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A model system of polyacrylamide films containing the Triton extract of rat brain homogenate was applied to investigate quantitatively some aspects of three methods for the cytochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase activity (Lewis 1961; Karnovsky and Roots 1964; Tsuji 1974). Biochemical determinations showed that about 90% of the acetylcholinesterase activity originally present in the Triton extract were still detectable in the films. The relationship of the formation of cuprous thiocholine iodide in the case of the methods of Lewis (1961) or Tsuji (1974) and of cupric ferrocyanide at the reaction of Karnovsky and Roots (1964) to either enzyme concentration or incubation time were tested in detail. The results showed that for the method of Tsuji and, with some restrictions, also for the method of Karnovsky and Roots a linearity exists in these two respects. In the case of the Lewis technique, an approximate linearity between the amount of reaction product and incubation time could only be found from 90 min onward, but no linearity was detected in relation to the enzyme concentration. At low enzyme concentrations, too little white precipitate was formed in comparison to higher ones. Therefore it is suggested that this technique, as compared to the methods of Tsuji and Karnovsky and Roots, probably is less suitable as a quantitative cytochemical method.  相似文献   

Summary A model system of polyacrylamide films containing the Triton extract of rat brain homogenate was applied to investigate quantitatively some aspects of three methods for the cytochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase activity (Lewis 1961; Karnovsky and Roots 1964; Tsuji 1974).Biochemical determinations showed that about 90% of the acetylcholinesterase activity originally present in the Triton extract were still detectable in the films. The relationship of the formation of cuprous thiocholine iodide in the case of the methods of Lewis (1961) or Tsuji (1974) and of cupric ferrocyanide at the reaction of Karnovsky and Roots (1964) to either enzyme concentration or incubation time were tested in detail. The results showed that for the method of Tsuji and, with some restrictions, also for the method of Karnovsky and Roots a linearity exists in these two respects. In the case of the Lewis technique, an approximate linearity between the amount of reaction product and incubation time could only be found from 90 min onward, but no linearity was detected in relation to the enzyme concentration. At low enzyme concentrations, too little white precipitate was formed in comparison to higher ones. Therefore it is suggested that this technique, as compared to the methods of Tsuji and Karnovsky and Roots, probably is less suitable as a quantitative cytochemical method.This word was performed while one of us (Dr. Andrä) was in receipt of a visitor grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO)  相似文献   

To control some aspects of Lipid metabolism in G-6-PD defective subjects, are evaluated the haematic levels of Cholesterol, Tri glycerides, total Lipids and Lipoproteins. There is no significative difference between enzymopathic and normal control subjects.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural localization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-linked) has been attempted in steroid-secreting cells. Rat adrenocortical cells and newt testicular glandular cells were fixed in an ice-cold mixture of 1% methanol-free formaldehyde and 0.25% glutaraldehyde. Potassium ferricyanide was used as the final electron acceptor.After incubation, the final copper ferrocyanide precipitate is exclusively observed in the hyaloplasm of these cells, provided that an electron carrier (1.0 mM PMS) has been added to the medium in order to by-pass the tissue diaphorase (NADPH-ferricyanide reductase) reaction. No precipitate appears in the absence of glucose-6-phosphate (substrate). Incubation in a medium devoid of PMS results in an exclusively mitochondrial reaction; the latter is that of the diaphorase, which in these cells is mitochondrial. These results prove the importance of utilizing exogenous electron carriers (such as PMS) in coenzyme-linked dehydrogenase cytochemistry.Although polyvinyl alcohol was included in the washing and incubation media, in order to increase their viscosity, problems still exist concerning ultracytochemical localization of this soluble enzyme; these problems are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-linked) has been attempted in steroid-secreting cells. Rat adrenocortical cells and newt testicular glandular cells were fixed in an ice-cold mixture of 1% methanol-free formaldehyde and 0.25% glutaraldehyde. Potassium ferricyanide was used as the final electron acceptor. After incubation, the final copper ferrocyanide precipitate is exclusively observed in the hyaloplasm of these cells, provided that an electron carrier (1.0 mM PMS) has been added to the medium in order to by-pass the tissue "diaphorase" (NADPH-ferricyanide reductase) reaction. No precipitate appears in the absence of glucose-6-phosphate (substrate). Incubation in a medium devoid of PMS results in an exclusively mitochondrial reaction; the latter is that of the "diaphorase", which in these cells is mitochondrial. These results prove the importance of utilizing exogenous electron carriers (such as PMS) in coenzyme-linked dehydrogenase cytochemistry. Although polyvinyl alcohol was included in the washing and incubation media, in order to increase their viscosity, problems still exist concerning ultracytochemical localization of this "soluble" enzyme; these problems are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive cytochemical staining method for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in individual human erythrocytes is described. This staining method can be used for the rapid routine discrimination of patients with a deficiency of the enzyme in its homozygote or heterozygote form, but also for quantitative localization of its activity in individual erythrocytes. The staining procedure in its optimal form consists of a treatment of the erythrocytes with sodium nitrite, then a fixation in 0.025% glutaraldehyde (under NADP+ protection of the active site of the enzyme), followed by incubation of the cells in suspension in the presence of tetranitro BT, 1-methoxyphenazine methosulphate and polyvinyl alcohol. Using this new technique, a sharp localization is obtained of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, which enables discrimination between red cells with different levels of enzyme activity, as a consequence of enzyme deficiencies or age changes.  相似文献   

T N?rgaard 《Histochemistry》1979,63(1):103-113
A quantitative fluorimetric method is described for estimating the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in isolated fractions of rabbit nephron from the superficial part of the renal cortex: macula densa, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule and glomerulus. The mean activity in the macula densa region was 2.5 X 10(-18) mol/micrometers 3/min, which was about twice the mean activity of the proximal and distal tubular cells and four times that of the glomeruli. As glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is located in the cytoplasm, the average cytoplasmic enzyme activity of the different tubular cells was calculated: macula densa activity was 4.0 X 10(-18) mol/micrometers 3/min whilst proximal tubular cells showed about a third, and distal tubular cells about a quarter of this activity.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative fluorimetric method is described for estimating the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in isolated fractions of rabbit nephron from the superficial part of the renal cortex: macula densa, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule and glomerulus. The mean activity in the macula densa region was 2.5×10–18 mol/m3/min, which was about twice the mean activity of the proximal and distal tubular cells and four times that of the glomeruli. As glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is located in the cytoplasm, the average cytoplasmic enzyme activity of the different tubular cells was calculated: macula densa activity was 4.0×10–18 mol/m3/min whilst proximal tubular cells showed about a third, and distal tubular cells about a quarter of this activity.  相似文献   

The level of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity was semiquantitatively evaluated in fresh imprints of infiltrative ductal carcinoma, fibrocystic disease and fibroadenoma of the breast. A significantly higher level of G6PDH activity was found in the carcinomas. The results suggest that the estimation of G6PDH activity could be a valuable method for evaluating the cells in benign and malignant breast lesions. It is possible that the intensification of G6PDH activity in carcinomas is a sign of the shift of the carbohydrate metabolism from an aerobic path or that the activity of the pentose shunt is higher because of the increased need for nucleic acid precursors in tissues with faster growth rates.  相似文献   

This work reports the development of an amperometric glucose-6-phosphate biosensor by coimmobilizing p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase (HBH) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) on a screen-printed electrode. The principle of the determination scheme is as follows: G6PDH catalyzes the specific dehydrogenation of glucose-6-phosphate by consuming NADP(+). The product, NADPH, initiates the irreversible the hydroxylation of p-hydroxybenzoate by HBH in the presence of oxygen to produce 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate, which results in a detectable signal due to its oxidation at the working electrode. The sensor shows a broad linear detection range between 2 microM and 1000 microM with a low detection limit of 1.2 microM. Also, it has a fast measuring time which can achieve 95% of the maximum current response in 20s after the addition of a given concentration of glucose-6-phosphate with a short recovery time (2 min).  相似文献   

Summary Characterization of partially purified eryrhrocyte G-6-PD from 50 enzymedeficient males in 45 unrelated Thai families revealed 6 enzyme variants. Thirty-five subjects in 31 families had G-6-PD variant with normal electrophoretic mobility, slightly low Km G-6-P, normal substrate-analog utilization, normal pH-optimum curve, and slightly increased heat stability. This enzyme variant is called G-6-PD Mahidol.Six subjects had enzyme with fast electrophoretic mobility (106–108% of normal), low Km G-6-P, slightly increased substrate-analog utilization, biphasic pH-optimum curve, and slightly low to normal heat stability. This variant was identical to G-6-PD Canton.Five subjects had G-6-PD with fast electrophoretic mobility (103–106% of normal), low Km G-6-P, very high substrate-analog utilization except for DPN which it did not use as cofactor, markedly biphasic pH-optimum curve and very low heat stability. This variant is called G-6-PD Union (Thai).Two brothers had G-6-PD with normal electrophoretic mobility, low Km G-6-P, slightly increased substrate-analog utilization, biphasic pH-optimum curve and low heat stability. This variant is designated G-6-PD Siriraj.G-6-PD from one patient had slightly fast electrophoretic mobility, increased substrateanalog utilization, especially of DPN, and very low thermal stability. It is called G-6-PD Kan.One subject had G-6-PD with normal electrophoretic mobility, Km G-6-P, pH-optimum curve and heat stability, and increased substrate-analog utilization. This G-6-PD variant is named G-6-PD Anant.G-6-PD Mahidol is far more common than any other known variants in Thailand.
Zusammenfassung Eine Charakterisierung von teilweise gereinigtem Erythrocyten-G-6-PD von 50 Männern mit Enzym-Defekt aus 45 nicht miteinander verwandten Thai-Familien ergab 6 Enzym-Varianten. 35 Personen in 31 Familien hatten eine G-6-PD-Variante mit normaler elektrophoretischer Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit, einen leicht verminderten G-6-P-Km-Wert, einer normalen Substratanalog-Verwertung, einer normalen pH-Optimum-Kurve und einer leicht erhöhten Hitze-Stabilität. Diese Enzym-Variante wurde G-6-PD Mahidol genannt.Sechs Personen hatten ein Enzym mit rascher elektrophoretischer Wanderung (106–108% der Norm), niedrigem Km für G-6-P, leicht erhöhter Substrat-Verwertung, einer biphasischen pH-Optimum-Kurve und normaler bis leicht erniedrigter Hitzestabilität. Diese Variante ist identisch mit G-6-PD Canton.Fünt Personen hatten G-6-PD mit rascher elektrophoretischer Wanderung (103–106%), niedrigem Km G-6-P, sehr hoher Substratanalog-Verwertung—mit Ausnahme von DPN, das nicht als Cofactor wirkte—, einer stark biphasischen pH-Optimum-Kurve und sehr geringer Hitze-Stabilität. Diese Variante wurde als G-6-PD Union (Thai) bezeichnet.Zwei Brüder hatten ein G-6-PD mit normaler elektrophoretischer Wanderung, niedrigem Km G-6-P, leicht erhöhter Substratanalog-Verwertung, einer biphasischen pH-Optimum-Kurve und geringer Hitze-Stabilität. Diese Variante erhielt den Namen G-6-PD Siriraj.G-6-PD eines Patienten hatte eine leicht erhöhte elektrophoretische Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit, eine erhöhte Substratanalog-Verwertung, besonders für DPN, und eine sehr geringe Hitze-Stabilität (G-6-PD Kan).Eine Person zeigte ein G-6-PD mit normaler elektrophoretischer Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit, Km G-6-P pH-Optimum-Kurve und Hitze-Stabilität. Nur die Substratanalog-Verwertung war erhöht. Diese Variante wurde G-6-PD Anant gennant.G-6-PD Mahidol ist die bei weitem häufigste Variante in Thailand.

This investigation received financial support from the World Health Organization.  相似文献   

D Toncheva 《Human heredity》1986,36(6):348-351
69 out of 2,304 Vietnamese males were found to be hemizygous carriers of the Gd- gene. The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency had a polymorphic frequency in the Vietnamese population (0.0299). Genetic heterogeneity in G6PD was found - 3 G6PD variants were found among 13 G6PD-deficient males studied (G6PD Canton, G6PD Hanoi and G6PD Vin Fu). Two new variants were identified - G6PD Hanoi and G6PD Vin Fu.  相似文献   

There is a great need for rapid but reliable assays to determine quantitatively effects of xenobiotics on biological systems in environmental research. Hepatocytes of European flounder are sensitive to low-dose toxic stress. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) is the major source of NADPH in cells and is therefore of major importance for NADPH-dependent xenobiotic biotransformation and defense against toxic injury. These facts prompted us to develop a sensitive cytochemical method to detect G6PDH activity in living isolated flounder hepatocytes using the tetrazolium salt method. The intact plasma membrane did not appear to be a barrier for substrate, co-enzyme, and dye molecules because the intracellular enzyme reaction started immediately when incubation medium was added and could be monitored in real time per individual cell using image analysis. The reaction was effectively stopped for end point measurements by using 4% formaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 5.3). The final reaction product, formazan, was stable in hepatocytes for at least 12 days at 4C. This is the first time that a chromogenic histochemical assay is applied to living cells. This approach provides an easy tool for large-scale screening of xenobiotic metabolism and cellular stress defense.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of human glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Kahn  P Boivin  M Vibert  D Cottreau  J C Dreyfus 《Biochimie》1974,56(10):1395-1407

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