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Genetic variation within the macroura species group, which includes Sminthopsis macroura, S. virginiae, S. douglasi, and S. bindi, was examined through analyses of complete mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences, partial control-region DNA sequences, and allozymes. Divergent genetic lineages appear to be present within S. macroura and S. virginiae, and it is likely that this genetic divergence equates to currently unrecognized taxonomic diversity. Specimens of S. macroura (as currently recognized) belong to three genetically distinct lineages that are highly divergent from one another. Two of these lineages may be synonymous with two previously recognized dunnart species—S. froggatti and S. stalkeri. The third appears to represent "true" S. macroura and is itself genetically heterogeneous, with a number of subgroups present within it that may also represent currently unrecognized taxa. The mitochondrial DNA sequence divergences observed between S. virginiae nitela and the two other S. virginiaesubspecies are equivalent to, or greater than, those noted between other dunnart species. Allozyme divergences between these subspecies were however slightly lower, and determination on whether S. virginiae nitela should be returned to full species status (S. nitela) may require further evidence. Phylogenetic relationships between species in the macroura group appear to have been partially resolved, with individual 12S rRNA and combined mitochondrial DNA analyses recovering S. bindi as the earliest diverging taxon. Other relationships between species in the group were either not consistently recovered or lacked strong support.  相似文献   

The relationship between the physical properties of solid food and the masticatory parameters is clarified. Eight solid foods of varying physical properties were chosen. Electromyography of the jaw-closing muscles and mandibular kinematics in eleven young subjects were recorded. The masticatory parameters were derived from the recorded data for the entire mastication process, for the first bite, and in the early, middle, and late stages of mastication. After calculating values relative to the mean value for each subject, nine parameters representing each group were chosen through a cluster analysis. Three principal components were extracted, each of them related to the masticatory time and cycle, minimum jaw opening at the early stage of mastication, and masticatory force. The principal component scores for each food were different, except for one combination in which the physical properties under large and extra-large deformations were similar, despite different breaking properties or small deformation properties. The masticatory parameters did not correlate with the physical properties of food measured for small deformation.  相似文献   

The influence of hard-object feeding on the size and shape of the mandibular corpus was investigated through a comparative biomechanical analysis of the jaws of adult femaleCebus apella andCebus capucinus. Computed tomography (CT) was used to discern the amount and distribution of cortical bone at M2 and symphyseal cross sections. From these data, the biomechanical properties of the mandibular corpus were determined to assess the structural rigidity of the jaw with respect to the bending, torsional, and shear stresses that occur during mastication and incision. The mandibles ofC. apella are demonstrably more robust than those ofC. capucinus in terms of biomechanical rigidity; differences in corporeal size rather than shape largely account for the enhanced robusticity in the sample ofC. apella. The differences that separate the two taxa probably represent a structural response to the mechanical demands of durophagy inC. apella. These observations suggest that specialization on a diet of hard objects may be expected to result in an overall hypertrophy of bony contours throughout the mandibular corpus.  相似文献   

The black carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae), crushes its snail and other molluscan prey with robust pharyngeal jaws and strong bite forces. Using gross morphology, histological sectioning, and X‐ray reconstruction of moving morphology (XROMM), we investigated structural, behavioral, and mechanical aspects of pharyngeal jaw function in black carp. Strut‐like trabeculae in their pharyngeal jaws support large, molariform teeth. The teeth occlude with a hypertrophied basioccipital process that is also reinforced with stout trabeculae. A keratinous chewing pad is firmly connected to the basioccipital process by a series of small bony projections from the base of the pedestal. The pharyngeal jaws have no bony articulations with the skull, and their position is controlled by five paired muscles and one unpaired median muscle. Black carp can crush large molluscs, so we used XROMM to compare pharyngeal jaw postures as fish crushed ceramic tubes of increasing sizes. We found that black carp increase pharyngeal jaw gape primarily by ventral translation of the jaws, with ventral rotation and lateral flaring of the jaws also increasing the space available to accommodate large prey items. A stout, robust ligament connects left and right jaws together firmly, but allows some rotation of the jaws relative to each other. Contrasting with the pharyngeal jaw mechanism of durophagous perciforms with fused left and right lower pharyngeal jaws, we hypothesize that this ligamentous connection may serve to decouple tensile and compressive forces, with the tensile forces borne by the ligament and the compressive forces transferred to the prey. J. Morphol. 276:1422–1432, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The anatomical framework of the jawbones is highly conserved among most of the Osteichthyes, including the tetrapods. However, our recent study suggested that the premaxilla, the rostralmost upper jaw bone, was rearranged during the evolution of therian mammals, being replaced by the septomaxilla at least in the lateral part. In the present study, to understand more about the process of evolution from the ancestral upper jaw to the therian face, we re-examined the development of the therian premaxilla (incisive bone). By comparing mouse, bat, goat, and cattle fetuses, we confirmed that the therian premaxilla has dual developmental origins, the lateral body and the palatine process. This dual development is widely conserved among the therian mammals. Cell-lineage-tracing experiments using Dlx1-CreERT2 mice revealed that the palatine process arises in the ventral part of the premandibular domain, where the nasopalatine nerve distributes, whereas the lateral body develops from the maxillary prominence in the domain of the maxillary nerve. Through comparative analysis using various tetrapods, we concluded that the palatine process should not be considered part of the ancestral premaxilla. It rather corresponds to the anterior region of the vomerine bone of nonmammalian tetrapods. Thus, the present findings indicate that the true premaxilla was completely lost during the evolution of the therian mammals, resulting in the establishment of the unique therian face as an evolutionary novelty. Reconsideration of the homological framework of the cranial skeleton based on the topographical relationships of the ossification center during embryonic development is warranted.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study is to analyze anterior and posterior temporalis muscle force recruitment and firing patterns in various anthropoid and strepsirrhine primates. There are two specific goals for this project. First, we test the hypothesis that in addition to transversely directed muscle force, the evolution of symphyseal fusion in primates may also be linked to vertically directed balancing-side muscle force during chewing (Hylander et al. [2000] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 112:469-492). Second, we test the hypothesis of whether strepsirrhines retain the hypothesized primitive mammalian condition for the firing of the anterior temporalis, whereas anthropoids have the derived condition (Weijs [1994] Biomechanics of Feeding in Vertebrates; Berlin: Springer-Verlag, p. 282-320). Electromyographic (EMG) activities of the left and right anterior and posterior temporalis muscles were recorded and analyzed in baboons, macaques, owl monkeys, thick-tailed galagos, and ring-tailed lemurs. In addition, as we used the working-side superficial masseter as a reference muscle, we also recorded and analyzed EMG activity of the left and right superficial masseter in these primates. The data for the anterior temporalis provided no support for the hypothesis that symphyseal fusion in primates is linked to vertically directed jaw muscle forces during mastication. Thus, symphyseal fusion in primates is most likely mainly linked to the timing and recruitment of transversely directed forces from the balancing-side deep masseter (Hylander et al. [2000] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 112:469-492). In addition, our data demonstrate that the firing patterns for the working- and balancing-side anterior temporalis muscles are near identical in both strepsirrhines and anthropoids. Their working- and balancing-side anterior temporalis muscles fire asynchronously and reach peak activity during the power stroke. Similarly, their working- and balancing-side posterior temporalis muscles also fire asynchronously and reach peak activity during the power stroke. Compared to these strepsirrhines, however, the balancing-side posterior temporalis of anthropoids appears to have a relatively delayed firing pattern. Moreover, based on their smaller W/B ratios, anthropoids demonstrate a relative increase in muscle-force recruitment of the balancing-side posterior temporalis. This in turn suggests that anthropoids may emphasize the duration and magnitude of the power stroke during mastication. This hypothesis, however, requires additional testing. Furthermore, during the latter portion of the power stroke, the late activity of the balancing-side posterior temporalis of anthropoids apparently assists the balancing-side deep masseter in driving the working-side molars through the terminal portion of occlusion.  相似文献   

Research into the functional and adaptive basis of tooth crown form has provided a useful framework for the inference of diet in extinct primates. However, our understanding of variation in tooth-root form is limited. Studies within the clinical literature emphasize the influence of tooth-root surface area on stress resistance, but it is not known if root form has diversified during primate evolution in relation to dietary specialization. This hypothesis was tested by quantifying maxillary canine and postcanine tooth-root surface areas in four platyrrhine species that differ in the material properties of their diet: Cebus apella, Cebus albifrons, Chiropotes satanas, and Pithecia pithecia. Pairwise comparisons between closely related taxa support predictions based on dietary differences. Taxa that regularly consume resistant seeds (Cebus apella and Chiropotes satanas) exhibit significantly larger relative surface area values for those teeth used in seed processing than closely related taxa that consume resistant foods less often (Cebus albifrons and Pithecia pithecia). Additionally, relative molar-root surface area appears to be greater in Pithecia than in Chiropotes, as predicted from the more folivorous diet of Pithecia. Tooth-root surface area was also found to vary along the tooth row and should therefore have a significant influence on antero-posterior bite-force gradients. The results of this study suggest a close relationship between tooth-root form and patterns of occlusal loading. Further elucidation of this relationship could improve our inferences of diet in extinct taxa, and augment research into the mechanics and evolution of feeding.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within the Murina species group, which includes S. murina, S. gilberti, S. leucopus, S. dolichura and S. archeri, was examined through analyses of complete 12S rRNA, partial control region mitochondrial DNA sequences and partial omega-globin nuclear DNA sequences. Sminthopsis butleri was found to be an additional member of the Murina group, and appears to be most closely related to S. leucopus rather than the morphologically similar S. archeri. This latter species appears to be the most divergent member of the group, and there is a possible sister relationship between S. murina and S. gilberti, as suggested by previous allozyme evidence. It appears that the systematic affinities of the taxonomically problematic northeastern Queensland populations of both S. murina and S. leucopus and a disjunct population of S. gilberti (from the Western Australia/South Australia border) are indeed with those respective species; although each appears to belong to a distinct morphological and genetic lineage. A specimen of S. leucopus from Queensland was found to be as divergent from each of the southeastern Australian S. leucopus subspecies as they are from each other, suggesting that this northern population of S. leucopus may also warrant recognition as a distinct taxon. Specimens of S. murina murina were found to be genetically divergent from each other, and this subspecies appears to be paraphyletic, as suggested by previous morphological evidence. * This paper is the second part of a series dealing with the systematics and evolution of the dasyurid marsupial genus Sminthopsis. Part one covered the Macroura species group and was published in 2001 in the Journal of Mammalian Evolution 8, 149–170.  相似文献   

The basal split among living marsupials is traditionally placed between the cohorts Ameridelphiaand Australidelphia. Ameridelphia includes all American forms excepting the South AmericanDramicuipx gliroidex (Order Microbiotheria). Australidelphia includes all Australasian taxaplus Dromiciops glinmles. DNA data support Eometatheria Dromiciaps + Diprotodontia +Dasyuromorphia + Notoryctemorphia) but do not resolve the position of bandicoots, whetherwith other australidelphians or with ameridelphians. Also, the most robust molecular trees (DNAhybridization, multigene studies) exhibit minimal branch subdivision and raise the possibility ofartit'actual associations owing to long branch attraction. We analyzed data sets that consistedof complete sequences tor four niitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, tRNA valine,16S rRNA). One data set included 14 marsupial taxa. A second data set included 14 marsupialsas well as outgroup sequences (one monolreme; 20 placentals). Phylogenetic analyses includedparsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and quartet puzzling. When phylogeneticanalyses were restricted to just the marsupial sequences, there was 75 to 96% boostrap supportfor the separation of Ameridelphia versus Australidelphia. This suggests that either one orboth of these groups are monophyletic. Also, there was 71 to 98% bootstrap support for theseparation of Eometatheria versus Ameridelphia + Peramelina. Nonmonophyly of several a prioriclades was accepted by at least some statistical tests including the following: Diprotodontia+ Peramelina, Notoryctemorphia + Peramelina, Diprotodonlia + Notoryctemorphia, and themonophyly of Australasian marsupials. With the inclusion of outgroup sequences, there wasreduced bootstrap support for associations among marsupial orders and statistical tests failed toreject all interordinal associations that were tested.  相似文献   

Even though marsupials are taxonomically less diverse than placentals, they exhibit comparable morphological and ecological diversity. However, much of their fossil record is thought to be missing, particularly for the Australasian groups. The more than 330 living species of marsupials are grouped into three American (Didelphimorphia, Microbiotheria, and Paucituberculata) and four Australasian (Dasyuromorphia, Diprotodontia, Notoryctemorphia, and Peramelemorphia) orders. Interordinal relationships have been investigated using a wide range of methods that have often yielded contradictory results. Much of the controversy has focused on the placement of Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheria). Studies either support a sister-taxon relationship to a monophyletic Australasian clade or a nested position within the Australasian radiation. Familial relationships within the Diprotodontia have also proved difficult to resolve. Here, we examine higher-level marsupial relationships using a nuclear multigene molecular data set representing all living orders. Protein-coding portions of ApoB, BRCA1, IRBP, Rag1, and vWF were analyzed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Two different Bayesian relaxed molecular clock methods were employed to construct a timescale for marsupial evolution and estimate the unrepresented basal branch length (UBBL). Maximum likelihood and Bayesian results suggest that the root of the marsupial tree is between Didelphimorphia and all other marsupials. All methods provide strong support for the monophyly of Australidelphia. Within Australidelphia, Dromiciops is the sister-taxon to a monophyletic Australasian clade. Within the Australasian clade, Diprotodontia is the sister taxon to a Notoryctemorphia + Dasyuromorphia + Peramelemorphia clade. Within the Diprotodontia, Vombatiformes (wombat + koala) is the sister taxon to a paraphyletic possum group (Phalangeriformes) with kangaroos nested inside. Molecular dating analyses suggest Late Cretaceous/Paleocene dates for all interordinal divergences. All intraordinal divergences were placed in the mid to late Cenozoic except for the deepest splits within the Diprotodontia. Our UBBL estimates of the marsupial fossil record indicate that the South American record is approximately as complete as the Australasian record. The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Evolution of the tetrapod ear: an analysis and reinterpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant view of tetrapod otic evolution–the “standard view”–holds that the tympanum developed very early in tetrapod history and is homologous in all tetrapods and that the opercular process of the rhipidistian hyomandibula is homologous to the tympanic process of the stapes in lower tetrapods. Under that view, the labyrinthodont amphibians of the Paleozoic are usually considered ancestral to reptiles, and thus the “otic notch” of labyrinthodonts and the tympanum it presumably contained form the starting-point for middle ear evolution in reptiles. Four problems have classically been identified with the standard view: the differing relationships of the internal mandibular branch of N. VII (chorda tympani) to the processes of the stapes in amniotes and anurans; the differing orientations of the stapes in key fossil and living groups; the location of the tympanum in early fossil reptiles; and the transferral of the tympanum, during the origin of mammals, from the stapes to the articular bone of the lower jaw. An examination of these problems and of the solutions proposed under the standard view reveals the ad hoc, and therefore unsatisfactory, nature of the proposed solutions. To organize and review alternative hypotheses of otic evolution an analytical table is constructed, using three characters (tympanic process, Nerve VII, tympanum), each with two possible states. A total of eight hypotheses about middle ear evolution are possible under this system, one of which is the standard view. The seven “non-standard” hypotheses, only five of which have been argued in the literature, are briefly examined. Six of the “non-standard” hypotheses appear unattractive for various reasons, including reliance on ad hoc arguments. The seventh was first proposed by Gaupp in 1898. It is today almost universally ignored but apparently largely for historical rather than scientific reasons. This hypothesis, her called the “alternative view”, appears to rest on assumptions equally as plausible as those of the standard view. Moreover, it offers a solution of the problems associated with the standard view without, apparently, raising any similarly serious problems. This paper compares the standard and alternative views of middle ear evolution in detail. Comparison proceeds on two levels. On one level, they are compared in terms of the hypotheses of phyletic tetrapod relationships each promotes and how strongly each supports its hypothesis. Both views promote the same hypothesis of tetrapod relationships. The alternative view is the more parsimonious, but the difference is not considered sufficient to provide a choice. On another level, the two views are compared in terms of their implications for: (1) the evolution of relative and absolute auditory perceptive ability; (2) the origin of reptiles; (3) the evolution of the suspensorium and cranial kinesis; and (4) the origin and evolution of recent amphibians. The nature of the data required for a test of the implications of the two views is specified in each case. Where data are available. the alternative view is consistent and the standard view is inconsistent with these data. We conclude that the alternative view is the preferable hypothesis of middle-ear evolution. This conclusion implies the following: the tympanic membranes and the tympanic processes of the stapes in recent mammals, reptiles + birds. and frogs. are not homologous; the evolution of “special periotic systems” in the ancestors of amphibians and amniotes were independent events and preceded the evolution of tympanic membranes; the amphibian tympanic membrane. probably including that of labyrinthodonts. is not ancestral to that of amniotes. and that labyiinthodonts with an otic notch are not suitable as amniote ancestors; the stapes of early reptiles functioned primarily as part of the jaw suspension rather than in hearing; the mechanisms and abilities of sound perception in recent tetrapods are likely to be diverse rather than forming parts of a cline; and the lack of a tympanum in Gymnophiona and Caudata may be a retention of a primitive condition.  相似文献   

七鳃鳗遗传多样性与演化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
七鳃鳗(Petromyzonidae)是目前已知最古老的脊椎动物中惟一的幸存者.对其资源保护和演化发育生物学的研究正日益受到重视.本文从染色体、蛋白质和DNA水平总结近年来七鳃鳗遗传多样性与演化方面的研究进展.重点介绍了限制性酶切片段长度多态性、DNA随机扩增多态性、DNA扩增片段长度多态性、微卫星DNA标记等技术及线粒体DNA和功能基因研究应用于七鳃鳗种群遗传多样性、遗传分化、遗传结构、种质鉴定与渔业资源管理及系统进化等方面的新进展.  相似文献   

Evolution and Diversity of Amitochondrial Zooflagellates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. The amitochondrial flagellates comprise the Archamoebae, the Metamonada (orders: Retortamonadida, Diplomonadida, Oxymonadida) and the Parabasala. Molecular rDNA sequence comparison has shown that the diplomonads are very ancient and placed at the base of the tree, but the position of the parabasalids before or after the Euglenozoa and other mitochondriate protists is not definitively determined and such molecular data are required to place the other groups. Common cytological features such as one basal body and a basal body-nucleus connector show that the mastigamoebids or Archamoebae are an evolutionary lineage. The metamonad grouping is heterogenous; the three orders have in common two pairs of basal bodies, no Golgi and could be poly- or paraphyletic. The Parabasala is an evolutionary lineage with a large set of homologous cytological characters. A biochemical study of the cytoskeletal structures such as costa, parabasal fibre, preaxostylar fibre and undulating membrane in trichomonads reveals a large diversity in the protein composition among the genera that fits with the large distance between the taxa estimated by rDNA sequencing. Molecular comparison in seven tnchomonad genera indicates that the Trichomonadinae and Tritrichomonadinae form two divergent branches, the genera Hypotrichomonas and Monocercomonas are now incorporated in the tritrichomonad branch, and Trichomitus is at the bifurcation of the two branches. This scheme is different from the classic tree but not incompatible with it.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are central to fertilization and the evolutionary fitness of sexually reproducing organisms. As such, a deeper understanding of sperm proteomes (and associated reproductive tissues) has proven critical to the advancement of the fields of sexual selection and reproductive biology. Due to their extraordinary complexity, proteome depth-of-coverage is dependent on advancements in technology and related bioinformatics, both of which have made significant advancements in the decade since the last Drosophila sperm proteome was published. Here, we provide an updated version of the Drosophila melanogaster sperm proteome (DmSP3) using improved separation and detection methods and an updated genome annotation. Combined with previous versions of the sperm proteome, the DmSP3 contains a total of 3176 proteins, and we provide the first label-free quantitation of the sperm proteome for 2125 proteins. The top 20 most abundant proteins included the structural elements α- and β-tubulins and sperm leucyl-aminopeptidases. Both gene content and protein abundance were significantly reduced on the X chromosome, consistent with prior genomic studies of X chromosome evolution. We identified 9 of the 16 Y-linked proteins, including known testis-specific male fertility factors. We also identified almost one-half of known Drosophila ribosomal proteins in the DmSP3. The role of this subset of ribosomal proteins in sperm is unknown. Surprisingly, our expanded sperm proteome also identified 122 seminal fluid proteins (Sfps), proteins originally identified in the accessory glands. We show that a significant fraction of ‘sperm-associated Sfps’ are recalcitrant to concentrated salt and detergent treatments, suggesting this subclass of Sfps are expressed in testes and may have additional functions in sperm, per se. Overall, our results add to a growing landscape of both sperm and seminal fluid protein biology and in particular provides quantitative evidence at the protein level for prior findings supporting the meiotic sex-chromosome inactivation model for male-specific gene and X chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

漆酚是漆树科植物独有的化学成分,具有良好的抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等生物活性,极具药物和工业生产开发价值。该研究通过对国内外有关漆树科各类群有关漆酚数据的搜集和整理,开展漆树科漆酚的多样性与分布情况的综合统计;同时在利用核基因ETS和叶绿体基因rps16和trnL-F重建漆树科系统发育树的基础上,探讨漆酚在漆树科及各属间的起源和演化关系。结果表明:(1)漆树科漆酚具有较高的多样性,在其苯环和-R链上都有很大的变异。(2)发现漆酚仅存在于Anacardioideae亚科中,是该亚科的一个重要界定特征。(3)基于漆酚苯环结构和-R链特征的祖先性状重建分析表明,漆树科的漆酚是由邻苯二酚向间苯二酚演化,而漆酚-R链的十五烃(烯)基则是向十七烃(烯)基平行演化。  相似文献   

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