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Conventional and freeze-fracture electron microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy of ovarian cryosections and confocal immunofluorescence were used to analyze the ovarian distribution of the major protein classes being secreted by the follicle cells during the vitellogenic and choriogenic stages of Drosophila oogenesis. Our results clearly demonstrated that at vitellogenic stages the follicle cells co-secrete constitutively vitelline membrane and yolk proteins that are either sorted into distinct secretory vesicles or they are segregated in different parts of bipartite vesicles by differential condensation. Following their exocytosis only the vitelline membrane proteins are incorporated into the forming vitelline membrane. The yolk proteins (along with their hemolymph circulating counterparts) diffuse through gaps amongst the incomplete vitelline membrane and are internalized through endocytosis by the oocyte where they are finally stored into modified lysosomes referred to as alpha-yolk granules. The unexpected immunolocalization of vitelline membrane antigens in the associated body of the alpha-yolk granules may indicate that this structure is a transient repository for the proteins being internalized into the oocyte along with the yolk proteins. In the early choriogenic follicle cells the vitelline membrane and early chorion proteins were found to be co-secreted and to be evenly intermixed into the same secretory vesicles. These findings illuminate new details concerning the follicle cells secretory and oocyte endocytic pathways and provide for the first time evidence for condensation-mediated sorting of constitutively secreted proteins in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Summary Ovarian follicle cells of Drosophila melanogaster have been studied by ultrastructural and autoradiographic analyses.During their migration through the germarium, follicle cells undergo several structural changes and, of these, the most conspicuous one occurs at the level of the nucleolus. By the time the first ovarian chamber is formed, follicle cells have formed a layer of uniform thickness all around a cluster or nurse cells and the oocyte. Following the initiation of vitellogenesis, the follicle cells overlying the oocyte become columnar while those over the nurse cells become very thin. During stages 9–10, the columnar follicle cells are involved in the formation of the vitelline membrane, while from stages 11 to 13 these cells produce the endochorion.An EM autoradiographic analysis has shown that the rate of 3H-uridine incroporation in follicle cell nuclei is low in previtellogenic chambers, while it becomes very high in nuclei of stage 9–10 chambers. After short exposure to uridine, silver grains are located predominantly over nucleoli.Evidence from incorporation studies with 3H-lysine indicates that the columnar follicle cells and the region of the various egg coverings are highly labelled within an hour of incubation in the tracer.The observations confirm that columnar follicle cells are the only cells in the chamber involved in the formation of materials which make up the egg coverings.This work was partly supported by C.N.R. (Italy)I am indebted to Dr. J. Jacob from the Institute of Animal Genetics (Edinburgh) for introducing me to the use of EM autoradiography  相似文献   

The microfilament pattern in the somatic follicle cells of mid-vitellogenic stage 9 to 11 follicles of Drosophila was analyzed by staining F-actin with fluorescence-labeled phalloidin. During the analyzed stages of oogenesis, the follicular epithelium differentiates morphologically and functionally. These changes are also reflected at the organization of the microfilaments. At stage 10, they show no preferred orientation in the very thin follicle cells covering the nurse cells. In contrast, the microfilaments in the basal part of the columnar follicle cells covering the oocyte become organized in parallel bundles oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the follicle. During stages 10B/11 this organization is maintained at the nurse cell/oocyte border but becomes more sloppy towards the posterior pole of the follicle. The basal part of the follicle cells containing the microfilament bundles adheres so tightly to the basement membrane that this acellular layer cannot be separated mechanically from the epithelium. Indirect evidence from inhibition studies with cytochalasins and the effects of collagenase or pronase E added to the culture medium suggest that the microfilament bundles may promote increased adhesiveness of the follicle cells to the basement membrane. The possible functional implications of the microfilaments and their orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

F Giorgi 《Histochemistry》1977,52(2):105-117
Ovarian follicle cells of Drosophila melanogaster have been studied by ultrastructural and autoradiographic analyses. During their migration through the germarium, follicle cells undergo several structural changes and, of these, the most conspicuous one occurs at the level of the nucleolus. By the time the first ovarian chamber is formed, follicle cells have formed a layer of uniform thickness all around a cluster or nurse cells and the oocyte. Following the initiation of vitellogenesis, the follicle cells overlaying the oocyte become columnar while those over the nurse cells become very thin. During stages 9-10, the columnar follicle cells are involved in the formation of the vitelline membrane, while from stages 11 to 13 these cells produce the endochorion. An EM autoradiographic analysis has shown that the rate of 3H-uridine incorporation in follicle cells nuclei is low in previtellogenic chambers, while it becomes very high in nuclei of stage 9-10 chambers. After short exposure to uridine, silver grains are located predominantly over nucleoli. Evidence from incorporation studies with 3H-lysine indicates that the columnar follicle cells and the region of the various egg coverings are highly labelled within an hour of incubation in the tracer. The observations confirm that columnar follicle cells are the only cells in the chamber involved in the formation of materials which make up the egg coverings.  相似文献   

In the present study, we demonstrate the apoptotic events of the ovarian follicle cells during the late stages of oogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Follicle cell morphology appears normal from stage 10 up to stage 14, exhibiting a euchromatic nucleus and a well-organized cytoplasm. First signs of apoptosis appear at the anterior pole of the egg chamber at stage 14A. They are characterized by loss of microvilli at the apical cell membrane, alterations in nuclear morphology, such as chromatin condensation and convolution of the nuclear membrane, and also by condensation and vacuolization of the cytoplasm. During the following stage 14B, the follicle cell nuclei contain fragmented DNA as is demonstrated by acridine orange staining and TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling) assay. Finally, the apoptotic follicle cells seem to detach from the eggshell when the mature egg chamber exits the ovariole. The detached follicle cells exhibit condensed nuclear chromatin, a disorganized cytoplasm with crowded organelles and are surrounded by epithelial cells. The above results seem to be associated with the abundant phagocytosis that we observed at the entry of the lateral oviducts, where the epithelial cells contain apoptotic cell bodies. Additionally, we tested the effect of etoposide treatment in the follicular epithelium and found that it induces apoptosis in a stage- and site-specific manner. These observations suggest a possible method of absorption of the apoptotic follicle cells that prevents the blockage of the ovarioles and helps the regular production of mature eggs.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the heart is composed of a simple linear tube constituted of 52 pairs of myoendothelial cells which differentiate during embryogenesis to build up a functional mature organ. The cardiac tube is a contractile organ with autonomous muscular activity which functions as a hemolymph pump in an open circulatory circuit. The cardiac tube is organized in metamers which contain six pairs of cardioblasts per segment. Within each metamer the cardioblasts express a combination of genetic markers underlying their functional diversity. For example, the two most posterior cardiac cells in segments A5 to A7 differentiate into ostiae which allow the inflow of hemolymph in the tube. An additional axial information along the anteroposterior axis orchestrates the subdivision of the cardiac tube into an "aorta" in the anterior region and a "heart" in the posterior region which behave as distinct functional entities. The major pacemaker activity is located in the most caudal part of the heart. This analysis has being made possible by the identification and the utilization of specific morphological and genetic markers and an in vivo observation of cardiac function in the embryo. Functional organogenesis of the cardiac tube is accurately controlled by genetic programs that have been in part identified. Hox genes are responsible for the axial subdivision of the tube into functional modules. They activate, in their specific domains of expression, target genes effectors of the terminal differentiation. On the other hand, part of the information required for segmental information is provided by Hedgehog, a morphogen secreted by dorsal ectoderm, whose activity triggers the ostiae formation in the heart domain.  相似文献   

A C Spradling  A P Mahowald 《Cell》1979,16(3):589-598
RNA synthesis in ovarian follicles of Drosophila melanogaster was studied by methods which eliminate experimentally induced alterations in gene expression. Gel electrophoresis of follicular RNA, labeled after injection of precursors into females, revealed qualitative and quantitative differences in synthesis during the course of oogenesis. A highly heterogeneous group of poly(A)-containing RNAs is produced during much of the course of follicular development. However, post-vitellogenic stages synthesize a small number of stage-specific poly(A)-containing RNAs. During this period, RNA synthesis is known to take place primarily in the follicle cells, which are engaged in the production of the endochorion and exochorion. Two intense bands of nonmitochondrial poly(A)+ RNA are labeled between stage 11 and early stage 13. The synthesis of a more heterogeneous group of very small poly(A)-containing RNAs characterizes the last part of oogenesis, stages 13 and 14. Evidence is presented to show that these RNAs are specifically localized in the follicle cells of the egg chamber. We propose that they represent mRNAs for chorion proteins. In situ hybridization of preparations of late stage poly(A)-containing RNA to salivary gland chromosomes revealed two major sites of complementarity, 7E11 and 12E, as well as several minor sites. Experiments in which RNAs were separated on gels prior to hybridization in situ suggested that both the major stage 12-specific RNA bands contained molecules which were complementary to DNA in the 7E11 region. It is particularly interesting that this site is within a small chromosomal interval known to contain the gene ocelliless. Females homozygous for ocelliless have been shown to produce structurally abnormal chorions (Johnson and King, 1974).  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily have wide-ranging influences on many tissue and organ systems including the ovary. Two recently discovered TGF-beta superfamily members, growth/differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) and bone morphogenetic protein-15 (BMP-15; also designated as GDF-9B) are expressed in an oocyte-specific manner from a very early stage and play a key role in promoting follicle growth beyond the primary stage. Follicle growth to the small antral stage does not require gonadotrophins but appears to be driven by local autocrine/paracrine signals from both somatic cell types (granulosa and theca) and from the oocyte. TGF-beta superfamily members expressed by follicular cells and implicated in this phase of follicle development include TGF-beta, activin, GDF-9/9B and several BMPs. Acquisition of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) responsiveness is a pre-requisite for growth beyond the small antral stage and evidence indicates an autocrine role for granulosa-derived activin in promoting granulosa cell proliferation, FSH receptor expression and aromatase activity. Indeed, some of the effects of FSH on granulosa cells may be mediated by endogenous activin. At the same time, activin may act on theca cells to attenuate luteinizing hormone (LH)-dependent androgen production in small to medium-size antral follicles. Dominant follicle selection appears to depend on differential FSH sensitivity amongst a growing cohort of small antral follicles. Activin may contribute to this selection process by sensitizing those follicles with the highest "activin tone" to FSH. Production of inhibin, like oestradiol, increases in selected dominant follicles, in an FSH- and insulin-like growth factor-dependent manner and may exert a paracrine action on theca cells to upregulate LH-induced secretion of androgen, an essential requirement for further oestradiol secretion by the pre-ovulatory follicle. Like activin, BMP-4 and -7 (mostly from theca), and BMP-6 (mostly from oocyte), can enhance oestradiol and inhibin secretion by bovine granulosa cells while suppressing progesterone secretion; this suggests a functional role in delaying follicle luteinization and/or atresia. Follistatin, on the other hand, may favor luteinization and/or atresia by bio-neutralizing intrafollicular activin and BMPs. Activin receptors are expressed by the oocyte and activin may have a further intrafollicular role in the terminal stages of follicle differentiation to promote oocyte maturation and developmental competence. In a reciprocal manner, oocyte-derived GDF-9/9B may act on the surrounding cumulus granulosa cells to attenuate oestradiol output and promote progesterone and hyaluronic acid production, mucification and cumulus expansion.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells are maintained in specialized microenvironments called niches, which promote self-renewal and prevent differentiation. In this study, we show that follicle stem cells (FSCs) in the Drosophila melanogaster ovary rely on cues that are distinct from those of other ovarian stem cells to establish and maintain their unique niche. We demonstrate that integrins anchor FSCs to the basal lamina, enabling FSCs to maintain their characteristic morphology and position. Integrin-mediated FSC anchoring is also essential for proper development of differentiating prefollicle cells that arise from asymmetrical FSC divisions. Our results support a model in which FSCs contribute to the formation and maintenance of their own niche by producing the integrin ligand, laminin A (LanA). Together, LanA and integrins control FSC proliferation rates, a role that is separable from their function in FSC anchoring. Importantly, LanA-integrin function is not required to maintain other ovarian stem cell populations, demonstrating that distinct pathways regulate niche-stem cell communication within the same organ.  相似文献   

Stem cell niches are specific regulatory microenvironments formed by neighboring stromal cells. Owing to difficulties in identifying stem cells and their niches in many systems, mechanisms that control niche formation and stem cell recruitment remain elusive. In the Drosophila ovary, two or three germline stem cells (GSCs) have recently been shown to reside in a niche, in which terminal filaments (TFs) and cap cells are two major components. We report that signals from newly formed niches promote clonal expansion of GSCs during niche formation in the Drosophila ovary. After the formation of TFs and cap cells, anterior primordial germ cells (PGCs) adjacent to TFs/cap cells can develop into GSCs at the early pupal stage while the rest directly differentiate. The anterior PGCs are very mitotically active and exhibit two division patterns with respect to cap cells. One of these patterns generates two daughters that both contact cap cells and potentially become GSCs. Our lineage tracing study confirms that one PGC can generate two or three GSCs to occupy a whole niche ('clonal expansion'). decapentaplegic (dpp), the Drosophila homolog of human bone morphogenetic protein 2/4, is expressed in anterior somatic cells of the gonad, including TFs/cap cells. dpp overexpression promotes PGC proliferation and causes the accumulation of more PGCs in the gonad. A single PGC mutant for thick veins, encoding an essential dpp receptor, loses the ability to clonally populate a niche. Therefore, dpp is probably one of the mitotic signals that promote the clonal expansion of GSCs in a niche. This study also suggests that signals from newly formed niche cells are important for expanding stem cells and populating niches.  相似文献   

Data generated within the last several years have shown that follicular fluid contains substances, presumably peptide in nature, which exert potentially important effects on granulosa cells and the oocyte. This review briefly summarizes the current evidence concerning the nature and importance of these putative regulators including the luteinization inhibitor, oocyte maturation inhibitor, inhibitors of the binding of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, stimulators of ornithine decarboxylase and intrafollicular peptides with gonadotrophin-releasing activity. Although the existence of such activities has been clearly demonstrated, the evidence for a regulatory role of these agents in the control of ovarian physiology is not compelling. However, their occurrence must now be taken into account in our attempts to understand the mechanism of follicular growth, differentiation and atresia.  相似文献   

The precise roles of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the control of preovulatory follicle growth has been re-examined. Suppression of both pulsatile LH secretion and FSH or specific suppression of FSH results in an inhibition of preovulatory follicle growth beyond 2.5 mm dia. Infusion of sheep FSH alone in physiological amounts in the presence of basal, non-pulsatile LH results in the growth of preovulatory follicles. Co-infusion of large amplitude pulses of LH reduced or abolished this effect of FSH. It is suggested that: (1) FSH controls the number of follicles which develop; (2) selection of the large follicle destined to ovulate is directly related to the decline in the plasma concentration of FSH occurring during the period of follicle selection--thus, only the follicle(s) which can withstand this withdrawal of FSH will continue to develop; and (3) pulses of LH may directly affect the action of FSH on the follicle and play an important, hitherto unrecognized role in the selection of the ovulatory follicle by actively inducing atresia.  相似文献   

Most research on the control of oocyte maturation by luteinizing hormone (LH) in teleosts and amphibians has focused on the production and action of maturation-inducing hormone (MIH), the follicular hormone that directly triggers the resumption of oocyte meiosis. However, current information indicates that LH regulates maturation in two stages, and that 'oocyte maturation' can be appropriately described within the broader context of 'ovarian follicle maturation'. During the first stage of maturation the follicle (somatic) cells acquire the ability to produce MIH and the oocyte to respond to MIH (i.e. oocyte maturational competence, OMC), whereas in the second stage the follicle cells produce MIH and, consequently, the oocyte is released from meiotic arrest. A number of factors such as insulin-like growth factor-I, serotonin, and others may mediate or modulate the OMC-inducing action of LH. Like the acquisition of MIH-producing ability, the acquisition of OMC requires activation of the protein kinase A pathway. Two major cellular events associated with OMC acquisition are increases in homologous and heterologous gap junction contacts and in oocyte MIH receptor activity. The increased oocyte MIH receptor activity is presumably associated with OMC acquisition, but the significance of changes in gap junction contacts is at present uncertain. To eliminate inconsistency and ambiguity associated with current terminology we propose that the term, ovarian follicle (or oocyte) maturation be used for teleosts without qualifiers such as 'final' to define the first and second stages of follicular maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Thy-1+ cells, producing Thy-1+ material, have been demonstrated by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique in the theca of growing ovarian follicles of the rat. OX-2 antigen, known as the minor glycoprotein of rat thymocytes, was detected in granulosa cells of non-growing follicles. Ia+ cells of dendritic type and/or activated macrophages were identified in the granulosa of advanced degenerating follicles, and remnants of the zona pellucida exhibited immunoglobulins. In some ovaries immunoglobulins were also bound to the zona pellucida of oocytes of early degenerating antral follicles. Medium-sized antral follicles with degenerating granulosa were occasionally invaded by cells carrying antigens of cytotoxic T lymphocytes or other T lymphocyte subsets, while degenerating large antral follicles were sometimes invaded by cells exhibiting antigen of cells with natural killer function (but not antigens of T lymphocytes). Granulosa cells of some degenerating antral follicles exhibited class-I antigens derived from the major histocompatibility complex. We suggest that cell-mediated control mechanisms of antigen expression and metabolism of tissue cells during their differentiation and degeneration should be considered in addition to the well-documented hormonal dependence of some tissues.  相似文献   

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