenging due to the limitations associated with conventional biochemical purification and difficulties in predicting active peptides from genomic sequences, if known. As an example, no antimicrobial peptides have been identified from the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, although their serum is antimicrobial. We have developed a novel approach for the discovery of new antimicrobial peptides from these animals, one that capitalizes on their fundamental and conserved physico-chemical properties. This sample-agnostic process employs custom-made functionalized hydrogel microparticles to harvest cationic peptides from biological samples, followed by de novo sequencing of captured peptides, eliminating the need to isolate individual peptides. After evaluation of the peptide sequences using a combination of rational and web-based bioinformatic analyses, forty-five potential antimicrobial peptides were identified, and eight of these peptides were selected to be chemically synthesized and evaluated. The successful identification of multiple novel peptides, exhibiting antibacterial properties, from Alligator mississippiensis plasma demonstrates the potential of this innovative discovery process in identifying potential new host defense peptides.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent sex determination in Alligator mississippiensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mark W. J.  Ferguson  Ted  Joanen 《Journal of Zoology》1983,200(2):143-177

We investigated ovary and testis development of Alligator mississippiensis during the first 5 months posthatch. To better describe follicle assembly and seminiferous cord development, we used histochemical techniques to detect carbohydrate‐rich extracellular matrix components in 1‐week, 1‐month, 3‐month, and 5‐month‐old gonads. We found profound morphological changes in both ovary and testis. During this time, oogenesis progressed up to diplotene arrest and meiotic germ cells increasingly interacted with follicular cells. Concomitant with follicles becoming invested with full complements of granulosa cells, a periodic acid Schiff's (PAS)‐positive basement membrane formed. As follicles enlarged and thecal layers were observed, basement membranes and thecal compartments gained periodic acid‐methionine silver (PAMS)‐reactive fibers. The ovarian medulla increased first PAS‐ and then PAMS reactivity as it fragmented into wide lacunae lined with low cuboidal to squamous epithelia. During this same period, testicular germ cells found along the tubule margins were observed progressing from spermatogonia to round spermatids located within the center of tubules. Accompanying this meiotic development, interstitial Leydig cell clusters become more visible and testicular capsules thickened. During the observed testis development, the thickening tunica albuginea and widening interstitial tissues showed increasing PAS‐ and PAMS reactivity. We observed putative intersex structures in both ovary and testis. On the coelomic aspect of testes were cell clusters with germ cell morphology and at the posterior end of ovaries, we observed “medullary rests” resembling immature testis cords. We hypothesize laboratory conditions accelerated gonad maturation due to optimum conditions, including nutrients and temperature. Laboratory alligators grew more rapidly and with increased body conditions compared with previous measured, field‐caught animals. Additionally, we predict the morphological maturation observed in these gonads is concomitant with increased endocrine activities. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mid-thigh circumference of the intact hindlimb in Alligator mississippiensis is tightly correlated with transverse dimensions of the proximal and distal articular surfaces of the femur, and with minimum midshaft femoral circumference. Maximum diameter of the proximal articular end, width across the distal articular end, and midshaft circumference are the best femoral predictors of circumference of the intact thigh. Regression equations of mid-thigh circumference against these femoral dimensions can be used to estimate the transverse dimensions of the intact hindlimb in extinct crocodylian-like archosaurs.  相似文献   

Although folliculogenesis and oogenesis have been observed in numerous reptiles, these phenomena have not been described in detail in a crocodilian. Oogenesis and histological features of the adult ovary of Alligator mississippiensis are described. Using a complex process, the ovary develops telolecithal oocytes that attain a diameter of 38.8 +/- 2.4 mm. The morphology of yolk platelets shows gradual changes throughout the oogenic process. Initially, yolk platelets are seen surrounded by a vesicle. As vitellogenesis advances, the vesicles contain numerous yolk spheres, with slowly growing platelets. The yolk spheres continue to increase in size and number within the vacuoles. Differences in the animal and vegetal poles are seen based on the morphology and size of the yolk platelets. The ovary of A. mississippiensis shows a well-developed system of lacunae and bundles of smooth muscle around the follicles in all stages of development. Several features seen in the ovary of A. mississippiensis are similar to those observed in birds. In particular, the morphology of the yolk platelets, especially during the middle and late vitellogenic stages, and the presence of a ovarian system of lacunae and smooth muscle. These similarities in the reproductive biology of crocodilians and birds contribute to current studies of the evolution of archosaurian reproduction.  相似文献   

Reduced reproductive success, altered reproductive tract development, and differences in circulating hormones have been documented in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from Lake Apopka, FL, compared to less contaminated sites, such as the Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge, FL. Comparative studies among alligators of varying size and age suggest that in ovo contaminant-induced alterations of endocrine function are further modified during postembryonic development and/or through environmental exposure. In the present study, we examined developmental and endocrine-related indices in neonatal (age, <1 mo) alligators from Lake Apopka in comparison to those of a reference population (Lake Woodruff), thereby limiting contaminant exposure to that derived via maternal contribution. We compared several reproductive and developmental parameters, including hatching success, primary sex determination, and somatic indices. Furthermore, we examined circulating testosterone concentrations and aromatase activity in an effort to establish relative gonadal endocrine function shortly after hatching. Finally, we compared phallus size among males and oviduct epithelial cell height (ECH) among females (androgen- and estrogen-dependent tissues, respectively). Significant differences between populations were noted for body size and spleen somatic index. Neonatal alligators from Lake Apopka exhibited higher plasma testosterone, but no differences were detected in gonadal aromatase activity compared to Lake Woodruff. Phallus tip length and cuff diameter were smaller in males from Lake Apopka, whereas no differences were noted in oviduct ECH. Our data establish basic indices of development and endocrine function in neonatal alligators before environmental exposure to contaminants. These results should begin to help separate developmental abnormalities resulting from in ovo exposure, presumably of maternal origin, from physiological alterations induced through environmental exposure to contaminants.  相似文献   

扬子鳄与密河鳄基因组DNA的复性动力学和组织结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过DNA复性动力学的分析,测定了扬子鳄和密河鳄基因组的组织结构,两者的复性曲线非常相象,高度重复DNA含量很少,而中度重复DNA序列各占基因组的30%左右。中度重复序列部分能再分成三个组分,虽然每个组分的序列复杂性和拷贝数有差别,但每部分的总复杂性是相似的。我们已测得扬子鳄基因组的单拷贝序列为3.68×10’bp,基因组为5.65×10’bp;密河鳄基因组的单拷贝序列为3.67×10’bp,基因组为5.24×10’bp。根据基因组的组织结构的分析,在分子水平上表明两种鳄鱼是亲缘关系十分相近的种。  相似文献   

This study details the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. American Alligator spermatozoa are filiform and slightly curved. The acrosome is tapered at its anterior end and surrounded by the acrosome vesicle and an underlying subacrosomal cone, which rests just cephalic to the nuclear rostrum. One endonuclear canal extends from the subacrosomal cone through the rostral nucleus and deep into the nuclear body. The neck region separates the nucleus and midpiece and houses the proximal centriole and pericentriolar material. The distal centriole extends through the midpiece and has 9 × 3 sets of peripheral microtubules with a central doublet pair within the axoneme that is surrounded by a dense sheath. The midpiece is composed of seven to nine rings of mitochondria, which have combinations of concentrically and septate cristae. The principal piece has a dense fibrous sheath that surrounds an axoneme with a 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement. The sheath becomes significantly reduced in size caudally within the principal piece and is completely missing from the endpiece. Dense peripheral fibers, especially those associated with microtubule doublets 3 and 8, penetrate into the anterior portion of the principal piece axoneme. The data reported here hypothesize that sperm morphology is highly conserved in Crocodylia; however, specific morphological differences can exist between species. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Major electrolytes and nitrogenous excretory products were analysed in the blood plasma, ureteral urine and cloacal urine of juvenile Alligator mississippiensis and Crocodylus porosus in fresh and hypoosmotic salt water (206 mosmol · l−1). Both species coped well with saline water, showing little (Alligator) or no (Crocodylus) change in plasma composition. Comparisons of renal-cloacal function point to major differences in their osmoregulatory physiology. The cloaca of C. porosus is a very active osmoregulatory organ in salt and fresh water, contributing to water conservation and NaCl excretion through the lingual salt glands. In contrast, the cloaca of Alligator has little impact on the composition of excreted urine. It seems likely that A.␣mississippiensis is largely constrained to a renal response to osmotic and ionic stress while C. porosus is able to call on a more complex mix of renal response, post-renal modification of urine in the cloaca, and excretion of excess NaCl through the salt glands. The results support the idea that there are deep-seated differences in the osmoregulatory physiology of alligatorids and crocodylids (Eusuchia), an understanding of which should provide valuable insights into their evolution and zoogeography. Accepted: 7 September 1996  相似文献   

The growth dynamics of the American alligator ( Alligator mississippiensis ) were studied in the subtropical Florida Everglades using extensive mark-recapture data from over 2000 recaptures of known-aged and unknown-aged animals. A model based on the power curve best describes growth of Everglades alligators. The nonasymptotic character of this curve leads to rejection of the hypothesis that alligator growth is determinate. A model consisting of piece-wise linear equations better described growth in the first year, and suggested a period of arrested growth occurred in the first winter. A comparison of predictions from growth models derived from several populations indicated that Everglades alligators grew more slowly than did those in more temperate areas, leading to the rejection of the hypothesis that growth rates in subtropical Florida would be elevated because of the long growing season. We attribute this result to a combination of increased maintenance costs and a limited resource base in the Everglades.
Analyses considered the extent to which growth model evaluation and use can be affected by data selection. Mathematical constraints posed by negative growth data can be alleviated by including growth records over combined recapture intervals to achieve a positive growth increment. However, periods of no to negative growth may be real, and such deviations are obscured by fitting growth data to monotonically increasing models.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase was shown to be localized in liver mitochondria of the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, by immunofluorescent staining of frozen liver sections and by the detection of enzymatic activity and immunoreactive protein in the mitochondrial fraction following subcellular fractionation of liver tissue by differential centrifugation. The primary translation product of alligator liver glutamine synthetase mRNA was shown to have an Mr = 45,000 which is similar if not identical in size to that of the mature subunit. This mRNA was found to be heterogeneous in size with a major form corresponding to 2.8-3.0 kb and a lesser form corresponding to around 2 kb. Both are in excess of the size required to code for the glutamine synthetase subunit. The synthesis and presumably the mitochondrial import of glutamine synthetase in alligator liver are thus very similar to the same processes in avian liver. Despite the excretion of a high percentage of nitrogen as ammonia, the demonstration of a mitochondrial glutamine synthetase indicates the alligator has the typical avian-type uricotelic ammonia-detoxification system in liver. This suggests that the transition to uricotelism occurred in the sauropsid line of evolution and has persisted through both the lepidosaurian (snakes, lizards) and archosaurian (dinosaurs, crocodilians, birds) lines.  相似文献   

Six species of bacteria (family Enterobacteriaceae) not commonly reported as associated with disease in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) were documented, suggesting that Aeromonas is not the only bacterium responsible for septicemia in crocodilians. These included Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter agglomerans, Proteus sp., Morganella morganii, Serratia marcescens, and Klebsiella oxytoca. Clinical signs of disease included intensive basking, anorexia, lethargy, flaccid limb paralysis, stomatitis, and dermatitis. Our data indicated that early treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics was preferable to waiting for sensitivity results.  相似文献   

American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) ovary development is incomplete at hatching. During the months following hatching, the cortical processes of oogenesis started in ovo continues and folliculogenesis is initiated. Additionally, the medullary region of the gonad undergoes dramatic restructuring. We describe alligator ovarian histology at hatching, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months of age in order to characterize the timing of morphological development and compare these findings to chicken ovary development. At hatching, the ovarian cortex presents a germinal epithelium containing oogonia and a few primary oocytes irregularly scattered between somatic epithelial cells. The hatchling medulla shows fragmentation indicative of the formation of lacunae. By 1 week of age, oocytes form growing nests and show increased interactions with somatic cells, indicative of the initiation of folliculogenesis. Medullary lacunae increase in diameter and contain secretory material in their lumen. At 1 month, nest sizes and lacunar diameters continue to enlarge. Pachytene oocytes surrounded by somatic cells are more frequent. Trabeculae composed of dense irregular connective tissue divide cortical nests. Three months after hatching oocytes in meiotic stages of prophase I up to diplotene are present. The ovary displays many enlarged follicles with oocytes in diplotene arrest, thecal layers, lampbrush chromosomes, and complete layers of follicular cells. The medulla is an elaborated complex of vascularized lacunae underlying the cortex and often containing discrete lymphoid aggregates. While the general morphology of the alligator ovary is similar to that of the chicken ovary, the progression of oogenesis and folliculogenesis around hatching is notably slower in alligators. Diplotene oocytes are observed at hatching in chickens, but not until 3 months in alligators. Folliculogenesis is completed at 3 weeks in chickens whereas it is still progressing at 3 months in alligators.  相似文献   

Birds and many reptiles are egg-layers. Birds provide calcium for the formation of eggshells by resorbing medullary bone, which is laid down before ovulation. Turtles do not possess this mechanism and resorb structural bone to form eggshells. Femora from three groups of alligators (egg-laying females; quiescent, immature, or barren females; and males) were examined to determine if alligators, which are closely related to birds in evolution, resorb structural bone during the formation of eggshells as do turtles. Microradiographs of cross sections from femoral mid-shafts were analyzed for porosity, and the robusticity index of each femur was determined. Scanning electron micrographs of anorganic endosteal and periosteal femoral surfaces were analyzed to determine numbers of entrances of vascular canals, numbers of lacunae of osteoblasts, and types of femoral surfaces. Femora from egg-laying females were significantly less robust than those of other females or males, and sections of bone from the egg-layers were significantly more porous than those of the other groups. Scanning electron microscopy of anorganic femoral endosteal surfaces from egg-laying females revealed significantly more resorption areas when compared with males or non egg-laying females. Periosteal surfaces from egg-layers had significantly more resting and less bone-forming surface than those from the other groups. Results indicated that apposition of periosteal bone may have been reduced in egg-layers and that egg-laying alligators, like turtles, resorb endosteal structural bone, which may be used as a source of calcium for the formation of eggshells.  相似文献   

Several investigators have described in some crocodilians a row of round or oval organs, called dorsal glands, lying under scutes on each side of the dorsal midline. The function of these glands is unknown, but they are hypothesized to produce skin-conditioning secretions. We investigated the anatomy and histochemistry of the dorsal glands of adult American alligators ( Alligator mississippiensis ). Twenty to 22 pairs of glands containing a viscous, often black, material were observed lying from the mid-cervical to the anterior caudal regions in the axial musculature or on the inner surface of the dermis. The capsule of each gland consists of dense collagenous fibres and numerous short elastic fibres, and is surrounded by skeletal muscle. The single lumen is lined by one to several layers of cuboidal to columnar epithelium in varying stages of degeneration, indicating a holocrine secretory mode. The epithelial cell membranes often interdigitate and tight junctions and desmosomes occasionally are observed between them. The epithelial cells and secretory product contain slight to considerable amounts of lipid; glycoproteins may be present. Crystals exhibiting a dense core and/or layering occur in the epithelial cells and secretory product. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis demonstrates calcium, copper, iron, lead, potassium, and zinc in the crystals. Mitochondria, vacuoles, and short segments of rough endoplasmic reticulum also occur in the cells.  相似文献   

Eggs were sampled from 22 wild American alligator nests from the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in south-west Louisiana, along with the females guarding the nests. Three nests were sampled in 1995 and 19 were sampled in 1997. Females and offspring from all clutches were genotyped using five polymorphic microsatellite loci and the three nests from 1995 were also genotyped using one allozyme locus. Genotypes of the hatchlings were consistent with the guarding females being the mothers of their respective clutches. Multiple paternity was found in seven of the 22 clutches with one being fathered by three males, and the remaining six clutches having genotypes consistent with two males per clutch. Paternal contributions of multiply sired clutches were skewed. Some males sired hatchlings of more than one of the 22 clutches either as one of two sires of a multiple paternity clutch, as the sole sire of two different clutches, or as the sole sire of one clutch and one of two sires of a multiply sired clutch. There was no significant difference between females that had multiple paternity clutches and those that had singly sired clutches with respect to female total length (P = 0.844) and clutch size (P = 0.861). Also, there was no significant correlation between genetic relatedness of nesting females and pairwise nest distances (r2 = 0.003, F1,208 = 0.623, P = 0.431), indicating that females in this sample that nested close to one another were no more related than any two nesting females chosen at random. Eleven mutations were detected among hatchlings at the five loci over the 22 clutches. Most of these mutations (eight of 11) occurred at Ami(mu)-17, the only compound microsatellite locus of the five used in this study, corresponding to a mutation rate of 1.7 x 10-3. Finally, most of the mutations (82%) were homoplasious, i.e., mutating to an allelic state already present in this Louisiana population.  相似文献   

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