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N-type calcium channels inactivate most rapidly in response to moderate, not extreme depolarization. This behavior reflects an inactivation rate that bears a U-shaped dependence on voltage. Despite this apparent similarity to calcium-dependent inactivation, N-type channel inactivation is insensitive to the identity of divalent charge carrier and, in some reports, to the level of internal buffering of divalent cations. Hence, the inactivation of N-type channels fits poorly with the "classic" profile for either voltage-dependent or calcium-dependent inactivation. To investigate this unusual inactivation behavior, we expressed recombinant N-type calcium channels in mammalian HEK 293 cells, permitting in-depth correlation of ionic current inactivation with potential alterations of gating current properties. Such correlative measurements have been particularly useful in distinguishing among various inactivation mechanisms in other voltage-gated channels. Our main results are the following: 1) The degree of gating charge immobilization was unchanged by the block of ionic current and precisely matched by the extent of ionic current inactivation. These results argue for a purely voltage-dependent mechanism of inactivation. 2) The inactivation rate was fastest at a voltage where only approximately (1)/(3) of the total gating charge had moved. This unusual experimental finding implies that inactivation occurs most rapidly from intermediate closed conformations along the activation pathway, as we demonstrate with novel analytic arguments applied to coupled-inactivation schemes. These results provide strong, complementary support for a "preferential closed-state" inactivation mechanism, recently proposed on the basis of ionic current measurements of recombinant N-type channels (Patil et al., . Neuron. 20:1027-1038).  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels selectively enable Ca2+ ion movement through cellular membranes. These multiprotein complexes are involved in a wide spectrum of biological processes such as signal transduction and cellular homeostasis. alpha1 is the membrane pore-forming subunit, whereas beta is an intracellular subunit that binds to alpha1, facilitating and modulating channel function. We have expressed, purified, and characterized recombinant beta3 and beta2a using both biochemical and biophysical methods, including electrophysiology, to better understand the beta family's protein structural and functional correlates. Our results indicate that the beta protein is composed of two distinct domains that associate with one another in a stable manner. The data also suggest that the polypeptide regions outside these domains are not structured when beta is not in complex with the channel. In addition, the beta structural core, comprised of just these two domains without other sequences, binds tightly to the alpha interaction domain (AID) motif, a sequence derived from the alpha1 subunit and the principal anchor site of beta. Domain II is responsible for this binding, but domain I enhances it.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that the selectivity of voltage-dependent calcium channels is mainly controlled by amino acid residues contained within four p-loop motifs forming the pore of the channel. An examination of the amino acid sequences of high voltage-activated calcium channels reveals that their domain III S5-H5 regions contain a highly conserved motif with homology to known EF hand calcium binding proteins, hinting that this region may contribute to channel permeation. To test this hypothesis, we used site-directed mutagenesis to replace three conserved negatively charged residues in the N-type calcium channel alpha1B subunit (Glu-1321, Asp-1323, and Glu-1332) with positively charged amino acids (lysine and arginine) and studied their effect on ion selectivity using whole cell and single channel patch clamp recordings. Whereas the wild type channels conducted barium much more effectively than calcium, the mutant displayed nearly equal permeabilities for these two ions. Individual replacement of residue 1332 or a double substitution of residues 1321 and 1323 with lysine and arginine, respectively, were equally effective. Disruption of the putative EF hand motif through replacement of the central glycine residue (1326) with proline resulted in a similar effect, indicating that the responses observed with the triple mutant were not due to changes in the net charge of the channel. Overall, our data indicate that residues outside of the narrow region of the pore have the propensity to contribute to calcium channel permeation. They also raise the possibility that interactions of calcium ions with a putative calcium binding domain at the extracellular side of the channel may underlie the differential permeabilities of the channel for barium and calcium ions.  相似文献   

To elucidate the physiological importance of neuronal (N)-type calcium channels in sympathetic controls, we analyzed N-type channel-deficient (NKO) mice. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed increased interaction between beta3 (a major accessory subunit of N-type channels) and R-type channel-forming CaV2.3 in NKO mice. R-R intervals in NKO ECG recordings were elongated and fluctuating, suggesting disturbed sympathetic tonus. N-type channel inhibitors elongated the R-R interval in control mice, whereas R-type channel blocking with SNX-482 significantly affected NKO but not control mice, indicating a compensatory role for R-type channels. Echocardiography and Langendorff heart analysis confirmed a major role for R-type channels in NKO mice. Combined, our biochemical and physiological analyses strongly suggest that the remaining sympathetic tonus in NKO mice is dependent on R-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

In the present study, two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques have been used to assess the interaction between the MVIIA omega-conotoxin and an isoform of the N-type Ca(2+) channel alpha subunit (alpha(1B-d)). Cloned alpha(1B-d) Ca(2+) channels were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes in the presence and absence of the beta(3) subunit. Coexpression of the beta(3) subunit significantly shifted the IC(50) value for MVIIA inhibition of central N-type Ca(2+) channel current. Analysis of the peak conductance vs. depolarising voltage dependence suggested that the beta(3) subunit has no apparent effect on the gating charge which accompanies the closed-open transition of the channels. Instead, coexpression of the beta(3) subunit led to an approx. 10 mV shift to more hyperpolarised potentials in the voltage-dependent activation of N-type Ca(2+) channels. We conclude that MVIIA alters the surface charge on the N-type Ca(2+) channels and might induce allosteric changes on the structure of the channel, leading to an increase in the dissociation constant of MVIIA binding.  相似文献   

The developmental regulation of the N-type calcium channel during synaptogenesis was studied using cultured rat hippocampal neurons to elucidate the roles of extrinsic versus intrinsic cues in the expression and distribution of this channel. Prior to synapse formation, α1B and β3 subunits of the N-type calcium channel were distributed diffusely throughout neurites, growth cones, and somata. As synaptogenesis proceeded, the subunit distributions became punctate and colocalized with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin. Isolated neurons were also examined to test for the requirement of extrinsic cues that control N-type calcium channel expression and distribution. These neurons expressed N-type calcium channel subunits, but their distributions remained diffuse. Functional ω-conotoxin GVIA-sensitive channels were expressed in isolated neurons, although the distribution of α1B subunits was diffuse. The distribution of the α1B subunit and synaptotagmin only became punctate when neuron-neuron contact was allowed. Thus, the expression of functional N-type calcium channels is the result of an intrinsic program while extrinsic regulatory cues mediated by neuron-neuron contact are required to control their distribution during synaptogenesis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 198–208, 1998  相似文献   

We have investigated the molecular determinants that mediate the differences in voltage-dependent inactivation properties between rapidly inactivating (R-type) alpha(1E) and noninactivating (L-type) alpha(1C) calcium channels. When coexpressed in human embryonic kidney cells with ancillary beta(1b) and alpha(2)-delta subunits, the wild type channels exhibit dramatically different inactivation properties; the half-inactivation potential of alpha(1E) is 45 mV more negative than that observed with alpha(1C), and during a 150-ms test depolarization, alpha(1E) undergoes 65% inactivation compared with only about 15% for alpha(1C). To define the structural determinants that govern these intrinsic differences, we have created a series of chimeric calcium channel alpha(1) subunits that combine the major structural domains of the two wild type channels, and we investigated their voltage-dependent inactivation properties. Each of the four transmembrane domains significantly affected the half-inactivation potential, with domains II and III being most critical. In particular, substitution of alpha(1C) sequence in domains II or III with that of alpha(1E) resulted in 25-mV negative shifts in half-inactivation potential. Similarly, the differences in inactivation rate were predominantly governed by transmembrane domains II and III and to some extent by domain IV. Thus, voltage-dependent inactivation of alpha(1E) channels is a complex process that involves multiple structural domains and possibly a global conformational change in the channel protein.  相似文献   

Despite the expression of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in nasal turbinate epithelium, their role in odorant chemosensation has remained obscure. Therefore, we investigated olfactory neurotransduction in beta3-deficient mice. RT-PCR and Western blots confirmed the expression of various types of Ca2+ channels in the nasal turbinate. Electrophysiological evaluations revealed that beta3-null mice had a 60% reduction in the high-voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents in olfactory receptor neurons due to reduced N- and L-type channel currents. The beta3-null mice showed increased olfactory neuronal activity to triethylamine, and this effect was mimicked by the perfusion of the specific N-type Ca2+ channel inhibitor omega-conotoxin GVIA in the electro-olfactogram. Diluted male urine odors induced higher Fos immunoreactivity in the main olfactory bulbs of beta3-deficient mice, indicating enhanced signal transduction of odor information in these mice. Our data indicate the involvement of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and importance of the beta3 subunit in olfactory signal transduction.  相似文献   

Mechanosensitivity in voltage-gated calcium channels could be an asset to calcium signaling in healthy cells or a liability during trauma. Recombinant N-type channels expressed in HEK cells revealed a spectrum of mechano-responses. When hydrostatic pressure inflated cells under whole-cell clamp, capacitance was unchanged, but peak current reversibly increased ~1.5-fold, correlating with inflation, not applied pressure. Additionally, stretch transiently increased the open-state inactivation rate, irreversibly increased the closed-state inactivation rate, and left-shifted inactivation without affecting the activation curve or rate. Irreversible mechano-responses proved to be mechanically accelerated components of run-down; they were not evident in cell-attached recordings where, however, reversible stretch-induced increases in peak current persisted. T-type channels (alpha(1I) subunit only) were mechano-insensitive when expressed alone or when coexpressed with N-type channels (alpha(1B) and two auxiliary subunits) and costimulated with stretch that augmented N-type current. Along with the cell-attached results, this differential effect indicates that N-type mechanosensitivity did not depend on the recording situation. The insensitivity of T-type currents to stretch suggested that N-type mechano-responses might arise from primary/auxiliary subunit interactions. However, in single-channel recordings, N-type currents exhibited reversible stretch-induced increases in NP(o) whether the alpha(1B) subunit was expressed alone or with auxiliary subunits. These findings set the stage for the molecular dissection of calcium current mechanosensitivity.  相似文献   

It has been shown that beta auxiliary subunits increase current amplitude in voltage-dependent calcium channels. In this study, however, we found a novel inhibitory effect of beta3 subunit on macroscopic Ba(2+) currents through recombinant N- and R-type calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Overexpressed beta3 (12.5 ng/cell cRNA) significantly suppressed N- and R-type, but not L-type, calcium channel currents at "physiological" holding potentials (HPs) of -60 and -80 mV. At a HP of -80 mV, coinjection of various concentrations (0-12.5 ng) of the beta3 with Ca(v)2.2alpha(1) and alpha(2)delta enhanced the maximum conductance of expressed channels at lower beta3 concentrations but at higher concentrations (>2.5 ng/cell) caused a marked inhibition. The beta3-induced current suppression was reversed at a HP of -120 mV, suggesting that the inhibition was voltage dependent. A high concentration of Ba(2+) (40 mM) as a charge carrier also largely diminished the effect of beta3 at -80 mV. Therefore, experimental conditions (HP, divalent cation concentration, and beta3 subunit concentration) approaching normal physiological conditions were critical to elucidate the full extent of this novel beta3 effect. Steady-state inactivation curves revealed that N-type channels exhibited "closed-state" inactivation without beta3, and that beta3 caused an approximately 40-mV negative shift of the inactivation, producing a second component with an inactivation midpoint of approximately -85 mV. The inactivation of N-type channels in the presence of a high concentration (12.5 ng/cell) of beta3 developed slowly and the time-dependent inactivation curve was best fit by the sum of two exponential functions with time constants of 14 s and 8.8 min at -80 mV. Similar "ultra-slow" inactivation was observed for N-type channels without beta3. Thus, beta3 can have a profound negative regulatory effect on N-type (and also R-type) calcium channels by causing a hyperpolarizing shift of the inactivation without affecting "ultra-slow" and "closed-state" inactivation properties.  相似文献   

N-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) play determining roles in calcium entry at sympathetic nerve terminals and trigger the release of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. The accessory beta3 subunit of these channels preferentially forms N-type channels with a pore-forming CaV2.2 subunit. To examine its role in sympathetic nerve regulation, we established a beta3-overexpressing transgenic (beta3-Tg) mouse line. In these mice, we analyzed cardiovascular functions such as electrocardiography, blood pressure, echocardiography, and isovolumic contraction of the left ventricle with a Langendorff apparatus. Furthermore, we compared the cardiac function with that of beta3-null and CaV2.2 (alpha1B)-null mice. The beta3-Tg mice showed increased expression of the beta3 subunit, resulting in increased amounts of CaV2.2 in supracervical ganglion (SCG) neurons. The beta3-Tg mice had increased heart rate and enhanced sensitivity to N-type channel-specific blockers in electrocardiography, blood pressure, and echocardiography. In contrast, cardiac atria of the beta3-Tg mice revealed normal contractility to isoproterenol. Furthermore, their cardiac myocytes showed normal calcium channel currents, indicating unchanged calcium influx through VDCCs. Langendorff heart perfusion analysis revealed enhanced sensitivity to electric field stimulation in the beta3-Tg mice, whereas beta3-null and Cav2.2-null showed decreased responsiveness. The plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels in the beta3-Tg mice were significantly increased in the basal state, indicating enhanced sympathetic tone. Electrophysiological analysis in SCG neurons of beta3-Tg mice revealed increased calcium channel currents, especially N- and L-type currents. These results identify a determining role for the beta3 subunit in the N-type channel population in SCG and a major role in sympathetic nerve regulation.  相似文献   

A site-directed anti-peptide antibody, CNB-1, that recognizes the alpha 1 subunit of rat brain class B calcium channels (rbB) immunoprecipitated 43% of the N-type calcium channels labeled by [125I]omega-conotoxin. CNB-1 recognized proteins of 240 and 210 kd, suggesting the presence of two size forms of this alpha 1 subunit. Calcium channels recognized by CNB-1 were localized predominantly in dendrites; both dendritic shafts and punctate synaptic structures upon the dendrites were labeled. The large terminals of the mossy fibers of the dentate gyrus granule neurons were heavily labeled, suggesting that the punctate labeling pattern represents calcium channels in nerve terminals. The pattern of immunostaining was cell specific. The cell bodies of some pyramidal cells in layers II, III, and V of the dorsal cortex, Purkinje cells, and scattered cell bodies elsewhere in the brain were also labeled at a low level. The results define complementary distributions of N- and L-type calcium channels in dendrites, nerve terminals, and cell bodies of most central neurons and support distinct functional roles in calcium-dependent electrical activity, intracellular calcium regulation, and neurotransmitter release for these two channel types.  相似文献   

The β subunits of voltage-dependent calcium channels bind the pore-forming α1 subunit and play an important role in the regulation of calcium channel function. Recently, we have identified a new splice variant of the β4 subunit, which we have termed the β4d subunit. The β4d subunit is a truncated splice variant of the β4b subunit and lacks parts of the guanylate kinase (GK) domain and the C-terminus. The calcium current in BHK cells expressing α1C and α2δ with the β4d subunit was as small as that without the β4d subunit. Western blot analysis revealed that β4d protein was expressed to a lesser extent that the β4b protein. In addition, a GST pull down assay showed that the β4d subunit could not interact with the α1 subunit of the calcium channel. Collectively, our results suggest that the GK domain of the β subunit is essential for the expression of the functional calcium channel.  相似文献   

N-type inactivation in voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels is a widespread means to modulate neuronal excitability and signaling. Here we have shown a novel mechanism of N-type inactivation in a Caenorhabditis elegans Kv channel. The N-terminal sequence of KVS-1 contains a domain of 22 amino acids that resembles the inactivation ball in A-type channels, which is preceded by a domain of eighteen amino acids. Wild type KVS-1 currents can be described as A-type; however, their kinetics are significantly (approximately 5-fold) slower. When the putative inactivation ball is deleted, the current becomes non-inactivating. Inactivation is restored in non-inactivating channels by diffusion of the missing inactivation domain in the cytoplasm. Deletion of the domain in front of the ball speeds inactivation kinetics approximately 5-fold. We conclude that KVS-1 is the first example of a novel type of Kv channel simultaneously possessing an N-inactivating ball preceded by an N inactivation regulatory domain (NIRD) that acts to slow down inactivation through steric mechanisms.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) in sensory neurones are tonically up-regulated via Ras/extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) signalling. The presence of putative ERK consensus sites within the intracellular loop linking domains I and II of neuronal N-type (Ca(v)2.2) calcium channels and all four neuronal calcium channel beta subunits (Ca(v)beta), suggests that Ca(v)2.2 and/or Ca(v)betas may be ERK-phosphorylated. Here we report that GST-Ca(v)2.2 I-II loop, and to a lesser extent Ca(v)beta1b-His(6), are substrates for ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Serine to alanine mutation of Ser-409 and/or Ser-447 on GST-Ca(v)2.2 I-II loop significantly reduced phosphorylation. Loss of Ser-447 reduced phosphorylation to a greater extent than mutation of Ser-409. Patch-clamp recordings from wild-type Ca(v)2.2,beta1b,alpha2delta1 versus mutant Ca(v)2.2(S447A) or Ca(v)2.2(S409A) channels revealed that mutation of either site significantly reduced current inhibition by UO126, a MEK (ERK kinase)-specific inhibitor that down-regulates ERK activity. However, no additive effect was observed by mutating both residues together, suggesting some functional redundancy between these sites. Mutation of both Ser-161 and Ser-348 on Ca(v)beta1b did not significantly reduce phosphorylation but did reduce UO126-induced current inhibition. Crucially, co-expression of Ca(v)2.2(S447A) with Ca(v)beta1b(S161,348A) had an additive effect, abolishing the action of UO126 on channel current, an effect not seen when Ca(v)beta1b(S161,348A) was co-expressed with Ca(v)2.2(S409A). Thus, Ser-447 on Ca(v)2.2 and Ser-161 and Ser-348 of Ca(v)beta1b appear to be both necessary and sufficient for ERK-dependent modulation of these channels. Together, our data strongly suggest that modulation of neuronal N-type VDCCs by ERK involves phosphorylation of Ca(v)2.2alpha1 and to a lesser extent possibly also Ca(v)beta subunits.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated calcium channels are key players in a number of fundamental physiological functions including contraction, secretion, transmitter release or gene activation. They allow a flux of calcium into the cell that constitutes a switch-on signal for most of these functions. The structures responsible for the shaping of these fluxes by the membrane voltage belong to the channel itself, but a number of associated proteins are known to more precisely tune this calcium entry and adapt it to the cellular demand. The calcium channel regulatory beta subunit is undoubtedly the most important one, being influent on the expression, the kinetics, the voltage-dependence of channel opening and closing and on the pharmacology of the channel. Heterologous expression, combined to mutagenesis and electrophysiological and biochemical experiments have revealed the roles of short sequences of the beta subunit, including the BID (beta-interaction domain), in the physical and functional interactions with the channel pore. The resolved crystal structure of the beta subunit now sheds new light on these sequences and their interactions with the rest of the protein. The presence of a type 3 src-homology (SH3) domain and a guanylate kinase (GK) domain confirms that the subunit belongs to the MAGUK protein family. Consistently, the polyproline binding site and the kinase function of the SH3 and the GK domains, respectively, are non functional, and the BID appears to be buried in the structure, preserving the SH3-GK interaction but not directly available for interactions with the channel pore subunit. Anchoring of the beta subunit to the channel occurs via a hydrophobic grove in the GK domain, leaving a large surface of the subunit open to other protein-protein interactions. To what extent the intramolecular SH3-GK interaction is necessary for the stabilisation of this grove in a functional unit remains to be understood. The beta subunit may thus play a key role in scaffolding multiple proteins around the channel and organizing diverse calcium-dependent signalling pathways directly linked to voltage-gated calcium entry. These findings will undoubtedly vitalize the search for new beta-specific partners and functions.  相似文献   

Ca(v)beta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels contain two conserved domains, a src-homology-3 (SH3)-domain and a guanylate kinase-like (GK)-domain. The SH3-domain is split, with its final (fifth) beta-strand separated from the rest of the domain by an intervening sequence termed the HOOK-domain, whose sequence varies between Ca(v)beta subunits. Here we have been guided by the recent structural studies of Ca(v)beta subunits in the design of specific truncated constructs, with the goal of investigating the role of the HOOK-domain of Ca(v)beta subunits in the modulation of inactivation of N-type calcium channels. We have coexpressed the beta subunit constructs with Ca(v)2.2 and alpha(2)delta-2, using the N-terminally palmitoylated beta(2a) subunit, because it supports very little voltage-dependent inactivation, and made comparisons with beta(1b) domains. Deletion of the variable region of the beta(2a) HOOK-domain resulted in currents with a rapidly inactivating component, and additional mutation of the beta(2a) palmitoylation motif further enhanced inactivation. The isolated GK-domain of beta(2a) alone enhanced current amplitude, but the currents were rapidly and completely inactivating. When the beta(2a)-GK-domain construct was extended proximally, by including the HOOK-domain and the epsilon-strand of the SH3-domain, inactivation was about four-fold slower than in the absence of the HOOK domain. When the SH3-domain of beta(2a) truncated prior to the HOOK-domain was coexpressed with the (HOOK+epsilonSH3+GK)-domain of beta(2a), all the properties of beta(2a) were restored, in terms of loss of inactivation. Furthermore, removal of the HOOK sequence from the (HOOK+epsilonSH3+GK)-beta(2a) construct increased inactivation. Together, these results provide evidence that the HOOK domain is an important determinant of inactivation.  相似文献   

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