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To examine the molecular organization of DNA sequences located in the centromeric region of human chromosome 16 we have isolated and characterized a chromosome 16-specific member of the alpha satellite DNA family. The probe obtained is specific for the centromere of chromosome 16 by somatic cell hybrid analysis and by fluorescence in situ hybridization and allows detection of specific hybridizing domains in interphase nuclei. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that this class of chromosome 16 alpha satellite (D16Z2) is organized as a series of diverged 340-bp dimers arranged in a tandem array of 1.7-kb higher-order repeat units. As measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the total D16Z2 array spans approximately 1,400-2,000 kb of centromeric DNA. These sequences are highly polymorphic, both by conventional agarose-gel electrophoresis and by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Investigation of this family of alpha satellite should facilitate the further genomic, cytogenetic, and genetic analysis of chromosome 16.  相似文献   

Distinct subsets of the human alpha satellite repetitive DNA family can be found in the centromeric region of each chromosome. Here we described the isolation and mapping of an alpha satellite repeat unit specific for human chromosome 10, using a somatic cell hybrid in which the only human centromere derives from chromosome 10. A hierarchical higher-order repeat unit, consisting of eight tandem approximately 171-bp alphoid monomer units, is defined by six restriction endonucleases. Under high-stringency conditions, a cloned representative of this 8-mer repeat family hybridizes to chromosome 10 only, both by Southern blot analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel and by in situ hybridization. The probe furthermore detects a polymorphic restriction pattern of the alpha satellite array on chromosome 10. These features will make this probe a valuable genetic marker for studies of the centromeric region of chromosome 10.  相似文献   

Chromosome-specific organization of human alpha satellite DNA   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Restriction endonuclease analysis of human genomic DNA has previously revealed several prominent repeated DNA families defined by regularly spaced enzyme recognition sites. One of these families, termed alpha satellite DNA, was originally identified as tandemly repeated 340- or 680-base pair (bp) EcoRI fragments that hybridize to the centromeric regions of human chromosomes. We have investigated the molecular organization of alpha satellite DNA on individual human chromosomes by filter hybridization and in situ hybridization analysis of human DNA and DNA from rodent/human somatic cell hybrids, each containing only a single human chromosome. We used as probes a cloned 340-bp EcoRI alpha satellite fragment and a cloned alpha satellite-containing 2.0-kilobase pair (kbp) BamHI fragment from the pericentromeric region of the human X chromosome. In each somatic cell hybrid DNA, the two probes hybridized to a distinct subset of DNA fragments detected in total human genomic DNA. Thus, alpha satellite DNA on each of the human chromosomes examined--the X and Y chromosomes and autosomes 3, 4, and 21--is organized in a specific and limited number of molecular domains. The data indicate that subsets of alpha satellite DNA on individual chromosomes differ from one another, both with respect to restriction enzyme periodicities and with respect to their degree of sequence relatedness. The results suggest that some, and perhaps many, human chromosomes are characterized by a specific organization of alpha satellite DNA at their centromeres and that, under appropriate experimental conditions, cloned representatives of alpha satellite subfamilies may serve as a new class of chromosome-specific DNA markers.  相似文献   

To understand evolutionary events in the formation of higher-order repeat units in alpha satellite DNA, we have examined gorilla sequences homologous to human X chromosome alpha satellite. In humans, alpha satellite on the X chromosome is organized as a tandemly repeated, 2.0 x 10(3) base-pairs (bp) higher-order repeat unit, operationally defined by the restriction enzyme BamHI. Each higher-order repeat unit is composed of 12 tandem approximately 171 base-pair monomer units that have been classified into five distinct sequence homology groups. BamHI-digested gorilla genomic DNA hybridized with the cloned human 2 x 10(3) bp X alpha satellite repeat reveals three bands of sizes approximately 3.2 x 10(3), 2.7 x 10(3) and 2 x 10(3) bp. Multiple copies of all three repeat lengths have been isolated and mapped to the centromeric region of the gorilla X chromosome by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Long-range restriction mapping using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis shows that the 2.7 x 10(3) and 3.2 x 10(3) bp repeat arrays exist as separate but likely neighboring arrays on the gorilla X, each ranging in size from approximately 200 x 10(3) to 500 x 10(3) bp, considerably smaller than the approximately 2000 x 10(3) to 4000 x 10(3) bp array found on human X chromosomes. Nucleotide sequence analysis has revealed that monomers within all three gorilla repeat units can be classified into the same five sequence homology groups as monomers located within the higher-order repeat unit on the human X chromosome, suggesting that the formation of the five distinct monomer types predates the divergence of the lineages of contemporary humans and gorillas. The order of 12 monomers within the 2 x 10(3) and 2.7 x 10(3) bp repeat units from the gorilla X chromosome is identical with that of the 2 x 10(3) bp repeat unit from the human X chromosome, suggesting an ancestral linear arrangement and supporting hypotheses about events largely restricted to single chromosome types in the formation of alpha satellite higher-order repeat units.  相似文献   

The centromeric regions of all human chromosomes are characterized by distinct subsets of a diverse tandemly repeated DNA family, alpha satellite. On human chromosome 17, the predominant form of alpha satellite is a 2.7-kilobase-pair higher-order repeat unit consisting of 16 alphoid monomers. We present the complete nucleotide sequence of the 16-monomer repeat, which is present in 500 to 1,000 copies per chromosome 17, as well as that of a less abundant 15-monomer repeat, also from chromosome 17. These repeat units were approximately 98% identical in sequence, differing by the exclusion of precisely 1 monomer from the 15-monomer repeat. Homologous unequal crossing-over is suggested as a probable mechanism by which the different repeat lengths on chromosome 17 were generated, and the putative site of such a recombination event is identified. The monomer organization of the chromosome 17 higher-order repeat unit is based, in part, on tandemly repeated pentamers. A similar pentameric suborganization has been previously demonstrated for alpha satellite of the human X chromosome. Despite the organizational similarities, substantial sequence divergence distinguishes these subsets. Hybridization experiments indicate that the chromosome 17 and X subsets are more similar to each other than to the subsets found on several other human chromosomes. We suggest that the chromosome 17 and X alpha satellite subsets may be related components of a larger alphoid subfamily which have evolved from a common ancestral repeat into the contemporary chromosome-specific subsets.  相似文献   

Alpha satellite DNA, a diverse family of tandemly repeated DNA sequences located at the centromeric region of each human chromosome, is organized in a highly chromosome-specific manner and is characterized by a high frequency of restriction-fragment-length polymorphism. To examine events underlying the formation and spread of these polymorphisms within a tandem array, we have cloned and sequenced a representative copy of a polymorphic array from the X chromosome and compared this polymorphic copy with the predominant higher-order repeat form of X-linked alpha satellite. Sequence data indicate that the polymorphism arose by a single base mutation that created a new restriction site (for HindIII) in the sequence of the predominant repeat unit. This variant repeat unit, marked by the new HindIII site, was subsequently amplified in copy number to create a polymorphic domain consisting of approximately 500 copies of the variant repeat unit within the X-linked array of alpha satellite. We propose that a series of intrachromosomal recombination events between misaligned tandem arrays, involving multiple rounds of either unequal crossing-over or sequence conversion, facilitated the spread and fixation of this variant HindIII repeat unit.  相似文献   

Summary The centromeric regions of human chromosomes are characterized by diverged chromosome-specific subsets of a tandemly repeated DNA family, alpha satellite, which is based on a fundamental monomer repeat unit 171 bp in length. We have compared the nucleotide sequences of 44 alphoid monomers derived from cloned representatives of the multimeric higher-order repeat units of human chromosomes 1, 11, 17, and X. The 44 monomers exhibit an average 16% divergence from a consensus alphoid sequence, and can be assigned to five distinct homology groups based on patterns of sequence substitutions and gaps relative to the consensus. Approximately half of the overall sequence divergence can be accounted for by sequence changes specific to a particular homology group; the remaining divergence appears to be independent of the five groups and is randomly distributed, both within and between chromosomal subsets. The data are consistent with the proposal that the contemporary tandem arrays on chromosomes 1, 11, 17, and X derive from a common multimeric repeat, consisting of one monomer each from the five homology groups. The sequence comparisons suggest that this pentameric repeat must have spread to these four chromosomal locations many millions of years ago, since which time evolution of the four, now chromosome-specific, alpha satellite subsets has been essentially independent.  相似文献   

C. Lee  X. Li  E. W. Jabs  D. Court  C. C. Lin 《Chromosoma》1995,104(2):103-112
The cosmid clone, CX16-2D12, was previously localized to the centromeric region of the human X chromosome and shown to lack human X-specific satellite DNA. A 1.2 kb EcoRI fragment was subcloned from the CX16-2D12 cosmid and was named 2D12/E2. DNA sequencing revealed that this 1,205 bp fragment consisted of approximately five tandemly repeated DNA monomers of 220 bp. DNA sequence homology between the monomers of 2D12/E2 ranged from 72.8% to 78.6%. Interestingly, DNA sequence analysis of the 2D12/E2 clone displayed a change in monomer unit orientation between nucleotide positions 585–586 from a tail-to-head arrangement to a head-to-tail configuration. This may reflect the existence of at least one inversion within this repetitive DNA array in the centromeric region of the human X chromosome. The DNA consensus sequence derived from a compilation of these 220 bp monomers had approximately 62% DNA sequence similarity to the previously determined 8 satellite DNA consensus sequence. Comparison of the 2D12/E2 and 8 consensus sequences revealed a 20 bp DNA sequence that was well conserved in both DNA consensus sequences. Slot-blot analysis revealed that this repetitive DNA sequence comprises approximately 0.015% of the human genome, similar to that found with 8 satellite DNA. These observations suggest that this satellite DNA clone is derived from a subfamily of satellite DNA and is thus designated X satellite DNA. When genomic DNA from six unrelated males and two unrelated females was cut with SstI or HpaI and separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, no restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed for either X (2D12/E2) or 8 (50E4) probes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization localized the 2D12/E2 clone to the lateral sides of the primary constriction specifically on the human X chromosome.  相似文献   

S J Durfy  H F Willard 《Genomics》1989,5(4):810-821
A number of processes, such as sequence conversion, unequal crossingover, and molecular drive, have been postulated to explain the homogenization of tandemly repeated DNA families. To investigate the nature and extent of such processes in the alpha satellite family of centromeric DNA, we determined the nucleotide sequence of approximately 700 bp from each of 40 representative alpha satellite repeats from six sources of human X chromosomes, obtaining a total of approximately 28 kb of sequence data. Sequence divergence among the repeats examined was low, with an average pairwise difference of approximately 1%. Pairwise comparisons of all repeats indicate that the degree of similarity for those repeats in physical proximity (within approximately 15 kb) of each other is significantly greater than that for randomly located repeats, from either the same or different X chromosomes, suggesting that the mechanisms predicted to homogenize these arrays are effectively short-range in action. Analysis of individual patterns of sequence variation allows the assignment of haplotypes for five high-copy-number diagnostic positions and reveals distinct positions of equilibrium and disequilibrium within the repeat. These analyses address hypotheses about the origin of the observed patterns of variation throughout alpha satellite evolution.  相似文献   

Organization and evolution of alpha satellite DNA from human chromosome 11   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The human alpha satellite repetitive DNA family is organized as distinct chromosomal subsets located at the centromeric regions of each human chromosome. Here, we describe a subset of the alpha satellite which is localized to human chromosome 11. The principal unit of repetition of this alpha satellite subset is an 850 bp XbaI fragment composed of five tandem diverged alphoid monomers, each 171 bp in length. The pentamer repeat units are themselves tandemly reiterated, present in 500 copies per chromosome 11. In filter hybridization experiments, the Alpha 11 probes are specific for the centromeric alpha satellite sequences of human chromosome 11. The complete nucleotide sequences of two independent copies of the XbaI pentamer reveal a pentameric configuration shared with the alphoid repeats of chromosomes 17 and X, consistent with the existence of an ancestral pentameric repeat common to the centromeric arrays of at least these three human chromosomes.  相似文献   

The human alpha satellite repetitive DNA family is organized as distinct chromosome-specific subsets localized to the centromeric region of each chromosome. Here, we report he isolation and characterization of cloned repeat units which define a hierarchical subset of alpha satellite on human chromosome 1. This subset is characterized by a 1.9-kb higher-order repeat unit which consists of 11 tandem approximately 171-bp alpha satellite monomer repeat units. The higher-order repeat unit is itself tandemly repeated, present in at least 100 copies at the centromeric region of chromosome 1. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis we estimate the total array length of these tandem sequences at the centromere of chromosome 1 to be several hundred kilobase pairs. Under conditions of high stringency, the higher-order repeat probe hybridizes specifically to chromosome 1 and can be used to detect several associated restriction fragment length DNA polymorphisms. As such, this probe may be useful for molecular and genetic analyses of the centromeric region of human chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Two types of human chromosome 18-specific alpha satellite fragments have been cloned and sequenced. They represent closely related but distinct alphoid families formed by two different types of the higher-order repeated units (1360-bp EcoRI and 1700-bp HindIII fragments) that do not alternate in the genome. The individual repeats within each family are 99% identical and interfamily homology is about 78%. Sequence analysis shows that both repeats belong to alphoid suprachromosomal family 2, but their homology is not higher than that of family members located on different chromosomes. Therefore, the two repeats shared a common origin in the recent past, although they are not the direct offspring of one ancestral sequence. Our data indicate that these two 18-specific domains have appeared as a result of two separate amplification events. Despite the high degree of homology, they are not undergoing intrachromosomal homogenization, although some variation of this process might take place within each domain.  相似文献   

Alpha satellite DNA is a family of tandemly repeated DNA found at the centromeres of all primate chromosomes. Different human chromosomes 17 in the population are characterized by distinct alpha satellite haplotypes, distinguished by the presence of variant repeat forms that have precise monomeric deletions. Pairwise comparisons of sequence diversity between variant repeat units from each haplotype show that they are closely related in sequence. Direct sequencing of PCR-amplified alpha satellite reveals heterogeneous positions between the repeat units on a chromosome as two bands at the same position on a sequencing ladder. No variation was detected in the sequence and location of these heterogeneous positions between chromosomes 17 from the same haplotype, but distinct patterns of variation were detected between chromosomes from different haplotypes. Subsequent sequence analysis of individual repeats from each haplotype confirmed the presence of extensive haplotype-specific sequence variation. Phylogenetic inference yielded a tree that suggests these chromosome 17 repeat units evolve principally along haplotypic lineages. These studies allow insight into the relative rates and/or timing of genetic turnover processes that lead to the homogenization of tandem DNA families. Correspondence to: H.F. Willard  相似文献   

A human alpha satellite DNA subset specific for chromosome 12.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated a DNA clone (pBR12, locus D12Z3) which identifies an alphoid subset specific for chromosome 12. This alphoid subset has an EcoRI periodicity of 680 bp and is characterized by a higher-order repeat of about 1.4 kb (eight basic units of about 170 bp each) as revealed by several restriction enzymes. The sequence analysis confirmed the alphoid nature of pBR12 and the dimeric organization.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome X (745 442 bp) reveals a total of 379 open reading frames (ORFs), the coding region covering approximately 75% of the entire sequence. One hundred and eighteen ORFs (31%) correspond to genes previously identified in S. cerevisiae. All other ORFs represent novel putative yeast genes, whose function will have to be determined experimentally. However, 57 of the latter subset (another 15% of the total) encode proteins that show significant analogy to proteins of known function from yeast or other organisms. The remaining ORFs, exhibiting no significant similarity to any known sequence, amount to 54% of the total. General features of chromosome X are also reported, with emphasis on the nucleotide frequency distribution in the environment of the ATG and stop codons, the possible coding capacity of at least some of the small ORFs (<100 codons) and the significance of 46 non-canonical or unpaired nucleotides in the stems of some of the 24 tRNA genes recognized on this chromosome.  相似文献   

The isolation and localization of a chromosome 12-specific alpha satellite DNA sequence, p alpha 12H8, is described. This clone contains a complete copy of the 1.4-kb HindIII higher-order repeat present within the alpha satellite array on chromosome 12. The specificity of p alpha 12H8 was demonstrated by in situ hybridization and Southern blot analysis of a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel, both performed under high-stringency conditions. Polymorphic restriction patterns within the alpha satellite array, revealed by the use of the restriction enzymes BglII and EcoRV, were demonstrated to display Mendelian inheritance. These properties make p alpha 12H8 a valuable genetic marker for the centromeric region of chromosome 12.  相似文献   

Y Ge  M J Wagner  M Siciliano  D E Wells 《Genomics》1992,13(3):585-593
We have characterized alphoid repeat clones derived from a chromosome 8 library. These clones are specific for human chromosome 8, as demonstrated by use of a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel and by in situ hybridization. Hybridization of the clones to HindIII digests of human genomic DNA reveals a complex pattern of fragments ranging in size from 1.3 to greater than 20 kb. One clone, which corresponds in size to the most prevalent genomic HindIII fragment, appears to represent a major higher order repeat in the chromosome 8 centromere. The DNA sequence of this clone reveals a dimeric organization of alphoid monomers. Restriction analysis of two other clones indicates that they are derivatives of this same repeat unit. The chromosome 8 alphoid clones hybridize to EcoRI fragments of genomic DNA ranging up to 1000 kb in length and reveal a high degree of polymorphism between chromosomes. Distribution of higher order repeat units across the centromere was examined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Repeat units of the same size class tended to cluster together in restricted regions of centromeric DNA.  相似文献   

The base sequence of the cohesive ends of bacteriophage φ80 DNA has been shown to be identical to the base sequence of the cohesive ends of bacteriophage lambda DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The pericentromeric region of human chromosomes is composed of diverse classes of repetitive DNAs, which provide a rich source of genetic variability. Here, we describe two novel centromeric polymorphisms associated with a subset of alpha satellite repetitive DNA, D11Z1, which is specific for human chromosome 11. Segregation and inheritance of the polymorphisms are demonstrated and their relative frequencies are determined. These polymorphisms may be useful genetic tools for distinguishing between individual chromosome 11 centromeres. In addition, these polymorphisms may be applied to the development of a centromerebased genetic linkage map of chromosome 11. Molecular models for the generation of these polymorphisms are discussed.  相似文献   

We have isolated a DNA clone (pMR9A) that identifies an alphoid DNA subset specific for chromosome 9. This alphoid subset is characterized by a dimeric organization as revealed by Southern blot analysis after digestion with HaeIII, HinfI, or StuI. Nonradioactive in situ hybridization demonstrated that pMR9A hybridizes only to the centromeric region of chromosome 9 and reveals chromosome 9 aneuploidies in interphase nuclei. In addition, the probe detects quantitative differences in alpha satellite DNA on chromosome 9, but these quantitative differences are not correlated with the size of the heterochromatic region. Double-labeling experiments, using a chromosome 9-specific satellite 3 clone and pMR9A, enabled us spatially to distinguish the alphoid and satellite 3 domains on metaphase chromosomes after treatment of the cultures with 5-azacytidine.  相似文献   

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