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Bone fatigue fracture is a progressive disease due to stress concentration. This study aims to evaluate the long bone fatigue damage using the ultrasonic guided waves. Two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method was employed to simulate the ultrasonic guided wave propagation in the long bone under different elastic modulus. The experiment was conducted on a 3.8 mm-thick bovine bone plate. The phase velocities of two fundamental guided modes, A1 and S1, were measured by using the axial transmission technique. Simulation shows that the phase velocities of guided modes A1 and S1 decrease with the increasing of the fatigue damage. After 20,000 cycles of fatigue loading on the bone plate, the average phase velocities of A1 and S1 modes were 6.6% and 5.3% respectively, lower than those of the intact bone. The study suggests that ultrasonic guided waves can be potentially used to evaluate the fatigue damage in long bones.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanical features of cortical bone and their changes with growth and adaptation to function plays an important role in our ability to interpret the morphology and evolution of craniofacial skeletons. We assessed the elastic properties of cortical bone of juvenile and adult baboon mandibles using ultrasonic techniques. Results showed that, overall, cortical bone from baboon mandibles could be modeled as an orthotropic elastic solid. There were significant differences in the directions of maximum stiffness, thickness, density, and elastic stiffness among different functional areas, indicating regional adaptations. After maturity, the cortical bone becomes thicker, denser, and stiffer, but less anisotropic. There were differences in elastic properties of the corpus and ramus between male and female mandibles which are not observed in human mandibles. There were correlations between cortical thicknesses and densities, between bone elastic properties and microstructural configuration, and between the directions of maximum stiffness and bone anatomical axes in some areas. The relationships between bone extrinsic and intrinsic properties bring us insights into the integration of form and function in craniofacial skeletons and suggest that we need to consider both macroscopic form, microstructural variation, and the material properties of bone matrix when studying the functional properties and adaptive nature of the craniofacial skeleton in primates. The differences between baboon and human mandibles is at variance to the pattern of differences in crania, suggesting differences in bone adaption to varying skeletal geometries and loading regimes at both phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thirty-four cervical spine segments were harvested from 12 juvenile male baboons and compressed to failure at displacement rates of 5, 50, 500, or 5000 mm/s. Compressive stiffness, failure load, and failure displacement were measured for comparison across loading rate groups. Stiffness showed a significant concomitant increase with loading rate, increasing by 62% between rates of 5 and 5000 mm/s. Failure load also demonstrated an increasing relationship with loading rate, while displacement at failure showed no rate dependence. These data may help in the development of improved pediatric automotive safety standards and more biofidelic physical and computational models.  相似文献   

Fatigue loading of bone, from the activities of daily living in the elderly, or from prolonged exercise in the young, can lead to increased risk of fracture. Elderly patients with osteoporosis are particularly prone to fragility fractures of the vertebrae, where load is carried primarily by trabecular bone. In this study, specimens of bovine trabecular bone were loaded in compressive fatigue at four different normalized stresses to one of six maximum strains. The resulting change in modulus and residual strain accumulation were measured over the life of the fatigue test. The number of cycles to reach a given maximum compressive strain increased with decreasing normalized stress. Modulus reduction and specimen residual strain increased with increasing maximum compressive strain, but few differences were observed between specimens loaded to the same maximum strain at different normalized stresses.  相似文献   

Cortical bone is a heterogeneous material with a complex hierarchical microstructure. In this work, unit cell finite element models were developed to investigate the effect of microstructural morphology on the macroscopic properties of cortical bone. The effect of lacunar and vascular porosities, percentage of osteonal bone and orientation of the Haversian system on the macroscopic elastic moduli and Poisson's ratios was investigated. The results presented provide relationships for applying more locally accurate material properties to larger scale and whole bone models of varying porosity. Analysis of the effect of the orientation of the Haversian system showed that its effects should not be neglected in larger scale models. This study also provides insight into how microstructural features effect local distributions and cause a strain magnification effect. Limitations in applying the unit cell methodology approach to bone are also discussed.  相似文献   

Relaxation Young's modulus of cortical bone was investigated for two different directions with respect to the longitudinal axis of bone (bone axis, BA): the modulus parallel (P) and normal (N) to the BA. The relaxation modulus was analyzed by fitting to the empirical equation previously proposed for cortical bones, i.e., a linear combination of two Kohlraush-Williams-Watts (KWW) functions (Iyo et al., 2003. Biorheology, submitted): E(t)=E0 (A1 exp[-(t/tau1)beta]+(1-A1) exp[-(t/tau2)gamma]), [0 < A1, beta, gamma < 1], where E0 is the initial modulus value E0. Tau1 and tau2(>tau1) are characteristic times of the relaxation, A1 is the fractional contribution of the fast relaxation (KWW1 process) to the whole relaxation process, and beta and gamma are parameters describing the shape of the relaxation modulus. In both P and N samples, the relaxation modulus was described well by the empirical equation. The KWW1 process of a P sample almost completely coincided with that of an N sample. In the slow process (KWW2 process), there was a difference between the relaxation modulus of a P sample and that of an N sample. The results indicate that the KWW1 process in the empirical equation represents the relaxation in the collagen matrix in bone and that the KWW2 process is related to a higher-order structure of bone that is responsible for the anisotropic mechanical properties of bone.  相似文献   

Bone is a complex material which exhibits several hierarchical levels of structural organization. At the submicron-scale, the local tissue porosity gives rise to discontinuities in the bone matrix which have been shown to influence damage behavior. Computational tools to model the damage behavior of bone at different length scales are mostly based on finite element (FE) analysis, with a range of algorithms developed for this purpose. Although the local mechanical behavior of bone tissue is influenced by microstructural features such as bone canals and osteocyte lacunae, they are often not considered in FE damage models due to the high computational cost required to simulate across several length scales, i.e., from the loads applied at the organ level down to the stresses and strains around bone canals and osteocyte lacunae. Hence, the aim of the current study was twofold: First, a multilevel FE framework was developed to compute, starting from the loads applied at the whole bone scale, the local mechanical forces acting at the micrometer and submicrometer level. Second, three simple microdamage simulation procedures based on element removal were developed and applied to bone samples at the submicrometer-scale, where cortical microporosity is included. The present microdamage algorithm produced a qualitatively analogous behavior to previous experimental tests based on stepwise mechanical compression combined with in situ synchrotron radiation computed tomography. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of simulating microdamage at a physiologically relevant scale using an image-based meshing technique and multilevel FE analysis; this allows relating microdamage behavior to intracortical bone microstructure.  相似文献   

Microdamage, in the form of small cracks, may accumulate in trabecular bone loaded in fatigue. Specimens of bovine trabecular bone were loaded in compressive fatigue at one of four normalized stresses and loading was stopped after the specimens reached one of six maximum strains. Microdamage was identified using a fluorochrome staining technique, and microdamage parameters, including the number of damaged trabeculae and the damaged area fraction, were measured. No microdamage was observed during loading to strains below the yield strain; at higher strains, all microdamage parameters increased with increasing maximum compressive strain. Few significant differences were observed in the type or amount of microdamage accumulation between specimens loaded to the same maximum strain at different normalized stresses; however, more trabecular fractures were observed at high numbers of cycles, which corresponded to low normalized stresses.  相似文献   

In this study digital images of bone cross-sections obtained by computed tomography were analyzed with an automated outlining method. It was shown that unbiased cross-sectional geometric measurements of cortical bone could be obtained if the periosteal and endosteal surfaces were defined at separate thresholds. Use of different threshold levels for these two surfaces resulted in errors of 2.6% for periosteal diameters, 7.4% for endosteal diameters and 7.3% for cortical area. If incorrect thresholds were used, cortical thickness measurements can have errors as high as 30%. In addition, simulated variation in medullary fat content did not affect measurement of medullary dimensions.  相似文献   

It is well known that mechanical factors affect bone remodeling such that increased mechanical demand results in net bone formation, whereas decreased demand results in net bone resorption. Current theories suggest that bone modeling and remodeling is controlled at the cellular level through signals mediated by osteocytes. The objective of this study was to investigate how macroscopically applied bone strains similar in magnitude to those that occur in vivo are manifest at the microscopic level in the bone matrix. Using a digital image correlation strain measurement technique, experimentally determined bone matrix strains around osteocyte lacuna resulting from macroscopic strains of approximately 2,000 microstrain (0.2%) reach levels of over 30,000 microstrain (3%) over fifteen times greater than the applied macroscopic strain. Strain patterns were highly heterogeneous and in some locations similar to observed microdamage around osteocyte lacuna indicating the resulting strains may represent the precursors to microdamage. This information may lead to a better understanding of how bone cells are affected by whole bone functional loading.  相似文献   

Multi-scale experimental work was carried out to characterize cortical bone as a heterogeneous material with hierarchical structure, which spans from nanoscale (mineralized collagen fibril), sub-microscale (single lamella), microscale (lamellar structures), to mesoscale (cortical bone) levels. Sections from femoral cortical bone from 6, 12, and 42 months old swine were studied to quantify the age-related changes in bone structure, chemical composition, and mechanical properties. The structural changes with age from sub-microscale to mesoscale levels were investigated with scanning electron microscopy and micro-computed tomography. The chemical compositions at mesoscale were studied by ash content method and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and at microscale by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. The mechanical properties at mesoscale were measured by tensile testing, and elastic modulus and hardness at sub-microscale were obtained using nanoindentation. The experimental results showed age-related changes in the structure and chemical composition of cortical bone. Lamellar bone was a prevalent structure in 6 months and 12 months old animals, resorption sites were most pronounced in 6 months old animals, while secondary osteons were the dominant features in 42 months old animals. Mineral content and mineral-to-organic ratio increased with age. The structural and chemical changes with age corresponded to an increase in local elastic modulus, and overall elastic modulus and ultimate tensile strength as bone matured.  相似文献   

Despite a general understanding that bone quality contributes to skeletal fragility, very little information exits on the age-dependent fatigue behavior of human bone. In this study four-point bending fatigue tests were conducted on aging bone in conjunction with the analysis of stiffness loss and preliminary investigation of nanoindentation based measurements of local tissue stiffness and histological evaluation of resultant tensile and compressive damage to identify the damage mechanism responsible for the increase in age-related bone fragility. The results obtained show that there is an exponential decrease in fatigue life with age, and old bone exhibits different modulus degradation profiles than young bone. In addition, this study provides preliminary evidence indicating that during fatigue loading, younger bone formed diffuse damage, lost local tissue stiffness on the tensile side. Older bone, in contrast, formed linear microcracks lost local tissue stiffness on the compressive side. Thus, the propensity of aging human bone to form more linear microcracks than diffuse damage may be a significant contributor to bone quality, and age related fragility in bone.  相似文献   

This study aimed at the determination of the influence of exercise on the levels of a number of bone morphogenic enzymes in subchondral bone and at the comparison of these data with other (subchondral) bone-related parameters that have been investigated in the same experimental population.Forty-three foals were reared until weaning at 5 months of age under similar conditions, except for the type and amount of exercise. Fifteen foals remained at pasture (Pasture group and also control group), 14 foals were kept in box stalls (Box group) and 14 foals were kept in the same box stalls but were subjected daily to an increasing number of gallop sprints (Training group). After weaning 8 foals from each group were euthanised. All remaining 19 animals were housed together in a loose box with access to a small paddock to study a possible reversibility of exercise-induced effects. Post mortem subchondral bone samples were collected from the femoropatellar joint and analysed for the bone morphogenic enzymes alkaline phosphatase (ALP), tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and lysyl oxidase (LO). Data were compared to calcium content, numbers of collagen cross-links, bone mineral density (BMD) and cross-sectional area (CSA) collected in other bone-related studies in the same group of experimental animals.At 5 months of age, ALP levels were significantly lower and TRAP levels higher in both the Box and the Training group, making the ALP : TRAP ratio reversed in relation to the Pasture group. LO levels were lower in the Box group only. The ALP and TRAP data corresponded with changes in CSA, but not with calcium and BMD, the levels of which were the same in the Training and Pasture groups. The LO levels corresponded nicely with hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP) and lysylpyridinoline (LP) cross-links. At 11 months of age ALP and TRAP levels had reached similar levels in most groups, normalising the ALP : TRAP ratio. TRAP levels in the former Training group lagged somewhat behind. LO levels were still significantly lower in the former Box rest group.It is concluded that the overall increase in bone mass (characterised by the change in CSA) is apparently related to continuous, evenly distributed exercise as in the Pasture group (natural situation). This process seems to be related with ALP and TRAP levels and their ratio. For normal cross-link levels and BMD, short heavy bouts of exercise superimposed on a basic rest regimen seem sufficient. However, both data from this study and from earlier studies suggest that this latter exercise regimen might have a long-term deleterious effect.  相似文献   

Repeated postnatal caffeine treatment of rat pups led to transient developmental changes in cortical epileptic afterdischarges. To know if physiological cortical functions are also affected transcallosal evoked potentials were studied. Rat pups of the Wistar strain were injected daily with caffeine (10 or 20 mg/kg s.c.) from postnatal day (P) 7 to P11, control siblings received saline. Cortical interhemispheric responses were tested at P12, 18, 25 and in young adult rats. Amplitude of initial monosynaptic components was evaluated in averaged responses. Single pulses as well as paired and frequency (five pulses) stimulations were used. Developmental rules - highest amplitude of responses in 25-day-old rats, potentiation with paired and frequency stimulation present since P18 - were confirmed. Caffeine-treated rats exhibited transient changes: single responses were augmented in P25 if high stimulation intensity was used, paired-pulse and frequency responses were higher in experimental than in control animals at P12, the opposite change was observed in 18- and more markedly in 25-day-old rats. No significant changes were found in adult animals, monosynaptic transcallosal responses represent a simple and robust system. The developmental profile of described changes did not exactly correspond to changes in epileptic afterdischarges supporting the possibility that afterdischarges did not arise from early monosynaptic components of responses. In spite of transient nature of changes they can reflect delayed or more probably modified brain development.  相似文献   

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