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This study examines and compares DNA cleavage modes by several esperamicin derivatives and calicheamicin. We found that the deoxyfucose-anthranilate moiety is a key factor to determine their DNA cutting modes. Probably, the bulky moiety hinders the abstraction of hydrogen atom from deoxyribose by the C-1 carbon radical of phenylene diradical. On the basis of the experimental results, detailed DNA cleaving modes in DNA minor groove by esperamicin and calicheamicin have been discussed.  相似文献   

We have performed solid-state 31P-19F REDOR nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments to monitor changes in minor groove width of the oligonucleotide d(CGCAAA2′FUTGGC)·d(GCCAAT(pS)TT GCG) (A3T2) upon binding of the drug distamycin A at different stoichiometries. In the hydrated solid-state sample, the minor groove width for the unbound DNA, measured as the 2′FU7–pS19 inter-label distance, was 9.4 ± 0.7 Å, comparable to that found for similar A:T-rich DNAs. Binding of a single drug molecule is observed to cause a 2.4 Å decrease in groove width. Subsequent addition of a second drug molecule results in a larger conformational change, expanding this minor groove width to 13.6 Å, consistent with the results of a previous solution NMR study of the 2:1 complex. These 31P-19F REDOR results demonstrate the ability of solid-state NMR to measure distances of 7–14 Å in DNA–drug complexes and provide the first example of a direct spectroscopic measurement of minor groove width in nucleic acids.  相似文献   

V P Chuprina 《FEBS letters》1985,186(1):98-102
Computer calculations as well as an analysis of space-filling models and literature data allowed the following conclusions to be made: an ordered spine of water in the DNA minor groove, similar to that revealed in the CGCGAATTCGCG crystal, seems to exist in DNA crystals, fibers and solutions; it is shown that this spine may be formed on A/T runs containing no TA step while on the TA step the spine is disrupted; the existence of this spine changes the double helix structure stabilizing a definite DNA conformation; the spine of hydration makes the DNA more stable to conformational transitions. These conclusions permit us to interpret a large body of experimental data on DNA crystals, fibers and solutions. The role of water bridges constituting the first hydration shell of the ordered spine of water is discussed in connection with the B-to-A transition.  相似文献   

The role of minor groove functional groups in DNA hydration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here we describe the crystal structure of modified [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2 refined to 2.04 Å. The modification, which affects only the two thymines at the central ApT step, involves isosteric removal of the 2-keto oxygen atoms and substitution of the N1 nitrogen with carbon. The crystal structure reveals the ability of this modified thymine to effectively base pair with adenine in [d(CGCGAAtTCGCG)]2. The structure also suggests that the minor groove ‘spine of hydration’ is destabilized but essentially intact.  相似文献   

F Eisenhaber  J H Mannik  V G Tumanyan 《Biopolymers》1990,29(10-11):1453-1464
Being interested in possible effects of sequence-dependent hydration of B-DNA with mixed sequence in fibers, we performed a series of Monte Carlo calculations of hydration of polydeoxyribonucleotides in B form, considering all sequences with dinucleotide repeat. The computational results allow the ten base-stacking types to be classified in accordance with their primary hydration in the minor groove. As a rule, the minor groove is occupied by two water molecules per base pair in the depth of the groove, which are located nearly midway between the planes of successive base pairs and symmetrically according to the dyad there. The primary hydration of the major groove depends on the type of the given base pair. The coordinates of 3 water molecules per base pair in the depth of the major groove are determined by the type of this pair together with its position and orientation in the helix, and are practically independent on the adjacent base pairs. A/T-homopolymer tracts do not fit into this hydration pattern; the base pair edges are hydrated autonomously in both grooves. Analysis of the Li-B-DNA x-ray diffraction intensities reveals those two water positions in the minor groove. In the major groove, no electronic density peaks in sufficient distance from the base edges were found, thus confirming the absence of any helical invariance of primary hydration in this region. With the help of the rules proposed in this paper it is possible to position the water molecules of the first hydration shell in the grooves of canonical B-DNA for any given sequence.  相似文献   

Systems containing a base or a base pair and 25 water molecules, as well as a helical stack and 30 water molecules per base pair, have been simulated. Changes in the base hydration shell structure, after the bases have been included into the pair and then into the base pair stack, are discussed. Hydration shells of several configurations of the base pair stacks are discussed. Probabilities of formation of the hydrogen-bonded bridges of 1, 2 and 3 water molecules between hydrophilic centres have been estimated. The hydration shell structure was shown to depend on the nature of the base pair and on the stack configuration, while dependence of the global hydration shell characteristics on the stack configuration has been proved to be rather slight. The most typical structural elements of hydration shells, in the glycosidic (minor in B-like conformation) and non-glycosidic (major) grooves, for different configurations of AU and GC stacks, have been found and discussed. The number of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and bases per water molecule was shown to change upon transformation of the stack from A to B configuration. This result is discussed in connection with the reasons for B to A conformational transition and the concept of "water economy". Hydration shell patterns of NH2-groups of AU and GC helical stacks differ significantly.  相似文献   

Analysis of available B-DNA type oligomeric crystal structures as well as protein-bound DNA fragments (solved using data with resolution <2.6 A) indicates that in both data sets, a majority of the (3'-Ade) H2..O2(3'-Thy/Cyt) distances in AA.TT and GA.TC dinucleotide steps, are considerably shorter than their values in a uniform fibre model, and are smaller than their optimum separation distance. Since the electropositive C2-H2 group of adenine is in close proximity of the electronegative keto oxygen atoms of both pyrimidine bases in the antiparallel strand of the double-helical DNA structures, it suggests the possibility of intra-base-pair as well as cross-strand C-H..O hydrogen bonds in the minor groove. The C2-H2..O2 hydrogen bonds within the A.T base-pairs could be a natural consequence of Watson-Crick pairing. However, the close cross-strand interactions between the bases at the 3'-ends of the AA.TT and GA.TC steps arise due to the local sequence-dependent geometry of these steps. While the base-pair propeller twist in these steps is comparable to the fibre model, some of the other local parameters such as base-pair opening angle and inter-base-pair slide show coordinated changes, leading to these shorter C2-H2..O2 distances. Hence, in addition to the well-known minor groove hydration, it appears that favourable C2-H2..O2 cross-strand interactions may play a role in imparting a characteristic geometry to AA.TT and GA.TC steps, as well as An.Tn and GAn.TnC tracts, which leads to a narrow minor groove in these regions.  相似文献   

Results on a Monte Carlo simulation of the hydration of monomer and possible stacked dimer forms of a purine alkaloid series in 200- and 400-water molecule clusters are presented. Investigation of different purine stacked dimers in a 200-water molecule cluster reveals that for caffeine there exists one, for theophylline two and for theobromine four dimers are energetically favorable. For caffeine, the same energetically favored stacked dimer form is observed in both the 200- and 400-water molecule cluster. The main factor stabilizing the preferred dimer stacks is the change in the interaction between water molecules of the monomer cluster and those water molecules in the dimer cluster.  相似文献   

L A Marky  D W Kupke 《Biochemistry》1989,28(26):9982-9988
The minor-groove ligand netropsin provides a sensitive probe of the hydration difference between poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly[d(AT)].poly[d(AT)]. We have measured the volume change delta V accompanying binding of netropsin to these polymers, using an improved magnetic suspension densimeter. For poly(dA).poly(dT) we find delta V = +97 mL/mol of bound netropsin at pH 7.0 and 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer. For poly[d(AT)].poly[d(AT)] we find delta V = -16 mL/mol of bound netropsin. This striking differential effect suggests that the poly(dA).poly(dT) duplex compresses more water (or is more extensively hydrated). From our enthalpy and entropy results we estimate the approximately 10 water molecules, immobilized in the minor groove of this system, are displaced by each netropsin bound. The volume increase, however, is substantially larger than can be explained by a simple melting of these immobilized water molecules in the minor groove. A decompression of at least 40 water molecules must attend the complexation to the poly(dA).poly(dT) duplex. This suggests that the conformation change attending the binding of the drug to this polymer duplex causes a further dehydration, whereas no such change in dehydration and configuration for the heteropolymer system is indicated.  相似文献   

The width of the DNA minor groove varies with sequence and can be a major determinant of DNA shape recognition by proteins. For example, the minor groove within the center of the Fis–DNA complex narrows to about half the mean minor groove width of canonical B-form DNA to fit onto the protein surface. G/C base pairs within this segment, which is not contacted by the Fis protein, reduce binding affinities up to 2000-fold over A/T-rich sequences. We show here through multiple X-ray structures and binding properties of Fis–DNA complexes containing base analogs that the 2-amino group on guanine is the primary molecular determinant controlling minor groove widths. Molecular dynamics simulations of free-DNA targets with canonical and modified bases further demonstrate that sequence-dependent narrowing of minor groove widths is modulated almost entirely by the presence of purine 2-amino groups. We also provide evidence that protein-mediated phosphate neutralization facilitates minor groove compression and is particularly important for binding to non-optimally shaped DNA duplexes.  相似文献   

S Hanlon  L Wong    G R Pack 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(1):291-300
Poisson-Boltzmann calculations by Pack and co-workers suggest the presence of regions of increased hydrogen ion density in the grooves of DNA. As an experimental test of this prediction, we have attached proton-sensitive probes, with variable linker lengths, to random-sequence DNA at G sites in the minor groove. The amino groups of beta-alanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and epsilon-aminocaproic acid have been coupled at pH 5, via a formaldehyde link, to the exocyclic amino group of guanine, utilizing a reaction that has been extensively investigated by Hanlon and co-workers. The resulting adducts at pH 5 retained duplex B form but exhibited typical circular dichroism (CD) changes previously shown to be correlated with the presence of a net positive charge in the minor groove. Increases in the solvent pH reversed the CD spectral changes in a manner suggesting deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group of the adduct. These data were used to calculate an apparent pK(a) for the COOH. The pK(a) was increased by 2.4 units for beta-alanine, by 1.7 units for GABA, and by 1.5 units for epsilon-amino caproic acid, relative to their values in the free amino acid. This agrees well with Poisson-Boltzmann calculations and the energy minimization of the structures of the adducts that place the carboxyl groups in acidic domains whose hydrogen ion density is approximately 2 orders of magnitude greater than that of bulk solvent.  相似文献   

Hays FA  Jones ZJ  Ho PS 《Biochemistry》2004,43(30):9813-9822
The inosine-containing sequence d(CCIGTACm(5)CGG) is shown to crystallize as a four-stranded DNA junction. This structure is nearly identical to the antiparallel junction formed by the parent d(CCGGTACm(5)()CGG) sequence [Vargason, J. M., and Ho, P. S. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 21041-21049] in terms of its conformational geometry, and inter- and intramolecular interactions within the DNA and between the DNA and solvent, even though the 2-amino group in the minor groove of the important G(3).m(5)C(8) base pair of the junction core trinucleotide (italicized) has been removed. In contrast, the analogous 2,6-diaminopurine sequence d(CCDGTACTGG) crystallizes as resolved duplex DNAs, just like its parent sequence d(CCAGTACTGG) [Hays, F. A., Vargason, J. M., and Ho, P. S. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 9586-9597]. These results demonstrate that it is not the presence or absence of the 2-amino group in the minor groove of the R(3).Y(8) base pair that specifies whether a sequence forms a junction, but the positions of the extracyclic amino and keto groups in the major groove. Finally, the study shows that the arms of the junction can accommodate perturbations to the B-DNA conformation of the stacked duplex arms associated with the loss of the 2-amino substituent, and that two hydrogen bonding interactions from the C(7) and Y(8) pyrimidine nucleotides to phosphate oxygens of the junction crossover specify the geometry of the Holliday junction.  相似文献   

An analogue of the DNA-binding compound Hoechst 33258, in which the piperazine ring has been replaced by an imidazoline group, has been cocrystallized with the dodecanucleotide sequence d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2. The structure has been solved by X-ray diffraction analysis and has been refined to an R-factor of 19.7% at a resolution of 2.0 A. The ligand is found to bind in the minor groove, at the central four AATT base pairs of the B-DNA double helix, with the involvement of a number of van der Waals contacts and hydrogen bonds. There are significant differences in minor groove width for the two compounds, along much of the AATT region. In particular this structure shows a narrower groove at the 3' end of the binding site consistent with the narrower cross-section of the imidazole group compared with the piperazine ring of Hoechst 33258 and therefore a smaller perturbation in groove width. The higher binding affinity to DNA shown by this analogue compared with Hoechst 33258 itself, has been rationalised in terms of these differences.  相似文献   

We propose that water of hydration in contact with the double helix can exist in several states. One state, found in the narrow groove of poly(dA).poly(dT), should be considered as frozen to the helix, i.e., an integral part of the double helix. We find that this enhanced helix greatly effects the stability of that helix against base separation melting. Most water surrounding the helix is, however, melted or disassociated with respect to being an integral part of helix and plays a much less significant role in stabilizing the helix dynamically, although these water molecules play an important role in stabilizing the helix conformation statically. We study the temperature dependence of the melting of the hydration spine and find that narrow groove nonbonded interactions are necessary to stabilize the spine above room temperature and to show the broad transition observed experimentally. This calculation requires that synergistic effects of nonbonded interactions between DNA and its hydration shell affect the state of water-base atom hydrogen bonds. The attraction of waters into narrow groove tends to retain waters in the groove and compress or strain these hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

To explain biochemical and genetic data on spontaneous nucleotide replacements in nucleic acid biosynthesis all the 8 mispairs in normal tautomeric forms have been considered. Possible B-conformations of DNA fragments containing each of such mispairs incorporated between Watson-Crick pairs have been found using computations of the energy of non-bonded interactions via classical potential functions. These conformations have no reduced interatomic contacts. The values of each dihedral angle of the sugar-phosphate backbone fall within the limits of those of double-helical fragments of B-DNA in crystals. These values differ from those of the corresponding angles for the low-energy polynucleotide conformations consisting of canonical pairs by no more than 30 degrees (except for the fragment with the U:U pair for which the C4'-C3'-O-P angle differs by about 50 degrees). The difference in experimentally observed frequencies of various nucleotide replacements in DNA biosynthesis correlates with the difference in the energy of non-bonded interactions and with the extent of the sugar-phosphate backbone distortion for the fragments containing the mispairs which serve as intermediates for the replacements.  相似文献   

Calculations of the energy of interaction between the caffeine molecule and DNA double helix fragment of four complementary pairs have been performed by the molecular mechanics method. The calculations demonstrate the existence of energy minima corresponding to the caffeine molecule position in both wide and narrow grooves. Each of three proton acceptor atoms of caffeine is able to form hydrogen bond with each of three amino groups of DNA bases. The interactions of caffeine with both hydrogen bonded nucleotide and other nucleotides of the two strands contribute considerably to the total energy. The substantial contribution of interactions of caffeine with other than H-bonded nucleotides results in a rather close packing of atom groups in possible DNA-caffeine complexes. The mechanisms of influence of caffeine on interactions of DNA with other biologically active compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

New conjugates containing two parallel or antiparallel carboxamide minor groove binders (MGB) attached to the same terminal phosphate of one oligonucleotide strand were synthesized. The conjugates interact with their target DNA stronger than the individual components. Effect of conjugated MGB on DNA duplex and triplex stability and their sequence specificity was demonstrated on the short oligonucleotide duplexes and on the triplex formed by model 16-mer oligonucleotide with HIV polypurine tract.  相似文献   

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