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Contributions from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 110.  相似文献   

P. A. Abrams 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):233-247
Summary Competition for empty gastropod shells in a group of three sympatric hermit crabs (Pagurus hirsutiusculus, Pagurus granosimanus, and Pagurus beringanus) was studied in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington State. Estimates of the competitive effects of each species on the others' shell supplies were derived using field data on shell utilization and the results of laboratory experiments to determine rates of acquisition and exchange of shells and preferences for different shell species. Each species experienced approximately an order of magnitude more intraspecific competition than interspecific competition for empty shells. This resulted from differences in preference for shell shapes, shell size use, and habitat use between P. hirsutiusculus and P. granosimanus, and largely from differences in habitat use between P. beringanus and the other two species. Experiments involving the release and recensusing of marked empty shells were used to estimate competitive effects more directly for the interaction between P. hirsutiusculus and P. granosimanus. Results were consistent with the estimates derived from data on resource partitioning. Possible causes of the low levels of interspecific competition are discussed, and results are compared with studies of other organisms that estimated both inter- and intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study investigated the effect of salinity on growth and competitive interactions between two closely related rush species, an Australian native (Juncus kraussii) and an exotic (J. acutus) species. Overall, both species exhibited decreases in height and total biomass with increasing salinity, although tolerance of J. acutus was marginally lower. We observed asymmetric responses at each salinity, due to the presence of the other species. In fresh-water, co-presence of J. kraussii facilitated the growth (increases in height and total biomass) of J. acutus. However, at 10 ppt salinity direct interspecific competition with J. kraussii adversely affected total biomass of J. acutus. When grown with J. acutus, at 5 ppt but not at 10 ppt, salinity reduced total biomass of J. kraussii. We suggest that interspecific interactions vary with salinity, dependant on relative salinity tolerance of each species. It would appear that in areas receiving regular fresh-water inputs, which reduce salinity stress, J. acutus has the potential to displace J. kraussii.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of intraspecific and interspecific larval competition on larval survival, adult size, adult longevity and fecundity were quantified in four species of coexisting Lucilia blowflies: illustris, silvarum, sericata and caesar.
  • 2 There was a general negative effect of increasing density on larval and adult survival, size and fecundity. Additionally, complex species-specific and frequency-dependent responses were identified, which were not expected in these biologically and morphologically closely similar species.
  • 3 Lucilia illustris, the numerically dominant species in the natural community, was a superior competitor to L.silvarum at intermediate densities but an inferior competitor at high density. Such nonlinear responses may be related to differences in the life histories and larval behaviour of the species (bigger eggs and more contest-type outcome of competition in L.silvarum).
  • 4 We parameterized a model of interspecific competition on a subdivided resource in an attempt to reconcile the conflicting results on larval competitive abilities and the abundances of the species in the field. Using laboratory and field-estimated parameter values the model predicted coexistence of L.illustris and L.silvarum and the observed numerical dominance of the former species. The average densities of flies in the field are limited to relatively low levels, apparently preventing L.silvarum (the superior competitor at high density) from dominating and excluding L. illustris.

Coexistence of plant species with similar niches   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

If we are to progress out of our current state of uncertainty about the role of interspecific competition in community structure, it is essential that we can distinguish competition from other types of population interaction, and from lack of interaction, in particular case studies. To make such distinctions, it is necessary to quantify the effect of species on each other. One way to do this is to calculate interaction coefficients, and another (only readily applicable in experimental systems) is to plot graphs of N against time and to contrast monocultures with mixed cultures. We show (1) that these methods often appear to give contradictory results, and (2) that the problems are most pronounced when one species has a low equilibrium population size in mixed culture. To resolve the question of whether an interspecific interaction is taking place (and if so, what kind of interaction), it is necessary to apply tests of significance which overcome the problems of serial correlation inherent in all long-term population experiments. We illustrate the use of such tests in the analysis of the results from an experimental Drosophiia system. In the past, this kind of test has generally not been applied, and this raises the question of whether some of the 'classic cases of competition' in the experimental literature were really competition at all.  相似文献   

Urban MC 《Ecology letters》2011,14(7):723-732
Given the potential for rapid and microgeographical adaptation, ecologists increasingly are exploring evolutionary explanations for community patterns. Biotic selection can generate local adaptations that alter species interactions. Although some gene flow might be necessary to fuel local adaptation, higher gene flow can homogenise traits across regions and generate local maladaptation. Herein, I estimate the contributions of local biotic selection, gene flow and spatially autocorrelated biotic selection to among-population divergence in traits involved in species interactions across 75 studies. Local biotic selection explained 6.9% of inter-population trait divergence, an indirect estimate of restricted gene flow explained 0.1%, and spatially autocorrelated selection explained 9.3%. Together, biotic selection explained 16% of the variance in population trait means. Most biotic selection regimes were spatially autocorrelated. Hence, most populations receive gene flow from populations facing similar selection, which could allow for local adaptation despite moderate gene flow. Gene flow constrained adaptation in studies conducted at finer spatial scales as expected, but this effect was often confounded with spatially autocorrelated selection. Results indicate that traits involved in species interactions might often evolve across landscapes, especially when biotic selection is spatially autocorrelated. The frequent evolution of species interactions suggests that evolutionary processes might often influence community ecology.  相似文献   

The fungal genus Coccidioides is composed of two species, Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii. These two species are the causal agents of coccidioidomycosis, a pulmonary disease also known as valley fever. The two species are thought to have shared genetic material due to gene exchange in spite of their long divergence. To quantify the magnitude of shared ancestry between them, we analyzed the genomes of a population sample from each species. Next, we inferred what is the expected size of shared haplotypes that might be inherited from the last common ancestor of the two species and find a cutoff to find what haplotypes have conclusively been exchanged between species. Finally, we precisely identified the breakpoints of the haplotypes that have crossed the species boundary and measure the allele frequency of each introgression in this sample. We find that introgressions are not uniformly distributed across the genome. Most, but not all, of the introgressions segregate at low frequency. Our results show that divergent species can share alleles, that species boundaries can be porous, and highlight the need for a systematic exploration of gene exchange in fungal species.  相似文献   

Saprotrophy of Conidiobolus and Basidiobolus in leaf litter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study of the putative saprotrophs of Conidiobolus and Basidiobolus aids the understanding of their ecological roles in litter, and their relationship with the entomogenous fungi of the Entomophthorales. A total of 47 isolates (ten spp.) were screened for their ability to utilise pure compounds, arthropod cadavers, and plant leaf fragments as substrates. Isolates co-occurred in a larch plantation (Larix sp.) or were from adjacent habitats. Of the 21 isolates (nine spp.) tested on potential prime carbon sources, none could utilise common plant structural polymers. Conidiobolus adiaeretus, C. iuxtagenitus, and B. ranarum from litter and some soil isolates of C. heterosporus, C. pumilus, and C. firmipilleus could use starches and glycogen. In marked contrast, all could utilise animal chitin, gelatine, casein, N-acetyl glucosamine, and trehalose. The lipids tributyrin and sunflower oil also supported growth. Conidia on cadavers usually led to high levels of colonisation as was the case for 30 isolates (ten species). Collembola were more frequently and rapidly colonised than mites. Cadavers of many other arthropods were also internally colonised. The ability to utilise cadavers of diverse arthropods indicates that trophic competition between co-occurring test species may be minimal. Niche differentiation may depend more on non-trophic features of their life history. Negative correlation of performance with the presence of naturally occurring, non-test fungi suggests competition with (or antibiosis from) at least some of the other fungi. In washed or unwashed plant fragments of larch litter (F-layer) only occasional local growth and resting spore formation occurred. Extra nutrients did not facilitate colonisation. Alternative forms of repetitional conidia showed a strong association with plant fragments but not with cadavers.  相似文献   

The experiment was carried out in order to analyze the results of interspecific competition which were mentioned in the previous reports (Sasaba 1964, 1965). The following definite tendencies were obtained and an account was given with regard to the process of competition. (1)T. minutum had a higher reproductive rate than T. japonicum at a lower density of the parent wasps. (2) The parasitic efficiency of T. minutum was high as compared with T. japonicum. (3)T. japonicum was consistently superior to T. minutum in the interspecific competition at larval stage.  相似文献   

Martin Thum 《Oecologia》1988,75(3):472-480
Summary The effects on Drosera intermedia and D. rotundifolia of supplementary feeding with Drosophila melanogaster were studied in plants growing in their natural habitat. The artificial food supply was within the natural range of prey quantity. In both species supplementary feeding led to significantly higher dry weights of summer and winter plant, more leaves, more flowers, more seeds, and a larger trapping area. The dry weight of plants increased much more than the dry weight of prey added, indicating a fertilizing effect. Thus, animal food supply is an important limiting factor in the field. The essential component of the prey is probably its mineral content. There were significant differences between the two species of sundew. In D. rotundifolia the effect of feeding on dry weight was smaller and plants nerver showed axillary budding. However the effect on the percentage of blooming plants was more than twice as strong as in D. intermedia. Considering only the prey actually absorbed per unit of plant biomass, both species show about the same fertilizing effect. The number of fruits per unit of biomass was about twice as large in D. rotundifolia as in D. intermedia. The reasons for these differences are discussed in the light of niche segregation with respect to habitat and range of prey.  相似文献   

We manipulated the number of saprotrophic fungi in either a complex multi-resource substratum (sterilized forest soil), or a single-resource substratum (powdered cellulose). The substrates were inoculated with five common species of soil fungi in all possible combinations (from monocultures to five species in combination). In both substrates, the rate of organic matter decomposition was positively associated with species richness. The effect of fungal diversity was much stronger in the uniform single-resource substrate ( r 2 = 0.455, P  < 0.0001) than in soil ( r 2 = 0.154, P  < 0.0001). The results document that species richness of microbial decomposers strongly affects decomposition processes, at least at the species poor end of the diversity gradient. Both, 'sampling effect' and 'species complementarity effect' contributed to the community response with the latter being much more pronounced in uniform substrate than in soil. This indicates that facilitative interactions are more important than resource partitioning for positive effects of species richness.  相似文献   

Competition is a common phenomenon among plant communities, especially among natural communities. It is an important factor in biology and plant–plant interactions has inspired an increasing concern in recent years. The investigation of inter-specific competition is useful to reveal the mechanism in plant growth and reproduction of organisms. Plant root systems play an important role in uptake of water and nutrients from soil for plant growth. However, it is still a divergent topic about the regulating mechanism between root morphological variations and competition. The spatial distribution, morphology of plant roots and above-ground growth can be influenced by inter-specific interactions. Their morphology characteristics and structure distribution were studied to reveal the adaptive mechanism of roots system in the soil environment. The deWit series experiments were conducted to study the relationship between relative competitive ability immixture and monoculture along seven levels of density at the experiment station of Shiyang river in Sunan country of Gansu province in 2010 (latitude 37°58′26′′N, longitude 101°47′ 34′′E). It was carried out to analyze inter-specific interaction between Avena sativa L. and Vicia villosa Roth. Taking the roots both A. sativa L. and V. villosa Roth as the research object, the WinRHZO was used to measure the changes of root length, diameter, surface area and so on. To evaluate the competitive responses and the competitive effects of target plants, the plant combinations with A. sativa L. and V. villosa Roth were established in plots in seven replacement grass–legume combinations (monoculture of A. sativa L. and V. villosa Roth, and mixed culture of A. sativa L. and V. villosa Roth with the ratios: 8:2, 6:4, 5:5, 4:6, 2:8).Four indexes of Relative yield (RY), relative yield total (RYT), Aggressivity (AG) and Relative crowding coefficient (RCC) were used to measure competition performances of inter-specific competition, and inter-superiority during different phonological period. The results showed that RYy, RYm and RYT of each seeding group was less-than 1 from seeding stage to mature stage, the degree of inter-specific competition was stronger than intra-specific, A. sativa L. and V. villosa Roth obviously showed hostile relations, however, the competitive superiority of two species has significant difference. From seeding stage to tillering stage, the RCCy of group B and group E was bigger than 1, RCCm was less-than 1 and the AG was bigger than 0, so the competitive power of A. sativa L. was stronger than V. villosa Roth, A. sativa L. gain advantage in the competition by increasing the root length and advancing the nutrient absorption ability, the competitive power of other groups cannot be judged. From jointing stage to seeding stage, the RCCy of group A, C and D was less-than 1, RCCm was bigger than 1 and the AG was bigger than 0, so the competitive power of V. villosa Roth was stronger than A. sativa L., which was caused by increasing the number of A. sativa L. root, so the advantage in the competition gradually declined. Two species responded the transforming of inter-specific relationship well by adjusting the root morphology plasticity.  相似文献   

Our study aimed to identify significant predictors (spatial distance, elevation, host plant taxonomy) which shape the structure of endophytic fungal (ENDF) and putative ericoid mycorrhizal (ErMF) communities associated with roots of Ericaceae in Papua New Guinea. Roots of five Ericaceae together with one non-Ericaceae species were sampled at an experimental site and one common Ericaceae species was chosen for sampling along an elevation gradient. ENDF and putative ErMF communities were determined using the 454-sequencing approach. ENDF as well as putative ErMF communities were affected by interacting host plant. While the putative ErMF community was structured by host plants at the genus level, the ENDF community was affected by host plant subfamily level. Composition of ENDF as well as putative ErMF communities were affected by elevation. Non-Ericaceae plant species (Hypericum sp.) harbored similar communities of ENDF as well as putative ErMF as Ericaceae plants. Our study provides a first insight into ErMF and ENDF community ecology of Ericaceae in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

The effect of the introduction of an exotic species (cattle) into a native African herbivore assemblage was investigated by studying resource partitioning between zebu cattle, wildebeest and zebra. Resource partitioning was investigated by analysing grass sward characteristics (such as sward height and percentage nitrogen in leaves) of feeding sites selected by the different herbivore species. Linear discriminant analysis was used to determine whether a distinction could be made between feeding sites selected by the different animal species or whether the animal species showed overlap in resource use by selecting similar feeding sites. Wildebeest and zebra did not show overlap in resource use except in the wet season when resources were ample. Cattle showed overlap in resource use with zebra in the early wet season and with wildebeest in the early dry season, seasons when food limitation is likely. In the wet season, cattle showed overlap in resource use with both zebra and wildebeest. Implications of these results for competitive relationships between livestock and wildlife are discussed. We suggest that interpretation of overlap in resource use may be different for an assemblage of long-term coexisting native species as compared to an assemblage of native and exotic species. Among native herbivores, overlap in resource use is not expected based on evolutionary segregation. In a native assemblage to which an exotic species has been introduced, however, overlap in resource use can occur under food-limited conditions and consequently implies competition. Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1999  相似文献   

Abstract. Previous studies in the mountain fynbos of South Africa have demonstrated that short fire cycles favour the establishment of dense covers of understorey sprouters while longer fire intervals enable the establishment from seed of overstorey proteas and the formation of a overstorey. One consequence of these differences between fire cycle lengths is the effect that understorey sprouters and an overstorey protea canopy have on species richness. In the case of short fire intervals, species richness is decreased while longer intervals between fires allow species richness to decrease or increase depending on the patchiness of the overstorey canopy. Such results are suggestive of competitive effects between understorey sprouters and overstorey canopy proteas. In this study, data were collected from several pyric successional stages in mountain fynbos to study the effect of overstorey proteas on the growth and flowering of understorey sprouters since the last fire. Data were also collected to determine the effect that understorey sprouters had on the establishment and fecundity of overstorey protea species. Competitive interactions between overstorey proteas and sprouting understorey species were evident at all the sites studied. The vegetative growth and seed production of understorey sprouters, which grew under a canopy of overstorey proteas during the current interfire period, were significantly lower than that for plants growing in the open. In addition, the postfire growth and seed production of understorey sprouters were significantly lower for individuals, which grew under an overstorey protea canopy during the previous fire cycle, than for those individuals which grew in the open. The fecundity of overstorey proteas, which grew near understorey sprouters, was lower than that of plants which grew in the open. This effect was evident for up to the first 15 years after a fire. However, not all understorey sprouters affected the overstorey proteas equally. Also, seedlings of overstorey proteas established significantly less successfully in close proximity to understorey sprouters after a fire than in the open or under proteas. Finally, the results demonstrate that complex species‐specific, understorey–overstorey interactions are important in mountain fynbos. For example, some overstorey species depend on trophically similar species to reduce potential competition from understorey sprouters for their successful establishment at a site.  相似文献   

A field experiment was designed to evaluate the importance offacilitative and competitive interactions in Picrishieracioides, a facultative biennial that colonises the early andthemid-stages of secondary succession in the Mediterranean region. Seedlings ofPicris hieracioides from populations of the early- (1year)and the mid-stages of field abandonment (15–40 years) were transplantedintwo adjacent old fields, abandoned for 4 (F4) and 20 years (F20) and thatdiffered markedly in floristic composition and vegetation structure. For twoyears, we experimentally manipulated competition (no-neighbours vs. naturalvegetation) and resource availability (addition of water and fertiliser vs.controls) in an attempt to evaluate their influence on survival, reproductivetiming, growth and reproductive output throughout the life cycle. Earlymortality was higher in non vegetated plots in both fields. Mortality ofseedlings was mainly due to herbivory by larvae of genusAgriotes. Flowering throughout the whole experiment wasalso facilitated by vegetation in the F4 field as a result of the positiveeffect of annual vegetation and remained unaffected in the F20 field because ofthe high competitive effect of established perennial vegetation. The additionofresources altered the effect of facilitation and competition on late seedlingsurvival. Survival was enhanced in the vegetated plots of the F4 field, becauseresource addition increased the shade provided by the canopy of vegetation,protected seedlings from temperature extremes and reduced water loss. Seedlingmortality also decreased in the F20 field but in a similar manner to vegetatedand non-vegetated subplots, and consequently the outcome of positive andnegative interactions remained neutral. The net effect of facilitation andcompetition resulted in interference later in the life cycle and appearedthrough final lower growth and reproduction in both fields. However, thegreatercompetition in 1994 than in 1995 in both fields, probably because the size ofthe rosettes, makes them less susceptible to competition, illustrates thedifficulty in predicting the outcome of competition solely of one season forfacultative biennial plants. The relative competition intensity calculatedusingonly survivors (RCI1) was unaffected by habitat fertility in bothfields. In striking contrast, the relative competition intensity calculatedusing seedling mortality (RCI2) was significantly higher in subplotswithout resource addition in both fields because of high seedling mortality invegetated subplots. Finally, there were no differences in the net effect offacilitation and interference processes among populations from early and midsuccessional stages showing that phenotypic plasticity buffers theenvironmentalselective pressures linked to successional processes.  相似文献   

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