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Colonies of the freshwater bryozoan Plumatella repens collected from a river in the UK were found to be infected with the myxozoan parasite Buddenbrockia plumatellae following laboratory maintenance. Optimisation of the bryozoan diet allowed maintenance of infected colonies for 90 d, permitting observation by light and electron microscopy of the sequential parasitic developmental cycle. Parasite stages were associated with host peritoneum, identifying the primary developmental phase. The association of B. plumatellae cells with peritoneal basal lamina and morphological similarities between parasite and host suggested that the parasite remodelled host tissue. Progressive expansion and elongation of individual parasites led to the release of freely floating vermiform stages within the host coelomic cavities. Within these 'worms', intraluminal masses developed, resulting in the formation of spores. Upon maturation, the 'worms' ruptured, releasing many spores within the host that were subsequently discharged. Although parasitism led to increased bryozoan fragmentation and lowered statoblast production, some colonies did survive, resulting in repeated waves of infection. Long-term laboratory maintenance of infected bryozoan colonies could provide a means of maintaining B. plumatellae for study until the full life cycle is ascertained.  相似文献   

Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is a myxozoan parasite of salmonids and freshwater bryozoans, which causes proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in the fish host. To test which fish species are able to transmit T. bryosalmonae to bryozoans, an infection experiment was conducted with 5 PKD-sensitive fish species from different genera. Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, grayling Thymallus thymallus and northern pike Esox lucius were cohabitated with T. bryosalmonae-infected Fredericella sultana colonies and then subsequently cohabitated with statoblast-reared parasite free Bryozoa. Statoblasts from infected colonies were tested by PCR to detect cryptic stages of T. bryosalmonae, which may indicate vertical transmission of the parasite. In this study, brown trout and brook trout were able to infect Bryozoa, while there was no evidence that rainbow trout and grayling were able to do so. Few interstitial kidney stages of the parasite were detected by immunohistochemistry in brown trout and brook trout, while rainbow trout and grayling showed marked proliferation of renal interstitial tissue and macrophages with numerous parasite cells. Intraluminal stages in the kidney tubules were only detected in brown trout and rainbow trout. In contrast to previous observations, pike was not susceptible to PKD in these trials according to the results of T. bryosalmonae-specific PCR. No DNA of T. bryosalmonae was detected in any statoblast.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD), caused by the malacosporean parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, is a major disease of salmonid culture both in western Europe and North America. The fish are infected from spores that develop within freshwater bryozoans and are released into the water column. Although sporogenesis has been studied in the bryozoan host and occurs within sacs, the formation of these sacs from presaccular stages has only been hypothesized. Examination of infected bryozoans by using a range of techniques identified proliferating, presaccular amoeboid stages of T. bryosalmonae on the body wall of the bryozoan Fredericella sultana. These stages possessed unique electron-dense bodies and were observed as aggregating within the bryozoan metacoel, differentiating to form spore sacs. Spore sac growth was associated with the assimilation of the presaccular parasites rather than through cryptomitosis of sac mural cells. This sac formation through aggregation and assimilation suggests an intriguing mechanism by which T. bryosalmonae can cross-fertilize.  相似文献   

In this conchometric study, the systematics and distribution of the freshwater gastropod Melanopsis in the Levant are described. Of the ten species found, three are widespread, two have narrow distributions and five are known only from their type locality. Five smooth‐shelled species are recognized (buccinoidea, ammonis, dircaena, khabourensis and meiostoma). Within M. buccinoidea, Jordan Valley populations may belong to a separate subspecies. M. ammonis is clearly differentiated from buccinoidea of the nearby Jordan Valley, but less so from buccinoidea of more distant sites; differences between ammonis and meiostoma are significant but not diagnostic. Five species have ribbed shells. Within costata, four subspecies are recognized (in the northern Orontes, upper Jordan, Sea of Galilee, and in southernmost parts of the Levant). Throughout the Levant, M. buccinoidea frequently hybridizes with M. costata and fossil evidence suggests that these species have been hybridizing for the last 1.5 Myr. M. saulcyi differs from M. costata in its narrower shell and shorter, bumpier ribs and frequently hybridizes with M. buccinoidea throughout the Levant. Specimens from Homs differ from those of the Jordan Valley in their higher figurativity index, fewer ribs and lower rib density. M. germaini differs from M. costata in its more numerous ribs, M. pachya in its shorter ribs, and M. infracincta in its bumpy shell in which each rib has huge tubercles, with a pronounced ridge flanking the columella. Our conclusion that there are ten species in the Levant differs from previous studies that suggested only two subspecies of one species (or superspecies). This difference could stem from (1) our use of nonstandard as well as standard conchometrics, (2) a reappraisal of the importance of the shell vs. the radula in intrageneric systematics, and (3) differences of opinion on the subspecies concept. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144 , 229?260.  相似文献   

Henneguya rondoni n. sp. found in the peripheral lateral nerves located below the two lateral lines of the fish Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni (Teleostei, Rhamphichthyidae) from the Amazon river is described using light and electron microscopy. Spherical to ellipsoid cysts measuring up to 110 microm in length contained only immature and mature spores located in close contact with the myelin sheaths of the nervous fibres. Ellipsoidal spores measured 17.7 (16.9-18.1)-microm long, 3.6 (3.0-3.9)-microm wide, and 2.5 (2.2-2.8)-microm (n=25) thick. The spore body measuring 7.0 (6.8-7.3)-microm long was formed by two equal symmetric valves, each with an equal tapering tail 10.7 (10.3-11.0) microm in length. The tails were composed of an internal dense material surrounded by an external homogeneous sheath of hyaline substance. The valves surrounded two equal pyriform polar capsules measuring 2.5 (2.2-2.8)-microm long and 0.85 (0.79-0.88)-microm (n=25) wide and a binucleated sporoplasm cell containing globular sporoplasmosomes 0.38 (0.33-0.42) microm (n=25) in diam. with an internal eccentric dense structure with half-crescent section. Each polar capsule contains an anisofilar polar filament with 6-7 turns obliquely to the long axis. The matrix of the polar capsule was dense and the wall filled with a hyaline substance. The spores differed from those of previously described species. Based on the ultrastructural morphology of the spore and specificity to the host species, we propose a new species name H. rondoni n. sp.  相似文献   

A new myxosporean species is described from the muscle of the Amazonian freshwater fish Chaetobranchopsis orbicularis (Teleostei, Cichlidae), with basis on morphometric, ultrastructural and molecular data. Numerous myxospores were observed within pseudocysts located on the hosts' dorsal and ventral muscles, near the neural spines and neural canal (spinal cord). Mature myxospores quadrangular with rounded ends in apical view, measuring 4.3 (3.6–5.0) μm in length and 5.1 (4.2–5.8) μm in width. The myxospores wall is formed by four symmetric valves. Within, four pyriform polar capsules, 2.1 (1.7–2.6) μm long and 1.3 (0.9–1.7) μm wide, located two by two in opposite sides of the myxospores longitudinal axis, each containing a polar filament forming 2–3 coils. Molecular analysis of the SSU rRNA gene by maximum likelihood, neighbor‐joining and maximum parsimony confirms the parasite as a new member of the genus Kudoa, herein named Kudoa orbicularis n. sp., the second species of its genus reported from the South American freshwater fauna, and the fourth species worldwide known to occur in the freshwater environment. Furthermore, its sequence of the SSU rRNA gene constitutes the first entry of a freshwater Kudoa species in GenBank.  相似文献   

Development of a new species of malacosporean myxozoan (Buddenbrockia allmani n. sp.) in the bryozoan Lophopus crystallinus is described. Early stages, represented by isolated cells or small groups, were observed in the host's body wall or body cavity. Multiplication and rearrangement of cells gave an outer cell layer around a central mass. The outer cells made contact by filopodia and established adherens junctions. Sporoplasmosomes were a notable feature of early stages, but these were lost in subsequent development. Typical malacosporean sacs were formed from these groups by attachment of the inner (luminal) cells by a basal lamina to the outer layer (mural cells). Division of luminal cells gave rise to a population of cells that was liberated into the lumen of the sac. Mitotic spindles in open mitosis and prophase stages of meiosis were observed in luminal cells. Centrioles were absent. Detached luminal cells assembled to form spores with four polar capsules and several valve cells surrounding two sporoplasms with secondary cells. Restoration of sporoplasmosomes occurred in primary sporoplasms. A second type of sac was observed with highly irregular mural cells and stellate luminal cells. A radially striated layer and dense granules in the polar capsule wall, and previous data on 18 rDNA sequences enabled assignment of the species to the genus Buddenbrockia, while specific diagnosis relied on the rDNA data and on sac shape and size.  相似文献   

This paper adds new data on the pollen and orbicule morphology of 61 Dioscorea L. (Dioscoreaceae) species to the survey of Schols et al . (2001). The results indicate that pollen characters may be significant in infrageneric systematics in Dioscorea . Pollen and orbicule characters are described based on observations with light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and are critically evaluated and discussed in the context of existing hypotheses of systematic relationships within the genus. Pollen is mostly disulculate (sometimes monosulcate) with a perforate, microreticulate, striate, gemmate, rugulate, or cerebroid perforate sexine. The basal section Stenophora is one of the few sections with monosulcate pollen. Brachyandra , Cardiocapsa , and Seriflorae , three Malagasy sections, are characterized by striate pollen. Pollen morphology strongly supports section Enantiophyllum as a monophyletic group. The correlation between pollen size and tuber type, as suggested previously by P. Su (1987), is confirmed by our data. As found in our earlier survey, orbicules in Dioscorea are mostly spherical with a smooth or spinulose surface.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 375–390.  相似文献   

Summary. As part of the study of the Chironomidae fauna in lotic waters of North-Eastern Algeria, nine sampling stations in the Oued Charef basin were visited monthly during a study cycle. This work collected 7615 specimens forming a list of 75 species divided into four subfamilies. For North Africa, 23 species are reported for the first time, including six species of Tanypodinae (Paramerina vaillanti, P. berkana, Procladius lugens, Thienemannimyia zousfana, Trissopelopia longimana, Trissopelopia sp. and Zavrelimyia berberi), eight species of Chironominae (Cladotanytarsus vanderwulpi, Cryptochironomus obreptans, C. supplicans, Cryptotendipes usmaensis, Polypedilum sordens, Micropsectra fallax, M. contracta and Tanytarsus sylvaticus), and nine species of Orthocladinae (Cricotopus tibialis, Chaetocladius insolitus, C. piger, Tokunagaia rectangularis, Heterotrissocladius subpilosus, Limnophyes gurgicola, Nanocladius bicolor, Rheotanytarsus distinctissimus and Smittia sp.). In Algeria, 34 species are reported for the first time: seven Tanypodinae, 15 Chironominae and 12 Orthocladinae. In addition to the species reported as new for North Africa, the following ones can be added: Macropelopia nebulosa, Harnischia curtilamellatus, Microtendipes chloris, M. confinis, Polypedilum convictum, Stictochironomus sp., Paratanytarsus dissimilis, Cricotopus fuscus, C. trifascia and Pseudosmittia sp. This study has highlighted factors that control the distribution of the Chironomidae depending on characteristics of each site and the study season. The results have shown that the occurrence and diversity of chironomid species in these streams are significantly influenced by conductivity, temperature, current velocity and the type of substratum, while altitude had no significant effect on chironomid occurrence and distribution. The Motomura analysis and the ecological indices comparison have shown that the sampled stations are widely different. Despite the extreme environmental conditions undergone by streams of this area (eutrophication, high temperatures, drought in summer and water abstraction), Oued Chaniour was the richest and most balanced community, comprising 40 mostly stenotopic species, which require undisturbed conditions.  相似文献   

Kieneke, A. and Hochberg, R. 2012. Ultrastructural observations of the protonephridia of Polymerurus nodicaudus (Gastrotricha: Paucitubulatina). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 115–124. We studied different regions of the protonephridia of the limnic gastrotrich Polymerurus nodicaudus by means of light and electron microscopy to determine how freshwater species might differ from their marine relatives. Microscopic and ultrastructural characters are in accordance with another limnic species of Paucitubulatina, Chaetonotus maximus, whose protonephridial system has been previously reconstructed. Shared protonephridial characters of both species include the presence of highly elongate terminal organ cilia, microvilli, and the canal cell lumen as well as the presence of a conspicuous anterior loop of the protonephridial lumen. These features are not present in representatives of earlier, marine, paucitubulatan lineages (i.e., Xenotrichulidae) and so are assessed as evolutionary novelties that were likely important for the successful colonization of the freshwater environment.  相似文献   

The Australian and East Timorese species belonging to the truncatelloid family Stenothyridae are revised using molecular data and morphological characters from the shell, operculum, radula and external and reproductive anatomy. The Australian species Stenothyra australis is redescribed and two previously recognised subspecies are shown to be synonyms. The New Guinean species Stenothyra paludicola van Benthem Jutting, 1963 Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van (1963) Non-marine Mollusca of West New Guinea. Part I: Mollusca from fresh and brackish waters. Nova Guinea, Zoology 20, 409521. [Google Scholar] is redescribed and recorded from the Torres Strait region of northern Australia, and two new subspecies of S. paludicola are described from the Northern Territory and East Timor; S. paludicola topendensis n. subsp. and S. paludicola timorensis n. subsp. respectively. Stenothyra gelasinosa n. sp. is described from Australia, comprising three allopatric subspecies; S. gelasinosa gelasinosa n. sp. and n. subsp. from the eastern seaboard, S. gelasinosa phrixa n. subsp. from northern Australia and S. gelasinosa apiosa n. subsp. from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Stenothyra frustillum is considered a nomen dubium. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of these taxa and other Asian stenothyrids supports these systematic decisions and provides a preliminary interpretation of relationships within Stenothyridae.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the oncospheral envelopes of five species of hymenolepidid cestodes, namely, Fimbriaria fasciolaris, Dicranotaenia coronula, Sobolevicanthus gracilis, Diorchis elisae and Diorchis ovofurcata are described. These cestodes are parasites of aquatic hosts and utilise aquatic invertebrates as intermediate hosts. The ultrastructure of the oncospheral envelopes was essentially similar among these species. However, the structure of the components of the inner oncospheral envelopes displayed significant structural variation among the five species examined. The small eggs of D. coronula and S. gracilis have a thin embryophore and oncospheral membrane. The eggs of these species settle at the bottom of the water body and are eaten by benthic crustaceans. Eggs of F. fasciolaris, D. elisae and D. ovofurcata have thick multilayered embryophores with specific ornamentation. Moreover, in Diorchis species the eggs are elongate, and the oncospheral membrane is thick and striated. Zones of electron-dense aggregates penetrate the polar filaments in these species. Eggs of F. fasciolaris float passively in water whereas those of Diorchis species are attached by long filaments to aquatic plants and are eaten by crustaceans in the littoral zone. The interrelationships among the ultrastructure of the oncospheral envelopes, cestode life cycles and habitat of crustacean intermediate hosts are drawn and discussed.  相似文献   

New bryozoans from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of the borderlands of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin are described: Orthopora tomensis sp. nov. and Minussina incrustata sp. nov.  相似文献   

1. The hypothesis that nutrient enrichment will affect bryozoan abundance was tested using two complementary investigations; a field‐based method determining bryozoan abundance in 20 rivers of different nutrient concentrations by deploying statoblast (dormant propagule) traps and an experimental laboratory microcosm study measuring bryozoan growth and mortality. These two methods confirmed independently that increased nutrient concentrations in water promote increases in the biomass of freshwater bryozoans. 2. Statoblasts of the genus Plumatella were recorded in all rivers, regardless of nutrient concentrations, demonstrating that freshwater bryozoans are widespread. Concentrations of Plumatella statoblasts were high in rivers with high nutrient concentrations relative to those with low to moderate nutrient concentrations. Regression analyses indicated that phosphorus concentrations, in particular, significantly influenced statoblast concentrations. 3. Concentrations of Lophopus crystallinus statoblasts were also higher in sites characterised by high nutrient concentrations. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the presence of L. crystallinus statoblasts was significantly associated with decreasing altitude and increasing phosphorus concentrations. This apparently rare species was found in nine rivers (out of 20), seven of which were new sites for L. crystallinus. 4. Growth rates of Fredericella sultana in laboratory microcosms increased with increasing nutrient concentration and high mortality rates were associated with low nutrient concentrations. 5. Our results indicate that bryozoans respond to increasing nutrient concentrations by increased growth, resulting in higher biomasses in enriched waters. We also found that an important component of bryozoan diets can derive from food items lacking chlorophyll a. Finally, bryozoans may be used as independent proxies for inferring trophic conditions, a feature that may be especially valuable in reconstructing historical environments by assessing the abundance of statoblasts in sediment cores.  相似文献   

Vegetative and reproductive morphology and ultrastructure were examined for the three genera of the freshwater red algal family Lemaneaceae: Lemanea (two species, seven populations), Paralemanea (two species, three populations) and Psilosiphon (one species, one population). Psilosiphon is readily distinguished from the other two genera in having an outer cortex composed of well-defined filaments interconnected with a dense medulla (both cell types being little vacuolated), spores cleaving off obliquely, putative spermatangia scattered on the thallus surface and reproduction by adventitious filaments. Based on the distinctness of this genus (and corroborated by molecular phylogenies in preparation), a new family is described, the Psilosiphonaceae. Lemanea and Paralemanea appear to be closely related, with an outer cortex that has cells of increasing size and vacuolation from the periphery to the interior and not in obvious rows, a central lumen that contains few ray cells but no medullary filaments, sexual reproduction with spermatangia in distinct clusters, and carpospores in chains, some of which can germinate in the thallus lumen. Lemanea and Paralemanea have distinguishing characteristics that the other genus does not: for Lemanea, hair cells, ray cells abutting the outer cortex and spermatangia in patches; for Paralemanea, no hair cells or ray cells appressed to the outer cortex, inner cortical filaments surrounding the central axis and spermatangia in rings.  相似文献   

Cysts of Myxobolus pendula from the gill arch of creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) were examined at various stages of development using light and electron microscopy. The subepithelial host connective tissue underwent dramatic changes, including degradation and remodelling of collagen and vascularisation, in response to the infection. Inflammatory cells lay in a fluid-filled space beneath the host's connective tissue and surrounded a distinctive parasite-derived matrix, composed of collagen fibril bundles embedded in cellular processes of the underlying secretory cells. This collagen matrix was resistant to degradation and invasion by leukocytes. Secretion of a matrix by M. pendula as a structural support, and a protective barrier against the host inflammatory cells is a novel observation for cyst-forming Myxosporea.  相似文献   

A fish infecting myxosporean Ellipsomyxa gobioides n. sp. is described in the gallbladder of the Amazonian dragon fish Gobioides broussonnetii. Irregular disporous plasmodia (up to ~30 μm in diameter) with long branched and anastomosed pseudopodia were found attached to the gallbladder wall. Mature ellipsoid myxospores occurring floating in the bile measured 6.8 (6.5–7.0) μm (n = 30) long, 7.2 (6.9–7.5) μm (n = 15) wide, and 13.1 (12.8–13.5) (n = 25) thick. They had smooth thin valves elongated in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the straight central transverse sutural line. The two ellipsoidal polar capsules (PC) opened some distance from the sutural line on opposite sides, each measuring 4.6 (4.3–4.8) μm (n = 15) long and 2.5 (2.1–2.7) μm (n = 20) wide. Distance between PC 3.5 (3.1–3.8) μm (n = 15) in apical view. The polar filament was isofilar and consisted of a single coil with five or six turns. The objective of this study was to characterize this new species based on its morphological differences from the three previously described species. This is the first reported species of genus Ellipsomyxa from among the South American fauna.  相似文献   

Myxobolus desaequalis n. sp. is described from the gill lamellae of the freshwater fish Apteronotus albifrons, collected in the Amazon River, near the city of Salvaterra, Brazil. Large spherical plasmodia filled with disporic pansporoblasts and spores were observed. Ellipsoidal to pyriform spores are 18.3 microm length x 11.2 microm width x 4.4 microm thickness. The anterior end of the spores contain two extremely unequal pyriform polar capsules measuring: (larger): 11.2 microm length, 4.9 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 11 to 12 turns obliquely to the longitudinal axis; (smaller): 4.6 microm length, 2.8 microm width, and an isofilar polar filament with 4 to 5 turns, obliquely to the longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new species of myxosporean from the gill filaments of the freshwater teleost fish, Acestrorhynchus falcatus collected in the Amazon river is described from light and transmission electron microscope observations. The mature spores (total length 32.3 [30.7–35.1] μ) and all developmental stages were found in the same sporogonic plasmodium. The ellipsoidal spore body consists of 2 unequal shell valves adhering together along the suture lines. Each valve, tapering as a caudal projection, forms a long tail (length 20.5 [18.0–21.7] μm). The tail was surrounded by a homogeneous sheath on its length. The polar capsules measuring 3.1 × 1.2 μm contain 3–4 coils of the polar filament. All surfaces of the immature and mature spores were surrounded by a closely adherent homogenous structural sheath, mainly thicker around the tails. The taxonomic affinities of this parasite to other species are discussed.  相似文献   

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