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K C Tsou  B Giles  G Kohn 《Stain technology》1975,50(5):293-295
A comparative study of the staining characteristics of four reagents for human chromosomes has been carried out. The four reagents are: (I) quinacrine mustard, as an alkylating agent, (II) the dihydroxy derivative of quinacrine mustard, (III) quinacrine, and (IV) 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine. The last reagent does not possess the amino substituted side chain even though it has the same intercalating nucleus. Comparison of the first three compounds in their staining and banding behavior suggested the initial step leading to banding may be the displacement of the nucleoprotein sites in hcromosomes. The Q and G banding could be blocked experimentally by treating the chromosome preparation with dimethylamine solution. This result may suggest that these sites have weaker basic proteins (nonhistone proteins?). The use of compound IV, which does not have the side chain in the molecule but does have the same intercalating chromophore, did not lead to banding and gives indirect support to this hypothesis. A combined use of compound IV and quinacrine may be useful for the determination of total DNA vs. banding DNA.  相似文献   

The G-banded karyotypes of 4 species of birds representing the orders Galliformes, Columbiformes and Musophagiformes were compared. Banding pattern homology between orders was limited t 5o 5 major chromosome arms and the Z chromosome. Even in these major chromosome arms pericentric and paracentric inversions produced alteration of the banding pattern sequences. Addition of constitutive heterochromatin was responsible for changes in banding patterns in the Z chromosome. The chromosome banding patterns of an emydid turtle, Terrepene carolina, 5 species of boid snakes of the genera Liasis, Acrantophis, and Sanzinia and the African clawed-frog. Xenopus muelleri, were also compared to the bird chromosome banding patterns. No homology was observed between any of these major groups: bird, snake, turtle, amphibian. However, intergroup homology was apparent. - The data obtained do not support reports of broad interordinal direct homology of the macrochromosomes of birds and refutes the idea of a primitive bird karyotype with 3 pairs of "Agroup' chromosomes and 3 pairs of "B group' chromosomes. - The major mechanisms responsible for chromosome evolution in birds appear to be centric and tandem fusions, paracentric and pericentric inversions, and addition or deletion of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Zebrafish chromosome banding.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L P Pijnacker  M A Ferwerda 《Génome》1995,38(5):1052-1055
Banding techniques were carried out on metaphase chromosomes of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. The karyotypes with the longest chromosomes consist of 12 metacentrics, 26 submetacentrics, and 12 subtelocentrics (2n = 50). All centromeres are C-band positive. Eight chromosomes have a pericentric C-band in each arm and 22 chromosomes have one in the longest arm. Two chromosomes have a slightly heterochromatic long arm and five chromosomes have an Ag-NOR at the terminal end of the long arm. Other banding patterns and sex chromosomes could not be revealed.  相似文献   

A series of biochemical investigations were undertaken to determine the mechanism of Q-banding. The results were as follows: 1. In agreement with previous studies, highly AT-rich DNA, such as poly(dA)-poly(dT), markedly enhanced quinacrine fluorescence while GC containing DNA quenched fluorescence. These effects persisted at DNA concentrations comparable to those in the metaphase chromosome. 2. Studies of quinacrine-DNA complexes in regard to the hypochromism of quanacrine, DNA Tm, DNA viscosity, and equilibrium dialysis, indicated the quinacrine was bound be intercalation with relatively little sid binding. 3. Single or double stranded nucleotide polymers, in the form of complete or partial helices, were 1000-fold more effective in quenching than solutions of single nucleotides, suggesting that base stacking is required for quenching. 4. Studies of polymers in the A conformation, such as transfer RNA and DNA-RNA hybrids, indicated that marked base tilting does not affect the ability of nuclei acids to cause quenching or enhancement of quinacrine fluorescence. 5. Salts inhibit the binding of quinacrine to DNA. 6. Spermine, polylysine and polyarginine, which bind in the small groove of DNA, inhibited quinacrine binding and quenching, while histones, which probably bind in the large groove, had little effect. This correlated with the observation that removal of histones with acid has no effect on Q-banding. 7. Mouse liver chromatin was separated into five fractions. At concentrations of quinacrine from 2 times 10-6 to 2 times 10-5 M all fractions inhibited to varying degrees the ability of the chromatin DNA to bind quinacrine and quench quinacrine fluorescence. At saturating levels of quinacrine two fractions, the 400 g pellet (rich in heterochromatin) and a dispersed euchromatin supernatant fraction, showed a decreased number of binding sites for quinacrine. These two fractions were also the richest in non-histone proteins. 8. DNA isolated from the different fractions all showed identical quenching of quinacrine fluorescenc. 9. Mouse GC-rich, mid-band, AT-rich, and satellite DNA, isolated by CsCL AND Cs-2SO-4-Ag+ centrifugation all showed identical quenching of quinacrine fluorescence, indicating that within a given organism, except for very AT or GC-rich satellites, the variation in base composition is not adequate to explain Q-banding.We interpret these results to indicate that: (a) quinacrine binds to chromatin by intercalation of the three planar rings with the large group at position 9 lying in the small groove of DNA, (b) most pale staining regions are due to a decrease binding of quinacrine, and (c) this inhibition of binding is predominately due to non-histone proteins.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of woody legumes in Brazilian Amazonian rain forests, there are few chromosome counts on the native species of this important region. The present work presents such data for 13 species of Caesalpinioideae (the genera Bauhinia , Caesalpinia , Cassia , Chamaecrista and Senna ) and Papilionioideae ( Bowdichia , Centrosema and Dioclea ) collected from 17 natural populations. Our report represents the first chromosome counts for the genera Bowdichia and Dioclea and for four of the studied species. Observations are made on chromosome morphology, size, condensing behaviour and interphase nucleus structure. Banding with fluorochromes carried out for the first time in Caesalpinioideae revealed discrete CMA+/DAPI terminal (GC-rich) bands on 2–4 chromosome pairs of most species analysed, with a few species presenting discrete CMA/DAPI+ (AT-rich) bands. Significant differences in chromosome size, morphology and condensing behaviour were observed among members of the controversial tribe Cassieae ( Cassia , Chamaecrista and Senna ), revealing the tribe to be a heterogeneous group from the karyological point of view.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 181–191.  相似文献   

Nuclei were isolated from Chinese hamster cells, treated with hypotonic KCl, fixed in acetic methanol, and either air-dried in glass tubes (in situ) or left in suspension (in vitro). These preparations were then exposed to a variety of G-banding treatments, including the 2 × SSC, urea, NaCl-urea, and trypsin methods. The proteins extracted into the treatment solution and those remaining in the nuclei were analyzed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The three former treatments extracted specific subsets of the total nuclear nonhistone proteins into the treatment solution. Some of the extracted nonhistones were common to all treatments while others were unique to a particular treatment. Variable amounts and types of the histones were also extracted by these treatments, but significant quantities of all of these proteins still remained in the nuclei afterwards. The trypsin treatment appeared to degrade some of the nonhistones, while other non-histones, as well as the histones, were relatively resistant to trypsin digestion. Although there were a few differences in the residual proteins found in the nuclei after the various G-band treatments, the overall electrophoretic patterns of these proteins were generally similar. The results indicate that the G-banding techniques induce specific and reproducible changes in the proteins of isolated nuclei. If these banding treatments induce similar changes in the proteins of mitotic chromosomes, such alterations might be involved in mechanisms of chromosome banding.  相似文献   

Summary Cytogenetic studies on lymphocytes from a 14-year-old mentally retarded girl with somatic anomalies suggestive of a chromosomal abnormality revealed a ring chromosome 15. The long arm of the defective chromosome is broken at band q24 or q25. The silver staining technique for nucleolus organizer regions showed that the ring had lost the achromatic stalk and the satellite. The chromosomal mosaicism resulting from the structural instability of the ring chromosome was analyzed and compared with 6 cases reported in the literature. It is proposed that the clinical manifestations in the different patients with ring chromosome 15 result from both the deficiency in the long arm and the mosaic configurations.  相似文献   

Sequential chromosome banding and in situ hybridization analysis.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
J Jiang  B S Gill 《Génome》1993,36(4):792-795
Different combinations of chromosome N- or C-banding with in situ hybridization (ISH) or genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) were sequentially performed on metaphase chromosomes of wheat. A modified N-banding-ISH/GISH sequential procedure gave best results. Similarly, a modified C-banding - ISH/GISH procedure also gave satisfactory results. The variation of the hot acid treatment in the standard chromosome N- or C-banding procedures was the major factor affecting the resolution of the subsequent ISH and GISH. By the sequential chromosome banding - ISH/GISH analysis, multicopy DNA sequences and the breakpoints of wheat-alien translocations were directly allocated to specific chromosomes of wheat. The sequential chromosome banding- ISH/GISH technique should be widely applicable in genome mapping, especially in cytogenetic and molecular mapping of heterochromatic and euchromatic regions of plant and animal chromosomes.  相似文献   

Information on DNA content and banding patterns has been utilized in the construction of a novel ideogram of the human complement. Correspondence between certain features of this ideogram and the clinical record of human autosomal imbalance supports the idea that banding patterns reflect structural as well as functional heterogeneity of chromosomes.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the mechanisms of R-, C-and G-banding will come only from studies of the binding of Giemsa dyes to isolated and characterized preparations of heterochromatin and euchromatin. Since such studies require an exact knowledge of the optical characteristics of Giemsa, the spectral adsorption curves and extinction coefficients of Giemsa and its component dyes at various concentrations in the presence and absence of DNA were determined. — Although Giemsa is a complex mixture of thiazin dyes plus eosin; methylene blue, and azure A, B or C alone gave good banding. Thionin, with no methyl groups, gave poor or no banding. Eosin was not a necessary component for banding. — The most striking characteristic of the thiazin dyes is that they are strongly metachromatic, i.e., their adsorption spectra and extinction coefficients change as the concentration of the dye increases or as they bind to positively charged compounds (chromotropes). These changes, especially for methylene blue, are described in detail and allow a distinction between concentration dependent binding to DNA by intercalation and binding by side stacking.  相似文献   

The interaction of Hoechst 33258 with DNA has been examined to help clarify the mechanisms of banding. 1. In agreement with previous studies Hoechst fluorescence is enhanced to a greater degree in AT-rich compared to GC-rich DNA. 2. Hoechst causes an increase in the DNA Tm which is greater at the higher AT content of the DNA. 3. There is a decrease in extinction coefficient and shift in the adsorption spectra to a higher wavelength when Hoechst binds to DNA. 4. DNA is completely precipitated at a ratio of one dye molecular per base pair, and this precipitation is not affected by salt. 5. There is no increase in viscosity or change in the circular dichroism of DNA when bound to Hoechst. These findings suggest Hoechst does not bind to DNA by intercalation or by ionic interaction with the phosphate groups, but rather binds by an attachment to the outside of the double DNA helix by interacting with the base pairs. This type of binding allows greater sensitivity to the base composition than occurs with intercalating agents. In this respect its binding is similar to that of dibutyl proflavine (Muller et al., 1973).  相似文献   

An in vivo chromosome banding technique has been developed. Swiss albino mice were injected with the DNA alkylating agents ethyl methanesulfonate, methyl methanesulfonate, or methyl ethanesulfonate 12, 24, 48 or 72 hours prior to cell harvesting. After harvesting, the cells were fixed with 3:1 methanol-acetic acid and slides were prepared by air drying. The slides were stained 2 1/2 minutes in 3% Giemsa in pH 6.8 Sorensen's buffer. All three alkylating agents induced chromosome bands similar to the Giemsa bands induced by other banding techniques which involve postfixation treatments.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of chromosome banding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The G-band patterns of mitotic metaphase chromosomes No. 1 and 2 of the Chinese hamster cells correlate closely to the chromomere patterns of the meiotic pachytene bivalents. This is interpreted to indicate that the regions of centromeric and intercalary heterochromatin, which are more tightly condensed or more tightly packaged during interphase, tend to remain so during meiosis and mitosis.  相似文献   

Photo-oxidation of mitotic human chromosomes has been used in conjunction with anti-cytosine and anti-adenosine antibodies to produce R-banding. To elucidate the mechanism of this banding procedure we have examined the effect of photo-oxidation alone on chromosomes and nuclei. With short exposures to light in the presence of dilute methylene blue, C-band areas on chromosomes 1, 9, 16 and the terminal segment of the Y stain poorly. We call this phenomena reverse C-banding. After 18 h of exposure to light the chromosomes are swollen and show very little staining with quinacrine or Giemsa. Quantitative autoradiography shows that their DNA is almost completely extracted. Cytophotometric measurements also confirm that nuclear DNA is progressively extracted according to the length of exposure to light. When chromosomes are exposed to dilute methylene blue alone, without light, G-banded chromosomes result. We suggest the following explanation for these observations. In dilute methylene blue, C-band regions take up the greatest amount of dye and after short periods of photo-oxidation the DNA of these regions is preferentially destroyed resulting in reverse C-banding. Autoradiography in photo-oxidized chromosomes suggested that this preferential destruction of C-segments occurred in our experiments. With more prolonged exposure the DNA of the G-bands regions is preferentially destroyed and staining the remaining DNA with sensitive fluorescent labeled anti-C antibodies results in R-banding.  相似文献   

Prior studies on subfractions of mouse and Kangaroo rat DNA have suggested that variations in base concentration within a given genome may not be great enough to account for Q-banding. To examine this with another species, calf DNA was subfractionated by CsCl ultracentrifugation into GC-rich satellites and the main band DNA was further fractionated into AT-rich, intermediate and GC-rich portions. The effect of varying concentrations of these DNAs on quinacrine and Hoechst 33258 fluorescence was examined. Although with both compounds there was less fluorescence in the presence of the GC-rich satellites than main band fractions, these results per se did not answer the question of whether the variation in base composition alone was adequate to account for chromosome banding. To answer this the fluorescence observed in the presence of DNA of a given base composition was related to the fluorescence observed in the presence of DNA of 40% GC content (F/F40). This allowed the derivation of a term B which indicated the relative change in fluorescence per 1% change in base composition of DNA. To determine the percent change in fluorescence observed in Q-banding, the photoelectric recordings of Caspersson et al. (1971) were used. From these data we conclude: 1. Quinacrine is twice as sensitive to changes in base composition as Hoechst 33258. 2. Variation in the base content of DNA along the chromosome is sufficient to account for most Q-banding, except possibly for some of the extremes of quinacrine fluorescence. This was further examined with daunomycin. Even though daunomycin gives good fluorescent banding, DNAs varying in base composition from 100 to 40% GC content all resulted in the same relative fluorescence of 0.03. However, in the presence of poly (dA-dT) the relative fluorescence was 0.85, indicating a great sensitivity to very AT-rich DNA. This suggests that with daunomycin and possibly other fluorochromes, stretches of very AT-rich DNA may be more important in fluorescent banding than simple variation in mean base composition.  相似文献   

A series of biochemical investigations were undertaken to determine the mechanism of Q-banding. The results were as follows: 1. In agreement with previous studies, highly AT-rich DNA, such as poly(dA)-poly(dT), markedly enhanced quinacrine fluorescence while GC containing DNA quenched fluorescence. These effects persisted at DNA concentrations comparable to those in the metaphase chromosome. 2. Studies of quinacrine-DNA complexes in regard to the hypochromism of quinacrine, DNA Tm, DNA viscosity, and equilibrium dialysis, indicated the quinacrine was bound by intercalation with relatively little side binding. 3. Single or double stranded nucleotide polymers, in the form of complete or partial helices, were 1000-fold more effective in quenching than solutions of single nucleotides, suggesting that base stacking is required for quenching. 4. Studies of polymers in the A conformation, such as transfer RNA and DNA-RNA hybrids, indicated that marked base tilting does not affect the ability of nucleic acids to cause quenching or enhancement of quinacrine fluorescence. 5. Salts inhibit the binding of quinacrine to DNA. 6. Spermine, polylysine and polyarginine, which bind in the small groove of DNA, inhibited quinacrine binding and quenching, while histones, which probably bind in the large groove, had little effect. This correlated with the observation that removal of histones with acid has no effect on Q-banding. 7. Mouse liver chromatin was separated into five fractions. At concentrations of quinacrine from 2×10?6 to 2×10?5 M all fractions inhibited to varying degrees the ability of the chromatin DNA to bind quinacrine and quench quinacrine fluorescence. At saturating levels of quinacrine two fractions, the 400 g pellet (rich in heterochromatin) and a dispersed euchromatin supernatant fraction, showed a decreased number of binding sites for quinacrine. These two fractions were also the richest in non-histone proteins. 8. DNA isolated from the different fractions all showed identical quenching of quinacrine fluorescence. 9. Mouse GC-rich, mid-band, AT-rich, and satellite DNA, isolated by CsCl and Cs2SO4-Ag+ centrifugation all showed identical quenching of quinacrine fluorescence, indicating that within a given organism, except for very AT or GC-rich satellites, the variation in base composition is not adequate to explain Q-banding. — We interpret these results to indicate that: (a) quinacrine binds to chromatin by intercalation of the three planar rings with the large group at position 9 lying in the small groove of DNA, (b) most pale staining regions are due to a decrease binding of quinacrine, and (c) this inhibition of binding is predominately due to non-histone proteins.  相似文献   

The binding of methylene blue to DNA and chromatin treated in various ways was examined by equilibrium dialysis. The maximum r value (moles of bound dye/mole of nucleotide) was 1.0 for DNA, 0.6 for unfixed chromatin, and 0.83 for chromatin fixed in methanol-acetic acid. When fixed chromatin was treated with saline-citrate at 60° C for 3 hours, as used for G-banding chromosomes, the r value decreased from 0.83 to 0.55. When unfixed chromatin was treated as for R-banding the r values also dropped. Equilibrium dialysis indicated there was no disproportionate increase of dye binding as the concentration of DNA increased. — These results, and others, suggest that some of the Giemsa negative regions of G- and R-banded chromosomes are due to the denaturation of non-histone proteins so that they more effectively cover the DNA and prevent side binding of the thiazin dyes.  相似文献   

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