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Aggrecanases have been characterized as proteinases that cleave the Glu373-Ala374 bond of the aggrecan core protein, and they are multidomain metalloproteinases belonging to the ADAMTS (adamalysin with thrombospondin type 1 motifs) family. The first aggrecanases discovered were ADAMTS-4 (aggrecanase 1) and ADAMTS-5 (aggrecanase 2). They contain a zinc catalytic domain followed by non-catalytic ancillary domains, including a disintegrin domain, a thrombospondin domain, a cysteine-rich domain, and a spacer domain. In the case of ADAMTS-5, a second thrombospondin domain follows the spacer domain. We previously reported that the non-catalytic domains of ADAMTS-4 influence both its extracellular matrix interaction and proteolytic abilities. Here we report the effects of these domains of ADAMTS-5 on the extracellular matrix interaction and proteolytic activities and compare them with those of ADAMTS-4. Although the spacer domain was critical for ADAMTS-4 localization in the matrix, the cysteine-rich domain influenced ADAMTS-5 localization. Similar to previous reports of other ADAMTS family members, very little proteolytic activity was detected with the ADAMTS-5 catalytic domain alone. The sequential inclusion of each carboxyl-terminal domain enhanced its activity against aggrecan, carboxymethylated transferrin, fibromodulin, decorin, biglycan, and fibronectin. Both ADAMTS-4 and -5 had a broad optimal activity at pH 7.0-9.5. Aggrecanolytic activities were sensitive to the NaCl concentration, but activities on non-aggrecan substrates, e.g. carboxymethylated transferrin, were not affected. Although ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 had similar general proteolytic activities, the aggrecanase activity of ADAMTS-5 was at least 1,000-fold greater than that of ADAMTS-4 under physiological conditions. Our studies suggest that ADAMTS-5 is a major aggrecanase in cartilage metabolism and pathology.  相似文献   

Members of the ADAMTS family of proteases degrade proteoglycans and thereby have the potential to alter tissue architecture and regulate cellular functions. Aggrecanases are the main enzymes responsible for aggrecan degradation, due to their specific cleavage pattern. In this study, the expression status, the macromolecular organization and localization of ADAMTS-1, ADAMTS-4/aggrecanase-1 and ADAMTS-5/aggrecanase-2 in human normal larynx and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) were investigated. On mRNA level, the results showed that ADAMTS-4 was the highest expressed enzyme in normal larynx, whereas ADAMTS-5 was the main aggrecanase in LSCC presenting a stage-related increase up to stage III (8-fold higher expression compared to normal), and thereafter decreased in stage IV. Accordingly, immunohistochemical analysis showed that ADAMTS-5, but not ADAMTS-4, was highly expressed by carcinoma cells. Sequential extraction revealed an altered distribution and organization of multiple molecular forms (latent, activated and fragmented forms) of the enzymes within the cancerous and their corresponding macroscopically normal laryngeal tissues, compared to the normal ones. Importantly, these analyses indicated that critical macromolecular changes occurred from the earliest LSCC stages not only in malignant parts of the tissue but also in areas that were not in proximity to carcinoma cells and appeared otherwise normal.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of ADAMTS-1, -4 and -5 by catechin gallate esters.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three mammalian ADAMTS enzymes, ADAMTS-1, -4 and -5, are known to cleave aggrecan at certain glutamyl bonds and are considered to be largely responsible for cartilage aggrecan catabolism observed during the development of arthritis. We have previously reported that certain catechins, polyphenolic compounds found in highest concentration in green tea (Camellia sinensis), are capable of inhibiting cartilage aggrecan breakdown in an in vitro model of cartilage degradation. We have now cloned and expressed recombinant human ADAMTS-1, -4 and -5 and report here that the catechin gallate esters found in green tea potently inhibit the aggrecan-degrading activity of these enzymes, with submicromolar IC50 values. Moreover, the concentration needed for total inhibition of these members of the ADAMTS group is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than that which is needed to partially inhibit collagenase or ADAM-10 activity. Catechin gallate esters therefore provide selective inhibition of certain members of the ADAMTS group of enzymes and could constitute an important nutritional aid in the prevention of arthritis as well as being part of an effective therapy in the treatment of joint disease and other pathologies involving the action of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Proteolytic labeling in H2(18)O has been recently revived as a versatile method for proteomics research. To understand the molecular basis of the labeling process, we have dissected the process into two separate events: cleavage of the peptide amide bonds and exchange of the terminal carboxyl oxygens. It was demonstrated that both carboxyl oxygens can be catalytically labeled, independent of the cleavage step. Reaction kinetics of the tryptic 16O-to-18O exchange of YGGFMR, YGGFMK, and the tryptic digest of apomyoglobin were studied by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. A larger KM for the Lys-peptide (4400 +/- 700 microM), when compared to that of the Arg-peptide (KM 1300 +/- 300 microM), was mainly responsible for the slower reaction with YGGFMK (kcat/KM 0.64 +/- 0.14 microM(-1)min(-1)) compared to YGGFMR (kcat/KM 2.6 +/- 0.9 microM(-1)min(-1)). Multiplexed kinetic studies showed that endoprotease-catalyzed oxygen exchange is a general phenomenon, allowing homogeneous 18O2-coding of a variety of peptides. It was demonstrated for the first time that chymotrypsin 18O2-codes peptides during proteolysis. On the basis of the analyses reported here, we propose that proteolytic 18O labeling can be advantageously decoupled from protein digestion, and endoproteases can be used in a separate step to 18O2-code peptides for comparative studies after proteolysis has taken place.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the affinity of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-3 for adamalysins with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS)-4 and ADAMTS-5 is affected by the non-catalytic ancillary domains of the enzymes. For this purpose, we first established a novel method of purifying recombinant FLAG-tagged TIMP-3 and its inhibitory N-terminal domain (N-TIMP-3) by treating transfected HEK293 cells with sodium chlorate to prevent heparan sulfate proteoglycan-mediated TIMP-3 internalization. TIMP-3 and N-TIMP-3 affinity for selected matrix metalloproteinases and forms of ADAMTS-4 and -5 lacking sequential C-terminal domains was determined. TIMP-3 and N-TIMP-3 displayed similar affinity for various matrix metalloproteinases as has been previously reported for E. coli-expressed N-TIMP-3. ADAMTS-4 and -5 were inhibited more strongly by N-TIMP-3 than by full-length TIMP-3. The C-terminal domains of the enzymes enhanced interaction with N-TIMP-3 and to a lesser extent with the full-length inhibitor. For example, N-TIMP-3 had 7.5-fold better Ki value for full-length ADAMTS-5 than for the catalytic and disintegrin domain alone. We propose that the C-terminal domains of the enzymes affect the structure around the active site, favouring interaction with TIMP-3.  相似文献   

Four homeobox genes that belong to the four homeobox gene clusters known in mammals have been regionally assigned to four distinct porcine chromosomes in conserved regions between human and pig. HOXA11, HOXB6, HOXC8, and HOXD4 genes were mapped by radioactive in situ hybridization to porcine Chromosomes (Chrs) 18q21-24 (with a secondary signal in 16q14-21), 12p11-12, 5p11-12, and 15q22-23 respectively. Besides, we have also revealed the presence of a porcine homeobox (pig Hbx24) which, although showing DNA sequence homology with a mouse gene of HOXB cluster, was located on porcine Chr 3 (3p14-13) outside the Hox clusters. To support the identity of the homeobox gene clusters analyzed and in the light of the high sequence similarity among homeobox genes, we also localized markers known to be mapped near each Hox cluster in human. In this way, four genes were also mapped in pig: GAPD (5q12-21), GAD1 (15q21-22), INHBA (18q24), and IGFBP3 (18q24). Mapping of HOXA11, INHBA, and IGFBP3 on pig Chr 18 constitutes the first assignments of genes on this small chromosome. These new localizations extend the information on the conservation of four human chromosomal regions in the pig genome. Received: 7 August 1995 / Accepted: 16 October 1995  相似文献   

ADAM-TS5 (aggrecanase 2), one of two cartilage aggrecanases is a member of the ADAM protein family. Like ADAM-TS4 (aggrecanase 1) the enzyme cleaves cartilage aggrecan at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond, a marker of aggrecanase activity. In this study we have characterized the substrate specificity of ADAM-TS5 and compared it with that of ADAM-TS4. The recombinant human ADAM-TS5, like ADAM-TS4 cleaves aggrecan at Glu(1480)-Gly(1481), Glu(1667)-Gly(1668), Glu(1771)-Ala(1772) and Glu(1871)-Leu(1872) bonds more readily than at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond. In addition, ADAM-TS5 exhibited an additional site of cleavage in the region spanning residues Gly(1481) and Glu(1667), representing a unique cleavage of ADAM-TS5. ADAM-TS5 cleaved aggrecan approximately 2-fold slower than ADAM-TS4. Neither ADAM-TS5 nor ADAM-TS4 was able to cleave the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin, thrombospondin, type I collagen, type II collagen, gelatin or general protein substrates such as casein and transferrin. Finally, the zymogen of stromelysin (MMP-3) was not activated by either ADAM-TS4 or ADAM-TS5.  相似文献   

The first EMBL conference on "Omics and Personalized Medicine", jointly organized by Rudi Balling (LCSB, Luxembourg), Leroy Hood, Wolfgang Huber (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany) and Lars Steinmetz (EMBL) addresses the potential and challenges of translating systems biology research into the clinic. This meeting report provides a highlight of the conference, covering not only the science, but also social and legal issues.  相似文献   

2-Methyladenosine-substituted analogues of 2-5A, p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'(me2A), p5'(me2A)2'p5'A2'p5'A, and p5'(me2A) 2'p5'(me2A)2'pS'(me2A), were prepared via a modification of a lead ion-catalyzed ligation reaction. These 5'-monophosphates were subsequently converted into the corresponding 5'-triphosphates. Both binding and activation of human recombinant RNase L by various 2-methyladenosine-substituted 2-5A analogues were examined. Among the 2-5A analogues, p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'(me2A) showed the strongest binding affinity and was as effective as 2-5A itself as an activator of RNase L. The CD spectra of both p5'(me2A)2'p5'A2'p5'A and p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'(me2A) were superimposable on that of p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'A, indicative of an anti orientation about the base-glycoside bonds as in naturally occurring 2-5A.  相似文献   

The extracellular signaling protein Reelin, indispensable for proper neuronal migration and cortical layering during development, is also expressed in the adult brain where it modulates synaptic functions. It has been shown that proteolytic processing of Reelin decreases its signaling activity and promotes Reelin aggregation in vitro, and that proteolytic processing is affected in various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer''s disease (AD). However, neither the pathophysiological significance of dysregulated Reelin cleavage, nor the involved proteases and their modulators are known. Here we identified the serine protease tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and two matrix metalloproteinases, ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5, as Reelin cleaving enzymes. Moreover, we assessed the influence of several endogenous protease inhibitors, including tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), α-2-Macroglobulin, and multiple serpins, as well as matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) on Reelin cleavage, and described their complex interplay in the regulation of this process. Finally, we could demonstrate that in the murine hippocampus, the expression levels and localization of Reelin proteases largely overlap with that of Reelin. While this pattern remained stable during normal aging, changes in their protein levels coincided with accelerated Reelin aggregation in a mouse model of AD.  相似文献   

New applications for nucleic acid-bound micro/nanoparticles are emerging in drug delivery, biocatalysis, diagnostics, and toxicology. Bioactivity of viral or liposomal based technologies is limited by heterogeneity, partitioning, aggregation, and protein binding in physiological fluids, underlying immunotoxicity, and poor in vitro and cell-culture corollaries. Here we have systematically investigated novel pDNA bioparticles formed through complexation to model non-viral/non-lipid materials, peptides, aminoglycans, and small molecules (polybrene, chitosan, butirosin, protamine, Lys10, RGDS, bupivacaine, and chlorpromazine). On the basis of characterization by heterogeneity, kinetics, partitioning in physiological fluid and serum protein-binding, surface, size and electrophoretic behavior, transfection, and immunotoxicity, notably protamine, and chitosan DNA particles gave a long lifetime (12-18h), low protein-binding (<10microg/ml), good transfection activity (10(2)-10(4)RLU/mg cell protein), and low immunotoxicity. Our results support further evaluation of these materials as potential alternatives to viral or liposomal approaches, in combination with pDNA as binding, expression or therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Park KK  Ko DH  You Z  Khan MO  Lee HJ 《Steroids》2006,71(3):183-188
A series of new anti-inflammatory steroidal antedrugs with C-16,17-isoxazoline ring system were synthesized and their pharmacological activities were evaluated. We reported earlier that these compounds are promising antedrugs based on the results of 5-day rat croton oil ear edema assay. In the present study, most of these compounds showed high binding affinities to the glucocorticoid receptor of liver cytosol. 21-acetyloxy-9alpha-fluoro-11beta-hydroxy-3,20-dioxo-1,4-pregnadieno [16alpha,17alpha-d] isoxazoline (FP-ISO-21AC) and 11beta,21-dihydroxy-9alpha-fluoro-3,20-dioxo-1,4-pregnadieno [16alpha,17alpha-d] isoxazoline (FP-ISO-21OH) were found 5.0-, 5.3-fold more potent than prednisolone, respectively. Inhibitory effects of the antedrugs on the nitric oxide (NO) production were assessed using LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells. All these steroidal antedrugs exhibited concentration-dependent inhibition of NO production, but their relative potencies were lower than prednisolone. In vitro metabolism study in rat plasma showed that FP-ISO-21AC and 21-acetyloxy-9alpha-fluoro-11beta-hydroxy-3,20-dioxo-1,4-pregnadieno [16alpha,17alpha-d]-3'-hydroxyiminoformyl isoxazoline (FP-OXIM-21AC) were hydrolyzed rapidly, with the half-lives of 2.1 and 4.2 min, respectively. The half-lives of FP-ISO-21OH and 11beta,21-dihydroxy-9alpha-fluoro-3,20-dioxo-1,4-pregnadieno [16alpha,17alpha-d]-3'-hydroxyiminoformyl isoxazoline (FP-OXIM-21OH) were 92.2 and 110.2 min, respectively.  相似文献   

Incubation of rat liver microsomal fractions with arachidonic acid in the presence of NADPH results in the formation of three novel monohydroxylated fatty acid metabolites. Utilizing chromatographic and mass spectral techniques, these metabolites have been identified as 16-, 17-, and 18-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids. The NADPH-dependent microsomal metabolism of arachidonic acid to 16-, 17-, 18-, and 19-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids is induced after animal treatment with beta-naphthoflavone. Reconstitution of the arachidonic acid oxygenase utilizing individual purified cytochrome P-450 enzymes demonstrates regioselectivity, controlled by the protein catalyst, for the hydroxylation of the sp3 carbon atoms adjacent to the methyl end of the fatty acid.  相似文献   

The relationships between serum levels of zinc and copper and sexual maturation were analyzed in 2291 9-18-yr-old Finnish girls and boys. Development of public hair, breasts, and genitalia were used to grade maturation according to Tanner's classification. Serum zinc and sexual maturation were not related. However, 15- and 18-yr-old girls who had matured most slowly had low serum levels of zinc compared with their age mates. Thus, sexual maturation seems not to be affected by zinc deficiency in Finland; effects of zinc status on maturation in some minor groups cannot, however, be excluded. Serum copper levels were associated with age and sexual maturation, which complicates the drawing of conclusions about possible deficiencies.  相似文献   

Six amino acid locations in the soluble castor Delta(9)-18:0-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturase were identified that can affect substrate specificity. Combinatorial saturation mutagenesis of these six amino acids, in conjunction with selection, using an unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph system, led to the isolation of variants with up to 15-fold increased specific activity toward 16-carbon substrates. The most improved mutant, com2, contained two substitutions (T117R/G188L) common to five of the 19 complementing variants subjected to further analysis. These changes, when engineered into otherwise wild-type 18:0-ACP desaturase to make mutant 5.2, produced a 35-fold increase in specific activity with respect to 16-carbon substrates. Kinetic analysis revealed changes in both k(cat) and K(m) that result in an 82-fold improvement in specificity factor for 16-carbon substrate compared with wild-type enzyme. Improved substrate orientation apparently compensated for loss of binding energy that results from the loss of desolvation energy for 16-carbon substrates. Mutant 5.2 had specific activity for 16-carbon substrates 2 orders of magnitude higher than those of known natural 16-carbon specific desaturases. These data support the hypothesis that it should be possible to reengineer archetypal enzymes to achieve substrate specificities characteristic of recently evolved enzymes while retaining the desired stability and/or turnover characteristics of a parental paralog.  相似文献   

Two new homologues of amphidinols (AM14 and AM15) were isolated from the cultured dinoflagellate Amphidinium klebsii. The structures were elucidated on the basis of 2D NMR and collision-induced dissociation MS/MS and turned out to be closely related homologues of AM7. Their weak membrane-disrupting activity indicates that the hydrophobic polyene chain is essential for the potent biological activities. Structure-activity relationship for the polyhydroxyl part was then examined with use of AM homologues possessing various chain lengths, indicating that the pore size of the channel/lesion formed by AMs was not greatly affected by the length of the polyhydroxyl chain.  相似文献   

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