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Alteration of Escherichia coli murein during amino acid starvation.   总被引:27,自引:20,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied the mechanisms by which amino acid starvation of Escherichia coli induces resistance against the lytic and bactericidal effects of penicillin. Starvation of E. coli strain W7 of the amino acids lysine or methionine resulted in the rapid development of resistance to autolytic cell wall degradation, which may be effectively triggered in growing bacteria by a number of chemical or physical treatments. The mechanism of this effect in the amino acid-starved cells involved the production of a murein relatively resistant to the hydrolytic action of crude murein hydrolase extracts prepared from normally growing E. coli. Resistance to the autolysins was not due to the covalently linked lipoprotein. Resistance to murein hydrolase developed most rapidly and most extensively in the portion of cell wall synthesized after the onset of amino acid starvation. Lysozymes digests of the autolysin-resistant murein synthesized during the first 10 min of lysine starvation yielded (in addition to the characteristic degradation products) a high-molecular-weight material that was absent from the lysozyme-digests of control cell wall preparations. It is proposed that inhibition of protein synthesis causes a rapid modification of murein structure at the cell wall growth zone in such a manner that attachment of murein hydrolase molecules is inhibited. The mechanism may involve some aspects of the relaxed control system since protection against penicillin-induced lysis developed much slower in amino acid-starved relaxed controlled (relA) cells than in isogenic stringently controlled (relA+) bacteria.  相似文献   

Cells must balance energy-efficient growth with the ability to adapt rapidly to sudden changes in their environment. For example, in an environment rich in amino acids, cells do not expend energy for making amino acid biosynthetic enzymes. However, if the environment becomes depleted of amino acids (nutritional downshift), cells will be exposed to a lack of both the amino acid biosynthetic enzymes and the amino acids required to make these enzymes. To solve this dilemma, cells must use their own proteins as sources of amino acids in response to the nutritional downshift. Once amino acid biosynthetic enzymes start to accumulate, the cell is able to produce its own amino acids, and a new growth phase begins. In Escherichia coli, amino acid starvation leads to the accumulation of an unusual molecule, polyphosphate (polyP), a linear polymer of many hundreds of orthophosphate residues. Protein degradation in this bacterium appears to be triggered by the accumulation of polyP. PolyP forms a complex with the ATP-dependent Lon protease. The formation of a complex then enables Lon to degrade free ribosomal proteins. Certain very abundant ribosomal proteins can be the sacrificial substrates targeted for degradation at the onset of the downshift. Here I propose to call the polyP-Lon complex the "stringent protease," and I discuss new insights of protein degradation control in bacteria.  相似文献   

On the rate of messenger decay during amino acid starvation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In arginine auxotropic strains of Escherichia coli the rate of decay of functional ornithine transcarbamylase messenger is the same in the presence and absence of arginine. The relevance of this observation to the rate of ribosome travel in the presence and absence of arginine is discussed. Data showing the absence of translational repression by arginine are presented.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis was used to study cells of Escherichia coli B and K-12 during and after amino acid starvation. The results confirmed our previous conclusion that cell division and initiation of DNA replication occur at a smaller cell volume after amino acid starvation. Although during short starvation periods, the number of constricting cells decreased due to residual division, it appears that during prolonged starvation, cells of E. coli B and K-12 were capable of initiating new constrictions. During amino acid starvation, cell diameter decreased significantly. The decrease was reversed only after two generation times after the resumption of protein synthesis and was larger in magnitude than that previously observed before division (F. J. Trueba and C. L. Woldringh, J. Bacteriol. 142:869-878, 1980). This decrease in cell diameter correlates with synchronization of cell division which has been shown to occur after amino acid starvation.  相似文献   

Initiation and termination of chromosome replication in an Escherichia coli auxotroph subjected to amino acid starvation were examined by following the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into the EcoRI restriction fragments of the chromosome. The pattern of incorporation observed upon restoration of the amino acid showed that starvation blocks the process of initiation prior to deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis within any significant portion of the EcoRI fragment which contains the origin of replication, oriC. In this experiment, no incorporation of [3H]thymidine into EcoRI fragments from the terminus of replication was observed, nor was it found when a dnaC initiation mutant was used to prevent incorporation at the origin which might have obscured labeling of terminus fragments. Thus amino acid starvation does not appear to block replication forks shortly before termination of replication. Attempted synchronization of replication initiation by including a period of thymine starvation subsequent to the amino acid starvation led to simultaneous incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into all EcoRI fragments within the 240-kilobase region that surrounds oriC. It is shown that the thymine starvation step allowed initiation and a variable, but limited, amount of replication to occur.  相似文献   

The stringent response is important for bacterial survival under stressful conditions, such as amino acid starvation, and is characterized by the accumulation of ppGpp and pppGpp. ObgE (CgtA, YhbZ) is an essential conserved GTPase in Escherichia coli and several observations have implicated the protein in the control of the stringent response. However, consequences of the protein on specific responses to amino acid starvation have not been noted. We show that ObgE binds to ppGpp with biologically relevant affinity in vitro , implicating ppGpp as an in vivo ligand of ObgE. ObgE mutants increase the ratio of pppGpp to ppGpp within the cell during the stringent response. These changes are correlated with a delayed inhibition of DNA replication by the stringent response, delayed resumption of DNA replication after release, as well as a decreased survival after amino acid deprivation. With these data, we place ObgE as an active effector of the response to amino acid starvation in vivo . Our data correlate the pppGpp/ppGpp ratio with DNA replication control under bacterial starvation conditions, suggesting a possible role for the relative balance of these two nucleotides.  相似文献   

Sd phage were incubated in 1 m-O-methylhydroxylamine. At various time-intervals, samples of modified phage were isolated and disrupted either by heating or by treatment with detergent. Changes in viscosity and buoyant density of disrupted preparations took place in the course of modification. Three transient synchronous drops in viscosity and buoyant density levels were observed with minima at five minutes, one and three hours of modification. The specific viscosity of the preparations at minima was 10 to 20% that of the disrupted unmodified phage.Properties of the phage preparation isolated during the third period of decreased viscosity were studied in more detail. This preparation, subjected to thermal disruption, gives a single DNA-containing band in Cs2SO4 gradient centrifugation corresponding to a buoyant density of 1.37 g/cm3 (cf. 1.39, 1.29 and 1.43 g/cm3 for whole phage, phage ghosts and native phage DNA, respectively).The band contains practically all the 35S label that was present in the starting phage, suggesting that it corresponds to a complex of phage DNA with protein. Electron microscopy revealed complexes as thick strands of 50 to 300 Å diameter bonded to globular particles of varying size.In four hours of modification, the viscosity and buoyant density of disrupted phage returned to values characteristic of unmodified preparations. The DNA band contained no 35S label. Electron microscopy of the substance of this band revealed fibres of 20 Å diameter.A possible explanation of the results is based on the assumption of pre-existing non-covalent interaction of C(4)—NH2 moieties of cytidine residues with nucleophilic groupings of coating protein within the virion. It is assumed that it is this interaction that holds DNA in “non-native” conformation within intact phage particles and thus explains its peculiar properties discovered earlier. In the present case, the interaction determines the formation of DNA-protein crosslinks under O-methylhydroxylamine treatment via the earlier postulated intermediate product of cytosine modification. Restoration of “normal” physical properties of disrupted phage after more prolonged modification is explained by cleavage of the DNA-protein cross-links due to reaction of the postulated intermediate with O-methylhydroxylamine affording N(4)-methoxy-6-methoxy-amino-5,6-dihydrocytidine residues.  相似文献   

The effect of amino acid starvation on cell division was studied in cells of Escherichia coli B. In this bacterial strain, deprivation of a required amino acid resulted in synchronous cell division upon restoration of the amino acid. This synchronization was apparently due to a shift forward in the cell cycle during the starvation. As a consequence, the cells divided at a size that was smaller than normal.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, amino acid starvation triggers the rapid synthesis of two guanosine polyphosphates, pppGpp and ppGpp (the 3'-pyrophosphates of GTP and GDP, respectively). Determination of the turnover rate of the ppGpp pool indicated that during serine deprivation, as opposed to other amino acid starvations, the rate of ppGpp degradation is dramatically decreased. This results in a slow but significant accumulation of this regulatory nucleotide in a relA mutant during serine starvation. Similar ppGpp accumulation can be seen during serine starvation in different serine auxotrophic mutants carrying different relA alleles. On the other hand, no ppGpp accumulation is induced in various relaxed strains by serine hydroxamate treatment.  相似文献   

The influence of amino acid starvation on polysome content was examined in relaxed and stringent strains of Escherichia coli which were isogenic for the RC locus. No difference was observed between the polysome profiles obtained from two different sets of stringent and relaxed strains starved for the same amino acid. In both relaxed and stringent strains, starvation for amino acids other than methionine resulted in only a slight breakdown of polysomes with a concomitant increase of 70S ribosomes. However, starvation for methionine in both RC stringent and relaxed strains of E. coli resulted in a more extensive degradation of polysomes and accumulation of 70S ribosomes. The 70S ribosomes obtained as a result of methionine starvation were more sensitive to degradation to 50 and 30S subunits in 10(-3)m Mg(2+) than 70S monomers obtained either by degradation of polysomes with ribonuclease or by starvation of cells for amino acids other than methionine. The 70S ribosomes from methionine starvation were similar (sensitivity to 10(-3)m Mg(2+)) to 70S ribosomes obtained from cells in which initiation of protein synthesis had been prevented by trimethoprim, an inhibitor of formylation. Since N-formyl-methionyl-transfer ribonucleic acid is required for initiation, the 70S ribosomes obtained in both methionine-starved and trimethoprim-treated cells must result from association of 50 and 30S subunits for reasons other than reinitiation. These results suggest that the level of ribonucleic acid synthesis does not influence the distribution of ribosomes in the polysome profile and vice versa.  相似文献   

Incorporation of an analoque into MS2 coded proteins prevents the maturation of phages. In addition, there is an alteration in the relative amount of coat protein to replicase protein synthesized, which supports the hypothesis that normal coat protein serves a physiological role as a translation repressor. Further, abnormal proteins, synthesized from the phage genome, are degraded, presumably by a host catabolic system, more rapidly than the normal gene products.  相似文献   

Synchronization of cell division by amino acid starvation can be induced in strains B and K-12 of Escherichia coli but not in strain B/r.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that ribosome stalling during translation caused by various reasons leads to mRNA cleavage, resulting in non-stop mRNAs that are eliminated in a tmRNA-dependent manner. Amino acid starvation is a physiological condition in which ribosome stalling is expected to occur more frequently. Here we demonstrate that mRNA cleavage is induced by amino acid starvation, resulting in accumulation of truncated mRNAs in cells lacking tmRNA. The truncated mRNAs are eliminated in wild-type cells, indicating that the tmRNA system rapidly degrade the truncated mRNAs. The cleavage pattern of model mRNAs in which serine codons were replaced with threonine codons indicated that mRNA cleavage occurs near serine codons in response to serine starvation. Cells lacking all of the five known toxin loci were proficient in mRNA cleavage, showing that toxin–antitoxin systems are not responsible for the cleavage. A mild serine starvation caused a significant growth inhibition in cells lacking tmRNA but not in wild-type cells. The ribosome-mediated mRNA cleavage along with the tmRNA system is an important mechanism that enables cells to adapt to amino acid starvation conditions.  相似文献   

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