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We previously prepared a more specific antiserum (Antiserum-I) to digoxin (Dx) compared with commercially available anti-Dx antiserum (Antiserum-II), clinically used in the therapeutic drug monitoring of Dx. The aims of this study are to compare Dx disposition kinetics by radio-immunoassay (RIA) using Antiserum-I and Antiserum-II, and evaluate the drug-drug interaction with Dx and glucocorticoids in rats. When Dx metabolites were added to rat serum containing Dx, the recovery ratios using Antiserum-I showed 100 to 110% and were remarkably lower than those using Antiserum-II. In rats, serum concentration-time courses of Dx after a single i.v. or p.o. administration of Dx (0.017 mg/kg) by RIA using Antiserum-I were much lower than those using Antiserum-II. The area under the concentration-time course of Dx was significantly lower than that using Antiserum-II and the total body clearance values were significantly higher, while an obvious change of bioavailability was not observed. When using Antiserum-I, rats twice and six times pretreated with dexamethasone (75 mg/kg/day, i.p.) and prednisolone (69 mg/kg/day, i.p.), respectively, showed significant change of the pharmacokinetic parameters of Dx compared with the control rats. In contrast, using Antiserum-II, it took three and nine times of pretreatment with dexamethasone and prednisolone, respectively, to significantly change the parameters of Dx. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that Antiserum-I is very useful not only to more precisely monitor serum Dx levels, but also to determine earlier the drug-drug interaction with glucocorticoids than Antiserum-II.  相似文献   

We have recently developed a bacterial two-hybrid system (BACTH), based on functional complementation between two fragments of the catalytic domain of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase (AC), that allows an easy in vivo screening and selection of functional interactions between two proteins in Escherichia coli. In this work, we have further explored the potentialities of the BACTH system to study protein-protein interactions, using as a model, the interactions between various subdomains of the dimeric tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS) of Bacillus stearothermophilus. Using the BACTH system we confirmed the known interactions of the alpha/beta domains and those between the alpha/beta domain and the alpha domain that could be anticipated from the three-dimensional structure of TyrRS. Interestingly, the BACTH system revealed the unexpected interaction between the TyrRS alpha domains which is presumably mediated by a pseudo-leucine zipper motif. This study illustrates the interest of the bacterial two-hybrid system to delineate interacting domains of proteins and shows that it can reveal interactions that occur in vivo and that were not anticipated from the three-dimensional structure of the protein of interest.  相似文献   

'Clay hutches': a novel interaction between bacteria and clay minerals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biofilm formation on a low-energy substratum floating on the surface of a water column overlying a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sandy clay soil was followed by light and electron microscopy. The biofilms that developed consisted of a dense lawn of clay aggregates, each one of which contained one or more bacteria, phyllosilicates and grains of iron oxide material, all held together by bacterial extracellular polysaccharides (EPS). The clay leaflets were arranged in the form of 'houses of cards' and gave the aggregates the appearance of 'hutches' housing the bacteria. Interestingly, although the soil is poor in carbon, and the weakly bioavailable PCBs constitute the principal source of carbon in this system, the bacteria contained electron-transparent structures presumed to be carbon storage granules. These, and the EPS material present in the hutches, indicate that carbon is not limiting in this system and, as PCBs have been found associated with the clay mineral fraction of the floating substratum, the clay particles may serve as carbon shuttles. The interesting possibilities that the 'clay hutches' may represent a 'soil microhabitat', a 'minimal nutritional sphere' and an 'effective survival unit' for autochthonous bacteria are noted. The formation of clay hutches by bacteria would seem to merit further investigation, particularly regarding their roles in bacterial processes in soil and in geological processes.  相似文献   

ERMs are closely related proteins involved in cell migration, cell adhesion, maintenance of cell shape, and formation of microvilli through their ability to cross-link the plasma membrane with the actin cytoskeleton. ELMO proteins are also known to regulate actin cytoskeleton reorganization through activation of the small GTPbinding protein Rac via the ELMO-Dock180 complex. Here we showed that ERM proteins associate directly with ELMO1 as purified recombinant proteins in vitro and at endogenous levels in intact cells. We mapped ERM binding on ELMO1 to the N-terminal 280 amino acids, which overlaps with the region required for binding to the GTPase RhoG, but is distinct from the C-terminal Dock180 binding region. Consistent with this, ELMO1 could simultaneously bind both radixin and Dock180, although radixin did not alter Rac activation via the Dock180-ELMO complex. Most interestingly, radixin binding did not affect ELMO binding to active RhoG and a trimeric complex of active RhoG-ELMO-radixin could be detected. Moreover, the three proteins colocalized at the plasma membrane. Finally, in contrast to most other ERM-binding proteins, ELMO1 binding occurred independently of the state of radixin C-terminal phosphorylation, suggesting an ELMO1 interaction with both the active and inactive forms of ERM proteins and implying a possible role of ELMO in localizing or retaining ERM proteins in certain cellular sites. Together these data suggest that ELMO1-mediated cytoskeletal changes may be coordinated with ERM protein crosslinking activity during dynamic cellular functions.  相似文献   

Interactions within proteins of the Bcl-2 family are key in the regulation of apoptosis. The death-inducing members control apoptotic mechanisms partly by antagonizing the prosurvival proteins through heterodimer formation. Structural and biophysical studies on these complexes are providing important clues to understand their function. To help improve our knowledge on protein-protein interactions within the Bcl-2 family we have studied the binding between two of its members: mouse Diva and human Harakiri. Diva has been shown to perform both prosurvival and killing activity. In contrast, Harakiri induces cell death by interacting with antiapoptotic Bcl-2 members. Here we show using ELISA and NMR that Diva and Harakiri can interact in vitro. Combining the NMR data with the previously reported three-dimensional structure of Diva we find that Harakiri binds to a specific region in Diva. This interacting surface is equivalent to the known binding area of prosurvival Bcl-2 members from the reported structures of the complexes, suggesting that Diva could function at the structural level similarly to the antiapoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family. We illustrate this result by building a structural model of the heterodimer using molecular docking and the NMR data as restraints. Moreover, combining circular dichroism and NMR we also show that Harakiri is largely unstructured with residual (13%) α-helical conformation. This result agrees with intrinsic disorder previously observed in other Bcl-2 members. In addition, Harakiri constructs of different length were studied to identify the region critical for the interaction. Differential affinity for Diva of these constructs suggests that the amino acid sequence flanking the interacting region could play an important role in binding.  相似文献   

FtsA, a member of the ATPase superfamily that includes actin and bacterial actin homologs, is essential for cell division of Escherichia coli and is recruited to the Z ring. In turn, recruitment of later essential division proteins to the Z ring is dependent on FtsA. In a polar recruitment assay, we found that FtsA can recruit at least two late proteins, FtsI and FtsN, to the cell poles independently of Z rings. Moreover, a unique structural domain of FtsA, subdomain 1c, which is divergent in the other ATPase superfamily members, is sufficient for this recruitment but not required for the ability of FtsA to localize to Z rings. Surprisingly, targeting the 1c subdomain to the Z ring by fusing it to FtsZ could partially suppress a thermosensitive ftsA mutation. These results suggest that subdomain 1c of FtsA is a completely independent functional domain with an important role in interacting with a septation protein subassembly.  相似文献   

Codakine is an abundant 14-kDa mannose-binding C-type lectin isolated from the gills of the sea bivalve Codakia orbicularis. Binding studies using inhibition of hemagglutination indicated specificity for mannose and fucose monosaccharides. Further experiments using a glycan array demonstrated, however, a very fine specificity for N-linked biantennary complex-type glycans. An unusually high affinity was measured by titration microcalorimetry performed with a biantennary Asn-linked nonasaccharide. The crystal structure of the native lectin at 1.3A resolution revealed a new type of disulfide-bridged homodimer. Each monomer displays three intramolecular disulfide bridges and contains only one calcium ion located in the canonical binding site that is occupied by a glycerol molecule. The structure of the complex between Asn-linked nonasaccharide and codakine has been solved at 1.7A resolution. All residues could be located in the electron density map, except for the capping beta1-4-linked galactosides. The alpha1-6-linked mannose binds to calcium by coordinating the O3 and O4 hydroxyl groups. The GlcNAc moiety of the alpha1,6 arm engages in several hydrogen bonds with the protein, whereas the GlcNAc on the other antenna is stacked against Trp(108), forming an extended binding site. This is the first structural report for a bivalve lectin.  相似文献   

Most of the substance P (SP) antisera currently used for radioimmunoassay cross-react to a greater or lesser extent with C-terminal fragments of SP. With the availability of SP free acid it has been possible to produce an antiserum specific for the N-terminal part of the molecule. The amino groups on Arg1 and Lys3 were protected by trifluoracetylation and the peptide was then conjugated through its C-terminal carboxyl group to bovine serum albumin by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl-amino propyl)-carbodiimide (EDC). After conjugation, the amino protective groups were removed under alkaline conditions and the resulting SP-albumin conjugate was used for immunization of rabbits. The SP antiserum thus produced was found to possess only 0.1% and 0.01% cross-reactivity with SP(2–11) and SP(3–11) respectively, and none at all in the presence of 1000 fold molar excess of other smaller C-terminal fragments of SP. There was no significant difference in the brain content of SP like immunoreactivity (SPLI) measured with either the N- or C-terminal directed antiserum. Using this novel antiserum together with a C-terminal directed antiserum, it was shown that deamidation is unlikely to be a rate limiting step in SP inactivation by rat brain slices.  相似文献   

The interaction between actin and aplyronine A, a potent antitumor and actin-depolymerizing substance of marine origin, was investigated by photoaffinity labeling experiments. Photoaffinity probes consisting of a side-chain portion of aplyronine A as a ligand, a diazirine moiety as a photoaffinity group, and a fluorophore as a detecting group were synthesized. Photolabeling experiments between actin and the probe were carried out. Actin was successfully photolabeled by the fluorescent probe and visualized clearly. The present results provide the first chemical evidence for the direct interaction between actin and the side-chain portion of aplyronine A.  相似文献   

By using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and curve fitting we have examined temperature dependence and composition dependence of the shape of the carbonyl band in phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol model membranes. Membranes were hydrated either in excess water or in excess deuterated water. The studied binary mixtures exhibit different lipid phases at appropriate temperature and amount of cholesterol, among them also the so-called liquid-ordered phase. The results confirm that cholesterol has a significant indirect influence on the carbonyl band through conformational and hydration effects. This influence was interpreted in view of the known temperature composition phase diagrams for inspected binary mixtures. In addition, direct interaction was observed, which could point to the presence of hydrogen bond between cholesterol and carbonyl group. This direct interaction, though weak, might play at least a partial role in the stabilization of cholesterol-rich lipid domains in model and biological membranes.  相似文献   

Surfactant-associated protein D (SP-D) is a collectin that is present in lung surfactant and mucosal surfaces. Although SP-D regulates diverse functions, only a few proteins are known to bind to this collectin. Here we describe the co-purification of decorin, a novel SP-D-binding protein, from amniotic fluid. The human decorin that co-purified with SP-D is a 130-150-kDa proteoglycan, which has a 46-kDa protein core and approximately 90-kDa dermatan sulfate chain. Both native and recombinant decorin can bind to SP-D that is already bound to maltose-agarose matrix, and these SP-D-decorin complexes are dissociated at high salt (0.5-1.0 m NaCl) conditions, releasing the decorin. We further show that SP-D and decorin interact with each other (kd = 4 nm) by two mechanisms. First, the direct binding and competition experiments show that the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of SP-D binds in a calcium dependent-manner to the sulfated N-acetyl galactosamine moiety of the glycosaminoglycan chain. Second, complement component C1q, a complement protein that is known to interact with decorin core protein via its collagen-like region, partially blocks the interaction between decorin and native SP-D. This protein, however, does not block the interaction between decorin and SP-D(n/CRD), a recombinant fragment that lacks the N-terminal and collagen-like regions. Furthermore, the core protein, obtained by chondroitin ABC lyase treatment of decorin, binds SP-D, but not SP-D(n/CRD). These findings suggest that decorin core protein binds the collagen-like region of the SP-D. Concentrations of decorin and SP-D are negatively correlated to each other, in amniotic fluid, implying a functional relevance for SP-D-decorin interaction, in vivo. Collectively, our results show that carbohydrate recognition domains of SP-D interact with the dermatan sulfate moiety of decorin via lectin activity and that the core protein of decorin binds the collagen-like region of SP-D in vitro, and these interactions may be operative in vivo.  相似文献   

Natural resistance associated macrophage proteins (NRAMPs) are evolutionarily conserved metal transporters involved in the transport of essential and nonessential metals in plants. Fifty protein interactors of a Brassica juncea NRAMP protein was identified by a Split-Ubiquitin Yeast-Two-Hybrid screen. The interactors were predicted to function as components of stress response, signaling, development, RNA binding and processing. BjNRAMP4.1 interactors were particularly enriched in proteins taking part in photosynthetic or light regulated processes, or proteins predicted to be localized in plastid/chloroplast. Further, many interactors also had a suggested role in cellular redox regulation. Among these, the interaction of a photosynthesis-related thioredoxin, homologous to Arabidopsis HCF164 (High-chlorophyll fluorescence164) was studied in detail. Homology modeling of BjNRAMP4.1 suggested that it could be redox regulated by BjHCF164. In yeast, the interaction between the two proteins was found to increase in response to metal deficiency; Mn excess and exogenous thiol. Excess Mn also increased the interaction in planta and led to greater accumulation of the complex at the root apoplast. Network analysis of Arabidopsis homologs of BjNRAMP4.1 interactors showed enrichment of many protein components, central to chloroplastic/cellular ROS signaling. BjNRAMP4.1 interacted with BjHCF164 at the root membrane and also in the chloroplast in accordance with its proposed function related to photosynthesis, indicating that this interaction occurred at different sub-cellular locations depending on the tissue. This may serve as a link between metal homeostasis and chloroplastic/cellular ROS through protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

Aberrant Src activation plays prominent roles in cancer progression. However, how Src is activated in cancer cells is largely unknown. Genetic Src-activating mutations are rare and, therefore, are insufficient to account for Src activation commonly found in human cancers. In this study, we show that reversion-induced LIM (RIL), which is frequently lost in colon and other cancers as a result of epigenetic silencing, suppresses Src activation. Mechanistically, RIL suppresses Src activation through interacting with Src and PTPL1, allowing PTPL1-dependent dephosphorylation of Src at the activation loop. Importantly, the binding of RIL to Src is drastically reduced upon Src inactivation. Our results reveal a novel Src inactivation cycle in which RIL preferentially recognizes active Src and facilitates PTPL1-mediated inactivation of Src. Inactivation of Src, in turn, promotes dissociation of RIL from Src, allowing the initiation of a new Src inactivation cycle. Epigenetic silencing of RIL breaks this Src inactivation cycle and thereby contributes to aberrant Src activation in human cancers.  相似文献   

Conformational abnormalities and aggregation of alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) have been linked to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's (PD) and related diseases. It has been shown that alpha-syn can stably bind artificial phospholipid vesicles through alpha-helix formation in its N-terminal repeat region. However, little is known about the membrane interaction in cells. In the current study, we determined the membrane-binding properties of alpha-syn to biological membranes by using bi-functional chemical crosslinkers, which allow the detection of transient, but specific, interactions. By utilizing various point mutations and deletions within alpha-syn, we demonstrated that the membrane interaction of alpha-syn in cells is also mediated by alpha-helix formation in the N-terminal repeat region. Moreover, the PD-linked A30P mutation causes reduced membrane binding, which is concordant with the artificial membrane studies. However, contrary to the interaction with artificial membranes, the interaction with biological membranes is rapidly reversible and is not driven by electrostatic attraction. Furthermore, the interaction of alpha-syn with cellular membranes occurs only in the presence of non-protein and non-lipid cytosolic components, which distinguishes it from the spontaneity of the interaction with artificial membranes. More interestingly, addition of the cytosolic preparation to artificial membranes resulted in the transient, charge-independent binding of alpha-syn similar to the interaction with biological membranes. These results suggest that in cells, alpha-syn is engaged in a fundamentally different mode of membrane interaction than the charge-dependent artificial membrane binding, and the mode of interaction is determined by the intrinsic properties of alpha-syn itself and by the cytoplasmic context.  相似文献   

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