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In the socially monogamous prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster), the development of a social bonding is indicated by the formation of partner preference, which involves a variety of environmental and neurochemical factors and brain structures. In a most recent study in female prairie voles, we found that treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) facilitates the formation of partner preference through up-regulation of oxytocin receptor (OTR) and vasopressin V1a receptor (V1aR) genes expression in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that TSA treatment also facilitates partner preference formation and alters OTR and V1aR genes expression in the NAcc in male prairie voles. We thus observed that central injection of TSA dose-dependently promoted the formation of partner preference in the absence of mating in male prairie voles. Interestingly, TSA treatment up-regulated OTR, but not V1aR, gene expression in the NAcc similarly as they were affected by mating — an essential process for naturally occurring partner preference. These data, together with others, not only indicate the involvement of epigenetic events but also the potential role of NAcc oxytocin in the regulation of partner preference in both male and female prairie voles.  相似文献   

In reproductively naive female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) direct contact with male urine or housing in a male-soiled cage, in the absence of physical contact, resulted in increased uterine weights, but did not reliably elicit behavioral estrus (defined by lordosis). Physical contact with an unfamiliar male, for 1 hr or more, followed by 30 or 48 hr of continuous access to a male-soiled cage, induced lordosis in approximately two-thirds of the females tested. When females were physically exposed to a male for 18 hr and tested 6 hr later, 70% showed lordosis. However, when females receiving either 1 or 18 hr of male contact were removed from the presence of the male and placed in a clean cage for 24 hr, only 29-37% of the females subsequently showed lordosis. These results suggest that direct physical contact with the male or chemical stimuli from the male may be necessary to induce and maintain behavioral estrus in female prairie voles.  相似文献   

This immunohistochemical study of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in the olfactory bulbs in primates was undertaken in order to see whether there was an LHRH innervation in these species similar to that found in rodents. One old world (Macaca fascicularis) and two new world (Saimiri sciureus and Aotus trivirgatus) monkeys were studied. Aotus trivirgatus was of particular interest as it is noctural and so presumably more dependent upon olfactory cues. Animals were perfused with fixative, olfactory bulbs removed and sectioned, and tissues reacted immunocytochemically using LR1 (Benoit) antiserum to LHRH. Some LHRH innervation was found in the olfactory bulbs of all three species, comprising a few LHRH neurons and many fibers that ramified within the bulbs. The accessory bulb (not present as a distinct entity in old world primates) had more LHRH innervation than did the main olfactory bulb. Aotus trivirgatus had the greatest representation of LHRH of the three species. The layer of the olfactory bulb with the greatest number of LHRH fibers was the external plexiform layer. This is also true in rodents. There is evidence that LHRH has a role in the mediation of olfactory cues in reproductive behavior in rodents. It is not known how LHRH functions within the olfactory system in primates. However, the fact that it is distributed similarly in the two groups suggests that it may serve a similar function.  相似文献   

Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) was first isolated in the mammalian hypothalamus and shown to be the primary regulator of the reproductive system through its initiation of pituitary gonadotropin release. Since its discovery, this form of LHRH (LHRH-I) has been shown to be one of many structural variants with a variety of roles in both the brain and peripheral tissues. Enormous interest has been focused on LHRH-I and LHRH-II and their cognate receptors as targets for designing therapies to treat cancers of the reproductive system. LHRH-I is processed by a zinc metalloendopeptidase EC (EP24.15) that cleaves the hormone at the fifth and sixth bond of the decapeptide (Tyr(5)-Gly(6)) to form LHRH-(1-5). We have previously reported that the autoregulation of LHRH gene expression can also be mediated by its processed peptide, LHRH-(1-5). Furthermore, LHRH-(1-5) has also been shown to be involved in cell proliferation. This review will focus on the possible roles of LHRH and its processed peptide, LHRH-(1-5), in non-hypothalamic tissues.  相似文献   

Rudy Boonstra 《Oecologia》1984,62(1):126-131
Summary Field evidence indicates that adult microtines, especially females, may be a major cause of poor juvenile survival and this may be instrumental in their population regulation. This suggests that males and females behave differently towards young animals. To examine how adult males, nonlactating females, and lactating females behave towards strange young, I introduced young animals into the home cage of the adults. Lactating females were most aggressive towards young; most males investigated them; most nonlactating females ignored them. However, discriminant function analysis indicated a great deal of overlap in the behavior of the classes. None of the classes behaved differently towards young of either sex. Females did not vary their behavior during lactation. Behavior varied among lactating females, with 55% showing little aggression and 20% showing a great deal. Most lactating females showed similar behavior in each of their bouts: docile females remained docile, aggressive females remained aggressive. I conclude that lactating females are most aggressive towards strange young. These results are consistent with the field evidence, which suggests that adult females depress juvenile survival and recruitment and that the main culprits are breeding females.  相似文献   

Estrogen elicited lordosis in ovariectomized female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB) was particularly effective if administered as multiple injections. Very high dose levels were not, in general, any more effective than lower doses. Individual animals typically showed lordosis within 24 to 48 hr following the onset of EB treatment and prolonged treatments did not increase the percentage of females responding to EB. Castrated male prairie voles did not respond with lordosis to repeated daily injections of 10 micrograms EB given for a period of 15 consecutive days.  相似文献   

In the amphibian brain, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is present in many regions outside the hypothalamus. The functions of this extrahypothalamic TRH however are unknown. We sought to determine whether TRH or its metabolites altered reproductive behaviors (amplectic clasping behavior) or locomotor behaviors of the male South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. TRH-injected (100 micrograms; dorsal lymph sac injection) male Xenopus displayed significantly fewer amplectic clasp attempts and longer clasp durations than saline-injected controls. The TRH metabolites, TRH acid and histidylproline diketopiperazine, similarly altered clasping behavior. Several hormones released by TRH, including thyroid-stimulating hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, prolactin, and dopamine, had no significant effect on clasp frequency or duration. Locomotor activity in Xenopus males was increased significantly after 15 min following TRH injection (150 micrograms); this effect persisted for at least 1 hr. The metabolites did not alter locomotion. These studies indicate that TRH can facilitate the display of two behaviors in the South African clawed frog. Effects of TRH on locomotor and reproductive behaviors thus appear in several vertebrate classes. These behavioral actions of TRH likely occur through different mechanisms or at different sites.  相似文献   

Two hypothalamic peptide hormones, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), have been isolated from human milk and bovine colostrum. Acidified methanolic extracts, prepared from human milk, bovine colostrum and rat hypothalami, as well as synthetic LHRH and TRH markers were subjected to high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The eluates were tested for the presence of LHRH and TRH by specific radioimmunoassays. It was found that milk extracts contain significant amounts of LHRH (3.9 - 11.8 ng/ml) and TRH (0.16 - 0.34 ng/ml), which comigrate with the corresponding marker hormones and with those of hypothalamic origin. The HPLC-purified LHRH from both human and bovine milk was bioactive in a dose-response manner similar to synthetic LHRH.  相似文献   

边疆晖  吴雁  刘季科 《动物学报》2004,50(4):675-680
母体应激效应是母体在妊娠期经历的环境变化对子代发育、繁殖及存活等特征的影响(MousseauandFox ,1 998;Bernado ,1 996 )。该效应不仅能使子代生活史特征产生迟滞性效应(Beckermanetal.,2 0 0 2 ) ,而且在密度制约过程中,导致对种群的迟滞性密度制约(Delayeddensitydependenc  相似文献   

Estimations of immunoreactive LH-RH and LH in pooled sera of girls, adult women and postmenopausal women have been carried out. The girls were divided into three groups: I--girls aged 2--4 years, II--girls aged 5--8 years and III--girls 9--12 years of age. The estimated concentrations of LH-RH in particular groups were as following: in group I--1.2 +/- 0.2 pg/ml, in group II--2.2 +/- 0.4 pg/ml, in group III 31.0 +/- 4.4 pg/ml, in adult women 6.3 +/- 1.8 pg/ml. and in postmenopausal women 16.6 +/- 2.4 pg/ml. The concentrations of LH in the same groups were 4.3 +/- 0.7; 4.5 +/- 0.8; 11.0 +/- 1.4, 23.3 +/- 2.4; and 120.0 +/- 14.7 mIU/ml, respectively. The authors suggest that the sexual maturation of girls is initiated by the enhanced hypothalamic activity, reflected in higher concentrations of immunoreactive LH-RH in peripheral serum.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is a versatile neuropeptide that is involved in a variety of mammalian behaviors, and its role in reproductive function and behavior has been well established. The majority of pharmacological studies of the effects of OT on male sexual behavior have focused on the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), ventral tegmental area (VTA), hippocampus, and amygdala. Less attention has been given to the medial preoptic area (MPOA), a major integrative site for male sexual behavior. The present study investigated the effects of intra-MPOA administration of OT and (d(CH2)51, Tyr(Me)2, Thr4, Orn8, Tyr-NH29)-vasotocin, an OT antagonist (OTA), on copulation in the male rat. The relationship between OT receptor (OTR) binding levels in the MPOA and sexual efficiency was also explored. Microinjection of OT into the MPOA facilitated copulation in sexually experienced male rats, whereas similar injections of an OTA inhibited certain aspects of copulation but had no significant effect on locomotor activity in an open field. Contrary to expectation, sexually efficient males had lower levels of OTR binding in the rostral MPOA compared to inefficient animals. The present data suggest that OT activity in the MPOA is not necessary for the expression of male sexual behavior but is sufficient to facilitate copulatory behaviors and improve sexual efficiency in sexually experienced male rats. These data also suggest that OTR activity in the MPOA stimulates anogenital investigation, facilitates the initiation of copulation, and plays a role in the sensitization effect of the first ejaculation on subsequent ejaculations.  相似文献   

外源性皮质酮对雄性根田鼠交配行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴雁  边疆晖 《兽类学报》2006,26(4):354-358
本文研究了皮质酮对雄性根田鼠交配行为的作用。实验个体分别注射0.10 ug/ g体重、0. 60 ug / g体重和1.00 ug/ g体重剂量的皮质酮,1 h后测定每只雄性根田鼠的交配行为。结果显示,3 个处理组动物具有射精能力的个体比率及其爬跨、抽动和射精潜伏期与对照组动物相比均无显著差异,爬跨和抽动频次也无显著变化。不同处理组个体的血浆睾酮含量无显著差异。因此,皮质酮没有影响雄性根田鼠的交配行为和性激素的分泌。该结果提示,哺乳动物在急性应激条件下所分泌的皮质酮可能不参与对性行为的调控。  相似文献   

Sex differences are well documented and are conventionally associated with intense sex-specific selection. For example, spatial memory is frequently better in males, presumably due to males' tendency to navigate large spaces to find mates. Alternatively, monogamy (in which sex-specific selection is relatively relaxed) should diminish or eliminate differences in spatial ability and the mechanisms associated with this behavior. Nevertheless, phenotypic differences between monogamous males and females persist, sometimes cryptically. We hypothesize that sex-specific cognitive demands are present in monogamous species that will influence neural and behavioral phenotypes. The effects of these demands should be observable in spatial learning performance and neural structures associated with spatial learning and memory. We analyzed spatial memory performance, hippocampal volume and cell density, and hippocampal oxytocin receptor (OTR) expression in the socially monogamous prairie vole. Compared to females, males performed better in a spatial memory and spatial learning test. Although we found no sex difference in hippocampal volume or cell density, male OTR density was significantly lower than females, suggesting that performance may be regulated by sub-cellular mechanisms within the hippocampus that are less obvious than classic neuroanatomical features. Our results suggest an expanded role for oxytocin beyond facilitating social interactions, which may function in part to integrate social and spatial information.  相似文献   

The tradeoff between parental effort and mating effort in male animals may be mediated by testosterone (T). The pattern of association between T and paternal care in birds is consistent with this hypothesis, while it is poorly studied and not universal for mammals. We used the correlation approach to test two predictions of T-mediated tradeoff hypothesis for a biparental vole, Microtus mandarinus: (1) that T levels in males decrease from before pair formation to after birth of the first litter and (2) that paternal responsiveness of males negatively correlates with their T levels. T concentrations were measured in fecal samples collected before pairing and then immediately before behavioral testing on day 5 after birth of the first litter. Both nonpaternal and low paternal males had high initial T that decreased after birth of pups, though the decrease was only significant in low paternal males. In highly paternal males, the initial T was low and did not change after birth. Our results support the predictions of T-mediated tradeoff hypothesis and reveal individual variation in hormone–behavior relationship.  相似文献   

Adult male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) were housed for 10 wk and exposed to long (16L:8D) or short (8L:16D) photoperiods at 21 degrees or 5 degrees C. Maintenance in short day lengths reduced testicular, epididymal, and seminal vesicle mass and also significantly depressed spermatogenic activity. Cold ambient temperature further suppressed gonadal size in voles exposed to short days. Several pelage characteristics were affected by photoperiod, but not by temperature. Increased fur density, fur depth, and length of guard hair and underhair were observed in voles exposed to short days. Intrascapular brown fat and gonadal fat pad mass as well as body mass were significantly less in voles housed in cold temperatures than in voles exposed to warm ambient temperatures; photoperiod did not affect these parameters. Approximately 30% of the male voles exposed to short days maintained their reproductive systems, yet they clearly processed photoperiodic information; all short-day males, regardless of reproductive condition, had comparable winter pelage development. Our results suggest that in prairie voles, photoperiod may be a predictive cue for reproductive function in nature; however, it appears that pelage development is a more obligatory response to photoperiod than is reproduction.  相似文献   

The effects of copulation on ovulation and implantation were studied in the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster). Both 1 and 2 ejaculatory series induced ovulation in 9 of 10 females. 2 ejaculatory series resulted in slightly fewer corpora lutea and implanted embryos, and in a slightly greater incidence in intrauterine mortality. In the first ejaculatory series, the likelihood of ovulation increases with increased numbers of intromissions and ejaculatory thrusts. Vaginal penetration is required for the induction of ovulation. The congruence of male copulatory behavior and female reproductive physiology would seem to indicate a coadapatation among this species.  相似文献   

The effects of removing the stud male have not been controlled in many studies relating pregnancy block to the presence of an unfamiliar male. We examined the effects of removing the male on pregnancy success in prairie voles and meadow voles, two species that differ in degree of paternal investment. Whereas prairie vole males provide extensive care to offspring and accelerate pup development, meadow vole males display little or no care and delay development of pups. We predicted that removal of the stud male would decrease pregnancy success in prairie voles and either have no effect or increase success in meadow voles. In experiment 1, females were in male-induced estrus, and their mates were either left with them or were removed 4 h, 1 day, 2 days, or 8 days after mating. In experiment 2, females were in postpartum estrus, and their mates were either left with them or were removed 1 day, 2 days, or 8 days after birth of their first litter. Removal of the male soon after mating in postpartum estrus decreased pregnancy success in prairie voles and increased success in meadow voles. Thus, although removal of the stud male influenced litter production, the direction of the effect varied with species.  相似文献   

A 2-min addition of LHRH to [3H]inositol-prelabeled rat granulosa cells in primary culture evoked significant increases in the accumulation of [3H]inositol phosphates, i.e. radiolabeled inositol monophosphate (IP), inositol diphosphate (IP2), and inositol triphosphate (IP3) levels increased to 210, 590 and 520%, respectively, when compared to control cultures. By contrast, addition of FSH failed to elicit such a response. The effect of LHRH was completely blocked by the concomitant presence of a specific LHRH antagonist. LHRH evoked increase in [3H]IP3 and [3H]IP2 accumulation as early as 30 sec, while the increase in [3H]IP became significant at 2 min. These data support the hypothesis that polyphosphoinositide breakdown may be an early step in the intracellular signal mechanism which mediates the action of LHRH.  相似文献   

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