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Egg production rate (EPR) of the copepod Acartia steueri wasinvestigated by in situ incubation in Ilkwang Bay, Korea. EPRranged from 3.8 to 10.1 eggs female–1 d–1, and weight-specificgrowth rate decreased with increasing body weight of the adultfemale.  相似文献   

Although Rio de Janeiro is one of the best sampled states of Brazil for bats, there are still some poorly studied islands on its coast. Hence, we inventoried the bat species of an island on the southwestern coast of Rio de Janeiro, compared five sites sampled within this island, and compared its bat community with seven other sites in the same region. We carried out sampling in July 1995 and from September 2006 to August 2010, comprising 58 samplings. We captured a total of 1502 individuals of 25 bat species with mist nets set far from roosts, or close to or inside roosts. The most abundant species were Artibeus lituratus, Molossus molossus, and Carollia perspicillata. Total sampling effort was 89,400 m2 h. The present study was one out of five inventories carried out in the southwestern coast of Rio de Janeiro that registered more than 1000 bat individuals from more than 24 bat species. Long-term inventories on islands are still needed, because they can result in a large number of species and captures as observed in the present study.  相似文献   

Diet of raccoon dogs in summer in the Finnish archipelago   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diet of raccoon dogs in summer was examined in the Finnish archipelago and compared with their diet on the mainland. Faeces were collected from latrines in the outer archipelago and the inhabited islands in May-July 1998 and 1999. Remains of waterfowl, especially those of female cider, occurred frequently in the faeces of raccoon dogs on the uninhabited islands, but less frequently on the inhabited islands and only occasionally on the mainland. Since many female eider died of disease during the summer in 1998 and 1999. and white-tailed eagles arc known to prey on brooding eider, it is probable that raccoon dogs did not themselves kill all the eider they consumed. Even if they did, they would only take a few percent of female eider population each year. It is thus improbable that raccoon dogs affect the size of the eider population in the Finnish archipelago. Frogs, reptiles, shrews and carrion occurred frequently in the diet on the mainland, but only occasionally in the outer archipelago. It is possible that raccoon dogs have decimated frog populations on small islands, as they are easy prey and occur frequently in the diet of raccoon dogs on the mainland. Small rodents are important prey for raccoon dogs on the mainland and on inhabited islands, but less important in the outer archipelago in early summer.  相似文献   

The emission of light in the marine ostracod Cypridina hilgendorfii (presently Vargula hilgendorfii) is produced by the Cypridina luciferin-luciferase reaction in the presence of molecular oxygen. Cypridina luciferin has an asymmetric carbon derived from isoleucine, and the absolute configuration is identical to the C-3 position in L-isoleucine or D-alloisoleucine. To determine the stereoselective incorporation of the isoleucine isomers (L-isoleucine, D-isoleucine, L-alloisoleucine, and D-alloisoleucine), we synthesized four (2)H-labeled isoleucine isomers and examined their incorporation into Cypridina luciferin by feeding experiments. Judging by these results, L-isoleucine is predominantly incorporated into Cypridina luciferin. This suggests that the isoleucine unit of Cypridina luciferin is derived from L-isoleucine, but not from D-alloisoleucine.  相似文献   

The emission of light in the marine ostracod Cypridina hilgendorfii (presently Vargula hilgendorfii) is produced by the Cypridina luciferin-luciferase reaction in the presence of molecular oxygen. Cypridina luciferin has an asymmetric carbon derived from isoleucine, and the absolute configuration is identical to the C-3 position in L-isoleucine or D-alloisoleucine. To determine the stereoselective incorporation of the isoleucine isomers (L-isoleucine, D-isoleucine, L-alloisoleucine, and D-alloisoleucine), we synthesized four 2H-labeled isoleucine isomers and examined their incorporation into Cypridina luciferin by feeding experiments. Judging by these results, L-isoleucine is predominantly incorporated into Cypridina luciferin. This suggests that the isoleucine unit of Cypridina luciferin is derived from L-isoleucine, but not from D-alloisoleucine.  相似文献   

Size-related and seasonal evaluation of the dietary composition of fat snook ( Centropomus parallelus Poey 1860) in the upper sector of an estuary of the southeastern coast of Brazil were carried out based on stomach analyses of specimens ranging from 40 to 170 mm standard length. Results reveal that C. parallelus is a carnivorous species feeding mainly on benthic crustaceans. Relatively high stomach replenishment suggests that this environment is an important feeding ground for fat snook juveniles. Multivariate analyses indicated that predator size effect is significantly more important than seasonal variation in determining dietary composition. Predator length was associated with increased consumption of palaemonid shrimps ( Macrobrachium spp.) and grapsid crabs, and decreased foraging on tanaids ( Kalliapseudes schubarti ), thus showing a preference shift from smaller to larger prey. Predator length was also positively associated with an increase in the stomach repletion index. Additionally, allometric growth of both gape and head were consistently correlated with this ontogenetic dietary transition, suggesting that such changes might be related to an individual's ability to capture and consume larger, more elusive prey. The digestive tube is short and grows isometrically, which is in accordance with the carnivorous habit of this estuarine fish and its maintenance through ontogeny.  相似文献   

While the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Canada is a major wintering area for sea ducks, knowledge about their wintering habitat use is relatively limited. Black Scoters have a broad wintering distribution and are the only open water species of sea duck that is abundant along the southeastern coast of the United States. Our study identified variables that affected Black Scoter (Melanitta americana) distribution and abundance in the Atlantic Ocean along the southeastern coast of the United States. We used aerial survey data from 2009 to 2012 provided by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to identify variables that influenced Black Scoter distribution. We used indicator variable selection to evaluate relationships between Black Scoter habitat use and a variety of broad‐ and fine‐scale oceanographic and weather variables. Average time between waves, ocean floor slope, and the interaction of bathymetry and distance to shore had the strongest association with southeastern Black Scoter distribution.  相似文献   

Forest responses to the large-scale east coast fires in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The east coast forest fires of April 2000 were Koreas largest recorded fires. This, along with the fact that they took place in the region most frequently affected by fire, attracted a great deal of attention. Due to the variations in wind, topography and pre-fire forest stands, a heterogeneous landscape mosaic of burn severity was created across the region. It turned out to be an excellent opportunity to study various landscape-scale impacts of fires on forest dynamics. Therefore, we investigated stands in the 23794ha of burned forest region, in terms of burn severity, vegetation regeneration and forested landscape change as a measure of community stability. Using the geographic information system technique, we analyzed the differential severity and post-fire recovery of pre-fire forest types of different stand age both at stand and species level. Analysis showed that pre-fire vegetation was composed of mainly pine (Pinus densiflora) stands that occupied 70% of the whole forested area, while pine-hardwood and hardwood stands occupied only 28% and 3%, respectively. In addition, two-thirds of all stands were less than 30-years-old. Pine stands were the most severely burned, while conversely pine-hardwood and hardwood stands were less vulnerable. This implied that pine forests had fire-prone characteristics. Vegetation recovery went the opposite way; that is, the regenerating vegetation cover was 71% at pre-fire hardwood stands, and 65% and 53% at pine-hardwood and pine stands, respectively. However, these recovery rates were strikingly fast, considering that investigation took place about 3months after the fires. Fire did not initiate successional processes, but tended to accelerate the predicted successional changes by releasing pre-fire understory species that survived the fires and regenerated by sprouting. The dominant pre-fire tree species (P. densiflora) was susceptible to fire and not resilient enough to reestablish in competition with oak species. Contrary to pines, the abilities of oak species, mainly Quercus mongolica and Q. variabilis, to survive fires and to resprout vigorously made them dominant at most post-fire stands. These shifts in species abundance caused drastic changes to the landscape: from pine-dominated to oak-dominated stands without any notable change in species composition. The patterns in forest regeneration that we observed in Korea may be representative of forest responses to any long-term repeated disturbances, including fire.  相似文献   

We report the diet of a wild troop of woolly monkeys (Lagothricha lagothricha lagothricha)in undisturbed rain forest in the lower Apaporis River region of southeastern Colombia during 2400 hr of observation from January 1985 through September 1987. The woolly monkey diet consisted of 78.9% fleshy fruits, 4.3% seeds, 11.4% leaves, 4.9% invertebrates, 0.1% flowers, 0.1% tendrils, and 0.3% bark. Fleshy, endozoochorus fruits were by far the most important type of food for the subjects. Intensive sampling of food plants used by L. 1. lagothrichashows floristically diverse diet including 185 species in 41 families, the most frequently used and species-rich of which are the Sapotaceae,the Moraceae, and the Mimosaceae. We compare our findings with other recent data on the three other subspecies of Lagothrixand discuss some of the ecological influences that might account for the macrogeographic similarities and differences observed in woolly monkey diets. Together, these studies provide the empirical basis for an unambiguous conclusion: Lagothrix lagothricha,classified by the IUCN as vulnerable, is a significant seed disperser throughout its extensive range. Accordingly, extinction of a population of Lagothrix isa major perturbation in its ecosystem.  相似文献   

The diet and diel feeding behaviour of the banded guitarfish Zapteryx xyster were examined along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. A sample of 235 stomachs was collected between March 2010 and December 2011 as part of an ongoing shrimp‐trawl by‐catch monitoring programme. Samples from multiple day and night periods allowed testing the hypothesis that Z. xyster is more active at night, thus increasing the amount of food intake during night‐time. Overall, shrimps (52·3% prey‐specific index of relative importance, PSIRIi) and teleosts (27·2% PSIRIi) were the most important prey categories. Juveniles fed primarily on smaller shrimps (Solenocera spp.), while adults shifted to larger prey. The amount of food consumed (as % of bodymass) by juvenile and adult Z. xyster increased significantly between 0400 and 1200 hours, while the proportion of empty stomachs decreased during the same time interval. These findings contradict the hypothesis that Z. xyster is more active and feeds at night. The study also revealed that Z. xyster, particularly juveniles, forage on several shrimp species and overlap spatially with the Costa Rican bottom‐trawl fisheries. This has important management and conservation implications as Z. xyster may be experiencing high by‐catch rates, and because of their life history is presumed to be vulnerable to intense levels of exploitation.  相似文献   

Recently three biogeographical units were identified along the Chilean coast (the Magellanic Province, an Intermediate Area, and the Peruvian Province), however few studies have focused on the factors and dynamic processes that formed these spatial units (e.g. Rapoport's rule and its causal mechanisms). In this study we used benthic polychaetes of the Chilean coast to evaluate patterns of latitudinal distribution and species richness, and the existence of the three main biogeographical provinces described for the Chilean coast. Additionally, we evaluated the latitudinal Rapoport effects and geometric constraint as a null hypothesis explaining the species richness distribution.
We found that benthic polychaete diversity increased towards southern latitudes. The cluster and ordination (non-metric MultiDimensional Scaling, nMDS) analyses of the distribution data, presented only two statistically significant (bootstrapping techniques) biogeographic provinces along the Chilean coast, with a break occurring between 41° and 42°S. While, our results did not support a latitudinal Rapoport effect, they did support the view that latitudinal Rapoport effects are a local phenomenon, occurring only for the Northeastern Pacific marine taxa. The relationship between latitudinal range extent and mean latitude indicated the existence of two hard boundaries at either extreme of the Chilean coast, limiting the geographical ranges of the species. However, geometric constraints tested using a Monte Carlo simulation approach showed a weak level of mid-domain effect on species richness. Finally, we propose that geometric constraint together with the geomorphology and historical characteristics of the Chilean coast explain the biogeographical patterns of benthic polychaete taxa in Chile.  相似文献   

Adult mosquito surveillance was conducted at two sites at Gijang-gun, Busan southeastern area of the Korean peninsula, in 2004. The most frequently collected species at cow sheds were Anopheles sinensis sensu lato (s.l.) (83.4%), followed by Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (8.2%), Culex pipiens Coquillett (5.6%) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (2.4%). Adult populations of An. sinensis s.l. peaked during July (Trap Index, TI 1043.1), declining in August (TI 659.4) and September (TI 462.9) in 2004, while Cx. tritaeniorhynchus populations increased in August (TI 77.5) and September (TI 35.9). Adult Cx. tritaeniorhynchus was first collected in the second week of May (TI 4.0) and increased through August with two population peaks in the third week of July (TI 98.0) and the second week of August (TI 99.5). Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett) was the most frequently collected mosquito at human-landing collections (30.4%) followed by An. sinensis s.l. (28.6%) and members of the Cx. pipiens complex (19.3%). Anopheles sinensis s.l. demonstrated two peaks of host-seeking activity at 22.00–23.00 hours and 02.00–03.00 hours in July, while in August the host-seeking peaks appeared at 22.00–23.00 hours and 03.00–04.00 hours. The black light trap collections of An. sinensis and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus demonstrated significant correlations to the ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

The heart of the ostracod crustacean Vargula hilgendorfii has a single intrinsic neuron that morphologically appears to innervate the myocardium. We, therefore, examined the heart activity electrophysiologically to determine whether the heartbeat is neurogenic. Each heartbeat is associated with a myocardial action potential composed of a spike potential followed by a plateau potential. The frequency of the action potential is not stable but changes successively over a wide range. The action potential is not preceded by a pacemaker potential and has an inflection in its rising phase. The myocardial cells couple electrically and fire almost simultaneously. The frequency of the action potential was unchanged by injection of depolarizing or hyperpolarizing current into the myocardium. However, slow oscillatory potentials appeared during the depolarization and its frequency was higher with increasing current intensity. Application of 1-microM tetrodotoxin (TTX) depolarized the myocardial membrane and completely prevented the action potential. During this depolarization, slow oscillatory potentials often appeared spontaneously. These results suggest that, although the myocardium has a property of conditional oscillator, the heartbeat is driven by the single cell cardiac ganglion that has both pacemaker and motor functions.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the feeding habits of Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus along the continental Portuguese coast, a total of 619 individuals were sampled of which 60% contained food in their stomach and 35% had more than one prey item. Among the 81 prey items that were identified in the stomachs, benthic and benthopelagic prey prevail on this species diet. Acantephyra sp, Pasiphaea sp, mysidacea, and teleostei n.i. were the prey with the higher percent index of relative importance (%IRI) value. Three length groups (5?C20?cm, 21?C27?cm, and 28?C48?cm) were defined through cluster analysis of the mean abundance of prey items. A permutational MANOVA detected significant differences in the diet and stomach fullness index for TLG, season, and maturation stage. Smaller fishes had a generalized diet, feeding mainly on mysidacea changing their diet above 20?cm TL, where a major consumption of natantia was found. The larger individuals, >28?cm TL, present a less generalized diet with pisces as dominant prey group. Seasonally, natantia and pisces were the principal prey groups during spring and winter, respectively, while mysidacea and other crustaceans were predominant during the rest of the year. Mysidacea were also the main prey group for immature individuals while natantia and pisces were the principal prey groups to the other maturity stages. The results of this study indicate that H. d. dactylopterus has a diverse diet focused on small crustaceans such as misyds and as specimens grow shrimps and fishes become more consumed, with larger specimens having a more specialized diet. The different nutritional needs during spawning season also seemed to influence the feeding habits of H. d. dactylopterus.  相似文献   

In summer 2014, catches of three tropical and subtropical fish species were registered at Sakhalin coast. The Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus was detected at Sakhalin coast for the first time, while the Japanese amberjack Seriola quinqueradiata was first detected in the Sea of Okhotsk waters sweeping the Sakhalin coast. The catch of the great white shark Carcharodon carcharias is the second confirmed case of this fish occurrence near the Sakhalin coast for the last 10 years.  相似文献   

Abstract. The response to prescribed burning of plant communities ranging from dry to wet habitats was monitored using permanent plots sampled from 1989 to 1993. Temporal controls for fire effects were provided by matched sets of plots protected from fire by newly constructed fire breaks. Changes in species composition were studied by ordination of strata of trees (> 5 cm DBH), small trees (2–5 cm DBH), large saplings (1–2 cm DBH), and small saplings and seedlings (50–140 cm tall). Results show that changes occurred largely in the small tree stratum, in which xeric species increased in importance. Although there were changes in sapling and seedling strata, no clear direction of change was recognized. Fire had little effect on the tree stratum. Of the seven community types under study, three types, sandhill, upland pine, and upperslope pine-oak, were most strongly affected, as indicated by post-fire change in positions of samples representing these communities in ordination space and reduction in understory species abundance. Samples representing the other four mesic and wet communities showed little or no change in their positions. These short-term results indicate that changes in vegetation resulting from fire were small and were mostly restricted to the dry types in which possible compositional change is expected to occur. This differential effect of fire suggests that the influence of fire is secondary to that of topographical and soil gradients in determining vegetation pattern under current fire regimes. Fire seems to reinforce an overall vegetation gradient controlled by soil in southeastern Texas.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The sterol composition of nine gorgonians from the Senegalese coast was investigated by capillary GC and GC/MS.
  • 2.2. Fourteen sterols were identified with cholesterol, brassicasterol, 22(E)-dehydrocholesterol and 24-methylenecholesterol as major components.

Pedro Rui Beja 《Ecography》1992,15(3):273-278
The availability of freshwater has been suggested to strongly influence the distribution of coastal otters Lutra lutra The test this hypothesis, a study was undertaken on the relationships between otter distribution and freshwater availability in a coast where freshwater is a very scarce resource during the summer In this area otters occur mostly in a few small coastal streams but feed largely in the sea Twentynine streams were surveyed in the summer of 1990, and the presence/absence of otter signs was related to nine habitat variables Freshwater availability was found to be the most important factor influencing the occurrence of otters in summer It is suggested that otters favour large streams with good vegetation cover, for these are the most likely to maintain frestwater during the dry periods The distribution of otter signs m streams was also analysed, and it was found that signs tend to concentrate particularly near the mouth of the streams This habitat analysis has some conservation implications, indicating that the decrease of freshwater availability or quality of streams can make these unsuitable for otters, severely decreasing the areas suitable for the species in the southwest coast of Portugal  相似文献   

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