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使用MseI限制性内切酶对放线菌链霉菌属中的12株菌基因组DNA进行酶切,与接头连接后,引物使用一个选择性碱基对模板进行PCR扩增,PCR产物在琼脂糖凝胶上进行电泳检测.结果表明,对于MseI内切酶产生的模板,选择性碱基采用A、T、C和G都能够获得清晰丰富的条带.MseI内切酶产生的图谱上有72个位点,多态性位点71个,达98.6%.因此,使用MseI内切酶适合构建放线菌的单酶切AFLP指纹图谱.  相似文献   

38株维氏气单胞菌分离株的AFLP基因分型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验通过人工设计合成的通用接头以及与接头序列相匹配的专用引物, 对38株维氏气单胞菌分离株和1株维氏气单胞菌标准菌株进行AFLP基因分型研究。结果显示, 采用5对引物使39株维氏气单胞菌扩增出1080条可见条带, 片段长度在50-1000 bp之间, 其中多态性条带727条, 平均每对引物组合产生154条多态性条带, 平均多态性检出率为66.7%。按UPGMA方法对条带进行聚类分析, 建立聚类分支树状图, 将39株维氏气单胞菌分为9个基因型, 其中第四类群基因Ⅳ型包含了14株菌株, 约占总菌数的35.9%, 分布在5个不同的地区, 推测其可能是引起斑点叉尾 发病的主要流行性基因型。不同地区分离的维氏气单胞菌具有地域性差异, 而同一地区分离株既存在相同基因型现象, 也存在基因型多样性现象。    相似文献   

AFLP技术在天麻遗传变异研究中的初步应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为探讨AFLP技术在天麻遗传变异研究的应用,选取11对AFLP引物对11份不同来源天麻品种之间遗传关系进行AFLP分析的结果表明,11对引物共扩增出543条扩增带,每个引物组合在个体间扩增条带的数目有33~83条,平均为49.5。采用UPGMA法聚类分析得到的天麻各品种之间遗传距离为0.0792~0.6004。UPGMA聚类图显示,11份样品分为两大组群,其中的贵州天麻一群又分为2个组群。  相似文献   

吴茱萸的AFLP指纹图谱的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冉贵萍  黄海  黄金宝 《植物研究》2008,28(6):720-725
首次报道中草药植物吴茱萸基因组DNA指纹图谱的研究。吴茱萸是贵州省内经济价值极高的中草药之一,采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术来分析来自不同地区的石虎、疏毛、大花吴茱萸3个品种的DNA指纹图谱,从18对引物中筛选出3对引物对19份材料的DNA检测,共得到93条带,其中多态性片段57条(平均61.3%)。3对引物组合从DNA指纹图谱上将19份材料完全区分开,结果表明AFLP技术是鉴别吴茱萸相近品种的有效方法,是形态学鉴定方法的有益补充;UPGMA方法聚类分析显示19份种质材料间的相似系数为0.235~0.941,表明吴茱萸种质间的遗传多样性丰富;余庆地区种植基地的石虎和疏毛样本聚为一类,提示人工栽培影响到吴茱萸的遗传特性。  相似文献   

以黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)Canton-S品系为材料,采用改良SDS法提取高质量DNA,对连接、预扩增及选择性扩增进行分析,建立适用于果蝇基因组DNA甲基化多态性研究的AFLP优化体系:1)10μL连接体系加T4连接酶1 U,AluⅠ接头50 pmol,EcoR Ⅰ接头5 pmol,4℃反应12 h;2)25μL预扩增体系含Mg2+0.2 mmol/L,dNTPs 0.15 mmol/L,模板1.0μL,Taq DNA聚合酶2 U,E-00 50 ng,A-00 50 ng;3)25μL选择性扩增体系含Mg2+0.1 mmol/L,dNTPs 0.15 mmol/L,模板2.0μL,Taq DNA酶1.5 U、E+340 ng,A+3 40 ng.该体系稳定性高、重复性好,适用于果蝇基因组DNA甲基化多态性研究.  相似文献   

番茄抗青枯病基因的AFLP分子标记   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
寿森炎  冯壮志  苗立祥  廖芳滨 《遗传》2006,28(2):195-199
用番茄高抗青枯病品种“T51A”与高感青枯病品种“T9230”配制杂交组合,接种鉴定其正反交F1代及F2代分离群体的青枯病发生情况。结果表明,T51A对青枯病的抗性属于细胞质遗传,受1对杂合基因加性控制。用64个EcoRI/seI引物组合对“T51A”、“T9230”两个亲本及其F2代抗病和感病基因池进行AFLP分析,共扩增出约4200条可分辨的带,其中2条为稳定的差异。用“T51A”和“T9230”杂交产生的F2代分离群体对2个特异条带与目的基因的遗传连锁性进行分析,发现特异条带AAG/CAT与暂定名为RRS-342的抗青枯病基因紧密连锁,二者之间的遗传距离为6.7 cM。将AAG/CAT片段回收、克隆和测序,成功地将其转化为SCAR标记,可以更加方便地用于对番茄青枯病基因的标记辅助选择。   相似文献   

AFLP分子标记及其应用   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
扩增片段长度多态性(Amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP),是Zabeau等(1992)发展的一种新DNA指纹技术。该技术原理简单,引物设计巧妙,既具有RFLP技术的可靠性又具有RAPD技术的高效性,被称为“最有力的分子标记”。系统介绍了AFLP分子标记的基本原理、技术流程和优化措施,对AFLP标记在植物居群生物学、保护生物学、分子系统学等领域中的应用作了简要介绍,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻农垦 5 8S系由正常晚粳品种农垦 5 8自然突变产生 .以农垦 5 8S与农垦 5 8杂交F2 为材料作RFLP分析 ,确定了原始光敏不育基因突变位点为位于第 1 2染色体上的pms3,即由正常品种农垦 5 8变为光敏不育农垦 5 8S是pms3上基因突变的结果 .还对 (农垦 5 8S× 1 5 1 4)群体做了大量的RAPD和AFLP分析 ,找到并定位了 4个与pms3连锁的标记 ,增加了该区间的分子标记密度 .  相似文献   

采用扩增片段长度多态性技术(AFLP)对奈瑟氏淋球菌菌株进行基因分型研究。以EcoRI和MesI酶切26株淋球菌临床分离株基因组,并进行AFLP分析。同一地区的淋球菌分离株之间存在相当大的DNA多态性。AFLP是鉴别淋球菌临床分离株有用而敏感的基因分型技术,有助于了解流行淋球菌菌株的来源、流行菌株之间的克隆相关性,以及抗生素耐药性菌株的传播情况。  相似文献   

为了分析吉富罗非鱼的遗传多样性,为其育种提供理论依据,本实验利用5对引物组合(E-AGG/M-CTT, E-AGG/M-CTG, E-AAC/M-CAG, E-ACA/M-CTG, E-ACA/M-CAG)对广东省化州光辉养殖场有限公司新选育的吉富罗非鱼第16代群体(F16)进行遗传多样性的AFLP分析.27个个体共检出187个扩增位点,其中多态位点163个,平均每对引物扩增出32.6个位点,多态位点比例87.17%;平均Nei's基因多样性0.2886;平均Shannon's指数0.4339.结果说明实验群体存在较丰富的遗传多样性且保持有较高的遗传杂合度,具有进一步育种和开发的价值.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the occurrence, diversity and transmission of Campylobacter in a poultry slaughterhouse. METHODS AND RESULTS: During a 4-week period, a slaughterhouse was sampled alternately during slaughtering and the following mornings post-disinfection. Samples were taken from poultry at six stages in the slaughter process and from 25 environmental sites. For positive broiler flocks slaughtered on one occasion, 92% and 48% of the environmental sites were positive during slaughter and post-disinfection, respectively. For positive laying hen flocks slaughtered on three occasions, 8-56% and 12-20% of the environmental sites were positive during slaughter and post-disinfection, respectively. Genetic fingerprinting by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) of the 109 isolates obtained resulted in 28 different AFLP clones. Five AFLP clones were present for more than 1 week. CONCLUSIONS: Slaughtering of Campylobacter-positive broilers resulted in extensive contamination of the slaughterhouse, including the air. A high proportion of the laying hen flocks were Campylobacter positive, but these caused less environmental contamination than the broilers. This, together with the freezing of all layer carcasses, results in a lower public health risk from laying hens, when compared with broilers. Significance and Impact of the Study: When slaughtering Campylobacter-positive broilers, the implementation of preventive measures is important to reduce contamination of negative carcasses and to protect the workers against infection.  相似文献   

广东地区嗜肺军团菌的扩增片段长度多态性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】了解广东部分地区2002~2007年环境水中嗜肺军团菌的基因型及遗传学关系。【方法】参考欧洲军团菌感染工作组(the European Working Group for Legionella Infections, EWGLI)制定的分型草案(1.2版),采用PstⅠ酶对我室保存的2株标准菌株及41株不同时间、不同地点的嗜肺军团菌环境分离株进行扩增片段长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)分析,电泳图谱与EWGLI进行比对。【结果】AFLP分型结果稳定,重复性好;43株嗜肺军团菌,其不同来源菌株呈现多态性分布,经AFLP分析得到33个基因型,辨别力指数为99.79%,其中Kingmed AFLP 011为优势基因型。按Dice系数≥0.8,可分为18个群,Kingmed AFLP D群为优势群,占总菌株数的34.88%。由电泳图谱的相似性,初步推断存在EWGLI 001 Lugano型、002 Lugano、012 Rome、013 London、014 London型、015 Dresden型、021 Lyon等7个基因型,以及多个未报道的新基因型。【结论】广东地区嗜肺军团菌的基因型十分丰富,AFLP技术是其分子流行病学研究的有效手段。  相似文献   

A fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) fingerprinting assay is evaluated for its ability to differentiate DNA hybridization groups in the genus Aeromonas. After empirical determination of optimal assay conditions using a limited set of strains, 98 well-characterized type and reference strains encompassing all known Aeromonas taxa were subjected to FAFLP fingerprinting using the standardized protocol. The present study clearly indicates that the use of fluorescent dye-labeled primers does not significantly affect the high capacity of this technique to differentiate among genotypically closely related Aeromonas taxa. Compared to the original AFLP protocol involving the application of radio-isotopes, the new FAFLP technology offers a better performance when considering speed of analysis and user safety. On the other hand, FAFLP fingerprints exhibited a significant reduction in the relative number of bands compared to the corresponding autoradiographic patterns. In our hands, the omission of the preselective amplification step and the use of a size standard mix enhanced the cost effectiveness and the reproducibility of the technique. Cluster analysis of FAFLP band patterns generated from Aeromonas type and reference strains demonstrated once more the high correlation of AFLP-generated data with DNA-DNA homology data.  相似文献   

The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique is a widely used multi-purpose DNA fingerprinting tool. The ability to size-separate fluorescently labelled AFLP fragments on a capillary electrophoresis instrument has provided a means for high-throughput genome screening, an approach particularly useful in studying the molecular ecology of nonmodel organisms. While the 'per-marker-generated' costs for AFLP are low, fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides remain costly. We present a cost-effective method for fluorescently end-labelling AFLPs that should make this tool more readily accessible for laboratories with limited budgets. Both standard fluorescent AFLPs and the end-labelled alternatives presented here are repeatable and produce similar numbers of fragments when scored using both manual and automated scoring methods. While it is not recommended to combine data using the two approaches, the results of the methods are qualitatively comparable, indicating that AFLP end-labelling is a robust alternative to standard methods of AFLP genotyping. For researchers commencing a new AFLP project, the AFLP end-labelling method outlined here is easily implemented, as it does not require major changes to PCR protocols and can significantly reduce the costs of AFLP studies.  相似文献   

The utility of the new polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based multilocus DNA fingerprinting technique amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) for paternity analysis in natural plant populations was assessed. In a natural population of 25 plants of Persoonia mollis (Proteaceae), three AFLP primer pairs generated 147 dominant loci. Of these, 125 (85%) were polymorphic, with a mean recessive allele frequency of 0.735. The theoretical expected percentage of offspring for which all males except the true father can be excluded ( P ET) was 99.9% for this population. The estimates of P ET drop marginally to 99.6% and 97.6% for larger populations of 100 and 1000 individuals, respectively. A preliminary investigation confirmed the power of AFLP for paternity analysis by assigning paternity, or excluding all known potential sires, for 242 of 252 (96.0%) naturally pollinated seeds. Ambiguous paternity for the remaining 10 seeds was quickly resolved by utilizing two further AFLP primer pairs, ultimately generating over 200 polymorphic loci and resulting in the exclusion of all nonsires for all 252 (100%) seeds. This study highlights the utility of AFLP for paternity analysis because: (i) it generates sufficiently large numbers of highly reproducible polymorphic loci, that are (ii) quickly and accurately scored using an automated DNA sequencer and dedicated software, and (iii) unlike microsatellites, requires no sequence knowledge so it is more easily applied to new study species.  相似文献   

A modified AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique is described. Fluorescence-labelled primers were used in the selective amplifications. The amplified fragments were detected on denaturing polyacrylamide gels using an automated ALF DNA sequencer with the fragment option. The modified AFLP technique avoids the use of isotopes or silver staining, but gives a much higher resolution than other AFLP detection systems.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), a widely used method for DNA fingerprinting, has shifted from polyacrylamide gel to capillary electrophoresis over the last years. Currently, most AFLP data are generated in a computer-readable format, and several programs are available that automatically score raw data into binary profiles. Good scoring parameters are the key to good AFLP profiles. optiFLP is the first open source program for automatic optimization of AFLP scoring parameters. It searches parameter space to maximize the contrast among groups of AFLP profiles, with the allocation of profiles to groups in either a supervised or an unsupervised mode. The software produces output files ready for use in a range of downstream applications.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) are widely used for phylogenetic inference especially in non-model species. Frequently, trees obtained with other nuclear or mitochondrial markers or with morphological information need additional resolution, increased branch support, or independent data sources (i.e. unlinked loci). In such cases, the use of AFLPs is a quick and cheap option. Computer simulation has shown that dominant AFLP markers lead to less accurate tree topologies than bi-allelic codominant markers such as SNPs, but this difference becomes negligible for shallow trees when using AFLP data sets that include a sufficiently large number of characters. Thus, determining how many AFLP characters are required to recover a given phylogeny is a key issue regarding the appropriateness of AFLPs for phylogenetic reconstruction. Here, we present a user-friendly, java-based graphical interface, AFLPMax, which executes an automatic pipeline of different programs providing the user with the optimal number of AFLP characters needed to recover a given phylogeny with high accuracy and support. Executables for Windows, linux and MacOS X operating systems, source code and user manual are available from: http://webs.uvigo.es/acraaj/AFLPMax.htm.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR-based DNA fingerprinting technique whereby restriction fragments may be visualized without prior knowledge of nucleotide sequences. In AFLP analysis, bacterial genomic DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme and ligated to adapter oligonucleotides. A subset of DNA fragments are then amplified using primers which contain adapter-defined sequences. Selective amplification is achieved by the use of primers containing adapter-defined sequences with one additional arbitrary nucleotide. We used four primers complementary to the adapter sequence, but each differing in the final 3' base that extended into the fragment DNA. The usefulness of these primers for fingerprinting Salmonella enterica was assessed in a hierarchical manner. Using a single-enzyme approach (SAFLP) we have used this method to fingerprint 30 strains of S. enterica, belonging to 14 different serotypes. SAFLP profiles derived from Hind III fragments differentiated between the serotypes. In addition, SAFLP profiles for each serotype differentiated between the phage types and individual strains. The technique is significantly faster to perform than other DNA-based methods and has given reproducible and discriminatory results. This hierarchical SAFLP technique may provide a valuable addition to existing methods for the DNA fingerprinting of S. enterica for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

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