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The Rad51 recombinase polymerizes on ssDNA to yield a right-handed nucleoprotein filament, called the presynaptic filament, that can search for homology in duplex DNA and pair the recombining DNA molecules to form a DNA joint. ATP is needed for presynaptic filament assembly and homologous DNA pairing, but the roles of ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis in the overall reaction scheme have not yet been clearly defined. To address this issue, we have constructed two mutants of hRad51, hRad51 K133A and hRad51 K133R, expressed these mutant variants in Escherichia coli, and purified them to near homogeneity. Both hRad51 mutant variants are greatly attenuated for ATPase activity, but hRad51 K133R retains the ability to protect DNA from restriction enzyme digest and induce topological changes in duplex DNA in an ATP-dependent manner, whereas the hRad51 K133A variant is inactive. With biochemical means, we show that the presynaptic filament becomes greatly stabilized when ATP hydrolysis is prevented, leading to an enhanced ability of the presynaptic filament to catalyze homologous pairing. These results help form the basis for understanding the functions of ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis in hRad51-mediated recombination reactions.  相似文献   

The highly conserved Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein plays a central role in both mitotic and meiotic homologous DNA recombination. Seven members of the Rad51 family have been identified in vertebrate cells, including Rad51, Dmc1, and five Rad51-related proteins referred to as Rad51 paralogs, which share 20 to 30% sequence identity with Rad51. In chicken B lymphocyte DT40 cells, we generated a mutant with RAD51B/RAD51L1, a member of the Rad51 family, knocked out. RAD51B(-/-) cells are viable, although spontaneous chromosomal aberrations kill about 20% of the cells in each cell cycle. Rad51B deficiency impairs homologous recombinational repair (HRR), as measured by targeted integration, sister chromatid exchange, and intragenic recombination at the immunoglobulin locus. RAD51B(-/-) cells are quite sensitive to the cross-linking agents cisplatin and mitomycin C and mildly sensitive to gamma-rays. The formation of damage-induced Rad51 nuclear foci is much reduced in RAD51B(-/-) cells, suggesting that Rad51B promotes the assembly of Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments during HRR. These findings show that Rad51B is important for repairing various types of DNA lesions and maintaining chromosome integrity.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires two similar recA-like proteins, Dmc1p and Rad51p. A screen for dominant meiotic mutants provided DMC1-G126D, a dominant allele mutated in the conserved ATP-binding site (specifically, the A-loop motif) that confers a null phenotype. A recessive null allele, dmc1-K69E, was isolated as an intragenic suppressor of DMC1-G126D. Dmc1-K69Ep, unlike Dmc1p, does not interact homotypically in a two-hybrid assay, although it does interact with other fusion proteins identified by two-hybrid screen with Dmc1p. Dmc1p, unlike Rad51p, does not interact in the two-hybrid assay with Rad52p or Rad54p. However, Dmc1p does interact with Tid1p, a Rad54p homologue, with Tid4p, a Rad16p homologue, and with other fusion proteins that do not interact with Rad51p, suggesting that Dmc1p and Rad51p function in separate, though possibly overlapping, recombinational repair complexes. Epistasis analysis suggests that DMC1 and RAD51 function in separate pathways responsible for meiotic recombination. Taken together, our results are consistent with a requirement for DMC1 for meiosis-specific entry of DNA double-strand break ends into chromatin. Interestingly, the pattern on CHEF gels of chromosome fragments that result from meiotic DNA double-strand break formation is different in DMC1 mutant strains from that seen in rad50S strains.  相似文献   

The Rad51 protein, a homologue of the bacterial RecA protein, is an essential factor for both meiotic and mitotic recombination. The N-terminal domain of the human Rad51 protein (HsRad51) directly interacts with DNA. Based on a yeast two-hybrid analysis, it has been reported that the N-terminal region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein binds Rad52;S. cerevisiae Rad51 and Rad52 both activate the homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions. Here, we show that the HsRad51 N-terminal region, which corresponds to the Rad52-binding region of ScRad51, does not exhibit strong binding to the human Rad52 protein (HsRad52). To investigate its function, the C-terminal region of HsRad51 was randomly mutagenized. Although this region includes the two segments corresponding to the putative DNA-binding sites of RecA, all seven of the mutants did not decrease, but instead slightly increased, the DNA binding. In contrast, we found that some of these HsRad51 mutations significantly decreased the HsRad52 binding. Therefore, we conclude that these amino acid residues are required for the HsRad51.HsRad52 binding. HsRad52, as well as S. cerevisiae Rad52, promoted homologous pairing between ssDNA and dsDNA, and higher homologous pairing activity was observed in the presence of both HsRad51 and HsRad52 than with either HsRad51 or HsRad52 alone. The HsRad51 F259V mutation, which strongly impaired the HsRad52 binding, decreased the homologous pairing in the presence of both HsRad51 and HsRad52, without affecting the homologous pairing by HsRad51 alone. This result suggests the importance of the HsRad51.HsRad52 interaction in homologous pairing.  相似文献   

Replication of herpes simplex virus 1 is coupled to recombination, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this process are poorly characterized. The role of Rad51 and Rad52 recombinases in viral recombination was examined in human fibroblast cells 1BR.3.N (wild type) and in GM16097 with replication defects caused by mutations in DNA ligase I. Intermolecular recombination between viruses, tsS and tsK, harboring genetic markers gave rise to ∼17% recombinants in both cell lines. Knock-down of Rad51 and Rad52 by siRNA reduced production of recombinants to 11% and 5%, respectively, in wild type cells and to 3% and 5%, respectively, in GM16097 cells. The results indicate a specific role for Rad51 and Rad52 in recombination of replicating herpes simplex virus 1 DNA. Mixed infections using clinical isolates with restriction enzyme polymorphisms in the US4 and US7 genes revealed recombination frequencies of 0.7%/kbp in wild type cells and 4%/kbp in GM16097 cells. Finally, tandem repeats in the US7 gene remained stable upon serial passage, indicating a high fidelity of recombination in infected cells.  相似文献   

The repair of double-stranded DNA breaks by homologous recombination is essential for maintaining genome integrity. Much of what we know about this DNA repair pathway in eukaryotes has been gleaned from genetics, in vivo experiments with GFP-tagged proteins and traditional biochemical experiments with purified proteins. However, many questions have remained inaccessible to these experimental approaches. Recent technological advances have made it possible to directly visualize the behaviors of individual DNA and protein molecules in vitro, and it is now becoming feasible to apply these technology-driven approaches to complex biochemical systems, such as those involved in the repair of damaged DNA. This report summarizes the use of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to probe fundamental aspects of protein-DNA interactions at the single-molecule level, and specific emphasis is placed on our efforts to develop new methods and techniques for studying DNA repair. Using these new approaches we are investigating the DNA-binding behavior of human Rad51 and we have recently demonstrated that this protein can slide on dsDNA via a one-dimensional random walk mechanism driven solely by thermal fluctuations of the surrounding solvent. Here, we highlight some possible implications of this recent finding, and we also briefly discuss the potential benefits of future single-molecule studies in the study of protein-DNA interactions and DNA repair.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD54 gene functions in the formation of heteroduplex DNA, a key intermediate in recombination processes. Rad54 is monomeric in solution, but forms a dimer/oligomer on DNA. Rad54 dimer/oligomer alters the conformation of the DNA double helix in an ATP-dependent manner, as revealed by a change in the DNA linking number in a topoisomerase I-linked reaction. DNA conformational alteration does not occur in the presence of non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues, nor when mutant rad54 proteins defective in ATP hydrolysis replace Rad54. Accordingly, the Rad54 ATPase activity is shown to be required for biological function in vivo and for promoting Rad51-mediated homologous DNA pairing in vitro. Taken together, the results are consistent with a model in which a Rad54 dimer/oligomer promotes nascent heteroduplex joint formation via a specific interaction with Rad51 protein and an ability to transiently unwind duplex DNA.  相似文献   

Rad51-catalyzed homologous recombination is an important pathway for repair of DNA double strand breaks and maintenance of genome integrity in vertebrate cells. Five proteins referred to as Rad51 paralogs promote Rad51 activity and are proposed to act at various, and in some cases, multiple stages in the recombination pathway. Imaging studies of native Rad51 have revealed its cellular response to DNA damage, yet visualization of the paralog proteins has met with limited success. In this study, we are able to detect endogenous Rad51C and Xrcc3 in human cells. In an effort to determine how Rad51, Rad51C, and Xrcc3 influence the pattern of localization of each other over the time course of DNA damage and repair, we have made the unexpected observation that Rad51 degradation via the ubiquitin-mediated proteasome pathway occurs as a natural part of recombinational DNA repair. Additionally, we find that Rad51C plays an important role in regulating this process. This article contains supplementary material, which may be viewed at the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry website at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0730-2312/suppmat/index.html.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is of major importance for the prevention of genomic instability during chromosome duplication and repair of DNA damage, especially double-strand breaks. Biochemical experiments have revealed that during the process of homologous recombination the RAD52 group proteins, including Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54, are involved in an essential step: formation of a joint molecule between the broken DNA and the intact repair template. Accessory proteins for this reaction include the Rad51 paralogs and BRCA2. The significance of homologous recombination for the cell is underscored by the evolutionary conservation of the Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54 proteins from yeast to humans. Upon treatment of cells with ionizing radiation, the RAD52 group proteins accumulate at the sites of DNA damage into so-called foci. For the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54 is abrogated in the absence of Rad52, while Rad51 foci formation does occur in the absence of the Rad51 paralog Rad55. By contrast, we show here that in mammalian cells, Rad52 is not required for foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54. Furthermore, radiation-induced foci formation of Rad51 and Rad54 is impaired in all Rad51 paralog and BRCA2 mutant cell lines tested, while Rad52 foci formation is not influenced by a mutation in any of these recombination proteins. Despite their evolutionary conservation and biochemical similarities, S. cerevisiae and mammalian Rad52 appear to differentially contribute to the DNA-damage response.  相似文献   

Ye SM  Gao SJ 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):237-240
人类Rad5l蛋白是同源重组的关键酶,发挥着链转移或链交换活性,启动DNA同源配对的作用。Rad51D蛋白是Rad51蛋白的5种同源物之一,对细胞调节有正反两种作用机制一方面作为辅助因子参与DNA修复同源重组,维持正常细胞周期;另一方面又是诱发癌症病变,防止癌细胞衰老的因素之一。Rad51D蛋白对细胞的作用机制,是人类征服癌症的双刃刀,如果阻止癌细胞的Rad51D蛋白作用可以促进癌细胞的死亡;而同时Rad51D蛋白作用的减弱将使细胞发生周期紊乱,产生新的病变。本文将近年来有关Rad51D的研究成果进行了整理,主要包括Rad51D蛋白的生物学特征和生物学功能两部分,同时对Rad51D蛋白的研究方向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2014,53(3):420-432
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The SRS2 (Suppressor of RAD Six screen mutant 2) gene encodes an ATP-dependent DNA helicase that regulates homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutations in SRS2 result in a hyper-recombination phenotype, sensitivity to DNA damaging agents and synthetic lethality with mutations that affect DNA metabolism. Several of these phenotypes can be suppressed by inactivating genes of the RAD52 epistasis group that promote homologous recombination, implicating inappropriate recombination as the underlying cause of the mutant phenotype. Consistent with the genetic data, purified Srs2 strongly inhibits Rad51-mediated recombination reactions by disrupting the Rad51-ssDNA presynaptic filament. Srs2 interacts with Rad51 in the yeast two-hybrid assay and also in vitro. To investigate the functional relevance of the Srs2-Rad51 complex, we have generated srs2 truncation mutants that retain full ATPase and helicase activities, but differ in their ability to interact with Rad51. Importantly, the srs2 mutant proteins attenuated for Rad51 interaction are much less capable of Rad51 presynaptic filament disruption. An internal deletion in Srs2 likewise diminishes Rad51 interaction and anti-recombinase activity. We also present evidence that deleting the Srs2 C-terminus engenders a hyper-recombination phenotype. These results highlight the importance of Rad51 interaction in the anti-recombinase function of Srs2, and provide evidence that this Srs2 function can be uncoupled from its helicase activity.  相似文献   

同源重组是细胞非常重要的生命活动,参与维持基因组的完整性与稳定性,且与人类健康密切相关.同源重组的研究不断取得进步.本文讨论了同源重组的模式,重组酶RecA/Rad51的作用机制以及Rad51调节蛋白对Rad51入核及Rad51参与重组过程中的单链结合、同源配对、入侵及链交换阶段的调控,将有利于我们对同源重组的深入了解.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is essential for productive DNA replication particularly under stress conditions. We previously demonstrated a stress-induced recruitment of Rad51 to mitochondria and a critical need for its activity in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number. Using the human osteosarcoma cell line U20S, we show in the present study that recruitment of Rad51 to mitochondria under stress conditions requires ongoing mtDNA replication. Additionally, Rad51 levels in mitochondria increase in cells recovering from mtDNA depletion. Our findings highlight an important new role for Rad51 in supporting mtDNA replication, and further promote the idea that recombination is indispensable for sustaining DNA synthesis under conditions of replication stress.  相似文献   

Interaction of human recombination proteins Rad51 and Rad54.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The cDNA for human protein HsRad54, which is a structural homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombination/repair protein Rad54, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. As demonstrated by analysis in vitro and in vivo, HsRad54 protein interacts with human Rad51 recombinase. The interaction is mediated by the N-terminal domain of HsRad54 protein, which interacts with both free and DNA-bound HsRad51 protein.  相似文献   

Davis AP  Symington LS 《DNA Repair》2003,2(10):1127-1134
The RAD52 gene is essential for homology-dependent repair of double-strand breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rad52 forms complexes with Rad51, replication protein A (RPA) or Rad59 and its presence is essential for the formation of Rad51-Rad52-Rad59 and RPA-Rad52-Rad59 complexes. The N-terminal region of Rad52, which is required for self-interaction to form a ring structure, is required for interaction with Rad59. Rad59 also shows self-interaction suggesting the formation of heteromeric and homomeric rings of Rad52 and Rad59. In wild-type cells, we propose the Rad51-Rad52-Rad59 complex is involved in conservative recombination events, including gene conversion and reciprocal recombination, whereas the Rad52-Rad59 complex participates in single-strand annealing.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in rodent and chicken mutant cell lines have suggested that Rad51 paralogs (XRCC2, XRCC3, Rad51B/Rad51L1, Rad51C/Rad51L2 and Rad51D/Rad51L3) play important roles in homologous recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in maintaining chromosome stability. Previous studies using yeast two- and three-hybrid systems have shown interactions among these proteins, but it is not clear whether these interactions occur simultaneously or sequentially in vivo. By utilizing immunoprecipitation with extracts of human cells expressing epitope-tagged Rad51 paralogs, we demonstrate that XRCC2 and Rad51D, while stably interacting with each other, co-precipitate with Rad51C but not with XRCC3. In contrast, Rad51C is pulled down with XRCC3, whereas XRCC2 and Rad51D are not. In addition, Rad51B could be pulled down with Rad51C and Rad51D, but not with XRCC3. These results suggest that Rad51C is involved in two distinct in vivo complexes: Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–XRCC2 and Rad51C–XRCC3. In addition, we demonstrate that Rad51 co-precipitates with XRCC3 but not with XRCC2 or Rad51D, suggesting that Rad51 can be present in an XRCC3–Rad51C–Rad51 complex. These complexes may act as functional units and serve accessory roles for Rad51 in the presynapsis stage of homologous recombinational repair.  相似文献   

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