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Cell surface molecules on lymphocytes positively or negatively modulate the Ag receptor signaling, and thus regulate the fate of the cell. CD22 is a B cell-specific cell surface protein that contains multiple ITIMs in the cytoplasmic tail, and critically regulates B cell activation and survival. CD22 regulation on B cell signaling is complex because CD22 can have both positive and negative roles in various contexts. We generated phosphospecific polyclonal Abs reacting four major CD22 tyrosine motifs (Y762, Y807, Y822, and Y842) and analyzed the pattern and intensity of phosphorylation of these tyrosine residues. The tyrosine motifs, Y762, Y822, and Y842, are considered as ITIM, whereas the other, Y807, is suggested to be important for Grb2 recruitment. Approximately 10% of the four tyrosine residues were constitutively phosphorylated. Upon anti-IgM ligation, CD22 Y762 underwent most rapid phosphorylation, whereas all four tyrosine residues were eventually phosphorylated equally at approximately 35% of all CD22 molecules in the cell. By contrast, anti-CD40 stimulation specifically up-regulated anti-IgM-induced phosphorylation of tyrosines within two ITIM motifs, Y762 and Y842, which was consistent with in vivo finding of the negative role of CD22 in CD40 signaling. Thus, CD22 phosphorylation is not only quantitatively but also qualitatively regulated by different stimulations, which may determine the outcome of B cell signaling.  相似文献   

Activated receptor tyrosine kinases induce a large number of tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent protein-protein interactions through which they mediate their various ligand-exerted functions including regulation of proliferation, differentiation and survival. TrkB receptor tyrosine kinase activated by binding of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) also stimulates various protein interactions in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner in neuronal cells. To examine tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent interactions stimulated by active TrkB, we developed a modified yeast two-hybrid system, which we call the yeast two-and-a-half-hybrid system. In this system, yeast was engineered to express a tyrosine kinase domain of TrkB as an effector, in addition to two fusion proteins with GAL4 DNA-binding and GAL4 activation domains as bait and prey proteins, respectively. Using this system with Shp2 as the bait, we demonstrated that Shp2 interacts directly with BIT/SHPS-1 (also called SIRP) and Grb2 depending on tyrosine phosphorylation mediated by TrkB. Furthermore, we screened an adult human brain cDNA library with the yeast two-and-a-half-hybrid system in order to identify other Shp2-binding proteins in TrkB-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation signaling. We found that fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2beta (FRS2beta), also called SNT2, interacts with Shp2 dependently on TrkB-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of FRS2beta/SNT2. Therefore, we show that the two-and-a-half-hybrid system is a powerful tool for studying tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent protein-protein interactions in intracellular signaling pathways stimulated by TrkB receptor tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

The elimination of activated T cells by FAS-mediated signaling is an important immunoregulatory mechanism used to maintain homeostasis and prevent tissue damage. T cell receptor-dependent signals are required to confer sensitivity to FAS-mediated re-stimulation-induced cell death (RICD), however, the nature of these signals is not well understood. In this report, we show, using T cells from CD4-deficient mice reconstituted with a tail-less CD4 transgene, that CD4-dependent signaling events are a critical part of the competency signal required for RICD. This is in part due to defects in FAS receptor signaling complex formation as shown by decreased recruitment of FAS and caspase 8 into lipid rafts following antigen re-stimulation in the absence of CD4-dependent signals. In addition, in the absence of CD4-dependent signals, effector T cells have a selective defect in IL-2 secretion following peptide re-stimulation, while provision of exogenous IL-2 during re-stimulation partially restores susceptibility to RICD. Importantly, IL-2 production and proliferation after primary peptide stimulation is comparable between wild type and CD4-deficient T cells indicating that the requirement for CD4-dependent signaling events for IL-2 production is developmentally regulated and is particularly critical in previously activated effector T cells. In total, our results indicate that CD4 co-receptor dependent signaling events specifically regulate effector T cell survival and function. Further, these data suggest that CD4-dependent signaling events may protect against the decreased IL-2 production and resistance to cell death seen during chronic immune stimulation.  相似文献   

As B cells mature during ontogeny the CD22 human differentiation Ag is exported from the cytoplasm onto the membrane. Surface expression is lost in terminal differentiation and after activation. In tonsils, CD22 is expressed on the surface of 60 to 80% of the dense B cells. Some IgM+ dense cells, however, and buoyant in vivo activated B cells are CD22-. This differential expression of CD22 and the finding that an anti-CD22 mAb augmented anti-Ig induced B cell proliferation suggested that CD22 may play a role in B cell activation. In this study we have found that CD22+ but not CD22- B cells could be triggered by anti-IgM or anti-IgD to have increased free intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i). The presence of CD22 rather than of IgD seems to determine the ability of B cells to respond to anti-Ig with a [Ca2+]i flux. Also the proliferative response to anti-Ig or anti-Ig + B cell growth factor was restricted to the CD22+ population. Anti-CD22 mAb, although not inducing [Ca2+]i on their own after binding to B cells, did augment [Ca2+]i fluxes by anti-Ig when cross-linked. Together these results suggest that CD22 may regulate triggering of B cells through surface Ig perhaps by acting as a "bridge" to transmit an early signal into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell-dependent inhibition of B cell proliferation requires CD22   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that dendritic cells (DCs) regulate B cell functions. In this study, we report that bone marrow (BM)-derived immature DCs, but not mature DCs, can inhibit BCR-induced proliferation of B cells in a contact-dependent manner. This inhibition is overcome by treatment with BAFF and is dependent on the BCR coreceptor CD22; however, it is not dependent on expression of the CD22 glycan ligand(s) produced by ST6Gal-I sialyltransferase. We found that a second CD22 ligand (CD22L) is expressed on CD11c(+) splenic and BM-derived DCs, which does not contain ST6Gal-I-generated sialic acids and which, unlike the B cell-associated CD22L, is resistant to neuraminidase treatment and sodium metaperiodate oxidation. Examination of splenic and BM B cell subsets in CD22 and ST6Gal-I knockout mice revealed that ST6Gal-I-generated B cell CD22L plays a role in splenic B cell development, whereas the maintenance of long-lived mature BM B cells depends only on CD22 and not on alpha2,6-sialic acids produced by ST6Gal-I. We propose that the two distinct CD22L have different functions. The alpha2,6-sialic acid-containing glycoprotein is important for splenic B cell subset development, whereas the DC-associated ST6Gal-I-independent CD22L may be required for the maintenance of long-lived mature B cells in the BM.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of CD45 induced capping and physical sequestration from CD22 leading to an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of CD22 and SHP-1 recruitment. Additionally, CD22 isolated from a CD45-deficient B cell line exhibited increased basal/inducible tyrosine phosphorylation and enhanced recruitment of SHP-1 compared with CD22 isolated from CD45-positive parental cells. Subsequent experiments were performed to determine whether enhanced SHP-1 recruitment to CD22 is responsible for attenuation of receptor-mediated Ca2+ responses in CD45-deficient cells. Catalytically inactive SHP-1 expressed in CD45-deficient cells interacted with CD22 and decreased phosphatase activity in CD22 immunoprecipitates to levels that were comparable to those in CD45-positive cells. Expression of catalytically inactive SHP-1 restored intracellular mobilization of Ca2+ in response to MHC class II cross-linking, but did not affect B cell Ag receptor- or class II-mediated Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space. These results indicate that CD45 regulates tyrosine phosphorylation of CD22 and binding of SHP-1. The data further indicate that enhanced recruitment and activation of SHP-1 in CD45-deficient cells affect intracellular mobilization of Ca2+, but are not responsible for abrogation of receptor-mediated Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Signal transduction via the B cell AgR complex has recently been shown to be dependent on the activation of one or more protein tyrosine kinases. Similarly, it has been found that signal transduction requires the expression of the protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45. Thus, transduction of a signal after AgR cross-linking must involve the coordinate interaction of these two enzymatic activities. It is therefore logical to hypothesize that the competence of the B cell to respond to ligands that bind the AgR may be dependent on the maintenance of an equilibrium between the tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of specific signal transduction components. We have demonstrated in the present study that in resting B cells, the basal level of AgR complex tyrosine phosphorylation is regulated by cellular protein tyrosine phosphatases. Treatment of cells with the protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, Na3VO4, resulted in rapid hyperphosphorylation of the receptor complex. Based on this observation, experiments were designed to examine the role of CD45 in regulation of AgR complex phosphorylation. Treatment of B cells with anti-CD45 mAb alone was found to have no effect on cytoskeletal association of CD45 or on its distribution within the membrane. Addition of a secondary cross-linking reagent, however, induced the association of CD45 with the cytoskeleton and caused capping. Subsequent studies demonstrated that increased tyrosine phosphorylation of the mIg-associated proteins MB-1 and B29 could be induced after incubating cells with anti-CD45 mAb and a secondary cross-linker, but not after the addition of anti-CD45 mAb alone. Changes in tyrosine phosphorylation of MB-1 and B29 were found to correlate with the cytoskeletal association of CD45. Interestingly, although cross-linking CD45 induced alterations in its association with the cytoskeleton and in its distribution within the membrane, no significant change in the level of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity could be detected under these conditions. These findings support the possibility that ligand binding to CD45 can induce biochemical and/or physical alterations in the molecule that presumably inhibit its ability to interact with specific substrates in the cell, thereby shifting the established equilibrium between tyrosine-specific phosphorylation and dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

The peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 interacts in a phosphorylation-dependent manner with several proteins involved in cell cycle events. In this study, we demonstrate that Pin1 interacts with protein kinase CK2, an enzyme that generally exists in tetrameric complexes composed of two catalytic CK2 alpha and/or CK2 alpha' subunits together with two regulatory CK2 beta subunits. Our results indicate that Pin1 can interact with CK2 complexes that contain CK2 alpha. Furthermore, Pin1 can interact directly with the C-terminal domain of CK2 alpha that contains residues that are phosphorylated in vitro by p34(Cdc2) and in mitotic cells. Substitution of the phosphorylation sites of CK2 alpha with alanines resulted in decreased interactions between Pin1 and CK2. The other catalytic isoform of CK2, designated CK2 alpha', is not phosphorylated in mitotic cells and does not interact with Pin1, but a chimeric protein consisting of CK2 alpha' with the C terminus of CK2 alpha was phosphorylated in mitotic cells and interacts with Pin1, further implicating the phosphorylation sites in the interaction. In vitro, Pin1 inhibits the phosphorylation of Thr-1342 on human topoisomerase II alpha by CK2. Topoisomerase II alpha also interacts with Pin1 suggesting that the effect of Pin1 on the phosphorylation of Thr-1342 could result from its interactions with CK2 and/or topoisomerase II alpha. As compared with wild-type Pin1, isomerase-deficient and WW domain-deficient mutants of Pin1 are impaired in their ability to interact with CK2 and to inhibit the CK2-catalyzed phosphorylation of topoisomerase II alpha. Collectively, these results indicate that Pin1 and CK2 alpha interact and suggest a possible role for Pin1 in the regulation of topoisomerase II alpha. Furthermore, these results provide new insights into the functional role of the mitotic phosphorylation of CK2 and provide a new mechanism for selectively regulating the ability of CK2 to phosphorylate one of its mitotic targets.  相似文献   

The surface HIV-1 exterior envelope glycoprotein, gp120, binds to CD4 on the target cell surface to induce the co-receptor binding site on gp120 as the initial step in the entry process. The binding site is comprised of a highly conserved region on the gp120 core, as well as elements of the third variable region (V3). Antibodies against the co-receptor binding site are abundantly elicited during natural infection of humans, but the mechanism of elicitation has remained undefined. In this study, we investigate the requirements for elicitation of co-receptor binding site antibodies by inoculating rabbits, monkeys and human-CD4 transgenic (huCD4) rabbits with envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimers possessing high affinity for primate CD4. A cross-species comparison of the antibody responses showed that similar HIV-1 neutralization breadth was elicited by Env trimers in monkeys relative to wild-type (WT) rabbits. In contrast, antibodies against the co-receptor site on gp120 were elicited only in monkeys and huCD4 rabbits, but not in the WT rabbits. This was supported by the detection of high-titer co-receptor antibodies in all sera from a set derived from human volunteers inoculated with recombinant gp120. These findings strongly suggest that complexes between Env and (high-affinity) primate CD4 formed in vivo are responsible for the elicitation of the co-receptor-site-directed antibodies. They also imply that the naïve B cell receptor repertoire does not recognize the gp120 co-receptor site in the absence of CD4 and illustrate that conformational stabilization, imparted by primary receptor interaction, can alter the immunogenicity of a type 1 viral membrane protein.  相似文献   

The major histocompatability class II heterodimer (class II) is expressed on the surface of both resting and activated B cells. Although it is clear that class II expression is required for Ag presentation to CD4(+) T cells, substantial evidence suggests that class II serves as a signal transducing receptor that regulates B cell function. In ex vivo B cells primed by Ag receptor (BCR) cross-linking and incubation with IL-4, or B cell lines such as K46-17 micromlambda, class II ligation leads to the activation of protein tyrosine kinases, including Lyn and Syk and subsequent phospholipase Cgamma-dependent mobilization of Ca(2+). In this study, experiments demonstrated reciprocal desensitization of class II and BCR signaling upon cross-linking of either receptor, suggesting that the two receptors transduce signals via common processes and/or effector proteins. Because class II and BCR signal transduction pathways exhibit functional similarities, additional studies were conducted to evaluate whether class II signaling is regulated by BCR coreceptors. Upon cross-linking of class II, the BCR coreceptors CD19 and CD22 were inducibly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues. Phosphorylation of CD22 was associated with increased recruitment and binding of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. Similarly, tyrosine phosphorylation of CD19 resulted in recruitment and binding of Vav and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Finally, co-cross-linking studies demonstrated that signaling via class II was either attenuated (CD22/SHP-1) or enhanced (CD19/Vav and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase), depending on the coreceptor that was brought into close proximity. Collectively, these results suggest that CD19 and CD22 modulate class II signaling in a manner similar to that for the BCR.  相似文献   

Direct force measurements were used to investigate the molecular mechanism of heterophilic adhesion between the murine T-cell adhesion glycoprotein CD2 and its ligand CD48. From the distance dependence of the protein-protein interaction potential, we demonstrate directly that the full-length extracellular domains adhere in a head-to-head orientation. The absence of long-range electrostatic protein-protein attraction further indicates that the salt bridges between the binding surfaces only influence the interaction at short range. Despite the loss of a stabilizing disulfide bond in domain 1 (D1) of CD2, adhesive failure occurs abruptly with no evidence of partial protein unfolding during detachment. Finally, these measurements between extended membrane surfaces directly confirm that the low-affinity CD2-CD48 bond generates weak adhesion and that lateral receptor mobility is required for the development of appreciable adhesion. This is the first direct measurement of the range and magnitude of the forces governing heterotypic adhesion mediated by cell surface proteins. These results both verified the head-to-head CD2-CD48 docking alignment and demonstrated the ability to elucidate the structure-function relationships of adhesion proteins from the measured distance dependence of their interaction potentials.  相似文献   

1. The effector and catalytic proteins of glucocerebrosidase associated in the presence of acidic phospholipid to give active enzyme. 2. At optimum concentrations of acidic phospholipid (about 0.15 mM), the association reached equilibrium instantaneously. 3. From the experimental data, a tentative model of the association was deduced. This involved a two-step complex formation. When the effector concentration was limiting, a simple binary complex was formed between one molecule each of effector and catalytic proteins; the reaction proceeded rapidly to completion. When the effector was in excess, a ternary complex was formed by the addition of another molecule of effector; this reaction did not go to completion and was characterised by a finite equilibrium constant. 4. The experimental data were curve fitted to an equation derived from the model  相似文献   

Antibody-dependent lymphocytotoxicity (ADL) was studied with human peripheral blood lymphocytes as effector cells and P815 mouse mastocytoma cells, sensitized with rabbit IgG antibodies, as target cells. Enzyme-substrate-like kinetics were used to describe ADL inhibition induced by two types of inhibitors. Human IgG, both native and heat-aggregated, proved to be a competitive inhibitor of ADL at the target cell level. Human peripheral blood monocytes inhibited ADL in an apparently irreversible fashion, without appreciable evidence for competition. The data obtained provide strong support for the validity of an enzyme-substrate-like mechanism of ADL. Moreover, our results indicate that in order to measure the lytic capacity properly, cell populations, well defined as to their composition, should be used. In the second part of the study, it was investigated whether the two types of cells capable of lysing sensitized target cells, i.e., null cells and T cells, differed with respect to their affinity for the target cells. Application of enzyme-like kinetics revealed considerable differences in maximal killing rate between the two subsets of K cells. However, the parameter related to the affinity toward the target cells was found to be of the same magnitude for the two types of effector cells.  相似文献   

CD22 is a member of the sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin (Siglec) family that is known to be a regulator of B cell signaling. Its B cell-specific expression makes it an attractive target for immunotoxin-mediated B cell depletion therapy for the treatment of B cell lymphomas and autoimmune diseases. Although CD22 is well documented to be an endocytic receptor, it is believed that after internalization, it is targeted for degradation. We show in this study that CD22 is instead constitutively recycled to the cell surface. We also find that glycan ligand-based cargo is released from CD22 and accumulates intracellularly as CD22 recycles between the cell surface and endosomal compartments. In contrast, Abs to CD22 do not accumulate but remain bound to CD22 and recycle to the cell surface. The results have implications for development of agents that target CD22 as an endocytic receptor for delivery of cytotoxic cargo to B cells.  相似文献   

Studies of mucins suggest that the structural effects of O-glycans are restricted to steric interactions between peptide-linked GalNAc residues and adjacent polypeptide residues. It has been proposed, however, that differential O-glycan sialylation alters the structure of the stalk-like region of the T cell co-receptor, CD8, and that this, in turn, modulates ligand binding (Daniels, M. A., Devine, L., Miller, J. D., Moser, J. M., Lukacher, A. E., Altman, J. D., Kavathas, P., Hogquist, K. A., and Jameson, S. C. (2001) Immunity 15, 1051-1061; Moody, A. M., Chui, D., Reche, P. A., Priatel, J. J., Marth, J. D., and Reinherz, E. L. (2001) Cell 107, 501-512). We characterize the glycosylation of soluble, chimeric forms of the alphaalpha- and alphabeta-isoforms of murine CD8 containing the O-glycosylated stalk of rat CD8alphaalpha, and we show that the stalk O-glycans are differentially sialylated in CHO K1 versus Lec3.2.8.1 cells (82 versus approximately 6%, respectively). Sedimentation analysis indicates that the Perrin functions, Pexp, which reflect overall molecular shape, are very similar (1.61 versus 1.54), whereas the sedimentation coefficients (s) of the CHO K1- and Lec3.2.8.1-derived proteins differ considerably (3.73 versus 3.13 S). The hydrodynamic properties of molecular models also strongly imply that the sialylated and non-sialylated forms of the chimera have parallel, equally highly extended stalks ( approximately 2.6 A/residue). Our analysis indicates that, as in the case of mucins, the overall structure of O-glycosylated stalk-like peptides is sialylation-independent and that the functional effects of differential CD8 O-glycan sialylation need careful interpretation.  相似文献   

CD22 regulates time course of both B cell division and antibody response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because pathogens induce infectious symptoms in a time-dependent manner, a rapid immune response is beneficial for defending hosts from pathogens, especially those inducing acute infectious diseases. However, it is largely unknown how the time course of immune responses is regulated. In this study, we demonstrate that B cells deficient in the inhibitory coreceptor CD22 undergo accelerated cell division after Ag stimulation, resulting in rapid generation of plasma cells and Ab production. This finding indicates that CD22 regulates the time course of B cell responses and suggests that CD22 is a good target to shorten the time required for Ab production, thereby augmenting host defense against acute infectious diseases as "universal vaccination."  相似文献   

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