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Abstract A new viability assay for Cryptosporidium and Eimeria sporozoites is described. It involves the use of both acridine orange and bis-benzimide and is more rapid, easier and less subjective than procedures used previously. The assay has been used to investigate the effects of respiratory inhibitors and pH on the sporozoites of C. parvum, C. muris and E. tenella . Neither cyanide nor azide reduced the viability of C. parvum or E. tenella , whereas they had some effect on C. muris . This latter organism, an intracellular parasite of stomach epithelial cells, also differed from the other two in being able to survive pH 2 for as long as 1 h.  相似文献   

The survival of about eight generations of a large strain of laying hens was analysed separating the rearing period (RP) from the production period (PP), after hens were housed. For RP (respectively PP), 97.8% (resp., 94.1% ) of the 109 160 (resp., 100 665) female records were censored after 106 days (resp., 313 days) on the average. A Cox proportional hazards model stratified by flock (= season) and including a hatch-within-flock (HWF) fixed effect seemed to reasonably fit the RP data. For PP, this model could be further simplified to a non-stratified Weibull model. The extension of these models to sire-dam frailty (mixed) models permitted the estimation of the sire genetic variances at 0.261 ± 0.026 and 0.088 ± 0.010 for RP and PP, respectively. Heritabilities on the log scale were equal to 0.48 and 0.19. Non-additive genetic effects could not be detected. Selection was simulated by evaluating all sires and dams, after excluding all records from the last generation. Then, actual parents of this last generation were distributed into four groups according to their own pedigree index. Raw survivor curves of the progeny of extreme parental groups substantially differed (e.g., by 1.7% at 300 days for PP), suggesting that selection based on solutions from the frailty models could be efficient, despite the very large proportion of censored records.  相似文献   

Sporozoites of Eimeria tenella (Wisconsin strain) were inoculated onto monolayers of normal chicken kidney fibroblasts and cultured in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, and gentamicin under either aerobic, 5% CO2/95% air, or anaerobic conditions. Penetration of fibroblasts by sporozoites under CO2 or anaerobic conditions at 2 and 24 hr postinoculation was 3-4 times greater than that in the aerobic atmosphere. Effect of reduced oxygen concentrations, i.e., 20.0, 12.5, and 5.0% oxygen, was also investigated in an N2-O2-CO2 incubator. Under 5.0 and 12.5% oxygen at 2 and 24 hr postinoculation, the number of sporozoites that penetrated was about 4 and 2 times greater, respectively, than under 20.0% O2. These results indicate that lower oxygen concentrations provide for greater penetration by E. tenella sporozoites in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Sporozoites of avian Eimeria species differed markedly in their ability to invade cells in vitro. Invasion by E. tenella and E. adenoeides was significantly greater in baby hamster kidney (BHK) and chicken cecal cell (CC) cultures than in primary chicken (PCK) or turkey kidney (PTK) cell cultures. Moreover, invasion of BHK cell cultures by E. adenoeides was significantly greater than that of other Eimeria species, and invasion by E. acervulina sporozoites was significantly lower. Monoclonal antibody 1209-C2 (MAb 1209-C2) reacted by immunofluorescent labeling (IFA) with refractile bodies of sporozoites of 5 species of Eimeria and Caryospora bigenetica, but not with sporozoites of Toxoplasma gondii, Hammondia hammondi, or Cryptosporidium parvum, which have no refractile bodies. The MAb also cross-reacted with formalin-fixed BHK, CC, turkey cecal (TC) cells, and PTK. Pretreatment of BHK cells with MAb 1209-C2 significantly reduced invasion of the cells by sporozoites of E. tenella, E. acervulina, E. meleagrimitis, and C. bigenetica, but did not alter invasion by T. gondii, C. parvum, or H. hammondia. Apparently, reactivity of MAB 1209-C2 with the sporozoites was required for inhibition of invasion despite the fact that the inhibition resulted from pre-treatment of the host cell. Conversely, although MAb 1209-C2 also reacted moderately with PTK and TC cells, pre-treatment of these cell cultures with the MAb did not inhibit invasion by either MAB 1209-C2-reactive or -nonreactive parasites. Collectively, the data indicated that refractile body antigens of sporozoites of Eimeria and Caryospora, which are recognized by MAb 1209-C2, may function in cellular invasion, but also suggest that cellular invasion is probably not mediated by interactions between the conserved epitopes in sporozoites and cultured host cells that are recognized by the MAb.  相似文献   

Polysaccharides have been isolated from Eimeria bovis and E. stiedai by the use of alkali. The purified polysaccharides stain purple with iodine and have been shown by chemical and enzymic means to be amylopectin. The storage amylopectins of these coccidia differ slightly from typical plant amylopectins in their fine structure.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Eimeria dispersa (turkey strain) and Eimeria gallopavonis sporozoites were inoculated into primary cultures of chicken kidney (CK) and turkey kidney (TK) cells. Eimeria dispersa sporozoites were more infective in either cell type than those of E. gallopavonis : at 4 hr, the percentage of infection was 67-98 for E. dispersa but only 23-56 for E. gallopavonis . E. dispersa also survived better in culture: at 2 days, losses of E. dispersa in both cell types were only 4-19%, whereas losses of E. gallopavonis were 35-47% in TK cells and 60–95% in CK cells. However, E. gallopavonis developed further than E. dispersa . Location and increase in numbers of intracellular stages at 4 days indicated that E. dispersa proceeded through 2 schizogonic generations before development stopped.  相似文献   

Extracellular Eimeria tenella sporozoites exposed to 1.0 microgram/ml monensin at 40 C had an accelerated rate of sodium influx as well as an increased rubidium uptake that was inhibited by the cardiac glycoside, ouabain. These results suggested the presence of a functional (Na+-K+)-ATPase and its stimulation by monensin. Under the same conditions, sporozoite ATP concentrations declined, lactate production increased and the rate of amylopectin utilization was enhanced. Exposure to monensin also appeared to stimulate the rate of sporozoite glycolysis. The results of this study demonstrated that the cidal effect of monensin on extracellular sporozoites was caused by the capability of the ionophore to act as a transmembrane sodium carrier.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Four new eimerian species are described from red-backed voles. Clethrionomys gapperi in Pennsylvania. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria clethrionomyis sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 18.8 (16.5–21.5) × 14.9 (14.0–16.5) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 10.6 (9.5–12.0) × 6.1 (5.5–7.0). The oocyst wall is smooth, with 2 layers, and thins, with terminal cap at one or both ends. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The occyst residuum is absent. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria gallatii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 27.7 (21–32) × 19.3 (17–24) with ovoid sporocysts, 13.5 (12–15) × 8.8 (8–10). The oocyst wall is smooth, 2-layered, with a micropyle and thin wall at the end opposite the micropyle. Polar granules. Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. The oocyst residuum is atypical, of cobwebby material. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria pileata sp. n. are subspherical to spherical, 25.2 (20.5–29.5) × 22.5(19.5–25.5) with ellipsoidal sporocysts, 13.4(10.5–15.0) × 8.4 (7.5–9.5). The oocyst wall is rough, pitted, striated, 2-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, oocyst and sporocyst residuum. Stieda body and stiedal cap are present. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria marconii sp. n. are ellipsoidal, 13.0 (10.5–15.0) × 10.6 (9.5–12.0) with elongate, ovoid sporocysts, 7.7 (7.0–8.5) × 4.2 (3.0–4.5). The oocyst wall is smooth, single-layered, with no micropyle. Polar granules, dark Stieda body and sporocyst residuum are present. There is no oocyst residuum.  相似文献   

Extraintestinal sporozoites of chicken Eimeria in chickens and turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oocysts were found in the feces of chickens (recipients) dosed orally with whole blood, liver, lung, or heart homogenates from chickens and turkeys (donors) inoculated 3 and 4 days previously with a mixture of 3.5 X 10(6) oocysts of chicken Eimeria. No oocysts were found in the feces of recipients given spleen homogenates from these same chickens and turkeys and none were found in the feces of recipients given similar material from uninoculated donors. Intracellular sporazoites were found in the peripheral blood of a turkey inoculated with chicken Eimeria. The results indicate that a small number of sporozoites are capable of invading and surviving for at least 4 days in the peripheral blood of chickens and turkeys.  相似文献   

The role of human neutrophil cathepsin G (Cat G) on Eimeria tenella sporozoites was studied in vitro. Sporozoites were incubated for 2 hr at 37 C in PO4 buffer, 0.9% NaCl (PBS), pH 7.6 in the presence of Cat G (50 micrograms/ml), diisopropyl fluorophosphate-inhibited Cat G (DFP-Cat G) (50 micrograms/ml) or PBS alone, prior to being inoculated into embryonated eggs. As judged by oocyst production on day 7 postinoculation, embryo mortality and the hemorrhage scores, both Cat G and DFP-Cat G demonstrated anticoccidial activity; greater activity was obtained with the DFP-Cat G. Sporozoites were exposed also to increasing concentrations of native and trypsin-digested DFP-Cat G (0-100 micrograms/ml) under the same conditions. Significant protection (37% and 49% for native and digested DFP-Cat G, respectively) was obtained with a low concentration (5 mu/ml), and higher concentrations resulted in 70% and 84% protection, respectively. The primary bactericidal domain of Cat G, the HPQYNQR peptide, at 3 concentrations (25, 50, and 100 micrograms/ml), reduced the oocyst production by 46%, 16%, and 15%, respectively. The anticoccidial activity of Cat G may involve a peptide fragment different from the antimicrobial domain of the enzyme.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Rats inoculated with 10,000 sporulated oocysts of Eimeria nieschulzi had significantly higher total leukocyte counts on postinoculation days (PI) 1, 5, 6 and 7 when compared to control rats. Relative and absolute neutrophil counts increased concomitantly with a decrease in the relative lymphocyte levels in E. nieschulzi-infected rats on PI day 7. Absolute and relative neutrophil counts in infected rats on PI days 7 and 8 were closely correlated with the host's total oocyst discharge. The E. nieschulzi infection had no significant effect on the relative or absolute levels of monocytes or eosinophils. The described changes in leukocyte levels were not paralleled by a significant change in the erythrocyte count.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The life cycle of a turkey strain of Eimeria dispersa Tyzzer was studied in Beltsville Small White turkeys. There were 4 asexual generations. Mature schizonts of the first generation were present 30 h postinoculation (PI); those of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations were present 48, 72, and 96 h PI, respectively. Average size of schizonts and number and size of merozoites for each generation were as follows: first , 14.3 × 13.0 μm with 19.2 merozoites, each 4.5 × 1.2 μm; second , 8.0 × 7.2 μm with 13.5 merozoites, each 4.5 × 1.1 μm; third , 8.9 × 8.9 μm with 15.1 merozoites, each 5.6 × 2.1 μm; fourth , 11.6 × 10.5 μm with 6.7 merozoites, each 8.2 × 2.0 μm. Sporozoites and developmental stages of the first generation were in close association with an epithelial cell nucleus and located between the brush border and the "row" of epithelial cell nuclei; developmental stages of the other 3 generations were not associated with a nucleus and were located just under the brush border. Early macrogametes and microgametocytes were present 96 h PI. Development was confined to the epithelial cells of the villus and extended from the tip of the villus to ∼ 1/2 the distance down the sides in all areas of the intestine except the cecum. The prepatent period was between 114 and 120 h. Percentage of sporulation was 15, 57, and 90, at 24, 36, and 48 h, respectively. Sporulated oocysts averaged 24.5 × 20.2 μm.  相似文献   

Eimeria tenella: immunogenicity of arrested sporozoites in chickens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Groups of chickens were medicated with the anticoccidial drug, decoquinate, and starting 1 day after this medication they were given daily inoculations of either 1 X 10(4) (Experiment 1) or 1 X 10(5) (Experiment 2) oocysts of a decoquinate-sensitive strain of Eimeria tenella. This assured the presence of large numbers of drug-inhibited sporozoites in the cecal tissues. The immunity arising from the presence of these inhibited sporozoites was assessed by challenging the medicated chickens with a 2.5 X 10(5) oocysts of a decoquinate-resistant strain of E. tenella. The response to challenge was assessed by weight gain, the severity of cecal lesions, hematocrits, and cecal oocyst numbers. The inhibited sporozoites promoted little (if any) immunity judged by clinical signs of disease. However, judged by body weight changes after challenge, the presence of inhibited sporozoites provided substantial protection against the body-weight-depressing effects of the challenge dose. These findings emphasize the importance of stage-specific antigen expression in Eimeria spp. infections and support the notion that immunogenicity is associated with tropic stages of the parasite.  相似文献   

As an in vitro excystor, sodium taurodeoxycholate (TDC) released 80--90% Eimeria tenella sporozites, in contrast to 0--15% excystation by six other bile salts or bile extracts, and pooled chicken bile in 90 min at 37 C with continuous agitation. Pooled chicken bile required 4 to 4 1/2 hr to excyst similar percentages of sporozoites. Prolonged incubation with other bile salts and bile extracts excysted most sporozoites, but killed them. When the incubation temperature was raised to 44 C, TDC excysted 100% of the sporozoites in 60 min. In all other bile salts or bile extracts, the percentage of excystation increased greatly at 44 C, but none equalled that of TDC. The molecular similarity of TDC to a naturally occurring bile salt of chickens is presented as an explanation for the superior performance of TDC as an excystor. Data are examined to minimize the possibility that excysting activity of TDC can be attributed to other bile salts present at impurities.  相似文献   

Amphibians are the most threatened class of vertebrate in the world. Although a number of causes of the amphibian decline phenomenon are emerging, there is a need for robust demographic data to be able to monitor current and future threats such as climate change. Despite this, few studies on amphibians have the life-history data available to undertake these analyses and fewer still have looked at the challenges to population viability posed by fragmentation—a feature inherent in agricultural landscapes where the matrix is highly modified. Our aim was to investigate the population viability of a large burrowing frog in an agricultural landscape. Specifically, we aimed to investigate the future persistence of populations under a range of scenarios including populations connected by various levels of dispersal and reduced rainfall. We used the life-history parameters of Heleioporus albopunctatus, a frog species widely distributed in the extensively cleared agricultural regions of south-western Australia. We investigated the viability of 24 partially connected populations under a range of scenarios using the program Vortex Version Metapopulations were consistently more robust to extinction than isolated local populations. Both meta- and local populations were more susceptible to increases in age-specific mortality rates than to variation in the estimated ability of H. albopunctatus to disperse between breeding ponds, the survival rate of dispersers, or the frequency of drought. Our results reinforce the importance of metapopulations for survival in fragmented landscapes and point to the need to manage amphibian breeding ponds across landscapes to ensure high survival rates, particularly for juveniles.  相似文献   

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